Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product? Overall we identify our audience of ages 15 to 25. We chose this age range because we feel that this age group are looking for excitement and would want to remove themselves from the ordinary life and view adrenaline filled scenes as they are at the most active stages of their life, I believe that adrenaline is what they are seeking for . Our production has accounts of violent scenes and some are emphasised by the shot we chose, so having a demographic audience of 15+ would be suitable as I believe that at this age point they are mature and understanding enough to view these scenes and of course comfortable and not easily deterred by the violence displayed. Our film was not purposely sided to one gender, however when viewing the cast, they are all males which may impact the audience. Stereotypes are used in our thriller with the protagonist being male and the murderer being male as this gender are stereotypically seen as the superior and seen as stronger, female audiences may disagree on these representations and therefore lead to a heavy male audience. Casual type male, around 20 years of age. Casual/in fashion clothing, representing his socioeconomic class as he can afford good clothing; possibly around Likes to watch films that include the genres of action, thriller, and horror; likes excitement. Films include Fast and Into high tech equipment. Into gaming and football. Mostly likes to hang around with friends and seek excitement. Also Listens to modern music, including Pop and rap through portable



Transcript of Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product?Overall we identify our audience of ages 15 to 25. We chose this age range because we feel that this age group are looking for excitement and would want to remove themselves from the ordinary life and view adrenaline filled scenes as they are at the most active stages of their life, I believe that adrenaline is what they are seeking for . Our production has accounts of violent scenes and some are emphasised by the shot we chose, so having a demographic audience of 15+ would be suitable as I believe that at this age point they are mature and understanding enough to view these scenes and of course comfortable and not easily deterred by the violence displayed.Our film was not purposely sided to one gender, however when viewing the cast, they are all males which may impact the audience. Stereotypes are used in our thriller with the protagonist being male and the murderer being male as this gender are stereotypically seen as the superior and seen as stronger, female audiences may disagree on these representations and therefore lead to a heavy male audience.Listens to modern music, including Pop and rap through portable media devices such as an iPod.

Into high tech equipment. Into gaming and football. Mostly likes to hang around with friends and seek excitement. Also is into social media. Likes to watch films that include the genres of action, thriller, and horror; likes excitement. Films include Fast and Furious, Prisoners, Nightcrawler etc.Casual type male, around 20 years of age. Casual/in fashion clothing, representing his socioeconomic class as he can afford good clothing; possibly around C1 downwards (Electrician, Retail, student etc.), earning around average wage. Shops including Topman, Superdry, Nike.

When researching my audience, I did a Vox Pop to collect a varied amount of opinions based on thriller genres. For the Vox Pops, I interviewed 4 students within my chosen age group in which what I thought would be suitable audience. These Students were around the age of 16-17. I asked two questions of what is your favourite thriller and why? and What scares you in a thriller? From these questions I gained knowledge on the typical areas that make a thriller good and captivating. One of the Reponses I got when asking about their favourite thriller and why was, "I like Snatch, it's got a good range of characters and it uses graphic match quite a lot", from this response it implied that what attracts this individual is the use of editing Graphic match, allowing me to understand and manipulate this response towards the final production, adding a varied amount of editing to allow continuity. Another response I got was the element of realism, this individual likes films that are realistic and not far-fetched and influenced me to make our production as realistic as possible. For the second question on what makes you scared in a thriller, I got a response in the involvement in sound, they expect the use sound to make the thriller tense and interesting as it flows the genre.BBFC ratings include:U - Universal, if placed on a film, it means it is suitable for audiences of 4+. There will be low or no accounts of such areas in violence, sexual scenes and bad language.PG - Parental Guidance, a PG film will have to be viewed with an adult for the parent to consider if the film is suitable for their child. The film will have no reference to drugs without carryingan anti-drug message, bad language will be mild, nudity is allowed without any sexual referenceand violence will be moderate without detail.12A/12 - 12A's may contain content unsuitable for audiences 12 under, however an accompany of an adult, allows the adult to consider if the content is suitable for the child. 12 rated films are for those 12 and over. Drugs is low and not emphasised as good, moderate bad language, discreet nudity and sexual scenes and low detailed violence, so it is not disturbing.15 - No one younger than 15 should see a film rated 15. Discrimination is not endorsed, drugs is not promoted, language may be strong depending on the manner of it being used, sex and nudity is not in strong detail but may be shown and violence may be strong but not emphasised fully.18 - No one younger than 18 can view rated 18 films. Adults free to choose their entertainment, this rated films will most likely have high accounts on all aspects such as violence, sex, nudity, discrimination, bad language etc.R18 - Explicit works of sex or strong fetish material.What factors affect age ratings films get?Drugs - How promoted drugs are in the filmImitable behaviour - How glamorised violence and criminal violence is.Discrimination - The amount of discriminating material there is in the film, including sexism, racism, disability, religion etc.Sex- The detail of sexual activity shown.Language - How strong offensive language is.Nudity - How nudity is shown; if sexual or not.Threat - Frequency and strength of threating material - how realistic and frightening it may seem.Our thriller would probably get an BBFC age rating of 15+, the opening itself has accounts of violence and use of weaponry, this will not be emphasised fully and any aspects of blood and gore will be very low and so indeed it will not be classed as an 18, discrimination is not shown in our thriller and neither is drug use. Our opening will not be suitable for those aged under 15 as the opening may have some accounts of 'imitable' behaviour which can be disturbing to the younger generations. The sinister aspects on how the weapons are used may be classed as disturbing and so it would be more suitable for 15 year olds and older because these ages are when they become more understanding from right and wrong without strong explanations to point this out, overall our production does have mature themes, however not emphasised to an extent of receiving a age rating of 18.My guess would be that our film would get at least above the rating of a 12+, in most cases today, thriller films are rated a PG-13. The film would have little accounts of blood and gore and moderate bad language and in most cases the chance of imitable behaviour shown is discreet. Famous films such as the Bourne Identity and Taken are rated a PG-13 and I believe that our production will most likely have similar audiences due to in comparison, they are both action based however violence shown is not emphasised.