Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman

Transcript of Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

Page 1: Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

Why Should We Study The Bible?

Survey of LiteratureJones College Prep

Mr. Grossman

Page 2: Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

What is the BibleO Torah:

O The Jewish term for the First Five Books of the Bible (scholarly term – the Pentateuch)

O Tanakh – Hebrew term for Old Testament (Torah, Prophets, Writings)

O Old Testament – shared by Jews and Christians

O New Testament – Jesus and his disciples

Page 3: Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

Is it legal to read the Bible in school?

O No, if the purpose is to promote religious belief in Judaism or Christianity

O Yes, if the purpose is to explore a literary, historical, and cultural textO An objective approachO Accepted by the US Supreme Court

Page 4: Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

Why should we study the Bible?

O Historical ForceO Influence on US history, culture and

societyO Cultural Capital

O Extensive allusions in literature, music, film, art, television

O Anthropological understandingO Foundation of three world religions

(Judaism, Christianity, Islam)

Page 5: Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

Why should we study the Bible?

O Philosophical reflectionO Raises and encourages contemplation

of essential questions of human existence

O Bible as literature – O Literary craftO Influence on countless authors,

including Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, Melville, Lincoln, Obama, Faulkner, T.S. Elliot, and more

Page 6: Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

What makes the Bible literature?

O Name derives from Greek “ta biblia,” meaning “the books”

O Analogous to an anthology, not a single storyO A collection of writings, including

O Narratives, poems, letters, epics, biographies, visions, prophecies, legal codes, and more

O Ability to learn about writing and language from studying the Bible

O All-time best-seller

Page 7: Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

What literary devices appear in the Bible?

O Symbolic word choicesO Symbolic names, often explained

O Parallelism and RepetitionO Repeated phrases and grammatical

structuresO Easier to remember

O Figures of Speech O Similes, metaphors, imagery,

personification, irony, exaggeration

Page 8: Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman.

Why study the Bible in a mythology unit?

O Presence of supernatural, divinityO Unites societies, provides identities

through stories that represent shared ancestral heritage

O Universal, timeless lessonsO Code of moral conduct and pattern of

beliefsO Presence of archetypes

O Flood, Hero’s struggle, opposing children, underworld, good vs. evil