Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is...

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Transcript of Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is...

Page 1: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

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Page 2: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

Thank you for your interest in Nursery School and Child Care.

Like you, I am a working parent and in my experience, the significant amount of time my children have spent in day care

has not served, most beneficially, their development in these formative years. My goal is to ensure that

consistently provides the standard of excellence for your children that I desired for my own.

To meet my goals, I have taken great strides to ensure an exceptional program for all age groups. A highly skilled, committed

staff team is maintained and supported with regular input from qualified, experienced specialists. Throughout the setting

staff ratios exceed Government standards. For continuity, a comprehensive retention program has also been designed.

Our programme is based on enhancing natural developmental processes and building on these processes to most benefit

your child, through fun-filled play. It is designed to encourage a lifelong thirst for knowledge and love of learning. At the

same time, our focus on developing high self-esteem and mutual respect will ensure a caring individual with the ability to

lead as well as share ideas in a group.

Over the following pages, you will find a more detailed breakdown of our organisation. We hope that you feel

will benefit you and your child and look forward to speaking with you soon and ultimately meeting you and your


Best Wishes,

Philip Ashton Philip Ashton, Msc Social Policy

Managing Director

Page 3: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

is dedicated to providing excellence and innovation in childcare and education. We aim to achieve this

through: 1) Acknowledging the value of staff, assisting them in achieving their potentials by encouraging reflective practice,

supporting training and development, allowing them a voice and actively responding to their contributions

2) Viewing parents as partners, communicating openly and listening readily, inviting their input with respect and

consideration and 3) Providing a goal oriented, age appropriate curriculum focusing on; the promotion of academic skill,

the enhancement of wonder and experimentation, and the encouragement of social intelligence and high self-esteem. As a

company, we are extremely reflective of our practice, not afraid of change and will always consider what improvements

might be made and how best to implement them.

Through our mission statement, which reflects our aims and intentions, we have delineated five core values through which

we aspire to. The below Core Values are the foundation of all decisions and implementations at a corporate, management

and individual level.






provides quality day care and education for children between the ages of 6 weeks and 4 years as well as

a Before/ After-School and Holiday Club for children in Reception up to the end of Year 6.

For your convenience, our opening hours are: 7:30am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday. Our Before/After-School and

Holiday Club programme is organised around the Merton school terms.

NB: We are closed for one week between Christmas & New Year (including Christmas Eve), a Staff Inset Day (within

our Autumn Term; Sept – Dec) and all Bank Holidays.

Commuting parents will find all programmes within easy walking distance of Wimbledon Main Line Station, South

Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links.

Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments which have

been carefully considered with the purpose of providing the highest quality care and education to the children. Our

environments allow the children the autonomy to lead their own learning journey as skilled educators facilitate, scaffold

and enhance individual children’s development using the ‘Planning in the Moment’ approach to ensure children’s

progression of skills are constantly being monitored, evaluated and enhanced as they develop through the nursery.

Our youngest children begin their journey , Dundonald Road, and with close proximity to Dundonald

Park, local transport links and the town centre, the children’s learning is maximised through their exploration of their local

environment as they enjoy regular sessions of rolling in the grass, teddy bear picnics, train and tram spotting and even trips

to the supermarket to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.

Page 4: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

The September before children start Reception the children make the seamless transition to our which

is located within easy walking distance on Kingston Road.

For the children here, our proximity to John Innes and Merton Park, as well as transport links, a post office and even a

laundrette means the children’s exploration of their local surroundings is continued as we bring their learning to life.

Our children return close to where they began, in Dundonald Congregational Church,

located adjacent to , Dundonald Road. Here they have a dedicated programme to meet their changing

needs as they grow and progress in their school careers. For the sake of convenience and ease, will

provide a number of morning and evening bus shuttles between Kingston Rd and Dundonald Rd for parents with siblings

at each site.

For your peace of mind, web cameras are installed within our Dundonald Rd and Kingston Rd nurseries and can be accessed

throughout the day by authorised parents/carers. This gives you the opportunity to ensure that your children are happy and

safe and later interact with them, knowing exactly what they have been up to during the day. All unauthorised individuals

must be buzzed onto the grounds and personally welcomed into the building. The entry doors remain locked at all times and

there is a digital door lock system to gain access to the classrooms. Children must be handed over to a member of staff in

the morning and released only to named persons at the end of the day.

is committed to including all children and will work alongside parents/carers to ensure each child is

receiving the best possible care. We welcome children with additional needs and promote equality of opportunity for all

children regardless of race, gender, social or ethnic backgrounds. To view our ‘Local Offer’ go to

www.merton.gov.uk/localoffer and type Building Blocks into the search bar.

Clearly, the quality of our service depends significantly upon the quality and dedication of our staff team. Staff retention is

also very important for the well-being of your child. For this reason, comprehensive recruitment, training and retention

programmes have been devised. Our policies are based on the assumption that each educator is vital, responsible and integral

to our provision of excellence. offers a host of opportunities for educators including training and further

education, promotion, additional responsibilities, prizes, rewards and public acknowledgement for excellence.

It is our aim that all our educators are first aid trained and additional academic training is provided on a regular basis.

Training is organised both in-house and through external agencies. All of our educators are concerned with the health, well-

being and educational advancement of your child. We are highly respectful of the children in our care, providing guidance

and support at all ages. This grounding fosters respect in the children toward themselves and each other. We are dedicated

to ensuring your child is not only academically ready to start school but socially, emotionally and physically able to embrace

the next stage in their learning journey and employ an experienced who works term-time within

our on Kingston Rd alongside our skilled educators to enhance and support children based on their

individual needs.

Page 5: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

From our right through to our our curriculum design is centered around ensuring

every child has the knowledge, skills and understanding required to meet the Early Learning Goals (ELG) by the end of

their Reception year. It is our duty to ensure that we are working in partnership with our parents/carers to promote the

learning and development of all children in our care and preparing them for ‘school life.’ Through our knowledge of Child

Development and with reference to the Characteristics of Effective Learning and Teaching and the Early Years Outcomes,

at , we deliver our curriculum through the ‘Planning in the Moment’ approach that enables every child

that attends our setting to thrive and make progress that is unique to their individual level of development. Progress and

development occurs when children show high levels of involvement and it is during this time that their brain is at its most

active. High level involvement occurs most often when children are able to pursue their own interests in an enabling

environment supported by skilled educators. Planning in the moment helps to make this possible.

We know that babies and young children have experiences and learn in the here and now, they don’t wait to store up their

questions until tomorrow or next week. It is therefore crucial that our educators are responding in that moment of

curiosity, puzzlement, wonder or interest and seeing this as a ‘teachable moment’ where their skilled practice can make a

difference. The cycle of observation, assessment and planning is carried out on a moment-by-moment basis. An educator

will observe a child and then in that precise moment they will consider (either consciously or instinctively) whether they

can add anything in that moment to benefit the child. The educator’s knowledge of the child’s personality and level of

skill plays a vital role in this process to enable a response that is unique to the child ensuring learning is optimised to the

highest level.

Our Operations Director oversees the curriculum delivery and planning of each age group and our has

an experienced Early Years Teacher that works mornings, term-time only. This is fairly unique to a day care environment

but it is our commitment to ensuring every child is emotionally, socially and physically ready to start their journey into

Reception with a love for learning and has all the skills required to thrive academically and complete their final year of the

Early Years Foundation Stage meeting the ELG’s as set out within the statutory guidance.

Our educational programme is shaped around the seven areas of learning and development and below is a brief overview

of the skills and attributes we will be teaching your child within these areas which all hold equal purpose and are inter-

connected. Our educators will guide your child’s development, based on their individual capabilities, to ensure the

acquisition of specific skills, knowledge and attitudes that will enable a solid foundation for future progress. When you

come and visit us you will be taken on a ‘Learning Walk’ where you will gain a greater understanding of the individual

rooms, the specific teaching focus for that age range, how the educators will scaffold your child’s learning within this and

the important role you will play in ensuring your child’s progress. You will be able to see the clear progression your child

will make as they move through the setting although please note that we do not hold off on teaching a child something

based on their room and will always move them on to the next stage of development when they show readiness.

Page 6: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

The Prime Areas; Communication and Language (Listening and Attention, Understanding & Speaking), Physical

Development (Moving and Handling & Health and Self-Care) and Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-

Confidence and Awareness, Managing Feelings and Behaviour & Making Relationships) are our main focus for our Under 2’s

and these are imperative for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning as well as building their capacity to

learn, form relationships and thrive. Once children have a secure skill and knowledge base within the Prime Areas, and

following their 2 year Progress Check, educators will support your child alongside the Specific Areas of the curriculum;

Literacy (Reading & Writing), Mathematics (Numbers & Shape, Space and Measure), Understanding the World (People and

Communities, The World &Technology) and Expressive Arts and Design (Exploring and using Media and Materials & Being

Imaginative.) The Specific Areas compliment the Prime Areas of the curriculum which serve as the platform for essential

learning and development across the specific areas. For example, unless a child is progressing developmentally in line

with the expectations required for Communication and Language then trying to teach them mathematics would be

pointless. As the saying goes, it would be like trying to run before you can walk.

Your child will be exposed to a wide breadth of activities and experiences at within these seven areas

of learning and development and each will be differentiated according to their age and ability however the overall aim of

each area is as follows;

Communication and Language: Ensure a rich language environment through use of songs, stories, poems, nursery

rhymes, visual props and quality interactions; the development of your child’s confidence and skills in expressing

themselves; and the ability to speak and listen in a range of situations.

Physical Development: Provide opportunities for your child to be active and interactive; develop their co-ordination,

control and movement; support your child in their understanding of the importance of physical activity and to make

healthy choices in relation to food.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Help your child to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to

form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings;

to understand appropriate behaviour in groups and to have confidence in their own abilities.

Literacy: Encourage your child to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write; enable access to a wide range of

reading materials (books, poems, magazines, non-fiction information books, relevant signage within the environment.)

Mathematics: Provide your child with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and

using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; to be able to describe shapes, spaces and measure.

Understanding the World: Support your child in making sense of their physical world and their community through

opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.

Expressive Arts and Design: Enable your child time to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials as

well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of

activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play and design and technology.

Page 7: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

Educators will also ensure that the activities children are exposed to not only reflect the different ways that children learn

as stated in the Characteristics of Effective Learning and Teaching but allow for ample opportunity for these important

skills to be developed;

Playing & Exploring: Children investigate and experience things and have a go

Active Learning: Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy achievements

Creating and Thinking Critically: Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop

strategies for doing things.

Alongside our curriculum, led by our skilled educators, we have a variety of peripatetic teachers who

visit us during the term-time to enhance our offering and provide a more specialist approach to certain aspects of the

curriculum. These include teachers for; Foreign Language (French), Drama and Movement, Art & Design, Dance,

Music, Sports and Swimming. (Please see our extra-curricular timetable for site specific activities.)

is delighted to have consistently achieved high overall ratings from OFSTED for both the delivery of

our care as well as our education. (visit www.ofsted.gov.uk for a copy of our reports)

To determine that what we are teaching the children is actually turning into sound knowledge and forming the foundation

for their future learning and progress it is the responsibility of your child’s key carer to ensure that your child is making

progress and developing where expected in each of the Prime and Specific Areas of the curriculum. Whilst teaching takes

place with your child at almost every interaction with an educator, once every assessment period your child will become a

‘focus child’ which is a more formal method of recording where your child is at developmentally and for your child’s key

carer to ensure your child’s continued progression. Your involvement with this is required through the completion of a

feedback slip where we ask you to give us some basic information on what is happening in your child’s life outside nursery

at that moment in time, any areas of concern you may have or simply highlight to your child’s key carer a particular area of

the curriculum you would like some specific focus to be given to during that ‘focus week.’ Feedback on your child’s ‘focus

week’ will be given via the on-line learning journey. In addition to this your child’s key carer will then formally assess your

child against the Early Years Outcomes at 3 set points throughout the year (first 2 weeks of March and the last 2 weeks of

June & November) to ensure that any gaps in learning are being narrowed and that there are no concerns around your child’s

development. A formal Parents Evening will then take place following each assessment period where you can have a 1:1

meeting with your child’s key carer.

Once a child reaches 2yrs they will have a progress check completed which usually falls within the assessment period

following their 2nd birthday. This is a statutory requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage and will be a written report

compiled by your child’s key carer. It will detail your child’s progress in line with the Early Years Outcomes. Once it has

been established that your child is progressing where expected within the Prime Areas of the curriculum then they will

expand their focus to include the Specific Areas of the Curriculum; Literacy, Maths, Expressive Arts & Design and

Understanding the World.

Page 8: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

For our children, they will have the added benefit of the who works

alongside the key carers in supporting those children identified as needing additional developmental support or further

extension as recommended by the key carer.

You will receive a termly summary from the to keep you fully informed of your child’s progress

during this time of additional support/extension.

All children develop at different rates and no child can or will be compared to another. We monitor your child’s progress in

accordance with our knowledge around child development and in reference to our curriculum as well as the Early Years

Outcomes which are a non-statutory guide to support educators in making a best-fit judgement as to whether a child is

showing typical development for their age, may be at risk of delay or is ahead for their age. If at any point during your

child’s time at your child’s key carer has any concerns regarding the development of your child they will

communicate this with you immediately and inform you of the actions they are taking and strategies they are implementing

within the setting to address these concerns. They will also give you support and guidance on how you can work towards

the same goals at home. Should these concerns continue and your child does not make any progress with our interventions

in place then further discussions will be had with you regarding a request for additional support from the Local Authority

Inclusion team. We appreciate that this can be an emotional and upsetting time for parents/carers should their child need

additional support however we would like to stress that it is vital that any early signs of delay are identified and supported

as soon as possible to enable your child the best possible outcomes in the future.

Please be mindful that the age ranges stated for our rooms are merely a rough guide and will depend on the current cohort

of children within the setting, academic year groups and then developmental readiness.

(0 – 20months): Our primary goal is to ensure that your ‘Beautiful Baby’ is safe and feels completely

secure within a warm, cosy and stimulating environment that will enable them to fully access our curriculum. As

previously mentioned, our main focus within our Under 2’ are the Prime Areas of the curriculum although the babies will

also have exposure and experiences linked in to the Specific Areas of the curriculum which is all about exploration and

providing opportunities for the babies to begin to understand and make a sense of the world around them.

(15 – 30months): The environment will capitalise on your child’s desire to roam and

explore independently with a wide range of freely accessible natural resources provided to encourage investigation,

experimentation, cooperation and communication within both the indoor and outdoor environments. In

we continue with a strong emphasis on the Prime Areas and then begin to start introducing some skills from the Specific

Areas relevant to the age and stage of your child’s development.

Page 9: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

(24 – 48months): Developing independence is a top priority within The children

are treated with love, support and affection and are encouraged to reciprocate this both towards their educators and each

other. This provides a sound basis from which important social skills can be developed.

Continuing with our ‘Planning in the Moment’ approach to learning and teaching our

environment and routine facilitates our 2 and 3yr olds in obtaining a positive self-identity, high self-esteem, enthusiasm,

curiosity, mental agility and social consideration. These are fostered by our educators, who ensure the children are excited

and motivated, supported, encouraged and challenged. As you walk into our room of , it is

likely you will hear an enthusiastic, “I DID IT!!!” above the din. Our children are very lucky to

have free flowing access to their own outdoor classroom throughout the day, which is always a popular choice. Our

educators also have knowledge in ‘Letters and Sounds,’ a government initiative which teaches children the skills

required to become competent in reading and writing and use this during teachable moments led by the children’s

interests. Group times such as stories, songs or physical movement activities encourage children to sit for short periods of

time, increasing their ability for sustained focus. Mealtimes, whilst supporting this, also provide a wonderful opportunity

for social interaction and teaching social skills such as turn taking, manners and of course the children’s independence as

self-service is heavily encouraged.

(36 – 60months): Children will move to the academic year before they start

Reception. Our primary aim is to provide your child with all of the skills, knowledge and confidence required for a

successful experience at whatever school you may ultimately select. Our curriculum programme has the benefit of a

qualified and experienced whose focus is on developing the “total” child; enhancing intellectual

potential, perpetuating empathy and social propriety, and encouraging a positive attitude towards work and learning. At

the same time, there is an emphasis on academic achievement and our role in ensuring all our

children will be in a position to have achieved all of the Early Learning Goals by the time they finish Reception. Our

environment and programme is uniquely devised in accordance with our Planning in the Moment approach which

optimises the children’s capabilities in leading their own learning with the facilitation of quality educators who can

differentiate their teaching to suit individual needs and abilities. This is vital in their preparation for school as we develop

their skills around; thinking and decision making, attention facilitation and increased memory capacity. It is also our aim

to ensure that your child develops important social and emotional skills, such as respect for others, high self-esteem,

boldness in the face of challenge, and an inherent enthusiasm and curiosity about the world.

When considering children’s movement across the rooms we do this largely alongside our assessment periods with

potential for children to transition in September, January and April. Wherever possible, children will remain within their

academic peer group, particularly in and Personal, social, emotional and physical

development/readiness are also taken into consideration. September is our biggest movement within the setting due to the

United Kingdom schooling system which states children will start Reception the September after they turn 4yrs.

Page 10: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

Smaller room moves may take place in January and April, space dependent. It is worth noting that if your child is

Autumn born (Sept – December) they will naturally spend a longer period of time with us to a Summer born child (April –

Aug) and therefore will always be amongst the eldest in their room.

All children are assigned a qualified (minimum Level 2 in Childcare) ‘Key Carer’ when they join . Your

key carer will lead the initial Home Visit and manage your child’s settling-in process forming that secure attachment your

child needs to flourish within the nursery. S/he will take charge of all personal care e.g. nappy changing, administering of

any medication etc. that is required and will be responsible for monitoring your child’s development and maintaining your

child’s on-line ‘learning journey.’ You will have full access to your child’s learning journey and it is expected that you will

work in partnership with your child’s key carer by making regular contributions to the learning journey with observations

on how your child is developing within the home learning environment.

Your key carer will serve as the primary source of contact for you and your child. They will carry out formal assessments

linked to the early years outcomes, 3 times a year, and will meet with you to communicate where your child lies

developmentally, setting action plans for your child’s next stage of learning. Your child will also be appointed a secondary

key carer who will support all of the above in the primary key carer’s absence. Our secondary key carers largely consist of

those educators who are working towards their Level 2 or Level 3 qualification in childcare. The relationship your child has

with their key carer will be maintained as long as possible and when it is time for transition, your key carer will support you

and your child through the inevitable handover as your child grows. Please note: All other educators within your child’s

room will also form strong bonds and relationships with your child and will, at times, take on the personal care elements to

support your child as and when required.

Partnership working between parents and educators is a common thread throughout the EYFS and it clearly states that

‘good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their

abilities and talents as they grow up.’ It is therefore imperative that parents/carers play an active role in their child’s

education and during your child’s time at you will be guided by your child’s key carer on how you can

help support your child within the home environment to maximise their potential for success. “How parents relate to their

children from the moment of birth and the activities they do with their children, inside and outside the home during their

early years has a major impact on children’s later social, emotional and intellectual development.” (Roberts K, 2009)

We welcome and encourage your participation in your child’s early education at any time. Be it joining in with any activity

at any time (either in person or as a web cam viewer), attending one of our ‘Stay and Play’ days or joining us on an outing.

Regular contributions to your child’s learning journey will be expected and attendance at all parents evenings. Together you

will set an action plan detailing your child’s next steps/targets, discuss your aspirations for your child and how these will

be supported both in the setting and at home.

Alongside this, we encourage a steady flow of communication between yourselves and your child’s key carer to keep us

informed of anything that may be happening in your child’s life outside of nursery that may have an impact on their

learning and development and help us to support them within the setting E.g. Moving house, new siblings, bereavements


Page 11: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

We will email monthly informative newsletters to spark discussion and give you the capacity to support what your child is

doing. We will maintain a continuous dialogue with you regarding how your child is getting on, areas they are excelling in

and where we are working on developing their skills/knowledge. Once a term your child will be a specific focus and your

completion of a feedback slip prior to this will be crucial in making this as effective as possible. During this Focus Week

your child’s key carer will be honing in on your child’s current areas of strength, where they have made improvements

based on their individual action plans set at parents evening and what the next steps for future learning looks like. We will

ensure we are meeting all the statutory requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage including ongoing

assessment of your child’s progress and a formal written Progress Check will be carried out the term in which your child

turns 2yrs.

During the bulk of the day, staff-to-child ratios exceed government guidelines as we employ a 1:2 ratio within our

a 1:3 ratio within our , a mixed 1:3/1:4 ratio within our and a

1:6 ratio within our where the is a super-nummery member of the team. For

our children we employ a 1:8/1:10 ratio. Certified training is provided for any unqualified

member of staff following a successful probation period. This means that our ratio of qualified to unqualified staff also

exceeds government requirements.

Wherever possible, will try to maintain the schedule you and your baby have developed at home. Once

your child becomes a bit older, a more uniform routine will try to be encouraged so that your child can benefit from the full

range of activity throughout the day.

will provide everything you will need for your child including; Pampers Nappies and wipes, Tommy

Tippee and Avent bottles or beakers, a range of formula milk (up until your child’s 1st birthday) including; Aptimal, Hipp

Organic, SMA and Cow & Gate, a cot or mat designed specifically for rest times with sheets and blankets provided also.

It is most important that your child feels happy and secure while in Nursery and you may bring any other items that will

make your child feel more comfortable.

Potty training facilities are available and we will respond to the apparent readiness of your child, together with the desires

of parents before embarking on this.

What children eat is integral to how they perform, feel and develop. We understand this and, consequently, place great

importance on ensuring that our food is freshly prepared by our own chef on a daily basis and selected on the basis of its

wholesome and nutritional value.

Fresh vegetables are included in every cooked meal

Organic products are a significant feature of all meals and snacks

Page 12: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

The use of sugar is minimal, with evening desserts comprising fresh fruit for our Under 5’s

Milk or water is offered with breakfast and at snack times. Water is provided with lunch and dinner and is available

throughout the day. All food and drink required for three full meals is provided by for all children and

we will accommodate any specific dietary requirements. However we are a non-denominational or religious setting and

therefore cannot offer halal or kosher food. We have a well thought out and balanced vegetarian menu that will be provided

to any child who has these specific requirements. Our intention is that when you collect your child at the end of the day,

you will be able to spend the evening not cooking, but playing together.

This programme was specifically created to support our families in providing consistent and continuous childcare for our

children once they start reception. A waiting list operates for this program with places first allocated to those with a sibling

already in our , children who have attended our Nursery or are older siblings of children in the nursery.

Our objectives for the children who attend our is to provide a safe, enriching experience that fosters the wonder

and excitement of learning while enhancing self-confidence, mental and physical agility and cooperation and respect for

oneself and others in a home from home environment. While relaxation time is needed and provided, age-appropriate

activities are also thoughtfully planned based around the children’s interests and developmental needs. Activities are

practical and hands-on while at the same time enhancing National Curriculum Targets. Our youngest children might be sent

on a skipping treasure hunt to find all the objects that begin with the sound “B”, for example, or you may walk in on a

bubbling volcano that the children have created as part of a project on materials and the earth. When necessary, the children

are also individually guided and supervised by our staff in their homework.

In addition to our regular programme, activities scheduled into the timetable include a weekly sports session, arts and craft

class and percussion based music session which are all led by external teachers.

During the a fun packed schedule is devised that incorporates a mixture of day trips, in-house art and craft

days, drama and dance, cooking, sports, science and technology and themed days that may link to an upcoming festival or

just be a particular interest of the children at that time. Generally, day trips happen twice a week and at no extra cost and

during the longer summer break the children are often given the option to take part in an extensive week of sports e.g. Tennis

Camp, Swimming, Multi-Sports etc.

Please note: Our generally operates in line with the local state school calendar so if your child has holidays

outside of these times then you will need to arrange alternative childcare.

All children will be walked to and from school by the staff at a ratio of 1:6. Due to the varying finishing times

for the different year groups and the large number of children we collect from each of our schools, the children will be

grouped accordingly to ensure a smooth transition back to the

Page 13: Wimbledon...Wimbledon Tube as well as both Dundonald and Merton Road Tram Links. Our provision is specifically customised across age appropriate buildings with fully inclusive environments

Please note that we cannot collect children outside of the scheduled school finish times for example if your child attends a

club or has a school trip that is scheduled to return later than usual. You will need to make alternative arrangements for

collection during these times but are more than welcome to have your child dropped to the where we can ensure

dinner is waiting.

We currently drop off and collect from the following schools; Dundonald Primary School and Wimbledon Chase

We have a fantastic minibus which we use on a daily basis for our shuttle service between Dundonald Rd and our Nursery

School on Kingston Rd as well as to support the various activities that take place outside of the setting; Swimming, Forest

School, trips/outings. Our minibus has specially fitted seatbelts that are adjustable to suit each individual child. We have

drivers who have the relevant license to drive a larger vehicle, are highly experienced and, of course,

fully insured.