Why America Lost the Civil War

Why America Lost the "Civil War" Contributed by Nat G. Rudulph "Civil War" is at best a misleading name for that conflict. Many Southerners avoid using it because of the implication that there were factions in every locality. "Civil" means "relating to the people within a community." The term describes only one aspect of the event, and subtly discredits Southerners defending home and country, rather than fomenting a political coup. The typical Southern community was not divided at all. Dixie was that community, and the consensus in Dixie was to defy strangers and meddlers from the North who insisted on ruling and intended to invade. The typical Southerner fought for independence. There were (and still are) more differences between Yankees and Southerners thanbetween Yankees and English-speaking Canadians. It was a civil war, but not on the battlefield. It was a civil war in New York City when a draft protest turned into a rampaging mob of 70,000. That civil war lasted four days because all the available troops were at Gettysburg, fighting soldiers from another land. It was a civil war when they returned and fired into this New York crowd, killing nearly 2,000 of their own divided "community." It was a civil war when Illinois' Governor Yates reported an "insurrection in Edgar County. Union men on one side, Copperheads on the other. They have had two battles." It was a civil war for the Union Army when the 109th Illinois had tobe disbanded because its men were Southern sympathizers. It was a civil war in Indiana when thousands of draft resisters hid in enclaves. From the governor: "Matters assume grave import. Two hundred mounted armed men in Rush county have today resisted arrest of deserters . . . southern Indiana is ripe for revolution." 1


How Lincoln took away the rights of the American people and violated the U.S. Constitution. The beginning of centralized government.

Transcript of Why America Lost the Civil War

Why America Lost the "Civil War"

Contributed by Nat G. Rudulph

"Civil War" is at best a misleading name for that conflict. Many Southerners avoid using it because of the implication that there were factions in every locality. "Civil" means "relating to the people within a community." The term describes only one aspect of the event, and subtly discredits Southerners defending home and country, rather than fomenting a political coup.

The typical Southern community was not divided at all. Dixie was that community, and the consensus in Dixie was to defy strangers and meddlers from the North who insisted on ruling and intended to invade. The typical Southerner fought for independence. There were (and still are) more differences between

Yankees and Southerners thanbetween Yankees and English-speaking Canadians.

It was a civil war, but not on the battlefield. It was a civil war in New York City when a draft protest turned into a rampaging mob of 70,000. That civil war lasted four days because all the available troops were at Gettysburg, fighting soldiers from another land. It was a civil war when they returned and fired into this New York crowd, killing nearly 2,000 of their own divided "community."

It was a civil war when Illinois' Governor Yates reported an "insurrection in Edgar County. Union men on one side, Copperheads on the other. They have had two battles." It was a civil war for the Union Army when the 109th Illinois had tobe disbanded because its men were Southern sympathizers. It was a civil war in Indiana when thousands of draft resisters hid in enclaves. From the governor: "Matters assume grave import. Two hundred mounted armed men in Rush county have today resisted arrest of deserters . . . southern Indiana is ripe for revolution."


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The governors of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York reported that they could not enforce the draft without 10-20,000 troops in each state. Violent opposition struck in Wisconsin and Michigan. Four thousand Pennsylvanians refused to march south. Sherman wrote: "Mutiny was common to the whole army, and it was not subdued till several regiments, or parts of regiments had been ordered to Fort Jefferson, Florida, as punishment."


It was not a civil war in those parts of the South removed from the border regions. Had it been a civil war, Lincoln’s government could have leveraged local support to subdue those states brutally, as it did in Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia. Union policy was to treat border state combatants as renegades under martial law instead of as legitimate armed forces.

Marylanders were similar to Virginians strongly Southern, but cautious. However, when Lincoln called for troops to coerce the states, Virginia seceded. Immediately, Lincoln moved to secure Maryland. Habeus corpus was suspended and Southern sympathizers arrested in Baltimore. General Banks dissolved the Baltimore police board. Secretary of War Cameron wrote him: "The passage of any act of secession by the legislature of Maryland must be prevented. If necessary all or any part of the members must be arrested." Arrests were sufficient to prevent a vote. The mayor of Baltimore, most of the city government, and newspaper editors were jailed. One of those editors was the grandson of the author of The Star Spangled Banner.

Francis Key Howard wrote of his imprisonment:

When I looked out in the morning, I could not help being struck by an odd and not pleasant coincidence. On that same day forty-seven years before, my grandfather, Mr Francis Scott Key, then prisoner on a British ship, had witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry. When on the following morning the hostile fleet drew off, defeated, he wrote the song so long popular. . . . As I stood upon the very scene of that conflict, I could not but contrast my position with his, forty-seven years before. The flag which he had then so proudly hailed, I saw waving at the same place over the victims of as vulgar and brutal despotism as modern times have witnessed.

Documents of the period show more than 38,000 political prisoners in northern jails. In The Life of William H. Seward, Bancroft wrote: The person "suspected" of disloyalty was often seized at night, borne off to the nearest fort. . . . Month aftermonth many of them were crowded together in gloomy and

damp case mates, where even dangerous pirates captured on privateers ought not to have remained long. Many had committed no overt act. There were among them editors and political leaders of character and honor, but whose freedom would be prejudicial to the prosecution of the war.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus everywhere, arrested candidates, and banished Ohio congressman Vallandigham from the country. More than 300 newspapers were closed. Secretary of War Stanton told a visitor, "If I tap that little bell, I can send you to a place where you will never again hear the dogs bark." Neither habeas corpus nor freedom of the press were ever suspended in the South, even in the most desperate of times. The Raleigh News and Observer wrote after the war "It is to the honour of the Confederate government that no Confederate secretary could touch a bell and send a citizen to prison."

Yankee power was most unrestrained in Missouri. From its initial defiant movement of troops, the Union routinely escalated hostilities. They encouraged atrocities, insidiously veiled behind a facade of inept negligence. They exhibited arrogance and contempt for law, their own constitution, Southerners, and life itself.

The authorities entered private homes without warrant or provocation, seizing arms and other properties. They required written permits for travel. Random "drive-by" shootings of citizens from trains by soldiers were commonplace. Citizens werefined, jailed, banished, and even executed for as little as expressing dissent, or upon the accusation of a government informer.

Authorities called citizens to their door in the middle of the night and shot them or took them away. Amnesty was promised to partisans, but many who attempted to surrender were executed. Men like Frank and Jesse James witnessed these things and vowed never to accept a pardon from such a government.


Senator Jim Lane, known as "the grim chieftain of Kansas," ravaged Missouri. Halleck wrote McClellan: "I receive almost daily complaints of outrages committed by these men in the name of the United States, and the evidence is so conclusive as toleave no doubt of their correctness . . . Lane has been made a brigadier-general. I cannot conceive of a more injudicious appointment . . . offering a premium for rascality and robbing." McClellan gave the letter to Lincoln. After reading it, Lincoln turned it over and wrote on the back, "An excellent letter, though I am sorry General Halleck is so unfavourably impressed with General Lane."

September 1862 brought executions for refusing to swear allegiance to the U.S. In October at Palmyra, Missouri, ten political prisoners and POWs were executed because a Union informer disappeared. Soon afterwards, Lincoln promoted to brigadier-general the man responsible.

In 1863 General Ewing imprisoned as many wives, mothers, and sisters of Quantrill's Confederate partisan band as could be found. The building housing most of them collapsed in August, killing many. Ewing had been warned that the building was in danger of collapse, and the guerrillas believed that it had been deliberate. In retaliation Quantrill sacked and burned

Lawrence, Kansas. Ewing then issued an order forcing all persons in four counties of western Missouri living more than a mile from a military base to leave the state. They were forced from their homes at gunpoint and escorted away. Then all property was destroyed. Cass County, which had a population of 10,000 was reduced to 600 by this "ethnic cleansing." Union Colonel Lazear wrote his wife that the ensuing arson was so thorough that only stone chimneys could be seen for hundreds of miles. "It is heart sickening to see what I have seen since I have been back here. A desolated country, men, women, and children, some of them almost naked. Some on foot and some in wagons. Oh God."

Loyalty oaths and bonds were required of all citizens. If guerrillas attacked, property in the area was

confiscated and sold at auction. Suspects were imprisoned and by 1864 the mortality rate of Union-held prisoners had reached fifty percent. Union

Surgeon George Rex reported: Undergoing the confinement in these crowded and insufficiently ventilated quarters are many

citizen prisoners, against whom the charges are of a very trivial character, or perhaps upon investigation . . . no charges at all are sustained.

The Union implemented Sherman's philosophy of war against civilians. He wrote: "To the petulant and persistent secessionist, why, death is mercy, and the quicker he or she is disposed of the better. . . . There is a class of people . . . who must be killed or banished before you can hope for peace and order." To General Sheridan, Sherman wrote: ". . . the present class of men who rule the South must be killed outright rather than in conquest of territory. . . a great deal of it yet remains to be done, therefore, I shall expect you on any and all occasions to make bloody results." To General Kilpatrick he wrote: "It is petty nonsense for Wheeler and Beauregard and such vain heroes to talk of our warring against women and children. If they claim to be men they should defend their women and children and prevent us reaching their homes." In a moment of candor he wrote Grant: "You and I and every commander must go through the war justly chargeable with crimes."

While ransacking Georgia, Sherman removed two thousand women, children, and elderly to Ohio where they were forced to work in Union war factories. Families were separated, property confiscated, and even wedding bands taken from their hands. The U.S. never tried to reunite them.

Crimes were committed on both sides, but the Confederate offenses were a fraction of the Federals'.

The Southern leadership spoke and acted against abuses, while Lincoln ran a "loose ship" of administration, under whichauthorities could tacitly


countenance abuses while professing to be against them. Lincoln once asked McClellan if he couldget close enough to Richmond to shell the civilian population of the city. When Jefferson Davis was urged to retaliate in kind,and adopt a cruel war policy like the U.S., cabinet member Judah P. Benjamin said "he was immovable in resistance to suchcounsels, insisting that it was repugnant to every sentiment of justice and humanity that the innocent should be made victimsfor the crimes of such monsters."

America lost the "civil war" because she lost her soul. You opine that those were necessary war measures? Then why werethey never employed by the Confederacy even in the dark days of imminent defeat? It was because the South still adhered tothe transcendence of principle. The South did not believe that the end justified the means. Most Southerners believed thatright and wrong and truth were God-given, and not man's creation. Therefore, man had to submit to them. It was not man'splace to decide that principles could be abandoned when expedient. Robert E. Lee said it best: "There is a true glory and atrue honour; the glory of duty done the honour of the integrity of principle."

Transcendence means "above and independent of, and supreme." To recognize the transcendence of principle is to recognizethat there are absolutes, and that absolutes must come from a Creator. It is to acknowledge that these absolutes are notsocial constructs that have evolved over time or situational posits that can be altered when fashionable. This humility leadsmen to respect authority, honor their heritage, and submit to the wisdom that has preceded them, acknowledging their owndependence, and not imagining that they are autonomous, without accountability.

It is chiefly social and familial accountability, enabled by the presence of law written in the conscience of humanity, whichrestrains the evil that is present within man, thereby establishing civilization. The reality of evil within humanity is evident in thecorrupting effect of power, since power is of itself neither good nor evil. Power, in its simplest form, is

the lack of restraint,while restraint is accountability in some form. Enduring and benevolent civilizations have recognized this and embracedrestraints to ensure that human power would not be concentrated to their detriment. The Constitution was a codified restraint of this kind.

Restraints on the central government are as necessary to protect us from tyranny as the balance between the executive,legislative, and judicial branches. The limits are proportional to the power retained by the states, because the states are theonly entities capable of enforcing meaningful restraint upon the federal government. Although they originally delegated limitedpower to that government, it has usurped all the power. That usurpation became unstoppable after the South lost, becausethe tenth amendment became a dead letter, and all the states lost. The possibility of secession was the only deterrent sufficientto guarantee states the sovereignty necessary to hold the central power accountable.

The victors justified themselves to the world and history by brute force and sly obfuscation. The elimination of slavery wastrumpeted as the justifying crown of victory. As to saving the Union, is that not like preserving a marriage by beating the wifeinto submission?

The result is the humanist monster-state, and activist judges who reinvent what the constitution means. They have lost theability to understand and receive it, since they have abandoned the transcendence of principle. They will always find a way tomake themselves the final authority. New amendments designed to strengthen the plain intent of the Founding Fathers willeventually fail, because no loophole can be drawn so tight as to eliminate a scoundrel.

Both sides lost. The U.S. lost its character and began the abandonment of transcendent foundations. Dixie lost its will to live.

Yet where principles remain- under cold ashes, deeply buried remains an ember of hope. And where


there is a smolderinghope, the fire may yet burn again.


Caleb Cushing himself was appointed minister to China to make the arrangements! In typical political fashion, he gave several speeches to the American public before he left in which he repeated, over and over, his pro-American and anti-British beliefs.

He then bought for himself a very elaborate Major General's uniform and had prepared for him a letter of introduction written by Daniel Webster and signed by President Tyler. The letter stated: "It is proper, and according to the will of heaven, that our two governments should respect each other, and act wisely. I therefore send to you Count Caleb Cushing, one of the wise and learned men of this country. We doubt not that you will be pleased that our ministry of peace shall come to Peking and that your great officers will, by your order, make a treaty with him to regulate affairs of trade, so that nothing may happen to disturb the peace between China and America."

Note that the letter called Caleb Cushing a "Count" which was in direct violation of United States policy. Notice also that Caleb stated to the people of the United States that he was pro-American and anti-British, thus, he went to China under a total misrepresentation to the American people. He set sail for China with a sizable fleet of warships. He first stopped and exchanged views with British officials in Malta, Bombay and Colombo. He was received and saluted by the British and was given the details of the British communication systems for their entire empire. When he arrive in China, the Chinese Emperor wasn't looking forward to his arrival. He didn't want another rape of Chinese sovereignty like he had just received from the British.

So Cushing sent him a letter: "It is neither the custom in China, nor consistent with the high

character of its sovereign, to decline to receive the embassies of friendly states. To do so, indeed, would among western States be considered an act of national insult, and a just cause of war."

Nothing happened. The Chinese Emperor remained quiet. So, one week later he wrote another letter which said: "It is my duty, in the outset, not to omit any of the tokens of respect customary among western nations. If these demonstrations are not met in a correspondent manner, it will be the misfortune of China, but it will not be the fault of the United States."

Cushing then ordered an American warship to sail up to Canton Bay and fire a few warning shots into Whampoa. The Chinese still refused to reply. So, Cushing sent another letter: "I can assure your excellency that this is not the way for China to cultivate good will and maintain peace. The late war with England was caused by the conduct of authorities at Canton, in disregarding the rights of public officers who represented the British Government. If, in the face of the experience of the last five years, the Chinese government now reverts to antiquated customs, which have already brought such disaster upon her, it can be regarded in no other light than as evidence that she invites and desires war with the other great Western Powers." (Claude M. Fuess, The Life of Caleb Cushing, Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York 1923)

The Chinese government was no match for the armada of navy ships that arrived on the Chinese coast prepared for war. China capitulated and signed the treaty which gave to the United States the same freedoms and rights in China that the British had. Thus, Cushing arranged for the open opium trade with China by the Boston Brahmins, those very "dear" fellows who ruled America from behind the scenes then and just like their descendants do today. Of course, the American public didn't know about this, but nevertheless we were judged as a nation by Yahweh. Then, on his way home from China, he stopped in Mexico to create more havoc for the American reputation.


In addition to further destroying the American reputation, he was to set the stage for the development of a part of their new empire, not to be confused with the expansion of the United States. The Tyler administration was concurrently with the Cushing China debacle, planning on Annexing Texas to the Union. Texas had already revolted from Mexico and declared itself to be an independent republic.

John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay approved of annexing Texas but not if it would cause war between the U.S. and Mexico. Mexico flatly stated that if the U.S. annexed Texas, war would be declared. But war was exactly what the Boston Brahmins and the Essex Junto wanted. Such a move would create a large part of their proposed new empire. From the official biography of Cushing the following is extracted: "Caleb Cushing left the ship Perry at San Blas, Mexico, and rode on horseback to Guadelajara, at which he took a diligence (a form of stagecoach) for Mexico City, his route lying directly between two hostile revolutionary armies. What he had learned from his correspondents about American politics convinced him that a knowledge of Mexican affairs would undoubtedly be an asset during the next few years, and he seized every favorable opportunity for gathering information."

During this overland journey Cushing acquired a considerable knowledge of Mexican character, a knowledge which, it may be added, led him to view war with that country with approbation and even elation. What he saw of Mexican sloth, procrastination, shiftlessness, bigotry, and treachery gave him an insuperable prejudice against that nation. Cushing's report on Mexico, dated March 22, 1845, was exhaustive and authoritative, and was used extensively by the War Department two years later. (The Life of Caleb Cushing, by Claude M. Fuess)

President Tyler, Cushing and the Boston Brahmins wanted that war with Mexico. Mexico had already made their proclamation which stated, "Mexico would consider equivalent to a declaration of war against the Mexican Republic the passage of an act for the incorporation of Texas with the territory of

the United States; the certainty of the fact being sufficient for the immediate proclamation of war." (Samuel Flagg Bemis, The Latin American Policy of the U.S.: An Historical Interpretation, Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York 1943)

The U.S. Senate tried to honor the Mexican government's declaration. The Senators, including 26 Southern Senators, voted 35 to 16 to reject President Tyler's recommendation to annex Texas. The number of Southern Senators voting against the proposal leaves no doubt as to the thoughts of most of the South.

That didn't stop the Brahmins. President Tyler was replaced at the polls by James Polk who defeated the pro-American and anti-British candidate Henry Clay. Another spoiler named John Slidell helped defeat Henry Clay and as a reward President Tyler sent Slidell to Mexico in the capacity, of all things, of peace commissioner! Again, just like in the case of Caleb Cushing and the Chinese Emperor, the Mexican government refused to receive Slidell. John Slidell sent a message to Polk and the war with Mexico was declared.

The war with Mexico was to serve several purposes. First, it was another excellent way to discredit the good name of the American's intentions of a republican form of government. Second, it was to provide the means to secure land for the empire of the oligarchies rather than that of the United States.

Third, it was to provide training for the generals who were later to fight the yet to be declared, but planned, Civil War between the states. The names of the generals who trained in the Mexican War included Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, William T. Sherman, and Jefferson Davis. The Civil War, of course, was to provide the land for the Brahmins to be the keystone for the Jews new empire. They then could have their nobility, their middle class serfs and then their slaves, both black and white.

General William Tecumseh Sherman, a general in the Norther Army during the Civil War, made a rather cryptic comment in his book Memoirs I: "...the truth


is not always palatable and should not always be told." (The Hidden Face of the Civil War, by Otto Eisenhiml, p. 5)

A similar comment was made by the author of the biography of Senator Zachariah Chandler of Michigan, a Senator during the Civil War: "The secret history of these days...concealing many startling revelations, has yet been sparingly written; it is doubtful if the veil will ever be more than slightly lifted." (The Hidden Face of the Civil War, p. 5)

Those who have attempted to lift the veil have discovered that there are indeed many hidden truths about this fateful period in American history. One who only hinted at the truth about the real causes of the War was Colonel Edward Mandell House [A Jew], who wrote his book entitled "Philip Dru, Administrator," in 1912. In it, he has one of his characters make the following statement: "Cynical Europe said that the North would have it appear that a war had been fought for human freedom, whereas it was fought for money." (Philip Dru, Administrator, by Colonel Edward Mandell House, p. 119)

Is it possible that the Civil War was fought for reasons other than those traditionally offered? Is it possible that the real reasons for the war are among the secrets that some wish not to be revealed? Is it possible that slavery and states rights were not the real causes of the War?

After the demise of the Second Bank of the United States, the state banks, those chartered by the various states in the Union, operated the banking system of the United States and issued all of the money. Almost exclusively, this money was backed by gold, not by debt and paper money.

However, the financial position of the federal government had been slowly deteriorating; "At the outbreak of the war the United States Treasury was in greater shambles than Fort. Sumter. Southern banks had been quietly withdrawing large amounts of funds on deposit in the North. When Lincoln took office, he found his Treasury almost empty." (Our Crowd, by Stephen Birmingham, p. 93)

The Civil War actually started in 1837, the year after the charter of the Second Bank had expired, when the Rothschild family sent one of their representatives to the United States. His name was August Belmont, and he arrived during the panic of 1837. He quickly made his presence felt by buying government bonds. His success and prosperity soon led him to the White House, where he became the, "...financial advisor to the President of the United States." (Our Crowd, p. 93)

Another of the pieces of this enormous puzzle fell into place in 1854 when a secret organization known as the Knights of the Golden Circle was formed by George W.L. Bickley (Confederate Agent, A Discovery in History, by James D. Horan p. 16), who; "... declared that he had created the fateful war of 1861 with an organization that had engineered and spread secession." (Klandestine, by William H. McIlhany II, p. 12)

Another leading character in the story of the Civil War was J.P. Morgan, later to become one of America's most wealthy and influential industrialists and bankers. Mr. Morgan went to Europe in 1856 to study at the University of Gottingen in Germany. It is not inconceivable that one of the people he met while in college was Karl Marx, who was active during this time writing and publicizing his ideas about Communism, since Marx was in and out of Germany on a regular basis; and because Morgan later became an agent for the Rothschild family.

At any rate, it was during this time that the European bankers began plotting the Civil War. "According to John Reeves, in an authorized biography entitled "The Rothschilds, the Financial Rulers of Nations," a pivotal meeting took place in London, in 1857. It was at this meeting that the International Banking Syndicate decided that (America) the North was to be pitted against the South under the old principle of 'divide and conquer.' This amazing agreement was corroborated by MacKenzie in his historical research entitled 'The Nineteenth Century.'" (Committee to Restore the Constitution, Fort Collins, Colorado, January, 1976 Bulletin)


The plotters realized that once again the American people would not accept a national bank without a reason for having one, and once again the plotters decided upon a war. Wars are costly, and they force governments into a position where they must borrow money to pay for them, and the decision was made once again to force the United States into a war so that it would have to deal with the issue of how to pay for its costs.

But the plotters had a difficult problem: what nation could they induce to fight against the United States Government? The United States was too powerful, and no country, or combinations of countries, could match them in a "balance of power" showdown. Canada to the north and Mexico to the south were not strong enough and couldn't raise an army adequate for the anticipated conflict, so they were discounted. England and France were 3,000 miles away and across a huge ocean that made the supplying of an invading army nearly impossible. And Russia had no central bank so the bankers had no control over that nation.

So the bankers made the decision to divide the United States into two parts, thereby creating an enemy for the government of the United States to war against. But the bankers first had to locate an issue to use in causing the Southern States to secede from the Union. The issue of slavery was ideal for that purpose.

Next the bankers had to create an organization that could promote secession amongst the southern states so that they would divide themselves away from the federal government. So the Knights of the Golden Circle was created for that purpose. Abraham Lincoln began to see the drama unfold as he was campaigning for the Presidency in 1860. He saw the war as an attempt to split the Union, not over the issue of slavery, but just for the sake of splitting the Union. He wrote: "I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. If it (the Union) cannot be saved without giving up that principle, I was about to say I would rather be assassinated on this spot than

surrender it." (Abraham Lincoln, the Boy and the Man, by James P. Morgan, pp. 174-175)

So many of his fellow Americans also saw the war as an attempt to split the Union that; "...it was not uncommon for men to declare that they would resign their officer's commission if the war was perverted into an attack on slavery." (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson, by Gene Smith, p. 98)

The Knights of the Golden Circle were successful in spreading the message of secession amongst the various Southern States. As each state withdrew from the Union, it left independently of the others. The withdrawing states then formed a Confederation of States, as separate and independent entities. The independence of each state was written into the Southern Constitution: "We, the people of the Confederate States, each state acting for itself, and in its sovereign and independent character..." (Quest of a Hemisphere, by Donzella Cross Boyle, p. 293)

This action was significant because, should the South win the war, each state could withdraw from the Confederation, re-establish its sovereign nature and set up its own central bank. The Southern States could then have a series of European-Controlled Banks, the Bank of Georgia, the Bank of South Carolina, etc., and then any two could have a series of wars, such as in Europe for centuries, in a perpetual game of Balance of Power politics. It would be a successful method of insuring that large profits could be made on the loaning of money to the states involved.

President Lincoln saw the problem developing, and was fortunate that the government of Russia was willing to assist his government in the event of a war with England and France. "While still President-elect, he (Lincoln) had been informed by the Russian minister to the United States that his country was willing to aid the Washington government should it be menaced by England and France." (The Hidden Face of the Civil War, p. 22)


Eleven Southern States seceded from the Union to form the Confederacy. But in a rather enigmatic move, the flag adopted by the Confederacy had thirteen stars on it. Some believe that this was because the number thirteen has significance to the Freemason. Others believe that because America is regathered Israel, it was because the Southern States were led, unseen and unknown, by Almighty God to raise a standard testifying of the Thirteen Tribes of Israel, just as the original thirteen states.

The South started the Civil War on April 12, 1861, when they fired upon Ft. Sumter, a Northern fort in South Carolina. One of the members of the Knights of the Golden Circle was the well known bandit Jesse James, and it was Jesse's father, George James, a Captain in the Southern Army, who fired the first shot at the fort. (The Unseen Hand, by A. Ralph Epperson, p. 154)

Lincoln, now President of the Northern States, once again reported to the American people that the war was a result of conspiratorial forces at work in the South. He told the North that: "...combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various Southern States." (Short History of the Civil War, by Bruce Catton, p. 27) Actually the reverse was true, the Norther States and the Presidency had been taken over by the Jews, of which Lincoln was one.

Lincoln, and later the Russian Government, saw that England and France were aligning themselves against the North on the side of the South, and immediately issued orders for a sea blockade of the Southern States to prevent these two nations from using the seas to send supplies to the South.

The Russian Minister to the United States also saw this alignment and he advised his government in April, 1861, that: "England will take advantage of the first opportunity to recognize the seceded states and that France will follow her [Please keep in mind that two of the Jewish Rothschild brothers had "Central Banks in England and France!]." (Why the North Won the Civil War, by David Donald, p. 57)

The Russian foreign minister instructed his American Minister in Washington in July, 1861, "...to assure the American Nation that it could assume 'the most cordial sympathy on the part of our August Master (The Czar of Russia) during the serious crisis which it is passing through at the present.'" (Why the North Won the Civil War, p. 58)

It is of significant importance to note that Russia, at this time in its history, was a Christian Nation!

Lincoln was receiving great pressure from certain of the banking establishment to float interest-bearing loans to pay the costs of the war. Salmon P. Chase, after whom the Chase Manhattan Bank, now owned by the Rockefeller interests, and who had been named Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury during the Civil War and under the control of his Jewish counterparts the Rothschilds -- to prevent the other banks in the United States from helping the Union finance the war and in his conspiratorial role to help divide the United States, "...threatened the (rest of the American Bankers) that, if they did not accept the bonds he was issuing, he would flood the country with circulating notes, even if it should take a thousand dollars of such currency to buy a breakfast." (Abraham Lincoln, the Boy and the Man, by James Morgan, p. 207)

It was at this time that Lincoln decided not to borrow money from the International Jewish Banking interests nor to create interest bearing money by creating a national bank that would loan the government the needed money by printing large quantities of paper money. Therefore, Lincoln issued the "Greenback" in February, 1862. This money was not only unbacked by gold, but was debt free.

Lincoln was playing a deadly game. He had crossed the International Jewish Bankers. The war was being fought to force the United States into a position of having to create a national bank, run independently by the European bankers, and Lincoln had turn his back on them by issuing his own Fiat Money.

However, the International Jewish Bankers, not to be undone, out-maneuvered Lincoln, at least to a


degree, when on August 5, 1861, they induced Congress, mostly through the influence of Secretary of the Treasury Chase, to pass an income tax. They imposed "a three-percent federal income tax. this was superseded almost at once by an act of March, 1862, signed in July, while maintaining a three-percent tax on income below $10,000, increased the rate to five percent above that level." (American Opinion, February, 1980, p. 24) It was a graduated income tax, just as proposed by Karl Marx thirteen years before.

England and France now moved to increase the pressure on Lincoln's government. On November 8, 1861, England: "...dispatched 8,000 troops to Canada as tangible proof that she meant business." (The Hidden Face of the Civil War, by Otto Eisenschiml, p. 2)

In their support of the South. France marched troops into Mexico after landing them on the coast and imposing their choice of rulers, the emperor Maximillian, as the head of Mexico. Lincoln could see that he was being flanked by the European Governments.

In 1938, Jerry Voorhis, a Congressman from California, wrote a pamphlet entitled "Dollars and Sense," in which he shared a little bit of history with the American people about the events of the Civil War. "In July 1862, an agent of the London bankers sent the following letter to leading financiers and bankers in the United States soon after Lincoln's first issue of greenbacks: 'The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war must be used to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are not waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury (Salmon P. Chase) to make this recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, for we cannot control them. But we can control the bonds and through them the bank issues." (Dollars and Sense, by Jerry Voorhis, p. 2)

In order to curtail the flow of the military equipment of the largely rural South needed to wage the war,

Lincoln, on April 19, 1861, imposed the naval blockade previously mentioned. The Confederacy needed, "...to go abroad and replace privateers with powerful warships which (they were) to buy or have built to order. The first of these vessels, the Sumter, was commissioned in the spring of 1861, and was followed in 1862 by the Florida and the Alabama." (The Hidden Face of the Civil War, pp. 18-19)

The South was purchasing these ships from England and France to break the blockade, and Secretary of State William Seward saw the importance of keeping these two nations out of the war. Therefore, he; "...warned the British government: 'If any European power provokes war, we shall not shrink from it.' Similarly Seward advised Mercier that French recognition of the Confederacy would result in war with the United States." (Why the North Won the Civil War, p. 60)

Lincoln continued to see the danger from the European bankers and the two European countries of France and England. He saw the main issue of the war as being the preservation of the union. He repeated his statement that preserving the Union was his main task: "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union. If I could save the Union without freeing any slaves, I would do it." (The Irony of Democracy, An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics, by Thomas R. Dye and L. Harmon Zeigler, p. 73)

But even though Lincoln was not conducting the war over the issue of slavery, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves on September 22, 1862, claiming the right to do so as the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. There was no act of Congress, just the solitary act of the President of the United States. But his act had the force of law, and the American people accepted it as such.


In addition to the external threat from England and France, Lincoln also had an internal threat to contend with: the central bank. On February 25, 1863, Congress passed the National Banking Act. This act created a federally chartered national bank that had the power to issue U.S. Bank Notes, money created to be loaned to the government supported not by gold but by debt. The money was loaned to the government at interest, and became Legal Tender. This bill was supported and guided by the Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase.

Lincoln, after the passage of this act, once again warned the American people. He said:

"The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed." (The Federal Reserve Bank, by H.S. Kennan, p. 9)

A few months after the passage of the act, the Rothschild bank in England wrote a letter to a New York firm of bankers [Kuhn, Loeb and Co.]: "The few who understand the system (interest-bearing money) will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even

suspecting the system is inimical to their interests." (National Economy and the Banking System of the United States, by Senator Robert L. Owen, pp. 99-100)

Lincoln was betting on the blockade he had imposed around the South as a means of keeping England and France out of the war. The blockade was effectively doing this, at least on the surface, but others were using it as a means of making enormous profits. Private individuals were "running" the blockade by equipping several ships with essential provisions for the South, and then hoping that a percentage of these ships would make it through the blockade, so the blockade runner could charge exorbitant prices for the goods in Southern cities. One of these individuals was a Jew by the name of Thomas W. House, a Rothschild agent, who amassed a fortune during the Civil War. House was the father of Colonel Edward Mandell House, the key to the election of President Woodrow Wilson and the passage of the Federal Reserve bill in 1913.

Lincoln realized that the North needed an ally to keep the European countries out of the war directly, as both nations were building ships capable of running the blockade, and the entry of England and France directly into the war could spell the end of the North and the Union. He looked to other European countries for assistance and found none willing to provide the support for his government. There was one country, however, that had no central bank and therefore no internal force preventing its support of the United States. That country was Russia, who was at the time a great Christian Nation.

Russia had a large navy and had already pledged its support to Lincoln prior to the beginning of the war. It could now involve itself and keep England and France out of the war because these two nations feared a war with the Russian government.


Lincoln needed something that he could use as a means of encouraging the Russian people to send their navy to the defense of the United States. Therefore, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves as a gesture to the Russian people who had their Czar free the serfs with a similar proclamation in 1861. Lincoln anticipated that this one act would encourage the Russian people to support their government when it lent support to the Union.

The Czar of Russia, Alexander II, issued orders to his imperial navy to sail for the American ports of New York City and San Francisco as a sign of support for Lincoln and the United States. It also served as a dramatic means of indicating to France and England they would have to contend with the Russian Government as well should they enter the war on the side of the South. These ships began arriving in the United States in September, 1863.

It was commonly understood why these ships were entering the American waters. "The average Northerner (understood)...that the Russian Czar was taking this means of warning England and France that if they made war in support of the South, he would help the North..." (Short History of the Civil War, by Bruce Catton, p. 110)

In October, 1863, the city of Baltimore issued a proclamation inviting the: "...officers of the Russian ships of war now in or shortly to arrive at that Port (New York) to visit the city of Baltimore...and to accept of its hospitalities, as a testimonial of the high respect of the authorities and citizens of Baltimore for the Sovereign and people of Russia, who, when other powers and people strongly bound to us by ties of interest or common decent (England and France?) have lent material and support to the Rebels of the South, have honorably abstained from

all attempts to assist the rebellion, and have given our government reliable assurances of their sympathy and good will." (Before the Storm, by Baron C. Wrangell-Rokassowsky)

The Czar issued orders to his Admirals that they were to be ready to fight any power and to take their orders only from President Abraham Lincoln. And in the event of war, the Russian Navy was ordered to, "...attack the enemy's commercial shipping and their colonies, so as to cause them the greatest possible damage." (Before the Storm, p. 57)

In addition to all of the problems, Lincoln faced one more: the machinations of an internal conspiracy. Lincoln had anticipated such a conspiracy in 1837 when he stated:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reaches us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." (Speech given at Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1837) So Lincoln feared that the ultimate death of his nation would be caused by her own sons, his fellow Americans.

Early in 1863, Lincoln wrote a letter to Major General Joseph Hooker, in which he said:

"I have placed you at the head of the Army of the Potomac. I have heard, in such a way as to believe it, of your recently saying that both the army and the government needed a dictator." (Abraham Lincoln: Complete Works, by John G. Nicoley and John Hay, Vol. II, pp. 306, 354 and 355)


Apparently what Lincoln had heard about General Hooker was true, as Hooker had,

"...once been feared as the potential leader of a Radical coup d'etat." (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson, by Gene Smith, p. 61)

The Radicals referred to in Lincoln's letter to General Hooker were a group of Republicans, amongst others, who saw that the North would ultimately win the war with the South, and they wanted Lincoln to make the South pay for its rebellion after the victory. Lincoln favored the softer approach of allowing the Southern States to return to the Union after the war ended, without reprisals against them or their fighting men. The Radicals were frequently called the "Jacobins" after the group that fomented the French Revolution of 1789. As mentioned earlier, they were an offshoot of the Illuminati. And they made the South pay indeed, White Men were murdered by the Union Army and their lands and businesses were given to blacks and Jews. This continued until the formation of the KKK.

On April 14, 1865, the conspiracy that Lincoln both feared and had knowledge of assassinated him. Eight people were tried for the crime, and four were later hung. In addition to the conspiracy's successful attempt on Lincoln's life, the plan was to also assassinate Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's Vice President, and Secretary of State Seward. Both of these other attempts failed, but if they had been successful, there is little doubt who would have been the one to reap all of the benefits: the Jewish Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.

In fact, after the successful assassination of Lincoln, Stanton "became in that moment the functioning government of the United States, when he assumed control of the city of Washington D.C. in an attempt to capture Lincoln's killer."

The man who killed Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, had several links with societies of the day, one of which was the Carbonari of Italy, an Illuminati-like secret organization active in Italian intrigue.

One of the many evidences of Stanton's complicity in the assassination attempts is the fact that he failed to block off the road that Booth took as he left Washington D.C. after the assassination, even though Stanton had ordered military blockades on all of the other roads.

It is now believed that Stanton also arranged for another man, similar in build and appearance to Booth, to be captured and then murdered by troops under the command of Stanton. It is further believed that Stanton certified that the murdered man was Booth, thereby allowing Booth to escape.

But perhaps the most incriminating evidence that Stanton was involved in the assassination of Lincoln lies in the missing pages of the diary kept by Mr. Booth. Stanton testified before Congressional investigating committees, "...that the pages were missing when the diary was given to him in April of 1865. The missing pages contain the names of some seventy high government officials and prominent businessmen who were involved in a conspiracy to eliminate Lincoln. The purported eighteen missing pages were recently discovered in the attic of Stanton's descendants." (The Lincoln Conspiracy, by David Balsiger and Charles E. Sellier, Jr., Los Angeles: Shick Sunn Classic Books, 1977, caption under the photograph between pages 160 and 161)


And Booth was even linked to those involved with the conspiracy in the South: "A coded message was found in the trunk of Booth, the key to which was discovered in Judah P. Benjamin's possession. Benjamin...was the Civil War campaign strategist of the House of Rothschild." (The Federal Reserve, by H.S. Kennan, p. 246) Judah P. Benjamin held many key positions in the Confederacy during the Civil War.

So, it appears that Lincoln was the subject of a major conspiracy to assassinate him, a conspiracy so important that even the European bankers were involved. Lincoln had to be eliminated because he dared to oppose the attempt to force a central bank onto the American people, and as an example to those who would later oppose such machinations in high places.

One of the early books on the subject of this conspiracy was published just months after the assassination of President Lincoln. It was entitled "The Assassination and History of the Conspiracy," and it clearly identified the Knights of the Golden Circle as the fountainhead of the assassination plot. The back cover of the book carried an advertisement for another book that offered the reader, "...an inside view of the modus of the infamous organization, its connection with the rebellion and the Copperhead movement in the North." The second book was written by Edmund Wright, who claimed to be a member of the Knights.

After the attempt on his life failed, and after Lincoln's death, Vice-President Johnson became the President of the United States. He continued Lincoln's policy of amnesty to the defeated South after the war was over. He issued an Amnesty Proclamation on May 29, 1865, welcoming the South back into the Union with only a few requirement:

1). The South must repudiate the debt of the war;

2). Repeal all secession ordinances and laws; and

3). Abolish slavery forever.

The first requirement did not endear President Johnson to those who wished the South to redeem its contractual obligations to those who had loaned it the money it needed to fight the war. One of these debtors was the Rothschild family, who had heavily funded the South's efforts in the war. But Johnson also had to face another problem.

The Czar of Russia, for his part in saving the United States during the war by sending his fleet to American waters, and apparently because of an agreement he made with Lincoln, asked to be paid for the use of his fleet. Johnson had no constitutional authority to give American dollars to the head of a foreign government. And the cost of the fleet was rather high: $7.2 million.

So Johnson had Secretary of State William Seward arrange for the purchase of Alaska from the Russians in April, 1867. This act has unfairly been called "Seward's folly" by those historians unfamiliar with the actual reasons for Alaska's purchase, and to this day, Secretary of State Seward has been criticized for the purchase of what was then a piece of worthless land. But Seward was only purchasing the land as a method by which he could pay the Czar of Russia for the use of his fleet, an action that probably saved America from a more serious war with both England and France.


However, the most serious problem Johnson was to have during his tenure as President of the United States was still to occur. He asked for the resignation of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, and Stanton refused. The Radical Republicans, also called the Jacobins, in the Senate started impeachment proceedings against President Johnson. These efforts failed by the slim margin of only one vote, and Johnson continued in office. In an interesting quirk of fate, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time was Salmon P. Chase, and it was his task to preside over the impeachment trial of President Johnson. Chase had resigned as Secretary of the Treasury to become the Chief Justice. It was almost as if the conspiracy had anticipated the impeachment proceedings and had wanted a man they felt they could trust in that key position.

Jewish Senator Benjamin F. Wade, President Pro-Tempore of the Senate and next in line of succession to the Chief Executive's position, had been so confident that Johnson would be found guilty of the charges against him and removed from office that he had already informally named his new cabinet. To show their power the conspirators had Stanton appointed the Secretary of the Treasury (The Lincoln Conspiracy, by David Balsiger and Charles E. Sellier, Jr., p. 294)

Chief Justice Chase's role in these events would be recognized years later by John Thompson, founder of the Chase National Bank [Later to be called the Chase Manhattan Bank, after its merger with the Manhattan Bank owned by the Warburgs] who named his bank after him. In addition, other honors came to the Chief Justice. His picture is found on the $10,000 bill printed by the U.S. Treasury. This bill is believed to be the highest existing denomination currency in the Unites States today].

After the Civil War ended, President Johnson, "...had no doubt there was a conspiracy afoot among the

Radicals [The Jacobeans] to incite another revolution." (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, by Gene Smith, p. 185)

It was the intent of the Jacobins to stir up the newly freed slaves and then use this dissatisfaction as the reason for starting another Civil War. And in fact there was a large riot in Memphis, Tennessee, in April, 1866, where a group of whites, were incited by Jews, to attack Negroes and forty-six of the Negroes were killed. Later, in July, 1866, there was a riot in New Orleans where a group of marching Negroes were fired upon and many of them were killed. By this one can see how long the Jews have been using the blacks in America to further their own purposes. They use the ignorance of the blacks and the incapability of them to see who their real enemies are.

The Radicals blamed Johnson for these killings, but some knew that the rioting was the work of others. Gideon Wells, the Secretary of the Navy, was one and he wrote in his diary: "There is little doubt that the New Orleans riots had their origin with the Radical members of Congress in Washington. It is part of a deliberate conspiracy and was to be the commencement of a series of bloody affrays through the States lately in the rebellion (The South). There is a determination to involve the country in civil war, if necessary, to secure Negro suffrage in the States and Radical ascendancy in the general government." (Quoted in Dan Smoot's Report, July 8, 1963, Vol. 9, No. 27, p. 212)

Even President Johnson was aware of the attempts to incite another Civil War as he once, "...told Orville Browning that 'he had no doubt that there was a conspiracy afoot among the Radicals to incite another revolution, and especially to arm and exasperate the Negroes.' The President himself was coming to believe that Stevens and Sumner (The


leaders of the Radicals, also known as the Jacobins) and their followers intended to take the government into their own hands.

It was an 'unmistakable design,' he once told Welles. They would declare Tennessee out of the Union and so get rid of him, and then set up a Directory based on the French Revolution's model." (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, p. 157 and 185)

One of the groups acting to incite the riots was the Knights of the Golden Circle, whose war-time members included John Wilkes Booth and Jefferson Davis, the head of the Confederacy. Another member, Jesse James, was secretly hoarding large quantities of gold stolen from banks and mining companies in an attempt to buy a second Civil War. It has been estimated that Jesse and the other members of the Knights had buried over $7 billion in gold all over the western states.

Jesse James, a 33rd degree Mason, lived to be 107 years old. He claimed that his secret to his long life was that he changed his name frequently after first locating a cowboy with approximately his same physical characteristics. He then would kill or have him killed by shooting him in the face. He would then plant some items known to be his on the body, such as jewelry or clothing. His next step would be to have a known relative or a close friend identify the body as being that of Jesse James. Since there were no other means of identifying the body such as pictures or fingerprints, the public assumed that the relative or friend knew what they were saying when they identified the body. Grateful townspeople were happy to think that the notorious bank robber, or any of his dangerous aliases, was dead, so they tended to believe that the identification was correct. Jesse claimed that it was by this method that he assumed the identities or aliases of some seventy-three individuals. In fact, he claimed that

one of the aliases he used in later years was that of William A. Clark, the copper king and later a U.S. Senator from the Las Vegas area of Nevada. It is after Senator Clark that Clark County, Nevada is named (Jesse James was One of His Names, by Del Schrader with Jesse James III, p. 187).

The Knights of the Golden Circle, was, "...brother to those secret organizations made up of other victims of despotism: the Confrereries of medieval France, the Carbonari of Italy, the Vehmgerict of Germany, (and) the Nihilists of Russia." (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, p. 194)

It was the Nihilists who were credited with the assassination of the Czar of Russia, Alexander II, in 1881. This was the same Czar who sent the fleet to America during the Civil War. So he, like Lincoln, had to pay the price for outwitting the Jewish International Bankers who had caused the Civil War.

The final important act of the Civil War came in 1875, when Congress passed the Specie Redemption Act, declaring it the policy of the government to redeem President Lincoln's "Greenbacks" on January 1, 1879.

Thus history records that:

1). President Abraham Lincoln had outwitted the Jewish International Bankers.

2). The United States still did not have a central bank.


3). It was time for the conspiracy to change it's strategy.


Civil War

In the guise of the Roman Catholic Church, the Red Dragon, who was, "...wroth with the woman {National Israel -- United States} went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which {nationally} keep the {10} commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." [1]

Since the Dragon was not able to destroy the "manchild nation" {America} as soon as it was born, sought to exterminate it with his secret weapon masquerading as the Roman Catholic Church.

Samuel Morse, father of electronic telegraphy, found out about the conspiracy of Rome to kill our young American Republic and published in 1834 his remarkable work, "Conspiracies Against The Liberties of The U.S." The book which revealed this bit of information on page 290, also carried this quotation: "It is under those bloody banners {religious massacres in Europe} of 6,000 Roman Catholic priest, Jesuits and Bishops, in the United States, and marching to the conquest of this republic, backed by their seven millions of blind and obedient slaves...A political conspiracy under the cloak of a religious mission was formed against the U.S., yes, without Romanism, the last awful Civil War would have been impossible, Jeff Davis would never have dared to attack the North, had he not had assurance from the Pope, the Jesuits, the Bishops, the Priests and the

whole people of the Church of Rome under the name and mask of Democracy, except they would help him." [2] "The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: power. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most enormous of abuses." [3]; "Pope Gregory VII decided it was not murder to kill excommunicated persons. This rule was incorporated in the canon law. During the revision of the code, which took place in the 16th century, and which produced a whole volume of corrections, the passage was allowed to stand. It appears in every reprint of the Corpus Juris. It has been for 700 years, and continues to be, part of the ecclesiastical law. Far from being a dead letter, it obtained a new application in the days of the Inquisition; and one of the later Popes has declared that the murder of a Protestant is so good a deed that it atones, and more than atones, for the murder of a Catholic." [4]

"Has the Church of Rome expressed any regret for having promulgated and executed such bloody laws? No! On the contrary, she has anathematized all those who think or say that she was wrong when she deluged the world with the blood of the millions she ordered to be slaughtered to quench her thirst for blood; she positively said that she had the right to punish those heretics by tortures and death. Those bloody and anti-social laws, were written on the banners of the Roman Catholics, when slaughtering 100,000 Waldenses in the mountains of Piedmont, more than 50,000 defenseless men, women and children in the city of Bezieres.

It is under the inspiration of those diabolical laws of Rome, that 75,000 Protestants were massacred the night and following week of St Bartholomew. It was to obey those bloody laws that Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nates, caused the death of half a million of


men, women, and children, who perished in all the highways of France, and caused twice that number to die in the land of exile, where they had found a refuge. Those anti-social laws, today, are written on her banners with the blood of ten millions of martyrs. It is under those bloody banners that 6,000 Roman Catholic priests, Jesuits and bishops, in the United States, are marching to the conquest of this republic, backed by their seven millions of blind and obedient slaves. Those laws, are still the ruling laws of Rome, were the main cause of the last rebellion of the Southern States.

Yes! Without Romanism, the last awful Civil War would have been impossible. Jeff Davis would never have dared to attack the North, had he not had assurance from the Pope, that the Jesuits, the bishops, the priests and the whole people of the Church of Rome, under the name and mask of democracy, would help him. These diabolical and anti-social laws of Rome caused a Roman Catholic to be the man chosen to fire the first gun at Fort Sumter, against the flag of Liberty, on the 12th of April, 1861. Those anti-Christian and anti-social laws caused the Pope of Rome to be the only crowned prince in the whole world, so depraved as to publicly shake hands with Jeff Davis, and proclaim him president of a legitimate government.

These are the laws which led the assassins of Abraham Lincoln to the house of a rabid Roman Catholic woman, Mary Surratt, which was not only the rendezvous of the priests of Washington, but the very dwelling-house of some of them. Those bloody and infernal laws of Rome nerved the arm of the Roman Catholic, Booth, when he slaughtered one of the noblest men God has ever given to the world. Those bloody and anti-social laws of Rome, after having covered Europe with ruins, tears, and blood for ten centuries, have crossed the oceans to continue their work of slavery and desolation, blood and tears, ignorance and demoralization, on this continent. Under the mask and name of democracy

they have raised the standard of rebellion of the South against the North, and caused more than half a million of the most heroic sons of America to fall on the fields of carnage. In the very near future, if God does not miraculously prevent it, those laws of dark deeds and blood will cause the prosperity, the rights, the education, and the liberties of this too confident nation to be buried under the mountain of smoking and bloody ruins. On the top of that mountain, Rome will raise her throne and plant her victorious banners." [5]

Lincoln was quoted to have said: "We owe it to the Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noble sons. Though there were differences of opinion between the South and the North, on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the Promises of the Jesuits, that..the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic Church, and even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the Priests, the Bishops and the Monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are in great part responsible for the tears and blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides.

The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the Priests and Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the Priests, the Nuns, and the Monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon and the


other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain and wherever there are any people who want to be free...New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances that they bring to my memory the massacre of St. Bartholomew and the Gunpowder Plot.

Our investigation indicates that they come from the same masters in the art of murder, the Jesuits. The New York riots were evidently a Romish plot from beginning to end. We have the proofs in hand that they were the work of Bishop Hughes and his emissaries. No doubt can remain about the bloody attempts of Rome to destroy New York, when we know the easy way it was stopped. I wrote to Bishop Hughes, telling him that the whole country would hold him responsible for it if he would not stop it at once. He then gathered the rioters around his palace, called them his 'dear friends,' invited them to go back home peacefully, and all was finished!...From the beginning of our civil war, there has been, not a secret, but a public alliance, between the Pope of Rome and Jeff Davis. The pope and his Jesuits have advised, supported, and directed Jeff Davis on the land, from the first gun shot at Fort Sumter by the Rabid Roman Catholic Beauregard. They are helping him on the sea by guiding and supporting the rabid Roman Catholic pirate, Semmes, on the ocean...The pope has thrown away the mask, and shown himself the public partisan and the protector of the rebellion, by taking Jeff Davis by the hand, and impudently recognizing the Southern States as a legitimate government. I have the proof in hand that that very Bishop Hughes, whom I had sent to Rome...is the very man who advised the pope to recognize the legitimacy of the Southern republic, and put the whole weight of his tiara in the balance against us in favor of our enemies! Such is the perfidity of those Jesuits." [6]

Judah P. Benjamin, Rothschild Agent

"Napoleon's object was to assure the predomination of the French over the Latin races and to augment the influence of these races in America. Napoleon decided to recognize the independence of the rebellious American States and repeatedly urged the British government to join him in so doing." [7]

Judah P. Benjamin was chosen by the Rothschilds to do their work in the United States and he was the first adviser to Jefferson Davis, the President of the Southern Confederacy. Benjamin has been called "the brains of the revolt." He was also the Secretary of State of the Confederacy under Jeff Davis. The Confederacy consisted of eleven Southern States bound by a written Constitution, modeled in part after our own Constitution. It was founded on the fundamental principle that each one of its eleven constituted States had the right to secede from the Union, or to separate from the other 23 out of the 34 states of the Union.

Nevertheless, at the instigation of Benjamin, and under pressure of Napoleon, Texas and Louisiana were placed on the bargain counter in exchange, presumably, for Napoleon's aid. The latter was supported by Disraeli of England, who had assured the Confederacy of the support of Britain behind the nine remaining States, after Texas and Louisiana were to be ceded to France.

Under the guiding hand of Judah P. Benjamin, chosen by the Rothschilds and the Church of Rome to represent the International Bankers to do their work for them in the United States, was also the first advisor to Jefferson Davis, the President of the Southern Confederacy. Benjamin is reputed to have been the "brains of the revolt," as he was also the Secretary of State of the Confederacy. Through the


hands of this man, huge sums of money were provided to finance the destruction of this great New Christian American Republic flowed.

The Confederacy fell and the men who had fought a valiant fight for what they believed right were thrown into the even greater travail of the Reconstruction; while Judah P. Benjamin, almost alone of the leaders of the South, forsook immediately the suffering people who had honored and enriched him, fled to England and was soon embarked upon a new career of distinction and wealth, reminiscent of others of his Religion dispossessed of their temporary cause and gains.

While we are talking of the Civil War it behooves us to mention that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. That the plot of Booth, involved not only the assassination of Lincoln, which was accomplished, but also the assassination on the same night of the Vice President, Andrew Johnson, of the Secretary of State, William H. Seward, and of General Ulysses S. Grant. Seward, who was ill at his home, was stabbed, as was also his son, Frederick Seward, by David E. Herold, a co-conspirator with Booth, who was hanged.

Vice President Johnson escaped injury, but George A. Atzerodt was hanged for conspiring with Booth to kill him. General Grant, who was to have attended the theater with Lincoln that night, due to an unexpected departure for Burlington, New Jersey, was unharmed. "John Booth, A Jewish silversmith whose ancestors had been exiled from Portugal because of their radical political views. In London the refugees had continued their trade and free thinking, and John had married Wilkes' cousin. This Wilkes was the 'celebrated agitator John Wilkes of Westminster, London...John Wilkes Booth's father was Junius Brutus Booth." [8]

Our American school children have been taught that the Civil War was fought over the slavery problem, but this was only a surface issue to hide the intrigue of the Great Red Dragon to foment one side against the other. After thousands of our choice White Israel sons and one of our greatest Presidents were murdered, our Great God stopped the slaughter of the Dragon; By the intervention of the Czar of Russia, who God sent to our National Rescue, but unknown to most Americans.

Our childrens' history textbooks continue to teach that the American Civil War was fought over the Slavery issue. But if we look behind the scenes we will find that the "slave question" was but the surface issue. Below the surface ran a current of intrigue that ended with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln because he was determined that the United States was to be free from the bondage of the International Jewish Bankers. The part the Catholic Church through the Jesuits has already been presented. Now we will present the "Rest of The Story." In 1857, the Rothschild Illuminati bankers ruled Europe.

Division of U.S. Plotted In London

Disraeli, the late Prime Minister of England, determined to divide the United States and give one part to Lionel {Rothschild}. Thus the North would become a British Colony annexed to Canada. The South would go to Napoleon {Rothschild}. In the year 1857, the money power of old Europe was centered in the House of Rothschild. Disraeli represented them in England; Napoleon III in France; Bismarck in Germany and Mazzini in Italy.

According to Mr. John Reeves, who wrote on page 228, of an authorized biography entitled "The Rothschilds, The Financial Rulers of Nations," based


on research in their own archives, there was a famous meeting in the City of London in 1857. The great Rothschild family was assembled from the countries of Europe for the marriage of Lionel Rothschild's daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of James Rothschild of Paris. It was at this time Disraeli is reported to have said: "Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild, a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James, and one for you, Lionel. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him." Thus, in London, we see a plan fostered by the money power of Europe, moving in on America, and pitting the North against the South under the old principle of "divide and conquer."

Remember that the Civil War with all of its suffering, blood shed and death was calmly planned and blueprinted by the Satanic Rothschild bankers in Europe and in conjunction with their agents who control the Catholic Church from behind the scenes, in 1857. The Rothschild, Jewish, Zionist triumvirate in obedience to their Bilderberger comrades did the same with World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam.

Intervention of The Czar of Russia

Saved The United States

Disraeli and the Catholic Church had already assured the Confederacy of Britain's support. However, this was not to help the South; it was to crush both the North and the South and to conquer and possess both. As a result, English, French and Spanish troops were landed at Vera Cruz in 1862. The French General, Bazaine, occupied the capitol of Mexico at the time. So Napoleon was ready to strike and help divide and destroy the United States. The danger

was great. The situation looked hopeless. Understanding the situation Lincoln spent long nights in humble prayer to Almighty God. He knew the North, alone, could not withstand such a combination. Moreover, Archduke Maximilian had been induced to accept the throne of Mexico.

But God stepped in. Fortunately God in His wisdom exposed this Satanic plot to the Christian Czar of Russia through his Ambassadors in Paris and London; who upon learning of the Rothschild - Disraeli - Catholic - Napoleonic plot immediately dispatched a fleet of ships and men to San Francisco under the command of Admiral S. Lesowsky.

He also rushed a squadron to New York to New York under the command of Admiral A.A. Popoff. Both Admirals had orders from the Czar to be ready to fight any power {nation} on earth, and to take their orders directly from President Abraham Lincoln; and him alone. Needless to say, this quick, generous and vigorous action saved the United States from the intrigue of the International Bankers.

So James Rothschild was left without Mexico and the Southern States, and Lionel could not capture the North through military measures. But the European Machevillis were determined on financial conquest, if not actual slavery. At the same time, this great and good Christian Czar, who, as the servant of Almighty God and by His Power, saved the United States, lovingly and voluntarily emancipated 47 million serfs on September 19, 1861, and translated the entire Bible into the Russian language.

For his courageous and benevolent acts, he was murdered by the Atheistic, God-hating, one-world, bankers in 1881. He was another casualty in the conflict of the ages. The conflict between right and wrong, light and darkness, good and evil, Christ and


anti-Christ, God and Satan. The same devils murdered Lincoln on April 4, 1865. The history books lie about why Booth killed Lincoln. Coded messages in Booth's trunk and the key to these codes in Judah P. Benjamin's possession proved that Lincoln was murdered by orders from the Jewish Rothschild bankers. Their successors are still doing the same today to people they perceive as their enemies.

Booth’s Code: Found in Benjamin Trunk

The good Czar, after several unsuccessful attempts on his life, was murdered in 1881. Lincoln was murdered in 1865, on April 4th, by an actor, John Wilkes Booth, in whose trunk was found coded messages the key to which was found in Judah P. Benjamin's possession. Benjamin escaped to England where he later died. The Czar, Alexander II, had been responsible on September 19, 1861, by imperial decree, for emancipating the Russian serfs, in number over 47-million. Serfdom in Russia was ended by the stroke of a pen. But in the United States, it took billions of dollars and oceans of blood to free three million, not serfs, but slaves, because of an infamous plot of English and European Jewish money lords.

The Sixteenth Amendment contains the same provision granting the Fed. power as is contained in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. "We the People's" sovereignty was thus dissipated and those obtaining the sovereignty, by personal privilege legislation, were being taxed for the privilege as were corporations for exercising the privilege of incorporation. Those hidden figures that were instrumental in creation this de facto government [the Fed.], the centralization of power wasn't sufficient to meet their ends.

The reason it wasn't sufficient is because after emotional hostility had ceased, for the most part, the States still had enough power, while being free of ignorant emotional public opinion, to reverse the process that had been set in motion. The State legislatures still maintained their ability to exercise sovereignty in the Senate of the U.S. Congress and through election of the President.

One way the States could regain the sovereignty already lost was by only placing Senators to the Senate that would refuse to appropriate the money necessary to maintain the Fed. de factor authority and the Feds., acts against the sovereignty of the States and their lawful sovereign bodies, thereby choking the Fed., out of existence so the lawful United States Government could return to power. The State legislatures had this ability because they elected the Senators for Congress as provided by Article I Section 3 of the United States Constitution. "The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each State, chosen by the legislature thereof..." [9] To disable the State legislatures in this area the rebels of the de facto Fed. and their hidden consorts devised the Seventeenth Amendment, which allowed the defacto citizens, created by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, to elect Senators by popular vote, depriving the State Legislatures of another foothold of sovereignty.

Because not all the States would allow this latest perversion, the Seventeenth Amendment was declared a part of the Constitution on ratification of three fourths of the several States in violation of the Fifth Article of the United States Constitution, which required consent of every State that was deprived of their legislatures' suffrage in the Senate. "...no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the senate." [10]


In 1920, to further perpetuate this scheme, the rebels added a new twist to their method of attack on this once White Christian Nation. An attack which would reach into our very homes and families. Not only in violation of the Common Law and the Constitution, but also in violation of Gods Law concerning the so-called fair sex. This new twist was the Nineteenth Amendment, which gave women suffrage. Not only did this set husband and wife at odds to nullify each others' votes at the polls and cause disruption over politics in the

home, [no man can serve two masters Matthew 6:24] but it created a new political franchise that would place women, exercising suffrage, in the same legal status as the non-white, non-citizens that had previously been politically franchised by the Fed. These rebel, usurping, manipulators understand human nature very well as they and their ancestors have already shown in past history,

1). A female is generally of a tender nature filled with compassions governed more easily by emotion that could be manipulated through the media, without this special tenderness a woman just would not be a woman;

2). They knew this would weaken the family structure by giving husband and wife the opportunity not to act as one as required by their vows; and,

3). They knew they had an emotional lever on women where their children were concerned, and because of this the woman might vote for measures that could be given the appearance of providing immediate security for their families, while further depriving the family of the oneness to act as a whole when exercising the sovereignty to govern and maintain their sovereign Common Law rights intact.

Little does anyone realize that when the womens' vote is being appealed to pass legislation, that in many cases, passage of the legislation would harm their children in the unforeseen future while giving the appearance of immediate benefits, thereby breaking down the family government structure.

However, the White Males' sovereignty, in their persons, still was not completely subjected to the jurisdiction of the Fed., so in 1935 after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the artificial depression these rebel usurpers were able to create through the Federal Reserve Act, the Social Security Act was passed into law by the Fed.

Congress claimed, once more, to make such legislation under all the aforementioned de facto powers and franchises which allegedly consolidated sovereignty in the Feds., hands. All of these perversions of our Christian Nation and our Constitution and the Bill of Rights were now brought to bear upon the last vestige of the lawful sovereign body, the White Male Common Law Citizen. And an artificial depression forced or coerced the majority into signing a maritime Social Insurance Policy [11], that is sign up for Social Security benefits in order that they and theirs might survive this crisis. While others probably did it because they were led to believe it was the patriotic thing to do.

By the individual signature of each White Male citizen the rebels collect most of the remaining Sovereign body of the de jure [lawful] government into the camp of the rebels. They were now, as stated in the Fourteenth Amendment, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" [the jurisdiction of the Fed.], that is subject in their person and in all their personal affairs, as were those persons previously franchised by the previous unconstitutional and totally revolutionary acts of these rebels which have perverted our nation and its government. The final major proposal these rebels made against the lawful


Constitution of the United States of America was the Twenty- fourth Amendment which provides for the popular election of the President of the United States.

The last chance of the State Legislatures to choke the Fed. through putting a man in office that would veto appropriation for Fed. rebels ends, was dismembered. Also by popular vote of Senators and the President, every person that exercises the franchise agrees that the de facto Fed. as designed is the de jure [lawful] government for them. Can anyone doubt that the acts and omissions that can readily be seen in the last 120 years of our nations history prove a positive design and almost full completion of a plan to destroy the governments and sovereignties formed and protected under the United States Constitution, its Bill of Rights, and the individual States Constitutions? The plan is clear,

1). Devise means to divest the sovereign body and their State governments of their power and sovereignty;

2). Create new sovereignties and political franchises which by operation of law automatically vest all power in the central government, while totally subjecting themselves to it; and,

3). Implement the plan slowly and methodically so it can be made acceptable by means of coercive economic, political and falsely reported moral conditions, with use of the media to report the views of the rebels while depriving the lawful sovereigns access to any media by which they could report to their fellow citizens.

It is clear under these conditions;

a). The State and Local Governments are mere subdivisions of the Fed. disguised as States;

b). The 10 regions of Federal Regional Government are now exercising the power of the States with all sovereignty completely vested in the Fed;

c). "We the People" are now considered subjects of the Fed;

d). The United States, today, for the most part is the de factor Fed look-alike disguised as the lawful government, intended by the Framers and We the People of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and We the People, (See the definitions of de facto and de jure government in the various legal dictionaries); and

e). Finally that if the lawful sovereign body did not remove themselves from this rebel jurisdiction and assert their power and sovereignty, we will be controlled by a despotism that will make the despotism of King George in the 1700's look like a benevolent dictator.

Republic and The Race

The first deception and usurpation took place when Congress began authorizing statehood predicated upon state constitutions that did not follow the Common Law principle of designating one race to govern. The first examples of that were the admissions of such states as Washington, Montana and others. This was the beginning of the conversion [or should we say perversion] of our "Nation" to a socialist republic, a republic within the framework of


international law. The lie put forth was, that to establish a One Race Republic [One Race Governing] was prejudicial and un-Christian. The people were told by their Judeo-Christian preachers, ministers, priests, evangelists and etc., the Biblical mandate to be “Separated” was no longer valid. This was a deliberate lie! But that was merely the first in a whole series of alterations implemented to defeat the Common Law form of Republic; to destroy our Christian Nation and to enslave the Citizens thereof. Alteration of the Republic required three main points of attack. These were and are:

1). The "People" must be convinced that miscegenation [Race Mixing] is authorized by the Law of our Father in Heaven, and thus is condoned by the Christian Faith;

2). The "People" must be convinced to alter the constitutions of their separate states and the United States of America to coincide with this new interpretation of Christian doctrine;

3). The co-equal character of the three branches of government must be removed and one branch must be made the "highest organ of state power;" or put another way, one branch must be given power over the other two. Of course, the People must either be persuaded that this is acceptable or kept in such a state of ignorance that they don't know they no longer have three co-equal branches. The task of persuasion can be accomplished either through propaganda or by force of arms.

The current system has been put in place through stealth, deceit, fraud and treason. The task of "persuasion" will only become necessary when the fraud is generally discovered and the legitimacy of the system is widely challenged and denied by a significant portion of the citizenry. Up until now, the

enemies of this once Christian Nation could claim that we gave our consent to all this. When it becomes obvious that we did not and the illusion can no longer be maintained, then the die will be cast and they must act to preserve themselves.

One Race, One Faith, One Law

Fact one, to be within the framework of a Christian Common Law Republic, one race must govern [Hold the sovereignty]. Alter this fact and you must alter all other provisions of your constitutions. Alter the provisions of your constitutions, where the government is one of law [That is, one that exists by written constitution], as in our Nations case, then you alter the government itself. However, bear in mind that for this to be possible it must be preceded by a change in religion, from Christianity to a false "Judeo- Christianity." Take for instance the Thirteenth Amendment. Its stated purpose was to end slavery in the United States. But was the Thirteenth Amendment necessary to accomplish the abolition of slavery?

With the passage of time, it has become clear: The Thirteenth Amendment was not needed to end slavery, its sole purpose was to end State Sovereignty. "We the People" did not have to add to the citizenry [The Black People] those of another race who were not of the "posterity." "We the People" did not have to alter our Common Law Republics to accomplish the end of slavery in America. But, then, “We the People” didn’t pass the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments either, the Several State Legislatures did!

Now you can begin to perceive a hidden purpose in the events that lead up to the war between the District of Columbia and the Southern States and climaxed with the alleged adoption of those


amendments. Their purpose was not to free the blacks, it was to enslave us The White Race as well! Through the hidden ramifications of those Satanic, anti-Christ measures, we the White Race have almost been placed in the exact same status that the Black Race formerly occupied in this land. South Africa and tiny Iceland are the last governments on this earth that are of, by, and for, the White Race and restrict their citizenship accordingly.

When they are gone, we will no longer have a government anywhere on this earth that even pretends to represent the White Race and we will then be a prey to all comers under the law of nations, just as blacks once were. In so far as the Fed., is concerned, we are already there. That was accomplished relative to domestic politics when "Free White" was removed from the last state constitution.

Religion and Law Must Agree

Secondly, you cannot alter the Laws of a Christian Nation until you alter that Nation's Christian Doctrine. A change in the nation's laws must be proceeded by a change in the nations religion, because religion is always the source of Law! When you research the early constitutions of the several states you will find all of them established only White Males as the body politic, or, in other words; White Males only could vote and hold office; White Males only could govern. This held true since the Christian doctrine was that the head of a household is responsible for his wife and children, being their protector, their voice and their provider, insulating the family from the world at large, both in law and in fact.

Today the state says, "We have jurisdiction over your wife and children." The type of situation we are

experiencing today is unheard of in a Christian Common Law Republic, but, common place in a socialist/communist republic. In a Republic where the sovereignty is predicated upon one race and one race only, miscegenation is perceived as being treasonous.

Why? Because it destroys the race comprising the sovereign body, subverts the organization of the lawful government, and makes the entire reason for the existence of the Republic a nullity; a moot question if you will. Only White Males voted in our Christian Common Law Republic. The citizenship established by the organic law was exclusive! But in a socialist/communist state, anyone can vote, regardless of race, color, creed, or sex. The Fourteenth Amendment purports to establish a uniform and universal citizenship of subjects in the socialist vein.

There are three co-equal branches of government in a Christian Common Law Republic, but, only one branch of government holds the power as "the highest organ of state power" in a socialist/communist republic. Our Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ, said His Word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow [12]. His government is founded upon a perpetual law, a perpetual faith and a perpetual constitution. If we believe the Scriptures and this is true, then, how and when did Christian Doctrine change from that which established a Christian Common Law Republic to that which is required in a socialist-communist republic? Did Our Father [God] or the Lord Jesus Christ alter His Law? Not according to Scripture!

Today preachers condone miscegenation, get licenses to preach, encourage our children to get marriage licenses, social security numbers, drivers licenses, or, in other words, the preachers tell us and our children to surrender to Baal as they themselves have done. If the preachers of this nation were


teaching true Christian Doctrine instead of pagan fables and were adhering to the Christian Doctrine of our forefathers, our state constitutions would still be in the Christian Common Law Republic form. "And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." [13]

The Moffett translation says: "As Jesus knew what they were thinking, he said to them, Any realm divided against itself comes to ruin, any city or house divided against itself will never stand."

Smith-Goodspeed translation states it this way: "But he [Christ] knew what they were thinking, and he said to them, Any kingdom that is disunited is on the way to destruction, and any city or household that is disunited cannot last."


[1] Revelation 12:17.

[2] Fifty Years In The Church of Rome, page 290, by Father Chiniquy.

[3] Memorial of the Captivity of Napoleon St. Helena, General Montholon, Vol. ii p. 62, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, p. 289.

[4] The London Times July 20, 1872.

[5] The London Times p. 289-291.

[6] Fifty Years In the Church of Rome, pages 297-299.

[7] Mackenzie in his historical research entitled, The Nineteenth Century.

[8] The Mad Booths of Maryland.

[9] Article I Sec. 3 Cl. 1 U.S. Const.

[10] Article V, U.S. Constitution.

[11] De Lovio vs. Boit 2 gall. 398, 7 Fed. case No. 3,776 (1815).

[12] Hebrews 13:8.

[13] Matthew 12:25.

The Price in Blood!

I have said it before, but I have had several new people to join the mailing list, that I am no preacher, I am no teacher, I am a watchman and I present what Yahweh gives me to present to you. I sometimes rewrite the articles so that they will be more easily understood by those reading them, but that is all. Some He gives to me directly and I write


those down as He gives them to me. And it matters not if you believe that or not.

If you are saved or not I really don’t care. If you are I am glad of that and praise Yahweh for it, but if not I really don’t give a damn for that is between you and Yahweh. If you are a White Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic or kindred people then you are an Israelite and if you accept Yahweh’s call then fine and good. If not then that is your decision.

People keep whinning about there being so many killed at the WTC bombing. But they pale in comparison compared to the casualties of the Civil War.

An remember that each and every one of these people in the Civil War, Mexican War, Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam an uncounted smaller wars, were killed as a direct result of the treason of the Jews and those of our own people who sold out to mammon, for money, fame, fortune, material goods, political power and etc. They are even worse traitors than the Jews.

The Jew is a traitor because he is the child of the devil and his desire is that of his father Satan and that is to destroy the White Race. Those of our own race who have committed treason and murder do so for the above listed reasons so what Christ said rings even more true:

Matthew 23:15

15: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte,

and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

Casualties in the Civil War

At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000. The number that is most often quoted is 620,000. At any rate, these casualties exceed the nation's loss in all its other wars, from the Revolution through Vietnam. The Union armies had from 2,500,000 to 2,750,000 men. Their losses, by the best estimates:

Battle deaths: 110,070

Disease, etc.: 250,152

Total 360,222

The Confederate strength, known less accurately because of missing records, was from 750,000 to 1,250,000. Its estimated losses:

Battle deaths: 94,000

Disease, etc.: 164,000

Total 258,000

The leading authority on casualties of the war, Thomas L. Livermore, admitting the handicap of poor


records in some cases, studied 48 of the war's battles and concluded:

Of every 1,000 Federals in battle, 112 were wounded.

Of every 1,000 Confederates, 150 were hit.

Mortality was greater among Confederate wounded, because of inferior medical service. The great battles, in terms of their toll in dead, wounded, and missing is listed on this site:

The Ten Costliest Battles of the Civil War.

Some of the great blood baths of the war came as Grant drove on Richmond in the spring of 1864- Confederate casualties are missing for this campaign, but were enormous. The Federal toll:

The Wilderness, May 5-7: 17,666

Spotsylvania, May 10 and 12: 10,920

Drewry's Bluff, May 12-16: 4,160

Cold Harbor, June 1-3: 12,000

Petersburg, June 15-30: 16,569

These total 61,315, with rolls of the missing incomplete.

The Appomattox campaign, about ten days of running battles ending April 9, 1865, cost the Union about 11,000 casualties, and ended in the

surrender of Lee's remnant of 26,765. Confederate dead and wounded in the meantime were about 6,500.

Lesser battles are famous for their casualties. At Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864, General Hood's Confederates lost over 6,000 of 21,000 effective -most of them in about two hours. Six Confederate generals died there.

Hood lost about 8,ooo men in his assault before Atlanta, July 22, 1864; Sherman's Union forces lost about 3,800.

The small battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, August 10, 1861, was typical of the savagery of much of the war's fighting. The Union force Of

5,400 men lost over 1,200; the Confederates, over 11,000 strong, lost about the same number.

The first battle of Manassas/Bull Run, though famous as the first large engagement, was relatively light in cost: 2,708 for the Union, 1,981 for the Confederates.


The casualty rolls struck home to families and regiments.

The Confederate General, John B. Gordon, cited the case of the Christian family, of Christiansburg, Virginia, which suffered eighteen dead in the war.

The 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, in a charge at Petersburg, Virginia, 18 June, 1864, sustained a "record" loss of the war-635 of its 900 men within seven minutes.

Another challenger is the 26th North Carolina, which lost 714, of its 800 men at Gettysburg-in numbers and percentage the war's greatest losses.

On the first day this regiment lost 584 dead and wounded, and when roll was called the next morning for G Company, one man answered, and he had been knocked unconscious by a shell burst the day before. This roll was called by a sergeant who lay on a stretcher with a severe leg wound.

The 24th Michigan, a gallant Federal regiment which was in front of the North Carolinians on the first day, lost 362 of its 496 men.

More than 3,000 horses were killed at Gettysburg, and one artillery battalion, the 9th Massachusetts, lost 80 of its 88 animals in the Trostle farmyard.

A brigade from Vermont lost 1,645 Of its 2,100 men during a week of fighting in the Wilderness.

The Irish Brigade, Union, had a total muster Of 7,000 during the war, and returned to New York in '65 with 1,000. One company was down to seven men. The 69th New York of this brigade lost 16 of 19 officers, and had 75 per cent casualties among enlisted men.

In the Irish Brigade, Confederate, from Louisiana, Company A dwindled from go men to 3 men and an officer in March, '65. Company B went from 100 men to 2.

Experts have pointed out that the famed Light Brigade at Balaklava lost only 36.7 per cent of its men, and that at least 63 Union regiments lost as much as 50 per cent in single battles.

At Gettysburg 23 Federal regiments suffered losses of more than half their strength, including the well-known Iron Brigade (886 of 1,538 engaged).

Many terrible casualty tolls were incurred in single engagements, like that of the Polish Regiment of Louisiana at Frayser's Farm during the Seven Days, where the outfit was cut to pieces and had to be consolidated with the 20th Louisiana. In this action one company of the Poles lost 33 of 42 men.

One authority reports that Of 3,530 Indians who fought for the Union, 1,018 were killed, a phenomenally high rate. Of 178,975 Negro Union

troops, this expert says, over 36,000 died.

Confederate losses by states, in dead and wounded only, and with many records missing (especially those of Alabama):


North Carolina 20,602

Virginia 6,947

Mississippi 6,807

South Carolina 4,760

Arkansas 3,782

Georgia 3,702

Tennessee 3,425

Louisiana 3,059

Texas 1,260

Florida 1,047

Alabama 724

(Statisticians recognize these as fragmentary, from a report of 1866; they serve as a rough guide to relative losses by states).

Source: "The Civil War, Strange and Fascinating Facts," by Burke Davis

The Prophets of Profit: The last days have brought with them an all new set of money changers. These unique individuals have a rare and unique quality for predicting the end of the world on one hand, and selling their special wares to prepare for it on the other. (Which just goes to show how resourceful the Jews are at advertising and marketing - WM) They have virtually created their own market overnight and now stand to reap millions from a public that is running scared on fear, panic, and hysteria. (The vast majority of these end time profiteers are Jews. And many who sell survival supplies are just scams because they take the money but never deliver the goods; and if it is delivered it is defective; a typical Jewish operation -WM) While some fear what the future brings, these people have never had it so good and are looking to the coming months as the ultimate financial windfall.

These end time priests of profit are men and women such as: Binny Hinn; Bill Bright; Billy Graham; Brother Stair; David Lankford; Hal Lindsey (Jew); Jack van Impe; James Robison; James Dobson; Jerry Falwell (A so-called Christian Zionist); Jim Bakker (Jew); Jimmy Swaggart; John Hagee; Joyce Meyers; Kenneth Copelan; Kenny Hagin; Marilyn Hickey; Marlin Maddoux; Mike Evans; Oral Roberts; Pat Robertson; Paul Crouch; Robert Schuler; Dr. Wolf (Jew); David Pilinger; Berst Beach; Rod Parsley; Tom Bambley; James Kennedy; J.W. Williams (nigger), Doug Batchler; Jack Graham; Bill Gather; J.K. Halilton (nigger), Allan Lane, Gilbert Graham. There are many others but they are too numerous to mention, suffice it to say that any preacher that preaches in a 501(c)(3) church is a Baal priest in a Whore House called a church.

The unique and distinguishing quality of this new brand of prophets is their uncanny ability to create


their own market. Once again these people have proven that “fear sells.” They have been able to turn a computer glitch at the end of the century into an economic opportunity unmatched in human history.

These economic wizards are masters of the “what if scenario” and can bring catastrophe home like nothing else. By the time one finishes reading their newsletters, they will be reaching for their life savings and spending all in hopes that they, too, might survive the terrible catastrophes foretold by the prophets.

Of course, these unique individuals have just the right products needed for you to survive and will gladly make them available for a rather substantial fee. Since the market they have created will now gladly pay it, they have absolutely no remorse about collecting it.

(But they never warn people that the government, at some point in time, will get a copy of the lists of people who purchased the survival supplies; and will then use as their authority to search and seize those same survival supples the Executive Orders which have been put in place by the various Presidents. Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260, 6560, 10289, 11921, 11647, 12628, 10995, 10997, 10998, 10999, 11000, 11001, 11002, 11003, 11004, 11005, 11490, 12803, 12938, 12919, 12949, 13010, 12986, 12859, 13107, 13107; to name just a few. - WM)

Never in modern history have so many specialty products been purchased in such a short period of time. Millions of dollars are now being spent to purchase the survival wares of these last-day prophets. Thousands of orders are now flooding vendors; creating a bottleneck in supply and demand unknown in recent history.

More items are now on back order than in the history of modern manufacturing. With almost no warehouse storage in the existing chain of supply, manufactures are now suffering from a glut of orders which they openly admit will not be fulfilled for many months to come. The marketing campaign has been so successful that the demand has now far outreached the supply!

There is such an enormous demand for survival products and speciality items that has now put the prophets in one of the most lucrative financial positions in recent history. Having created their own special market, fueled by fear and hysteria, these people now stand to reap millions as unweary customers empty their life savings to insure their future survival.

The mail order business alone has become a sky-rocketing industry overnight, with nearly every company hiring extra personnel to answer their constantly ringing phones. Never in the history of modern enterprising has such an overnight market been created.

These people are the prophets of profit. They have prophesied in the name of Mammon and run after the reward of Balaam. If their prophecies do not come to pass, it is of no real concern to them, since their only true interest is in the profits generated by them. They have prophesied a self-serving vision whose fulfillment will not be measured in their eyes by the catastrophes they have predicted, but by the profits they have generated. These people truly are the prophets of profit, and the great money changers of the last days. (Taken in part from an article titled “The Prophets of Profit!” by Scott Stinson, published in The Watchman, which is


published quarterly by, The Church of Israel, Rural Route 1, Box 218E, Schell City, Missouri 64783)

The Phoney War On Terrorism - Ted Gunderson (retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge)

Attorneys who work for the U.S. Department of Justice wrote proposed anti-terrorism legislation during the George Bush. Sr. administration in the mid 1980s. One of the authors, a female attorney, publicly stated that people would have to be killed before Congress would pass it. On February 26, 1993, a car bomb destroyed portions of the World Trade Center in N.Y.C., the F.B.I. not only knew in advance of the bombing, they furnished the ingredients for the bomb. (New York Times, October 28, 1993).

Not enough deaths resulted, however, to arouse the ire of Congress and pass the anti-terrorism legislation. On April 19, 1995, the Murrah Federal

Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was bombed by Timothy McVeigh, who reportedly used a fertilizer car bomb, however, an inside investigator told me that besides McVeigh, there were at least eleven others involved with the bombing, including Middle Easterners.

This bombing killed 168 people, possibly 169. One year later, anti- terrorism legislation was passed that took away many of our Constitutional rights and civil liberties, such as indiscriminate wire taps, and in some instances an individual does not face his accuser in court.

On September 11, 2001, two planes flew into the World Trade Center towers in New York City. I have witnesses who saw and heard systematic, simultaneous explosions on the top floors of the World Trade Center towers before they collapsed. The country is into an uproar. Citizens are demanding protection. As a result more stringent anti-terrorism measures will be passed.

The president is attempting to establish a new, gigantic U.S. Government agency, Homeland Security, that would oversee programs, such as having one in every twenty-four Americans act as a "snitch" (shades of Nazi Germany in 1933), and allow U.S. military personnel to enforce laws against the civilian population, in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

The anti-terrorism legislation is written under the guise of protecting us, however the real purpose of this legislation is to strip us of our rights. On May 1, 1776 (a Communist holiday), after having been commissioned to devise a plan to control the wealth, natural resources and manpower of the entire world, Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit who had defected from Christianity, announced on behalf of the Illuminati, the twenty-five goals for achieving this plan.

The goals included the corruption of the youth through sex and drugs, and control of the press (See the U.S. Congressional Record February 9, 1917, page 2947, where Congressman Calloway announced that the J.P. Morgan interests bought 25 of America's leading newspapers, and inserted their own editors, in order to control the media).

Another "telling" goal - one applicable to our recent terrorist attacks, is to create a preconceived "reign of terror, and then make ourselves appear as the


saviors of the oppressed, and champions of the workers," to quote Adam Wieshaupt, who then added, "And we are interested in just the opposite." (85% of these goals have been completed) A U.S. Army Special Forces officer recently told me that the U.S. Government is operating a "huge" terrorist training camp in Greece. A reliable source has advised that Osama Bin Laden met with CIA representatives from July 4 through July 14, 2001 in the city of Dubai (member of the United Arab group).

The CIA representatives returned to the United States on July 15, 2001. The common denominator in all of the above-mentioned terrorist attacks is the Middle East connection.

Did our intelligence agencies know in advance of these attacks? I think so. Should our intelligence agencies have known in advance of these attacks, even if they were not implicated? Yes.

Did our intelligence agencies directly or indirectly participate in these terrorist attacks? I suspect so.

Did these terrorist attacks occur in order to take away many of our civil liberties and Constitutional rights, in an effort to more effectively control the population, looking toward the Illuminati takeover of our country and the world? I believe so.

But, don't take my word for this: Research it for yourself. Refer to http://educate-yourself.org, or write to me for the information that I have obtained from my 23 years of research. (Ted Gunderson, Retired FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge (Memphis, Dallas and Los Angeles Divisions) P.O. Box 18000-259, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89114 (310) 364-2281)