Why icna



Purpose, goals, objectives, methodology of Islamic organization

Transcript of Why icna

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Surat-ul Fath Verse 28

د�ى ول�ه� بال�ه� س� ل� ر� س� ر�و� ال�ذي أ� ه�

ه� ع�ل�ى الد�ين ر� ق� لي�ظ�ه و�دين ال�ح�يد%ا ه ى بالل�ه ش� ك�ل�ه و�ك�ف�

It is He who has sent His Apostle with Guidance and the Religion of Truth to proclaim it over all religion: and enough is Allah for a Witness.(48/28)

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Emphasis of these Ayahs

These two verses set the tone upon which the Movement thought is based.

Allah SWT is a witness to the fact that Deen should prevail over other ways.

It will have to happen that way despite all odds.

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What is a Movement?

A Movement is a struggle to establish something that is not there

Effort to achieve somethingPeople organized to effect change

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What is The Islamic Movement?

An Islamic Movement: It is an organized collective , a determined and a continuous effort to establish the Deen of Allah SWT in our lives for the sole pleasure of Allah SWT.

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Explanation of the definition

Organized Effort Team of dedicated and devoted

brothers and sisters (Jama'ah)Restore Islam The agenda is Islam Leadership Let the Hukm of Allah SWT prevailDetermined Carry out this task against all odds

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Explanation of the definition…

Pleasure of Allah SWT No Riyaa or hidden agendaIn all walks of life: Spiritual Social Moral Financial Physical

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Examples of this can be found in the lives of the

Prophets, Sahaabah

Nuh (AS) Ibrahim (AS) Musa (AS) Esaa (AS) Rasoolullah SAS

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Who should do this task now?

ط%ا ة% و�س� م�ع�ل�ن�اك�م� أ� و�ك�ذ�لك� ج�

د�اء ع�ل�ى الن�اس ه� ل�ت�ك�ون�وا� ش�يد%ا ه ول� ع�ل�ي�ك�م� ش� س� ي�ك�ون� الر� و�

Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced that ye might be witnesses over the nations and the Apostle a witness over yourselves Baqarah 2:143

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Who should do this task now?...

ت� للن�اس رج� ةj أ�خ� م�ي�ر� أ� ك�نت�م� خ�

و�ن� ع�ن ت�ن�ه� وف و� ع�ر� ون� بال�م� م�ر�ت�أ�

ن�ون� باللoه ت�ؤ�م نك�ر و� ال�م�

You are the best of peoples evolved for mankind enjoining what is right forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah. Ale Imran 3:110

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Who must do this job

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Who must do this job?... And strive in His cause as ye ought to

strive (with sincerity and under discipline): He has chosen you and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims both before and in this (Revelation); that the Apostle may be a witness for you and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer give regular Charity and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector the Best to protect and the Best to help!

Hajj 22:78

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Who should do this task now?...

ع�ل�ي�ه الل�ه� ل�ى ص� الل�ه ول س� ر� ع�ن� ذه له� ي�ب�ع�ث� الل�ه� إن� ال� ق� ل�م� و�س� jن�ة س� ائ�ة م ك�ل� س

أ� ر� ع�ل�ى ة �م� األ�ا دين�ه� ا ل�ه� د�د� ي�ج� م�ن�

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Who should do this task now?...

The revival of Islam was mentioned by the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the sound Hadith narrated by Abu-Hurairah:(Allah shall send down a man who will revive the religion of this Nation at the start of every hundred years) [Abu-Dawood & Al-Hakim].

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Characteristics of an Islamic Movement

Leadership Sama’ah And Taa’ah Shura Brotherhood Muhaasabah

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Consequences of not doing

Allah SWT has His way of establishing His Deen. We have seen by means of example how The Children of Quraish became the torchbearers of Islam. The Mongols became the torchbearers of Islam.

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Consequences of not doing…

ك�م� ا غ�ي�ر� و�م% ت�ب�دل� ق� ا ي�س� ل�و� إن ت�ت�و� و�ث�ال�ك�م� م�

ث�م� ال� ي�ك�ون�وا أ�

If you turn away (from the Path) He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you! (47:38)

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Consequences of not doing…

ا �ليم% � ي�ع�ذ�ب�ك�م� ع�ذ�اب%ا أ وا ر� إال� ت�نفك�م� و�ال� ا غ�ي�ر� و�م% ت�ب�دل� ق� ي�س� و�

اللoه� ع�ل�ى ك�ل� ي�ئ%ا و� وه� ش� ر� ت�ض�دير� ءj ق� ي� ش�

Unless ye go forth He will punish you with a grievous penalty and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things.(9:39)

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To achieve the pleasure ( Rada) of Allah (SWT)

Success ( Fauz and Falah) in this world and the hereafter

By sincere and utmost individual and collective struggle (Saee)

For establishing Islam in our individual, family and social life.

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Objectives (Priorities) of Islamic work for the

Islamic Movement, ICNA. Present Islamic message to the non Muslims and Muslims in N America.(Dawah Ilallah)

Organize those who agree with this message in the discipline of Jamaah.

Provide for the intellectual, moral and physical training of all in the Jamaah.

Provide social services to the helpless and needy in the society.

Cooperate with other organizations to further the cause of Islamic Movement.

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Methodology of Work

Individual and family level a-Tazkeyah .Syllabus of study .Ibadaat .Muamalaat. b- Dawah .Within the family and the

community . To the society at large.

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Collective (Jamaah) level.

Tazkeyah.Neighbornet system.Training camps.Conventions Organization .Recruiting members .Establishing NN and units .Organizational meetings.

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Collective (Jamaah) level. Dawah Ilallah. WHY ISLAM?. Dawah field trips. Dawah by mail, with brochures and

booklets. Dawah hot line. Dawah at campus. Dawah in prisons. Dawah billboards. Dawah at shopping malls and fairs. Dawah by media

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Collective (Jamaah) level

Social services. ICNA-RELIEF.Serving needy individuals in N America with food, clothing and shelters

through charity.Serving the needy families through a-Muslim Family Services b-Ummah c-Muslim Women Help Network.Serving the needy non Muslims

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Future Vision of ICNA

To become an effective Islamic organization implementing Islam in our individual, family and social life and share the universal message of Islam through Dawah and do social service in accordance with the Guidance of Allah (SWT) and His last Messenger, Mohammad (SAW).

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How can we get there?

With the Help of Allah Mobilize Muslims of all backgrounds

to work for Aqamat Deen Take Islamic message to the people of

this land using all means of communication.

Develop effective literature suitable for this land.

United Islamic movement.

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SPOTLIGHT ON ISLAM- good/ bad. Islam is being talked about as “murderous”, “violent”, “wicked” and on and on.

Continuous anti Muslim propaganda by opponents of Islam( Steve Emerson, Daniel Pipes) joined by ill informed “Muslims”.

Uprecedented hatred against Muslims and Arabs by some. (Hate crimes, assaults, discrimination, arson )

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Post 9/11 situation.

Idea about Muslims as others, not sharing the patriotism and values of America.

Muslims as 5th column, sleepers. Suspicion of terrorism about

every Muslim. Searching for “ terrorist” under every Kufi and Hijab.

Patriot act passed, undermining basic civil rights.

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Situation of Muslims

Fear ( of loosing job, hate crime, sting operations, deportation, insecure future.)

Intimidation. Hiding identity Trying to identify with America

and showing patriotism. Questions and doubts about


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Islamic Guidance We are going through a “Fitna” (trial

and tribulation) promised by Allah. (67:1-2)

State of Fitna is a very difficult situation:

1. Blurring of boundaries between right and wrong.

2. Differences of opinions.3. Many deviations from the truth.4. Rumors.5. Looking for survival and benefits of

self and family.6. More difficult to adhere to and

follow the Din.

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Guiding Principles to deal with the Fitna (Test)1- Trust in Allah, seek help from Him

and hold fast to His Rope. (3:103)2- Deal with the Fitna intelligently. >Evaluate the situation rationally. >Find reasons behind it. >Long and short term implications.3- > Formulate a practical Strategy. 4- >Draw benefits from the


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Guiding Principles

5-Social service.6- Political activism.7- Building coalitions and collective

leadership of Muslims.8-Prepare our youth with better

understanding of Islam.9- True Muslims in the media and Muslim

media.10- Prepare proper Islamic literature.11-Islamic Educational Institutions.12- Economic empowerment.13- Establish think tanks to provide proper

thinking.14- Muslim intellectuals in academic


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Last Word

And if anyone puts his trust in Allah sufficient is (Allah) for him.

For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose: verily for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion