Why windows phone

-Presented By- Pawan kumar kurmi 14MCA0103

Transcript of Why windows phone

Page 1: Why windows phone

-Presented By-Pawan kumar kurmi


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Page 3: Why windows phone

Windows :- Microsoft Windows (or

simply Windows) is a metafamily of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. It consists of several families of operating systems, each of which cater to a certain sector of the computing industry.

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Who is developer Microsoft Corporation

Platform C,C++

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Hands on Operating System..

An Operating system is a software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.

The operating system is an essential component of the software system.

Application programs usually require an operating system to function.

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Different models of windows phone

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New Features Start Menu Cortana Project Spartan Browser Improved Multitasking Windowed Apps Action Center Continuum

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Features 1. Quality Build Phones With Exceptional Design For Everyone

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Features 2. Gorgeous Apps

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Features 3. Seamless Email And Social Media Integration

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Features 4. Microsoft Integration and Support

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Features 5. Consistency Across All Devices

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Features 6. Customizations on Lock screen

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Features 7. Versatility of Live Tiles

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Features 8. Offline Maps Integration

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Hi! I’m CortanaCortana , similar to as Google Now is a feature which helps you find anything by your voice. You just need to say , “Hey Cortana!”.

Other than voice we can search anything like cricket score , weather , nearby places and many. It does as it says, "ask me anything”.

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Comparison as Menu



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Comparison as MSG Chat

Apple Android WINDOW


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vs.People Icons


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Comparison as Multi Windows

Apple Android WINDOW





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Comparison as Quick setting

Apple Android WINDOW








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Menu Driven.

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Security as advantage Contact store on Outlook. Photos Store on ONEDRIVE. Cloud Storage Cortana. OneNote Office

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Add Different account

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Add Different account to particular person

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A People Hub with one touch access to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, all built right in. 

It’s the only phone that gives you: Modern communication built in.

Group your friends, pin them to your Start screen to get live updates and text, email and IM them all at once. 

Facebook Chat, Messenger, check-ins and photo tagging built in.

So now it’s easier to connect and share. Windows Phone. Put people first.

People hub

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NFC (Near Field Communication)

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App Corner

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Kid’s Corner

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Apps (Store)

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Glance screen

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Glam Me

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Battery Server

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IDC WW Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker (March 2011)

Android Windows Phone

iOS BlackBerry OS Other (Linux, webOS, Maemo/MeeGo)





Smartphone Ranking 2015 vs. 2011








Some statistical details

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Introduction to the Windows Phone Platform

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Use your existing .NET and Visual Studio skills to create rich and powerful applications

Developers coming from other platforms enjoy short ramp-up times and helpful resources provided by the Microsoft Developer Network › Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone› Windows Phone Emulator› Silverlight 4 Tools › XNA Game Studio 4.0› Microsoft Expression Blend for Windows Phone› Lots of Open Source and Commercial Controls

Windows Phone application development

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Copy and paste functionality via first major update – available now

Twitter integration directly into the People Hub in 2011

Support for Office documents in the cloud in 2011 Dramatically enhanced Web browser experience

based on IE9 in 2011 (focus on HTML 5) A new wave of multitasking applications in 2011 Camera and Sensor API access Silverlight & XNA integration Augmented reality

2011 Platform Enhancements

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DemoWindows Phone Developer Tools

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Choosing a TemplatePanorama(s) are the “Magazine Cover(s)” of your app.

Panoramas can’t hold large amounts of data

Panoramas are not best friends with ‘draggable’ controls or objects

Windows Phone apps do not always require of a Panorama

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Information Architecture

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Design Your App

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Microsoft Boosts Speech Recognition for its Windows phones

Three years into the speech recognition systems remain more advertised than used. Now one of Apple's leading rivals hopes to change that. Microsoft claims that an improved system for its Windows Phones doubles the speed and boosts accuracy by about 15 percent.

The better speech recognition for Bing Voice search aims to give Microsoft's Windows Phone an edge in the battle for Windos Phone user . Windows Phone owners may end up more excited about the speed boost, but the added accuracy should translate to saved time and improved efficiency.

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OpenSURF performance in windows phone 7

OpenSurf is a free web-based anonymous proxy service, which allows anyone to surf the web with privacy and security. There is no software to install, and it is completely free! By using OpenSurf, you can surf websites but hackers or website owners cannot identify or track you. The service hides your IP address, and it prevents monitoring of your network traffic.

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OpenSURF is an algorithm to detect point correspondences between two images. OpenSURF is an integral part of computer vision and machine vision. The Algorithm aims is to find important region in images which can found under variety of image transformation. This algorithm can be used for augmented reality object recognition, or medical imaging. This research is to reach maximum performance augmented reality markerless application. Especially on Actual Mobile Guide for Tourist application. OpenSURF doesn't have library for windows phone so we have to porting from C++ to C#. The performance of OpenSURF is not much further than android library, it is 6,666 second(windows phone) versus 8.779 second(android) with 604 × 453 pixel picture.

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WHY DEVELOPERS WON’T DEVELOP FOR WINDOWS PHONE Our conversations with developers who create apps for iOS and Android but not Windows Phone have highlighted several key barriers to entry: • Lack of demand from users – Windows Phone users simply don’t seem to be clamoring for their apps in large numbers, in comparison with Android and iOS users • Platform opportunity too small – developers simply don’t feel there is enough revenue opportunity from developing for Windows Phone • Up-front payments to port an app are not enough – developers tell us they anticipate spending at least as much money maintaining and refining an app after launch as they will pre-launch, but Microsoft has only offered them money to cover the initial port. As such, third party developers play a uniquely important role in the Windows Phone ecosystem, and one that has helped paper over the cracks left by the lack of commitment from first-party developers to bringing their apps to Windows Phone. But it doesn’t solve the problem entirely, as such apps often occupy uncertain ground, and are subject to legal action and/or withdrawal of support from the first party app owners.

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Why is Windows Phone Not Growing Faster?

Windows Phone shipments have grown reasonably strongly, but not entirely consistently or enough to gain market share. In fact, market shares are slipping • Much of the growth in Windows Phone has come from low-end shipments, because this is where Windows Phone is most compelling, but this further limits the attractiveness of the platform for developers • Because of both the chicken-and-egg problem and this low-end focus, the number and quality of the apps available on Windows Phone continues to significantly lag both iOS and Android, and major apps have arrived on the platform very late if they’ve made it at all.