Will Google Throw Your Website to the Bottom of the Search Heap?

Websit e You r Will Google Throw to the Bottom of the Search Heap?!

Transcript of Will Google Throw Your Website to the Bottom of the Search Heap?

  1. 1. WebsiteYourWill Google Throw to the Bottom of the Search Heap?!
  2. 2. Google changed how they do page ranking onApril 21, 2015Do we care about Google? I think we do http://marketshare.hitslink.com (without $$$) Page ranking is how your website gets to the top of google
  3. 3. What is Google really Looking for in Non-Techie Terms?Questions to ask your Web Developers:Or Is our Website created with RWD? Which means => is it Mobile Friendly? Do people have to pinch and pull on their screens to read? Does our website have Breakpoints!Responsive Web design But what does that really boil down to?
  4. 4. Breakpoints Most RWD Site Developers use 5 or more Breakpoints One Breakpoint gets assigned to each device screen resolution Monitor, Tablet Portrait, Tablet Landscape, Phone P&L A Breakpoint is a set of CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) CSS works with HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) HTML is the code your webpage is written in Google is looking for these sets of CSS.
  5. 5. Resources: PASS the Google test Go to the following URL and type in your companys web address: http://bit.ly/1GaLZnX Googles article to Webmasters explaining the rule: http://bit.ly/1Gx4MNm My Blog Article: http://TaaDaa.com/blog