Williston Federated Church...Aug 30, 2020  · PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Pastor: Lord of Life and Love,...

1 Williston Federated Church United Methodist Church and United Church of Christ Federated 1899 An Open and Affirming, Reconciling Congregation Mission Statement Our church is a community which seeks, welcomes and gathers people to share the Gospel of God’s love, enables people to find fullness of life through Jesus Christ, goes into the world to live lovingly and justly as servants of Christ, and responds actively to human need. Open and Affirming, Reconciling Pledge We, the Williston Federated Church, declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming, Reconciling congregation. With God’s grace, we seek to be a congregation that includes all persons, embracing differences of sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, mental and physical ability, as well as racial, ethnic, or social-economic background. We welcome all to share in the life and leadership, ministry, and fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of participation in our congregation. Welcome To All Who Worship Here! Sunday August 30, 2020, 9:30 A.M. GATHERING MUSIC recorded by Carolyn Pillsbury GREETING CALL TO WORSHIP Ashley Dubois, Lay Leader, Williston Federated Church One: God calls us to love all people as if they were our sisters and brothers, All: for God seeks to weave us into one family, tearing down all the barriers between us. One: No matter how weary we become from our loneliness, our struggles, our service, All: God challenges us to be patient, to rejoice, and to never stop praying.

Transcript of Williston Federated Church...Aug 30, 2020  · PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Pastor: Lord of Life and Love,...

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    Williston Federated Church

    United Methodist Church and United Church of Christ – Federated 1899 An Open and Affirming, Reconciling Congregation

    Mission Statement Our church is a community which seeks, welcomes and gathers people to share the Gospel of God’s love,

    enables people to find fullness of life through Jesus Christ, goes into the world to live lovingly and justly as servants of Christ, and responds actively to human need.

    Open and Affirming, Reconciling Pledge

    We, the Williston Federated Church, declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming, Reconciling

    congregation. With God’s grace, we seek to be a congregation that includes all persons, embracing

    differences of sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, mental and physical ability, as well as

    racial, ethnic, or social-economic background. We welcome all to share in the life and leadership,

    ministry, and fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of participation in our


    Welcome To All Who Worship Here!

    Sunday – August 30, 2020, 9:30 A.M.


    recorded by Carolyn Pillsbury


    CALL TO WORSHIP Ashley Dubois, Lay Leader,

    Williston Federated Church

    One: God calls us to love all people as if they were our sisters and brothers, All: for God seeks to weave us into one family, tearing down all the barriers between us. One: No matter how weary we become from our loneliness, our struggles, our service, All: God challenges us to be patient, to rejoice, and to never stop praying.


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    WELCOME Pastor Paul Eyer



    HYMN “Holy Ground" Songbook #33/34

    (sing verse one and chorus)

    led by Martin and Donna Sue Hain)

    (copyright license CCLI #176957 and #20480319)

    This is holy ground

    we're standing on holy ground;

    for the Lord is present and where God is is holy ground;

    this is holy ground,

    we're standing on holy ground;

    for the Lord is present and where God is is holy.

    We are standing on holy ground,

    and I know that there are angels all around.

    Let us praise Jesus now,

    We are standing in His presence on holy ground

    PRAYER OF THE DAY Pastor Paul Eyer

    All: Holy God, we come this day into this sacred moment, aware that your

    holiness is always around us. As Moses before us, when we turn aside from our

    daily tasks, and we listen for your holy voice, you speak to us in holy mystery.

    Surround us with your wondrous love, that we might be wise enough to

    understand your call and be brave enough to follow your path. Amen.


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    ANTHEM “Hold Up the Light” composed by The New Jersey Mass Choir

    A recording of the Montpelier Gospel Choir a cappella ensemble

    (whose voices include our own Ellie Casey)

    Conducted by John Harrison

    SCRIPTURE: Exodus 3:1-15 Don Thurston

    (from the New Revised Standard Version) 3 Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian; he led his

    flock beyond the wilderness, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the

    angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the

    bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. 3 Then Moses said, “I must turn aside and

    look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up.” 4 When the Lord saw

    that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And

    he said, “Here I am.” 5 Then he said, “Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your

    feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” 6 He said further, “I am the

    God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And

    Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.

    7 Then the Lord said, “I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have

    heard their cry on account of their taskmasters. Indeed, I know their sufferings, 8 and I

    have come down to deliver them from the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that

    land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the country of

    the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 9

    The cry of the Israelites has now come to me; I have also seen how the Egyptians

    oppress them. 10 So come, I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites,

    out of Egypt.” 11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and

    bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” 12 He said, “I will be with you; and this shall be the

    sign for you that it is I who sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt,

    you shall worship God on this mountain.”

    The Divine Name Revealed

    13 But Moses said to God, “If I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your

    ancestors has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to

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    them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”[a] He said further, “Thus you shall say to

    the Israelites, ‘I am has sent me to you.’” 15 God also said to Moses, “Thus you shall say

    to the Israelites, ‘The Lord,[b] the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God

    of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you’:

    This is my name forever,

    and this my title for all generations.


    All: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be

    acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

    SERMON “A Burning Bush" Pastor Paul Eyer



    Pastor: Lord of Life and Love,

    Congregation: Hear our prayer.



    CALL TO OFFERING Pastor Paul Eyer

    OFFERING If you’re interested in setting up automatic online withdrawals, please contact Matt Bliss who can invite

    you to set up an account with our online church membership software, Realm. When logged in, select the

    "Giving" menu on the left hand side and the "+ Give" button on the next screen. Then, enter your giving

    details and payment information to set up automatic withdrawals from your bank account. Select one of

    the pledge accounts (e.g., Pledge Jul 2020 to Jun 2021). Frequency should be set to monthly on the 15th.

    You can follow the same process to make one time contributions too. If you have any questions, contact

    Matt Bliss at [email protected]. Or you can complete a hard-copy registration form (posted on the church Facebook page) and mail it to Matt Bliss at the church.

    Credit card contributions can be made on the church website at steeple.org.

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    PRAYER OF DEDICATION (unison) Pastor Paul Eyer

    All: In gratitude for your amazing works in the world, we offer our gifts to

    further your work, Holy One. Bless us as you blessed Moses before us, that we

    may be a blessing of your holy work. Guide our steps, and bless the offerings we

    bring, that the world may be touched by your holy love. Amen.


    --“Virtual” coffee hour via Zoom immediately following worship today

    --Music and Worship Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 2 at

    5:30 p.m. via Zoom

    --Centering Prayer on Thursday, September 3 at 8:00 a.m. via Zoom

    --Caring Circle on Thursday, September 3 at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom

    --“How We Respond: congregational conversations about racism” on

    Thursday, September 3 at 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. via Zoom

    --visitation for family of Deb Beckett at Isham Farm on Friday, September 4

    from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

    --online Sunday worship service via Facebook, Sunday, September 6, 9:30


    HYMN “Holy Ground” Songbook #33/34

    (sing verse two and chorus)

    led by Martin and Donna Sue Hain

    (copyright license CCLI #176957 and #20480319)

    These are holy hands,

    God's given us holy hands,

    God works through these hands and so these hands are holy.

    these are holy hands,

    He's given us holy hands;

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    God works through these hands and so these hands are holy.

    We are standing on holy ground,

    and I know that there are angels all around.

    Let us praise Jesus now,

    We are standing in His presence on holy ground.



    Liturgical resources: The Call to Worship is adapted from a liturgy by Thom Shuman,

    “Lectionary Liturgies” found at http://lectionaryliturgies.blogspot.com/2017/08/liturgy-with-

    communion-for-september-3.html. The Prayer for Today and the Prayer of Dedication are

    adapted from a liturgy by Mary Scifres, The Abingdon Worship Annual 2020 . Abingdon Press.

    Kindle Edition.


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    This Week and Beyond at WFC

    In addition to prayers offered during our worship services, prayer requests may still be sent to Pastor

    Paul via email at pastoreyer.gmail.com. These prayers will then be lifted in prayer by the pastor

    throughout the week. (If you would like to submit prayer requests to be shared during our online

    worship service, please send those requests to [email protected] or post them as

    chat comments during our video live-stream of our worship service on Facebook Live on Sunday.)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visitation with the family of Deb Beckett On Friday, September 4 between 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., you are invited to a time of visitation with Deb’s wife Toby Rockwood, Deb’s children Sean and Ellie, and the extended blended family. This informal opportunity to pay respects and help to celebrate Deb’s life will be held at the Isham Farm at 3515 Oak Hill Road.in Williston. (A private memorial service will be held at another time and will be recorded to be shared.) Of course, you are asked to wear masks and maintain social distance during this time of visitation.. The family is also inviting anyone who would like to share a story or their sentiments about Deb to send their message to [email protected]. The family will collect and share those submissions across the community. And let us continue to keep Deb’s family in our prayers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Honoring African Americans in Vermont Please join us on Sunday, September 13 at 11:30 a.m. at Morse Cemetery on Route 2A when our own Reg Melrose—outfitted in his Civil War re-enactors uniform, will pay tribute to Newell Langley, an African American from Vermont who served in the Union army in the Civil War, and then settled in Williston after the war and is buried at the Morse Cemetery. Join us for this moving ceremony

    about:blankabout:blankmailto:[email protected]

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    that will take place at Morse Cemetery is located on Route 2A near Taft’s Corners, across Route 2A from the Stove and Flag Works shop. You don’t want to miss this moment… ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Virtual Bulletin Board We are happy to share that we have created a virtual Bulletin Board for announcements and sign ups that will be accessible through our website. We have also created a tutorial video to guide you through using the bulletin board. Both the tutorial and bulletin board can be found on our website. ~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Access to church building – please note NEW INFORMATION

    Access to the church to building is now allowed subject to the requirements listed

    in "Opening the Church Building for Prayer, Group Meetings and Limited Special

    Services". If you would like a copy of this document, please contact Martin Hain

    at [email protected]. All visits to the building must be scheduled and approved

    in advance. You can schedule a visit by contacting Tony Lamb at 802-343-1544

    or [email protected], Martin Hain at 802-598-6611 or [email protected], or

    Mike Moran at 802-343-9427 or [email protected]. All people entering

    the building must wear a face mask and must social distance. Please see the

    document listed above for other requirements.

    Remember that the building is closed but the Church is open, carrying out

    ministry in support of God’s work in the world.


    DISMAS HOUSE - We would like to thank Barb Bristol and Jane Stickney sincerely for preparing and delivering a meal to the residents, volunteers and staff at Dismas House, this past Tuesday, August 18, 2020. Much appreciated, by all.


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    The next date for this volunteer opportunity will be September 15, 2020. We are blessed to already have willing and enthusiastic volunteers: Carol Pierce and Carol Wyatt will team up for the occasion. Thank you very much in advance. If you feel so moved, the three dates for the rest of 2020 are: October 20, November 17 and December 15.

    For additional detail, contact Peet Grobler at :(802)881-9007 or to : [email protected]. Thank you for considering. Your Missions and Social Concerns Committee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Orchestrating Change, the documentary on Me2/Orchestra is scheduled to be aired on September 5 and 6 on the Vermont PBS Plus channel. The main airing will be at 8 pm on the 5th, but it's also scheduled to be shown again at midnight (5th/6th) and at 10:30 pm on September 20.

    Carol Furr, a member of the Richmond Congregational Church, and other members from NAMI VT have been participants since the inception of the orchestra in Burlington in 2011.

    Me2/ (“me, too”) is the world’s only classical music organization created for individuals with mental illnesses and the people who support them. Me2/ serves as a model organization where people with and without mental illnesses work together in an environment where acceptance is an expectation, patience is encouraged, and supporting each other is a priority.

    Vermont’s PBS Plus is available on most cable systems, though it does not appear to be available on Dish Network or Direct TV.

    Me2/Orchestra has changed lives through its focus on mental illness and reducing stigma.

    The documentary was filmed in 2017 and is now showing at film festivals and on PBS.

    For more information go to https://me2orchestra.org/


    Thursday morning prayer (note change in time!): Thursday mornings at 9am


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    there will be a zoom gathering for silent prayer and Bible discussion. (This

    meeting time will not apply on September 7, that Thursday we will meet at

    8am) The session begins with a brief reading and then 20 minutes of silence. A

    picture and participants will appear on the screen. After 20 minutes a bell will

    ring 3 times. Then the Bible passage of the day will be read three times.

    Participants will talk of the part of the passage that touched them or had

    questions or special meaning. The gathering will end at about 10am with the

    Lord's Prayer also known as the Our Father. The code is 395 928 9957.

    Questions call Donna Fellinger 802 355 1700.


    Calling All Mask Makers - Williston Central School & Allen Brook School will need

    back up masks for students & staff this fall. Please consider making some cotton

    face masks to be donated to the school. Masks should be individually sealed in a

    sandwich bag & labeled with the size. If you would be interested in helping with

    this project,, contact Carol Bouchard.


    An opportunity for service: One way to honor the many years of service of Ken

    Morton as he retires as Fire Chief in Williston would be to identify and encourage

    capable people to serve our community through the Fire Department. The

    Department is currently looking for applicants for “on-call” firefighters to

    augment the full-time career staff at the Fire Department. Here is a message

    from Lieutenant Matthew Ammann of the on-call staff of the Fire Department:

    One of the worst days a person can have in their life is when they have to call 911.

    And yet one of the most fulfilling moments in a person’s life is when they help

    another in desperate need, especially during an emergency. The Williston Fire

    Department answers those calls every day with both full-time Firefighters and

    “paid on call” Firefighters. For us to continue serving our community, we need to

    build our team with more on call members. If you are the type of person that

    wants to experience that most fulfilling moment of helping a neighbor during a


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    crisis, you should visit our website and see how we meet that need for the citizens

    of Williston.

    Thanks to Hollywood, what most people think it is like to become a firefighter and

    respond to emergencies is not quite accurate. It can be exciting and fast-paced,

    but our on call members lead their normal daily lives, responding to emergency

    calls only when they are truly available. The Fire Department provides training on

    a schedule that supports members’ busy lifestyles and personal responsibilities.

    Members have no personal costs as equipment is paid for by the department, and

    the Town of Williston even pays an hourly wage for on-call members when they

    are at local training or helping at an emergency call.

    So if you want to experience that incredible rush of helping another person in

    desperate need, wish to be part of a team that will treat you like family, and do all

    of this within your own community, please visit our website at

    www.willistonfire.com for more information to help you decide if being an on-call

    Williston Firefighter is a title that you would like to hold.

    Lieutenant Matt Ammann

    Williston On-Call Firefighter

    National Suicide Prevention Week is September 6 -12. Our theme for this year is

    the very simple but important message: Keep Going.

    In the era of Covid-19, as we all try to protect our mental health and cope with

    uncertainty, it’s more important than ever that we be there for each other and

    take steps to prevent suicide. You don’t have to be a mental health professional

    to make a difference. There are simple things we can all do to safeguard our

    mental health, and you don’t have to do it alone.


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    From learning the warning signs for suicide and what to do if you are worried

    someone is struggling, to advocating for smart suicide prevention legislation, to

    having a #RealConvo about mental health, to bringing education programs to your

    community, we can all learn new ways to help each other save lives. Together, we


    In advance of National Suicide Prevention Week, we’ve launched a website

    featuring resources, personal stories, social media graphics, and a calendar of

    events planned throughout the month of September you can participate in.

    Together, we will #KeepGoing!


    Dear Kids4Peace Community,

    Since we began in Jerusalem in 2002, Kids4Peace has brought together youth

    from different religions and cultures around the world, in camps and year-round

    programs, to develop respect, understanding, and the skills to work toward a

    more peaceful world.

    As we enter our 20th year, I’m excited to share news about the next steps for


    Later this fall, Kids4Peace will become a program of Seeds of Peace, another

    leading organization in our field, and I will take up a permanent full-time role as

    Executive Director at Seeds of Peace. The boards of both Seeds of Peace and

    Kids4Peace International have taken the first steps in bringing the organizations

    together, and we will share more details in the coming weeks.

    Seeds of Peace was founded about 10 years before Kids4Peace, with a camp in

    Maine for Israeli, Palestinian, and Egyptian youth. Today, Seeds also has strong

    year-round programs in the Middle East and the United States, as well as Europe

    and South Asia.

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    After six months splitting my time between the two Executive Director roles at

    Kids4Peace and Seeds of Peace, I am thrilled about the opportunities ahead.

    During these past few months, I’ve seen the huge potential that would come from

    joining forces.

    Kids4Peace and Seeds of Peace each have unique strengths and capabilities, and

    we can significantly increase our impact by working together. In addition to

    aligning our programs, we will consolidate administrative functions, which will

    help us operate more efficiently and scale our work around the world.

    Through this integration, we are committed to maintaining the unique character

    of our work:

    Kids4Peace will retain its name and identity, as a program for younger youth, with

    a strong interfaith and intercultural focus.

    We will continue to have year-round and summer programs in all the places

    where we work, which will be led by many of our current staff, volunteers, and

    youth counselors.

    We will maintain a distinct program and community in Jerusalem, with a focus on

    creating relationships among Israelis & Palestinians from all parts of the city. Our

    chapters in the USA and Europe will be able to continue operating as they have

    been, under existing affiliation agreements and operating plans.

    Several members of the Kids4Peace Board will join the Seeds of Peace Board.

    While our organizational structure will shift, our mission remains the same –

    empowering youth to create more peaceful communities.

    The board of directors of Kids4Peace believes this is the right move independent

    of the current world COVID-19 situation. The board has been exploring this

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    opportunity since January, and has conducted a thoughtful process, looking at

    how we best serve our youth and our communities, and strengthen and grow our

    programs. Our combination sends a strong message to donors and to others in

    the field that the combined organization has stability, economies of scale, vision,

    ambition, and the ability to deliver excellent programs to serve our youth and

    their communities.

    For now, all of the fall Kids4Peace programs will continue as planned. Stay tuned

    for a schedule of virtual meetings. We hope to resume in-person activities later

    this year, when it’s safe to do so again.

    Looking ahead, we plan to bring back and expand the Global Institute in

    Washington, DC, and travel seminars (like last year’s trip to Belfast). Kids4Peace

    youth will be eligible to join additional Seeds of Peace programs, including the

    Camp in Maine. And we’ll work together to build a high school program that

    combines the best of both organizations, including our focus on youth-led

    advocacy and community involvement.

    Especially in this moment, it is critical for peacebuilding organizations to work in

    the most effective way possible – to transform individual lives as well as the

    communities where we work. Our world is crying out for justice, freedom and

    peace. This integration of Seeds of Peace and Kids4Peace will allow us to be a

    bold, creative leader in our field, with the capacity to achieve large-scale impact.

    We have achieved so much over these last 19 years, since the first twelve

    Kids4Peace youth made the courageous decision to meet each other and dream

    of a better future.

    As we take this next step together, I invite you to gather with the Kids4Peace

    community around the world – youth, parents, alumni, volunteers, supporters

    and friends – for a special Virtual Celebration on Sunday, September 13th at 1pm

    Eastern / 8pm Jerusalem. We’ll share stories, memories, and hopes as we look

    back and ahead.

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    We know that together, peace is possible. Thank you for being part of the

    Kids4Peace community, and for joining us in this next chapter of our journey

    toward a more just and peaceful world.

    In Peace,

    Fr. Josh Thomas, Executive Director