Why healthy employees bring more profits

Why Healthy Employees Bring More Profits

Transcript of Why healthy employees bring more profits

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Why Healthy Employees Bring More Profits

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For this day’s guest post, we are going to highlight the importance of health and wellness among employees and the management level as they are the lifeblood of any business. So if you want to earn more profits, be sure that your staff’s health are well taken cared of.

Osteopathic care is about caring for the muscles, bones, nerves, tissues, and musculoskeletal structure, as a whole. It is about evaluating the integral components of your musculoskeletal system for the prevention of most illnesses; you need to look after each one so your body can work harmoniously.

With it being a fast-growing field since its introduction in the 19th century by an American physician, Andrew Still, osteopathic care is a subject worth exploring; while its methods dwell on your musculoskeletal system, its main focus is on your general wellness. It is the industry that promotes your health by ensuring that your musculoskeletal system can remain as functional as necessary for a sound overall health.

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A Holistic Treatment

Osteopathic care offers a holistic approach of treatment; if you are experiencing illnesses, its proposed solution is re-conditioning you. It allows you to recover and be better for the long haul. It isn’t simply about treating your disease, or a temporary phase; rather, it is about restoring your overall well-being.

Additionally, regardless of not suffering from any type of illness, receiving osteopathic care from a DO (or Doctor of Osteopathy) is recommended. Its concentration is on the harmonious interrelationship of the components of your musculoskeletal system; if each one is in excellent shape, you’ll be in excellent shape, too.

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Musculoskeletal Manipulation Since the musculoskeletal system is in charge of support, stability, form, and the overall coordination of your body’s movement, the care that an osteopath can provide will greatly benefit you. It argues that hands-on manipulation is the more practical and effective solution compared to prescription drugs; according to DOs, heavy reliance on medication can only introduce you to a plethora of side effects.

Osteopathic care is ideal for people with MSDs or musculoskeletal disorders such as tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Remember, MSDs are degenerative; progressive deterioration may be inevitable, but it doesn’t mean that the pain and possibly severe discomfort shouldn’t be remedied even just for a while.

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Primary Care & Osteopathic Care In primary care, you can find many practitioners of osteopathy. With the goal of promoting general wellness, it’s common to see one in a hospital, small clinic, or any healing institution. They can be in the departments of pediatrics, gynecology, obstetrics, and even general family practice. Alongside, there are also DOs in different branches such as ophthalmology, cardiology, orthopedics, geriatrics, psychiatry, and general medicine.

Moreover, osteopathic care involves caring for your overall health. It means seeking treatment for headache, asthma and difficulty in breathing, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, mental fatigue, chronic fatigue, heart ailments, anxiety, pain of sorts, as well as other major and minor conditions. With a DO, you can eliminate disorders that are associated to your nervous system, respiratory system, and circulatory system, apart from conditions that are directly linked to your musculoskeletal system.

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Osteopathic Care vs. Chiropractic Care Since both are minimally invasive treatment alternatives, some mistake osteopathic care and chiropractic care as one and the same; however, the two fields are not. They may share a common philosophy, which is promoting the musculoskeletal system’s integrity as a means of achieving total wellness, but osteopathy is the one that offers the more “realistic” approach.

DOs spend more time treating their patients; in one session, they may take up to five hours, and, usually, the sessions are distributed over a longer time frame. Chiropractors, on the other hand, usually allot just around an hour for a weekly session. Chiropractic care is criticized as a treatment that doesn’t go “global”; unlike osteopaths, they’re unlikely to explore conditions like muscle imbalance and loss of hip mobility.

Additionally, osteopathic care is different from chiropractic care since the former is strict when it comes to ensuring overall wellness; as much as possible, osteopathy aims to pursue a conservative healing method. Case in point? Many osteopaths (unless clinically advised) do not analyze your bone structure with x-ray results as basis; they prefer to let you avoid exposure to radiation.

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An All-in-One Physician Osteopathic care extends up to the responsibility of formulating off-work certification – granted a license is held. If you need a formal letter to present to your supervisor, you can ask your DO to write one for you. He is qualified to sign a medical note that details different health concerns; after all, his career is backed by a 5-year university course.

This way, an osteopath serves as an all-in-one physician. Apart from giving you hands-on osteopathic care, he can evaluate your condition and recommend certain practices for your overall benefit. Having undergone clinical training and education under the supervision of professional osteopaths, he is fit to assist you. If you need to discuss your wellness, you can turn to him.