Why do we fall ill

BY: V.Rohit Reddy

Transcript of Why do we fall ill

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BY: V.Rohit Reddy

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Bacterial diseases

Causes Of Diseases

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Some diseases are caused by bacteria and some , such as AIDS and the common cold, are caused by viruses. Normally, our immune system protects us against diseases. But sometimes our body – because of too little sleep or a lot of stress- becomes so weak that the immune system does not work properly and we succumb to diseases.

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Types Of DiseasesInfectious Disease : Diseases where microbes are the immediate cause.

Contagious diseases : A subset of infectious diseases.

Communicable diseases : Diseases which spread through an infected person to a healthy person through air, water, contaminated food and pathogens .

Airborne diseases : A disease that spread from air .

Non-communicable diseases :It is a medical condition or disease which by definition is non-infectious and non-transmissible between persons.

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Infectious agent Disease

Virus Common cold, influenza, dengue fever, AIDS

Bacteria Typhoid fever, cholera, tuberculosis, anthrax

Fungi Many common infectious disease

Protozoan Malaria, amoebiasis

Worms worm infections, elephantiasis

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Modes of transmission of diseasesInfectious disease(bacteria,fungi,etc.)


Contaminated food or water

Blood transmission


Direct physical contact

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Means of spread of infectious disease 1. Air born diseases Common cold,

pneumonia, tuberculosis

2. Water born diseases

Cholera, amoeboisis

3. Through vectors Anopheles mosquitoes – vector of malaria

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Congenital disease – Are present since birth. Caused due to genetic abnormalities / due to metabolic disorder / malfunctioning of organ. Permanent, generally not easily curable & may be inherited to children

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Acquired diseases – Which develop after birth

Infectious disease – Communicated from diseased person to healthy person. Caused by some biological agents / pathogens like – Viruses, bacteria, protozoan, nematodes, fungi

Non-infectious disease – Restricted only to those persons who are suffering. Diseases that are not caused by infectious agents.

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How can we prevent Diseases?There are two ways, one general and one specific to each diseases . The general ways of preventing infections mostly relate to preventing exposure.

How can we prevent exposure to infectious microbes?For airborne microbes , we can prevent exposure by providing living conditions that are not overcrowded .For waterborne microbes, we can prevent exposure by providing safe drinking water . This can be done by treating the water to kill any microbial contamination .For vector-borne infections , we can provide clean environments . This would not , for example, allow mosquito breeding . In other words , public hygiene is one basic key to the prevention of infectious diseases .

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Bacterial diseases include any type of illness caused by bacteria. Bacteria are a type of microorganism, which are tiny forms of life that can only be seen with a microscope. Other types of microorganisms include viruses, some fungi, and some parasites.Millions of bacteria normally live on the skin, in the intestines, and on the genitalia. The vast majority of bacteria do not cause disease, and many bacteria are actually helpful and even necessary for good health. These bacteria are sometimes referred to as “good bacteria” or “healthy bacteria.”

What Are Bacterial Diseases?

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Symptoms of bacterial diseases vary depending on the type of bacterial infection, the area of the body that is infected, and other factors, such as the patient’s age and health history. The symptoms of bacterial diseases can also resemble symptoms of other diseases, such as colitis, influenza, and viral infections. The classic symptom of a bacterial infection is a Fever.

What are the symptoms of bacterial diseases?

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INFECTIOUS DISEASESI. Infection AgentsOrganisms that can cause diseases are classified in wide

range of categories. Some of them are viruses, some are bacteria, some are fungi and some are unicellular animals, the protozoans.Some diseases are also caused by multicellular organisms such as worms.

Common example of diseases caused by viruses are the common cold,influenza,dengue,fever and AIDS and common skin infection caused by different kinds of fungi.Protozoans cause many familiar diseases such as malaria and kala azar.Worms tend to cause a variety of intestinal infections and elephtiasis

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Example of Diseases Caused to Infection By Microorganisms1.Malaria Malaria is a fatal disease for human beings. Approximately 300 million people

around the world get infected with malaria every year.Malaria is caused by a protozoan parasite Plasmodium.This disease spreads through the bite of an insect vector-the female Anopheles mosquito which feeds on the human blood.

Symptoms-1.Cold stage,feeling of extreme cold and shivers ;2.hot stage,high fever, faster respiration and heart beat; and 3.sweating stage,due to the profuse sweating,temperature of the body goes down to norrmal.Even after cured of malaria, the patient feels weak and anaemic.

Prevention-1.Insect-repellents should be used to prevent mosquito bites.

2.One should keep under mosquito nets. 3.Wire-gauze should be used on doors and windows of

houses to prevent entry of mosquitoes. 4.Mosqito larvae can be killed by sprinkling kerosene oil on

large-sized water bodies. 5.The breeding grounds should be should be

destroyed.Thus,the ditchess,puddles or swamps around human dwellings should be drained or filled.

Control-A drug named quinine, which is extracted from the bark of the Cinchona tree,is used to treat a person suffering from malaria.

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Rabies(Hydrphobia) The bite of a rabid dog(mad dog) and some other such as

monkeys,cats or rabbits may cause rabies,which is fatal viral disease cause by rabies virus or lyssa virus which is present in the saliva of infected animals.The viruses are injected into human blood by the bite of rabid animal.

Symptoms-Rabies is characterised by serve,headache,high fever,painful contraction of muscles of throat and chest.The patient feels restless,does excessive salivation, has a choking feeling and finds difficulty in take of even liquid.

Prevention-1.Cleaning the wound with carbolic soap and clear water immediately after the dog bite is an important preventive measure.

2.Any antiseptic medicine should be applied the wound caused by a dog bite.

3.A rabid animal shows excessive salivation and tries to seek isolation after bite. Such mad animals should be killed.

Control-Rabies can be treated with Pasteur’s treatment,in which a course of 14 vaccines was given.Currently 5 anti-rabies vaccines are prescribed at an interval of 0-3-7-14-30 day of dog bite.

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Diseases caused by Bacteria Cholera Cholera is an actuely infectious, fatal disease.Sometimes cholera

occurs in epidemic form and spread over large population.Cholera is caused by the bacterium, Vibrio cholerae.It is transmitted by flies,contaminated food and water.When the bacteria f cholera is ingested,they multiply in the small intestine and invade its epithelial cells.When the bacteria die,they release toxins which irritate the intestinal lining and lead to the secretion of large amounts of water and salts.

Symptoms-1.Watery diarrhea which is generally painless. 2.Efforts vomiting without nausea. 3.Loss of several liters of liquid from the patient’s

body takes place within hours.

Prevention-1.Person should be immunised by standard cholera vaccine

2.Careful personal hygiene and good sanitation in the community are the only certain protection against cholera.

3.In cholera-prone areas, boiled water and cooked should be taken

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TyphoidTyphoid is the most common communicable disease in India. It is

common in humans of the 1 to 15 years age group. Typhoid is cause by a rod-shaped and motile bacterium, called Salmonella typhi which is found in the intestine of intestine of human beings.Infection takes place by the oral route through ingestion of food,milk or water contaminated by contact with faecal mattar of the typhoid patient.The bacteria spread through faecal mattar by house flies.

Symptoms-1.Headache and typhoid fever which rises maximum in the afternoon. The temperature increases each day in the first week.

2.High fever in the second week.Fever gradually declines during 3rd and 4th day.

3.In nutshell symptoms of typhoid include continuous fever often with delirium, slow pulse, tender and distended abdomen,diarrhoea with water-green stools.

Prevention-1.Proper sanitation and disposal of faecal mattar prevents infection

2.TAB-vaccination provides immunity for 3 days.

3.Typhoral oral vaccine also prevents typhoid.

Control-There are standard drugs e.g., Chloromycetin which cure typhoid.

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A cure is the end of a medical condition or a treatment that is very likely to end it, while remission refers to the disappearance, possibly temporarily, of symptoms. Complete remission is the best possible outcome for incurable diseases.


PREVENTION :Many diseases and disorders can be prevented through a variety of means. These include sanitation, proper nutrition, adequate exercise, vaccinations, and other self-care and public health measures.

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