Page 1 of 22 CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SOUTH INGLEWOOD 1515 ANN STREET NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37216 WHY BY LAWS? (1) Bylaws are established to guide members and auxiliaries in meetings and the internal operation of the church. The operation of the church is very complex. Those outside the Church, which are involved from a business aspect, require a record of accountability for decision-making and authorization. The constitution and bylaws will provide these businesses a basis of judgment for rights, if conflict shall occur, between the Church and other parties involved. (2) The constitution and bylaws are designed to give the Church an opportunity to reevaluate its purposes, objectives, procedures, and the effectiveness of its organizational structure. PREAMBLE We acknowledge and affirm this constitution to protect and secure the principles of our faith and to govern the body in an orderly manner. This constitution will protect the autonomy of each member and the independence of action of this body as it relates to other churches. ARTICLE I. NAME This body shall be known as the First Baptist Church South Inglewood, located at 1515 Ann Street, Nashville, Tennessee 37216. ARTICLE II. AIM AND PURPOSE (1) To preach, reach, teach, and serve. (2) To share in the great commission given by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20. (3) To prepare God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God. (4) To be a spiritual vessel empowered by the Holy Spirit to declare Christ whenever and wherever opportunity presents itself, in the Church, community, and throughout the world.

Transcript of WHY BY LAWS?

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(1) Bylaws are established to guide members and auxiliaries in meetings and the internal

operation of the church.

The operation of the church is very complex. Those outside the Church, which are involved from

a business aspect, require a record of accountability for decision-making and authorization. The

constitution and bylaws will provide these businesses a basis of judgment for rights, if conflict

shall occur, between the Church and other parties involved.

(2) The constitution and bylaws are designed to give the Church an opportunity to reevaluate its

purposes, objectives, procedures, and the effectiveness of its organizational structure.


We acknowledge and affirm this constitution to protect and secure the principles of our faith

and to govern the body in an orderly manner. This constitution will protect the autonomy of each

member and the independence of action of this body as it relates to other churches.


This body shall be known as the First Baptist Church South Inglewood, located at 1515 Ann

Street, Nashville, Tennessee 37216.


(1) To preach, reach, teach, and serve.

(2) To share in the great commission given by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20.

(3) To prepare God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until

we all reach unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God.

(4) To be a spiritual vessel empowered by the Holy Spirit to declare Christ whenever and

wherever opportunity presents itself, in the Church, community, and throughout the world.

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(5) To religiously educate our family and acquaintances in Christian doctrine.

(6) To worship, fellowship, and minister unselfishly. To develop Christian character and to

always exemplify total commitment to God.


Every Church needs a clear statement of faith, which sets forth great biblical doctrine which we

believe. The Articles of Faith are not designed to be the foundation or the defense of our faith; they

simply define and declare what we believe the Word of God teaches on these vital doctrines.


Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our

Saviour and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and

joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.

We engage therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for

the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and

spirituality, to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines, to contribute cheerfully and

regularly to the support of the ministry, the expense of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread

of the gospel through all nations.

We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to

seek the salvation in our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our

dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment, to avoid all tattling, backbiting,

and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of, and use of, intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to be

zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour.

We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in

prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feelings and

courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the

rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay.

We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite

with some other Church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s


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We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and is a perfect treasure of

heavenly instruction; that it has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture

or error for its matter; that it reveals the principles by which God will judge us, and therefore is, and

shall remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by

which all human conduct, creeds, opinions shall be tried. (II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:21; Proverbs



We believe the Scriptures teach that there is one, and only one, living and true God, an infinite,

intelligent Spirit, whose name is Jehovah; the Maker and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth;

inexpressibly glorious in holiness;, and worthy of all possible honor confidence and love; that in the unity

of the Godhead there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; equal in every divine

perfection, and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption. (Genesis 1:1-

5; Exodus 15:11; Psalms 147:5)


We believe the Scriptures teach that Man was created in holiness, under the law of his Maker;

but by voluntary transgressions fell from that holy and happy state; in consequence of which all mankind

are now sinners, not by constraint but choice; being by nature utterly void of that holiness required by

the law of God, positively inclined to evil; and therefore under just condemnation to eternal ruin,

without defense or excuse. (Genesis 1:27; 3:6-24; Romans 3:9-18)


We believe that the Scriptures teach that the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace; through the

mediatorial offices of the Son of God; who by the appointment of the Father, freely took upon him our

nature, yet without sin; honored the divine law by his personal obedience, and by his death made a full

atonement for our sins; that having risen from the sympathies with divine perfections, he is in every way

qualified to be a suitable, a compassionate, and an all-sufficient Saviour. (Isaiah 53:4; Ephesians 2:8;

John 3:16; Hebrews 7:25; II Corinthians 5:21)


We believe that the Scriptures teach that the great Gospel blessing which Christ secures to such

as believe in him is justification; that justification includes the pardon of sin, and the promise of eternal

life on principles of righteousness; that it is bestowed, not in consideration of any works of

righteousness which we have done, but solely through faith in the Redeemer’s blood; by virtue of which

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faith, his perfect righteousness, is freely imputed to us of God; that it brings us into a state of most

blessed peach and favor with God, and secures every other blessing needful for time and eternity.

(Romans 3:25-26; 5:1; 5:9; 8:1)


We believe that the Scriptures teach that the blessings of salvation are made free to all by the

Gospel; that it is the immediate duty of all to accept them by cordial, penitent and obedient faith; and

that nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner on earth, but his own determined depravity

and voluntary rejection of the Gospel; which rejection involves him in an aggravated condemnation

(Isaiah 55:1; Revelation 22:17; John 3:16; Romans 10:13; John 5:1)


We believe that the Scriptures teach that in order to be saved, sinners must be regenerated, or

born again; that regeneration consists in giving a holy disposition to the mind that it is effected in a

manner above our comprehension by the power of the Holy Spirit in connection with divine truth, so as

to secure our voluntary obedience to the Gospel; and that its proper evidence appears in the holy fruits

of repentance and faith, and newness of life. (John 3:3-7; II Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:8)


We believe the Scriptures teach that repentance and faith are sacred duties, and also

inseparable graces, wrought in our souls by the regenerating Spirit of God; whereby being deeply

convinced of our guilt, danger and helplessness and of the way of salvation by Christ, we turn to God

with unfeigned contrition, confession, and supplication for mercy; at the same time heartily receiving

the Lord Jesus Christ as our prophet, priest and king, and relying on him alone as the only and all-

sufficient Savior. (Mark 1:15; Romans 10:9; Luke 18:13; John 16:8)


We believe the Scriptures teach that election is the eternal purpose of God, according to which

he graciously regenerates, sanctifies and saves sinners; that being perfectly consistent with the free

agency of man, it comprehends all the means in connection with the end; that it is a most glorious

display of God's sovereign goodness, being infinitely free, wise, holy and unchangeable; that it utterly

excludes boasting and promotes humility, love, prayer, praise, trust in God, and active imitation of his

free mercy; that it encourages the use of means in the highest degree; that it may be ascertained by its

effects in all who truly believe the Gospel; that it is the foundation of Christian assurance; and that to

ascertain it with regard to ourselves demands and deserves the utmost diligence. (Exodus 33:18-19;

I Corinthians 4:7; II Timothy 1:8-9, 2:10)

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We believe the Scriptures teach that Sanctification is the process by which, according to the will

of God, we are made partakers of his holiness; that it is a progressive work; that it is begun in

regeneration; and that it is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence and power of the Holy

Spirit, the Sealer and Comforter, in the continual use of the appointed means especially the word of

God, self-examination, self-denial, watchfulness, and prayer. (I Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23; Romans 8:5;

Philippians 2:12-13; Ephesians 4:11)


We believe the Scriptures teach that such only are real believers as endure to the end; that their

persevering attachment to Christ is the grand mark which distinguishes them from superficial

professors; that a special Providence watches over their welfare; and they are kept by the power of God

through faith unto salvation. (John 8:31, 10:27-30; Ephesians 1:13-14; Philippians 1:6)


We believe the Scriptures teach that the Law of God is the eternal and unchangeable rule of his

moral government; that it is holy, just, and good; and that the inability which the Scriptures ascribe to

fallen men to fulfill its precepts, arise entirely from their love of sin; to deliver them from which, and to

restore them through a Mediator to unfeigned obedience to the Holy Law, is one great end of the

Gospel, and of the Means of Grace connected with the establishment of the visible church.

(Romans 3:31, 8:2-4; Matthew 5:17)


We believe the Scriptures teach that a visible church of Christ is a congregation of baptized

believers, associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the Gospel; observing the ordinances of

Christ; governed by His laws; and exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His

Word; that its only scriptural officers are Bishops or Pastors, and Deacons whose qualifications, claims,

and duties are defined in the Epistles to Timothy and Titus. (Acts 6:3; Matthew 16:19; I Timothy 3:15;

and Titus 1:5)


We believe the Scriptures teach that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer,

into the name of the Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost; to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem,

our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, with its effect, in our death to sin and resurrection to

a new life; that it is prerequisite to the privileges of a church relation; and to the Lord's Supper, in which

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the members of the church, by the sacred use of bread and wine, are to commemorate together the

dying love of Christ; preceded always by solemn self-examination. (Acts 2:38, 8:36-39; Romans 6:4;

Matthew 26:26-29, 28:19; and I Corinthians 11:23-26)


We believe the Scriptures teach that the first day of the week is the Lord's Day, or Christian

Sabbath, and is to be kept sacred to religious purposes, by abstaining from all secular labor and sinful

recreations, by the devout observance of all the means of grace, both private and public, and by

preparation for that rest that remaineth for the people of God. (Acts 20:7; Exodus 20:8, 34:21;

Isaiah 58:13, and Hebrews 10:24-25)


We believe the Scriptures teach that civil government is of divine appointment, for the interest

and good order of human society; and that magistrates are to be prayed for, conscientiously honored

and obeyed; except only in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only Lord of

the conscience, and the Prince of the Kings of the earth. (Romans 13:1-7; Matthew 22:21)


We believe the Scriptures teach that there is a radical and essential difference between the

righteous and the wicked; that such only as through faith are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and

sanctified by the Spirit of our God, are truly righteous in his esteem; while all such as continue in

impenitence and unbelief are in his sight wicked, and under the curse; and this distinction holds among

men both in and after death. (Genesis 6:5-7; Ephesians 6:10-17)


We believe the Scriptures teach that the end of the world is approaching; that at the last day,

Christ will descend from heaven, and raise the dead from the grave for final retribution; that a solemn

separation will then take place; that the wicked will be adjudged to endless punishment, and the

righteous to endless joy; and that this judgment will fix forever the final state of men in heaven or hell,

on principles of righteousness. (Acts 1:11, 24:15; Matthew 25:31-46; Romans 3:5-6; Revelation 19:11-

16, 20:11-15)


This assembly of this Church is established in the body of believers who compose it. Persons

duly received by the members shall constitute the membership.

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All ministries, implemented in the Church, shall report and be accountable to the Pastor and

Church body.

This Church is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and

sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation which are common among Baptist Churches.

This church will cooperate and support the Association (Stones River District Association), the State

Convention (Tennessee Missionary Baptist State Convention), and the National Baptist Convention

(National Missionary Baptist Convention of America).


Section 1. This Church shall be known as First Baptist Church South Inglewood.

Section 2. In all matters that come before the Church for action, each member present is entitled to


Section 3. Ten percent of the roll of the membership shall constitute a quorum. Ten percent is also

required for the call of a Pastor and the election of officers.


There are three categories of membership which shall be recognized by the Church:

1. Active Member Any person who holds membership at First Baptist Church South

Inglewood, who fully supports the Church’s ministries with his/her time,

prayers, spiritual gifts, and regular contributions for the building of

God’s kingdom. This category also shall include, but is not limited to,

those who are convalescent and desires to remain as an active member.

A member is received into the Church body by baptism, letter, or

Christian experience.

2. Inactive Member Any person who expresses the desire to retain his/her membership at

First Baptist Church South Inglewood, but has not contributed

financially, is not convalescent, or has not been in attendance within a

consecutive six months interval, shall be considered an inactive


3. Dismissal of

a Member__ A member can be dismissed by letter or exclusion.

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New members, upon uniting with the Church body, are encouraged to attend the New

Members Orientation sessions. These sessions are designed to acquaint new members with the

church’s mission, ministries, assurance of their soul salvation, and to promote spiritual growth.


Section I. The Church shall accommodate adequate provisions for worship, meetings, and ministry

functions as follows:

A. The Pastor shall direct the worship service, preaching, teaching, and all other evangelistic

meeting for the Church body.

B. The Sunday Church School is to be conducted each Sunday for the congregation, under

the direction of the Sunday Church School Superintendent who shall be an active

member of the Church.

Section 2. The Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, unless otherwise

determined by the Pastor.

Section 3. A called meeting of the Church for any specified purpose may be held at the discretion of the

Pastor and/or Deacon Ministry.

Section 4. The sources of our guidelines are established for the Church by the Holy Bible, Robert’s Rules

of Order, and other doctoral material.


All persons who serve as officers of the Church or serve on Church committees must be

active members of the Church.



The Pastor is responsible for the leadership of the Church under the direction of the Holy

Spirit. The Pastor shall provide Christian teaching and training to the congregation, officers, and

ministries in their tasks.

The Pastor is ordained to be the shepherd of the flock. His mission is to provide spiritual,

moral, social, psychological, and personal nourishment for growth. He is to provide guidance according

to biblical principles.

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PASTOR (Cont.)

The Pastor shall serve as the official representative of the Church. He is provide direction for

the worship services, Church business meetings, and is to be ex-officio of all ministries and committees.

He shall have access to and/or copies of all records, minutes, financial reports, church’s roll, histories,

legal instruments, and documents relative to the Church. He shall have total oversight of all temporal

and spiritual matters of the Church, delegating such matters to designated officers or members for

implementation. He shall recommend the expenditure of all finances according to the budgetary

designations of the Church body. He shall also be free to recommend and/or present to the Church

body, such matters which necessitate action from the body.

He shall administer the ordinances of the Church unless such provision is made for at his

request and/or in his absence. He shall approve all invitations for speakers, preachers, musicians,

teachers, or other participating in any part of the ministry of this Church. He shall perform the various

tasks and duties incumbent to this office as the need shall arise.


The Pastor shall serve this office until such time as any of the following may occur:

A. He is called to Pastor another church (he will not receive severance pay);

B. He resigns or retires (severance pay is to be determined);

C. His leadership becomes unethical (he will not receive severance pay);

D. He displays incompetent leadership or consistent

unscriptural leadership not due to physical or mental

disability (he will not receive severance pay).

The Pastor shall be dismissed from office by a two-thirds majority of the active membership

roll. He shall be given ninety days written notice if a two-thirds majority agrees to the dismissal with the

amount of severance pay to be determined. Three months of severance pay is defined as Pastor’s salary

and housing allowance only. Severance pay will be paid in a lump sum if the church is financially able to

do so. If not, the church will pay the severance over three consecutive months. If the Pastor is called to

lead another church, he shall give ninety days written notice to the Church prior to his departure.


The Church will support the Pastor with a salary comparable in his ability and experience, and

sufficient for his personal and family needs according to the ability of the Church. There is to be a

starting salary and a cost of living increase to be determined annually.

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The Church shall provide a sufficient housing and utility allowance to accommodate housing

for the Pastor and his family.

The Church shall contribute an annual allowance toward a retirement package for the Pastor.

The Church shall pay the full compensation during the Pastor’s vacation. The number of

weeks allowable for vacation shall be evaluated according to the length of service. In case of illness, the

Pastor shall be granted his salary for four months. The continuance of the pay should be evaluated and

recommended by the officers of the Church.


The Church shall provide an expense account for the Pastor in the performance of the various

responsibilities of his office.

The Church shall provide food, lodging, and representation expense for the Pastor to all

conferences, conventions, congresses, institutions, and meetings for representing the Church.

The Pastor is at all times responsible for the pulpit. All ministries who are invited to preach

are accepted only on the approval of the Pastor.

All Associate Ministers are under the direct supervision of the Pastor.

The Pastor, as Executive of the Church, in conjunction with an executive board, shall be

specifically responsible for hiring and dismissing all salaried personnel. However, all decisions must be

by the approval of the Church.


The Deacons’ Ministry shall select a Pastor’s Search Committee when the Pastor’s position

becomes vacant. The Chairman of the Deacons’ Ministry shall lead the Church in the care of its business

during this period. The Deacon’s Ministry is obligated to provide a Minister for the worship services

until the selection of a Pastor is completed. This special authority of leadership will exist only until the

election of the new Pastor.

An individual which has been considered for the Pastor’s position shall be notified by the

Chairman of the Deacons’ Ministry that a vacancy has become available. The election shall take place at

a meeting called for this purpose, with at least two weeks’ notice. The meeting shall be announced for

two consecutive Sundays. (I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 shall serve as a guide in calling a Pastor)

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A time, date, and purpose for the meeting, when calling a Pastor, must clearly be stated. The

Pastor’s Search Committee will bring a final slate of candidates before the church for consideration. This

recommendation shall constitute a nomination. Any active member shall have the privilege of

suggesting other nominations for consideration, to the committee. The election shall be determined

with a written ballot. A 51% majority final vote is necessary to call a Pastor. If a 51% majority is not

received by one candidate, a run-off election between the top two candidates will be held at least one

week after the election. The run-off election date will be scheduled and announced by the Deacons

Ministry. The duties of the committee shall be dismissed after a Pastor has been selected.


Members of the Pastor’s Search Committee shall consist of a cross-section of members to

include Chairman of the Deacon Board, Chairman of the Trustees, Chairman of the Finance Committee,

an Associate Minister, a deacon and two (2) lay members for a total of seven members. The Deacons’

Ministry will select the two lay members to round out the Search Committee. The Chairman of the

Deacons’ Ministry will be a moderator or with the Church’s consent, the District Moderator shall be

invited to serve as the Moderator for this meeting. It is the responsibility of the Deacons’ Ministry to

inform the Church of the date and time for the selection of the Pastor. The information shall be

announced via one of the following methods: the verbal church announcements, church bulletin, and/or

the video screen. The announcement will be made for two consecutive Sundays prior to the selection.


The Committee will accept letters and resumes for review. The Committee will present the

information to the Chairman of the Deacon’s Ministry, who will present the information to the church’s

body, after he has had the opportunity to review, consider, and verify the accuracy of the information

from each candidate.


Section 1

A. The number of active Deacons, which serves this Church, shall be determined by the needs of

the congregation. The qualifications recommended for Deacons are identified in Acts 6:1-7 and

I Timothy 3:8-13. These qualifications will be used to select the Deacons for this Church.

B. The Church is not obligated to appoint a Deacon from another Church, to its Deacons’ Ministry.

A Deacon is only a Deacon at the Church where he has been appointed. Ordaining a Deacon

from another Church shall be at the discretion of the Pastor and the Chairman of the Deacons’


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C. The Pastor shall select the candidates for the Deacons’ Ministry. He shall present these

candidates to the Church body for a vote. The Pastor shall then prepare the candidate for


D. The Deacons shall serve as spiritual assistants to the Pastor. They are responsible in assisting

the spiritual fellowship of the congregation, and protecting the Church’s property.

E. The Deacons are expected to dress appropriately for all worship services. They are to wear dark

or white attire, depending on the season, to serve at the Lord’s table.

F. The Deacons are to provide directions for the Associate Minister who is leading the worship

service in the absence of the Pastor. The Deacons are encouraged to attend Sunday Church

School, prayer meetings, and bible study classes. They are encouraged to support the Pastor at

other churches, conventions, and conferences.

G. The Chairman of the Deacons’ Ministry shall recommend a Speaker, if the Pastor becomes ill.

The Pastor shall provide directions for the Chairman of the Deacons’ Ministry.

Section 2

A. A Deacon, who is no longer able to provide an active role on the ministry, shall be promoted as

an honorary Deacon.

B. Chairmanship: The Chairman of the Deacons’ Ministry may be elected to a term of two years.

However, it will be at the discretion of the members of the Deacons’ Ministry to re-elect the


C. Terms of Office: The Deacon shall serve this office until such time as any of the following may


1. His resignation;

2. His ailment;

3. His leadership becomes consistently unethical; or

4. Death

D. The Deacon shall be dismissed when he is no longer able to maintain the qualifications as

written in I Timothy 3:8-13. The Deacon’s name and circumstance shall be provided to the

committee for review and recommended for dismissal. The committee will consist of the

Pastor, Chairman of the Deacons’ Ministry, 1st Vice Chairman, 2nd Vice Chairman, and the Senior


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E. A Deacon may also request to be removed from the ministry. The Deacon shall be encouraged

to submit a letter of resignation to the committee.


The Trustees will hold in trust the Church Property. They shall have no power to buy, sell,

mortgage, lease, or transfer any property without a specific vote from the church recommending such

action. It shall be the function of the Chairman of the Trustees and an appointed officer of the Church

to affix their signatures to legal documents involving the sale, mortgage, purchase, rental of property, or

other legal documents where the signatures of Trustees are required. Authorization can be given at a

regular or called business meeting.

These persons are to assist in counting and depositing all Church offerings. They must be willing

to affix their names to a weekly budget sheet which indicates those persons counting offerings.

Trustees shall be recommended by the Pastor and ratified by a vote from the Church’s body.

They shall serve on a continuous basis until such time as they request:

1. Resignation;

2. Display unethical practices; or

3. Death.

The number of Trustees serving this Church shall be determined by the needs of the

congregation. The Trustees’ officers may be elected to a term of two years. It will be at the discretion

of the members of the Trustees’ Committee to re-elect the officers.


The Mother’s Ministry shall provide assistance to the Church in the following areas:

1. Spiritual assistant to the Pastor;

2. Serve during baptismal periods;

3. Prepare the Communion Table;

4. Encouraged to maintain a Christian home;

5. Encourage young women in spiritual, moral, and personal growth; and

6. Visit and call the sick.

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The Pastor shall recommend Mothers according to the following qualifications:

a. Must be a sincere Christian;

b. Should be highly respected by the members;

c. Dedicated to serve, tolerant, patient, full of human kindness, big of heart, sharing knowledge

and resources for those in need.

d. Must be women who are not busy-bodies, meddling in others affairs;

e. Not given to unkindness nor envy and malice, deceitfulness, lying, dishonesty, and


The Pastor will make his selection and recommendations to the President of the Mother’s

Ministry. The candidate shall be consecrated as a Mother and asked to serve to the best of her

knowledge and ability.


The Church Secretary shall be the official Secretary of the Church. The Church Secretary is

responsible for keeping accurate records of the Church meetings in a permanent record book. The

church Secretary shall keep a permanent record for the Church’s membership, shall issue letters of

transfer and dismissal, and shall notify persons excluded from fellowship of such action. The Church

Secretary shall conduct all correspondence related to the secretarial duties, and perform other duties

that may arise. All records, maintained by the Secretary, are the properties of the Church and should

remain at the Church.


The Church Administrative Assistant shall actively participate in policy issues and business

management of the Church. The Administrative Assistant shall review church ministries, offering

suggestions, ideas and proposals. The Administrative Assistant shall prepare projections affecting

general church business. The Administrative Assistant shall attend various meetings and seminars with

the Pastor, and if necessary, in his absence concerning community-related activities, civic affairs, and

etc. The Administrative Assistant shall perform clerical functions for the Pastor, including typing, filing,

organizing, and preparing materials for sermons, workshops, and etc. The Administrative Assistant shall

assist the Church Secretary in various secretarial functions and act as a substitute secretary in his/her

absence. The Administrative Assistant shall purchase general church office equipment.

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There shall be one Treasurer, to be known as Treasurer of First Baptist Church South Inglewood.

This person shall periodically meet with the Deacons and have books available for inspection.

The Treasurer shall make a monthly detailed statement to the Deacons and the Church for all

receipts, disbursements, and other pertinent facts pertaining to the financial status of the Church.

The Treasurer shall be bonded in such amounts as the Church shall designate.

The Treasurer shall keep separate accounts to various funds as designated by the Church.

All expenditures must be verified by the Finance Committee and Pastor.

All checks must have two signatures – the Treasurer and the Chairman of the Finance

Committee or a designee.


The Finance Committee shall consist of at least five members but no more than ten who have

been selected by the Board. The committee members shall elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary,

and Assistant Secretary prior to the fiscal year. The officers may be elected to a term of two years. It

will be at the discretion of the members of the Finance Committee, to re-elect the officers.

The Finance Committee should review the Pastor’s compensation package annually and make

recommendation(s) to the church council based on the current financial condition. The

recommendation, due by October 1st of each year is to be based on the financial status of the nine

months prior to the review. The church council will make a recommendation to the church conference

and the decided actions will be submitted with the budget.

When a Project Manager is needed, the Finance Committee would make the appointment. The

Project Manager’s term will end when all warranties (building, electrical, plumbing, etc.), have expired.

All expenditures, as well as the inception and/or dispensation of long term investments, should follow

budgetary procedures.


The Church shall employ staff members as needed. A job description shall be written when the

need for staff members is determined. The vocational staff members, other than the Pastor, shall be

recommended to the Church by the Personnel Committee for approval. The Church staff is encouraged

to submit two weeks notice at a time of resignation.

The secretary and custodians are recommended to the Church by the Personnel Committee for


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The Personnel Committee shall consist of at least six members. The members of the committee

shall be the Chairman of the Deacons’ Ministry, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Chairman of the

Trustees, Director of Operations and Administration, and two active members of First Baptist Church

South Inglewood. The Pastor will have the odd vote during these meetings.


The ministries of this Church shall be:

1. Bold Praizers 15. Mass Choir

2. Brotherhood Ministry 16. Matrons II Ministry

3. Caring and Sharing Ministry 17. Mother’s Ministry

4. Christian Education Counsel 18. Pastor’s Aide Ministry

5. Ethel Burns Usher Ministry 19. Prayer Ministry

6. Evangelist Ministry 20. Prison Ministry

7. Expressions of Praise 21. Senior Matrons

8. Girl Scouts 22. Senior Ushers

9. God’s Touch Production 23. Seniors Ministry

10. Grief Ministry 24. Sunday Church School

11. Health Awareness Ministry 25. Welcome Fellowship Ministry

12. Historians Ministry 26. Young Men Christian Fellowship

13. Kitchen Task Force 27. Young Women Christian Ministry

14. Male Chorus 28. Youth Ministry

29. Youth Ushers

All ministries shall be responsible to the Pastor and Church body. All officers are appointed by

their ministries. Any and all ministries are established only after the approval of the current Pastor.

No ministry shall collect dues or raise separate money to be placed in a separate account from

the Church. Money collected for the support of the various ministries shall be allocated under one

account. A receipt will be given and the amount will be credited to the ministry.

At no time, shall any member of a ministry make a purchase and charge it to the Church, unless

prior authorization is given. The Sunday Church School Department and the Pastor’s Aide Ministries

shall be allowed to purchase merchandise without prior authorization. However, those designated

members of these ministries, are responsible in providing a receipt for all purchases to the Finance


Each ministry is responsible for record-keeping and providing a signed copy of all minutes (using

Roberts Rules of Order) to the church Administrative Assistant.

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The ministries of the Church shall be developed according to the church’s area of need.

Emphasis of the ministry shall be guided in the following areas:

1. The cultivation of spiritually maturing in the worship experience;

2. The promotion of systematic study of the scripture, doctrines of faith, history, and

policies of the Church;

3. The advancement of biblically oriented mission ministries;

4. The development of effective leadership training;

5. The enrichment of nurturing ministries for individual and personal growth for all ages.



The Church shall meet for worship, Bible study, and prayer meetings, according to the Pastor’s

discretion. However, the regularly scheduled meetings are as follows:

Sunday Church School 9:15 AM

Morning Worship Services 7:30 AM and 10:30 AM

There will be only one service on the

1st and 5th Sunday beginning at 9:00 AM

On these Sundays, Sunday School will begin at 8:00 AM

Bible Study (Tuesday and Wednesday) 6:30 PM

Midday Bible Study (1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month) 11:00 AM

Prayer Meeting (First Monday after the first Sunday) 7:00 PM

New Member Orientation (Sunday) 9:15 AM


Revivals, Christian workshops, and other inspirational services are planned in advance. The

Planning Committee will meet annually to organize the next year’s calendar.

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Business meetings will be scheduled quarterly.

The Advisory Council shall be held at the Pastor’s discretion. This Council shall be comprised of

the Pastor and all ministry officers.


The quorum shall consist of those members who attend the business meetings, provided the

meeting is a scheduled meeting or one that has been properly called. In matters of crucial importance,

the basic principles of parliamentary law shall be through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. However, in

matters of practical law, we shall refer to the Robert’s Rule of Order, when necessary.


This Church shall be supported by the church body’s tithes and offerings. The Bible has many

supporting scriptures in teaching the congregation on tithes and offerings.

This Church shall operate on a budget, which shall be approved by the Pastor, Church counsel,

and Budget/Finance Committee. This budget will then be recommended to the church body for

approval. It should be understood that the budget shall only serve as a guide. It may become necessary

to add or delete some items in the budget, depending on the cash flow or other circumstances.

It is understood that membership in the Church involves finance to support its work. It is crucial

for each member to understand that their financial support, through tithes and offerings, is important

for the maintenance of the Church. The Church shall provide an envelope to the congregation for the

offertory period. The envelope will assist the Church in maintaining accurate financial and attendance


All contributions received for this Church shall be handled by the Church’s Treasurer and

Finance Secretary. The contributions are to be recorded on the official financial record and disbursed by

“check only.”


The church and fiscal calendars are from January 1st to December 31st.

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This Church shall observe two ordinances:

1. Baptism

2. Lord’s Supper


Baptism is the symbolism of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A person who

receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour by personal faith, who professes Him publicly, and who

indicates a commitment to follow Christ as a disciple, shall be received for baptism. Baptism shall be by

immersion in water. Baptism shall be performed by the Pastor or his designee. The Deacons and

Mothers shall assist in the preparation for the baptism. Baptism shall be observed during the morning

worship service.


The Lord’s Supper symbolizes the suffering death of Jesus Christ, as well as the anticipation of

His second coming.

The Church shall observe this ordinance on the first Sunday of each month, and other appointed

times designated by the Pastor.



The Minister of Music is responsible for assisting the Church in planning, conducting, and

evaluating a comprehensive music ministry.

The responsibilities of the Minister of Music shall be to direct the planning, coordination,

operation, and evaluation of a comprehensive Music Ministry. He/she shall coordinate the Church

Music Ministry with the calendar and emphasis of the Church. He/she shall work with the Music

Committee in determining goals, organization, leadership, facilities, finances, and administrative

processes. He/she shall be responsible for the selection of the music. The Minister of Music shall be

aware of weddings and funerals to be held in the Church. He/she shall be available for counsel and

arrange and provide music for special projects, ministries, and other Church activities in cooperation

with appropriate individuals or groups.

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The Minister of Music shall direct music groups and congregational singing. He/she shall be

responsible for enlisting and training leaders for the Church Music Ministry in cooperation with the

Church’s nominating committee. He/she shall supervise the work of all music leaders in the Music


The Minister of Music shall work in cooperation with the appropriate persons including the

nominating committee in selecting, enlisting, training, and counseling with song leaders, accompanists,

and other musicians who serve in Church program organizations. He/she shall coordinate the

performance schedules of music groups and individuals in the functions of the Church.

The Minister of Music shall give direction to a Music Ministry plan of visitation and enlistment.

He/she shall supervise maintenance of and additions to the music library and equipment for use of the

Church’s programs. He/she shall keep informed on current music methods, materials, promotions, and

administration, while utilizing them where appropriate.

The Minister of Music shall coordinate the training and use of instrumentalists and vocalists in

groups or as individuals. He/she shall be in consultation with the Music Committee in preparing an

annual budget to be recommended to the Budget Planning Committee. He/she shall perform other

duties as assigned.


The choir is obligated to the Church. The choir is to inform the Pastor of engagements prior to

the acceptance, to prevent a conflict of interest.

Choir members are encouraged to remain in the choir stand during worship services, to prevent


Choir rehearsal is designed to prepare those members to deliver spiritual songs of Zion to the

congregation. The choir rehearsal also prepares the members to obtain new music and obtain direction

for the worship services.

A choir member can be dismissed if he/she is disrupting the rehearsals or is displaying conduct

unbecoming to the Church.

The choir, which is scheduled to sing, is encouraged to be in uniform and prepared to enter the

choir stand at their designated time.

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The musicians are responsible to minister music to the Church. The musicians are responsible

for delivering music to all services for the Church. These services shall include, but are not limited to:

1. All worship services (morning and evening);

2. Accompany the choir and soloists during all worship services.



The family is encouraged to contact the Church’s Secretary. The Pastor shall offer words of

comfort to the family during their time of bereavement. The Church’s Secretary is responsible for

notifying the Grief Ministry, who will assist the family with funeral arrangements. The Pastor must be

informed of all arrangements for the funeral, prior to announcing the final plans. It is the Pastor’s

responsibility to work with the Grief Ministry, family, and morticians to arrange an appropriate time and

location which is agreed upon by the family.


A member or ministry is not to invite a visiting minister to conduct a worship service without the

approval of the Pastor. All ministers who preach will receive an honorarium.


No food or drinks are allowed in the sanctuary.

Persons loitering outside the Church, in the corridors, or outside the classrooms shall be asked

to join the services or asked to leave the premises.

The Church is not to be rented or made available to events which are not Christian based. The

Pastor shall authorize use of the Church or other churches. The Church facilities shall be made available

for active members and the immediate family of active members for weddings at an agreed upon fee

which is identified in a contract for members. Non-members wishing to use the Church are required to

sign a non-members contract which identifies the fees and services offered. All contracts can be

obtained from the Church’s Secretary.

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This constitution may be amended, altered, or revised at any regular business meeting for the

Church. Each item of concern shall be presented in writing at the following scheduled business meeting.

Amendments to this constitution shall be by a two-thirds vote of the active members present.