Why Do I Need to Cite This?: An Introduction to MLA Citation


Transcript of Why Do I Need to Cite This?: An Introduction to MLA Citation

Page 1: Why Do I Need to Cite This?: An Introduction to MLA Citation
Page 2: Why Do I Need to Cite This?: An Introduction to MLA Citation

Why Cite?

Citation is the “Enlightenment- Era Hyperlink”

It allows the reader to understand where your ideas came from.

It is how scholars & researchers “speak” to one another. You are adding your voice to the academic dialog.

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Understanding Context

Must be a classic…

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Or not…

“This glum, violent drama about a Scottish thug ruined by drink is written and pretentiously directed by Richard Jobson whose approach—Trainspotting meets A Clockwork Orange—is bad enough to drive you to drink in no time.”

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Differing interpretations of the same document

“To have command of so much research, spread across so many different fields, is a masterly achievement. Pinker convincingly demonstrates that there has been a dramatic decline in violence, and he is persuasive about the causes of that decline.”

From Peter Singer’s review of Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature in the New York Times

“While Pinker makes a great show of relying on evidence—the 700-odd pages of this bulky treatise are stuffed with impressive-looking graphs and statistics—his argument that violence is on the way out does not, in the end, rest on scientific investigation.”

From John Gray’s review of Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature in Prospect

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Page 7: Why Do I Need to Cite This?: An Introduction to MLA Citation

In Class Assignment : Create a Works Cited Page Create a Google Doc.

Name the Doc “Works Cited Kane Gold”.

Create a Works Cited page for the 2 sources linked from the LibGuide.

Compose the document using proper MLA citation format.

You may use any tools (EasyBib, Citation Guides, etc.) that you wish to help you create the citations.

Share it with me: [email protected]

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Works Cited

Bialik, Carl. “The Blurb Racket.” Gelf Magazine. Gelf Magazine, 20 Mar. 2005.

Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

Gray, John. “Delusions of Peace.” Rev. of The Better Angels of Our Nature:

Why Violence Has Declined by Steven Pinker. Prospect. Prospect

Magazine, 21 Sep. 2011. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

Singer, Peter. “Is Violence History?” Rev. of The Better Angels of Our Nature:

Why Violence Has Declined by Steven Pinker. New York Times. New

York Times Company, 6 Oct. 2011. Web 26 Jan. 2015.

16 Years of Alcohol DVD Cover (2003). Digital image. DVD Empire. Ravana, 2014.

Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

Title is centered

Double Spaced

Hanging indent