Who was to blame for the Outbreak of the Second World War? · Should Hitler take full...

Who was to blame for the Outbreak of the Second World War?

Transcript of Who was to blame for the Outbreak of the Second World War? · Should Hitler take full...

Who was to blame for the Outbreak of the Second World War?

Should Hitler

take full responsibility

for the

outbreak of

the Second

World War?

The court case is taking place 77

years after the outbreak of the

Second World War.

The aim of the trial is to clear

Hitler’s name and to decide

whether he should carry full blame

for starting the war.

Should Hitler take full responsibility for

the outbreak of the Second World War?

Evidence 1: Timeline of Hitler’s foreign Policy –

from GCSE Modern History (textbook)

Evidence 2: Anglo – German Navel

Agreement (1935).

This is signed by Neville Chamberlain (reference was

made in the Munich agreement).

Evidence 3: Hitler speaking about the Rhineland in


Evidence 4: The Munich Conference, 1938.

The British Prime Minister is on the left – with

Mussolini on the right.

Evidence 5: ‘Our new defence’. A British Cartoon,

October 1938.

Evidence 6: ‘The price of appeasement’. Nazi officers

driving into Czech Republic, 1939

Debate point system

For every different argument you

make your team will be awarded a


For every piece of evidence you use

your team will be awarded a point.