Why Should I Speak in Tongues (1)

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  • 8/12/2019 Why Should I Speak in Tongues (1)


  • 8/12/2019 Why Should I Speak in Tongues (1)


  • 8/12/2019 Why Should I Speak in Tongues (1)













    BOB MURPHY 143



    WHO, HOW AND WHY? 193

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    Jesus, the most beautiful gift that was ever givento the world, contained !! of "od in a tin# human

    bod# the moment he was born$ "od loved the worldsufficientl# to let this child he loved so much die ona cross for us% "od did more for the human race in

    giving us Jesus than an#thing that has ever beenaccom&lished b# scientists, educators, teachers, orall things combined$

    'he (harisees condemned him% 'he# said hewas of the devil% 'he# credited his &ower to thedevil$ 'he# said this about the )avior of the world%

    'hat*s hard to imagine, isn*t it+ r is it+

    'he most beautiful gift Jesus sent bac- to theworld was the gift which he &lanned to go hand inhand with salvation$ .hen he went to heaven, hesent bac- the /ol# )&irit to accom&an# "od*soriginal gift of salvation$ /e sent bac- the /ol#)&irit to give us &ower to live the hristian life$ 'he

    ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is as natural as salvationand as normal for a hristian as acce&ting Jesus asthe )avior of the world$

    t is difficult to believe that the same things arebeing said toda# of the beautiful gift of the /ol#)&irit as were said about Jesus$ "ordon !indsa#sa#s 'o sa# that all su&ernatural manifestations of

    the s&ea-ing in tongues in general are the wor- ofevil s&irits is to ta-e a daring and dangerous stand$'he (harisees were the fundamentalists of hrist*sda#, and the# attributed his wor-s to the &ower ofthe devil att$ 1222307$ Jesus not onl# rebu-ed


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    such accusations but said,*$$ $ ll manner of sin andblas&hem# shall be forgiven unto men but the

    blas&hem# against the /ol# "host shall not beforgiven unto men$* att$ 12317 J:

    'he beautiful gift of &ower to the hristianworld has been lambasted, condemned, forbidden,ridiculed and critici;ed b# the (harisees of the 20thcentur#, as the# attribute the wor- of "od*s /ol#)&irit to the devil, claiming that Jesus has changedand is not the same as he was 2,000 #ears ago$ )omeattem&t to negate the healing &ower of the /ol#)&irit toda#< some insist that s&ea-ing in tongues isof the devil$ )ome refuse to believe that miracles areoccurring when &eo&le fall under the &ower$ )omedo not acce&t &ro&hec#, messages in tongues and

    inter&retations$'he =ible will alwa#s stand the test if we

    believe the =ible is true% '/>?>*) @'/@" @'/> ==!> '/' >>? >@'@) '/>A>! @A '@"B>)% 'he onl# time thattongues are ever mentioned in the word of "od is inconCunction with the /ol# )&irit% .e never have toworr# about criticism when we stand on the word of"od% 'he best &roof of the ba&tism of the /ol#)&irit is a life of intimac# with "od and a wal- inthe &ower of the )&irit$

    t ) genuine, it ) real, and it ) for toda#% 'hemost eDciting &eo&le we -now are the ones who

    have acce&ted the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit% (eo&lewhose ever# word, thought and deed concernsJesus$ (eo&le whose lives overflow with the fruit ofthe )&irit% an# &eo&le are o&&osed to harismatics

    because the# feel too much em&hasis has been &ut


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    u&on s&ea-ing in tongues$ 'his is$ interesting,because the onl# &roof the =ible offers concerning

    the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is )(>@" @'@"B>)%

    'he first time tongues: were ever mentioned inthe =ible was b# Jesus himself% n the 16th cha&terof ar-, where Jesus was s&ea-ing to his disci&les,he made some ver# em&hatic statements% an#

    &eo&le feel the "reat ommission of the =iblea&&ears in the last cha&ter of atthew$ 'he(!>'> "reat ommission a&&ears in the lastcha&ter of ar-$ n this area ar- was more word#than atthew, because he included !! of thethings Jesus said about what he eD&ected from the


    @otice that Jesus is tal-ing to =>!>>?)$ /esa#s this several times in this section of the =ible$)tarting with verse 15 '!=7, nd then he toldthem, EFou are to go into all the world and &reachthe "ood @ews to ever#one, ever#where$ 'hosewho =>!>> and are ba&ti;ed will be saved$ =utthose who refuse to believe will be condemned$*:Ao #ou -now that ever#one will agree with #ouconcerning the first sentence+ 'hat*s wh# we havemissionaries from ever# denomination all over theworld, but a lot of churches refuse to acce&t thesecond &art$

    Grances7 remember when was saved: was

    so eDcited about it that ran bac- to the &astor of thechurch where was a member and told him aboutm# fabulous born again: eD&erience% /e &atted meon the head li-e was a naught# little girl and said,


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    'hat*s all right for #ou, hone#, if #ou need it%>>?F@> @>>A) ' according to m# =ible%

    Jesus continued tal-ing to believers$ /e doesn*tmention a thing about s&ea-ing to unbelievers at this

    &oint% /e continued: End those who believe shalluse m# authorit# to cast out demons, @A '/>F)/!! )(> @>. !@"B">)$* 'his is asmuch a &art of the "reat ommission as the first

    &art about &reaching the gos&el$ Jesus didn*tse&arate it as something for Cust a few &eo&le< hesaid it was for !! believers%

    /e continued on, and this is the &art that&robabl# throws most &eo&le who do not understandit$: E'he# will be able even to handle sna-es withsafet#, and if the# drin- an#thing &oisonous, it

    won*t hurt them

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    &oisonous, it won*t hurt us% /alleluCah% =estinsurance &olic# we -now of%

    Grom "enesis to ?evelation, who*s the biggestsna-e of all+ )'@, of course% nd what does the

    ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit do for #ou+ t gives #outhe &ower to handle )atan because we certainl#wouldn*t want to argue with )atan without the

    &ower of the /ol# )&irit$ =efore we received theba&tism, we didn*t believe that demons eDistedtoda#% .e Cust ignored them$ 'he devil didn*t haveto worr# about us because we didn*t have an# &owerto stand u& against him before the ba&tism$ 'oda#we @. the#*re real and that the# do eDist in the20th centur#$ =ut &raise "od #ou*ve got the &owerto handle demons and the devil himself when

    #ou*ve got the &ower of "od in #our life%Jesus didn*t sto& there, but continued on, giving

    the fifth &art of the "reat ommission: Eandthe#will beable to &lace their hands on the sic- andheal them$* Jesus didn*t sa# that Cust a few would

    be able to la# hands on the sic- and heal them, hever# em&haticall# said that !! =>!>>?)would be able to la# hands on the sic- and healthem$

    ar- concluded b# sa#ing what would ha&&ento believers when the# fulfilled 100 of the "reatommission$ .hen the !ord Jesus had finishedtal-ing with them, he was ta-en u& into heaven and

    sat down at "od*s right hand$ nd the disci&leswent ever#where &reaching, and the !ord was withthem and confirmed what the# said b# the miraclesthat followed their messages$: Jesus didn*t &romisethis to those who &roclaim one out of the five &arts


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    of the "reat ommission< he onl# &romised it tothose who fulfilled !! of it

    1$ (reaching the gos&el2$ Bsing Jesus* authorit# to cast out demons3$ )&ea-ing new languages4$ /andling sna-es )atan7 &oison75$ /ealing the sic-a#be #ou*ve heard that this &art of ar- does

    not belong in the =ible, but ever# =ible we have inour house contains this teDt, and ever# =ible we*veever seen contains this teDt% nd we*ve never seenan#one who actuall# cut it out of their =ible$ 'he#

    Cust ignore it%'he =ible so beautifull# shows us how we are

    able to identif# the believers who are filled with the

    /ol# )&irit% !et*s go bac- to the original Aa# of(entecost to find the evidence Jesus had given hisdisci&les the "reat ommission of the =ible whenhe told them to " into all the world, and then

    &rom&tl# told them @' ' ", but to wait untilthe# received &ower from on high$

    )even wee-s had gone b# since Jesus* deathand resurrection, and the Aa# of (entecost had nowarrived$ s the believers met together that da#,suddenl# there was a sound li-e the roaring of amight# windstorm in the s-ies above them and itfilled the house where the# were meeting$ 'hen,what loo-ed li-e flames or tongues of fire a&&eared

    and settled on their heads$ nd ever#one &resentwas filled with the /ol# )&irit and began s&ea-ingin languages the# didn*t -now, for the /ol# )&iritgave them this abilit#$: cts 214 '!=7


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    sn*t "od uniHue+ .ho else would have thoughtof &utting flames or tongues of fire on the heads of

    ever#one &resent+ wonder who &ee-ed first to seethe flames of fire% a#be (eter, the im&etuous one+r was it 'homas, the doubter, who might not have

    believed what he heard% ?egardless of who it was,the =ible sa#s the# !! began to s&ea- inlanguages the# didn*t -now$ @ot Cust some of them,

    but !! of them% /alleluCah%n cts 81I '!=7 the =ible sa#s, 'hen (eter

    and John laid their hands u&on these believers, andthe# received the /ol# )&irit$: .hat was it thatha&&ened that caused )imon to offer mone# to bu#the &ower to la# hands on &eo&le*s heads to havethem receive the /ol# )&irit+ )urel# something

    must have ha&&ened to cause him to want this&ower$ ould it have been the su&ernaturalmanifestation of s&ea-ing in languages the# didn*t-now+

    cts 1044 '!=7 >ven as (eter was sa#ingthese things, the /ol# )&irit fell u&on all thoselistening% 'he Jews who came with (eter wereama;ed that the gift of the /ol# )&irit would begiven to the "entiles too%: /ow did he -now+ould he tell b# Cust loo-ing at them+ @o, the =ibles&ecificall# sa#s the# gave the evidence of havingreceived, =ut there could be no doubt about it, forthe# heard them s&ea-ing in tongues and &raising

    "od$: 'his was 10 #ears after the /ol# )&irit hadfallen on the Aa# of (entecost$ ' .) )'!!"@" @%

    n the 19th cha&ter of cts, verse 2, '!=7 thesame thing ha&&ened% (aul arrived in >&hesus


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    where he found several disci&les% /e was nottal-ing to unbelievers, /> .) '!@" '

    A)(!>)% /e as-ed the famous Huestion, EAid#ou receive the /ol# )&irit when #ou believed+* heas-ed them$ E@o,* the# re&lied, Ewe don*t -nowwhat #ou mean$ .hat is the /ol# )&irit+* E'henwhat beliefs did #ou ac-nowledge at #our ba&tism+*he as-ed$ nd the# re&lied, E.hat John the =a&tisttaught$* 'hen (aul &ointed out to them that John*s

    ba&tism was to demonstrate a desire to turn from sinto "od and that those receiving his ba&tism mustthen go on to believe in Jesus, the one John saidwould come later$ s soon as the# heard this, the#were ba&ti;ed in the name of the !ord Jesus$

    'hen, when (aul laid his hands u&on their heads,

    the /ol# )&irit came on them, and the# )(> @'/>? !@"B">) @A (?(/>)>A$:

    >Dactl# the same thing ha&&ened 25 #ears afterthe Aa# of (entecost% 'he# received the /ol# )&iritwith eDactl# the same evidence as the believers didin the u&&er room$ ll of them were gathered therein one accord and !! began s&ea-ing in tongues,and 25 #ears later, eDactl# the same thing ha&&enedagain%

    n the 20th centur# we don*t have to settle foran# less than the disci&les did% "od is &ouring outhis /ol# )&irit in the same manner toda# as he didthen$ 'here is no difference$ (robabl# the verse

    we*ve heard Huoted more than an# other is /ebrews138, Jesus hrist is the same #esterda#, toda#, andforever$: '!=7 f he ba&ti;ed with the evidence ofs&ea-ing in tongues #esterda#, then surel# he*sdoing the same thing toda# and will continue doing


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    it tomorrow$ 'he @ew 'estament has not beenrewritten since the da#s of the disci&les and we

    would be assuming it had been if we are to have adifferent evidence or lac- of &ositive evidence7$>ver# word of the @ew 'estament was written b#those who had received the ba&tism of the /ol#)&irit and who s&o-e in tongues$ "od considered itvital$ Jesus commanded it$ .e acce&ted it$ t wor-s%

    n our lives ver# few miracles followed ourenthusiastic messages as we shared the "ood @ews,until we acce&ted the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit ands&o-e in tongues$ .e did @> of the five &arts ofthe "reat ommission &reach the "ood @ews7 andtried to do a second &art heal the sic-7 but withvirtuall# no success< the other three &arts were

    b#&assed without our awareness$ 'oda#,em&owered b# the /ol# )&irit, our ministr# haschanged considerabl#% fter we &roclaim the "ood

    @ews we have been &rivileged to see miraclesoccur%

    .e*ve heard it said that tongues were given onthe Aa# of (entecost because there were men therefrom all different countries and the# heard themessage: in their own language$ 'his isn*t trueaccording to the =ible%% 'he# heard all those in theu&&er room &raising "od in their new tongues, butthe evangelist who gave the message: s&o-e inonl# one language$ (eter delivered the message that

    da#$ 'he =ible sa#s he &reached a long sermon, andobviousl# he could not tal- in more than onelanguage at a time, so he &reached in whatever hisnative tongue was, Cust as we would s&ea- in ourcountr# in our native tongue, >nglish% nd the


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    listeners were saved b# listening to his evangelisticmessage s&o-en in his native tongue$ 'ongues were

    s&o-en b# all to &raise "od and tell in variouslanguages about the might# miracles of "od K thencame (eter eD&laining and his sermon caused 3,000to believe$

    'he thing we enCo# the most about the &eo&lewho have acce&ted the ba&tism with the /ol# )&iritis their love of Jesus% 'he# don*t want to tal- aboutan#thing else$ 'he /ol# )&irit was sent to magnif#Jesus, and &raise Jesus< that*s eDactl# what he doeswhen #ou are filled with the /ol# )&irit%

    .e*ve met man# eDciting &eo&le since wereceived the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$ $ $&eo&lefrom all wal-s of life and all denominations who

    found a new dimension in their life through theba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ .e*ve as-ed a few ofthem to share with #ou what the ba&tism has done intheir life, and to tell #ou the answer the# found toWhy Should I Speak in Tongues+

    a# the )&irit of "od s&ea- to #our heartthrough these stories, each one different, and eachone uniHue in its own wa#, but all ending u& sa#ingeDactl# the same thing, Cust as atthew, ar-, !u-eand John did when the# wrote the gos&els%


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    (astor, >vangelistic 'em&le /ouston, 'eDas

    The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not some sortof a shelter you get in from the battle. Its giving youa gun and putting something in you that says, Imgoing to go out and fight the devil wherever he is.

    .e were &ra#ing about the o&ening cha&ter ofthis boo- because we wanted to acHuaint our readerswith the harismatic move if the# had not #et beenswe&t into it$

    .e went to church )unda# morning before

    starting to write that afternoon$ "od arranged ateDactl# the right time and on one of our rare times to

    be home on )unda#, for our beloved &astor to&resent his views on the harismatic ?enewal$ .eca&tured his beautiful &resentation on cassette ta&eand it was eDactl# what we wished we could havesaid$

    (astor .il-erson is recogni;ed widel#throughout the Bnited )tates and other &arts of theworld as being solid in his understanding of theword of "od$ /e has long been in the (entecostalmovement, but he got caught u& in the new move ofthe /ol# )&irit and became a harismatic tool

    /e attended 'ulsa Bniversit# and graduatedfrom the entral =ible ollege in )&ringfield, o$/e received the lumnus of the Fear ward in19I3, the onl# &astor who has ever received onefrom =$


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    (astor .il-erson has been &astoring in /ouston25 #ears$ n ugust of 1966, two churches merged

    and became >vangelistic 'em&le, where he has been&astoring ever since$ >vangelistic 'em&le is one ofthe most eDciting, &eo&le&ac-ed, &ower&ac-ed,fastest growing churches in merica$

    'here*s a lot of Huestion and a lot of controvers#right now being raised about what is called theharismatic ?enewal$ would li-e to share with #ouwhat see from the =ible as it relates to this subCect$

    'o hel& us understand what we*re tal-ing about, would li-e first of all to establish ./' ) theharismatic ?enewal$ .h# is there so much

    controvers#+ .h# has almost ever# maCordenomination had to come to some conclusionsrelative to this subCect of the harismatic ?enewal+

    Girst of all, let*s find out what charismatic:means$ 'he word charismatic: comes from a "ree-word charisma$: .e*re hearing the wordcharisma: used a lot of toda#, not onl# in thereligious realm or the hristian realm but also in thesecular realm$ Fou*ll hear &eo&le tal-ing aboutsomebod# having a lot of charisma$: *d li-e togive #ou r$ .ebster*s definition of charisma$:/ere*s what he sa#s$ *m going to read it verbatim,so that we can -now eDactl# what we*re tal-ing

    about from an official stand&oint, such as r$.ebster$

    s&ecial divine or s&iritual gift, a s&ecialdivine endowment conferred u&on a believer as anevidence of the eD&erience of divine grace and


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    fitting him for the life, wor-, or office to which hewas called$ grace and if #ou understand what the

    word Egrace* means, it is an unmerited favor of"od7 as a miraculousl# given &ower of healing or ofs&ea-ing in tongues or of &ro&hes#ing, etc$,attributed to some of the earl# hristians$: r$.ebster sa#s that charismatic: or charisma: orcharismata: means a divine endowment to enable a

    believer or a &erson to carr# out the life or the officeto which a believer has been called$ .hen we cometo the subCect of harismatic ?enewal: this is a

    &roblem, because most hristian &eo&le whobelieve in church histor# at all will conclude that allof these things have ha&&ened in the &ast$ 'he#-now because the =ible sa#s that it ha&&ened, that

    there was a s&ecial da#, the Aa# of (entecost, whichmost churches conclude was the beginning of thehristian hurch, and that this was also aneD&erience that ha&&ened often and regularl# in theda#s of the a&ostles, that it was &art of the earl# da#hristian hurch$

    'he &roblem is the subCect of the harismatic?enewal,: which means a renewal @. of thedivine enablement or gifts of the )&irit to thechurch$ an# &eo&le believe in the historicalout&ouring of "od*s /ol# )&irit$ 'he# believe that"od sent to the earl# a&ostles this s&ecialenablement to thrust the church into a &rofitable,

    effective ministr# in their generation$Gor nearl# 2,000 #ears the church off and on7

    has had s&iritual awa-enings, s&iritual renewal, oras we call it revival$: 'he Huestion is, s theharismatic ?enewal that we are seeing toda#


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    scri&turall# in order with the =ible+: !et me go alittle be#ond the definition of the charismatic: and

    charismatic renewal: to &oint to #ou the origin andwhere it all began$

    n Joel, cha&ter 2, verse 28 J7 bac- in theld 'estament before Jesus came, one of the

    &ro&hets of "od said,:$ $ $ will &our out m# s&iritu&on all flesh$: 'hen he goes on to sa#, $ $ $ and #oursons and #our daughters shall &ro&hes#$: /old ontothe word &ro&hes#: because this is &art of thedivine enablement of the gifts of the )&irit or thehel&s, as we often refer to them$ /e sa#s, will

    &our out m# s&irit $ $ $ and #our sons and #ourdaughters shall &ro&hes#$: 'hen he goes on toeD&lain that there will be visions and there will be

    dreams, and that u&on the handmaids and u&on theservants "od would &our out his )&irit$

    n the ld 'estament, when the /ol# )&iritcame he did not come u&on !! flesh$ 'he /ol#)&irit did not come u&on the general ld 'estamentcongregation of srael$ 'he /ol# )&irit came u&onmen li-e >liCah and >lisha, &erha&s even li-e >nochand u&on a -ing li-e Aavid or even u&on ing )aul$'he /ol# )&irit came u&on the Cudges$ t was anendowment, or an enduement of &ower, that madethese ld 'estament &ro&hets effective$ t ha&&enedon rare occasions or u&on occasions where "od was

    &roCecting to his &eo&le, srael$ =efore the ld

    'estament dis&ensation, or the dis&ensation of !awthe method through which "od was dealing withthe world, with the &eo&le of srael7 was to come toa close, "od said through one of the &ro&hets, therewill come a time when 1 will &our out m# s&irit


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    u&on !! flesh$: 'his is in contrast to the fact thathe onl# came u&on the -ings and the &ro&hets and

    the Cudges, basicall#, in the ld 'estament$n the gos&el of ar-, cha&ter 16, verse 14,

    Jesus, after his crucifiDion and resurrection from thegrave, said he wanted to meet with his disci&les thathe had been training and tutoring in his ministr#,fterward he a&&eared unto the eleven as the# satat meat, and u&braided them with their unbelief andhardness of heart, because the# believed not themwhich had seen him after he was risen$: /e wastal-ing to his select disci&les, when he said to them,"o #e into all the world, and &reach the gos&el toever# creature$ /e that believeth and is ba&ti;edshall be saved< but he that believeth not shall be

    damned$: 'hen he began to give the evidences thatwould follow them that believe$ /ere*s what it sa#sin verse 1I, nd these signs: K or these evidences Kshall follow them that =>!>>$:

    'he Huestion in front of us is the unbelievers:and the believers$: /e that believeth and is

    ba&ti;ed shall be saved< but he that believeth notshall be damned,: the evidences that shall follow the=>!>>?$ ho&e #ou have the abilit# to eDercise#our intelligence to tr# to unshac-le #ourself fromdenominational &reCudices or bac-grounds that willdescribe believers in an# other wa# than what the=ible sa#s$ t merel# sa#s he that believes the good

    news of the gos&el and is ba&ti;ed shall be saved,and he that believes not shall be damned$

    'hose who believe the good news of the gos&eland are ba&ti;ed and become the saved &eo&le shallhave the following evidences following their


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    believing$ $ $ n m# name shall the# cast out devils$:'his is where a lot of the controvers# regarding the

    harismatic ?enewal: hinges$ )hould theseevidences or these em&hases be within theframewor- of the hristian church toda#+ /e sa#s,believers$: /e doesn*t sa# Cust the believers of theda#s of the disci&les% /e doesn*t sa# that it was Custfor that generation$ f we*re going to believe that wecan &reach the gos&el toda# that he that believethand is ba&ti;ed is saved, then we must &ut those

    believers in the same categor# with those believersthat we*re tal-ing about in the gos&el of ar-,cha&ter 16$ .e must not se&arate them b#generation or b# certain &eriods of time when the#lived or eDisted$ )o we have to conclude that if we

    were reading this in the wa# that Jesus full#intended it, he was sa#ing, >ven in 19I5 he that

    believeth and is ba&ti;ed shall be saved, and in 19I5these signs shall follow them that believe$ 'he#shall cast out devils, and the# shall s&ea- with newtongues$: @ow, hold onto this, because this is whatr$ .ebster sa#s is &art of the charisma: or thecharismatic$: ' ) (?' G '/> "G')$ r$.ebster sa#s this in his own &erha&s limitedunderstanding$ Jesus said, two of the evidences ofthe believer will be that the# shall cast out devils inm# name, and secondl# the# shall s&ea- with newtongues$ t goes on to sa# that if the# drin- an#

    deadl# thing,: and *ve alwa#s &ut the wordaccidentall#,: because this is not to test or tr# "od7it shall not hurt them< the# shall la# hands on thesic-, and the# shall recover$: 'his is bringinghealing or the hel&s of healing or the gift of healing


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    that belong to the church$ )o Jesus s&o-econcerning these hel&s$

    )ometimes thin- the reason &eo&lemisunderstand the harismatic ?enewal is becausewe are confused between the oldline (entecostalconce&ts and the &resentda# out&ouring of "od*s)&irit$ thin- some &eo&le who are antagonistictoward the harismatic ?enewal are actuall# going

    bac- a few #ears and &ic-ing u& some of the thingsthat were not understood in the era of the(entecostal out&ouring$ -now that some of #ou areas-ing the Huestion, s there an# difference

    between (entecostalism and the harismatic?enewal+: thin- there definitel# is a difference

    between these two$ hear a lot of (entecostals sa#,

    .ell, *m harismatic$: 'he#*re not harismatic)@A FB? )@ @A !! '/>)> '/@"),'/>@ FB A@*' @>>A '/> /!F )(?'$'he /ol# )&irit in the harismatic ?enewal is"od*s gift to #ou of his &ower, his enablement, tohel& #ou rise to become what he ultimatel# wants#ou to become$ 'his gives a lot of &roblems to the(entecostals because the# sa#, /ow can a atholic

    &riest who still &ra#s to ar# s&ea- in tongues+:Fou see, their conce&t is that until #ou Huit &ra#ing

    to ar#, the /ol# "host isn*t going to come in$/e*s waiting for #ou to do all #ou can$ 'hen #ou*llget the merit badge, the ba&tism with the /ol#"host and the s&ea-ing in other tongues$ t doesn*t

    bother me toda# in the harismatic ?enewal,


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    because -now if a atholic comes along to the&lace where he receives the ba&tism with the /ol#

    )&irit, "od is ca&able of bringing that &ersonultimatel# to his own goal for that &erson$ )o, it is a"odgiven &ower to achieve and accom&lish thewill and the &ur&oses of "od$

    'hat*s Cust one eDam&le of the differencebetween (entecostalism and the harismatic$ 'heba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and the gifts of the )&iritare not merit badges that sa# to the other &erson,'his &erson is better$: lot of &eo&le in theharismatic: controvers# have the idea thatharismatics thin- the#*re better than an#bod# else$'he#*re Huite the o&&osite$ 'his is m# view of theharismatics$ ost harismatics are ver# humble

    and feel ver# much their need of more of the &owerof "od and don*t go around sa#ing, 1 have the

    ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ am better than #ou,: orthat "od endowed me with the /ol# )&irit, sotherefore, am better than #ou or above #ou ins&iritual attainment$: 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&iritis ver# humbling$ t brings a &erson to theirconsciousness that the# are nothing$ 'he /ol# )&iritcomes into a man*s or a woman*s life to hel& them

    become what "od wants them ultimatel# to become$nother one of the Huestions in the controvers#

    is, Aoesn*t the &erson receive the /ol# )&irit whenthe# are born again+: 'he harismatics believe that

    when a &erson is born again, the# are born againscri&turall# b# the .?@" of the /ol# )&irit$'here is no wa# to be born into the famil# of "odwithout the wor-ing of the /ol# )&irit, an# morethan Jesus was born an# other wa# than b# the /ol#


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    )&irit$ ar# the irgin conceived and bore a childb# the /ol# )&irit$ 'hat*s what the =ible sa#s$ n

    other words, Jesus was born of the /ol# )&irit$ f#ou are a believer in the church toda#, regardless ofwhat denominational tag #ou wear, #our new birth,#our new life, came onl# through the wor-ing of the/ol# )&irit bringing #ou to Jesus hrist and his lifeinto #ou$ .hether or not #ou*ve ever been ba&ti;ed.'/ the /ol# )&irit, #ou are born again =F the/ol# )&irit% f #ou have never s&o-en in othertongues, #ou*re born again and belong to the famil#of "od$

    harismatics do not believe that the ba&tismwith the /ol# )&irit and s&ea-ing in tongues issalvation$ 'here is a segment of (entecostals who

    will tell #ou that #ou are not born again until #ouhave s&o-en in other tongues$ 'here is nothing togive foundation to that -ind of thought$ )&ea-ing intongues is not s#non#mous with salvation$?eceiving the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is not oneand the same with salvation$ Jesus was born of the/ol# )&irit, but when he came of the age when "odwas read# for him to be thrust into the ministr#, he

    &resented himself to John for ba&tism in the Jordan?iver$ nd Jesus, when he was ba&ti;ed, went u&straightwa# out of the water and, lo, the heavenswere o&ened unto him, and he saw the )&irit of "oddescending li-e a dove, and lighting u&on him and

    lo a voice from heaven, sa#ing, 'his is m# beloved)on, in whom am well &leased$: atthew 3161IJ7

    Jesus had more than one encounter with the/ol# )&irit$ /is birth was # the /ol# )&irit, and


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    conclude that for ever# born again believer, #ournew birth was b# the same /ol# )&irit that Jesus

    was conceived of when he was born of ar#$.ill #ou anal#;e with me for a moment the

    difference in Jesus before John*s ba&tism and thecoming of the dove, and Jesus afterwards+ f #ouwill loo- ver# carefull# #ou will &robabl# concludethat from the time of the birth of Jesus to his

    ba&tism we have onl# a few s-etch# accounts of hischildhood, his #oung adolescence, and his #oungmanhood da#s$

    '/>?> ) @ B@' '/' /> .) ?!> .?>?$

    '/>?> ) @ B@' '/' /> >>?/>!>A$

    '/>?> ) @ B@' '/' /> .))B(>? @ @F .F$

    'he onl# account was when he was twelve #earsof age when he was with the doctors in Jerusalem$utside of that account, there is nothing thatdescribes him as a miracle wor-er or a &owerful

    &erson, but when he came to John*s ba&tism and the)&irit of "od came down u&on him and he was led

    b# the )&irit into the wilderness, then it sa#s that hereturned @ '/> (.>? G '/> )(?'$:

    G? '/' >@' @ />(>?G?>A ?!>)$

    /> 'B?@>A '/> .'>? @' .@>$

    /> />!>A '/> )$/> />!>A '/> =!@A, '/> !>, '/>

    !>(>?), '/> .@ .'/ '/> ))B> G=!A, J?B)* AB"/'>?, (>'>?*)'/>?@!.%


  • 8/12/2019 Why Should I Speak in Tongues (1)


    J>)B) />!>A >>?F./>?> /> .>@'G? '/> '> G /) >@AB>>@' @ '/>

    )>@A )'"> G '/> (.>? G '/>/!F )(?'$

    'he harismatics do not believe that the ba&tismof the /ol# "host is s#non#mous with the /ol#)&irit$ .e believe that the ba&tism of the /ol#)&irit is a similar eD&erience to that of Jesus$ /e hada )>@A encounter with the /ol# "host$ t*s anencounter of being filled with the &ower$ Jesus wasshowing himself again to his disci&les in John202122 J7, when he said, (eace be unto #ouas m# Gather hath sent me, even so send #ou$ ndwhen he had said this, he breathed on them, andsaith unto them, ?eceive #e the /ol# "host: )ome

    &eo&le sa# that this means then that if the# receivedthe /ol# "host, this is the same ba&tism that isrecorded on the Aa# of (entecost< but when #ouread carefull# #ou will discover that the =ible sa#sin John I39 J7, $ $ $ for the /ol# "host was not#et given< because that Jesus was not #et glorified$:It is m# belief that in John 2022 these were the first

    &eo&le to be born again, who received the breathingof the )&irit to become bornagain believers$ B& tothis time, the# were disci&les$ 'he# were followersof Jesus$ 'here is a difference in being a disci&leand a follower and in being born again$ 'hesedisci&les followed Jesus$ 'he# heard his teaching$

    'he# were with him$ =ut on this occasion believethese &eo&le were born again$ believe these werethe first bornagain &eo&le of the @ew 'estament$/e breathed on them, and said, ?eceive #e the/ol# "host$: 'o this same grou& of &eo&le now, he


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    sa#s in the boo- of cts, cha&ter one and verse four,=eing assembled together with them, commanded

    them that the# should not$$ $

    .ho are these+ '/>)> (>(!> /> =?>'/>A @ @A )A,?>>> F> '/> /!F "/)',: $ commandedthem that the# should not de&art from Jerusalem,

    but wait for the &romise of the Gather, which, saithhe, #e have heard of me$: 'hen in verse 8 he sa#s,=ut F> )/!! ?>>> (.>?, after that the/ol# "host is come u&on #ou and #e shall bewitnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in allJudaea and in )amaria, and unto the uttermost &artof the earth$: believe that Jesus was tal-ing abouttwo different eD&eriences

    G?)' G !! '/> @>. =?'/, =>@"

    =?@ "@, @" @' )(?'B!!G> '/?B"/ '/> /!F )(?'

    @A )>@A!F, ?>>@" @>@AB>>@' G (.>? '/?B"/ '/>=(') G '/> /!F )(?' to become theeffective witness that "od wanted the hurch to be$

    would be foolish to tell #ou that the churchthrough all the centuries was not effective or has not

    been effective nor that a bornagain believer cannotbe effective without the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$*ve -nown a lot of hristian &eo&le genuinel# bornagain who were ver# effective in their witness, whowere ver# much attuned to "od, and were effective

    in their wal- with "od$ =ut for some reason oranother, Jesus said to his disci&les, Aon*t go outinto the battlefield$ Aon*t leave Jerusalem until #oureceive the enduement of &ower$:


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    see m#self as a hristian soldier$ *ve Cust beencalled b# m# countr# to enlist for a battle in iet

    @am$ # officers have called me in and said, @ow,we*ve got a battle over there to fight, and we feelthat #ou ought to have some ammunition$ .e*d hatefor #ou to get out there on the front line without agun, without some rations on #ou$ .e*ve going togive #ou all the &rotection we can with tan-s andwith air&lanes and other things, but we*d li-e for#ou to carr# along a little rifle$ t might come inhand#$ )o, we*re going to give #ou some of thesesu&&lies$: !et me tell #ou, if *m going out to face aliteral enem# that*s got a rifle that he*s aiming atme, and he*s got some tan-s on the other side andhe*s got a government behind him, *m going to

    want something in m# hands, too$ 'his is eDactl#what Jesus is sa#ing$ /e didn*t sa#, /e#, *m goingto ma-e #ou some -ind of an outstanding soldier,and #ou*re going to stand around with a rifle in #ourhand$ Fou*re going to have rations, and #ou*regoing to be somebod#$: @ot at all% /e said, *mgoing to endue #ou with &ower from on high,

    because #ou*re going to face an enem# that*s welleHui&&ed to destro# #ou unless #ou have theammunition that is necessar#$ 'he church is notfighting an intellectual battle with Cust other &eo&leout in the world on the intellectual level$ .e*re nottr#ing to fight some -ind of a battle in the financial

    world$ tell #ou, we*re fighting according to the&ostle (aul, a battle that is not against flesh and

    blood but is against &rinci&alities and &owers anddominions and -ingdoms of dar-ness$ .e areinvolved in a real battle, and "od said the onl# wa#


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    that battle can ever be fought is for #ou to receivethe enduement of m# &ower so that #ou can go

    against the &ower of #our enem# and #ou can besuccessful$

    'he harismatic ?enewal and the &eo&leinvolved in it have no reason to stand bac- and

    boast$ ll we have is the ammunition "od has givento us to fight a good fight and to war a good warfareagainst #our enem# and mine that attac-s us in as&iritual battle% t*s "od*s enablement for us to fighta successful battle at this ver# moment%

    =eloved, the church is in a battle$ believe thatthe harismatic ?enewal is "od*s last s&iritualawa-ening to the world$ don*t get u& in a lot of

    &ride to sa# that *m in the harismatic ?enewal$

    see what "od is doing toda#$ "od is tr#ing to thrust&eo&le from all wal-s of life into a s&iritual warfare$f #ou*re thin-ing the ba&tism of the /ol# "host isan insurance &olic# that ma-es #ou have a lot moresecurit# and ma-es #ou feel a lot better, #ou*ve gotanother thought coming% f #ou*ve had &roblems

    before #ou received the ba&tism with the /ol#)&irit, #ou wait until #ou get it% Fou*ll have attac-sfrom the devil #ou*ve never had before$ an# times

    &eo&le who have been filled with the /ol# )&iritCust couldn*t wait to run and tell their &astor% .hat ashoc- to have him loo- down at them as if the#were some -ind of :Huir-#: &eo&le and ultimatel#

    be shown the door$ (eo&le can*t understand, .h#in the world+ /ere*s something that*s so wonderfuland so beautiful, and #et all of a sudden *m anoutcast$:


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    'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is not some sortof a shelter #ou get in from the battle$ t*s giving

    #ou a gun and &utting something in #ou that sa#s,*m going to go out and fight the devil wherever heis$: (rett# soon #ou find #ourself in the middle of a

    big battle, and #ou sa#, .hat in the world did doto get into this+:

    grew u& as a (entecostal with m# han-ie beingwaved and singing, /old the fort, for amcoming$: t described us sitting inside the fort withour flags, and we were sa#ing, Aon*t worr#, !ord$.e*re going to hold the fort%: =ut the harismaticshave learned that being filled with the /ol# )&irit isnot holding the fort$ t*s getting out of a fort andcharging against the devil ever#where he is, even if

    it*s the boss on the Cob, even if it*s the secretar#, ifit*s the school teacher, if it*s the -ids, whoever$.hen a &erson becomes d#namicall# filled with the/ol# )&irit, it thrusts him out of an# -ind of a fortand &uts him right out on the battlefield$ 'his iswhat is so beautiful about the harismatic ?enewal$.ee- after wee-, &eo&le come wal-ing in withsomebod# that the# met out on the battlefield, andsa#, /ere*s a ca&ture$ .e met out on the

    battlefield, and "od has saved him$:'he harismatic ?enewal, as *ve said, is not

    merit badges$ t*s not something that &uts us intosome sort of a s&ecial, uniHue, su&er club$ .hat

    see as a harismatic ?enewal is a return to what theboo- of cts describes as the norm of the @ew'estament hurch$ see the @ew 'estament hurchas a grou& of &eo&le much li-e what have seen inthe harismatic ?enewal$


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    !et me sa# this about the harismatic ?enewal$@ot ever#where #ou go are #ou going to find the

    same -ind of grou& of &eo&le that fl# that flag, and would be foolish to tell #ou that there is not someerror in the harismatic ?enewal$ =ut #ou can*tclassif# all charismatic grou&s b# something that#ou have seen that #ou didn*t understand an# morethan #ou can classif# all =a&tists or all ethodistsas being the same$ 'here are differences ofo&erations and differences of o&inions in differentgrou&s$ *m tal-ing from what have seen in theharismatic ?enewal here and the other areas inwhich *ve been &rivileged to s&ea- and minister toin different &arts of the countr# and world, but theharismatic ?enewal as see it toda# is a grou& of

    &eo&le who are see-ing to come bac- to thesim&licit# of the earl# church, the @ew 'estamentchurch%

    Gor eDam&le, in >&hesians 518 it sa#s, nd benot drun- with wine, wherein is eDcess< but be: andthat*s an '> verb Kbe, being7 filled with the)&irit

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    /e tells us that after being filled with the )&irit,the outcro&&ing of it is s&ea-ing to #ourselves in

    &salms and h#mns and s&iritual songs, singing andma-ing melod# in #our heart to the !ord< "ivingthan-s alwa#s for all things unto "od and the Gatherin the name of our !ord Jesus hrist$:

    @ow here*s another indictment against theharismatics that some &eo&le have made recentl#$t*s been said that we*re &reaching another gos&el&isco&alianheavenl# ban- account$ )he does receivecom&ensation while she wor-s as a consultant for

    ar# a# osmetics$.e see her energeticall#, voluntaril# wor-ing at

    /unter inistries office almost ever# time we arethere$ )he is also our ma-eu& artist for television

    &roduction$)he has taught in church schools since she was

    18$ )he has been &reschool director for her church$)he has served on &racticall# ever# board andcommittee in her church$ )he has been conferenceleader in several &laces, teaching teachers$ )he andher husband are counselors on the I00 lub$


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    .e love to be around her because of hercharisma, sharing Jesus from the de&ths of her

    devoted, energetic heart$.ould #ou li-e to get eDcited+?>A and =>%

    .h# should 1: s&ea- in tongues+ .ow% Gor

    almost three #ears was feeling a real dullness inm# hristian life$ t wasn*t because wasn*t goingto church, because was there &racticall# ever# timethe doors o&ened, )unda# morning and night and.ednesda# and whenever else there was a meetingof some -ind that needed to be attended$ -e&ttelling m# husband, Jim, there*s something missing

    in m# life$: /e -e&t sa#ing, E*m com&letel#satisfied$ Fou*re not, because #ou*re not teachingeleven and twelve #ear olds li-e #ou used to$Fou*ve been at &reschool wor- Cust too long$: said, @o, that*s not it$: /A ?>!!F !)'@'>?>)' @ ?>A@" '/> ==!>$ t Cust

    didn*t mean an#thing when read it, G got aroundto it$ was raised a =a&tist, and m# &arents were

    faithful in ta-ing me to church when was #oung$ acce&ted hrist as m# &ersonal )avior when waseleven #ears old, and when was eighteen beganteaching girls eleven and twelve #ears old and was

    constantl# bus# being in church$ fter married started directing the children*s choir$ was right inthere doing ever#thing #ou can imagine a #oung

    &erson can do in a church, full steam ahead$ .henour daughter im was horn started attending &re


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    school conferences and became ver# interested inhow little children from birth through age three can

    be taught about Jesus arid his love for them$ )o forthe &ast twelve #ears *ve been in &reschool wor-in our church, leading conferences in the state and inother churches, teaching teachers how the# canteach the #oung children$

    # life still wasn*t eDciting s&irituall#$ nJanuar# of 19I3, during our 'raining Bnion time, itwas announced in the bulletins that we were goingto have an author, Grances /unter, as a guests&ea-er$ had heard some of the others sa# howmuch the# had enCo#ed her boo-s, but had nevergotten around to reading them$ had at one timeloved to read, but that too had gotten awa# from me$

    went$ h, the things she said, the things shetold$ $ $ sat there and cried, laughed, got soeDcited hearing her give her testimon# about herlove for Jesus%

    'ime was &assing, months went b#, and stillfelt this void in m# life$ a# 10, 19I3, our )unda#)chool Ae&artment was having a ladies luncheon inour de&artment director*s home$ reall# had gottento the &oint didn*t enCo# going to class meetings,

    because we*d eat and then it was Cust gab, gab, gab%'hen, the#*d have a Huic- devotion, and that wasall$ heard Grances was going to be there and

    because had enCo#ed her so much, decided

    would go$Grances was going to s&ea- first$ 'hen we were

    going to have a luncheon$ had to leave earl# form# daughter*s orthodontist a&&ointment$


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    Grances s&o-e on how to ma-e Jesus come alivein #our life through reading the =ible$ .e reall# got

    a lot out of the tal-$ 'hen, at the ver# end, she evenhad an invitation% 'hat -ind of shoc-ed me, because thought, /ere we are in a =a&tist )unda# )choolgrou&, and she*s giving an invitation%: 'hen, shesaid, have two or three minutes left$ .ould #ouli-e to -now what is going on in the world toda#+:f course, all of us, about thirt# of us, were eager$.e all said, Fes, we want to -now%: )o, Grancesstarted telling about how "od had told them to havea miracle service on a 'uesda# night in a =a&tisthurch in >l (aso, 'eDas, and how word got to theschools that Jesus was going to be &assing b# thechurch and healing the sic-, the maimed, and the

    lame$ little child with cerebral &als# heard thegood news and begged and &leaded to go until shefinall# got someone to ta-e her$ Grances said shewas healed, fell under the &ower, and starteds&ea-ing in tongues$ .hen she said this startedhaving a million Huestions, because -new that m#=ible said that #ou are not to s&ea- in tonguesunless #ou have an inter&retation, and she had saidnothing about an#bod# inter&reting what that girlhad said$ also was ver# interested in this, because had been out canvassing our neighborhood Cust

    before that to collect cerebral palsy donations$)he said a lot of things within that few minute

    &eriod$ )he told how she had been to a athr#nuhlman miracle service and how she had fallenunder the &ower$ 'hen she Huic-l# closed%

    had hundreds of Huestions running through m#mind that needed answers$ Just then a friend came


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    u& and as-ed Grances if she would &ra# for someonewho was ver# sic-$ Grances said, !et*s all sto& and

    &ra# for this friend of =ett# Jo*s$: .e all closed oure#es, and Grances &ra#ed$ heard a little bit of acommotion and thought, h, guess ever#bod# isgetting read# to hold hands$: o&ened m# e#es toget someone*s hand, and =>''F J .) @')'@A@" B( @F?>$ )/> .) !F@"@ '/> G!?% ll of our mouths were ga&ingo&en% can remember someone bending over =ett#Jo and wondering what to do$ Grances Cust laughedand said, !eave her alone$ )he is with Jesus, andshe*ll never be an# ha&&ier than she is right now$: thought, .hat is this woman tal-ing about+: =ett#Jo got u& and was smiling$ t seemed as if ever#one

    else wanted to ignore the whole thing%)omeone called dinnertime, and thought,

    want to -now if =ett# Jo -new she was falling onthe floor$: wanted to -now% went all through thehouse tr#ing to find =ett# Jo to as- her the Huestionsthat were in m# mind$ finall# found her and said,*ve got some Huestions to as- #ou$: was sha-ingall over% didn*t reali;e that this was the &ower ofthe /ol# )&irit that had fallen u&on me duringGrances* &ra#er$ =ett# Jo said, )ure% !et*s go in theother bedroom$: )o we did, and as-ed her as man#Huestions as could$ t was alread# &ast the time forthat orthodontist a&&ointment was to have left for$

    hadn*t even &ic-ed ?honda m# daughter7 u&, and was on the other side of town$ /owever, as-ed asman# Huestions as

    could and left Huic-l#, sha-ing all the wa# to&ic- u& ?honda at school, sa#ing, !ord, what is


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    this+ )how me$ don*t understand$: ll wanted todo reall# was to go home and read m# =ible$ Fet

    couldn*t$ had to ta-e m# daughter to theorthodontist%

    cou&le of wee-s later went to deliver somecosmetics to a friend who had Cust moved bac- intotown$ )he was a member of the Girst =a&tisthurch$ started telling her what had ha&&ened atour class meeting$ )he said, ..% Fou mean thisha&&ened, and #ou didn*t invite me to theluncheon%: said, didn*t -now it was going toha&&en$: mentioned athr#n uhlman, and shesaid, thin- read somewhere that athr#nuhlman is going to be in town$: said, .ell, if#ou hear of this, let me -now, because want to go$:

    started &iecing things together and rememberedabout a #ear ago some girls in m# )unda# )choolclass had tal-ed about getting on a bus and going toa athr#n uhlman service$ 'he !ord had broughtthis bac- to m# memor#, but remembered Cust alittle bit of it$ started calling different ones andsaid, s there going to be a bus this #ear+: 'he#didn*t -now an#thing about it$ 'he# were reall#hesitant to tell me who had even ordered that bus$ said, .h# are #ou -ee&ing it a secret+: 'he# said,=ecause not ever#bod# believes this$: said,(lease -ee& chec-ing, and if there is a bus &leaselet me -now$:

    # mother had gotten reall# sic-, had atem&erature of 106L and was &ut in the hos&ital$ @ot-nowing what was wrong with her, the doctors had

    &ut her in isolation and were giving her all -inds oftests$ -e&t wanting to go hel& her, but she said,


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    @o, there*s nothing #ou can do now$ Aon*t comeuntil the# let me out of the hos&ital$: -e&t waiting

    and told the &eo&le that would call, (lease -ee&chec-ing about the bus to the athr#n uhlmanservice, and if #ou find out an#thing, call m#husband and let him -now$ *m going to have to goto ansas it# to be with m# mother$:

    ?ight after Grances had been to the luncheon had written other all about what had ha&&ened atthe )unda# )chool luncheon$ .hen finall# arrivedin ansas it#, other said, 'here is somethingmissing in m# life$ f "od doesn*t do somethingabout it, don*t -now what *m going to do%: too-care of m# mother and told her, 1 have to leave on)aturda#, because athr#n uhlman is going to be

    in /ouston on )unda#$: had been with m# motheralmost two wee-s$ # husband had called and toldme about the meeting$ had as-ed him to see if hecould get me a tic-et to go on a bus, thus reserving aseat, so *d -now for sure could get in$

    got home about midnight and was so tired fromm# tri& that sta#ed home the neDt da#, )unda#, andsle&t$ .e @>>? miss church on )unda#, but "odwas in control% t ten o*cloc- that morning the

    &hone rang$ 'he lad# said, *m =ett# from #ourchurch$: was still slee, but -new that she wasthe lad# who wor-ed iii the librar#$ )he said, understand #ou want to go to the athr#n uhlman

    service$ have an eDtra tic-et for the bus$ .ould#ou li-e to have it+:

    went to >vangelistic 'em&le where we were tocatch the bus and arrived Cust as the services were

    being dismissed$ heard someone mention


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    "!.: in &assing and wondered what that was$)omeone introduced me to .anda, who was a

    =a&tist but was coming out of >vangelistic 'em&le$ thought, wonder what a =a&tist is doing there+:)he gave me a big old bear hug as if she had -nownme all her life, and that was reall# the first time *dever met her$

    t the meeting we sat right above the wheelchair section in the audience$ ll could do thatwhole time was &ra# for all those &eo&le$ thoughtwhen athr#n &ra#ed for these &eo&le and the# fell,the# were receiving the /ol# )&irit$ thought thatwas how #ou received the /ol# )&irit$ wasins&ired% )o man# things were whirling around inm# mind$

    .e had to get bac- to church, because our choirwas doing a s&ecial number$ Fet did not want togo again$ 'he thing wanted to do was to get intothe =ible$ nstead, went to church but did not enCo#it$ ll could thin- about was reading the =ible$

    called =ett# and as-ed what she had been ableto see at the athr#n uhlman meeting, since shesat in the choir$ =ett# answered onl# what as-ed$=ecause of m# inHuisitiveness, she -e&t telling alittle bit more and a little bit more$ !ater *d thin- ofanother Huestion and call her bac-$ )he*d tell me alittle more$ 'his ha&&ened again and again%%

    wrote to other and told her that now -new

    what she was missing$ =ett# had given me someboo-s to read, @>. )@" and '/> '.)A>) G @$

    .e left on our vacation on June 30th to )outhAa-ota to go cam&ing with m# &arents$ n Jul# 1st


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    as we came out of the motel room noticedsomething on the trailer that had never noticed

    before$ t said, n case of emergenc# call such andsuch a number$: t gave me a funn# feeling% 'hatda# while traveling a #oung bo# &ulled out in a

    &ic-u& truc- and we could not sto&$ Jim said,)hirle#, we*re going to hit him$: had beenreading at that time about )hirle# =oone receivingthe ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ loo-ed u&, and wewere heading right toward the truc-$ t the ver# lastminute, Jim turned the wheel or "od did$ ur caronl# sideswi&ed him$ Jim was -noc-ed unconscious$=lood was streaming from him$ thought the carwas going around and around in circles, and -e&twaiting for it to sto&, not reali;ing until that night

    when thought bac- u&on it that the car had sto&&edstraight on the road$ had been hit on the bac- ofthe head b# the steering wheel or something, and agreat big -not was there$ # daughters had beenaslee&$ .e all had severe concussions$ # husbandhad a fractured s-ull and elbow$ had a s&rungtailbone$ # teeth were -noc-ed out of line b# theim&act$

    said, )tart &ra#ing, im$ )tart &ra#ing$: 'he!ord was with us all through this time$ Jim becamesemiconscious$ /e did not -now where he was andcould not ma-e an# sense when he tal-ed$ .e wereta-en to a twelvebed hos&ital, and we had four of

    the beds% went over and laid hands on m# husbandand said, !ord, Cust heal him$: =ett# had shared alittle about this with me, but had not received the

    ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit at that time$


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    Gor a whole month, we were off wor-, and the!ord had us listening to ta&es which =ett# shared$

    .e read boo-s$ was consuming the =ible% "A/A A> '/> .?A > !>$ -e&tsa#ing, !ord, when did #ou &ut that in there+: had read the =ible all m# life, but now it became soalive% Cust couldn*t believe what was &o&&ing outof those scri&tures% *d get u& earl# in the morningand would read all da# long< "od*s word or boo-sthat =ett# was feeding me, or would listen to ta&es$' .) >M'@"$

    ugust 21st came, the da# of the first /untermeeting would be able to attend$ -e&t sa#ing to=ett#, .h# am not seeing these miracles+: )he-e&t sa#ing, )hirle#, #ou won*t see them at the

    =a&tist hurch, because the# believe that thesethings sto&&ed #ears ago$: -new this, because wehad been tal-ing about it, that these things had

    &assed, even though we &ra#ed that someone wouldbe healed if it would be "od*s will$ /owever, G'/>F >>? "' />!>A .> .>?>)/>A$

    Cust -new was going to receive the ba&tism inthe /ol# )&irit at the meeting that night$ friendfrom another =a&tist church went with me$ .e saton the ver# front row$ ll of a sudden harlesstarted calling out healings$ ne was arthritis, andright on the front row a lad# let out a scream and

    said, # legs% # legs%: harles said, ome onu& on the stage and tell us what "od has done$:'he# had to hel& her u& on the stage$ )he seemeddrun-$ )he said, "od has Cust healed me of goutand arthritis$: thought, # mother has gout$: Just


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    @o, the# didn*t$ was watching$: said, Fou didreceive$:

    )he tal-ed about her -nee having &roblems$ )hesaid, # husband is home tonight doinghousewor- that cannot do, because cannot getdown on m# -nees$: hadn*t reali;ed that$ said,"o on u& there and have them &ra# for #ou$: )hesaid, *m not going bac- u& there$: said, Fes%.e*ll go to Grances and as- her to &ra# for #our-nee% "od will heal it%: Fou see, *d been readingall these boo-s, and "lenda hadn*t$ # faith wasgreat% Jim said, *ll go with #ou$: )o, we went u&there, and told Grances what the &roblem was$Grances Cust said, Jesus heal it$: )he touched"lenda, and down she went% 'hen, u& she &o&&ed

    again and said, Aid she &ush me+: )he said, h%# -nee% was so concerned about whether she

    &ushed me or not that didn*t notice that m# -nee ishealed%: n usher was standing there and said,Fes, awhile ago when #ou got u& had to hel& #ou)B)%:n )e&tember 1st we went to our first Gull

    "os&el =usiness en*s meeting$ bought nineboo-s, all boo-s had alread# read< but wantedother to read them, too$ 'hen, saw one more

    boo-, @">!) G !"/'$ .e had alread# writtenthe chec-, but as-ed Jim if we could bu# this$ /edidn*t want to write another chec-, but he said, f itcosts less than N1$00 *ll let #ou have it$: t costN$95$

    (raise the !ord%=# listening to a cassette ta&e we found out how

    hristians can be o&&ressed b# demons$ @ .)

    '/' )/% -new m# husband had beenreading some >dgar a#ce boo-s$ had been sa#ingto him that didn*t believe in this$ thought it wasfair# tale stuff$ did not reali;e the &ower that )atanhas with such things as horosco&es, e$s$&$,transcendental meditation, #oga, etc$ Cust thought itwas foolishness, so did not get m#self involved$ -new m# husband loved to read boo-s b# such

    &eo&le as Jeanne AiDon and >dgar a#ce$ said,Jim, *m getting so concerned$ Fou*re readingthese boo-s much more than #ou are the =ible$ f#ou read something so much #ou are going to

    believe it instead of what "od*s word sa#s$:

    n reading @">!) G !"/', saw howthese things were not of "od$ tal-ed to a friendabout it$ -now now how much the !ord let her bein m# life, because when needed an answer the

    &hone was alwa#s available$ @ow if want to call


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    u& to as- her a Huestion of nonim&ortance, her lineis never free, because she counsels so much$ )he

    said she -new of someone who &ra#ed fordeliverance$ )he said, )hirle#, don*t s&read this totoo man# &eo&le, because even some harismaticsdo not believe that hristians can be o&&ressed b#demons$: thought, .ow% 'he# need to read this

    boo-$: tal-ed m# husband into going$ n )e&tember

    6th we went over for deliverance$ # husband hadhealings, and we got to see legs grow out, whichwas eDciting%

    .hen this started ha&&ening to me there werethree &eo&le that wanted to share with$ 'he# werem# mother, m# uncle, and a girl in ansas it# who

    had multi&le sclerosis$ !ittle did -now until wenthome at hristmas time that the !ord had alread#healed her of multi&le sclerosis and that she hadalread# received the /ol# )&irit a long time ago$

    # mother told me that m# uncle was going tocome u& 'han-sgiving to tal- to me about all ofthis, because he was ver# concerned$ mong theta&es had sent to m# mother was one of Jerr#/omer, who was (rofessor of "ree- and @ew'estament and hairman of the 'heolog#Ae&artment at the =a&tist college in issouri wherem# uncle had been counselor and dean of men$ #uncle was now a )outhern =a&tist &reacher$ .hen

    got word of this, was reall# eDcited% startedlaughing and &raising the !ord$ thought, what iswrong with me+ # Bncle Johnn# is going to comeand reall# get all over me, because he thin-s this isnot of the !ord$ nd, *m eDcited%


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    immediatel# called =ett# and as-ed her to &ra#for a miracle% .e &ra#ed that "od would &erform a

    miracle that wee-end$ "od started wor-ing, and itwas eDciting how he started wor-ing% didn*t even-now what was going to be ha&&ening during thattime$ wondered what could ta-e them to$

    n the 15th of )e&tember, =ett# had invited usto a &ra#er meeting at her home$ Cust before we wereto go, m# older daughter, ?honda, went to lie down$ discovered she had 103L tem&erature$ called >dand said, >d, do #ou believe in miracles+ f #ou do,

    &ra# for ?honda$ f we are to come to that &ra#ermeeting, "od has got to heal ?honda$:

    /e &ra#ed with her$ .e went ahead and ate, andbecause had been taught that if #our children are

    sic- #ou -ee& them home and don*t eD&ose them toother &eo&le, sta#ed home$ said, Jim, #ou go,and when ?honda*s tem&erature gets com&letel#down *ll come$: told ?honda, )tart &raising the!ord$: .e had Cust received a letter from Grancestelling us about the I00 lub$ as-ed ?honda if shewould li-e to watch the I00 lub$ .e turned it on,and (at ?obertson said if an#one was sic- weshould &ut our hands on the television and believefor a miracle$ .e &ra#ed, and didn*t -nowan#thing had ha&&ened$ .e got dressed and got inthe car, turning on the hristian radio station$ heard, f an#one is sic-, as- the elders to &ra# with

    #ou, anointing the sic- with oil$: said, !ord, are#ou tr#ing to tell me something+: .hen we arrivedat the &ra#er meeting, m# husband was l#ing on thefloor% /e had Cust received the ba&tism in the /ol#)&irit$ >d was in tears$ /e was so ha& to see us


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    all$ 'he# chec-ed ?honda$ /er tem&erature wasnormal$ )he said, other, do #ou remember when

    that man said, E)omebod# has a throat condition andit is being healed+* 'hen she said, # throatsto&&ed hurting$: hadn*t even -nown that it washurting$ t was in Cust one wee-*s time that the !orddid all this in our famil#$ 'hat night m# #oungestdaughter, im, also received the ba&tism%

    # mother had said, f there is going to be a/unter meeting, #ou let me -now, because want tocome down and chec- this all out$: n )e&tember20th she came, she saw, and she received the

    ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit at a /unter meeting$n the 22nd we were watching the I00 lub, and(at ?obertson had a word of -nowledge about

    someone having a s&ur in the bac- being healed$ twas other*s bac-$

    =# the time 'han-sgiving came, m# uncle hadalread# received the ba&tism over the &hone$ nsteadof getting all over me,: m# mother and BncleJohnn# both got to give a little of their testimon#that night% 'he neDt da# we had >d and =ett# comeover to share, and m# aunt*s gall bladder was healedright in our front room% # cousin received the

    ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ 'he neDt night the=arnwells came over to share, and m# daughter?honda received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit,ma-ing our whole famil# com&lete in receiving the

    ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ t*s Cust been glorious-nowing that can &ra# to the !ord an# time in m#

    &ra#er language and -nowing that our famil# iscom&lete in this, too$ 'he !ord has shown us man#miracles%


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    .h# should : s&ea- in tongues+ =ecause m#&recious !ord has become so real to me$ s grew

    u& alwa#s went to church, alwa#s believed in "od< had alread# trusted him as m# )avior$ 'his was atransaction between him and me, a trul# beautifulone, where he trul# became the lover of m# soul$ want to &raise "od that he has so much &atience, somuch love, so much grace and merc#, that he caredenough to stic- b# me, to -ee& after me, and toma-e me hungr# for his word$ 'he onl# regret have is that didn*t acce&t the ba&tism ten #ears agowhen this ha&&ened in our church bac- home inansas it#$ ur &astor received and some of themembers, but was too ignorant to understand whatwas going on$ (raise "od, he never let me go but

    showed me the truth on ugust 21, 19I3$


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    ssociate (rofessor of =iblical !iterature,ral ?oberts Bniversit#$

    Jerry: efore the baptism I !ould ta*e a passageof s!ripture and analy+e it grammati!ally,T IT (I(-T #T "ITH TH# /0S#%1 TH# 0I2I-3 3%( I- IT) The baptism of

    the Holy Spirit brought new areas of spiritualunderstanding in my life. The ible is nolonger a te4tboo*, it has be!ome a 0I2I-3word to me, but 5% &- -#2#$ #6/#&TT% H2# TH# /TIS7 %1 TH# H%05S/I$IT I1 5% $# &%-T#-T T% 0I2#"ITH%T IT.

    Ann:I 07#( 75 /ST%$ 1%$ -%T H2I-3TH# S/I$IT0 3$%"TH THT I0&'#( I- 75 0I1#.

    Jerr# = K Bnion Bniversit#, Jac-son, 'ennessee=A O $Aiv$, 'h$A$ K )outhwestern =a&tist

    'heological )eminar#, Gt$ .orth, 'eDas(ost "raduate .or- at ambridge Bniversit# and

    anchester Bniversit#, >ngland$!isted in .ho*s .ho in merican >ducation!isted in .ho*s .ho in ?eligion

    !isted in utstanding >ducators of mericauthor of (ublications Give (ortraits of hrist< n

    utline )urve# of the @ew 'estament? of his: command$ "od*s command in>&hesians 518 is to be filled instead with the /ol#

    )&irit, and controlled b# him$:'/>@ /> )(> @ '@"B>)%%% and now it

    is /) (.>?: that holds ever#thing together%

    Jerr#t*s the greatest, most eDciting thing in the world

    to be a child of "od, to enCo# the fullness of "od*s/ol# )&irit% &ersonall# went for #ears and #earsand #ears as a carnal hristian$ have the besteducation that m# denomination can give me$ 'hen did &ostgraduate wor- at ambridge Bniversit# in>ngland, and at anchester Bniversit# in >ngland$

    Gor eleven #ears served as &rofessor of "ree- and@ew 'estament and as hairman of the 'heolog#Ae&artment in a )outhern =a&tist college$ n all thattime there was still a lac- in m# life$ could ta-e a

    &assage of scri&ture and anal#;e it grammaticall#$=B' ' AA@*' =>' .'/ '/> (B!)> G'/> !@" "A @ '$ ll of these attainmentsfaded into insignificance when the glor# of Jesus

    burst u&on me% could see where (aul characteri;ed &eo&le into

    three grou&s$ /e called one grou& the natural$ 'he#don*t have the )&irit of "od at all$ 'he# are noteven hristians$ 'he#*re &erishing$ /e called one

    grou& the carnal$ 'he#*re children of "od$ 'he#*vebeen born again, but the#*ve never entered into thefullness of "od*s /ol# )&irit$ 'hen, there was thegrou& that he called the s&iritual, the mature, those


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    who have gone on in the !ord, those who have beenfilled with his /ol# )&irit$

    Fears ago, when was Cust a #oung student&astor at the Girst hurch, was in the count# seat,and here were some soberl# dressed women goingaround ta-ing u& a collection right on the street$ was standing on the sidewal- tal-ing with some

    &eo&le who lived in the little communit# where was serving as &astor$ t so ha&&ened that the &eo&leto whom was tal-ing were (entecostals$ 'his lad#came u& with her offering boD and she said, .ould#ou li-e to contribute to hel& build our church

    building+: said, .hat church is it, a*am+:)he said, t*s the hurch of "od$:

    fished out a Huarter% 'he lad# was tal-ingwith told the woman, Fou*re getting that from a=a&tist (reacher$: =rother, did she &ut on a show%E(raise the !ord%: she said, )on, -ee& on &ra#ing$Fou*ll see the light$ *m going to &ra# for #ou, thatthe !ord will fill #ou with the /ol# )&irit$: )hereall# got to dancing in the !ord$ said later wasglad didn*t &ut a dollar in the offering &late%

    don*t -now whether that lad# &ra#ed or not, fshe did, the !ord finall# answered that one%

    )everal #ears ago, -nowing that something waslac-ing in m# life, &ra#ed, !ord, don*t care what#ou have to do$ Just do it% Just do what #ou*ve got

    to do%: 'hat*s a dangerous &ra#er when #ou leave"od wide o&en li-e that$ /e did it$ $ $ =rother he didit%

    'he !ord had been dealing with me for several#ears until there came into m# life an over &ressing


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    burden so heav# u&on me that felt li-e literall#was in hell$ would agoni;e before the !ord$

    would s&end hours flat on m# face agoni;ing before"od, wee&ing bitterl# on and on and on$ 'here wasno relief$

    ne thing that -e&t me going all this time wasm# firm belief in the faithfulness of "od$ believedthe word of "od to be true, and believed "odmeant it when he said that he would not allow us togo through an# trial be#ond our abilit# to endure$ -new that "od was faithful$ 'hat was the one threadthat held me u&$

    )everal things ha&&ened$ read orrie 'en=oom*s boo-, '/> /A@" (!>$ ne thingsta#ed with me from that boo- and that was where

    she and her sister in the "erman concentration cam&&raised "od for !! things, even the fleas thatinfested the barrac-s$ (raise "od for the fleas%:'hat sta#ed with me$

    .hen got as low as could get, which is Custwhere "od wanted me, the !ord was read#% wasable to attend m# home church one )unda# evening$ had not been there for months$ had been outvisiting other &laces$

    'here was a famil# visiting there from ansasit#, com&lete strangers to me$ fter the service thiswoman came u& to me and handed me a boo-$ )hesaid to me, 'he !ord has told me to give #ou this

    boo-$: said, .ell, than- #ou$: loo-ed at the titleand said, .ell, ma#be this has some answers forme$: )he said< =efore we left home this afternoon, felt com&elled to &ut this boo- in m# &urse$ didn*t -now wh#, but -now the !ord well enough


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    to -now that he had some reason for it$ 'he !ordtold me during this service to give #ou this boo-$:

    'he boo- was erlin arother*s boo- (?)@ '(?)>$ read the boo- twice that night and felt

    &rett# good the neDt da#$ 'he boo- s&o-e to me$ warn #ou if an# of #ou are see-ing a closer

    wal- with the !ord Jesus hrist and #ou want tomove on with the !ord, the devil is going to be rightthere with #ou$ .hen an#bod# begins to ma-e

    &rogress in the !ord, the devil is going to do hisworst to tr# to &ut a roadbloc- in the wa#$ )o b#'uesda# felt more miserable than ever, because thedevil was giving me the full weight of his &ower$gain was in agon# before "od$ ?ight out of the

    blue the !ord s&o-e to me and said, &en the

    =ible$:.here+: *ve never been one to go to the =ible

    cafeteria st#le and Cust close m# e#es and &oint$ *mafraid of what might &oint at$ =ut the im&ressionwas so strong

    &en the =ible$: )o o&ened the =ible and thever# first word saw was &raise$: (raise "od$ 'heliving &raise "od< the dead cannot &raise "od andso on$ had no idea where it was$ loo-ed u& a fewlines before that and this statement loo-ed li-e itwas underscored in bright colors$ t was for m#welfare that had great bitterness$: ' .) G?F .>!G?> '/' /A "?>'

    =''>?@>))$: ?)7 saw this was saiah cha&ter 38, ing

    /e;e-iah*s eD&erience$ /e was going to die$ !aterthe !ord added to his #ears, but in the midst of hissorrow he wrote this &oem describing the bitterness


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    that he felt, the agon#$ said, an, this is me$: identified with that$ /e tal-ed about how he cried

    out to the !ord da# and night$ 'hen he saw the handof "od in this and said, t was for m# welfare that had great bitterness$: 'his directed me to the twelfthcha&ter of /ebrews, a &assage concerning the!ord*s disci&line that had taught and &reached for#ears =B' /A @>>? >M(>?>@>A% t tellshow the !ord loves us so much that he bringsdisci&line into our lives as his children to bring usinto his holiness$ .hen read those words the ver#first thought that came to me was, "od, how #oumust love me% /ow #ou must reall# love me%: *lltell #ou wh# K because wa# bac- months beforewhen was in such dee& agon#, the !ord could have

    delivered me at that moment, and would have-nown some measure of &eace$ =ut where were thelessons needed to learn+ .here was the s&iritualmaturit# needed to reach+ .here was all of thisfullness that "od wanted me to have+ t too- greatlove for "od to restrain himself from reaching downand giving me deliverance at that time$ t too- greatlove for "od to bring me through all of these tr#ingtimes and then to lift me u&$ '/@") =>"@ '/((>@ G? '/' (@' @$

    'he neDt thing of significance that ha&&enedafter the !ord began dealing with me in this wa#was in a convention to which brought a series of

    =ible studies$ 'he annual sermon at this conventionwas &reached b# a #oung man, one of the mostsuccessful =a&tist &astors in the )tate of issouriand the &astor of one of the largest churches in the


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    state$ /e announced his sermon to&ic as 'heAangers of the harismatic ovement$:

    was sitting on the front row$ didn*t -nowan#thing about the harismatics$ didn*t -nowan#thing about the full gos&el movement, but onething did -now was that no man could &ut a curbon the )&irit of "od$ @o man can shut the )&irit of"od u& in a cage and sa#, Fou Cust can*t do thattoda#$:

    'his #oung man said, iracles were reservedfor the first centur#$: thought, /e*s got his e#esclosed$ .here has he been+: /e said that s&ea-ingin tongues is of the devil$ /e said that the s&iritualgifts were meant onl# for the first centur# church$*ve read the @ew 'estament< *ve studied it$ $ $ *ve

    taught it% *> @>>? )>>@ '/' @F$./>?>$ ne thing in &articular that he said reall#raised m# curiosit#$ /e said, in a ridiculing manner,Ao #ou -now what the#*re doing now+ 'he#*regrowing legs%: didn*t -now what he was tal-ingabout% /e said, EFeah, the#*re getting somebod#with one leg shorter than the other, and the#*re

    &ra#ing that the !ord will lengthen their legs$:(eo&le reall# thought that was funn#, but

    didn*t, because m# mother has ore leg about fiveinches shorter than the other$ s a #oung girl shefell and dislocated her hi&, and she grew u&cri&&led$ t never occurred to me until that &recise

    moment that could &ra# for m# mother &h#sicall#$/e went on, and m# interest was reall# aroused$ /e

    &reached a vehement sermon against theharismatics and against the )&irit of "od$ 'he


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    !ord used that sermon mightil#, because as drovehome he Cust bathed me in his word and in his love$

    was &ra#ing, !ord, Cust fill me to overflowing$Gill me to ca&acit#$ !et it overflow, and then enlargem# ca&acit# for more$: began to restud# the wordof "od$ 'he !ord gave me a hunger and a thirst forhis word that had never -nown before$ .hen#ou*ve got a hungr# heart for "od, he is going tofeed #ou until #ou are fed% .hen #ou reach out to"od he is right there to meet #ou%

    ne da# as was driving to )&ringfield,issouri, began to thin- about s&iritual gifts$eant for the first centur# onl#$: @o, didn*t

    believe that$ .ho in the world would want a "odwho has lost all of his ;i&+ ould "od do one thing

    in one centur# but not in another centur#+ould "od &erform the miracle of creation+

    ould Jesus hrist &erform miracles of healing+ould Jesus do all of these wondrous things then butnot now+ /) "A !)' !! G /) (.>?+.hat -ind of a "od is that+ f Jesus doesn*t havethe same -ind of com&assion now u&on &eo&le as hedid 2,000 #ears ago, what*s wrong with him+ .hatchanged him+ began to see the truth about s&iritualgifts and the fullness of "od*s /ol# )&irit$

    ne thing that alwa#s bothered me was a stud#Idid on the terrible: to&ic of s&ea-ing in tonguesseveral #ears ago$ &resented this at the issouri

    =a&tist onvention$ t was &ublished in boo-letform, and thousands of co&ies have been distributed$ never denied that it was valid for toda#$ was o&ento that$ mean, .> didn*t need it$ t was for a

    bunch of s&iritual babies and thumb suc-ers but we


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    reall# don*t have to have this$: 'he thing that reall#bothered me was that identified the ba&tism in the

    /ol# )&irit with conversion$ .hile was writingthat the !ord used a &assage of scri&ture in cts 1that gave me a lot of trouble, when Jesus told hisa&ostles, Fou shall be ba&ti;ed with the /ol# )&iritin Cust a few da#s$: .eren*t those disci&les alread#hristians+ f the# were hristians didn*t the# havethe /ol# )&irit+ Fou can*t be a hristian withoutthe &resence of the /ol# )&irit, but here Jesus wassa#ing to these men, Fou*re going to be ba&ti;ed inthe /ol# )&irit$: 'hat reall# bothered me$ t shoo-m# =a&tist u&bringing Huite a bit$ t neededsha-ing u&$7

    n this occasion, while was driving down the

    highwa#, said, @ow, loo-$ >ver#thing that is agift of "od is of grace$ don*t wor- for it$ don*tagoni;e for it$ "od doesn*t reward me for a bunchof s&iritual merits$ "od doesn*t chal- u& &oints inm# favor and wait until *ve got enough of them toearn a gift% .hat do we do then to receive a gift+

    @othing eDce&t we ta-e the hand of faith and reachout and grab the free gift$:

    /ow did get saved+ as-ed the !ord Jesushrist to save me, and believed that he saved me$ claimed it through faith$ /ow do get an# s&iritualgift+ sim&l# as- and receive in faith$ n thisoccasion said, !ord Jesus, &ra# that #ou will

    ba&ti;e me in the /ol# )&irit and, !ord, than- #ou$ believe that #ou*ve done it$ !ord, -now thats&ea-ing in tongues is a manifestation of the

    ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ *ve been taught that thisis the devil but don*t believe that% .@'


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    >>?F'/@" FB /P> G? >$ *m goingto o&en m# mouth to &raise #ou, and want the

    /ol# )&irit to ta-e com&lete control$: 'here, alonewith the !ord, o&ened m# mouth$ thin- got theword !ord: out$ 'hen the dam bro-e$ t reall#

    bro-e% t was terrific$ began thin-ing, f this is of the devil, it sure

    feels good$: =B' @>. ' .) G '/>!?A$ wasn*t doing it$ can*t even thin- that fast$'he words were &ouring out and "od*s love was

    &ouring over me$ went to a meeting of the Gull "os&el

    =usinessmen*s Gellowshi& at the !a-e of the;ar-s$ was &rett# well -nown across the )tate ofissouri in =a&tist circles, but figured no =a&tist

    that -new would be there$ got in there and couldn*t believe what was seeing% />?> .>?>"?.@ >@ /B""@" @> @'/>?% couldn*t believe this$ 'here was love flowing allover% sat down and relaDed $ $ $but not for long$.h# Ar$ /omer$: didn*t get b# unrecogni;ed$'he (resident of the )&ringfield, issouri cha&tergot u& and said, *ve got some eDciting news to tell#ou$: /e said, 'here is a #oung &rofessor, a =ible

    &rofessor, who has been ba&ti;ed in the /ol# )&irit$'his man has written a boo- against s&ea-ing intongues$ /e got u& in one of his classes the otherda# and ri&&ed the boo- to shreds and said, E'his

    boo- will never go to &ress$* said, mm$ wonder who that is$:/e said, 'he man has s&o-en all over issouri $

    $ churches have used him, as he has gone around tos&ea- against the business of tongues and the


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    ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$: had been around inchurches s&ea-ing on the fullness of the /ol# )&irit

    and so on, and was still wondering who he wastal-ing about$ /e continued, /e teaches at)outhwest =a&tist ollege$:

    began to sin- down into m# chair a little bit$/is name is Ar$ Jerr# /omer,: he said$ -new what was coming neDt$ Cust -new he

    was going to sa#, /e*s here tonight$: nd -newthat wasn*t even su&&osed to be there% 'he fellowswith me were Cust d#ing laughing$ (raise "od, itturned out that the brother had no idea was there$/e had never met me before, and he got histestimon# twisted Cust a little bit$

    ne da# while was driving to )&ringfield, felt

    a strong com&ulsion to sto& at a &articular hristianboo- store$ thought 1 don*t have time to sto&here$ *ve got an a&&ointment$: =ut the com&ulsionwas so strong, sto&&ed and browsed around andoverheard two ladies s&ea-ing$ ne lad# said to theother, don*t remember the eDact title of this boo-,

    but it has the word E(raise* in it$: 'hat interestedme, and loo-ed down right where was standing '/>!?A, @F.F$

    said, s this the boo- #ou*re loo-ing for+:)he said, h #es, do #ou -now an#thing about

    the lad# who wrote this boo-+:

    @o$)he told me something about her, so &ic-ed u&

    a cou&le of the boo-s, (?)> '/> !?A,@F.F and /' !@> ' />>@$ fter read those boo-s went bac- and got the rest of the


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    boo-s written b# harles and Grances /unter$)hortl# thereafter read in the &a&er that harles

    and Grances were going to be in )&ringfield at theGull "os&el meeting$ figured could get a wig anddar- glasses and go over there$

    ?ight before went to that meeting, read abouta news&a&er re&orter in innea&olis who was not ahristian who went out to cover a !utherancharismatic convention$ /e said he saw somebod#

    &ra# for a &erson with one leg shorter than the otherand ?"/' =>G?> /) >F>) '/> !>""?>.% 'his man was not even a hristian$ /e wasa news&a&er re&orter, and he wasn*t tr#ing to &rovean#thing$ /e was Cust stating facts%

    went to the meeting that night$ # wife

    received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ fterward went u& to harles /unter and said, =rother/unter, wish #ou would &ra# for m# bac-$ *ve gotterrible bac- &roblems$ )ometimes can*t evenstraighten u&$ # nec- is so stiff$ # shoulders areso stiff$:

    /e loo-ed at me, Aid it ever occur to #ou that#our trouble might be that #ou*ve got one legshorter than the other+:

    said, h no$:/e said, .ell, let*s chec- it out$: sat down in a straight chair, too- m# shoes off,

    and stuc- m# legs out$ )ure enough, m# right leg

    was about 3Q4 inch shorter than the left one$ =efore -new what he was doing, he was as-ing the !ord tolengthen the leg and, boom, out it came%

    'he neDt da# told m# best friend what hadha&&ened$ Fou -now how that went over+ /e*s a


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    =a&tist &reacher$ though he*d be eDcited aboutthis% thought he would reCoice%

    /e said, thin- #ou ought to see a&s#chiatrist$:

    said, alread# have$ /is name is Jesus$:!ast ctober, was wal-ing across the cam&us

    on the wa# to the "ree- class, and the !ord sto&&edme dead in m# trac-s$ /e said, Fou*re going toral ?oberts Bniversit# to teach$: had never eventhought about the &lace$ had never been there$ -new ver# little about it eDce&t its re&utation for

    being an eDcellent institution in ever# wa#$ =ut the!ord said, Fou*re going to ral ?oberts Bniversit#to teach$: &ut the thought aside$ ! didn*t mention itto an#bod#$ 'his was before some turmoil at the

    college where was teaching too- &lace$'he !ord was getting me read# to move$ was

    told that would be restricted in m# movements,that couldn*t attend meetings of the Gull "os&el=usiness en*s Gellowshi&, that couldn*t mentionthe ba&tism$ told the !ord that night, !ord, if#ou*re getting me read# to leave, not onl# amread# to leave, want to leave$ &ra# that #ou*llo&en a &lace for me at ral ?oberts Bniversit#$:

    'he ver# neDt da# got a tele&hone call fromral ?oberts Bniversit#$ had not a&&lied there$'he /ol# )&irit had alread# s&o-en because therecommendation came from harles and Grances

    /unter$an# hristians are suffering from various

    forms of s&iritual wea-ness, sim&l# because the#*venever gras&ed what the /ol# )&irit can be in theirlives$ .e*re alwa#s going to stand &owerless and


  • 8/12/2019 Why Should I Speak in Tongues (1)