Why African Black Soap is so popular?

Why African Black Soap is so popular? Presented by:- www.ginika.com

Transcript of Why African Black Soap is so popular?

Page 1: Why African Black Soap is so popular?

Why African Black Soap is so popular?

Presented by:- www.ginika.com

Page 2: Why African Black Soap is so popular?


The skin of our face is as important as that of our body. We care for care for her to see us well.

African black soap is a typical black soap from Western Africa with great healing properties.

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Protects skin from major skin diseases

The skin is prone to suffer from diseases caused both by internal and external causes. Major ingredients of black soap such as vitamins, oils and shea butter are capable of protecting our skin from skin diseases like Acne, Pimples, Rashes, Stretch marks etc.

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Protection against the Sun

Wash body and face with black soap daily because it protects our skin from harmful Ultra Violet rays of the Sun.

UV rays can cause cancer, so to be safe use black soap.

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Other uses

Protects hair-fall and remove dirt from scalp.

Recover damage cells

A great sealant for hair

Very good for all skin types

Doesn't contain chemical material.

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