Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher...

Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

Transcript of Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher...

Page 1: Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy.

By: CaT™Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew


Page 2: Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

The Stars

The stars, *, show the levels of understanding, as shown in Bloom’s Taxonomy. The greater the number of stars the higher the level of understanding.

Look Here***

Page 3: Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

Main People Involved*

John F. Kennedy

Lee Harvey Oswald

Jack Ruby

Carlos Marcello

Robert F. Kennedy


Page 4: Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

How They Were Important**


JFK was important to our conspiracy, because he was the central person. He was the central person, because the whole theory is talking about why organized crime wanted to kill JFK. We believe the Mafia felt that JFK was no longer on their side, so they decided to “Take care of him”.

Lee Harvey Oswald:

Oswald is important to our conspiracy, because he was the assassin of JFK. Oswald also had a relationship with high ranking Mafiosos. They might ask him for a favor and help him “take care of” the President.

Jack Ruby:

Ruby had connections with a few high Mafiosos, originally, because of problems in his business. This is important, because it developed a personal relationship with the Mafia, in turn maybe doing favors for each other.


Page 5: Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

Our Model***

Here are some pictures of our model:


Page 6: Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

Pros & Cons****

Pros of Our Theory:Establishes secure motives to every key player in the Kennedy assassination.

Every key player had connections with the Mafia.

The Mafia is large enough, and has the power, to hide up something very secret; the might use fear death warrants.


Cons of Our Theory:Our theory is not recognized by the Warren Commission; this may be, because they didn’t look deep enough(although after about 3 weeks of research we made a reasonable explanation), or wanted to leave it out.

Many Mafia members deny that they helped take place in the assassination.

Page 7: Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

Our Explination*****

Our theory states that the Mafia was the motive behind the JFK assassination. How the mob first got affiliated with Kennedy was, they were the main presidential campaign funder for him. The reason we believe they did this was, because they needed a president who would not peruse the Mafia heavily if they stepped too far into “the red” he might turn a blind eye. The motive of killing JFK was the Bay of Pigs Invasion; this was significant, because: this limited the smuggling line between the U.S. and Cuba; angered 3 countries that they had strong ties with; and especially limited the dealings they could do with the U.S.S.R.. They got Lee Harvey Oswald to do the shooting. The reason they did this was, because he live in Soviet Russia and the U.S.; this means that it was easer t say he was a lone gunman. They motive to the fall back was, Oswald was confused and wanted the fighting of the two countries he loved to stop; this was the only way he could think of. When he got caught, the Mob knew they needed to kill him, to keep his mouth shut. For this, Jack Ruby was the choice. Ruby was a successful businessman owning a few nightclubs. Ruby was dying of lung cancer, and would die in about three months. This was key, because they 3 month window of life would mean the secrets would be locked forever, before the trial could conclude.


Page 8: Why The Mafia Killed John F. Kennedy. By: CaT™ Consisting of :Luke Berringer, Christopher Charnecki, and Matthew Choi.

Prove This Was The Mafia******

We can prove that the Mafia did all this. We know that the funded Kennedy's campaign. We know that the bay of pigs invasion angered the Mafia. There were rumor about killing the President that were documented. Oswald already new some mob members, and later recruited. Jack Ruby got the mob to help him with his business, in return owing the Mafia a favor. We know this favor was killing Oswald, because when interviewed about it he says “ The world will never know the true facts, my motive. They had so much gain, and interior motive to put me in the position I’m in. Will never let the true facts come aboard to the world.” reporter-“Are these people in very high places, yes” Ruby- “Yes.”.
