Wilmington journal. (Wilmington, N.C.) 1876-09-01 [p ]....S. P. Hand, Esq, who requested Dr. R. T....

'Ike Hadical flat if iciuioa Failure GOOD NEWS! For the Journal. N M The liadicals met in the market QUOTATIONS FOB B Currie and J O McKenzie, Dnnlop, Esq, and others. mmxtmw iron ttoclUn-ha- m Ar off tne Town Political Conventio- n- The Conservatives in these town Cotton Spts Rosin lstdajnoml 281 125 last " 29 1 30 Tar 1 95 1 30 Cruds 2 05 2 05 Bass Ball, Ac. ships aro thoroughly aroused and wil Kookingham, the county Beat of bits a gooa report 01 uismselves on tne 7th of November. Richmond county, was laid off into The news of the nomination of Jobatio Setmoub on yesterday as the candijftte of the Democratic party for cf the State of New York Governor joy and confidence to every ill carry honest heart in the country. New to be numbered no longer york is now J. C MoKknzie, 8eo'y. a town on the 16th of July, 1788, by Buriiuiv Tilde 11, Vance anil Wa4-du- ll Club. Buroaw, N. C. Aug. 37. According to previous announces ment a large and enthusiastic crowd assembled at; this ptaee on the 20th inst. for the purpose of forming a Til- den. Vance and Waddell Club and to participate in a flg raising. The meeting was called to order by S. P. Hand, Esq , who requested Dr. R. T. Handers to act as chairman. Dr. Sanders,, in taking the chair, made a very foroible and impressive speech of about half an hour, in which he urged the people to be np and jonn uoie ana uenry Wo. Harring- ton, commissioners appointed for that purpose. The old deeds in the Regis square last night to vatisfy the nomi- nations of their party. The State ticket and the National ticket came in for the largest share of what little political ;nthusiasm they could stir up, the nominations made yesterday at Magnolia being apparently thought to bt of little consequence. The meeting was as complete a fail- ure as one wonld see in a life-tim- e of campaigning. The highest expecta tions had been raised in the minds of the local Hadical leaders that the bit? Tlie Outrage on th WSalte Hoy Jhu Ellis. I The ilisclo urea made in Sunday's issue of the Journjld in relation to the outrage by which an unprotected white boy named J.W. Ellis has been subject- ed to the control and management of a negro man for the past nine years, will most probably be the canse of bring- ing all the fact to light connected with this burning shame. Yesterday morning the youth came to this office and stated that he was in search of employment He had pre- viously come to the office on Saturday night and made the same statement. Not knowing that he was the identical ter omee snow tftat about that time WILMINdTON MARKETS I lie jnairnolla Convention. , The Radicals met at Magnolia yes- terday and went through the face of nominating a candidate for Congress for the Third Congressional District, and also an Elector on the Presidential ticket. I W.P. Ganaday was chosen without opposition as candidate for Congress, and Neill McKay of Harnett as the candidate for Elector. We learn that Magnolia was crowd- ed full, to its utmost holding capacity, with negroes from all directions. A Republican tells us that there were not lese than six thousand of them. He say the number might safely be estimated anywhere in the neighborhood of seven thousand. In fact it was the all the deeds for land were simed bv the douDtim ... ? At A among Richard Caswell, first Governor of the Thursday, Aug. 243 P. M. her position 111 meiroui nnce takes 536 under the Constitution, and uu i x UTi Market firm. Sales of 45 rftnk of those about whose allegiance bales at 11 J cents per lb. The following lead us to believe that the country was but sparoely settled. It had c iub ouicuu quoutuons: IS LO to the Democratic party mere formerly been included in the large wrumary cents doing; that now was the time to exert every effort in' the cause of carrii the ,- - The man who county 01 Anson. uooa urdinarv 101 Democracy; that the- - Republican when at Rockingham is now just eigthy-eig- ht HtotA ncainst Grant Low Midddling 11(5115 Middling lir - hainnt ill 11 1 n years old. It contains 9 dry -- goods stores, 2 drug stores, 2 hotels, 2 news guns of the party who would attend would draw together an unusually large and enthusiastic crowd of negro voters. In this they were totally dis party now stood like an inverted pyrauid, only waiting for the slight interruption in the equilibrium of the Quotations conform to the classification John Ellis whose history we had heard of the American Cotton Exrhange of a The tile TCXJr iacife"- - . nlarity, need not fear the result ,f Qaf with anv other opponent. paper omee, 2 cotton factories, 1 tin and whom we had for some daysben 3 P1RITS TURPENTINE Official quo- - atmosphere to destroy its gravitation shop, 3 churches, 2 schools, 4 preach anxious to see. we told him to call taions : .Market quiet and steady at 26 glorious atul victory era, 4 doctors, 4 lawyers, 6 grog-sho- ps and tnat now, in tnis campaign, was the time to strike the death blow to cents per gallon. Sales of 850 casks at 26 again on Monday morning, when the appointed. Not only was the crowd email, but it was entirely without thf apparent enthusiasm which has here ana 1 barber snop, about iXXJ innabtv cents. gentleman who has control of the bus biggest mass of hilarious, bellowing, sweating darkies that was ever as- sembled in old Duplin. There was but little difficulty in the convention's t&nts, a noisy flock of goats, and quite ARRIVED. Schr Willlo Luce, 133 tons, Spear, Cam- den, Me, 15 days, 13 bbls lime to Worth A Worth. Br bark Petcheiee, 356 tons, Burns Pernambuco, Brazil, 28 days, Vick A Mebane. Schr Spring Bird, 176 tons, Hassell. Bos- ton, 18 days, G G Barker & Oo. Steamship Raleigb, Oliver, Baltimore A D Cazaux. Nor bark St. Olaf, 280 tons. Hassell. Hull, 56 days, RE Heide. Br bark Roberto, 478 tons, Gould, Lon- donderry, 20 days, WiffianisiMurchisoB. Br barquentine Emma Crook, 296 tons, bane' Londonderryi 44 day Vick fc Me- - Nor brig Typhoon, 202 tons, Thomaaan, Rio Janeiro. 43 days, R E Heide. AchrJesse Hart, 2nd, Keen, Bath, Maine, J H Chadbsurn & Co. CLEARED. ADffi5iLD J .ore. Bamtimork -- S eamship D J Fole v 759 bbls rosin, 409 do tar, 110 casks sniriU turpentine, 40 bbls pitch, 25 cases tar 768 bags peanuts, 45 bales sheeting, 5 do do- mestics, 29 bdls paper. 23 pkgs metaL 3 cases mdse, 13 empty ale kegs, 4 pkga herbs, 17 pkgs dried fruit, 2 bags feathers, 2 pks wax, 4 bdls mattresses, 160.000 shingles, 28,616 feet lumber. Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York. Schr Mary, Davis, Tyrrell county. DeRosset & Co. Sf Adda, Fomnans, Tyrrell county. B F Mitchell & Son. certain. . .r l r J NI It t K - K ROSIN Official quotations : Market that party which had devastated our whole Southern country. They were equal to the task, and let it not be quiet at $1 12 1 for strained and $1 J 5 for iness department of the office would z H 1 1 a 4 it iN.siiirs tofore been exhibited at such Radical meetings by loud and boisterous de a number of straggling nogs and cows. By far the noisiest and most impudent of all the inhabi good strained. No sales reported uo iu huu wouia give nim tsn answer said that the Democrats of Pender re choosing its own nominee for Con TAR Official quotations: Market steady at $1 30 per bbl. Sales of 169 bbls at$l 30 as to employment. He accordingly to lay ln' monstrations. tants is a noted billy-go- at who is con It gives us no pleiwure gross. The mountains did not labor laxed an effort or lost an opportunity of advancing the cause of true Demo- cratic principles, until on the 7th of rt'tritril to A stand for the speakers and officets and 50 bbls (in order) at $1 40. oame the second time as stated. TA ; . 1 , . ... long before the Kdiculons mouse ran tinually displaying his antics and odoriferous ugliness in the streets, to onr readers the Mi L Judge Settle's outran conduct at had been elected at the head of the November, the sun had hidden her urmg lue conversation wnicn we had with him, and while answering our the great annoyance of tha ladies and out. Judge Settle spoke, and so did Col, We veutim to market house two days previously. At unuoii iuurjH aunh. umciai quo- tations; Market quiet at $1 for bard and $1 60 for soft and virgin. Sales of 220 bbls at quotations and 340 do at $1 65 for , t week visitors who come into the business IOIl?HUl golden rays behind the hills of the Western horizou. The officers of the questions, his manner created the im ono of its corners a United States flag U ., . 1, ., pzhiliiliou was never part of the town. Dockery. Judge Albertson and Judge pression t hat he was afraid to state all was unfurled, aud around it was ar. I arrived- - here on last Friday just in by candidate for tin hf.ro made any club are as follows, viz: President George F Jordan. sost and virgin. Friday, Aug. 25. the facta connected with his history. time to witness a game of base ball ranged a number of barrels of rosin ,ni of Governor in North Car Vice Presidents Dr RT Sanders, COTTON No official quotations. Sales between the Monroe and Rockingham In reply to the question had he ina and we trust will never be ugain of 10 bales at from 19 to 11$ cents on clubs, lne weather was very warm seen the article in the Journal of the and tar. All of the great lights of the party had been invited and were ex- pected to be present. Placards and basis of lit cents for middling. n m no excuse that Judge Settle lost W .Bordeaux and L Uaud. Treasurer J T Collins. Secretary R N Blood wortji. and the base ball gfound, t:ie Acade SPIRITS TURPENTINE Official quo. my green, was warm. The game bis teropt-- r and spoke and acted on the day before concerning his relations to Joseph C. Hill, he replied that Hill tations: Market steady at 2t cents per gal Working Committee P H Hand, W Watts (Greasy Sam) also put in an appearance. A certain Republican Revenue Col lector, whose lettar the other day fell into the hands of Mr. Thomas H. Smith, because the clerk that directed it put the letter "H" for the middle initial of the name, instead of the letter"M.," was giving a Democrat last evening after the arrival of the lasted till abo.it 2 o'clock, when the ..oi-- if the moment ana in the tieat lon, aales 01 35U casks at 204 cents. 10) H flayer, W .Bordeaux, WM Hand. itut- 1 - . , - IT. I 1 . .. ..... -- 1 - I Monroe Olub came out victorious. had read the article to liini on Sunday ROSIN Official quotations : Market ).iBsion. It lie is Jiaom io miicu wuu- - W J Hand, T J Bradshaw. On Friday 1 learned that the Demo ot Y runners had been sent over the coun- try, and the small politicians of the party had talked themselves hoarse for days prior to the meeting, trying quiet at $1 12 J for strained and $1 15 for night- - He said that Hill, after read Our young countryman, Mr. Bruce Hyde crats held one of the largest and most Schr Aome G Midyett, Lewis, eonnty, B F Mitchell & Son. good strained, bales of 120 bbls strained ing the article to him, asked him if Williams, who was present by in vita enthusiastic conventions ever held in at $1 12 and 150 bbls at$2a$2 25 for No, and e tra No. 1 and $2 75 lor pale. tion, was introduced, and held the iiunn-- um - ir. i j.-p.- jn jeu aU( ungovni he certainly is not tin man for the people of North Car-oli- aa to choose for the r ruler. the county. Many old men, who had any of it was true, and that he had Schr Julia Selden, Ballance, Elizabeth City, B F Mitchell & itu. Nor brig Mir a. Stoar. Rotterdam uv audience spell-boun- d for nearly an taken no interest in politics for years. TAR Official quotations: Mai ket steady told Hill that none of it was true. He so stir the negroes up to the import- ance of coming out IftBt night to ratify. But somehow the thing failed, and the nour in one 01 tne most impressive were out to sekct a straight-ou- t Dem at $1 30 per bbl. Sales of 355 bbls. at quo then said to us that the statements in and stimog speeches that it has been is this true when it is re ocrat ticket. tations and bd bbis (in order) at $1 40 train an account of the immensity of the gathering. This Collector of the Revenue . could scarcely describe the Heide, cargo by Williams & Murchiaou. Schr J; H Stickney, Forks, Mayagues. Porto Rico, E- - Kidder fc Sons. the Joubnaxi were untrue ; that Hill the good fortune of your correspon per bbl. xae following nomiaations were dent to listen to in this campaign ; in made on first ballot: CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quo Schr Albert Mason. Rosa. Nw vrir deed, it was a masterly effort for one tations : Market quiet at $1 for hard, ' ' Harriss. For the. House of Representatives crowd, it was so immense. The dem- ocrat innocentlv asked the Question : had never whipped him ; that he, Ellis, had never done menial service for Hill and tliat he had never nursed meeting fell flat on the hands of its promoter-- . All the "great lights" were on hand, and spoke, but even they and their speeches fell flat, one of them almost literally. so young and so recently embarked $1 05 for soft and $1 65 for virgin, t'ales Schr Sydney C Tvler. Shaw. Ptiilfoi. liobert t Johnson. q. membered how large a share of uncou trolabie power he claims even in his cooler momenta to belong to the Gove- rnor. No man's liberty will be safe in the hands of a Governor claiming such vtist powers and subject to tits of 1,043 bbls at quotations. in public life. He left no stone un phia. Harriss & Howell. "Smith were there any negroes there?" i?'or Bberifl 1 C MoFaydan. Hill's ohildren. turned. He commenced by alluding For Register of Deeds Parks Saturday, August 26. COTTON No official quotations. No TT j . . to the proposed amendments to the Chappel. ne si a tea mat tns motner aieu on a Judge liusuell presided, and intro- - sales reported. The question struck the Revenue man as being so supremely superfluous that his under jaw dropped as he re constitution, and the effect they would have in relieving our people from the Saturday, and that on the Monday For Treasurer John W Cole, Esq. For County Commissioners J H of Buch ungovernable rage as Judge SPIRITS TURPENTINE Offical quo EXPOBTS. COASTWISE. New Yobk Seamshin Pflilatnr ot dnc d the speakers. First on the pro- gramme was the Hon. Thomas H. tations : Market steady at 26 cents per following Hill took him down to heavy burden of taxation under which Ayoocke, L T Everett. M D McNeill. plied: "Yes, a few." Settle has shown himself to be lia ble to. gallon, bales ot 40 casks at quotations Major Mann's ' office, who was then they are writhing. He next referred James Mcintosh and R Bowden. and 110 casks (city distilled) at 26 J cents. bales cotton, 350 casks spirits turpentine, 717 bbls tar. 2.100 do roain. 37K nk to the constitution as it now stands. For County Surveyor WW Gra- - Judge of Probate, and that Major KUblJS Official quotations : Market Harnett Township Democrats. At a meeting of the Democrats of The following graphic acconut oT Fmlcrfl Settle's maniacal conduct at showing how powerless our Legisla nam. dull at$l 12 J for strained and $1 15 for shooks, 12 bjdes sheeting, 8 pkgs paper, 5 Mauu placed him under Hill's control. ture has been in the past, fettered by Mr. Johnson, the candidate for the good strained. No sales r p rted. Daies warp, 43 pkgs. 4 bales vim. 15 Harnett township, on SaturJay, the Settle, the Jupiter Tonans of his party and Republican candidate for Governor. Many Democrats were piesent, being drawn out by curiosity to hear this man of whom the Radieal party had for years so proudly boast onehboro we print by permission some of its unwise and oppressive re TAR Official quotations: Market steady He was then asked to explain what he meant by being placed under Hill's bushels peanuts. New Yokk Schr Albert Mason 2 99 quirements, and 'the gn at power for at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotations. Legislature, is a young lawyer of in- telligence and promise, and was a student of our State University, when it was broken up in 1868 by the resig 26th inst., at Humphrey's, Charles Fntch was appointed chairman, and H. Shepard secretary. bbls rosin. URULIE TURPENTINE Official control, to which he replied that he good it will nave in tue future if tue proposed amendments should be Philadelphia Schr Svdnev n Tvir. meant that Hill had charge of him ed. Fifteen minutes of his sneech quotations: Market firm at $1 for hard, $1 65 for soft and $1 65 for virgin. Sales at quotations. adopted, thus imposing a check to the 21 tons old iron, 333,625 shingles, 6,260 bolts, 36,513 feet lumber. The chairman stated the object of nation of all the members of the old faculty on account of the interference A. was enough to satisfy most of them. the meeting to be the election of a that Major Mann told Hill he must do a good part by him. He afterwards denied that Hill had ever exercised They quietly wended their way home Monday, August 28. COTTON Market quiet. Sales of 2 FOREIGN. Rotterdam Nor brie Mir 5fta of the Legislature in its management The other candidates are said to be men of undoubted integrity and pop- - county committeeman for the town- ship. Capt. Lewis Pearce was elected. with a feeling of disappointment not bbls rosin. bales at 10 cents and 1 bale (new crop) at 12 cents. The following are the official unmixed with a degree of nitv. For MARAG UKS Schr J IT SticknAtr ISO. As only a limited notice of the meeting from a private letter to a gentleman in this city. There are bounds of propriety be- yond which no man occupying the po- sition .Judge Settle occupies before the paople of North Carolina can pass with impunity. Judge Settle has panned far beyond those bounds and must now prepare to pay the penalty that the people will not be slow to inflict Toe gentlemen whose letter we print can be implicitly relied on for accuracy of his scatements. " Writing from Fayetteville under date of 28th August he says: "Thinking you would like to hear quotations : 630 feet lumber and 80,600 shingles. alarijy, and the ticket as a whole is regarded as about the strongest that the party coutd put forth. Visitor. had been given it was considered ad how low soever was the estimate they had placed upon the man as a judge, Ordinary 00 cent Good Ordinary .. . . . 9 " visable to postpone the organization of Rockiugham, N. C, Aug. 28, 1876. Liow Middling 104 and as a man, they labored un- der the impression that he at a Tilden and Vance Club until Satur- day, September 9th. The Democrats Middling. 11 J Good Middling 00 Tilden and Vance Club at Lock- - least had some speaking abiities. wood's Folly. Wholesale Prices List. CORRECTED WEEKLY. & These quotations apply to whole-sal- e prices. In filling smaller orders, higher figures (as a rule) will be charged. August, 31st, 1876. Quotati ns conform to the classification and Conservatives of the township are requested to meet at Humphrey's on Lookwood's FoniiY Bridgb, N. G.,J of the American Cotton Exchange. This disappointment was apparent SPIRITS TURPENTINE. fficial quo August 18, 1876. S tations: Market firm at 27 cents ner gallon. throughout the assembly. Even the negroes expressed it. They listened, Mr. Epttor: The ' Conservatives Saturday, September the 9th, at 2 p. m., for this purpose. squandering of the people s money. Next in order was Dr. W. T. En-ne- tt, who, in his usual earnest manner referred at considerable length to the civil rights bill ; showed the inconsist- ency of the Radical party in trying to dodge it; they could not stand it; a fire -- brand was" preferable any time to it. If you wish to see them riggle and squirm, mention civil rights. Dr. En: nett closed with a very ardent appeal to the club to work zealously, and strive to increase to the. maximum by moderation and prndeuoe. It is un- necessary here to say more of Dr. En-ne- tt; all who know him can locate him a Democrat of the Joe Engelhard stripe, who never fails to put in his appearance when there is a chance to say or do anything to promote the in- terests of the Democratic party. Mr. T. J. Armstrong, president of the Rocky Point club, being present, was called for, and after begging to be ex- cused on the ground thatjthe previous speakers had taken up all the ground, and so successfully explained the issues of the campaign that he was at a loss to know where to begin, made a few Sales of 325 casks at quotations. and Democrats organized to-da- y at ARTICLES. ROSIN--Offici- al Quotations : Market PBICES. Pigott's Store a Tilden aud Vance The meeting was addressed by but it was with that kind of attention which said that "the Judge would get firm at $1 121 for strained and $1 15 for APPLJC8-- pr barrel. 36i Club, adopted a constitution which was signed by sixty, and elected the 9 14 uomiliiilO. . ........ 13 U Riimu v-.- v. ii good strained. Sales of 500 bbls good strained at $1 15. Messrs. J. I. Macks' and Joseph N. Hinton. to the good part of his speech pres following officers: ently." TAR Official quotations : Market quiet Hams.Vlh 14 Bhouldera. $f lb. io Sides, V 12 at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotatians. President Joseph Standard. Vice - Presidents Elisha Sellers. When Judge Settle was a young CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quo Bladen County. The Democratic Conservative Nom man ho was thought to be vain of his Jesse Lancaster, A. S. White. western smoked, Hams, tt. it a Shoulders, y tb SK$ Sides.......... 11 vta Dry Salted 15 11 13 18 11 10 x 10 tations : Market quiet at $1 tor hard, $1 65 for soft aud $1 65 for virgin. Sales at quotations . Secretary J. P. Ballard. Oorrespouding Secretary James inating Convention will meet Saturday, September 9th, in Elizabethtown. personal appearance. His physique and features no doubt continually fed Sides V n Shoulders. V Tb Henry Addix. Tuesday, August 29. COTTON Market quiet. Sales of 9 this innocent vanity. In one, part of his physiognomy, however, he was any control over him. When led to speak of the question of race and color, he said that he thought there was no difference be- tween a white man and a negro, except that the negro had a black skin; that Hill's being black made no difference to him; that he had as soon live with Hill as with a white man. In the course of the conversation he retracted all this. He further stated that he did not desire to leave Hill, that the only thing in connection with the matter . that now troubled him was the fact that Hill had told him on Sunday night that he wanted to give up the house, and that he, Ellis, did not know what to do with it. He afterwards took this back, and said that he intended to send for his cousin to come and take charge of his house, and that be did not want to stay any longer with Hill. The only time he Bhowed any feeling was when retracting the views he had expressed as to the equality of white and blaek men. He further stated that Maj. Mann was his guardian up to the time that Maj. Mann went out of office, and that during that time Hill paid rent to Mj. Mann, aud Maj. Maun gave him some money. He further said that since Maj. Maun left, Hill had paid rent to no one. He siid that Hill bought all his clothes for him, and gave him money when he wanted it. bEE- F- On the Hoof BARRELS Snir'u Tur ixmtlnn C. C. Lyon, Ch'm Ex. Com. C. O. Merat, Secretary. Star please copy. 8 9 bales at 10 cents per lb. The following are the official quotations: Democratic County Convention. Pursuant to a call of the County Ex always deficient; this was his breadth Ordinary Good Ordinary 9i of forehead; and of this defect Mr. very appropriate remarks, which were ti reat Entbustagin in Onslow ecutive Committee, the citizens of Brunswick county met in convention at the court house in Smithville on cents it it a i 76 aioo 0 2 00 (4 30 1 00 1 00 04 so liow Middling 104 Second Hand, naoh l so New York, each 175 New City, each 1 in BEESWA- X- a si BRICKS Wllminaton, M .. 6 00 Northern, y M. 12 CANDLES Sperm, V tb 25 Adamantine. yj lb g Middling ll Good Middling . . ITlaj or TTIcOla.ininv'8 Address. Snkad's Ferry. N. C, Aug. 24. Mr. Editor: This has been a brigh1 to the point and well received. The meeting then closed amid scenes of the wildest enthusiasm, with three cheers for Tilden, Vance ana Waddell. B. Monday, August 28th. CDls TcaiioH vv cbo vodlv3 Vv OuuuM4ia cuunnu tu lAjvj vJaaaiucailOn Settle was always painfully aware. He did all ho could to aid deficient nature- - at least so far as the outside appearanoe would go, by his peculiar style of reaching his hair. The of the American Cotton Exchange. by Dr. Curtis, chairman of the execu- tive committee. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Official quo and gleeful day for the party of re- form in Onslow and Pender counties. Dospite the inclemency of the weather (Nortnrn rac't tb 12 K a Dairy cream, V lb tations : Market firm at 27 cents per Col. John D. Taylor was elected For the Journal. gallon. Sales of 100 casks at 27 J cents something from the Vance speaking at Jonesboro, I will write you ray ns, of that occasion. We left here in the morning:, arrivi- ng at Jonesboro with about 500 or more aboard our train. The whole face of the earth was alive with white men! We formed into procession and marched to Vance's headquarters. I mppose there were not less than 2,500 or 3,000 of us. Our flags were flying and our band was playing, and the shouts of the multitude was emphas- ized by the booming of our two can non. When we had passed on to the stand Judge Settle's crowd came up. His procession was headed by on horseback, then came a carriage containing and wife; also Settle and Douglas. This was followed by sixteen men mounted, and they by about 200 negroes (men, women and children.) Settle opened the debate with an hour and a half speech, lie went over the war and all the dead past. There was nothing special in his speech except the entire avoidance of mention of present issues. Vauce followed, and I think used up Settle. His speech was a fine effort. The crowd was quiet and respectful to Sett- le, listening with attention, but they went wild with enthusiasm as soon as Vance got up. Before Vance con- cluded a terrible rain scattered the crowd. I thought this ended the dis- cussion, but Settle demanded a reply. I went up to George Cole's house and was seated there, about an hour after the raiu Lad ceased, talking with General Cox. We heard some cheering and he proposed to walk down into the village and see if the speaking had been resumed. I agreed and we walk- ed down together. When we got in 62 13W 18 12 3a 21 23 80 6X XU ....... ........... U IA COFFEE, ,fftTa, 9 lb 86 a Tilden and Vance Club at Abbotts permanent president of the convention, and on taking the chair, stated the roach still sticks up to relieve the appearance of the narrow fore and J;0 casks at 27 cents per gallon, the Kio. V tt 19 M a large and enthusiastic assemblage of citizens was present to wituess the unfurling of a Tilden and Vance ban burs'. A Tilden and Vance Club was form market closing steady at the last figures. business of the meeting, and after head, but as he stood last ROSIN Orhcial quotations : Market 2 3X0 Xat ed at Abbottsburg, N. C, to-d- ay (Au a spirited appeal to his fellow-citizen- s to do their whole duty in the coming quiet and quiet at $1 12 for strained ner from a pole one hundred feet in height under the auspices of the CORN MEJqi bushel COTTON TTES-- V tb DOMESTICS Sheet 'g 4 4? y'd Prints Yarn, V buncJ: night before his dusky audience, with his neatly fitting black coat buttoned m - 1 J gust 26th), numbering about fifty, and the following officers elected: and $1 15 for good strained. Sales of 60 bbls F at $1 40 per bbl and 56 do H at I 1 00 85 (4 election, declared the convention organized by appointing J. H. dem- ons and W. H. Mercer secretaries. over ms maniy icrm, one mignt Stump Sound club. The erection of the pole was superintended by Messrs. Yopp, Willis and King, while the ban 12 14 $1 65 per bbl and 65 do pale at $2 75. President J. H. Thompson. Vice Presidents I. H. Smith, J. R. 16 00 have seen written beneath the careful TAR Official quotations: Market steady aot oo The candidates were nominated as Bradshaw, R. J. McEweu, Z. G. at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotations. ner, bearing the names of Tilden. follows: CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quo Vance, Hendricks and JaTvis in red Thompson. ly preserved roach, in characters larger than the narrow space could well contain, the one word FAILURE. For General Assembly David S. and blui letters on a white field, was tations: Market quiet at $1 for hard, $1 65 for scfi. and $1 65 for virgin. Sales at Cowan. the most beautiful we have seen. It Secretary J. S. Gain. Corresponding Secretary Jno.Nutt. A working committee of six was ap For County Commissioners Francis was the old flag in the hands of the This one word was not only to be 011 50 0 t 00 (4 8 25 A 0 00 01 8 00 0 6 15 (3 (00 d so 0 8 60 0 0 00 a T6 0 T 75 9 8 75 M. Moore, John D. Taylor, Joseph The youth was told that if he wanted pointed consisting of the following . . . t 1- - 1- - T Wednesday, Aug. 3G.J3 COTTON Market steady. Sales of 1 seen written on Judge Settle's fore old party which achieved for itself a history so glorious that not even to make any corrections as to the state Stanaland, Wm. H. Stone, W. Scott Milikin. head, but it rang out in every sen gentlemen: . u. ueman, xv. kj. Jor- dan, J. W. McLoud, Peter McKee, R. C. Thompson and W. T. Gooden. Eor Register of Deeds M. 0. Guth tence that he uttered, and there was ments contained in the Journal that he should have the privilege of doing FISH Mackerel, Ne. 1, y bbl 10 00 No. I Maokertl, T$ vf bbi.. 8 00 Mackerel. No. a, bbl .... 11 00 No. 8, V if bbl s 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl. .. . 8 00 Mallets, y bbi ooo Dry Cod, V lb by bbl T FLOOR Fine, y bbl 4 85 Super Northern, y bbl 0 20 Kua do. - v bbl.... 6 SO Family y bbl 1 60 City Mills Suixr, V bbl.... 6 60 ExUa, ybbL... 6 60 " Family bbl.... 7 60 Ex Family bbl. ... 8 00 FERTILIZERS Perurlan Quano.V 2,000 lbs 68 00 NaTassa Ouaiio. " " 60 00 Do AcidPhos, " SI 00 " Xobaa Fert, " " 60 00 Stono M " " 46 00 Wbann's Phoxihace " " 43 00 Soluble Pacific " " 46 00 8 tar Phospha te " " 45 00 aiiUK v ib .' io GRAIN Corn, in ic-ks,- 70 Corn, in bulk, VMibi eo Oats, V bushel 00 a record the most infamous to be found among civilized governments, continuing through a decade of I hgUt and ruin could extinguish or darken rie. bale at 10 cents and 3 bales at 11 cents. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary cents. Good Ordinary 9 " Low Middling 10i " Mr. John Nutt, Jr., made a good He replied that he did not want so little speech for us, after which the not a Democrat who heard him that did not turn away with the satisfaction of knowing that he could give Gov. it ; and the strong hands and brave to have anything to say about it, that meetincr was called to order by I. H. For Sheriff Rufus Galloway. For Treasurer Dr. F. W. Potter. For County Surveyor W. W. Drew. For Coroner Julius W. Taylor. Delegates were appointed to a Sena Middling 11 " Hill said he was going to reply to the hearts that looked to-d- ay with exuber- ant gladness upon its proud folds Vance no trouble, neither in debate Good Middling article through the calumns of the Star. Smith for the purpose oj selecting del-gat- es to the County Democratic Con- vention and to the Senatorial Conven- tion also, resulting as follows: nor at the polls in November. 000 00 055 00 036 00 065 00 053 00 65 00 90 00 065 00 0 15 0 75 0 62 0 60 Quotations conform to the classification Late last evening he brought to this floating over the green forests and sunny fields of this beautiful land re- gistered a patriotic vow that in the of t he American Cotton Exchange. W. P. Ganaday, the Magnolia nominee for Congress, was next intro . Delegates to County Convention ri . SPIRITS TURPENTINE Official quo torial Convention to nominate a candi- date for Senator for Brunswick and Bladen as follows: Salter Lloyd, Dr. Lucas, J H Melvin. A W Reiger, A V Goodman, Jacob A Evans, W W Mc redemption of our country from the G. McKee, Z. G. Thompson, N. G. tations : Market steady at 27 i cents per duced, and when he rose everybody office the following card with the re- quest that it be published this morn- ing. The handwriting in the body of the card is different from that of the Lemon, I. H. Smith, J. H. Thompson feas, cow, y basbel ,. HAY Eastern rr cwt of its thraldom its future should gaze in glorious achievements with its splendors past. and R. W. McE win- - 870 SO 10 ft 1 M) gallon. Sales of 100 casks at 27$ cents, market closing firm at these figures. North Klrer 80 Raokan, Absolam Ward, Henry T Williams, Wallace Styron, Franklin 0 OO 7 Delegates to Senatorial Convention John Nutt, Jr., and S. B. Thomp 0 The club has enrolled the name of signature: ROSIN Official quotations : Market 6 10 80 Galloway, R W MoKethan. Peter HIDES Green, y ft..., Dry, V ft HOOP IRON V Ion... HEADING AHH Mt M This is to certify that the article son. too 010 00 steady at $1 12 for strained and $1 15 for Rourk, J 11 Mmtz, Jabish Frmk, IS 6 00 which appeared in the Sunday s Jour- - Lewis Butler, W Scott Milikin, John good strained. No sales reported. HOOr PULES U vssed, per ban. 70 ! AS1 00 every white votrin the township save one, and he, like the prodigal, having spent his substance in riotous living, begins to long for the banished sweets of decent and honest companionship JUNIPER BOLVri. V M.. nai, of August ZYtn, is uueriy ...918 OOQSSO 00 The meeting then adjourned J. H. Thompson, Chairman. J. S. Cain. Secretary. We are stronger iu Bladen than we W King. TAR Official quotations: Market firm LARD- - -- Northert. B tb 13 14 0 untrue, which refers to J. J. mil, wno It was suggested that tne chairman at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotations. 1X 10 1 60 has ever been my best friend for tue 0 0 Nonh Caroltn. tt. LIME-- M bbl... LUMltKR City Ml lamHawed sight of Settle we were struck by the charge in the man. He seemed to be livid with rage. He was shouting at the top of his voice and was gesticul- ating most vehemently. The first words I understood were "You Demos crata make a terrible howl over the suspension of the writ of Habeas Cor- pus; but do you know what "corpus" means ? It means a body. And there is one suspension of the corpus that does not offend yon. You will take a rope and tie a negro to one end and suspend his corpus to a limb of a tree, and you will not howl over that !" Thm pointing to Vance "He will say nothing to condemn that !" This was said in great excitement and with the most inflammatory manner. I was ut'-terl- y amazed and was not surprised when the crowd generally gave loud evidence of their disapprobation. This changed him into a demon incarnate, and he commenced to pour upon the crowd the most indecent imprecations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quo have been for ten years past. C past nine years. I am now nearly The fair daughters of this and cn-iguo- us townships graced with their of the meeting arrange the hour and plaoe for holding the senatorial con- vention with the chairman of the exec tations : Market quiet at $1 for hard, twenty-on- e years old will be in .No $1 05 for soft and virgin. Sales at presence tnis most pieasureaoie oc vember next. lie has always oeen utive committee of Bladen, and that kind to me. He never whipped me in For the Journal. Abrottsburo, N. C, Aug. 28. Mr. Editor: I ask the favor casion, and heightened thezeal and in- creased the enthusiasm which seemed when decided upon he notify the Thursday, August 31 3 P. M. COTTON No official quotations. Sales aforesaid delegates. The chairman even before at their flood. designated - the -- second Thursday in his life, nor allowed the same to be done, nor asked me to do housework of any kind. What I done was of my own free will. The schools he sent of 4 hales (strictly low middling) at 10? After the banner had been given to cents. 021 00 018 00 020 00 M20 00 000 00 0 40 0 45 0 25 too 4 25 25 1 25 0 90 0 IS Sbrptflatr, rot i wed, M it 10 00 Rough Edge I'l ink, y M ft 17 00 Wen India Ct joes, accord- ing to qualil , y M ft.... 14 00 Pre ad Floor u g, seasoned 20 00 Scaal lin g and I loards, com mo a. y H II 18 00 MOLAKtlfcs cat a,hhgs,Vgal 39 Ouba, Mh,' gal 37 8 agar llmee, I hgs, y gal . . si " " bla,gal.. 28 Syrup, bbli, V gal 40 NAILS CH,4at20,y keg.. 3 50 OILS Kero leiie, 'jl gal 22 Lsrd y fal.. 120 Lfcisesd. y et-- i 80 RcelOiVgal 14 PKAXTS -- y I. hel l 20 POTATOE- S- Sr. et, y bushel 80 SPIRITS T URPENTINE Official September,- - at Robeson station, on the Carolina Central railway, for said meeting, subject to the approval of me to was Mrs. Bradley's and The Oxford Orphan Asylum, which I at quotations: Market steady at 27 cents per gallon. Sales of 350 casks at 27 i ents. the breeze Mr. Hill E. King, one of the vice presidents, in a very appro- priate address introduced to the au- dience Major O. W. McCIammy, the only one of the invited speakers through your valuable and widely cir- culated paper of making a suggestion in regard to our candidate for member of the General Assembly from Bladen. There are several estimable gentlemen spoken of, such as Robert J. McEwen, Esq. Mr. N. A. Stedman, C. C. Lyon, and Maior T. D. Love. Jr who are Bladen. ROSIN Official quotations: Market The chairman of the meeting was steady at $1 12i for strained and $1 15 for good strained. No sales reported. This most eloquent gentleman with He called us "fiends of hell," "hounds of hell," "jackasses," "hired mob," 1AR Official quotations; Market firm 1 00 popular in their various localities, but at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotations. SI 00 instructed to nominate the Executive Committee for the ensuing year and to nominate himself as one of the number ; and in compliance with such instructions, the following gentlemen were appointed by the chair : the people of Jirown Marsnf wnere xar. . Tiorixici , f DDI... an enviable record as scholar, soldier and patriot, under the glowing influ- ences of the horn surpassed himself. CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quo "ku klux," &c. At this point I boiled over. I hadn't been there five min- utes, but I got so excited that I FORK-North- ern Mr Mess.... 22 M 0 Thin, V bbl 00 00 MOO 00 Clark resides), Abbottsburg and Blad- en boro townships alljdemand the nom thought he was about to deliver him- self of a speech. Many were curious to know what he could do in that line, but he quickly disappointed their curious expectations by saying "I am too well known among you to attempt to make you a speech." Next came "Ike" Young the ubi- quitous Revenue officer who has un- dertaken to beat the bushes in the Raleigh District with the vain hope of beating the Hon. Joseph J. Davis for Congress. "Ike" made much the best speech of the occasion but its chief characteristic was its impuder.ee. De- prive his speech of this one feature, aud there would be nothing left of it. In addition to making this feature prominent, he seemed to be perfectly satisfied with getting up an occasional laugh among the "niggers" as be called them. Next came Judge Albertson who, after consuming three quarters of an hour in discussing the Constitutional Amendment, took his seat, greatly to the relief of even the negroes. Then came Judge Watts "Greasy Sam.'" We believe it was this emi- nent jurist's first appearance in Wil- mington, and he seemed to feel that it was incumbent upon him to exhibit his asinine ears in their full proportions. In this he sncceeded magnificently so well, indeed, that Wilmingron can now rest contented until the next visit of old John Robinson. livery body said that something was the matter with the Judge Iu order to as- certain what it was, we elbowed tations: Market firm at $1 for hard and $1 65 for soft and virgin. Sales at For graceful oratory, for profundity rrime.bbi 20 00 (400 00 Rump. V k bl ination of Jno. H. UlarJc, Uisq,, of .21 00 A00 08 Dr, W. G. Curtis, Chairman; JJavid of argument, for brilliancy of rhetoric mounted, the steps right under him and said as loud as I could, "Any Clarkton. This partiality for Mr. Clark S. Cowan. John D. Taylor, M. C. Guthrie, Franklin Galloway, J.' H. man who will soeak, of this assemb WEEKLY STATEMENT I ought to say, is not by any means Monts, W. Scott Milhken, Executive STOCK OF COTTON AND NAVAL STOrES lage composed of the best people in six counties of North Caroliua, as Committee. ' X0 6 0 1 00 2J 2 0 2ft 15 0 16 16 & 1 00 80 a 00 00 (4 OS 85 9 80 9 0 00 X0 canfined to these townships, but is equally strong in all the townsnips south of the Cape Fear, where Mr. Clark is best known; and indeed among 'Hounds of Hell ' does not deserve to In yard and afloat at the Po t jof Wi- lmington, N. C-- , August 28, 1S7C: Mr. Cowan having been loudly RICK Carolita. y tb Rough, y biuae! RAGS Country, y lb City, ft ROP- E- SALT Alum, y bochel Lisbon . Liverpool, y sack American, y sack SUGAR Ouba, y ft Porto Rico, y m A Coffee, y ft B - yn C " Wft be listened to." Settle retorted very called for, responded in a very felici - Cotton in yard 187 bales. violpnr.lv r "if wo were ku-Klu- x we all thinking men air over the county there is a desire for his nomination. were hounds of hell!" A great shout afloat 0O Total 187 " tons speech, accepting thv nomination and calling upon all good citizens to rally arouod the bam er of reform and carry it gloriously on to victory. This ceneral demand for Mr. Clark was raised and ;ievtral of Settle a Spirits Turpentine In yar.l... 7,948 casks. to represent us in the General Assem- - 12 12 nx is 12 4 "X0 II 0 110 18 0 tended over two years. 1 have uncles and aunts in the county of Brunswick whom I visit often, and if Hill had treated me as is reported, I would have reported . him tc them. He has paid the expenses of my house and lot, also of mother and myself. When I am ready I will manage my own affairs, I do this in justice to Hill and his wife. I love them both. Very respectfully, John W. Elms. As will be seen above, the boy's own statement leaves no doubt as to the relation that existed between him and his negro master Hill. His concluding declaration, if it was his own honest sentiments, would be sufficient to Bhow to what degradation his servitude had brought him. The fact is undeniable, that for years in our midst, a white boy has been under charge of a negro. Under the old Constitution no such ontrage could have occurred; that it is possible now is because we live under the Canby Constitution. Hill is a magistrate and a candidate for the Legislature. The boy's mother died on a Satnrday; on the Monday following he was taken by a strapping negro and carried before a Radical afloat... 1,097 Total 9,045 Mr. John W. Galloway also respond BiO" ytb Crashed. u ft ed 11 calls for a speech and entertained bly is in consequence 01 nis nign per- sonal and business character, which is recognized by all who know him. SOAP Northern. W ft Rosia iu yard 82,584 6 00 SHINGLES Contract, yu. the meeting-ver- y handsomely for half an hour. Common, y M 2 60 afloat 3,162 Total .85,740 it is not too mucn to say mat in an Cypress Saps, M. . and foz a pure and stainless character, he Las but few superiors iu a State which he has served no less ably in her council halls than on her tent- ed fields. For one hour and a half he kept his audience the willing captives of ' his power. His arraignment of the ruling party for fraud and tyranny, for the attempted overthrow of civil liberty, for the blight and ruin of a once pros- perous country, was indeed masterly. His contrast of the letters of Tilden and Hayes and Vance and Settle was most lucid. His exposition of the Con- stitutional Amendments was thorough, and his proof that the escape of the country from the political, financial and civil ruin which threatens it was in a change of parties, eminently con- clusive. Hm popularity as a speaker has been enhanced and the number of nis political friends in Onslow multi- plied by his fine effort to: day. Amid three ringing cheers for the candidates the club adjourned to its next regular meeting. Debnos. it t bbls. it tt tt tt tt tt Cypre s Ileum. V M There being no further business the Tar in yard 2,133 social, personal and business relations no man in Bladen county is held in STAVES W. O. Hbl, y V.... meeting adjourned. R. O. Hbd.,VM afloat 153 Total 2.28G 0 6 U & 3 60 0 6 50 0 9 50 4320 00 012 ro 0 10 (412 00 0 80S 0 7 to 05 00 & 600 TALLOW y ft 6 00 t 00 15 00 10 00 8 11 00 7 60 6 00 a oo 1 20 Crude Turpentine in yard 2,515 higher consideration by the people ol both parties than John H. Clark, and what is worthy of consideration is that TIM HKH snipping, y M . John D. Taylor, Ca m. J. H. CtiEMMONS, a,.. W. H. Meban, BecJ8- - mu rrune, y ta MMI Fair.M Inferior to Culinary, y M. afloat OO Total 2,515 RECB'PTS FOR THE WEEK. his large family, social and business WHISKEY North err, y gal.. !Hoore Conntjr Wide Awake -- Til position render him so strong in the county that he will almost certainly Cotton Spirits Rosin Tar Keep the Liver .Active. The above is a Bound health milm ja orde be elected. vox den nnd Vance Club. , A portion of the voters of Bensa7end 48 2 744 12,320 1,245 KX PORTS FOR SAME. Cotton Sits Rosm Tar our way through the crowd np Cmde 4,334 Crude 00 00 and Mineral Springs townships, Moore county, met at Currievifle in said county, August 19th for ibe purpose that the faactiocs of digestion, evacuation and secretion shall bu discharged with that degree of aud vi;or which is eatentUl to tne well being ol both body and mind, the liver, vpon whoa activity tffoy are dependent for their due performance, must be kept in good working or- der. Calomel and blue pills, besides beini; hurt 00 83 For'en C'wise For the Journal. viLLK, N. C, Aug. 25, 1876. The following ticket was nominated to-da- y by the largest Democratic con 1,70 3.193 10 4K5 2,741- - 1,633 friends rushed to him and drew him out of the sight of the crowd. He was informed by them that he must apolo- gize. Vance got up . and stilled the tumult. He said he could not exoner- ate the crowd from blame, but said the language of his competitor was very violent and uncalled for, and he knew he would regret it. Settle then got up and said he had been provoked by interruption!, and had said some harsh things which he would withdraw as to the general 'crowd ; but he made no apology as to the ku-kl- ux present. I can give but a faint idea of his mmner and language, which was the most insulting I ever heard. 1 was amazed at myself getting mixed UP in it; but I never was so excited in jy life. As long as Settle acted any- thing like properly, he was respected; but when he lost his temper and used harsh and violent language, it was gore than the crowd could stand, own friends did not sustain him. What a eight for the white people of Jhis State 1 When he was raving he ooked like he would have (if it had "een. in his power to do so) consigned jach one of us to the Albany peniten- - heli7 Ufe 01 to the eternal fires of tin10011? of our PaPers has done to this thing as yet. It was the worst that could be imagined." of organizing a Tilden ana Vance Club. to a plaof near the stand, and atked a negro what the matter was. He said, ' Da' man lere is a preachin I b'lieve." When "Greasy Sam" had concluded, and after he had managed to get down from bis slightly elevated Judge of Probate and turned over to 00 1,643 Total 80 2,335 ful mineral drage, only partially and temporarily Waddell at Smltnville. Col. vention ever held in Columbus. Per his tender mercies, and the result is ructuy oisoraerH or ttiuggtsaneas of the great biliary gliod. IToetetter'a Stomach Bitters, on SmTHVTJULK, Aug. 30. STOCK FOB CORRESPONDING WEEK LAST the contrary, a cqmplish thorooehly what the that the negro has the boy's property. On motion W J Stewart, Eq. of Carthage was chosen temporary chair- man And the following permanent officers were chosen: . ii.i-..- x , ! President Dr A B Currie . . Editor Joubnai.: Last night the and that the boy Vloves" the negro and court house was crowded to hear Col. position on the stand, his efforts or his ... . YEAR (1875). Cotton Spiiits Rosin Tar Crude 487 8,403 48,114 780 1,050 RECEIPTS FOB SAME. fect harmony prevailed : , For House of Representatives--V- . V. Richardson. For Sheriff K. Haynes. For Treasurer T. S. Memory. For Register of Deeds L - M. PowelL ' hi'a wife and recrards them as his best Waddell speak on political matters. armearance. seemed an ac.once 10 over Vice Presides tsf-- N M Dunlop, W power "Jestiss" Moore and he called for three cheers for ' de gem man who Col. Waddell certainly made a happy speech. He only hai time to touch on the several prominent issues last night. 0 Carrie, J C Monroe, Neill Mclnnis. ' Becretary--D- r J C McKenzie. Cotton "Spirits Roain Tar Crude have iest von. 37 ' 4,171 21,001 2,214 2,816 For Surveyor James A. Thomp above medicines laQ in doing, and are bet-ide- s a safe as well as note n : remedy for disorders of the stomach, towels and organs of urination, as well as an unec sailed g neral invigorant They are, moreover, a sterna antidote to malaria. Banaway or Lost. BAN AWAY from the Subscriber in Maroh two mu'atto children named Susan and John Crumpler. John has one eye tquint. They are legally bound to me. Any informa- tion concern ng their wfc ere about will be lib- erally rewarded. Address me at Clinton, Sampson County.Iil. ept 1-- JAJS . H. TURLINQTvXL hut promised to come down here dur- - And so the play was followed ty the ; Executive Committee N M Dnnlop, William Keith, Dr F, M McKenzie, ' EXPORTS FOB SAME f , ;, . ..... . force, and both were failures. son, ' ; For Coroner A. F. Toon. . r ing the canvass and go into details. It was indeed a great pleasure to listen Neill Mclnnia. John Monroe, Sots Rosin Tar Crude - - friends ! i la it , any wonder that white men hate the Canby Constitution when it permits such outrages ? Is it any wonder that white men look with so mnch repugnance and abhorrence upon Radicalism and its fruits7 when such things as these can occur in a plaoe like this ? Cotton, : A , 00 For'gn 00 2,479 For Commissioners J ohn W. Hall, Mr. W. D. Jones, son of Mr. J. H. to Col. Waddell s eloquence, showing . The constitution for the government of the olub was unanimoiisly' adopted. 6,687 00 5,255 1,336 350 C'wise 23 65 n&awell Porter: Havnes High, J. B. Ularv a nartank f amilinrltv with fill thfl Jones of this city,-- , started yesterday Short and puny speeches were issues. Col. W. spoke for about one I Harrelson, E. D. Meares. for Wake Forest College, where he will Total 23 2,544 11,942 1,336 350 made b vW J Stewart, Esq. Drs A QUSSOBIBKB. Ym. I A hour. remain as a student. o

Transcript of Wilmington journal. (Wilmington, N.C.) 1876-09-01 [p ]....S. P. Hand, Esq, who requested Dr. R. T....

Page 1: Wilmington journal. (Wilmington, N.C.) 1876-09-01 [p ]....S. P. Hand, Esq, who requested Dr. R. T. Handers to act as chairman. Dr. Sanders,, in taking the chair, made a very foroible

'Ike Hadical flat if iciuioa FailureGOOD NEWS!For the Journal. N MThe liadicals met in the market QUOTATIONS FOBB Currie and J O McKenzie,

Dnnlop, Esq, and others.mmxtmw iron ttoclUn-ha- m Ar offtne Town Political Conventio- n- The Conservatives in these town Cotton Spts Rosin

lstdajnoml 281 125last " 29 1 30

Tar1 951 30

Cruds2 052 05Bass Ball, Ac. ships aro thoroughly aroused and wil

Kookingham, the county Beat of bits a gooa report 01 uismselves ontne 7th of November.Richmond county, was laid off into

The news of the nomination of

Jobatio Setmoub on yesterday as the

candijftte of the Democratic party for

cf the State of New YorkGovernor

joy and confidence to everyill carry

honest heart in the country. New

to be numberedno longeryork is now

J. C MoKknzie, 8eo'y.a town on the 16th of July, 1788, by

Buriiuiv Tilde 11, Vance anil Wa4-du- ll

Club.Buroaw, N. C. Aug. 37.

According to previous announcesment a large and enthusiastic crowdassembled at; this ptaee on the 20thinst. for the purpose of forming a Til-den. Vance and Waddell Club and toparticipate in a flg raising.

The meeting was called to order byS. P. Hand, Esq , who requested Dr.R. T. Handers to act as chairman.

Dr. Sanders,, in taking the chair,made a very foroible and impressivespeech of about half an hour, in whichhe urged the people to be np and

jonn uoie ana uenry Wo. Harring-ton, commissioners appointed for thatpurpose. The old deeds in the Regis

square last night to vatisfy the nomi-nations of their party. The Stateticket and the National ticket came infor the largest share of what littlepolitical ;nthusiasm they could stirup, the nominations made yesterday atMagnolia being apparently thought tobt of little consequence.

The meeting was as complete a fail-ure as one wonld see in a life-tim-e ofcampaigning. The highest expectations had been raised in the minds ofthe local Hadical leaders that the bit?

Tlie Outrage on th WSalte HoyJhu Ellis.

I The ilisclo urea made in Sunday'sissue of the Journjld in relation to theoutrage by which an unprotected whiteboy named J.W. Ellis has been subject-ed to the control and management of anegro man for the past nine years, willmost probably be the canse of bring-ing all the fact to light connectedwith this burning shame.

Yesterday morning the youth cameto this office and stated that he was insearch of employment He had pre-viously come to the office on Saturdaynight and made the same statement.Not knowing that he was the identical

ter omee snow tftat about that time WILMINdTON MARKETS

I lie jnairnolla Convention., The Radicals met at Magnolia yes-

terday and went through the face ofnominating a candidate for Congressfor the Third Congressional District,and also an Elector on the Presidentialticket.

I W.P. Ganaday was chosen withoutopposition as candidate for Congress,and Neill McKay of Harnett as thecandidate for Elector.

We learn that Magnolia was crowd-ed full, to its utmost holding capacity,with negroes from all directions. ARepublican tells us that there were notlese than six thousand of them. He saythe number might safely be estimatedanywhere in the neighborhood ofseven thousand. In fact it was the

all the deeds for land were simed bvthe douDtim... ? At Aamong Richard Caswell, first Governor of the Thursday, Aug. 243 P. M.her position 111 meirouinnce takes 536 under the Constitution, and uu i x UTi Market firm. Sales of 45rftnk of those about whose allegiance bales at 11 J cents per lb. The followinglead us to believe that the country

was but sparoely settled. It had c iub ouicuu quoutuons:IS LOto the Democratic party mere formerly been included in the large wrumary centsdoing; that now was the time to

exert every effort in' the cause ofcarrii the,-- The man who county 01 Anson. uooa urdinarv 101

Democracy; that the- - Republicanwhen at Rockingham is now just eigthy-eig- htHtotA ncainst Grant Low Midddling 11(5115Middling lir- hainnt ill 1 1 1 n

years old. It contains 9 dry --goodsstores, 2 drug stores, 2 hotels, 2 news

guns of the party who would attendwould draw together an unusuallylarge and enthusiastic crowd of negrovoters. In this they were totally dis

party now stood like an invertedpyrauid, only waiting for the slightinterruption in the equilibrium of the

Quotations conform to the classificationJohn Ellis whose history we had heard of the American Cotton Exrhangeof aThe

tile TCXJr iacife"- - .nlarity, need not fear the result

,f Qaf with anv other opponent.paper omee, 2 cotton factories, 1 tinand whom we had for some daysben 3 P1RITS TURPENTINE Official quo--atmosphere to destroy its gravitation shop, 3 churches, 2 schools, 4 preachanxious to see. we told him to call taions : .Market quiet and steady at 26glorious atul victory era, 4 doctors, 4 lawyers, 6 grog-sho- psand tnat now, in tnis campaign, was

the time to strike the death blow to cents per gallon. Sales of 850 casks at 26again on Monday morning, when theappointed. Not only was the crowdemail, but it was entirely without thfapparent enthusiasm which has here

ana 1 barber snop, about iXXJ innabtv cents.gentleman who has control of the bus

biggest mass of hilarious, bellowing,sweating darkies that was ever as-

sembled in old Duplin. There wasbut little difficulty in the convention's

t&nts, a noisy flock of goats, and quite

ARRIVED.Schr Willlo Luce, 133 tons, Spear, Cam-

den, Me, 15 days, 13 bbls lime to Worth AWorth.Br bark Petcheiee, 356 tons, Burns

Pernambuco, Brazil, 28 days, Vick AMebane.Schr Spring Bird, 176 tons, Hassell. Bos-

ton, 18 days, G G Barker & Oo.Steamship Raleigb, Oliver, Baltimore

A D Cazaux.Nor bark St. Olaf, 280 tons. Hassell.Hull, 56 days, R E Heide.Br bark Roberto, 478 tons, Gould, Lon-

donderry, 20 days, WiffianisiMurchisoB.Br barquentine Emma Crook, 296 tons,

bane' Londonderryi 44 day Vick fc Me--Nor brig Typhoon, 202 tons, Thomaaan,Rio Janeiro. 43 days, R E Heide.AchrJesse Hart, 2nd, Keen, Bath, Maine,J H Chadbsurn & Co.

CLEARED.ADffi5iLD J .ore.

Bamtimork --S eamship D J Fole v759 bbls rosin, 409 do tar, 110 casks sniriUturpentine, 40 bbls pitch, 25 cases tar 768bags peanuts, 45 bales sheeting, 5 do do-mestics, 29 bdls paper. 23 pkgs metaL 3cases mdse, 13 empty ale kegs, 4 pkgaherbs, 17 pkgs dried fruit, 2 bags feathers,2 pks wax, 4 bdls mattresses, 160.000shingles, 28,616 feet lumber.

Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York.Schr Mary, Davis, Tyrrell county.

DeRosset & Co.

Sf Adda, Fomnans, Tyrrell county.B F Mitchell & Son.

certain. .

.r l r J NI It t K - K ROSIN Official quotations : Marketthat party which had devastated ourwhole Southern country. They wereequal to the task, and let it not be quiet at $1 12 1 for strained and $1 J 5 foriness department of the office would

z H 1 1a 4 it iN.siiirs tofore been exhibited at such Radicalmeetings by loud and boisterous de

a number of straggling nogs andcows. By far the noisiest andmost impudent of all the inhabi

good strained. No sales reporteduo iu huu wouia give nim tsn answer said that the Democrats of Pender rechoosing its own nominee for Con TAR Official quotations: Market steadyat $1 30 per bbl. Sales of 169 bbls at$l 30

as to employment. He accordinglyto lay ln' monstrations. tants is a noted billy-go- at who is conIt gives us no pleiwure gross. The mountains did not labor laxed an effort or lost an opportunityof advancing the cause of true Demo-cratic principles, until on the 7th of

rt'tritril to A stand for the speakers and officets and 50 bbls (in order) at $1 40.oame the second time as stated.TA ; . 1 , . ... long before the Kdiculons mouse ran tinually displaying his antics and

odoriferous ugliness in the streets, toonr readers the Mi L

Judge Settle's outran conduct at had been elected at the head of the November, the sun had hidden herurmg lue conversation wnicn we

had with him, and while answering our the great annoyance of tha ladies andout.Judge Settle spoke, and so did Col,We veutim to market house two days previously. At

unuoii iuurjH aunh. umciai quo-tations; Market quiet at $1 for bard and$1 60 for soft and virgin. Sales of 220bbls at quotations and 340 do at $1 65 for

, t week visitors who come into the businessIOIl?HUl golden rays behind the hills of theWestern horizou. The officers of thequestions, his manner created the imono of its corners a United States flagU ., . 1, ., pzhiliiliou was never part of the town.Dockery. Judge Albertson and Judgepression that he was afraid to state allwas unfurled, aud around it was ar. I arrived-- here on last Friday just inby candidate for tinhf.ro made any club are as follows, viz:

President George F Jordan.sost and virgin.

Friday, Aug. 25.the facta connected with his history. time to witness a game of base ballranged a number of barrels of rosin,ni of Governor in North Car Vice Presidents Dr R T Sanders, COTTON No official quotations. Salesbetween the Monroe and RockinghamIn reply to the question had heina and we trust will never be ugain of 10 bales at from 19 to 11$ cents onclubs, lne weather was very warmseen the article in the Journal of theand tar. All of the great lights of theparty had been invited and were ex-

pected to be present. Placards andbasis of lit cents for middling.n m no excuse that Judge Settle lost

W .Bordeaux and L Uaud.Treasurer J T Collins.Secretary R N Blood wortji.

and the base ball gfound, t:ie AcadeSPIRITS TURPENTINE Official quo.my green, was warm. The gamebis teropt-- r and spoke and acted on the day before concerning his relations to

Joseph C. Hill, he replied that Hill tations: Market steady at 2t cents per galWorking Committee P H Hand, W

Watts (Greasy Sam) also put in anappearance.

A certain Republican Revenue Collector, whose lettar the other dayfell into the hands of Mr. ThomasH. Smith, because the clerk thatdirected it put the letter "H" for themiddle initial of the name, instead ofthe letter"M.," was giving a Democratlast evening after the arrival of the

lasted till abo.it 2 o'clock, when the..oi-- if the moment ana in the tieat lon, aales 01 35U casks at 204 cents.10) H flayer, W .Bordeaux, W M Hand.itut-1 - . , - IT. I 1 . .. ..... -- 1 - I Monroe Olub came out victorious.had read the article to liini on Sunday ROSIN Official quotations : Market).iBsion. It lie is Jiaom io miicu wuu- -W J Hand, T J Bradshaw. On Friday 1 learned that the Demoot Y

runners had been sent over the coun-try, and the small politicians of theparty had talked themselves hoarsefor days prior to the meeting, trying

quiet at $1 12J for strained and $1 15 fornight- - He said that Hill, after read Our young countryman, Mr. Bruce Hydecrats held one of the largest and most Schr Aome G Midyett, Lewis,eonnty, B F Mitchell & Son.good strained, bales of 120 bbls straineding the article to him, asked him if Williams, who was present by invita enthusiastic conventions ever held in at $1 12 and 150 bbls at$2a$2 25 for No,

and e tra No. 1 and $2 75 lor pale.tion, was introduced, and held the

iiunn-- um - ir. i j.-p.-jn

jeu aU( ungovnihe certainly is not tin

man for the people of North Car-oli- aa

to choose for the r ruler.the county. Many old men, who hadany of it was true, and that he had Schr Julia Selden, Ballance, ElizabethCity, B F Mitchell & itu.

Nor brig Mir a. Stoar. Rotterdam u vaudience spell-boun- d for nearly an taken no interest in politics for years. TAR Official quotations: Mai ket steadytold Hill that none of it was true. He

so stir the negroes up to the import-ance of coming out IftBt night to ratify.But somehow the thing failed, and the

nour in one 01 tne most impressive were out to sekct a straight-ou- t Dem at $1 30 per bbl. Sales of 355 bbls. at quothen said to us that the statements in and stimog speeches that it has beenis this true when it is re ocrat ticket. tations and bd bbis (in order) at $1 40train an account of the immensity ofthe gathering. This Collector of theRevenue . could scarcely describe the

Heide, cargo by Williams & Murchiaou.Schr J; H Stickney, Forks, Mayagues.

Porto Rico, E-- Kidder fc Sons.the Joubnaxi were untrue ; that Hill the good fortune of your correspon per bbl.xae following nomiaations weredent to listen to in this campaign ; in made on first ballot: CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quo Schr Albert Mason. Rosa. Nw vrirdeed, it was a masterly effort for one tations : Market quiet at $1 for hard, ' 'Harriss.For the. House of Representativescrowd, it was so immense. The dem-

ocrat innocentlv asked the Question :

had never whipped him ; that he,Ellis, had never done menial servicefor Hill and tliat he had never nursed

meeting fell flat on the hands of itspromoter-- . All the "great lights"were on hand, and spoke, but eventhey and their speeches fell flat, one ofthem almost literally.

so young and so recently embarked $1 05 for soft and $1 65 for virgin, t'ales Schr Sydney C Tvler. Shaw. Ptiilfoi.liobert t Johnson. q.

membered how large a share of uncoutrolabie power he claims even in hiscooler momenta to belong to the Gove-

rnor. No man's liberty will be safein the hands of a Governor claimingsuch vtist powers and subject to tits

of 1,043 bbls at quotations.in public life. He left no stone un phia. Harriss & Howell."Smith were there any negroes there?" i?'or Bberifl 1 C MoFaydan.Hill's ohildren. turned. He commenced by alluding For Register of Deeds Parks Saturday, August 26.

COTTON No official quotations. NoTT j . . to the proposed amendments to the Chappel.ne siatea mat tns motner aieu on aJudge liusuell presided, and intro-- sales reported.The question struck the Revenue manas being so supremely superfluousthat his under jaw dropped as he re

constitution, and the effect they wouldhave in relieving our people from theSaturday, and that on the Monday For Treasurer John W Cole, Esq.

For County Commissioners J Hof Buch ungovernable rage as Judge SPIRITS TURPENTINE Offical quoEXPOBTS.

COASTWISE.New Yobk Seamshin Pflilatnr ot

dnc d the speakers. First on the pro-gramme was the Hon. Thomas H. tations : Market steady at 26 cents perfollowing Hill took him down to heavy burden of taxation under which Ayoocke, L T Everett. M D McNeill.plied: "Yes, a few."Settle has shown himself to be lia

ble to.gallon, bales ot 40 casks at quotationsMajor Mann's ' office, who was then they are writhing. He next referred James Mcintosh and R Bowden. and 110 casks (city distilled) at 26 J cents. bales cotton, 350 casks spirits turpentine,

717 bbls tar. 2.100 do roain. 37K nkto the constitution as it now stands. For County Surveyor W W Gra--Judge of Probate, and that Major KUblJS Official quotations : MarketHarnett Township Democrats.At a meeting of the Democrats of

The following graphic acconut oT

Fmlcrfl Settle's maniacal conduct at showing how powerless our Legisla nam. dull at$l 12 J for strained and $1 15 for shooks, 12 bjdes sheeting, 8 pkgs paper, 5Mauu placed him under Hill's control. ture has been in the past, fettered by Mr. Johnson, the candidate for the good strained. No sales r p rted. Daies warp, 43 pkgs. 4 bales vim. 15Harnett township, on SaturJay, the

Settle, the Jupiter Tonans of hisparty and Republican candidate forGovernor. Many Democrats werepiesent, being drawn out by curiosityto hear this man of whom the Radiealparty had for years so proudly boast

onehboro we print by permission some of its unwise and oppressive re TAR Official quotations: Market steadyHe was then asked to explain whathe meant by being placed under Hill's

bushels peanuts.New Yokk Schr Albert Mason 2 99quirements, and 'the gn at power for at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotations.

Legislature, is a young lawyer of in-telligence and promise, and was astudent of our State University, whenit was broken up in 1868 by the resig

26th inst., at Humphrey's, CharlesFntch was appointed chairman, andH. Shepard secretary.

bbls rosin.URULIE TURPENTINE Officialcontrol, to which he replied that he good it will nave in tue future if tueproposed amendments should be Philadelphia Schr Svdnev n Tvir.meant that Hill had charge of himed. Fifteen minutes of his sneech

quotations: Market firm at $1 for hard,$1 65 for soft and $1 65 for virgin. Salesat quotations.

adopted, thus imposing a check to the 21 tons old iron, 333,625 shingles, 6,260bolts, 36,513 feet lumber.The chairman stated the object of nation of all the members of the old

faculty on account of the interferenceA.

was enough to satisfy most of them. the meeting to be the election of athat Major Mann told Hill he must doa good part by him. He afterwardsdenied that Hill had ever exercised

They quietly wended their way home Monday, August 28.COTTON Market quiet. Sales of 2

FOREIGN.Rotterdam Nor brie Mir 5fta

of the Legislature in its managementThe other candidates are said to bemen of undoubted integrity and pop--

county committeeman for the town-ship. Capt. Lewis Pearce was elected.

with a feeling of disappointment not bbls rosin.bales at 10 cents and 1 bale (new crop)at 12 cents. The following are the officialunmixed with a degree of nitv. For MARAG UKS Schr J IT SticknAtr ISO.As only a limited notice of the meeting

from a private letter to a gentleman inthis city.

There are bounds of propriety be-

yond which no man occupying the po-

sition .Judge Settle occupies before thepaople of North Carolina can passwith impunity. Judge Settle has pannedfar beyond those bounds and must nowprepare to pay the penalty that thepeople will not be slow to inflict

Toe gentlemen whose letter weprint can be implicitly relied on foraccuracy of his scatements. " Writingfrom Fayetteville under date of 28thAugust he says:

"Thinking you would like to hear

quotations : 630 feet lumber and 80,600 shingles.alarijy, and the ticket as a whole isregarded as about the strongest thatthe party coutd put forth. Visitor.had been given it was considered ad

how low soever was the estimate theyhad placed upon the man as a judge, Ordinary 00 cent

Good Ordinary .. . . . 9 "visable to postpone the organization of Rockiugham, N. C, Aug. 28, 1876. Liow Middling 104and as a man, they labored un-

der the impression that he ata Tilden and Vance Club until Satur-day, September 9th. The Democrats

Middling. 11 JGood Middling 00Tilden and Vance Club at Lock--

least had some speaking abiities. wood's Folly.

Wholesale Prices List.CORRECTED WEEKLY.

& These quotations apply to whole-sal- eprices. In filling smaller orders,higher figures (as a rule) will be

charged. August, 31st, 1876.

Quotati ns conform to the classificationand Conservatives of the township arerequested to meet at Humphrey's on Lookwood's FoniiY Bridgb, N. G.,J of the American Cotton Exchange.This disappointment was apparent

SPIRITS TURPENTINE. fficial quoAugust 18, 1876. S

tations: Market firm at 27 cents ner gallon.throughout the assembly. Even thenegroes expressed it. They listened, Mr. Epttor: The ' ConservativesSaturday, September the 9th, at 2

p. m., for this purpose.

squandering of the people s money.Next in order was Dr. W. T. En-ne- tt,

who, in his usual earnest mannerreferred at considerable length to thecivil rights bill ; showed the inconsist-ency of the Radical party in trying tododge it; they could not stand it; afire -- brand was" preferable any time toit. If you wish to see them riggle andsquirm, mention civil rights. Dr. En:nett closed with a very ardent appealto the club to work zealously, andstrive to increase to the. maximum bymoderation and prndeuoe. It is un-necessary here to say more of Dr. En-ne- tt;

all who know him can locate hima Democrat of the Joe Engelhard

stripe, who never fails to put in hisappearance when there is a chance tosay or do anything to promote the in-

terests of the Democratic party.Mr. T. J. Armstrong, president of the

Rocky Point club, being present, wascalled for, and after begging to be ex-

cused on the ground thatjthe previousspeakers had taken up all the ground,and so successfully explained the issuesof the campaign that he was at a lossto know where to begin, made a few

Sales of 325 casks at quotations.and Democrats organized to-da- y at ARTICLES.ROSIN--Offici- al Quotations : Market PBICES.Pigott's Store a Tilden aud VanceThe meeting was addressed bybut it was with that kind of attentionwhich said that "the Judge would get firm at $1 121 for strained and $1 15 for APPLJC8-- pr barrel. 36iClub, adopted a constitution which

was signed by sixty, and elected the 9 14uomiliiilO. . ........ 13 URiimu v-.- v. iigood strained. Sales of 500 bbls goodstrained at $1 15.

Messrs. J. I. Macks' and Joseph N.Hinton.to the good part of his speech pres

following officers:ently." TAR Official quotations : Market quiet Hams.Vlh 14Bhouldera. $f lb. ioSides, V 12at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotatians.President Joseph Standard.

Vice - Presidents Elisha Sellers.When Judge Settle was a young CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quoBladen County.The Democratic Conservative Nomman ho was thought to be vain of his Jesse Lancaster, A. S. White.

western smoked,Hams, tt. it aShoulders, y tb SK$Sides.......... 11 vtaDry Salted






tations : Market quiet at $1 tor hard,$1 65 for soft aud $1 65 for virgin. Salesat quotations .

Secretary J. P. Ballard.Oorrespouding Secretary James

inating Convention will meet Saturday,September 9th, in Elizabethtown.

personal appearance. His physiqueand features no doubt continually fed Sides V n

Shoulders. V TbHenry Addix. Tuesday, August 29.COTTON Market quiet. Sales of 9this innocent vanity. In one, part of

his physiognomy, however, he was

any control over him.When led to speak of the question

of race and color, he said that hethought there was no difference be-

tween a white man and a negro, exceptthat the negro had a black skin; thatHill's being black made no differenceto him; that he had as soon live withHill as with a white man. In thecourse of the conversation he retractedall this.

He further stated that he didnot desire to leave Hill, thatthe only thing in connection withthe matter . that now troubledhim was the fact that Hill had toldhim on Sunday night that he wantedto give up the house, and that he,Ellis, did not know what to do with it.

He afterwards took this back, andsaid that he intended to send for hiscousin to come and take charge of hishouse, and that be did not want tostay any longer with Hill. The onlytime he Bhowed any feeling was whenretracting the views he had expressedas to the equality of white and blaekmen. He further stated that Maj.Mann was his guardian up to the timethat Maj. Mann went out of office, andthat during that time Hill paid rent toMj. Mann, aud Maj. Maun gave himsome money. He further saidthat since Maj. Maun left, Hill had paidrent to no one. He siid that Hillbought all his clothes for him, andgave him money when he wanted it.

bEE-F-On the Hoof

BARRELS Snir'u Tur ixmtlnn

C. C. Lyon, Ch'm Ex. Com.C. O. Merat, Secretary.Star please copy.

8 9bales at 10 cents per lb. The following arethe official quotations:Democratic County Convention.

Pursuant to a call of the County Exalways deficient; this was his breadth OrdinaryGood Ordinary 9iof forehead; and of this defect Mr. very appropriate remarks, which wereti reat Entbustagin in Onslow

ecutive Committee, the citizens ofBrunswick county met in conventionat the court house in Smithville on



a i 76

aioo0 2 00(4 30

1 001 00

04 so

liow Middling 104

Second Hand, naoh l soNew York, each 175New City, each 1 inBEESWA- X- a siBRICKS Wllminaton, M .. 6 00Northern, y M. 12

CANDLES Sperm, V tb 25Adamantine. yj lb g

Middling llGood Middling . .

ITlaj or TTIcOla.ininv'8 Address.Snkad's Ferry. N. C, Aug. 24.

Mr. Editor: This has been a brigh1

to the point and well received.The meeting then closed amid scenes

of the wildest enthusiasm, withthree cheers for Tilden, Vance anaWaddell. B.

Monday, August 28th.CDls TcaiioH vv cbo vodlv3 Vv OuuuM4ia cuunnu tu lAjvj vJaaaiucailOn

Settle was always painfully aware. Hedid all ho could to aid deficientnature- - at least so far as the outsideappearanoe would go, by his peculiarstyle of reaching his hair. The

of the American Cotton Exchange.by Dr. Curtis, chairman of the execu-tive committee. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Official quo

and gleeful day for the party of re-form in Onslow and Pender counties.Dospite the inclemency of the weather

(Nortnrn rac't tb 12 K aDairy cream, V lbtations : Market firm at 27 cents perCol. John D. Taylor was electedFor the Journal.

gallon. Sales of 100 casks at 27 J cents

something from the Vance speaking atJonesboro, I will write you ray ns,

of that occasion.We left here in the morning:, arrivi-

ng at Jonesboro with about 500 ormore aboard our train. The wholeface of the earth was alive with whitemen! We formed into procession andmarched to Vance's headquarters. Imppose there were not less than 2,500or 3,000 of us. Our flags were flyingand our band was playing, and theshouts of the multitude was emphas-ized by the booming of our two cannon. When we had passed on to thestand Judge Settle's crowd came up.His procession was headed byon horseback, then came a carriagecontaining and wife; also Settleand Douglas. This was followed bysixteen men mounted, and they byabout 200 negroes (men, women andchildren.) Settle opened the debatewith an hour and a half speech, liewent over the war and all the deadpast. There was nothing special inhis speech except the entire avoidanceof mention of present issues. Vaucefollowed, and I think used up Settle.His speech was a fine effort. Thecrowd was quiet and respectful to Sett-le, listening with attention, but theywent wild with enthusiasm as soon asVance got up. Before Vance con-cluded a terrible rain scattered thecrowd. I thought this ended the dis-cussion, but Settle demanded a reply.I went up to George Cole's houseand was seated there, about an hourafter the raiu Lad ceased, talking withGeneral Cox. We heard some cheeringand he proposed to walk down into thevillage and see if the speaking hadbeen resumed. I agreed and we walk-ed down together. When we got in



XU ....... ........... U IACOFFEE, ,fftTa, 9 lb 86 aTilden and Vance Club at Abbotts permanent president of the convention,

and on taking the chair, stated theroach still sticks up to relievethe appearance of the narrow fore and J;0 casks at 27 cents per gallon, the Kio. V tt 19 M

a large and enthusiastic assemblage ofcitizens was present to wituess theunfurling of a Tilden and Vance ban

burs'.A Tilden and Vance Club was form market closing steady at the last figures.business of the meeting, and afterhead, but as he stood last ROSIN Orhcial quotations : Market



ed at Abbottsburg, N. C, to-d- ay (Au a spirited appeal to his fellow-citizen- s

to do their whole duty in the coming quiet and quiet at $1 12 for strainedner from a pole one hundred feet inheight under the auspices of the

CORN MEJqi bushelCOTTON TTES-- V tbDOMESTICS Sheet 'g 4 4? y'd

PrintsYarn, V buncJ:

night before his dusky audience, withhis neatly fitting black coat buttoned

m - 1 J

gust 26th), numbering about fifty, andthe following officers elected: and $1 15 for good strained. Sales of 60

bbls F at $1 40 per bbl and 56 do H at I1 0085 (4

election, declared the conventionorganized by appointing J. H. dem-ons and W. H. Mercer secretaries.

over ms maniy icrm, one migntStump Sound club. The erection ofthe pole was superintended by Messrs.Yopp, Willis and King, while the ban

12 14$1 65 per bbl and 65 do pale at $2 75.President J. H. Thompson.Vice Presidents I. H. Smith, J. R. 16 00have seen written beneath the careful TAR Official quotations: Market steady aot ooThe candidates were nominated asBradshaw, R. J. McEweu, Z. G. at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotations.ner, bearing the names of Tilden.

follows: CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quoVance, Hendricks and JaTvis in red Thompson.ly preserved roach, in characterslarger than the narrow space couldwell contain, the one word FAILURE.

For General Assembly David S.and blui letters on a white field, was tations: Market quiet at $1 for hard, $1 65for scfi. and $1 65 for virgin. Sales atCowan.the most beautiful we have seen. It

Secretary J. S. Gain.Corresponding Secretary Jno.Nutt.A working committee of six was ap For County Commissioners Franciswas the old flag in the hands of theThis one word was not only to be

011 500 t 00(4 8 25A 0 0001 8 00

0 6 15(3 (00d so0 8 600 0 00a T6

0 T 759 8 75

M. Moore, John D. Taylor, JosephThe youth was told that if he wanted pointed consisting of the following. . .t 1- - 1-- T

Wednesday, Aug. 3G.J3COTTON Market steady. Sales of 1seen written on Judge Settle's fore old party which achieved for itself a

history so glorious that not evento make any corrections as to the state Stanaland, Wm. H. Stone, W. ScottMilikin.head, but it rang out in every sen gentlemen: . u. ueman, xv. kj. Jor-

dan, J. W. McLoud, Peter McKee, R.C. Thompson and W. T. Gooden. Eor Register of Deeds M. 0. Guthtence that he uttered, and there was ments contained in the Journal that

he should have the privilege of doing

FISH Mackerel, Ne. 1, y bbl 10 00No. I Maokertl, T$ vf bbi.. 8 00Mackerel. No. a, bbl .... 11 00No. 8, V if bbl s 00Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl. . . . 8 00Mallets, y bbi oooDry Cod, V lb by bbl T

FLOOR Fine, y bbl 4 85Super Northern, y bbl 0 20Kua do. - v bbl.... 6 SOFamily y bbl 1 60City Mills Suixr, V bbl.... 6 60

ExUa, ybbL... 6 60" Family bbl.... 7 60Ex Family bbl. ... 8 00

FERTILIZERSPerurlan Quano.V 2,000 lbs 68 00NaTassa Ouaiio. " " 60 00

Do AcidPhos, " SI 00" Xobaa Fert, " " 60 00Stono M " " 46 00Wbann's Phoxihace " " 43 00Soluble Pacific " " 46 008 tar Phospha te " " 45 00

aiiUK v ib .' ioGRAIN Corn, in ic-ks,- 70

Corn, in bulk, VMibi eoOats, V bushel 00

a record the most infamous to befound among civilized governments,continuing through a decade of I hgUtand ruin could extinguish or darken


bale at 10 cents and 3 bales at 11 cents.The following are the official quotations:Ordinary cents.Good Ordinary 9 "Low Middling 10i "

Mr. John Nutt, Jr., made a goodHe replied that he did not wantso little speech for us, after which the

not a Democrat who heard him thatdid not turn away with the satisfactionof knowing that he could give Gov. it ; and the strong hands and braveto have anything to say about it, that meetincr was called to order by I. H.

For Sheriff Rufus Galloway.For Treasurer Dr. F. W. Potter.For County Surveyor W. W. Drew.For Coroner Julius W. Taylor.Delegates were appointed to a Sena

Middling 11 "Hill said he was going to reply to the hearts that looked to-d- ay with exuber-ant gladness upon its proud foldsVance no trouble, neither in debate Good Middling

article through the calumns of the Star.Smith for the purpose oj selecting del-gat- es

to the County Democratic Con-vention and to the Senatorial Conven-tion also, resulting as follows:

nor at the polls in November.

000 00055 00036 00065 00053 00

65 0090 00

065 00

0 15

0 750 62

0 60

Quotations conform to the classificationLate last evening he brought to thisfloating over the green forests andsunny fields of this beautiful land re-gistered a patriotic vow that in the of t he American Cotton Exchange.W. P. Ganaday, the Magnolia

nominee for Congress, was next intro . Delegates to County Convention ri . SPIRITS TURPENTINE Official quo

torial Convention to nominate a candi-date for Senator for Brunswick andBladen as follows: Salter Lloyd, Dr.Lucas, J H Melvin. A W Reiger, A VGoodman, Jacob A Evans, W W Mc

redemption of our country from the G. McKee, Z. G. Thompson, N. G.tations : Market steady at 27 i cents perduced, and when he rose everybody

office the following card with the re-

quest that it be published this morn-

ing. The handwriting in the body ofthe card is different from that of the

Lemon, I. H. Smith, J. H. Thompson feas, cow, y basbel ,.HAY Eastern rr cwt

of its thraldom its future shouldgaze in glorious achievements with itssplendors past.

and R. W. McE win-- 870 SO10 ft 1 M)

gallon. Sales of 100 casks at 27$ cents,market closing firm at these figures. North Klrer 80Raokan, Absolam Ward, Henry T

Williams, Wallace Styron, Franklin 0 OO

7Delegates to Senatorial ConventionJohn Nutt, Jr., and S. B. Thomp 0The club has enrolled the name ofsignature: ROSIN Official quotations : Market 6


Galloway, R W MoKethan. PeterHIDES Green, y ft...,


This is to certify that the article son. too010 00

steady at $1 12 for strained and $1 15 forRourk, J 11 Mmtz, Jabish Frmk, IS 6 00which appeared in the Sunday s Jour- -

Lewis Butler, W Scott Milikin, John good strained. No sales reported. HOOr PULES Uvssed, per ban. 70 ! AS1 00

every white votrin the township saveone, and he, like the prodigal, havingspent his substance in riotous living,begins to long for the banished sweetsof decent and honest companionship

JUNIPER BOLVri. V M..nai, of August ZYtn, is uueriy ...918 OOQSSO 00

The meeting then adjournedJ. H. Thompson, Chairman.

J. S. Cain. Secretary.We are stronger iu Bladen than we

W King. TAR Official quotations: Market firm LARD-- --Northert. B tb 13 140untrue, which refers to J. J. mil, wno It was suggested that tne chairman at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotations. 1X101 60has ever been my best friend for tue 00

Nonh Caroltn. tt.LIME-- M bbl...LUMltKR City Ml lamHawed

sight of Settle we were struck by thecharge in the man. He seemed to belivid with rage. He was shouting atthe top of his voice and was gesticul-ating most vehemently. The firstwords I understood were "You Demoscrata make a terrible howl over thesuspension of the writ of Habeas Cor-pus; but do you know what "corpus"means ? It means a body. And thereis one suspension of the corpus thatdoes not offend yon. You will take arope and tie a negro to one end andsuspend his corpus to a limb of a tree,and you will not howl over that !"Thm pointing to Vance "He will saynothing to condemn that !" This wassaid in great excitement and with themost inflammatory manner. I was ut'-terl-y

amazed and was not surprisedwhen the crowd generally gave loudevidence of their disapprobation. Thischanged him into a demon incarnate,and he commenced to pour upon thecrowd the most indecent imprecations.

CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quohave been for ten years past. Cpast nine years. I am now nearly The fair daughters of this and cn-iguo- us

townships graced with theirof the meeting arrange the hour andplaoe for holding the senatorial con-vention with the chairman of the exec

tations : Market quiet at $1 for hard,twenty-on- e years old will be in .No$1 05 for soft and virgin. Sales atpresence tnis most pieasureaoie ocvember next. lie has always oeen utive committee of Bladen, and that

kind to me. He never whipped me inFor the Journal.

Abrottsburo, N. C, Aug. 28.Mr. Editor: I ask the favor

casion, and heightened thezeal and in-

creased the enthusiasm which seemed when decided upon he notify the Thursday, August 31 3 P. M.COTTON No official quotations. Salesaforesaid delegates. The chairmaneven before at their flood. designated - the -- second Thursday in

his life, nor allowed the same to bedone, nor asked me to do houseworkof any kind. What I done was of myown free will. The schools he sent

of 4 hales (strictly low middling) at 10?After the banner had been given tocents.

021 00018 00

020 00M20 00

000 000 400 450 25

too4 25

251 25

0 900 IS

Sbrptflatr, rot i wed, M it 10 00Rough Edge I'l ink, y M ft 17 00Wen India Ct joes, accord-

ing to qualil , y M ft.... 14 00Pre ad Floor u g, seasoned 20 00Scaal lin g and I loards, com

mo a. y H II 18 00MOLAKtlfcs cat a,hhgs,Vgal 39

Ouba, Mh,' gal 378 agar llmee, I hgs, y gal . . si" " bla,gal.. 28Syrup, bbli, V gal 40

NAILS CH,4at20,y keg.. 3 50OILS Kero leiie, 'jl gal 22

Lsrd y fal.. 120Lfcisesd. y et--i 80RcelOiVgal 14

PKAXTS --y I. hel l 20POTATOE- S- Sr. et, y bushel 80

SPIRITS T URPENTINE OfficialSeptember,- - at Robeson station, on theCarolina Central railway, for saidmeeting, subject to the approval ofme to was Mrs. Bradley's and The

Oxford Orphan Asylum, which I at quotations: Market steady at 27 cents pergallon. Sales of 350 casks at 27 i ents.

the breeze Mr. Hill E. King, one ofthe vice presidents, in a very appro-priate address introduced to the au-dience Major O. W. McCIammy, theonly one of the invited speakers

through your valuable and widely cir-culated paper of making a suggestionin regard to our candidate for memberof the General Assembly from Bladen.There are several estimable gentlemenspoken of, such as Robert J. McEwen,Esq. Mr. N. A. Stedman, C. C. Lyon,and Maior T. D. Love. Jr who are

Bladen.ROSIN Official quotations: MarketThe chairman of the meeting was steady at $1 12i for strained and $1 15 for

good strained. No sales reported.This most eloquent gentleman withHe called us "fiends of hell," "hounds

of hell," "jackasses," "hired mob," 1AR Official quotations; Market firm 1 00popular in their various localities, but at $1 30 per bbl. Sales at quotations. SI 00

instructed to nominate the ExecutiveCommittee for the ensuing year andto nominate himself as one of thenumber ; and in compliance with suchinstructions, the following gentlemenwere appointed by the chair :

the people of Jirown Marsnf wnere xar. . Tiorixici , f DDI...an enviable record as scholar, soldierand patriot, under the glowing influ-ences of the horn surpassed himself.

CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quo"ku klux," &c. At this point I boiledover. I hadn't been there five min-utes, but I got so excited that I

FORK-North- ern Mr Mess.... 22 M 0Thin, V bbl 00 00 MOO 00Clark resides), Abbottsburg and Blad-en boro townships alljdemand the nom

thought he was about to deliver him-self of a speech. Many were curiousto know what he could do in that line,but he quickly disappointed theircurious expectations by saying "I amtoo well known among you to attemptto make you a speech."

Next came "Ike" Young the ubi-quitous Revenue officer who has un-

dertaken to beat the bushes in theRaleigh District with the vain hope ofbeating the Hon. Joseph J. Davis forCongress. "Ike" made much the bestspeech of the occasion but its chiefcharacteristic was its impuder.ee. De-prive his speech of this one feature,aud there would be nothing left of it.In addition to making this featureprominent, he seemed to be perfectlysatisfied with getting up an occasionallaugh among the "niggers" as becalled them.

Next came Judge Albertson who,after consuming three quarters of anhour in discussing the ConstitutionalAmendment, took his seat, greatly tothe relief of even the negroes.

Then came Judge Watts "GreasySam.'" We believe it was this emi-

nent jurist's first appearance in Wil-

mington, and he seemed to feel that itwas incumbent upon him to exhibit hisasinine ears in their full proportions.In this he sncceeded magnificentlyso well, indeed, that Wilmingron cannow rest contented until the next visitof old John Robinson. liverybodysaid that something was the matterwith the Judge Iu order to as-

certain what it was, we elbowed

tations: Market firm at $1 for hard and$1 65 for soft and virgin. Sales atFor graceful oratory, for profundity rrime.bbi 20 00 (400 00Rump. V k blination of Jno. H. UlarJc, Uisq,, of .21 00 A00 08Dr, W. G. Curtis, Chairman; JJavidof argument, for brilliancy of rhetoricmounted, the steps right under him

and said as loud as I could, "Any Clarkton. This partiality for Mr. Clark S. Cowan. John D. Taylor, M. C.Guthrie, Franklin Galloway, J.' H.man who will soeak, of this assemb WEEKLY STATEMENTI ought to say, is not by any meansMonts, W. Scott Milhken, Executive STOCK OF COTTON AND NAVAL STOrESlage composed of the best people in

six counties of North Caroliua, as Committee. '

X0 60 1 00

2J2 0 2ft

15 0 1616 & 1 0080 a 0000 (4 OS85 9 809 0 00X0

canfined to these townships, but isequally strong in all the townsnipssouth of the Cape Fear, where Mr.Clark is best known; and indeed among

'Hounds of Hell ' does not deserve to In yard and afloat at the Po t jof Wi-lmington, N. C-- , August 28, 1S7C:Mr. Cowan having been loudly

RICK Carolita. y tbRough, y biuae!

RAGS Country, y lbCity, ft

ROP- E-SALT Alum, y bochel

Lisbon .Liverpool, y sackAmerican, y sack

SUGAR Ouba, y ftPorto Rico, y mA Coffee, y ftB - ynC " Wft

be listened to." Settle retorted very called for, responded in a very felici -Cotton in yard 187 bales.violpnr.lv r "if wo were ku-Klu- x we all thinking men air over the county

there is a desire for his nomination.were hounds of hell!" A great shout afloat 0OTotal 187 "

tons speech, accepting thv nominationand calling upon all good citizens torally arouod the bam er of reform andcarry it gloriously on to victory.

This ceneral demand for Mr. Clarkwas raised and ;ievtral of Settle aSpirits Turpentine In yar.l... 7,948 casks.to represent us in the General Assem- -


12 4"X0II 011018 0

tended over two years. 1 have unclesand aunts in the county of Brunswickwhom I visit often, and if Hill hadtreated me as is reported, I wouldhave reported . him tc them. He haspaid the expenses of my house and lot,also of mother and myself. When Iam ready I will manage my own affairs,I do this in justice to Hill and hiswife. I love them both.

Very respectfully,John W. Elms.

As will be seen above, the boy's ownstatement leaves no doubt as to therelation that existed between him andhis negro master Hill. His concludingdeclaration, if it was his own honestsentiments, would be sufficient to Bhow

to what degradation his servitude hadbrought him. The fact is undeniable,that for years in our midst, a whiteboy has been under charge of a negro.

Under the old Constitution no suchontrage could have occurred; that it ispossible now is because we live underthe Canby Constitution. Hill is

a magistrate and a candidate forthe Legislature. The boy's motherdied on a Satnrday; on the Mondayfollowing he was taken by a strappingnegro and carried before a Radical

afloat... 1,097Total 9,045Mr. John W. Galloway also respond BiO" ytb

Crashed. u fted 1 1 calls for a speech and entertainedbly is in consequence 01 nis nign per-sonal and business character, which isrecognized by all who know him.

SOAP Northern. W ftRosia iu yard 82,584 600SHINGLES Contract, yu.the meeting-ver- y handsomely for half

an hour. Common, y M 2 60afloat 3,162Total .85,740it is not too mucn to say mat in an Cypress Saps, M. .

and foz a pure and stainless character,he Las but few superiors iu a Statewhich he has served no less ably inher council halls than on her tent-ed fields. For one hour and ahalf he kept his audience thewilling captives of ' his power.His arraignment of the rulingparty for fraud and tyranny, for theattempted overthrow of civil liberty,for the blight and ruin of a once pros-perous country, was indeed masterly.His contrast of the letters of Tildenand Hayes and Vance and Settle wasmost lucid. His exposition of the Con-stitutional Amendments was thorough,and his proof that the escape of thecountry from the political, financialand civil ruin which threatens it wasin a change of parties, eminently con-

clusive. Hm popularity as a speakerhas been enhanced and the number ofnis political friends in Onslow multi-plied by his fine effort to: day.

Amid three ringing cheers for thecandidates the club adjourned to itsnext regular meeting. Debnos.




Cypre s Ileum. V MThere being no further business the Tar in yard 2,133social, personal and business relationsno man in Bladen county is held in STAVES W. O. Hbl, y V....meeting adjourned. R. O. Hbd.,VMafloat 153

Total 2.28G

0 6 U& 3 600 6 50

0 9 504320 00012 ro0 10(412 00

0 80S0 7 to05 00

& 600


6 00t 00

15 0010 00

811 007 606 00a oo

1 20

Crude Turpentine in yard 2,515higher consideration by the people olboth parties than John H. Clark, andwhat is worthy of consideration is that

TIM HKH snipping, y M. John D. Taylor, Ca m.

J. H. CtiEMMONS, a,..W. H. Meban, BecJ8- - mu rrune, y ta

MMI Fair.MInferior to Culinary, y M.afloat OO


his large family, social and businessWHISKEY North err, y gal..

!Hoore Conntjr Wide Awake --Tilposition render him so strong in thecounty that he will almost certainly Cotton Spirits Rosin Tar Keep the Liver .Active.

The above is a Bound health milm ja ordebe elected. vox den nnd Vance Club. ,

A portion of the voters of Bensa7end 48 2 744 12,320 1,245KXPORTS FOR SAME.

Cotton Sits Rosm Tarour way through the crowd np



and Mineral Springs townships, Moorecounty, met at Currievifle in saidcounty, August 19th for ibe purpose

that the faactiocs of digestion, evacuation andsecretion shall bu discharged with that degree of

aud vi;or which is eatentUl to tne wellbeing ol both body and mind, the liver, vponwhoa activity tffoy are dependent for their dueperformance, must be kept in good working or-der. Calomel and blue pills, besides beini; hurt



For the Journal.viLLK, N. C, Aug. 25, 1876.

The following ticket was nominatedto-da- y by the largest Democratic con

1,70 3.193 104K5 2,741- - 1,633

friends rushed to him and drew himout of the sight of the crowd. He wasinformed by them that he must apolo-gize. Vance got up . and stilled thetumult. He said he could not exoner-ate the crowd from blame, but saidthe language of his competitor wasvery violent and uncalled for, and heknew he would regret it. Settle thengot up and said he had been provokedby interruption!, and had said someharsh things which he would withdrawas to the general 'crowd ; but hemade no apology as to the ku-kl- ux

present. I can give but a faint ideaof his mmner and language, whichwas the most insulting I ever heard.1 was amazed at myself getting mixedUP in it; but I never was so excited injy life. As long as Settle acted any-thing like properly, he was respected;but when he lost his temper and usedharsh and violent language, it wasgore than the crowd could stand,

own friends did not sustain him.What a eight for the white people ofJhis State 1 When he was raving heooked like he would have (if it had"een. in his power to do so) consignedjach one of us to the Albany peniten- -heli7 Ufe 01 to the eternal fires of

tin10011? of our PaPers has doneto this thing as yet. It was theworst that could be imagined."

of organizing a Tilden ana VanceClub.

to a plaof near the stand, andatked a negro what the matter was.He said, ' Da' man lere is a preachinI b'lieve." When "Greasy Sam" hadconcluded, and after he had managedto get down from bis slightly elevated

Judge of Probate and turned over to 001,643Total 80 2,335 ful mineral drage, only partially and temporarilyWaddell at Smltnville.Col. vention ever held in Columbus. Perhis tender mercies, and the result is ructuy oisoraerH or ttiuggtsaneas of the greatbiliary gliod. IToetetter'a Stomach Bitters, onSmTHVTJULK, Aug. 30. STOCK FOB CORRESPONDING WEEK LASTthe contrary, a cqmplish thorooehly what thethat the negro has the boy's property.

On motion W J Stewart, Eq. ofCarthage was chosen temporary chair-man And the following permanentofficers were chosen: . ii.i-..-

x ,

! President Dr A B Currie . .

Editor Joubnai.: Last night theand that the boy Vloves" the negro and court house was crowded to hear Col.position on the stand, his efforts or his

... . YEAR (1875).Cotton Spiiits Rosin Tar Crude

487 8,403 48,114 780 1,050RECEIPTS FOB SAME.

fect harmony prevailed : ,

For House of Representatives--V- .V. Richardson.

For Sheriff K. Haynes.For Treasurer T. S. Memory.For Register of Deeds L - M.

PowelL '

hi'a wife and recrards them as his best Waddell speak on political matters.armearance. seemed an ac.once 10 overVice Presides tsf--N M Dunlop, Wpower "Jestiss" Moore and he called

for three cheers for ' de gem man whoCol. Waddell certainly made a happyspeech. He only hai time to touch onthe several prominent issues last night.

0 Carrie, J C Monroe, Neill Mclnnis.' Becretary--D- r J C McKenzie. Cotton "Spirits Roain Tar Crude

have iest von. 37 ' 4,171 21,001 2,214 2,816For Surveyor James A. Thomp

above medicines laQ in doing, and are bet-ide- s asafe as well as note n : remedy for disorders of thestomach, towels and organs of urination, as wellas an unec sailed g neral invigorant They are,moreover, a sterna antidote to malaria.

Banaway or Lost.BANAWAY from the Subscriber in Maroh

two mu'atto children named Susan andJohn Crumpler. John has one eye tquint.They are legally bound to me. Any informa-tion concern ng their wfc ere about will be lib-erally rewarded.

Address me at Clinton, Sampson County.Iil.ept 1-- JAJS . H. TURLINQTvXL

hut promised to come down here dur--And so the play was followed ty the ; Executive Committee N M Dnnlop,William Keith, Dr F, M McKenzie, ' EXPORTS FOB SAME

f , ; , . ..... .force, and both were failures. son, ';

For Coroner A. F. Toon. . ring the canvass and go into details. Itwas indeed a great pleasure to listen Neill Mclnnia. John Monroe, Sots Rosin Tar Crude

- -

friends !i

la it , any wonder that white men

hate the Canby Constitution when itpermits such outrages ? Is it anywonder that white men look with so

mnch repugnance and abhorrenceupon Radicalism and its fruits7 whensuch things as these can occur in aplaoe like this ?

Cotton,: A,

00For'gn 00 2,479For Commissioners John W. Hall,Mr. W. D. Jones, son of Mr. J. H. to Col. Waddell s eloquence, showing . The constitution for the governmentof the olub was unanimoiisly' adopted.

6,687 005,255 1,336 350C'wise 23 65n&awell Porter: Havnes High, J. B.Ularv a nartank familinrltv with fill thflJones of this city,-- , started yesterday Short and puny speeches were

issues. Col. W. spoke for about one I Harrelson, E. D. Meares.for Wake Forest College, where he will Total 23 2,544 11,942 1,336 350made bv W J Stewart, Esq. Drs AQUSSOBIBKB.Ym. I Ahour.remain as a student.
