Why to choose sea freight services over the road

Why to choose sea freight services over the road? These days sea freight services are higher on demand as compared to other freight services. The reason behind this is that they offer complete freight solutions. The Sea freight services in Dubai provide a standard and reliable solution to all companies. Depending on the requirement for sizes, general forwarding, contract management, project forwarding, and break bulk management of the company the freight companies provide apt solutions. In order to make their services all the more efficient for customers the freight companies have started providing a local chamber of commerce and local consular attestation activities. They further provide a full range of ocean freight services, which includes full container loads (FCL), less than container loads (LCL) and non-containerized loads for oversized shipments. The expert personnel’s of the sea freight direct the route and strive to provide smoothest possible delivery to your couriers. The freight company uses optimal connections, market competitive rates and protection of capacity during peak times so that your courier is delivered on time. They have been continuously improving their services so as to provide maximum comfort to their customers. In Dubai, the sea freight services have started an online processing of customs declarations and port handling charges, via the web portal of Dubai Trade. This process ensures seamless and fast customs clearance processing. The best part is the internet based shipment tracking as it provides and real time information and full visibility of the transportation process, including the transaction details. The sea freight services majorly help in transporting heavy cargo over longer distances. This is also one of the reasons why more preference is given to sea freight services. Another reason is that it is environmentally friendly and does not pose noise problems, which is quite visible in road freight. The sea freight is considered safer than that of road freight because the road freight causes a lot of pollution and also road congestion. One of the major reasons of concern is the accident caused by the road freight which is relatively higher than that

Transcript of Why to choose sea freight services over the road

Page 1: Why to choose sea freight services over the road

Why to choose sea freight services over the road?

These days sea freight services are higher on demand as compared to other freight

services. The reason behind this is that they offer complete freight solutions. The

Sea freight services in Dubai provide a standard and reliable solution to all


Depending on the requirement for sizes, general forwarding, contract management,

project forwarding, and break bulk management of the company the freight

companies provide apt solutions. In order to make their services all the more

efficient for customers the freight companies have started providing a local chamber

of commerce and local consular attestation activities.

They further provide a full range of ocean freight services, which includes full

container loads (FCL), less than container loads (LCL) and non-containerized loads

for oversized shipments. The expert personnel’s of the sea freight direct the route and strive to provide smoothest possible delivery to your couriers. The freight

company uses optimal connections, market competitive rates and protection of

capacity during peak times so that your courier is delivered on time. They have been

continuously improving their services so as to provide maximum comfort to their


In Dubai, the sea freight services have started an online processing of customs

declarations and port handling charges, via the web portal of Dubai Trade. This

process ensures seamless and fast customs clearance processing. The best part is

the internet based shipment tracking as it provides and real time information and full

visibility of the transportation process, including the transaction details.

The sea freight services majorly help in transporting heavy cargo over longer

distances. This is also one of the reasons why more preference is given to sea freight

services. Another reason is that it is environmentally friendly and does not pose

noise problems, which is quite visible in road freight.

The sea freight is considered safer than that of road freight because the road freight

causes a lot of pollution and also road congestion. One of the major reasons of

concern is the accident caused by the road freight which is relatively higher than that

Page 2: Why to choose sea freight services over the road

of sea freight. Though there are many improvements in road safety levels, yet the

sea transportation still has much lower death rates than road transports.

Hence, given a chance it is suggestive to choose the sea freight services over the

road freight due to the wide reasons explained above. Also, choosing the sea freight

you will never have to suffer in terms of late delivery or loss of packages due to the

healthy improvements and wide variety of options that sea freight offers.


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