Why my math grade is low

The Reason why your Math Grade is so Low


Why is my math grade so low #algebra #math #algebrahelp #guide

Transcript of Why my math grade is low

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The Reason why your Math Grade is so Low

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Why is my grade low

I guess that you are one of the many people in the world who just can’t figure out why your math grade is so low

I just can’t

figure it out

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Work hard

You stayed up late and spent many days WORKING HARD

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Pushed harder

You pushed harder Until you couldn’t go any further

No sleep until I get


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You get a low grade

But still no results. You still ended up with a low grade

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Can’t figure it out

You still can’t figure out why your grade is low all the hard work

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The truth

The truth is you have to do more than just work hard to pass math MORE!

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Stuff that affect your math grade

Different things affect your math grade such as your friends, parents and teachers

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How comes?

Whenever your parent, teacher or friend say Math is hard or Only some people can do math It affects you without you knowing it

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A little information about the psychology

When you or someone say ‘Math is Hard!’ you eventually start to believe it and block your mind from learning

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A little information about the psychology

When you block your mind from learning you will not do well on test.

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A little information about the psychology

When you get low grades you start to fear math and develop MATH ANXIETY

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What is Math Anxiety?

• A belief that you are incapable of doing math.

• You have a negative attitude

about math. • You are unable to sit still or

focus on math lectures. • You are afraid of answering

questions incorrectly in class.

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There is more

• You tend to compare your

grades with your peers. • You worry about how your

peers would react if you give a wrong answer in class.

• You feel embarrassed,

irritated, frustrated, and fearful


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Are you guilty?

Does this sound like you?


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How to fix it?

Don’t listen to your family, teacher and friends when they say ‘Math is Hard!’ or ‘Math is not for everyone!’

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1) Start believing in yourself

Start believing that you are great and that you are an A+ student in Math

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2) Write it down

Get a piece of paper and write the following sentence on it.

I am great and I am an A+ student in Algebra.

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3) Say it aloud

I am great and I am an A+ student in Algebra

Paste the paper in your room and read it out aloud every morning.

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4) Imagine getting A+

Close your eyes and imagine something that happened to you that made you happy.

Then imagine getting A+ in Algebra Do this every morning

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5) Work Hard

Work very hard for your grade.

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6) Work Harder

Put more effort and Work Harder

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7) Laugh before the test

• A couple minutes before doing the test watch some funny videos or read some funny cartoons.

• This will get rid of your nervousness and fear

I can’t stop laughing

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8) Sit the exam

Be calm and answer every question on the test

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9) Collect your grade

You are finished just collect your A+ because you are great and you are an A+ Math Student

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You did it

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