Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and...

` Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials. These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go! Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely. Instructions for each activity Activity 1 - Gratitude Jar Resources: Paper (can be scrap), a jar or box, pencils, magazine pictures (optional) Decorate a box or jar with pictures of your favourite things and people. If you can’t find a box be creative and make your own envelope! You can colour it, cut out pictures, shapes etc. Write or draw on small pieces of paper what and who you are thankful and grateful for. Try and add to the box/jar every day this week! Be specific! Don’t just say…animals. Say…the type! For example: Panda babies! Some ideas are: WHO are you thankful for in your life? WHAT food are you thankful that you can eat? What animals are you grateful for? What is a smell you are grateful for? What is something you hear that you are thankful for? Activity 2 - Shadow Drawing Resources: the sun or a light, paper, pencil or marker, small toys eg plastic zoo animals Place the paper on the ground. Place the small toy (like a little plastic horse) on the side of the paper with the light behind so its shadow is cast over the paper. Outline the shape with your marker. Colour and decorate! Alternative: Blu-tak a piece of paper to a wall. Using a lamp/light cast a shadow on the wall using your hands. Have your sibling draw around your shape, then swap with them. Activity 3 - Lego Resources: Lego or other building materials Using lego or building blocks create a dream house! Older kids see if you can recreate a bird’s eye view of your house Activity 4 - Letter Hunt Resources: Paper/exercise book (optional), pencil, objects around the house or yard. Find an object for every letter of the alphabet. Bonus points if you can find ones for X and Z! Preps: Find objects that start with the letters in your name! Activity 5 - Model Shoot Resources: Your imagination is needed here! Use teddies, toys, your siblings, yourself, even pillows! Find material, newspapers, sheets, tea towels etc. (ASK A PARENT FIRST!) Create a new type or outfit and dress up yourself or your toy in your wild and wacky creations (don’t borrow your parents’ clothes without asking though!) Once you have your fashion model(s) ready. Create a catwalk runway and model those new outfits. Remember to pause and pose. Maybe even practise your facial expressions in a mirror! If you can, you might want to film the fashion show and send it to grandparents or friends.

Transcript of Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and...

Page 1: Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student.


Whole School Learning

Time to explore and create!

These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials.

These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go!

Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely.

Instructions for each activity

Activity 1 - Gratitude Jar

Resources: Paper (can be scrap), a jar or box, pencils, magazine pictures (optional)

Decorate a box or jar with pictures of your favourite things and people. If you can’t find a box be creative and make your own envelope! You can colour it, cut out pictures, shapes etc. Write or draw on small pieces of paper what and who you are thankful and grateful for. Try and add to the box/jar every day this week! Be specific! Don’t just say…animals. Say…the type! For example: Panda babies! Some ideas are: WHO are you thankful for in your life? WHAT food are you thankful that you can eat? What animals are you grateful for? What is a smell you are grateful for? What is something you hear that you are thankful for?

Activity 2 - Shadow Drawing

Resources: the sun or a light, paper, pencil or marker, small toys eg plastic zoo animals

Place the paper on the ground. Place the small toy (like a little plastic horse) on the side of the paper with the light behind so its shadow is cast over the paper. Outline the shape with your marker. Colour and decorate! Alternative: Blu-tak a piece of paper to a wall. Using a lamp/light cast a shadow on the wall using your hands. Have your sibling draw around your shape, then swap with them.

Activity 3 - Lego

Resources: Lego or other building materials

Using lego or building blocks create a dream house! Older kids see if you can recreate a bird’s eye view of your house

Activity 4 - Letter Hunt

Resources: Paper/exercise book (optional), pencil, objects around the house or yard.

Find an object for every letter of the alphabet. Bonus points if you can find ones for X and Z! Preps: Find objects that start with the letters in your name!

Activity 5 - Model Shoot

Resources: Your imagination is needed here! Use teddies, toys, your siblings, yourself, even pillows!

Find material, newspapers, sheets, tea towels etc. (ASK A PARENT FIRST!) Create a new type or outfit and dress up yourself or your toy in your wild and wacky creations (don’t borrow your parents’ clothes without asking though!) Once you have your fashion model(s) ready. Create a catwalk runway and model those new outfits. Remember to pause and pose. Maybe even practise your facial expressions in a mirror! If you can, you might want to film the fashion show and send it to grandparents or friends.

Page 2: Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student.


Whole School Learning

Time to explore and create!

These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of

the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of

the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials.

These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if

they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go!

Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely.

Instructions for each activity

Activity 6 - Toy Meeting

Resources: Toys of any sort and combination

Sit them in a circle. They are about to have a meeting! Maybe the toys are at a staff meeting? Maybe they are about to discover a new planet? Maybe they are organising a birthday party? Maybe they are secretly trying to escape your bedroom! You can decide on anything! Which toy is the leader? Which toy is the trouble maker and is being naughty? Which toy makes the best decisions? Which toy is making everyone happy? Which toy is the most creative? Think about what they are saying and what they might decide on!

Activity 7 - Invent a game

Resources: It depends on what you want to do and what you can find! It also might depend on the space you have.

Invent a game. What is the aim of the game? How many people can play? How do you win? Keep it simple to start with. Then you might want to add more details in. Here are some ideas…make your own mini-golf obstacle course; or table top obstacle course and have a competition about who can blow some cotton wool around the course the fastest; design a memory game; a new card game; a blind-fold construction game – make it a race; use marbles; dice; play money; design a board game; use toys and play giant chess. Just use your imagination!

Activity 8 - Belly Breathing

Resources: Smiling Mind App (optional), relaxing music (optional), a quiet favourite place, fresh air

Use the app to relax or put some relaxing music on. You might want to just do this without music. Find a comfortable place you can lay on you back in, or sit comfortably in. Try not to fidget! Take three slow deep breaths in and let them slowly out. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. If you are listening to music what instruments can you hear? Can you hear anything other than the music? Remember to keep focusing on your breathing. Try not to move too much. If you get distracted go back to focusing on your breathing. Try and stay still for five minutes! Now THAT is a challenge!

Activity 9 - Gardening

Resources: a patch of dirt or garden preferably with weeds and/or things to fix up! Maybe some gardening gloves and definitely old clothes!

Clean up a section of the yard or garden. Pull out the weeds, plant new plants, tidy up. Maybe you might even be allowed to mow! Don’t forget to put all your ‘green’ rubbish in the right bin.

Activity 10 - Backward Day

Resources: A favourite story book or clothes or just you!

For five minutes see if you can read a book backwards. Yep, go to the last page and start from the last word. Now, can you ask for some lunch, politely, speaking backwards! Older kids can you say the whole word backwards? If you are really game, see who can put all their clothes on backwards in the shortest amount of time!

Page 3: Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student.


Whole School Learning

Time to explore and create!

These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials.

These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go!

Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely.

Instructions for each activity

Activity 11 - Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

See if you can do and find the following 10 things!

1. Spot something that is useful to you. Give it a thanks!2. Find something that makes you happy3. Find something that makes you feel safe4. Find something that reminds you of the people you love5. Find something that makes you laugh out loud6. Find something that is your favourite colour.7. Find your favourite space to spend alone time in.8. Find something that you enjoy looking at.9. Find something that makes a beautiful sound.10. Find something that tastes fantastic.

When you have found all these things, remember to be grateful that you have them in your life.

Activity 12 - Build a tower

Resources: Anything you can build with! Lego, matchsticks and playdough, blocks, even pillows!

Can you build a tower that is taller than you? It needs to be able to stand on its own. Can you create a flag that goes on top? Does your tower have windows? A door? Even a moat?

Activity 13 -

Fill up your bucket!

Resources: A small box or little bucket. Maybe you can make one out of cardboard? Pieces of paper and pencils to write with.

When you show kindness or are generous to others we sometimes call it “filling up their bucket”. Now it’s time to fill up your OWN bucket!

Write or draw 2 things that you like about yourself and pop it in the bucket! Write/draw two qualities about yourself that you are most proud of? Write/draw something kind that you did for someone else today. Write/draw when you last said thank you to someone. Add anything else you like. Be kind to yourself! Now go and fill someone else’s bucket!

Page 4: Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student.


Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!

These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials.

These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go! Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely.

Instructions for each activity

Activity 14 - Playdough Zoo (you will need to have access to playdough or plasticine)

Resources: playdough, a flat surface, paper or sticks to make fences, leaves and plants to help make the habitats for the animals. You might need paper if you are making shelters etc. Maybe you want to have LEGO figurines visit your zoo? Create your own zoo or farm that has your favourite animals in it. Make the animals using your playdough. Remember to have paths for the visitors! Carefully plan what animals are next to each other and think about what shelter and environments they might need. Use leaves and grass, or small pot plants to create their habitats. Maybe you need a ticket booth and eating space for all the visitors, too! See if you can take a photo of your amazing creation!

Activity 15 - Crafternoon (You might need some adult help with gathering resources)

Resources: Paper, material, pencils, textas, sticky tape, scissors, glue, buttons, stickers, wool, pipe cleaners, cotton wool, paper plates. Anything you have that you are allowed to use (ask first!) Enjoy making, pasting, and creating. Anything you want! Run out of ideas? Well, here are a couple…

Create a new pet. Make minecraft characters. Make your own Virtual Reality headset using paper/card. Design and make a new doll. Create a collage of fish so it looks like an aquarium. Make a cushion. Make some masks or puppets. Build a castle or a football stadium.

Activity 16 -

Stick Olympics

Resources: sticks of any kind: matchsticks, paddle pop sticks, pencils, sicks from the yard. A ping-pong ball, golf ball or cotton wool. Set up some Olympic themed races and activities. If you are playing with others, decide what country you might be representing. You might even want to have a podium for the medallists! You might build a high jump – who can bounce their ping pong ball over it with one bounce? Or a long jump pit – who can blow their cotton wool the furthest? Build a race track using sticks and race someone by rolling the ball around the track, or blowing your cotton wool around the track. Is it a sprint race or long distance? What about an archery target? Who can hit the bulls-eye with their ball? Or really be creative and make a diving board over a bowl of water. Bounce your ball off the board to see who can get into the bowl. The possibilities are endless!

Activity 17- What’s in a flower?

Resources: A flower bud or part of a plant (You might need to ask permission for this one!) Have you ever really looked closely at a flower? All the parts that fit together and the patterns you can find? Ask an adult if they can cut a flower for you. Look at it. Really look at it. Look at the colour and the fine lines you might see. How do the leaves join the stem? What is holding the flower up? Carefully and slowly pull apart the leaf – what is inside it? Now pull apart the bud. What can you notice? Does it have a smell? Think about why flowers are colourful and have different smells.

Activity 18 -

Random Acts of Kindness

Resources: yourself and a positive attitude! Go around the house and see how many acts of kindness you can do in 20 minutes! The trick is not to tell people you are doing them. Sometimes we have to be kind, not so people notice, but because it is just a kind thing to do! Here are some ideas, but you already know how to be kind. Ask someone how they are. Offer to make a cup of tea or get a drink for someone. Smile and say hello. Make your bed without being asked. Make someone else’s bed! Tidy a shelf. Put the rubbish out. Draw a beautiful picture and give it to someone. Invite your brother or sister to play a game. Share your toys. Make someone laugh.

Page 5: Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student.


Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!

These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials.

These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go! Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely.

Instructions for each activity

Activity 19- Remember when…

Resources: Something you haven’t played with for a looooong time! Find something you haven’t seen, or read, or played with for years. Dust it off! Remember why you loved it and read it again, or use it again. If it is precious be careful!

Activity 20 - Put on a concert Resources: You, possibly others, maybe even sock puppets! Music, instruments (optional). Create a dance, or a song and put on a concert! Maybe make up jokes and have a comedy festival. You could mime, lip sync, or dance your way to fame! Invite others to your concert. You might even want to make invitations. If you can, and want, you might want to film it and send it to your friends or grandparents (make sure you ask permission first!)

Activity 21 - Design a new Amusement Park! Resources: Using blocks, LEGO, boxes, craft materials, garden cut-offs, toys, paper (or anything you can find) Design and create a new amazing Amusement Theme Park! It could include rollercoasters, merry-go-rounds and other rides, places for picnics, shops, souvenirs, ticket booths, maybe you could make mini show bags and mini people! Design a logo and name for the park and enjoy playing at this new amazing place of fun!

Activity 22 - Words in the Air! Using your body only – pretending it is a giant pencil with the lead as your feet – ‘write’ your name and your family members names in the air or on the ground. Jump and shuffle and even dance your way to make a giant A or an X on the ground. Can you race your siblings? If you want, draw some shapes or other pictures and see if people can guess what it is!

Activity 23 - A Trip Down Memory Lane You will need parent permission for this one! Dig out some old photo albums. Real photos …not on a camera or computer. Maybe from when your parents were your age! Dust them off ;) and choose your five favourites. Ask mum or dad or nana or pa about the photos. Can you find one with an animal in it? Can you find one with a car in it? Can you find one with a place overseas in it? What else can you discover?

Page 6: Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student.


Whole School LearningTime to explore and create!

These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials. These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go! Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely.

Instructions for each activity

Activity 24 - Clouds! You will need a cloudy day for this one! Look at the clouds in the sky. Can you make out any animals or people? I always seem to find a dragon. Can you see one today? Watch how the clouds slowly change shape – has it become a different picture now? If you like you can try and draw the cloudy pictures or you can just look at them and day-dream.

Activity 25 - Paper Plane Competition! Make the most amazing paper planes you can and test fly them! Decorate your planes and give them cool names that suit cool planes! Which one goes the furthest? Which one is the coolest design? Can you beat yourself or your siblings with their planes? Get creative!

Activity 27 - Mad Music You are definitely going to need permission for this one! And maybe take it outside, too! Gather pots, boxes, buckets, empty bottles, rice in a jar, pebbles in a tube, bells, branches on a fence, ANYTHING that can make a cool sound. Create your own band. Play along with a song you know or create your own song. Get different size bottles and blow in them to get a cool sound. Fill the bottles with different amounts of water to change the sound. Try different materials to scratch against, thump against and rattle. Most of all? Dance like no one is watching

Activity 28 - Shadow puppets You will need a fairly dark room and a lamp or light of some sort. Shine the light onto a blank wall or curtain. In front of the light put your hands in fun shapes to make a shadow puppet appear on the wall. Can you make a rabbit? A dog? A butterfly? Practise and see if you can get your animals to move their mouth or their ears.

Mr Squiggle Masterpiece Ask someone in your house to draw a squiggle or a few random lines on a piece of paper. Look at the paper from different directions. Turn it round. Turn it upside down. What picture can you turn this squiggle into? Will it become a motorbike? A vase with flowers? A person? Whatever you draw and add to it, I am sure it will be a Masterpiece! If you want, and you are allowed, use chalk and the pavement instead of paper and pencil.

Activity 26 -

Page 7: Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student.


Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!

These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials. These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go! Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely.

Instructions for each activity

Activity 31 - X marks the spot! Resources: small objects to find, for example a teddy, toy, lego, toy car, lolly etc. Paper and pencils (optional) Create a treasure hunt for someone in your house to follow. Hide ten items around a room or outside. Draw a treasure map that your family member can follow or write clues they have to solve. Make it fun to guess where the ‘treasure’ might be. For example: We sit on these to be comfortable on the couch (cushion). It is behind the big black rectangle that talks at us (the TV). Just don’t forget what you hide or you might find it years later!

Activity 32 - If You Were Prime Minister for a Day! Write five things you would do if you were the Prime Minister for a day. For extra fun – dress up as the Prime Minister and video yourself talking to Australia on the news. Sharing your dreams and ideas for our country. Mmmmmm…maybe Monday is ice-cream day…or no school homework allowed…or school should start at 10am….or fines for dropping rubbish on beaches…or more money for research or…

A to Z of Nature Write the Alphabet down a page (or two). Go outside (maybe go for a walk around the neighbourhood with your family) and try to find something from nature that starts with each letter. Maybe it is a flower, an insect, a bird, a part of a plant, a part of an animal. Good luck for x and z!!

Clean up! You will need to ask for parent permission for this one! And don’t leave a mess! Is there a cupboard, shelf, drawer or even a room that you have been meaning to tidy up? Well, now is the time! Sort out your cupboard and pack it all back neatly. Anything you no longer need could maybe donated to the local op-shop. Fold clothes, put shoes neatly back, order books alphabetically. What a great time to be organised!

Activity 29 -

Activity 30 -

Page 8: Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!...Whole School Learning Time to explore and create! These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student.


Whole School Learning Time to explore and create!

These activities have been purposefully chosen to be done by any primary age student. You can adapt any of the activities to suit your situation and you can change the order if you like. If you don’t have access to any of the resources suggested (eg. LEGO) feel free to skip or be creative and use other materials. These activities can be done by yourself or with your siblings. Your parents might even want to join in but if they are busy, you might kindly ask them to help you set up or read the activity…and then away you go! Our Whole School Learning Activities are optional. If you'd like you can select a different activity each day or even spread one activity over a whole week. They are often play based and are a fun and exciting way to engage in learning remotely.

Instructions for each activity

Activity 34 -

Activity 33 -

It’s Time to Chill! Put on some favourite relaxing music, grab a towel and lay it on the floor. Do some yoga stretches and poses - Can you be a tree? Can you move like a caterpillar? Can you be a leaf slowly falling from a tree or a butterfly flittering from one flower to the next? Can you be completely still for 20 seconds (only blinking and breathing allowed!) or what about standing on one foot for ten seconds? Time yourself! Create your own poses but remember to move slowly from one pose to the next – like you are in a slow motion film! Try to work out your own routine with six different poses and then teach it to someone in your house.

Make a Pizza You can do this with real ingredients or you can use paper and craft materials to make an awesome paper pizza! Design the ultimate pizza! What ingredients would you put on? Do you have cheese on the bottom and top? Pineapple and Bacon? Ham and spaghetti? Broccoli and pumpkin? All of the above? The ideas are endless. Make a few different ones and see which one is you favourite. (Top Tip: For real but small pizzas, use English muffins for the bases.)