William Liberty Was Home and Welcomed Sentence €ho0S» Your...

****• v*v AIIMSFM ffi ay utay—: 0ec'l*M8»l'9 > tB£- MTvR NGTONS . LtaVand Gentleman presenting acojkdy sketch'.entitled "Fun on thi Revolving Ladder ATTSaUROB PRESS THURS&AY. DECEMBER 17i 1514. is air special effects*. amiBing act This with and VAN Iteeatfag Singing* Dancing and M: feCRSBAY PICTURES tapREB'S DOLL" 2 reel Bom- &OX T q IiOSt FRIEXB", Royai> i-ieelease. 1 ;4^rsM*s NEW SHOES; Beauty FJRIDAY PICTFRES *<3hBtei. SILVER -CAKOliESTiaEf.," 2 :asseil:'!Ba;?ftee prod^rc*i*oii> ' *Sb.N. S O P T H E SKA SRLELL,*' Ain- erie^n ietease. »"-. "" " '&JDIER& OF MISFORTUNE," isowerelease. „ -- . I&TERBAY PICTTJRI3S '_«atoS fTNAL. VEB3DICT," Majestic •*«" *"f Royal re- IS&ET' OF »E§TtXY,'' Princes* fatpees. wilthe discontinued laii: «r the hoFdiiys, iWiftg Shows as Usual 7.30 m"sm$ dry and Yicmity News •—The Women's Civic league,, is planning to give on ths afternoon and v«-ning of Monday, December 28th, •>ne of the most enjoyable social func- uir.s of the , Christmas holidays in his city which will be a tea dansant u Leonard's dancing academy be- tween the h^urs of 8 and 7.o'clock, The affair is for the* benefit of the League to assist in the carrying tfh of i s work. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to- all. —There will be a box sooikj a' •he Douglass srhoolho.Use *at Wes: Chazy, of which Miss Nellie Rossman is principal. On Friday ever.ins, D» - eember 18th. AH are,,invited, to com* Snd the ladies are requested to brine lunch boxes. • •• —-Rouses Pointers are deeply 'ih,.te-T ested in th-i removal of the village w«i tertower wh'ch is to be taken down by F. H. SlcOahe of Bm-lingtcn, who on Monday took a part* of work- men from that eiu* .to Rouses Point to ranwve the structure which tor year. 1 has been a landmark v>f the place. It stands tteau the lakes front, and is the.firFt oUect to attract onev attention entciiris the village. I t I.« expected that it will be taken do"wn on Saturday of this <week. . ESTO "PEN m William Liberty Was Home and Welcomed Sentence HAD mm lED FR Jl CUNT* N CONVtCTEB IN 4BTS GOFNTY OF BURGLARY AND GRANB LAI CENT—BJIBT AS TO &IS GUILT RlSjUJlLtfFB IN mi> FARBOK Waterman'st Cady's Fountain Pens at ' CHRISTMAS* GIFTS. i&any beautiful ftnd, useful gifts may fee. fQund at 24 Elm St.—Adv. , 1&T&LY WOMAN" NEEBS MONEY FOB CHRISTMAS. Join Our Christ- mas Club. A«v. FIRST NATIONAL BAHK.'* M-13« FREE CHRISTMAS BELLS .* The Cady JDriig Company will give ft"?e, while they last, one Red *2&rist* mas Bell, with each twenty-five cent purchase, or more, EXPERT PIANO TUNING, Having secured the services of an expert pia'ao tuner, regulator a#d re- M&ce : The** e , Oor Ifottor <rai-ttt*X« ALWAYS A PA- ;, -.ii^^?n. Kalem Fe«»at'e Bay *m& ?RSB»£^ - OF TKB GREEN [;.. VJklBltXa&ILi ^ee4_ I£al©m drawxa, feafciirii5# Jbyce. « ./, mpE3> •|sfesanay. Wn^stern d r a m a . , mm THE L BST$R A'^"jd's-spHttiRs: Vitpjpr-aph edmied^ KAM^ THE i t ^ I A N ' ! Jik MarlngvKalesa comedy. AB>QSSlO»r! 100 . ooEt .2 td S-^-Ely^nling 6:4$ ijo i' •:R»' AtJSTlSN. M i r 4r i Theatre 'mstiA- O F T JEN AX© 'VOTE , FOR tmfM FAVORITE CI4TT&; C1IBRCR f --'•• .- ' - .'.'.' ,' - ° / |«0J3I35TY O R ORGAXII^VTTOX ' W: imil trRR-lR Y ftfQXTEST Pjrog-raiE;: i . - THE TREY <j|» 'IlE r lRTS; ,| " ' Th«j : filial episode- **£- tiita wjanderfin *erlaj dra-ita, emit •iMsc •A**iE i; s;»nable and all work guaranteed by us. Send in your orders to Milne Pi- ano Co.. if Clinton St., City. PREPARING* FOR OBaUSTSlAS The Plattsburgh Ste-am, L*aundry is preparing to give its employes i holiday both on Christmas and ftfevr Years* and in order that all laundry ^vrnffc m a y be properly attettded to and at the same tim? permit of these requested, patrons of the laundry are requested to s**nd as muck at possi- ble of their work to the laundry this week. William liberty, wfto, about 1900? was convicted by "a Cliintoin coufttyi "grand jury of the crime of burglary and grdnd larteny, but who was par-; doned lupen tie recommendation of: Hon. H.'B. I^rnaril and the late Chie-f of Poliws A- R. Connera befiire the expiration of his term, when they became convinced that h6 Was not guilty df the crllrte for which he was being punishtd, W?s last evening sentenced to fhs .Albany penitentiary ; by City Judge Barnard on a charge of vagrancy, Tibferty /belti* witliotit a i home. Qftd Si«etJitt« either "Itt Qie" B. & H. depot or roundhouse e-very; night In the v'eel?.' Liberty rather' .welcomed the Sen* tehee,, but o© would hstv© preferred to serwei the- t&tm im&lh •of.ttaife in the cotimiy i a l . ' H e spe*nt last wini- ter in the counts' "hxstne, l<e>$.yln& thftt Inatltaipon wjta tk* comlnit «JE «i*in]jfc He had bijconne -a nulsftttHse about the railroad comj>jfty's property and |re»» quent complaijflLts. weres made agftlnal him. j AboM, l-30B ! the ifiQuse at tire cor- ner of Oorrj4lla .atm,4 Miller streets was t>urslaJ*i*f d a»d Liberty Was ar- rested fdr llie (crime. Ke was ia« dieted by ih*[ $v*tyit i«ry and later placed #n• trial..iflt' county court.. *£##* prisoiaier, denittd all fcmtWJedge-ot th«» erime r but> h e , waif. «onvicte i d and $>&&•- te'nced to a \ferity Itt <3latqn Drlsoti Hon* EL 55. ^arnarQ was district at-. paiirer, we are now prepared to 811 oi do^in this tine of work. Charge t-ea-ftorriey ftt ifcej time of muMp* con^ vletlon ard ' conducted the case agratnst him. After .Liberty had efrv- ed about two; years of his sentenci. facts came tuf, the knowledge «f- Mr Barnard and' Officer CJonners whicb ednvSnced them that the wrong mar* had bee^i cohrlcted^and they at once put the wheels in mottott to » fc CHr<* his pardon-. Mr* Bernard sjpont scorn siderablo Taliabte time In 'aeourinit his release fifom prison, Liberty's ricor^ had co^sideraWP to do with liytagittir about hii convic- tion,, but after he had been libera**"'* thl-s fact; apiJ3T«nt!y Wad no Welsh 1 with, him fo?t he made no effort i* better W J <rojdi'lon» and for srverf" yfffVs ptat hie has practically be^t without 'homijj or friends, ,„u * . . mwrvib wra A KtxK., Tlje train is that A'Tnerieao Tjewr ot right and wrong in itrteroaUona* affairs, -as in piriv|ite life, are in th same mp our own. -Th-p' A SHORT WAY TO DAXKEMORA nBy the Pea of the Supervi^rs) It's a short v.ay to Daimemora, .it's a short -way to go, . It's a short way to DaitnGmora:, To the best warden 1 know. Good by<? supervisors. Farewell Trinity square, It's a short, short way 1 \nd I long to be there. miin the spring from * * are embodied morals attd CLAYBVRG r Dec 16-Mr, and Mrs. !.UM> Bovvn, M m i t toorefore( t hat Americana «!fr ey-of Goldsmith, spent one day last trut5t an<J aDnft *. JtVrtV r.nAa wrtf^ weejt with their mother, Mrs, Jack a theory 4nd . j w^lcb are fon and, of jfietzs^jhe mlsTht m|tke,' •TH3S i a s i i&a-m'i* In Three Acts, 'two other reined.pht»io play« I BOX'T MJ.*H IT. ABMJSSIO'N X-OC ^ITKR J # G l Wilson. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooey son have returned hotwe to spend th« winter months. ^eter David was in town Sunday- l|tr. and Mrs Sile Wt'soh speqt last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Bressette,. . Jfohn f>ow«ey is 'spending a few days in Plattsburgh, 'tills week. Ira VvTilson wa§ a caller In Ausafrle one day last wejk. JT Ri2-\UA T DOES miEUMATXSM. TBJ$ BOT>V .S0$tS*I5 SSngi^sJi'Li^er X(j»eds Care y from hum^nit> ,$ts? and' sef thrc e'h'a.s said tin a ffiter^nii- h-rer com^luim ; Why? Reciuse- u-J>t»n .ph.v»-:«al a ea-daches, dazlru a .diia-jJiH-ar'ift.f'tf iiarMy, "4'epe.ird ,»ess, h MJI patio J*fcW ilttggisiU. Cody Drug Co, Fjvervbody who is afflicted with i'lietitnatisni in a w form should .Jjy •»,ll jmt«ans keep a bottle of Sloan's tiiriment on hand. The ndnute you fteel! p-am or soreness.in a'Joint <?r mu'^cle, bathe i,t with Sloan's Liniment jto. not rub it', Sloaj#s penetrujees im- mediately riijbt or, a4 Prof. Ladd writo a fofin df goverttijneji mdad^ or* the »hilo*a^h tn» un th'o doctrine tha riptt. \ $h* twof con- ceptions tyf life, t-be An^lo^Saxon '4n»* roilitariist« are Irrecon oa«. -Irttttati '"wltolly-- ant* >y tlrfi'QtJi^ the Prussian cllable, The final's" dp^tri .rr doubts sitin likgeiv! anywhero to the seat of bain, relit 5ns !.+e«lrte With fi Juld l>e shut for they lite Ufflh'^t) "glass mfou.a.1 s t a t e s !it«p, Blllotts, «sj, .and coil* r *i>:in«r/ Dr.' t your vlng: the hot, tender, swollen feel- ti-nd making: the part cas>* itnj comfortable, Oet a ttottle of Slo«5i'? Lm.jjrn6nt; f.o'r 25 emits of any druggist : in<? have u in the 'house —aaralnst Void*: spjpe^and'swo-tlfen joints, lum- «wr4« seiatjcA and Wke ailine-ntsC Your back if nm satisfied,--but it gave almost instant relief. Buy i:*ftEt(e todai'. - Cad.v Drii^ Co. • *'] I- tQ;th_eir afttasonisi« r .twO;.lett«rs whic> Professor 1 Lftijison! |f'<Ber1tn' h a s ad- The,y| Are,; perhai>E.]th cni&est of tllw ms^ni .<k^ude exposi Hons oflCultur'? yMtil, have "stag- gered hrnnawty." jThelflat.of thfeir lie* In asfentgraoe; 'We 4re,"' the pro- ms, fonoi^Hy and in pe^or to ill men* We So, too, ajje our organ- |OUP ittstltutlons-* 1. Two connives, iny ahd dre,<3*'ed, -to' a dispel titeim* fessor procii tellectually' «u a r e p'eerieigs. w \ i^ations a»d views onlyi h< abftuit people Germ'. ' They ed as "the ;mn « perfect 1 oHtical crea- tion; Known, t* terminatioiji ,»i.ust b^ desired,. ;'TJierV is ho. place tm Ion. The px< ffom.js.ny |-f I thraig. -The any. intermediate opin- fessor does not shrink •h<? ^on^eq^eneea of M? em&frror Is "deliciae d^tck'- !i?idsw^I&s' m 9.3d. : n&t 4 oite: v WjJlks ••wil^ aiid the c4st .owners^ " / .!•''••. ' FHAJWC MckEfePS,.'' ' / '•.' Sapf ! Pubfc JPor^ M„. fTOtl'TIiAT COiTciH—ISfOW. iki eoxcli' &ei£* rwr- begj» ta %&' urh tJifes tb .do" is to- keifs' Pin-e-Tar.r^oaey- -Iti" "tfee l^j$B§5 |of and agfetsth^ lersiis of piasj Quick re-llef a c d »3,tu:r- ' "Pur wljs^e ^asalil'. defend aif^Hasey for oouiaihs; &a& xoncic. < annual meotinp of the AtiU-rou- Lea^U't- of Fish ' and. Game* Club's wil-J be bc4d. ,1 tht* City* of Plattsburgh, Wpdwesdjay, Deseember 1314. -i . j ' Aay one interested in the. waser- \-,iti(jin ,of •«pr. flsh, g-aroe ,ot forests. rdlatly invtt-ftd. to b~-' '-present .W.iH. HOBSBTS, humanl gejneris. m a n n Uolj-^pe living, menj'* ; _ tlu>"- ^jrtniajns' tb,«-y k n o w thsrty have no |friead^l x*S ft we. imaMnej in so to UK as i •SeoT' etary.' .ifee. tJiro'ail COLJDS A R E O F t E X - / ; MOST'BERiors Stop Possibly ComiJlicaWons. ^trous: doctjiine fessor and dl-tins-uished .by nations- of .th«: duty to bow d the roM of'ilvc ,whicVwe iwtve London Time!s. : -t ioeiIde,f wr|tes Mr. S. Wi?^a«5s, U:am ; iltafe.-OI1I6. 'it'Always ( he}pa 35c at yoa^ jdru^iaL ^s^dy Dr-ugi CO- The desriegard; OJ a,; cold lias often bron ;ht many & re^reL Thfe fact of .sn.ef2lRK\ coti^hlngi of a" feVer sihould be warning enough that your "systevp. needs' inxmed^e atte'htton.' Certain^' logs of .sleep is most serlods, j% , $\ a wstrnlng given by nature. It's, a" man*s duty to himself to assist T»y' doing his |ia-rt, . Ev, Jtto*?'? Nfcw Ptlseovers' is ba^ed on a scientific an.*lv*Iet -of colds. . Pru^rgiiBfc uto Tootltadht worfe?'- ;'- I Citstoitjer-t'Ii's' no IT<I h 5te at your dnigrglpt. Bu^ afcotflato- day. \0&;Uy^£>rug--Gp, •i :Twuscript *i i he s#nne "principles, atif in the ssme system^ is laws. It is not WiKp mm CWVIRERtANB- BAJY •bmcers'l jQghV was celebs led last K'i'lattd Boy jCitadt Basterti Stnir/ wlien fleers of that Chapter-e-n members ab-d. frigutts in at Ma$onie. Hall, eveMftg by Ctttti' bti. Order, of. the The pyosram of'tl-hfe e,\otting.opeh ed with' a > v oy&t- a ^ d sETelea Robinson, of &i ^dell^nt-ireatUn piaaa aolo %f Mis;3 wiil-eh: was inio'yed byfall. tMitfcbejt' _._ instrumental West lei Rettl»ger/.#mg... "tlofiv Mrs. Fannie $*hiff hersreading^ which APTJERvO, ;r,GATB:- RAxaEi m& retiring; ofA tefclaineri it* •ther. Order. a pie •tily welcomed. Tht prDgratn cpnr- ol^ded wit^t J*-':4u^|,..by 'Miss', Edna,- Morgan and M^lss.EJith Season,which was Wftrmiy encore d> ; This erijorahle fe^tiiriet thg was followed py a banquet, follow^? Ohicfe^u: P a r t i e s •at rjadlnfs &hct s.Olos;. Mfes Chaz^, :jgaVj? |Eft iollowed by a ESd^a. ; Morgan' aSss Mhr- zpitig seleci ga.v<?. one of are always hear* sf 'the'«(v$$*-. ; Sumptuous tnefeu of which was as " 1 " ' "' Potato Chips OHv** the •iK-^jr • * Finger Rolls j-.. Oailfea- -» let cr^am if ., . y , ,. :• gsfab •'• Of the e0.ihm|tt<?<s lnJ-ch)M?g:a, Mjrs; AJic*. BdiRh<*r w a * ehasriaaiirif.'the *elr.e^httl«h.t cto*cirtvTtt#is jbuj.4 Mvw, i*ols Bettl»ger- 'ot«ir««|ia; o'f jthjs fc *-nt4rt*la- .nsient..* .Thfe-'h^l '^;t;#v:ti^tea1i^»4e<i* "«j<atte4'l»- OhrMnsws icolor* 'and. ujpdn the bitiauet flowers and tables were-.bbii<iu*t4. bt cundeliihra With It^ht- ^d cstndles jjreso^t ng a. most pitas* !ng -acene.- | The cvenUig** pittowi will long; be) tetititxpft^ by all the memblra kud, tgugi' xtfessts. ! €ho0S» Your Christmas 6lfts ^•- "^*—» PlekJes |W PftQVfC^ -PATA3P' I#J81|«LB»«IQ. ag«a t% -.yearn.- -tlffll **t the Memorial hospital at BriatHe/ bora i w e lock|aw with wMch Ha 'Had' heea ««|uttrl-ag for,.-:sev«raI d3is», Whiter At Worfc.twd- weeks' a^b flay- \pg a d^-ad hors^ $» f, purnxxtf'vfb'er*- several hfidgpho^a had b*e» jellied* a mill .be.feaine imbedded; in ,t-h«.';jkium> tnati>'.fcucej and although, lie bald ! lttle .attention to :\t m .-the. t t m ^ f fhe •""i-lury fradifftlly bec^mte "aJury gradually s m v worsifr. "Put'on your hGlme| tin' your ted %iri. Sllati, thereVa- -W fire- dowu ho road a jJlete,"- . * "Shucks.? ..j| ca»'.t guJ My *hb|-t , «.| In Cie- wa^htu^as* th«? old womdu'ft' ouijin tho'^Ard.^a fillfe'-'-my' h^ltu^t •• '.MtlffeA-Jmess: of 'hea«&"---.BirinlnK-h«m-. : Yom stoife fef sentation |ROM OUR MAGWICENT STOCK Y0PRP00BS TJ pxoduefeop t tft ;T0li*' MFER JEWELRY , TO , OTHER GIF^S-Ouf satisfying- in its variety of articles suitable for pre^ id: your gifts here and enjoy the advantages of high extensive variety~aitd~gced& that are different-and pay no ekdesiraSle on, REMEMBER OUR NAME ON A ? ; JEWELRY BOX Is a guarantee of the qualj^r . , * he^v |hist*atefl t$mii$K%4f s ^gee-Jtt «#n^fe^ ||e •Un^r*!^ history/' are possibk thiO/ Germftr •must veithir be'r< l sa.rd- or their ex- •^Hera the "mos ar# truthfulness, von Beth- eminent of Jteristlcs maiuty; sweetness, oonseiieuce and the Christian yirf •fri-e^ people are 4€S, atid ijhey n:»n thp earth be.a^us# w TO iobefc A n d yi*t, the professsor -t mournjpiliy confesses, They arer rwit ''ilcelyto. fin,d many, ttey adyan^e the moo Hordj]>e/ or-in- America set;|cfrth by tins pro- so maby. of his mos* -f fellows?' t h a t t h e y are &,. chosen people to whom the other earth are bound in own. <Tha1: doctrine is Prussian "rtUStarlsih^. resolved .1 :o •destroy 1 ,-' j HEARD i:^ A PffAtoAOT. DrugsistH-IHilsw' did- tha|e. ^Oiie-Min.- Qwitf* you bought good. I t e«wp*d; tho t p&Jj}. for;ljt([5t ahqttt 4'|J fif 90 5«6* to TJA «x«ot. That'f \>>f.&'.-j£: : *mj£3&^-?m ... [•^irtt^ofi^t&dsoa'lvwt

Transcript of William Liberty Was Home and Welcomed Sentence €ho0S» Your...

****• v*v •


ffi ay utay—: 0ec' l*M8»l '9

> tB£- MTvR NGTONS . LtaVand Gentleman presenting acojkdy sketch'.entitled "Fun on thi Revolving Ladder



is air special effects*.

amiBing act This with

and VAN Iteeatfag Singing* Dancing and



tapREB'S DOLL" 2 reel Bom-

&OXTq I iOSt F R I E X B " , Royai> i-ieelease.1

;4^rsM*s NEW SHOES; Beauty


*<3hBtei. SILVER -CAKOliESTiaEf.," 2 :asseil:'!Ba;?ftee prod^rc*i*oii> '

*Sb.N. S O P T H E SKA SRLELL,* ' Ain-erie^n ietease. »"-.

" " " '&JDIER& O F MISFORTUNE," isowerelease. „ -- .


'_«atoS fTNAL. VEB3DICT," Majestic

•*«" * " f Royal r e -

IS&ET' O F »E§TtXY, ' ' Princes*

fatpees. wilthe discontinued laii: « r the hoFdiiys,

iWiftg Shows as Usual 7.30


dry and Yicmity News •—The Women's Civic l eague , , is

planning to give on ths afternoon and v«-ning of Monday, December 28th,

•>ne of the most enjoyable social func-uir.s of the , Christmas holidays in his city which will be a tea dansant u Leonard's dancing academy be­

tween the h^urs of 8 and 7.o'clock, The affair is for the* benefit of t h e League to assist in the carrying tfh of i s work. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to- all.

—There will be a box sooikj a ' •he Douglass srhoolho.Use *at Wes: Chazy, of which Miss Nellie Rossman is principal. On Friday ever.ins, D» -eember 18th. AH are,,invited, to com* Snd t h e ladies are requested to brine lunch boxes. • ••

—-Rouses Pointers are deeply 'ih,.te-T • ested in th-i removal of the village w«i tertower wh'ch is to be taken down by F. H. SlcOahe of Bm-lingtcn, who on Monday took a part* of work­men from that eiu* .to Rouses Point to ranwve the structure which tor year.1 has been a landmark v>f the place. It stands tteau the lakes front, and is the.firFt oUect to attract onev attention entciiris the village. It I.« expected that it will be taken do"wn on Saturday of this <week. .


William Liberty Was

Home and Welcomed Sentence





Waterman'st Cady's

Fountain Pens a t

' CHRISTMAS* GIFTS. i&any beautiful ftnd, useful gifts

may fee. fQund at 24 Elm St.—Adv.



F R E E CHRISTMAS BELLS .* The Cady JDriig Company will give

ft"?e, while they last, one Red *2&rist* mas Bell, with each twenty-five cent purchase, or more,

E X P E R T PIANO TUNING, Having secured the services of an

expert pia'ao tuner, regulator a#d re-

M&ce: • The** e , O o r Ifottor

<rai-ttt*X« ALWAYS A PA-

• ; , - . i i^^?n.

Kalem Fe«»at'e Bay

*m& ? R S B » £ ^ - O F T K B GREEN [;.. VJklBltXa&ILi • ^ee4_ I£al©m drawxa, feafciirii5#

Jbyce. «

. / , mpE3> •|sfesanay. Wn^stern drama. ,

mm T H E L BST$R A'^"jd's-spHttiRs: Vitpjpr-aph edmied^

KAM^ T H E i t ^ I A N ' ! Jik MarlngvKalesa comedy.

AB>QSSlO»r! 100 .

ooEt .2 td S-^-Ely^nling 6:4$ ijo i '

•:R»' AtJSTlSN. M i r


i Theatre 'mstiA- OFT JEN AX© 'VOTE , FOR

tmfM FAVORITE CI4TT&; C1IBRCR f --'•• .- ' - . ' . ' . ' , ' - ° / |«0J3I35TY O R ORGAXII^VTTOX

' W : imil t r R R - l R Y ftfQXTEST

Pjrog-raiE;: i . -

THE TREY <j|» 'IlE rlRTS; , | " '

Th«j: filial episode- • **£- tiita wjanderfin *erlaj dra-ita, emit


•A**iE i;

s;»nable and all work guaranteed by us. Send in your orders to Milne Pi­ano Co.. if Clinton St., City.

PREPARING* FOR OBaUSTSlAS The Plattsburgh Ste-am, L*aundry

is preparing to give its employes i holiday both on Christmas and ftfevr Years* and in order that all laundry vrnffc may be properly attettded to

and at the same t im? permit of these requested, patrons of the laundry are requested to s**nd as muck a t possi­ble of their work to the laundry this week.

William liberty, wfto, about 1900? was convicted by "a Cliintoin coufttyi "grand jury of the crime of burglary and grdnd larteny, but who was par-; doned lupen t i e recommendation of: Hon. H . ' B . I^ rnar i l and the late Chie-f of Poliws A- R . Connera befiire the expiration of his term, when they became convinced that h6 Was not guilty df the crllrte for which he was being punishtd, W?s last evening sentenced to fhs .Albany penitentiary ;

by City Judge Barnard on a charge of vagrancy, Tibferty /be l t i* witliotit a i home. Qftd Si«etJitt« ei ther "Itt Qie" B . & H. depot or roundhouse e-very; night In the v'eel?.'

Liberty ra ther ' .welcomed the Sen* tehee,, bu t o© would hstv© preferred to serwei the- t&tm im&lh •of.ttaife in the cotimiy i a l . ' H e spe*nt last wini-ter in the counts' "hxstne, l<e>$.yln& thftt Inatltaipon wjta tk* comlnit «JE «i*in]jfc He had bijconne -a nulsftttHse abou t t he railroad comj>jfty's property and |re»» quent complaijflLts. weres made agftlnal h im. j

AboM, l-30B! the ifiQuse a t tire cor­ner of Oorrj4lla .atm,4 Miller s t reets was t>urslaJ*i*f d a»d Liberty Was ar­rested fdr llie (crime. Ke was ia« dieted by ih*[ $v*tyit i « r y and later placed #n• trial..iflt' county court.. *£##* prisoiaier, denittd a l l fcmtWJedge-ot th«» erime r but> he , waif. «onvicteid a n d $>&&•-te'nced to a \ferity Itt <3latqn Drlsoti Hon* EL 55. ^arnarQ was district a t - . paiirer, we are now prepared to 811 oi

d o ^ i n this tine of work. C h a r g e t-ea-ftorriey ftt ifcej t ime of muMp* con^ vletlon a r d ' conducted the case agratnst him. After .Liberty had efrv-ed about two; years of his sentenci. facts came tuf, the knowledge «f- M r Barnard a n d ' Officer CJonners whicb ednvSnced them tha t the wrong mar* had bee^i cohrlcted^and they a t once put the wheels in mottott to »fcCHr<* his pardon-. Mr* Bernard sjpont scorn siderablo Tal iabte time In 'aeourinit his release fifom prison,

Liberty's r i cor^ had co^sideraWP to do with liytagittir about h i i convic­tion,, but after he had been libera**"'* thl-s fact; apiJ3T«nt!y Wad no Welsh1

with, him fo?t he made no effort i* better W J <rojdi'lon» and for srverf" yfffVs p ta t hie has practically be^t without 'homijj o r friends,

,„u * „ . .

mwrvib wra A KtxK., Tlje t r a in is tha t A'Tnerieao Tjewr

ot right and wrong in itrteroaUona* affairs, -as in piriv|ite life, a re in th

same mp our own. -Th-p'

A SHORT WAY TO DAXKEMORA nBy the P e a of the Supe rv i^ r s )

It 's a short v.ay to Daimemora, .it's a short -way to go, • . It 's a short way to DaitnGmora:, To the best warden 1 know. Good by<? supervisors. Farewell Trinity square, It 's a short, short way 1 \ n d I long to be there. m i i n the

spring from * * a re embodied

morals attd CLAYBVRG r Dec 1 6 - M r , and Mrs. !.UM> Bovvn, M m i t toorefore( t ha t Americana «!fr

ey-of Goldsmith, spent one day last t r u t 5 t a n < J a D n f t*. J t V r t V r.nAa wrtf^ weejt with their mother, Mrs, Jack a theory 4nd

• . j w^lcb are fon and , o f jfietzs^jhe

mlsTht m|tke,'

•TH3S i a s i i&a-m'i* In Three Acts,

'two other reined.pht»io play« I



^ITKR J # G l

Wilson. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooey

son have returned hotwe to spend th« winter months.

^e te r David was in town Sunday-l|tr. and Mrs Sile Wt'soh speqt last

Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Bressette,. .

Jfohn f>ow«ey i s 'spending a • few days in Plattsburgh, 'tills week.

Ira VvTilson wa§ a caller In Ausafrle one day last wejk.




SSngi^sJi'Li^er X(j»eds Care

y from hum^nit> ,$ts? and' sef thrc

e'h'a.s said tin a ffiter^nii- h-rer com^luim ;

W h y ? Reciuse-u-J>t»n .ph.v»-:«al a

ea-daches, dazlru a .diia-jJiH-ar'ift.f'tf

iiarMy, "4'epe.ird ,»ess, h MJI patio

J*fcW ilttggisiU. Cody Drug Co,

Fjvervbody who is afflicted with i'lietitnatisni in a w form should .Jjy •»,ll jmt«ans keep a bottle of Sloan's t i iriment on hand. The ndnute you fteel! p-am or soreness.in a ' Jo in t <?r mu'^cle, bathe i,t with Sloan's Liniment jto. not rub it', Sloaj#s penetrujees im­mediately riijbt

or, a4 Prof. Ladd w r i t o a fofin df goverttijneji

mdad^ or* the »hilo*a^h tn» un th'o doctrine tha

r i p t t . \ $h* twof con­ceptions tyf life, t-be An^lo^Saxon '4n»*

roilitariist« are Irrecon oa«. -Irttttati • '"wltolly-- ant*

>y t l r f i 'QtJ i^

the • Prussian cllable, The f inal 's" dp^tri

. r r doubts sitin likgeiv! anywhero

to the seat of bain, relit 5ns

!.+e«lrte With fi Juld l>e shut

for they lite Ufflh' t) "glass mfou.a.1 states !it«p, Blllotts,

«sj, .and coil* r *i>:in«r/ Dr.'

t your

vlng: the hot, tender, swollen feel-ti-nd making: the part cas>* i tn j

comfortable, Oet a ttottle of Slo«5i'? Lm.jjrn6nt; f.o'r 25 emits of any druggist :in<? have u in the 'house —aaralnst Void*: spjpe^and'swo-tlfen joints, lum-«wr4« seiatjcA and Wke ailine-ntsC Your

back if nm satisfied,--but it gave almost instant relief. Buy

i:*ftEt(e todai'. - Cad.v Drii^ Co. •

*'] I-

tQ;th_eir afttasonisi«r.twO;.lett«rs whic> Professor 1 Lftijison! |f'<Ber1tn' h a s ad-

The,y| Are,; perhai>E.]th cni&est of tllw ms^ni .<k^ude exposi Hons o f l C u l t u r ' ? yMtil, have "stag­gered hrnnawty." jThelf lat .of thfeir lie* In asfentgraoe; 'We 4 re ," ' the pro­

ms, fonoi^Hy and in pe^or to i l l men* We So, too, ajje our organ-

|OUP ittstltutlons-*1. T w o connives,

iny ahd

dre,<3*'ed, -to' a dispel titeim*

fessor proci i tellectually' «u are p'eerieigs. w\ i^ations a»d views onlyi h< abftuit people

Germ'. ' They

ed as "the ;mn « perfect 1 oHtical crea­tion; Known, t* terminatioiji ,»i.ust b^ desired,. ;'TJierV is ho. place tm Ion. The px< ffom.js.ny |-f I thraig. -The

any. intermediate opin-fessor does not shrink •h<? ^on^eq^eneea of M? em&frror Is "deliciae


!i?idsw^I&s' m 9.3d. : n&t 4 oite:vWjJlks ••wil^

aiid t he c4st .owners^ " / .!•''••.

' FHAJWC MckEfePS,.'' ' / '•.' S a p f ! P u b f c J P o r ^ M„.

f T O t l ' T I i A T COiTciH—ISfOW. iki eoxcli' &ei£* rwr- begj» ta

%&' urh tJifes tb .do" is to-kei fs ' Pin-e-Tar.r^oaey- -Iti" "tfee l^j$B§5 |of and agfetsth^ lersiis of

piasj Quick re-llef acd »3,tu:r-' " P u r wljs^e ^asalil'. defend aif^Hasey for oouiaihs; &a&

xoncic. • < annual meotinp of the AtiU-rou-Lea^U't- of Fish ' and. Game*

Club's wil-J be bc4d. ,1 tht* City* of Plattsburgh, Wpdwesdjay, Deseember

1314. -i . j ' Aay one interested in the. wase r -

\-,iti(jin ,of •«pr. flsh, g-aroe ,ot forests. rdlatly invtt-ftd. to b~-' '-present

• .W. iH. HOBSBTS,

humanl gejneris. mann Uolj-^pe living, menj'*; _ tlu>"- ^jrtniajns'

tb,«-y know

thsrty have no |friead^l x*S ft

we. imaMnej in so to UK a s

i •SeoT' etary.'

.ifee. tJiro'ail

COLJDS A R E O F t E X - / ; M O S T ' B E R i o r s

Stop Possibly ComiJlicaWons.

^trous: doctjiine fessor and dl-tins-uished


nations- of .th«: duty to bow d the roM of'ilvc ,whicVwe iwtve London Time!s.

:-t ioeiIde,f wr | tes Mr. S. Wi?^a«5s, U:am • ; iltafe.-OI1I6. ' i t 'Always (he}pa 3 5 c a t yoa^ jdru^iaL ^s^dy Dr-ugi CO-

The desriegard; OJ a,; cold lias often bron ;h t many & re^reL Thfe fact of .sn.ef2lRK\ coti^hlngi of a" feVer sihould be warning enough tha t your "systevp. needs' i n x m e d ^ e atte'htton.' Certain^' logs of .sleep is most serlods, j%,$\ a wstrnlng given by nature . It 's, a" man*s duty to himself to assist T»y' doing his |ia-rt, . Ev, Jtto*?'? Nfcw Ptlseovers' is ba^ed on a scientific an.*lv*Iet -of colds. . Pru^rgiiBfc

uto Tootl tadht worfe?'- ;'- I

Citstoitjer-t'Ii's' no IT<I h

5te at your dnigrglpt. Bu^ a fcotfla to­day. \0&;Uy^£>rug--Gp, •i :Twuscript * i


he s#nne "principles, atif in the ssme system^ is laws. I t is not WiKp


•bmcers'l jQghV was celebs l e d last K'i'lattd Boy jCitadt Basterti Stnir/ wlien fleers of that Chapter-e-n members ab-d. frigutts in

a t Ma$onie. Hall, eveMftg by Ct t t t i ' bti. Order, of. the

The pyosram of'tl-hfe e,\otting.opeh ed with' a >voy&t- a^d sETelea Robinson, of &i ^dell^nt-ireatUn piaaa aolo %f Mis;3 wiil-eh: was inio'yed byfall.

tMitfcbejt' _._ instrumental


le i Rettl»ger/.#mg... "tlofiv Mrs. Fannie $*hiff hersreading^ which



m& retiring; ofA tefclaineri i t * •ther. Order.

a pie

•tily welcomed. T h t prDgratn cpnr-ol^ded wit^t J*-':4u^|,..by 'Miss', Edna,-Morgan and M^lss.EJith Season,which was Wftrmiy encore d> ; This erijorahle fe^tiiriet thg w a s followed py a banquet, follow^? Ohicfe^u: Par t ies

•at r j ad ln f s &hct s.Olos;. Mfes Chaz^, :jgaVj?

|Eft iollowed by a ESd^a. ; Morgan'

aSss Mhr-zpitig seleci ga.v<?. one of

are always hear*

sf 'the'«(v$$*-.; Sumptuous

tnefeu of which was a s " 1 " ' • "' Po ta to Chips



•iK-^jr • *

Finger Rolls

j - . . Oailfea- -» let cr^am i f ., .y , ,. :• gsfab •'• Of t h e e0.ihm|tt<?<s lnJ-ch)M?g:a, Mjrs; AJic*. BdiRh<*r wa* ehas r i aa i i r i f . ' t he *elr.e^httl«h.t cto*cirtvTtt#is jbuj.4 Mvw, i*ols Bettl»ger- 'ot«ir««|ia; o'f jthjs fc*-nt4rt*la-

.nsient..* .Thfe-'h^l '^;t;#v:ti^tea1i^»4e<i* "«j<atte4'l»- OhrMnsws icolor* 'and. ujpdn t h e b i t iaue t flowers and

tables were-.bbii<iu*t4. bt cundeliihra With It^ht-

^d cstndles jjreso^t ng a. most pi tas* !ng -acene.- | The cvenUig** pittowi will long; be) tetititxpft^ by a l l the memblra kud, tgugi' xtfessts.

• ! €ho0S» Your Chris tmas 6lfts

^ • - "^*—»


|W PftQVfC^ -PATA3P'

I#J81|«LB»«IQ. ag«a t% -.yearn.- -tlffll **t the Memorial hospital a t BriatHe/ bora i w e lock|aw „ wi th wMch Ha 'Had' heea ««|uttrl-ag for,.-:sev«raI d3is»,

Whiter At Worfc.twd- weeks' a^b flay-\pg a d^-ad hors^ $» f, purnxxtf'vfb'er*-several • hfidgpho^a had b*e» jellied* a mill .be.feaine imbedded; in ,t-h«.';jkium> tnati>'.fcucej and al though, lie bald !lttle .attention to :\t m .-the. t tm^f fhe •""i-lury fradifftlly bec^mte "aJury gradually s m v worsifr.

" P u t ' o n your hGlme| tin' your ted % i r i . Sllati, t h e r e V a - - W fire- dowu ho road a jJlete,"- .

* "Shucks.? ..j| ca»'.t guJ My *hb|-t,«.| In Cie- w a ^ h t u ^ a s * th«? old womdu'ft' ou i j in tho'^Ard.^a fillfe'-'-my' h^ltu^t •• '.MtlffeA-Jmess: of 'hea«&"---.BirinlnK-h«m-.:

Yom stoife fef sentation




pxoduefeop ttft ;T0li*'

MFER JEWELRY , TO , OTHER GIF^S-Ouf satisfying- in its variety of articles suitable for pre

id: your gifts here and enjoy the advantages of high extensive variety~aitd~gced& that are different-and pay no

ekdesiraSle on,




Is a guarantee of the qualj r . , *

he v |hist*atefl t$mii$K%4f s ^gee-Jtt «#n^fe^ | | e •Un^r* !^

history/ '

a r e possibk thiO/ Germftr

•must veithir be'r<lsa.rd-

or their ex-

• Hera the "mos

ar# truthfulness,

von Beth-eminent of


maiuty; sweetness, oonseiieuce and the Christian yirf

•fri-e^ people are 4€S, atid ijhey

n:»n thp ear th be.a^us# w TO iobefc And yi*t,

the professsor-tmournjpiliy confesses,

They arer rwit ' 'ilcelyto. fin,d many,

t t e y adyan^e the moo Hordj]>e/ or-in- America

set;|cfrth by t ins pro-so maby. of his mos* -f

fellows?' t ha t they are &,. chosen people to whom the other

earth a r e bound in own. <Tha1: doctrine is Prussian "rtUStarlsih^. resolved .1 :o •destroy1,-'


HEARD i :^ A P f f A t o A O T . DrugsistH-IHilsw' did- tha|e. ^Oiie-Min.-

Qwitf* you bought

good. I t e«wp*d; thotp&Jj}. for;ljt([5t ahqttt 4'|J fif 90 5«6*

to TJA «x«ot. That ' f

\>>f.&'.-j£: :

*mj£3&^-?m ... [•^irtt^ofi^t&dsoa'lvwt