Why are things_colourful by Parisa and Laurelinda

Why Are Many Rainforest Species Brightly Coloured? By Parisa and Laurelinda



Transcript of Why are things_colourful by Parisa and Laurelinda

Page 1: Why are things_colourful by Parisa and Laurelinda

Why Are Many Rainforest Species Brightly Coloured?

By Parisa and Laurelinda

Page 2: Why are things_colourful by Parisa and Laurelinda

Why The Toucan Is Colourful

There are many reasons why different animal species in the rainforest are brightly coloured.One of the reasons why toucans are brightly coloured is so that they can be easily identified. Each individual has a different coloured beak so that other toucans can tell each other apart. Also, some animals are brightly coloured so it can attract species of the other gender.

Page 3: Why are things_colourful by Parisa and Laurelinda

Why The Poison Dart Frog is Colourful

The Poison Dart Frogs have vibrant-coloured skin to warn off harmful predators. They rely on their colour to defend themselves so they can have an advantage over the other animals that have FROG on their menu (including the French). Poison Dart Frogs use they’re coloured skin and patterns to show the amount of venom that they contain and also to send out the simple message, BEWARE!!! This way, the Poison Dart Frogs can hop around safely during the daytime without disruption.

Page 4: Why are things_colourful by Parisa and Laurelinda

Why Chameleons are Brightly Coloured

Chameleons are brightly coloured because they have the ability to camouflage. This means that they can change the colour of their skin to adapt to their surroundings, express emotions and often when there is a adjustment in temperature they also change their colour.

Page 5: Why are things_colourful by Parisa and Laurelinda

Why the passion flower is colourful

The passionflower is a colourful flower that lives in the heart of the rainforest. There are many colours that this spectacular plant ranges from, like pink, purple, blue and many more. The reason why this particular plant has such vibrant colours is because it needs to attract hummingbirds, bumblebees, wasps and bats to pollinate it. If this plant is not pollinated, the reproduction cycle will not be able to continue, meaning that this plant species will soon die out if it does not get pollinated.

Page 6: Why are things_colourful by Parisa and Laurelinda

Why the orchid is colourful

Just like the passionflower, orchids use their magnificent colours to attract pollinators (e.g. bees). They also have wide range of colours ranging from pink to yellow to blue to purple to orange and so on.

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References• http://library.thinkquest.org/C002061/bright.htm

• http://www.tropical-rainforest-animals.com/Poison-Dart-Frogs.html

• http://www.brighthub.com/pets/exotic-pets/articles/103891.aspx

• http://www.pbs.org/edens/madagascar/creature3.htm

• http://www.opticsforkids.org/tutorials/chameleonschange.html

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passiflora

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchidaceae