Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris...

w v iHfTpi-- t ;"(o5 , f iSuy People Who Wait for Something to Turn Up, AI way's Die Guessing.? AiWwryAWwWOowwi iWWOWrViWv r" - '""if i"n r fra" iCyxf n nf jiif J u '" - l fp1' '"i"rir "Swl "Zil 'w' i !vli 1 K oiireHslve 'chnnts Evening Bulletin And the People MvV. ' r PmitPUHKlvU f itfintit Do Not Huve Bulletin - - To Wlt , - 'The Bulletin Turns Up Exclusive News and Keeps Contcmporuries Guessing. Vol. VI. No. 1143. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, IfEKUUAllY 13, 1899. Pkiob 5 Ounts. LIQUOR DEALERS BOYCOTT TWO OPIUM CONVICTIONS I I LANSING FOR SENATOR IRIS AND SCINDIA HERE NEWSY NEWS OF MAUI CHDRCH DIRECTORY. t National League to Tarn Tables on a Temperance Plan. Shut Up Saloons of Akron, 0., to Show Peo- ple How It Will Seem -L- oss In Taxes. Akrou, Obio, Feb. 2. A repre- sentative of tbo Nutiotml Liquor League was in tho city this week and local liquor meu wore very reticeut as to tho object of hia visit Now that ho has left a strange Btory is told of tho movement J which ho is said to bo at tho head of. It is no moro than the closing up of ovory saloon in tho city for a period of two years. Mombors of tho Akrou Liquor Leaguo make this statement iu all soriouBuoss and claim that tho project is on-tire- ly feasible. The tnaunor of doing this is by tho following method: Tho National League, covering thi'tjvfour S'at06, is atroug enough in pay tho proprietors of tho lo-- al niiloous revenue ouough to keep them outof tho biiBiuoss and will dosoihordcrtogivethe people of Akion and of all other cities nu object leBson ou tho sufferings wliinli will bo entailed on muuici palitic by tho closing of theso plMO.'H. The Dnw tax paid by tho saloons amouutd in Akion to a very larue Hum, tlit tuoft of which goes to the police and poor fund, and tbo loss of tliirs tho liquor dealers figure, will seriomly ombarrass tho finances of tho city. Akrop has been selected as tho city for this object lenton because of the recent agitation by tho Ministers here against tho saloons of tho city. The Bulletin, 75c per month. can't Get I Any - Good Tea I I ' ' in I I Honolulu ? I HERE'S THE LIST: GUNPOWDER. The kind that Grandmother has such pleasant recollec- tions of. BASKET-FIRE- D JAPS. "Spider Leg" types pure, uncolored teas. PAN - F1HED JAPS. Commonly called "Green Teas." YOUNG HYSONS. Another of the "Green Tea" types. ENGLISH llliEAKFASTS.-fCon-gou- s). Richest, heaviet-t- , most bracing of all Teas. You'll find ours perfect. OOLONGS. From Formosa, one of the banner tea districts of the worid. CEYLONS. A line that's making a name for Itself In the world. ASSAMS. (Orange Pekoes). Teas of India. Similar to the Ceylons, though of flavors peculiarly their own. BLENDS. Our "Waverley Blend," from fanciest blacks; "Premium Blend," from fanciest blacks and greens; and "Guaran-Te- a BIend."from standard blacks, are scientific combinations of the most delicately flavored of the d varieties, and teas which we guarantee to be of greatest strength and most delicate flavors obtainable, and, above all, STRICTLY PURE. Established 1651 s&Ji Ono For importing and Other For Possession of the Article. Question of Unanimous Jury Again Amend V ed Answer in Walalua Shares Litiga- tion -- YIda vs. Carty. Yonc Tai was tried for import- ing opium before Judgo Stanley today. This was the jury: Louis Maiks, J S Martin, T S Douglas, Wm Savidgo, J A Borgett, W E Brown, J Schnack, Geo Angus, F Kruger, Seoly I Shaw, G A Schuman, Oil Collins. Dole and Atkinson for the Republic; Hum phreya & Gear for tho dofeudaut. Tho jury reudorod a verdict of guilty, tbreo jurors dissonting. Mr. Gear gave notico of motion tor a new trial. Uuo of tuo ex ceptions is that, under tho United states constitution, a jury must bo unanimous to mado its verdict valid. (J liu Kit had bis sentence of tho District Court of Wnianao con- firmed for pobsosaion of opium. Humphreys & Gear for defen- dant. District Magistrate Kekn-h- u mi's sentence was a duo of 8250 and costs. Jndgo Porry is hearing the old suit For SK'OO damages of Henry 0 Vida Vd. James Carty, being tried by this jury: F. M. Hatch, attorney for de- fendants in tho Waialua slmius cai-e- , hue tiled amondments to an Bwer, tho chief part of which is tho insertion of these words: "Said J. B. Athorton admits that ou or about August 27, 1898, he heard tbat said Dillingham had given to said Sopor an option to subscribe for or sell 10,000 shares in a company to be organized by bim for the purposes aforesaid; but that mud option was limited in time." "" YOU'RE MISTAKEN! We awoke to a realizing sense of your "pilikia" months ago, and have since been systematically at work searching through lines of samples, as we could procure them, ' (.any old thing won't satisfy us when buying), for just what we desired. At last we have' accumulated a stock which we are willing to submit to you. Pure, delicious teas they are, in the lead-line- d chests. Teas that we'll sell to you by honest sixten-ounc- e weight. Teas that you may examine in broad daylight before you hand your money over. Teas that have never been "manipulated" since they left the drying pans. I Can Get It I at I IwATERHODSESf Drop In, examine our goods, (test them. If you like. AT OUR EXPENSE), make the most searching Inquiry Into our methods, then decide where you wish to trade. Your neighbors trPed it, AND THEY'RE ON OUR LIST. Think It over. WlAAAMVAWWWAA'WVVyWVrV J. T. WATERHOUSE WAVERLEY BLOCK .e. CROCKERY . GROCERIES uudMMm' tu HARDWARE Leaders 1809 Is the Only Name Placer Before the Convention. Twenty-fou- r Delegates Present Out of Thirty thre Question of Rules Makes a Solitary Diversion. (From Sunday's Extra.) Pursuant to a call of tho Cen- tral Committoo of tbe Amoricnn Union Party, by Geo. W. Smith, chairman, tho nominating conven- tion of that party mot at tho Gbambor of Commerce hall at 7:30 Saturday evening. Mr. Smith called tho meeting to order. O. B. Gray, Becrotary, was at tho table. Tho chairman stated tho objects of tho meeting as being to nomin ate a candidate for tho seat in tho Sonato for the Third District mado vncant by tho resignation of H. W. Schmidt, and to transact such othor businoss as might oomo bo fore Hio convention. Ho then asked tho secretary to call tho roll, which boing dnno tho following named twenty-fou- r delegates answered to their names: B F Dillingham.F A Hosmnr, J A Kennedy, W H Hoogs, Robt Grievo, J U Fisher, S B Hose, J S Mnrtin, Geo W Smith, J A Mc Candless, C B Gray, Ei Bonner, Julius Asch, Ed Towse, Wm llenry, It MoKeaguo, V K Rath-bur- n, Andrew Cox, E B Miknlomi, Judgo Kekahuna, J A Low, It W Sims, Geo It Carter, O Bergstrom. There were absent: E F Bis hop, Walter MoBryde, F S Dodge, U JN JUay, w J L,owi io, J M Too poe, L GW FarrrJ C Uluoie. Nominations wero then oiled for by tho chair. Col. J. H. Fisbor roso prompt- ly and said: I de-u'r- to place in nomination rr'gontlemnn who has been with ua a grtnt many years, ono who has been identified with tho interests of tho community. Ho has always worked with the party. I know that if dieted he will work iu accordance with the platform of tho American Union party. A gentleman with whom wo are all woll acquainted, it gives mo groat pleasure to nominate bim Theodore F. Lansing. (Ap- plause.) Professor Hosmor said: I do not know that it is necessary to say anyti ing in nddit'on to wtiBt you hate jut lieaul. We feel that Mr. Lau ing ii a safe man, a capable man, with whom the. in forests of tio country would bo perfectly saf . It is a pleasure tor mo to ni" Ko ilns tubutu io 31r, Theo. F. L'tUMug. Mr. Towse moved that tho nomi- nations close a-- tho secretary cast a ballot pr Mr. Liansiug. This was declared carried, but Mr TaTinnrltr liftvin.v W..' objected. Tho chairman asked Mr. Kouno dy to atnte his reasons for object tog. Mr. Sims answered, sayiug that Continued on Pago !l. The Royal Baking Powder was specially selected for use in both the Army and Navy because of its purity, strength and per- fect keeping qualities, which render it service- able under all conditions of climate and tempera- ture. These qualities are peculiar to the Royal and make it indispensa- ble for domestic, as well as Government use. Arrived Off Port Yery Early Sunday Morning. Something About Water Distilling Ship's Work Her Trip to Honolulu Collier Breaks Down and Asks for a Tow. Tho U. S. Distilling Ship Iris, T. E. Do Wilt Veedor command- ing and tho U. S. Collier Scindia, Eugone Watson commanding, ar- rived simultaneously off port be- tween 1 and 2 o'clock Sunday morning, from Callao, via Laha-in- a, Maui. Tho two ves- sels hovored about on tho outsido until daylight, when thoy both dropped anchor in tho vicinity of tbo Battleship Oregon. Tho, Iris and Soiudia left Callao Jon. 11 and proceedod to Galapa- - cos. J rom tuore, they both nro coeded to Honolulu, approaching close to Lahniua to sco if tho Ore- gon was at that place. j A ratbor indifferent trip from Callao, waB spout. Thero was, however, ono development tbat baB eurprisod tho navy pooplo bore. Tho Iris bas always been looked upou as tbo 'wonk sister' on nconnnt of hor old bailors, but tbe Scindia turned out in that capacity after all. Sbo brokodown nnd, at tho present time, her boilers are in extremely bad shape. Saturday night tbo Scindia did not ruivo a ton kettle left and was forced to signal tbo Iria for a tow. Howovor, tho Scindia Buooeded in getting to an anchorage before it beenrao necessary for tho Iris to take her in tow. The Iris camo in and hauled alongiido tho Pacific Mail wlfarf early this morning. Sho has al- ready started iu to tako coal. From present indications the Iris will bo horo something over two weeks, as it will bo necessary to put new tubes iu tho boilers. After that sho will proceed to Manila. The Scaudia will, in nil probability, return to San Fran- cisco. Tho oflicors nboard tho Iris are hb follows: Oaplain T. E. De Witt Voeder, Commander. Lieut. William E. SafTord, Exe- cutive Oflicer. Lieut. L. S. Van Dnzor, Navi- gator. Lieut. A. L. Nortou, Senior Wntch Officer. Ensign J J Eaby. Ensign Arthur T Chester. Ensign E H Watson. D II Morgan, assistant Burgeon. AB Piorce, assistant paymaster. WN Littlo, chief ouginoor. L D Miner, passed assistant en- gineer. Newton Mansfield, assistant en- gineer. H O Bisect, assistant engiuoer. ET Constein, naval cadet. J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of !Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut A L Norton, nro on their way to Manila to take ditferont posts. The disphcemont of tho Iris is 0100; length over all, 815 feet; depth of hold, DO foet; breadth of boam, 30 foot. Sho was built in England in 1885 and was, nt that time, nnmed tho Drydon. Later sho was bought by another com- pany and ran bctwoon Boston and Ualveston under tho namo of a. Shortly after opening of tbo war botweon America and Spain, she was bought by tho United Statos and Bent to tho Nor- folk Navy Yard whore on ovapor-ati- ug and distilling plant was iu stalled in her. It was on August 1, 1898, that the IriB wont into Commission. Her first trip was to Montnuk Point where sho was sent to furn ish wator to tho soldiers stationed thore. From Montauk Point, the Iris proceeded to tho New York Navy Yard whore sho was fitted Continued on Page 1, Young Thief Apprehended In Serlons Burglarizing. Plantation Managers Combine to Prevent Deser- tion ol Laborers More Water at Visitors of the Week. Wailuku, Maui, Feb. 11.-- Tbo thrco days old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnnoel Dutro of Wailuku died on the 7th inst Mrs. Dutro is a daughtor of Mr. G. W. L. Sheldon, Hawaiian interpreter for tho Supromo and Circuit Courts. Tho gonial faco of Mr. Jack Dow, bead lunn of tho Wailuku plantation, will bo missed from this community for ho has accept- ed a most flattoring offer from Manager W, F. Pogue of tho Ki-h- oi sugar plantation to bo its head luna. Mr. Dow has been very successful as a luna in Wailuku plantation and ho leaves with the good will of Manager Wells and all thoso under him. All Wailuku wish him a bright and successful ciiroer at his now domains. Mr. Smith who has been working in tbo capacity of an irrigation luna on this plantation will likely suc- ceed Mr. Dow. William Saffery, captnin of po-lic- o of Lahaiun is mentioned its mo9t likely coming to Kahului to succeod Officer W.f E. Maikai as police office thero. Mr. Maikai has been a very efficient officer and a most pleasant ontertninor. Three natives wero brought bo-fo- re Magistrate Mckay on Wed nosday of this week charged with cattle stealing at Koouooio, the cattlo belonging to the Dowsett estate. Ono was nolle prosequied and two wero sentenced to six mouths and ono yoar imprison-mou- t roapeotively. Tho meat nnd the hide, tho lattor iu a vory ad vanced atago of decomposition, wero offered by tbe proseaution as oyidouco. Tho natives of Keouo oio are said to bo very adopt iu tho nrt of misappropriating tho cattlo of tho Dowsett cstato to their own use, and sometimesoven sowiug machines nnd cooking stoves havo been missed from mnnv linnantinUii "Pir? . ...... n iwl nliif.t-- - ..- -J ..V...UW .b V... .w-- i on stealing nro of common occur- -' onceover thero. , Araoug the town visitors An Wailuku this weok hnvo boon Messrs. Jno. S. Walker, J. B. Castle, Geo. R. Carter, M. K. and A. S. Barnos. Thoy all co mo up on business. Wl. TTi,.nnna 1. ,!., auu uiuanuuo hiu iiiiumij mooting with success iu Wailuku 00 their oponing week. Mr. McCandless tho well-bore- r, struck water at tho now woll for tho Spreckelsvillo plantation Inst week. The dopth reached is SO foet and tho ilow from 12 inch woll is noarly ono million gallons in every 21 hours. Mr. MoCaud-le- ss started on tho second of tho twonty wells last Monday, nnd bo states that ho will complete his contract in probably about six months.' timo. Heavy rains nt Wailuku and vioinity last Tuesday, but tho hot wcatuor is sotting in again. For sovornl weeks past, Mr. Rodriguos has boon missing monoy from his drawer ovory day in oinnll amounts, altogether about $11.00, and ho could notaccouut how pos- sibly it could havo boon taken from his store during tho night as ho fouud the doors and wiudows iu tho anmo condition as bo left tho night boforo. Thero was no oluo of any sort to appraise him that any ono bus visited bis sloie during tho night; but still his money went oil na tho' by nu un known hand. Tho police authori- ties wero notified of tho fact and Sheriff Baldwin stationed n polico officer in the storo each nilit. Lust" Wednesday night, the fel- low evidently thought that Mr. Rodrignos nnd his family would take iu tho Kickapoos and so he Continued ou l'ugu 0. j Jfth ifoBf- Ti'i Mi'', aHu'iMkttkm ffiJiw.' .jLkL. nrr)Kr:A'l7m fllliur-l- l re fi:cne C'jmST holds jnretlngs as follows la mmiam mm, ic.iroi vjpera nouse: aunuay ipa. m. Bible class; u a. m. preaching In Hawaiian; 0:jon. m. preaching Hawaiian; 7:30 P. m. preaching In English ; Wednes-da- y 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting. THE LAW UNCONSTITUTIONAL Prohibiting tbe Sprinkling of Clothes rom the Llonth. The Supreme Court Deems It Unnecessary b Consider (be Health Question The Act Is Defective. Wnsheo John's cheeks touight will again bulgo out with store of wator, to bo prjuirioil pn 'bo nlolhea without fonf o! t!.'3 Italico? Tho Supremo Court has decided in effoct tbat it is ovory man's right, coming down from Magca Cbarta, to iron his own shirt and to wet it with water ejected from hn mouth hence that anybody else doing the job for him may exorcis tho bhiuo glorious privilege wh'n, hh in this case, tho Legislature does noUtn'.o whoso clothes aro in question. The deciding opinion is lv S. M. ilnllon, sitting in place or Jus- tice Frear, ab-on- t, with Chief Jus- tice Judd ami Justi:o Whiting, aud it is unanimous. Its sylla- bus reads: "Act 31 of the Sosaiou Laws of 16138, eutitled, 'An Act to Ui'unlato the Laundering of clothing, lied Ulothing, iNnpory, lowola and Other Articles of Lik Character, is not a reasonable uxucis of the polico power aud is uucoustitu-tional- ." Obiug G ung nnd ICiing had appealed from the Di.t'riet to the Supremo Ciuit directly, upou points of law, ngainsl thu'r con- viction of niisdemoiinor uudr tho new la.v mentioned. In the body of the opinion aro tb following observations: 1 It is contended for the defen- dant tbat there U noth' ig on the fiicf of tho Act to show tl.nt it was pissed ns a health royulation, uor was there any evidence that tho practico is uuhenltbful. It would boom, li3weverfcthat tho healthful-.nn- ss or unheallhfulne-- s of tho practico is a matter far judicial cogniztneo, aided by referonco to any standard sources of informa- tion. " Wo do not find it necessnry to decide upon thjs point, however, because wo boliovo that, viewed as n health measure, the statuto is nn unreasonable regulation. It is uot co n I'm ed iu its terms to clothing laundered for hire nor ovun to tho clothing of othors. Any person ojoctiug wator from his mouth up. ou his owu clothing in ironiug it would be guilty of a misdemeanor uudor tho Act. This is beyond tho valid exercise of tho police power. Tho rights of nu individual cauuot be nbridgtcd oxcopt iu so far ns may bo uoconsnry to prevent in- jury to tho rights of othors. " Wo aro obliged to declaro tbo Act unoonntitutinbiil." E.P.Dolo, Deputy Altornoy Gen- eral, and A.LO.Atkiiisou fur pro- secution; A.M.M Robertsou and P. Neumann fur defendant. Awnrdcd Highest Honors World's Fair Oold Mcdnl, Midwinter Fair. DEI '. y '- - CREAM Km JNMMk . 1 K Pure Grape Crenm of Tartar Powdu B 40 YEAPS T "" STANDARD H ciHS

Transcript of Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris...

Page 1: Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut

w v iHfTpi-- t;"(o5 , f

iSuy People Who Wait for Something to Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.?AiWwryAWwWOowwi iWWOWrViWv r" - '""if i"n r fra" iCyxf n nf jiif Ju'" - l fp1' '"i"rir "Swl "Zil 'w' i !vli1 K

oiireHslve'chnnts Evening Bulletin And the People

MvV. ' rPmitPUHKlvU

f itfintit Do Not Huve

Bulletin - - To Wlt , -'The Bulletin Turns Up Exclusive News and Keeps Contcmporuries Guessing.

Vol. VI. No. 1143. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, IfEKUUAllY 13, 1899. Pkiob 5 Ounts.



National League to Tarn Tables on a

Temperance Plan.

Shut Up Saloons of Akron, 0., to Show Peo-

ple How It Will Seem -L- ossIn Taxes.

Akrou, Obio, Feb. 2. A repre-

sentative of tbo Nutiotml LiquorLeague was in tho city this week

and local liquor meu wore very

reticeut as to tho object of hia visitNow that ho has left a strangeBtory is told of tho movement Jwhich ho is said to bo at tho head

of.It is no moro than the closing

up of ovory saloon in tho city for aperiod of two years. Mombors of

tho Akrou Liquor Leaguo makethis statement iu all soriouBuoss

and claim that tho project is on-tire- ly

feasible. The tnaunor ofdoing this is by tho followingmethod:

Tho National League, coveringthi'tjvfour S'at06, is atrougenough in pay tho proprietors oftho lo-- al niiloous revenue ououghto keep them outof tho biiBiuoss andwill dosoihordcrtogivethe peopleof Akion and of all other citiesnu object leBson ou tho sufferingswliinli will bo entailed on muuicipalitic by tho closing of thesoplMO.'H.

The Dnw tax paid by tho saloonsamouutd in Akion to a very larueHum, tlit tuoft of which goes tothe police and poor fund, and tboloss of tliirs tho liquor dealersfigure, will seriomly ombarrasstho finances of tho city. Akrophas been selected as tho city forthis object lenton because of therecent agitation by tho Ministershere against tho saloons of thocity.

The Bulletin, 75c per month.

can't GetI Any -

Good Tea I

I ' ' in II Honolulu ? I


Grandmother has such pleasant recollec-

tions of.BASKET-FIRE- D JAPS. "Spider

Leg" types pure, uncolored teas.PAN - F1HED JAPS. Commonly

called "Green Teas."YOUNG HYSONS. Another of the

"Green Tea" types.ENGLISH llliEAKFASTS.-fCon-gou- s).

Richest, heaviet-t- , most bracing ofall Teas. You'll find ours perfect.

OOLONGS. From Formosa, one ofthe banner tea districts of the worid.

CEYLONS. A line that's making aname for Itself In the world.

ASSAMS. (Orange Pekoes). Teasof India. Similar to the Ceylons, thoughof flavors peculiarly their own.

BLENDS. Our "Waverley Blend,"from fanciest blacks; "Premium Blend,"from fanciest blacks and greens; and"Guaran-Te- a BIend."from standard blacks,are scientific combinations of the mostdelicately flavored of the d

varieties, and teas which we guarantee tobe of greatest strength and most delicateflavors obtainable, and, above all,STRICTLY PURE.

Established 1651


Ono For importing and Other For

Possession of the Article.

Question of Unanimous Jury Again Amend V

ed Answer in Walalua Shares Litiga-

tion -- YIda vs. Carty.

Yonc Tai was tried for import-ing opium before Judgo Stanleytoday. This was the jury: LouisMaiks, J S Martin, T S Douglas,Wm Savidgo, J A Borgett, W EBrown, J Schnack, Geo Angus, F

Kruger, Seoly I Shaw, G ASchuman, Oil Collins. Dole andAtkinson for the Republic; Humphreya & Gear for tho dofeudaut.Tho jury reudorod a verdict ofguilty, tbreo jurors dissonting.Mr. Gear gave notico of motiontor a new trial. Uuo of tuo exceptions is that, under tho Unitedstates constitution, a jury mustbo unanimous to mado its verdictvalid.

(J liu Kit had bis sentence of thoDistrict Court of Wnianao con-firmed for pobsosaion of opium.Humphreys & Gear for defen-dant. District Magistrate Kekn-h- u

mi's sentence was a duo of 8250and costs.

Jndgo Porry is hearing the oldsuit For SK'OO damages of Henry0 Vida Vd. James Carty, beingtried by this jury:

F. M. Hatch, attorney for de-

fendants in tho Waialua slmiuscai-e- , hue tiled amondments to anBwer, tho chief part of which istho insertion of these words:"Said J. B. Athorton admits thatou or about August 27, 1898, heheard tbat said Dillingham hadgiven to said Sopor an option tosubscribe for or sell 10,000 sharesin a company to be organized bybim for the purposes aforesaid;but that mud option was limited intime." ""


We awoke to a realizing sense ofyour "pilikia" months ago, andhave since been systematically atwork searching through lines ofsamples, as we could procure them, '

(.any old thing won't satisfy us whenbuying), for just what we desired.At last we have' accumulated a stockwhich we are willing to submit toyou. Pure, delicious teas they are,in the lead-line- d chests.

Teas that we'll sell to you byhonest sixten-ounc- e weight.

Teas that you may examine inbroad daylight before you hand yourmoney over.

Teas that have never been"manipulated" since they left thedrying pans.


Drop In, examine our goods, (test them. If you like. AT OUR EXPENSE), makethe most searching Inquiry Into our methods, then decide where you wish to trade.Your neighbors trPed it, AND THEY'RE ON OUR LIST. Think It over.





tu HARDWARELeaders 1809

Is the Only Name Placer Before the


Twenty-fou- r Delegates Present Out of Thirty

thre Question of Rules Makes a

Solitary Diversion.

(From Sunday's Extra.)

Pursuant to a call of tho Cen-

tral Committoo of tbe AmoricnnUnion Party, by Geo. W. Smith,chairman, tho nominating conven-tion of that party mot at thoGbambor of Commerce hall at7:30 Saturday evening.

Mr. Smith called tho meeting toorder. O. B. Gray, Becrotary, wasat tho table.

Tho chairman stated tho objectsof tho meeting as being to nominate a candidate for tho seat in thoSonato for the Third Districtmado vncant by tho resignation ofH. W. Schmidt, and to transactsuch othor businoss as mightoomo bo fore Hio convention. Hothen asked tho secretary to calltho roll, which boing dnno thofollowing named twenty-fou- rdelegates answered to theirnames:

B F Dillingham.F A Hosmnr, JA Kennedy, W H Hoogs, RobtGrievo, J U Fisher, S B Hose, J SMnrtin, Geo W Smith, J A McCandless, C B Gray, Ei Bonner,Julius Asch, Ed Towse, Wmllenry, It MoKeaguo, V K Rath-bur- n,

Andrew Cox, E B Miknlomi,Judgo Kekahuna, J A Low, It WSims, Geo It Carter, O Bergstrom.

There were absent: E F Bishop, Walter MoBryde, F S Dodge,U JN JUay, w J L,owi io, J M Toopoe, L G W FarrrJ CUluoie.

Nominations wero then oiledfor by tho chair.

Col. J. H. Fisbor roso prompt-ly and said: I de-u'r- to place innomination rr'gontlemnn who hasbeen with ua a grtnt many years,ono who has been identified withtho interests of tho community.Ho has always worked with theparty. I know that if dieted hewill work iu accordance with theplatform of tho American Unionparty. A gentleman with whomwo are all woll acquainted, it givesmo groat pleasure to nominatebim Theodore F. Lansing. (Ap-plause.)

Professor Hosmor said: I donot know that it is necessary tosay anyti ing in nddit'on to wtiBtyou hate jut lieaul. We feelthat Mr. Lau ing ii a safe man, acapable man, with whom the. inforests of tio country would boperfectly saf . It is a pleasuretor mo to ni" Ko ilns tubutu io 31r,Theo. F. L'tUMug.

Mr. Towse moved that tho nomi-nations close a-- tho secretarycast a ballot pr Mr. Liansiug.

This was declared carried, butMr TaTinnrltr liftvin.v W..'objected.

Tho chairman asked Mr. Kounody to atnte his reasons for objecttog.

Mr. Sims answered, sayiug that

Continued on Pago !l.

The Royal Baking Powderwas specially selectedfor use in both the Armyand Navy because of itspurity, strength and per-

fect keeping qualities,which render it service-able under all conditionsof climate and tempera-ture. These qualities arepeculiar to the Royaland make it indispensa-ble for domestic, as wellas Government use.

Arrived Off Port Yery Early Sunday


Something About Water Distilling Ship's Work

Her Trip to Honolulu Collier Breaks

Down and Asks for a Tow.

Tho U. S. Distilling Ship Iris,T. E. Do Wilt Veedor command-

ing and tho U. S. Collier Scindia,Eugone Watson commanding, ar-

rived simultaneously off port be-

tween 1 and 2 o'clock Sundaymorning, from Callao, via Laha-in- a,

Maui. Tho two ves-

sels hovored about on tho outsidountil daylight, when thoy bothdropped anchor in tho vicinity oftbo Battleship Oregon.

Tho,Iris and Soiudia left CallaoJon. 11 and proceedod to Galapa- -cos. J rom tuore, they both nrocoeded to Honolulu, approachingclose to Lahniua to sco if tho Ore-gon was at that place. j

A ratbor indifferent trip fromCallao, waB spout. Thero was,however, ono development tbatbaB eurprisod tho navy pooplobore. Tho Iris bas always beenlooked upou as tbo 'wonk sister'on nconnnt of hor old bailors, buttbe Scindia turned out in thatcapacity after all. Sbo brokodownnnd, at tho present time, herboilers are in extremely bad shape.Saturday night tbo Scindia didnot ruivo a ton kettle left and wasforced to signal tbo Iria for a tow.Howovor, tho Scindia Buooededin getting to an anchoragebefore it beenrao necessary for thoIris to take her in tow.

The Iris camo in and hauledalongiido tho Pacific Mail wlfarfearly this morning. Sho has al-

ready started iu to tako coal.From present indications the Iriswill bo horo something over twoweeks, as it will bo necessary toput new tubes iu tho boilers.After that sho will proceed toManila. The Scaudia will, in nilprobability, return to San Fran-cisco.

Tho oflicors nboard tho Iris arehb follows:

Oaplain T. E. De Witt Voeder,Commander.

Lieut. William E. SafTord, Exe-cutive Oflicer.

Lieut. L. S. Van Dnzor, Navi-gator.

Lieut. A. L. Nortou, SeniorWntch Officer.

Ensign J J Eaby.Ensign Arthur T Chester.Ensign E H Watson.D II Morgan, assistant Burgeon.A B Piorce, assistant paymaster.W N Littlo, chief ouginoor.L D Miner, passed assistant en-

gineer.Newton Mansfield, assistant en-

gineer.H O Bisect, assistant engiuoer.E T Constein, naval cadet.J A Scofield, naval cadet.Tho Iris has a compliment of

!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard,Lieut L S Van Duzor and LieutA L Norton, nro on their way toManila to take ditferont posts.

The disphcemont of tho Iris is0100; length over all, 815 feet;depth of hold, DO foet; breadth ofboam, 30 foot. Sho was built inEngland in 1885 and was, nt thattime, nnmed tho Drydon. Latersho was bought by another com-pany and ran bctwoon Boston andUalveston under tho namo of a.

Shortly after opening oftbo war botweon America andSpain, she was bought by thoUnited Statos and Bent to tho Nor-folk Navy Yard whore on ovapor-ati- ug

and distilling plant was iustalled in her.

It was on August 1, 1898, thatthe IriB wont into Commission.Her first trip was to MontnukPoint where sho was sent to furnish wator to tho soldiers stationedthore. From Montauk Point, theIris proceeded to tho New YorkNavy Yard whore sho was fitted

Continued on Page 1,

Young Thief Apprehended In Serlons


Plantation Managers Combine to Prevent Deser-

tion ol Laborers More Water at

Visitors of the Week.

Wailuku, Maui, Feb. 11.-- Tbo

thrco days old son of Mr. nndMrs. Mnnoel Dutro of Wailukudied on the 7th inst Mrs. Dutrois a daughtor of Mr. G. W. L.Sheldon, Hawaiian interpreter fortho Supromo and Circuit Courts.

Tho gonial faco of Mr. JackDow, bead lunn of tho Wailukuplantation, will bo missed fromthis community for ho has accept-

ed a most flattoring offer fromManager W, F. Pogue of tho Ki-h- oi

sugar plantation to bo its headluna. Mr. Dow has been verysuccessful as a luna in Wailukuplantation and ho leaves with thegood will of Manager Wells andall thoso under him. All Wailukuwish him a bright and successfulciiroer at his now domains. Mr.Smith who has been working intbo capacity of an irrigation lunaon this plantation will likely suc-ceed Mr. Dow.

William Saffery, captnin of po-lic- o

of Lahaiun is mentioned itsmo9t likely coming to Kahului tosucceod Officer W.f E. Maikai aspolice office thero. Mr. Maikaihas been a very efficient officerand a most pleasant ontertninor.

Three natives wero brought bo-fo- re

Magistrate Mckay on Wednosday of this week charged withcattle stealing at Koouooio, thecattlo belonging to the Dowsettestate. Ono was nolle prosequiedand two wero sentenced to sixmouths and ono yoar imprison-mou- t

roapeotively. Tho meat nndthe hide, tho lattor iu a vory advanced atago of decomposition,wero offered by tbe proseaution asoyidouco. Tho natives of Keouooio are said to bo very adopt iutho nrt of misappropriating thocattlo of tho Dowsett cstato totheir own use, and sometimesovensowiug machines nnd cookingstoves havo been missed frommnnv linnantinUii "Pir?

. ......n iwl nliif.t---..- -J ..V...UW .b V... .w-- ion stealing nro of common occur- -'

onceover thero. ,Araoug the town visitors An

Wailuku this weok hnvo boonMessrs. Jno. S. Walker, J. B.Castle, Geo. R. Carter, M. K.

and A. S. Barnos. Thoyall co mo up on business.

Wl. TTi,.nnna 1. ,!.,auu uiuanuuo hiu iiiiumijmooting with success iu Wailuku00 their oponing week.

Mr. McCandless tho well-bore- r,

struck water at tho now woll fortho Spreckelsvillo plantation Instweek. The dopth reached is SOfoet and tho ilow from 12 inchwoll is noarly ono million gallonsin every 21 hours. Mr. MoCaud-le- ss

started on tho second of thotwonty wells last Monday, nndbo states that ho will complete hiscontract in probably about sixmonths.' timo.

Heavy rains nt Wailuku andvioinity last Tuesday, but tho hotwcatuor is sotting in again.

For sovornl weeks past, Mr.Rodriguos has boon missing monoyfrom his drawer ovory day in oinnllamounts, altogether about $11.00,and ho could notaccouut how pos-sibly it could havo boon takenfrom his store during tho night asho fouud the doors and wiudowsiu tho anmo condition as bo lefttho night boforo. Thero was nooluo of any sort to appraise himthat any ono bus visited bis sloieduring tho night; but still hismoney went oil na tho' by nu unknown hand. Tho police authori-ties wero notified of tho fact andSheriff Baldwin stationed n policoofficer in the storo each nilit.Lust" Wednesday night, the fel-low evidently thought that Mr.Rodrignos nnd his family wouldtake iu tho Kickapoos and so he

Continued ou l'ugu 0.

jJfth ifoBf- Ti'i Mi'', aHu'iMkttkm ffiJiw.' .jLkL.

nrr)Kr:A'l7m fllliur-l-l re fi:cneC'jmST holds jnretlngs as follows lammiam mm, ic.iroi vjpera nouse: aunuayipa. m. Bible class; u a. m. preaching InHawaiian; 0:jon. m. preaching Hawaiian;7:30 P. m. preaching In English ; Wednes-da- y

7:30 p. m. prayer meeting.


Prohibiting tbe Sprinkling of Clothes

rom the Llonth.

The Supreme Court Deems It Unnecessary bConsider (be Health Question

The Act Is Defective.

Wnsheo John's cheeks touightwill again bulgo out with store ofwator, to bo prjuirioil pn 'bonlolhea without fonf o! t!.'3 Italico?Tho Supremo Court has decidedin effoct tbat it is ovory man's

right, coming down fromMagca Cbarta, to iron his ownshirt and to wet it with waterejected from hn mouth hencethat anybody else doing the jobfor him may exorcis tho bhiuoglorious privilege wh'n, hh in thiscase, tho Legislature does noUtn'.owhoso clothes aro in question.

The deciding opinion is lv S.M. ilnllon, sitting in place or Jus-tice Frear, ab-on- t, with Chief Jus-tice Judd ami Justi:o Whiting,aud it is unanimous. Its sylla-bus reads:

"Act 31 of the Sosaiou Laws of16138, eutitled, 'An Act to Ui'unlatothe Laundering of clothing, liedUlothing, iNnpory, lowola andOther Articles of Lik Character,is not a reasonable uxucis of thepolico power aud is uucoustitu-tional- ."

Obiug G ung nnd ICiing hadappealed from the Di.t'riet to theSupremo Ciuit directly, upoupoints of law, ngainsl thu'r con-viction of niisdemoiinor uudr thonew la.v mentioned. In the bodyof the opinion aro tb followingobservations:

1 It is contended for the defen-dant tbat there U noth' ig on thefiicf of tho Act to show tl.nt it waspissed ns a health royulation, uorwas there any evidence that thopractico is uuhenltbful. It wouldboom, li3weverfcthat tho healthful-.nn- ss

or unheallhfulne-- s of thopractico is a matter far judicialcogniztneo, aided by referonco toany standard sources of informa-tion.

" Wo do not find it necessnry todecide upon thjs point, however,because wo boliovo that, viewed asn health measure, the statuto is nnunreasonable regulation. It is uotco n I'm ed iu its terms to clothinglaundered for hire nor ovun to thoclothing of othors. Any personojoctiug wator from his mouth up.ou his owu clothing in ironiug itwould be guilty of a misdemeanoruudor tho Act. This is beyond thovalid exercise of tho police power.Tho rights of nu individual cauuotbe nbridgtcd oxcopt iu so far nsmay bo uoconsnry to prevent in-jury to tho rights of othors.

" Wo aro obliged to declaro tboAct unoonntitutinbiil."

E.P.Dolo, Deputy Altornoy Gen-eral, and A.LO.Atkiiisou fur pro-secution; A.M.M Robertsou and P.Neumann fur defendant.

AwnrdcdHighest Honors World's Fair

Oold Mcdnl, Midwinter Fair.




'- -


JNMMk. 1

K Pure Grape Crenm of Tartar Powdu B40 YEAPS T "" STANDARD H


Page 2: Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut





wmvmry ipppinw x nw

Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.

W. G. Irwin & Go.


Agents forWestern Sngat ltelinory Co. o( Sia

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works of Thllii-dolphi-

l'eun.. U. 8. A.Newell Unlvorsal Mill Co. (National

CaneBlirwldor),N--- York, IJ. S. A.N.Ohlandt & Co'h Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Cross k Sons, high grade fertil-

izers for Cano and Coffee.Heeds Steam Pipo Covering


Offer for SaleParnfflue Taint Oo's 1' & U 1'aiutH utid

ropers; Lucol and Linseed oils, raw

and boiled.Indnr! ., (a cold water paint) In uito

and color.Filter l'ross Cloths, Cement, Lluie and In



noNOi.ri-TT- .

Commission Merchants,


The Ewa Plantation Co.The Walalua Aurlcultural Co , Ltd.The Kotula Sugar Co.The Walanwa huear Mill CoThe Koloa Agricultural Co.The Onomea Surar Co.The Fulton Iron Winks, St. LouiJ, Mo.The Standard Oil CoThe Geo. I . Blake bteam Pumps.Weston's CentrlfUEaN

The New England Life Insurance Co. of lloston.Thetnarirelns Co. ot Hartford, Conn.Tin- - Alliance Assurance Co. ol London.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - Proaidont nnd MonaRorClans Spreokels, - - - nt

W. M. QUTard, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - Auditor

Sugax? FactorsAN- D-


Oommission Agents. ;





Queen street, Honolulu, 11.1.

AGENTS FORII iwallan Agricultural Company, Onoraea Sural

omiiany, Ilonorau Sugar Compau, WalluruBokij Company, Wolhee Sugir Company. Make.

tmiMlt Ranch. Line San FranciscoPacket!, Chas. Brewer & Co. a of Boston

Packetf.AKenta Boston Board of Underwriter!.Areata Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list o orrimcit.il

CM Cooko.PrtBldeunQeorReU ltobertson,Manager E F Bishop, Treasurer and Seo-rttar-

Col. W F Allen, Andltort f) MCooke, '

II Watcrlionse, A w inrior. uirwnun,

!k Wasliington Fuu Co.

Cor. Queen and Fort Sis.s

Importers and "Wholesale Dealers in

Hay, Grain, Peed,Iflour, Meals,Egyptian Corn, etc.

Our Goods are Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.Phono 422.

Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co. Ltd.121 Queen Street.

Carriage ami Wagon Ilullders. !


WILSON tf WHTEHOUSE,Sole Licensees Hawaiian Wanda.

121 Queon Street.

J; Consoliuatei) Water Co., W

,g.T- - EHpln.nn.clo,jg Corner Allen & Fort St., Honolulu

If hollistr & CO.,H; Agents

m M. PHILLIPS & (JO.Wk:'Iw&Ka Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ol

K '' Inropean nnd American Dry Good!

B. Port nnd Qneen HtreoU.


mini commission agents,

Oor For and Oneen HtreotH Honolnln,

Honolulu Iron Works Co.Improved anil modern SUGAR MA-

CHINERY of everv raipaellv nnd des.crlntlon made W oroor. iiouur wornand RIVin'ED PIPES for Irrigationnurposes a spoclalty. Particular atton-fao- n

paid to JOB WonK, and repairsat Bhortest notlco . 1035

w"TT(Ry i m w npnn) ii i swmjpwnMMHHmaiawi


EGAN'S.Big Display!


39GIFTSNovelties in

Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,Purses, Fans, Work Boxes,Brush and Comb Cases,Photo Frames,Music Rolls, Card Cases,

Fuct, Novelties In Everything!

EGAN'S,Fort, Street,









Mr. A. Pclxoto run one chair anj an Italian Pro-fessor anoUitr.

OHAS. MOLTENO, Prop.Morchimt street, npp. Jutlil Inillillng.

An Elegant Shave.IT CAN HU OlrTAINED

AT Tin:-


Arlington Wook, Hotol Streot.

Nono but tho mot skillful Darliors o'm-- Iployed.

Joseph Fernandez, Prop'r


Dauflrnfl KillGr Dobs II!j DOES WHAT1?

IVhair; If you are troubled with dandruff,prickly heat or nnv scalp or skin disease,try a bottle of Dandruff Killer, It neverfalls to cure.

Sold by all Dniggists and Union Barbershop. Remember the trade mark "thetwo faces," beware of Imitations.

T. PACHECO,I Sole Proprietor,

Tel. No. Goo.

For Sale.

Four most desirable and centralBUILDING LOTS, on Alakea St.,Including corner of Beretania St.

Apply to J. T. McGREW.


Hand concert in Emma squarethis ovoniny.

Cyclone Cameras nro tlio bestnud cheapost.

"Wheels rented; J. J. lliclinrdbou, Hotol street.

Lowers fe Cooko have sorao-thin- g

to mnko you guess iu theirad today.

Mrs. O. Isonborg pnmo fromMnkaweii iu the Kcauhou Satin-tla-


Metal painted with PEERLESSPKESEUVING PAINT will notrunt nor corrode.

Hnrmony Lodijo, No. U, I. O. OP., will have its regular tneotingthis evouiugat 7:30.

Lee Munvou has nomo vnlunblohintfl for amateur photographerstravelling in the tropics. Suo hiaadvertisemeut in another column,

Among tho arrivals from Mauiports in the Maui Sunday weretho following: L. A. Thurston, 0.If. Dickey, Dr. Uendrick, D K.Ilaysoldou.

"Tho Loader" this wenk at theGolden llulo Bazaar is a goodPapetorie 24 .sheets paper nnil 21envelopes only 15 ceuts 1 AndValentines gnloro.

Do you liko to drink puro whis-ky? Thon if you do call fot"A. A." Jef so Mooro at any of thosaloons, Lovejoy & Co., distribu-tors for the Hawaiian Islands.

Tho regular monthly meetingof the Womnn'H Board of Mis-sions, postponed on account nf theweatkor, will tako place on Tues-day afternoon, the Hth icBt., at2:30 'o'clock, at Contral Unionchurch, Mrs. Williams willspenk.

Among tho passengers fromMnui and Hawaii ports early Sun-day morning wore the following:Prof. A. Koobelo, L. M. Whito-hout- o,

John Wilson, C. T. Day,Capt. 0. Bock, J. II. PortoouP, N.0. Wilfong, Dr. Winslow, HenryWaterhouse, J. S. Walker, JudgeA. N. Kopoikai.

Do.ikol.or. In Cnnmln.Recently 2300 of the peculiar

peoplo called Djukobora fromRussia, arrived at Halifax, N. S.,in the steamer Lako Huron. Itwas the largest number of emigrants that eer crossed tho At-

lantic in one vessel. Tho porthealth officers found all well onboard. As tho Lako Huron dock-ed, tho paseongors burst out in apsnlm of praise for their Bafe voy-ag- o.

It will be remembered thatthe Bulletin, a short timo nco,published a full account of thisremarkable sect. Liko tho Mou-uonit- ea,

their religion forbidsthptn to ongago in war. Theso2300 arrived at Halifax will begiven homes iu the CauadianNorthwest. Tho Mpnnonites whohnvo long preoedod them thorohave proved to bo doairable Bot-


A HJur.ilnir Lawyer.Among tho rccout arrivals in

this city is W. T. Baggett, who fotnearly n quarter of n century hasheld n frout ank amongst tholawyers of California. Ho is onoof tho members of tho grpat firmof Wallaco, Groathouso, Blandiug& Baggett, at ono time the strong-est firm in the Golden State.Judge Wallaco was elected ChiefJustice of tho State. ClarenceGreathouse went to Corea as U.S. Conoul nnd resigned to becometho leading counsellor of tho king,and Messrs. Baggett nnd Bland-iug iomaiued to represent thotirm. Mr. Bapgott is nccompn-nie- d

by his wife and dauchtor,and will go to the Orient by thonext stonmer. Ho says ho is al-

most afraid to write to his clientshis oniuion of tho Islands as itmight cuuse a begira that wouldtend to bankrupt him.

American Messenger Borvico.Masonic Teraplo,Telophono4d4.

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular Bouso, 164 Fort stroet,from $1.00 por wook up. J

1 W't;WWontfVtvrirv"irl'tij' I

CHAS. D. WALKER,Designer and Rullier ol HIch-Gra-

Yachts, Boats and Launches I

Works, 69l KING ST.P O. Uox 90. Telephone 760.


Fraternal Directory.

MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K.of P.,Meal, every 'NVetlnesilny evening at

T.m o'clock, Castle Hull, Fort street.Visiting brothers cordially invited toattend.1015 A. E. MURPHY, K. It. B.


Jloots ovory third Thursday ovonlng InMnw)iile Tomplo. All visiting conimn-oil- s

cordinlly invited.HKNltY li COOPKH, H. P.

W. O. ASHl.EY.Secretnry. lQlO


Moets In Arnsonlo Teniido on tho secondThursday ovonlng of oneh month. Allvisiting Sir Knights courteously lnvltod.

IIKNKY 1 COOI'KH, li CV. O. AHHLr.Y, Itrcordor. 1010

OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.MectM ovory Thurstlny ovonlng at theirCnstlu Hall, iWA Fort streot, nt 7:'5(l.

iMotnbors of Mystic Lodgo No-- 2, nndvisiting brothers, cordl.tlly Invited.


1010 K. of It. and 8.

HARMONY LODGE No. 3,I. 0. O. F.,

Mcpts every Monday cvoulug nt 7:n0,In Hnrmony Hull, King street.

.1. 1). .MOVJvH.ll, iN. u.Ii It. HKNDKY, Secretary.

All visiting brothors vory.cortllallyInvited. 1003

HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. 1,Improved Order of Red Men.

Meets on tho second nnil fourthof each month, at 7:.10 p. in., In Knightsof Pythias Hnll, Fort street. Visitingbrothora nro cordinlly lnvltod to aiioihi.S. J.SALTKIl.Snchom; J.F.KCKAIUT,Chief of Records. 1003


A. 0. P.,Meets every first and third Friday, ntK.of 1 Hall, Fort street. A cordialInvitation Is extended to visiting broth-ers. Tor ordor C. 11.

W. A. FETTKH,1023 Secretary.


No. 1, A.-- . fe A. S. R.'.Meetsthe llrst Thursday In oneh month,nt Mnsonlo Tomiilo. Sojourning nndvisiting brothors cordinlly Invited to

all mcotlngs.W.'. M.'. FRANK 11. AURRI1ACII.

ALLAN H. SCUIMGKOUR.Scerotnry.1021


No. I, A.-- . fe A.-- . S. R.-- .

Moets at Musculo Templo tlio fourthThursdav In each month. Sojourningand visiting brothors nro cordially lnvltod to attend all meetings.




No. 124, A. k A. S.Rito.Stated meetings on tho last Monday of

each month, In its hall, Masonic Tomplo.C. M. WHITE, W. M.

II 0. CRA11I1E, Secretary. 1020

GEO. W. DeLONG POST No.4.'), G. A. R.,

Dopartmont of California nnd Novndn,moots nt Hnrmony Hall, King stroet,llrst Thursday ovonlng of ovory'month.Sojourning comrades nro cordially In-

vited to nttend.L. L. LaI'IERRE, P. 0.

TAB. T. COPELAND, Adjt. 1137

COURT OAMOES, No. 8110,A. 0. F.,

Meots ovory secondnnd fourth Tuosday,at K. of P. Hnll, Fort streot. A cordiulInvitation Is extonded to visiting broth-ors.

J. m: FRIAS, C. R.A. II. VIEIRA. Financial Secretary.

P. O. Boxj 1030


Lovo Block, Fort stroot. Reading roomopen day nnd ovonlng for rending nndsocial lutoreotirso. Regular mootlngsFriday, 7:30 p. m. Visiting Scotsmenespecially weleomo nt nil times.

GEO. L. DALL, Chlof.ALEX. B. KENNEDY, Secrotnry. 1095



Lewers & Cooke.



.i- n- . ,i in.... . wwrarwin




Mj$ Tobacconists M

Im, pc

I r ss tj

. .

g 1IK

LilJ i a. ml

Ml S s3& t) S R

I o ? s ffl

fljfl Cor. Fort and Merchant SlreetsJIR



DRY GOODS!French, German, English and American.

A Fine Selection of Dress Goods, Zephyrs, c?lc.Tailors' Gootls, a Full Assortment.

Clothing, Underwear, Shawls.


American and European


Slxip 01a.a.xi.d.lea:37-- -,

Since We Must Eat to Live, Lei's Have the 'Best.

kslfiiLyfJjq's Bust TesJapan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon.

SCHILLING'S BESTGlvo thorn a trial. Monoy


BAKING POWDER.Kick you don't thorn.

Ohoico Block Bnttor, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hums,

Mild Olicc.40, Smoked Beef, oto., etc.

Chas, Kustace.212 King stroot, next tho Arlington,

"Hello, Oahu Lumber and Building Co."

lltt IP'JPM

vijf7H VI 1iyliB



"Hello I""What kind of house can you build for $ 500?"Almost as good as you can get in California.""How can you build them so cheap?""Because we import all our materials direct

from the factory, and employ the best work-men. The best is the cheapest."

"Where Is your business place?""Our Office and Yard is on King street, near

O. R. & L. Co.'s Depot; our Planing Mill corner King and Bethel streets. Telephones 53and 838. P. O. Box 367. We can give youhundreds of references, among theleading people of these Islands.





We turn out the finest workat the most reasonable prices.

Souvenir Views of the Islandsin endless variety.

J.J.WILLIAMS,At the Old StandOn Fort Stroet ::

Pop -- corn Crisps!


HAS MOVED Into the premises latelyoccupied by Mr. Joseph Tinker as a meatmarket, on Nuuanu street, opposite Chap-

lain street.A Full Supply o?Fresh CrispsJYlnde Daily i4-- i





first-clas- s


A Few


House Lot on Kalll street, at Kallhr

f House and Lot at Kallht; 400x100.i'rice).joo.House and Lot on Younc street; 75x15).$5,000.Lot at Kamolllllll, about H acre.

'Lot on Prospect street, 75x115.

'Three Lots orposlt. McKee Island,,next to Macdonald's.Four Lots Karahulu Tract. Slza . 1

Lioo each.



15 Kaahujiantj St

Great Business Opening!


Which I will sell outright, or will form acombination with an active business manfor placing the work 011 the market. Thisis a splendid business opening for a pro-

gressive man. For full particulars address1127 L. VV. G., Bulletin office.

ahm iwmkmiM kt


Page 3: Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut

rtetcfeidmmm)jMMJMMm$i Wffi'ML't&XiiQXityKffiS


'Roger and Gallet,Lundborg's,

Ricksecker's,Gosnell's, in all odors

Toilet Sets, Perfume Bottles,- -

Sachet Powders,Maile Cologne, Without a Rival.

Benson,Smith&Co.,LtdFORT AND

ESTilSLISIIBD I860.The Germania Life Insurance Co.

Of NEW YORK.ASSETS $23,723,677. 1 3

Legal Reserve to Policy Holders 20,866,008.00Surplus to Policy Holders 2,571,595.95Paid to Policy Holders since i860 38,331,242.67Claims by death paid to Beneficiary Policy Holders 20,846,623.84Matured Endowments paid to Policy Holders 5,524,720.07Life Annuities paid to Policy Holders 327,474.70Dividends and Surrenders paid to Policy Holders 11,632,424.06

TI10 Gorniunla Usnos nil tio latest mid most liberal forms of Llfo, Instal-ment, Iiicotun Divldond, KnilrAvmotil or ltond Policies.

GEAR, LANSING & CO., General Agents.EA.METT MAY, Manager.

,1029 King street, Honolulu.

oy is


JJ4 jrajWS'wi $y








Wa C. PEACOCK fc CO., Ltd.


Sole Agents.


Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew goods received ty every packet from States and Europe.

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER.orriem faithfully atlemlod to, and eoods deliveredTO ANY PART THE 01 TY FREE.

Gouoral Agents for the Sanitarium Brand of Health Eoods.aland Order Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed,

East Corner Fort and King Sts.seem


Embalming a Specialty.LOVE BUILDING, 634-53- G FORT ST. TEL. 84G.

R.'sidonoo 777 Fort St. Tol. 819'.



Handsome vehicles!Mnlitciti a largo Lntost

in SUmtEYS, PILUrONS andBiiltablo Qlfts.

Honolulu Carriage HanufactoryX'rop'r.jv



to Estate of Geo. CiBeckwIth, con-

taining 28.32 acres, situated at Haiku,Maul, the Plantation grounds;

elevation feet, trade winds blow fresh

ar ' from a comfortable sub-s- -

1.1I house of 7 rooms, 3 dressing rooms,ts, kitchen, pantry office,

-- il outbuildings all In good repair;- and shade trees. Water supply from

rn and never falling springs. Good

pasture with ravine running water.

Clear title from Royal Patents. fur-

ther Information inquire on premisesor of F.B.DAMON,il?6 Bank of Hawaii, Honolulu.









103-- i


O. BOX 145

ROAD CARTS, which will niako

fort sti:bt, above;hoteu

' Notice.I will not be responsible for any bills

contracted In the name of P. J. Voeller &Co. without signature of manager,Benito Guerrero, or his attorney In fact.

L. H. DEE,Att0"y Fact.

Honolulu, Feb. 1, iSon.

NOTICE.The Home Bakery Restaurant on Fort

street will be closed for alteration untilfurther notice. The Bakery will run as"sual. 1138-i-

No bllOn-WOr- n rrnnils nn thn rnim.ters of merchants who advertise inme uunctin..

On tho wo rocolved lot of tho Styles

lVV. W. VV JtAl.K3rM.'XX--



-- ool the sea;

and and





the the

Terrible PainsIn tho Stomach Dreadful Hoad-nch- oa

Fnco and Nock CovorodWith Bolls-Cur- od by Hood's

Is Now Cloar." I was corcrcd with bolls all over my faco

and neck. I had dreadful headaches anilpains In my stomach. I took medicines,but was not mnch benefited, and I pro-cured six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla.After taking tho first bottlo I c.ould sco animprovement. When I had taken a fewmoro bottles tho bolls had all go no, myskin was clear, my appetite returned, andmy health was entirely restored. I amthankful I over found such a blood puri-fier as Hood's Sarnnparllln. I paid out agood deal of money for useless medicinesbefore taking Hood's Sarsaparllla." V. P.Beckwitit, Hurlook, Maryland.

If you decide to try Hood's Sarsaparlllado not bo Induced to buy any other.

HOOdi S parHIaIs tho llcst In fact tho Ono True Mood l'url-fle- r.

lie sure to get Hood's, l'rlco $1, six for $5.

nrol,l ""frl'llls tofikoIIOOU S KllIS uitn Rood's Sarsajurllla.

Hotels and Restaurants.

Ee$QEtHalf Way Between Honolulu

ana me ureat scenicAttraction !

Accommodations for Han and Beast!

In the Most PicturesqueSpot in Nuuanu Valley....

LIGHT WINES AND BEERServed, excepting Sundays.

A. F, FRANCA, - Proprietor.ioo

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTK, Proprietor.

Hie Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoJFfeoat Atii noons.


Cigars and TobaccoA&WATH ON QAWP.

QUEEN HOTELRooms and Cottages


Por day, SI ; por woek, Si and 84 ;por month, 310 to $15.

JIKALS : .por d.iy 75 conts; por wook,

Waianae Hotel,Walanao, Oahu.

Finb Sea Bathing jand mountainScenery 1


W I All Trains to ni from Honolulu I Km43" I Siop.t the Hotel -- O

Albert Toogood, Prop'ietor.

Exparienced Caterer.

J. W. CHAPMANAnnouncos to tho public that lie In now

opon for ongngomonts to tako clmrso of

Banquots, Balls, Dinnors and Oardati

Parties, Socials, otcAddrew care Union Express Company

lie Bakery Roslaurant

And Icecream Parlors.E. POPPLTSTON. M'fl'K.

This Is mi inodorn AmericanRestaurant and lUkery. ExrollontMoala for 25 con to.


Excelsior Dining Saloon333 NUUANU ST.,


OHAS. LIND, Prop'r.First-clas- s moals, undor tho miporvls-lo- n

of a whlto limn, oorvod from 0 n. 111,mo p. in. oiKAU--i 'nVKKTY-FIV- K Cts.


Dewey Bestaurant.A FirHt-olftK- Itnvnrt In nnrx? rnutvint

Tho lost 2o cont moal to bo had.ICE CREAM 15 GENTS A PLATE.

LOOK HOP & CO.,1008 HoroUnla and Fort strooti,


Continued from Pago 1.

it wns tho privilpgo of ovory tlolo-ga- lo

to cast Lis individual ballot.Mr. McCaudlrss then moved

Unit the noraiuntious close, whichwns seconded and put to tho meet-ing.

Mr. Towse snul ho knew of noauthority for tho objootion of Mr.Kennedy. It was an ordinarymotion in any dolibnrativo body.There was no other nomination,aud it would facilitato matters toallow tho general motion.

Col. Fisher said, it was a triflingmalter to squabble ovor, butthings must bo done according tothe rules of convention. Therefore,ho did not soo how tho motioncould bo entertained under theirrules.

Mr. Towso explained that hodid not eay, "cast a unauimousballot," but. "cast tho ballot of thoconvention."

Mr. Carter, having been askedto givo his opinion, said that itwas invariably understood thattho motion for tho secretary tocast a ballot meant unanimouscoiiBont of tho convention, and themotion in snob n caso as thopresent ought to bo for a suspen-sion of tho rules.

Tho chairman ruled in accordant with Mr. Carter's opinionand tho motion of Mr. McCand-I08- 8

boing put was carried unanimously.

Messrs. Hoocs and Martin woreappointed as tellors, and tho balloting proceeded.

Col. lienor called for the candidate to give his support to thoplatform, nccordiuc to tho rules.As Mr. Lansing was not presont,Uol. lusher and Mr. Kennedywero appointed a committee tofetch-hi- beforo tho convention.They returned in a .fow minutesoscorting tho candidate.

Mr. Lansing was received withhearty applause, and, on boinc requested by the chairman to address tho convention, said: I didtumk that, ns 1 had boon identi-fied with tho American Unionparty since its iucoption, myprinciplos wore so woll knownthat i should not neod tocomo boforo a convention to da- -claro thorn. But a raembor hasreminded mo that it is ono of therules adopted by tho party, thatevery nomiuoo is required to doso. I thank you, goutlomon, forthe opportunity of appearing be-fore you this cvoniug. Tho ob-jects that brought us together bis.yearB ago have been attained, buttho political changes that nreabout to take place makes it in-

cumbent upon ovory man heropresent, upon ovory member of thoAmerican Union party, upon allsupportors of annexation, and up-on every American in tho islands,wuethor Identified with any poli-tical parties heretofore or not, tostand roady to porform whatevor duty they may be called upon to do toward fostorinc andmaintaining tho principles ofAmerican liberty auct ltuiopondeuce, throughout the islands. Ibog to assure you of my fidolityto tho principles of tho AmericanUnion party, and ray willingnessto with you in promoting tho commercial importanceand political honor of these isl- -

nuda, 60 far as lies in my power todo. (Applause.)

Tho ballot was thon called outby the tollors, showing twouty-tw- o

votoB for Mr. Lansing, ono com-plimentary voto for tho reproaon-tativ- o

of tho Bulletin present,and one blank ballot.

Chairman Smith announcedMr. Lansing as tho candi-date of tho convention by apractically unanimous voto.

Col. Fishur moved that a com-mittee of three bo appointod (owee that tho potition wns properlydrawn up, lho necessary numberof signatures to it obtained, andtho deposit of $25 mado with thoMinister of the Intonor before 4o'clock Monday afternoon. Carried.

Messrs. Kennedy, Fishor andSims wore appointod such commit-to- o.

Col. Fishor, on a motion to ad-journ boing made, said laughing-ly: Before wo adjourn I must sayit is a Yory crude sot of politicianswho havo arranged this meeting,othcrwiso wo should have bad allthese things cut and dried so thatwu need not have tnkon up a wholoevening with tho business.

Among a small uutnbor of spec-lalo- is

present woro noticed Hon.II. M. Whitney and Col. AVill.FiBhor.

Adjourned at 8:18.

Thoo. F. Lausing may fairly bo

regarded as ono of tho foremostcitizens of tho now Hawaii. Hiscareer, from tho beginning ofmany yoars' residence in lionolulu, has been altogethor honorabio, meritorious and upward.Prior to tho dark latter days of18D2, Mr. Lansing was not ac-

counted as a politiciuu. Tueevents of that epoch, however,moved him as it did others waving a stako in tho country, and a !

puulic-Bpinte- d mtoiost in its welfaro, to como to tho front andmnko a stand for tho coainluto audpermanent Amoricanizing of thocountry us thoonly policy givingassurnuco ot stability, trauquillity,liberty and progross. Mr. Laus-ing was ono of tho thirteon tuoin-bo- rs

of tho Committeo of Safetywho, on Junuary 17, 1893, threwtheir fortunes aud their lives intotho balauoo in proclaiming at aiiend tho country's nuoinalous con-dition of boiug ruled by a sovor-oig- u

assuming suporior authorityto tho constitution, aud installingiu power a provisional govern-ment that dovoloped into a con-stitutional republic which hasboon ablo to attain to union withtho greatest republic on earth.Mr. Lansing has for many yoarsbeen one of the most valued mem-bers of tho Board fo Health.For a few months, when Mr. Da-mon had resignod to attend theDiamond Jubiloe in London, Mr.Lansing held tho ollico of Ministor of Financo. Ho performed itshigh and onerous duties with sa-

tisfaction nliko to hiscollenguesand tho community.

Iu private affairs Mr. Lansing'srecord has boen no less creditablethan in thoso of a public nature.For a long period ho was tho man-ago- r

of tho largo importing houseof M. Phillips it Co., a position towhich ho earned promotion' by hisfidelity in a moro hum bio capaci-ty. For some time past he hasboen ongagod in the financial,real cstato and insurance businessas a momrjor ot tuo urm ot uear,Lansing & Co. Mention mustnot bo omitted of tho leading partiur. unnsing iook ion yoars ngoin starting tho Pioneer Buildingand Loan Association, which hasproved to bo ono of tho most useful institutions, as it is 6teadilybecoming one of tho most flourish.ing and powerful, which has ovorbeen identified with U10 progressof Honolulu.

It woro a bleBBiug devoutly tobe wished by the country if allwho aro chosen to make its lawsheld thn samo honorable record,in public or private allairs, asThoo. F. Lansing, tho unopposedcandidate of tho American Unionparty for tho seat now vacant intho Senate. Not only tho party,but tho country, may rest assuredthat his pledgo of fidolity to Ame-rican principlos will be faithfullyand strictly redeomed to the letter.May tho honor now protTerod Mr.Lansing by tho proraier sena-torial district not be the last onohe shall receive from the samoconstituency.

r.lcrlrlclly a Cur..May Ihero not bo hope for the

groat afflicted class of Hawaii intho following lato dispatch fromVienna?

"Prof. Benedict, of tho VionnaUniversity, who has been expori-montin- g

during tho past yearwith the Tesla system of cures bymeans of electrical currents, hasachieved eomo splendid results iutho cure of gout and skin disensps.Ho believes it is practicable toeuro consumption by this method.'

.T Our Cu.tomtr..

Chambqrlain's Cough Ilomodyis tho boat cough syrup wo havoevor used oursoives or in ourfamilies. W. H. King, Isaac P.King and many othors in thisvicinity, havo also prononnced ittho host. All wo want is for poo-p- le

to try it, and thoy will be con-vinced. Upon honor, there is nobetter thau wo havo evor tried,and wo havo used many kinds.11. A. Blako & Son, Qoueral Mer-chants, Big Tunnol, Va. Sold bynil dealors. Benson, Smith &

Co., Gen. Agents.

Atnorican Messenger SorviceMasouio Tomple. Telephone444. -

Mr. F. O. Holbig, a prominentdruggie1, of Lynchburg, Va., Bays:"Uno or our citizens was cure" otrheumatism of two years standing, by ono bottlo of Chainborlain'sPain Dalm. This liniment isfamous for its euros of rheumatism; thousands havo boon delighted wilh tho prompt reliefwliich it affords. For bhIo by nildealors. lienson, bmith x (JoGen. Agents.

bk.LLA., .tf.tJiTl TfL'rff&'rt -- '""''

Real Estate and Insurance,

JLtlFJi. and iniREIMPURE AuEJin

AGENTS FOIL.New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

tna Fire Insurance Company

.of Hartford.

Brucs Waring & Co.

Lands fok Sale.Money to Lmii on Mortgages.


Svea Fire Insurance Co. of Gothenburg-- AND-

American Fire Insurance Co. of Phila.

PROGRESS BLOCK.Room 1 in 8. Telefhor. 67.


Real Estate Broker,209i MERCHANT ST.

fou sam:.Twelvo Cliluoso Grnnlto HltelilliK

l'ots, $' each,l'rojiorty iu town.


W. C. ACHI & CO,,

Brokers & Dealers

REAL ESTATEOT Wo will liny or Hell Real EBtato in

ill parts of I lie (jronp.C?" Wo will Soil Propcrtioa on Koanon.

ible GointntBsions

OFFICE. 10 West King Street






LOUIS K. M'GREWOKKIC'l! Xo. 15 Kimlmimum utreot,

Honolulu. Fonuorlr A. Kos.i'h olllee.Unltml Stutos Outom IIouxo HroKornAccountant, .ScnruluirH of Tltlu- - andGonornl HusmexH Acmta.Tolopliono B20 1021


Membci of Honolulu Stock Exclungt.Queen ttreet.

Telephone r. P. O. Dox 51.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Munngor of

I'he Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United State for the HawaiianIslands,

Orirwi Merchant Htrttet. Ilonolnlni


No. 45 Qncen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealXstate and Furniture,

. A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Broker.

Member ol tb Honolulu Stock Exctungt.

Ofllco Quoon etrcot, opposite UnionFood Company.

1'Tetephone 506. P.O. Don )?. 1044


Expert Accountants and $Searchers of Titles.

Cubtom House Buokeiib.Room No. 5 Sprockola llulltltntr,

Honolulu, H. I.

Subscribers fo the BUL-

LETIN not receiving their papers promptly will confer afavor by notifying the 'Bnst- -ness Office, Telephone 256.

if.. .J


4 t ,



mrV ' J


i.m'u --j. & - ' fttffiiliiitlMllJC! """"""t misf9sBSSSSS9t'KWtKMKkmmai

Page 4: Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut






Evening Bulletin,Published Every Day, except Sunday, at no King

trect, Honolulu, II. I., by the


W. R. FARRINGTON !. ... . . EditorDANIEL LUOAN Cltyldllor

MONDAY, FliB. 13, 1899.

"Willi n murder mystery nod aBcoaforitil olocliun, Honolulu kpojH

up with tin1 tiiueb hb evidenced iD

contompornrirs of tho Stntos.

Tim expoHitioo fml it) enlistingtlie yiu'irdinus of the niuioual

to tnigfji'ot that the limitof the itdvcrtisiug funds has aboutboen reaobrd.

It Ainericnn laws hiv not ex-

tended hooii, tho uon-vmi- ng spectutor at Iliwiuinn eledimiB willbo tho iirimdpiil feiitvue of tho lo-

cal situation

"While paint of pence again ap-

pealing on tho worships going to

tho Philippim'H suggests that if

Undo Sum lias troubles of hisown they will not ho consideiodwar.

Tho time was vrlwn the bano ofn Congressman's life hhb appli-cations for ponsioLS. Now appli-cations for discharge of men involunteer repinunts aro added to

0 uigressional duties

Thanks may bo offored for thebluejackets having, taken to bicyclts instond of horses for thoiroutings on shore A jolly JHck

tar on horseback is uot always u

thing of beauty and joy forever.

The resolution expressing disapproval of tho Central Committeein 6orao of its recent acts did notmake its appearance at the pint)convention Saturday nicht. Yet

in days gone by we havo beentold that tho Central Committeedid not express tho Bentiment ofthe paTty. Strange isn't it?

A Minescta legislator has intro-1ujk- 1

a bill requiring schoolteachers to instinct th-- ir pupils int'je UBe of fltearms, this with aview to decreasing tho "didn'tkmw it was loaded" accidents.ThJ chances aro that a good por-

tion of tho school marms would

have to take several lossons before

giviug much valuable instruction

Tho latest thing in the nowspapar field is tho Sunday iVolcano

that made its first appearanceyosterday. TIu'h paper starts inwith tho bright prospects thatusually attend tho launching of

new weeKiieB nere. xi is originand woll edited, and in generalmake up not unlike The Timopublished mme years ago. TheBulletin oxtends bot wishes forsuccess.

It is interesting to unto Hinttho champion of MugKumpeiystiggeeta that tho horrible Does

Piatt of Now York shows morecommon sense in dealing with thoexpansion policy than dooa Sen-

ator Hrnr tho gret lawyer. Thopractical man in politics is usu-

ally found tho practical man indnnliug with natiouaL affairs andbettor adapted to carry out thowill of the people.

Gen. Shafter tells his story oftho Santiago campaign in tho cur-ron- t

uumbtr of tho Ooutury. Gen.Shutter does not dotail a singlemistako, and fuithormoro btntesthat hi i general hoiulquartorawhon first established was not inroar of his fighting lino. Whiloho gives a more roseate hue to hiswork tlmn has guuorully boougiven by othorn, Shafter should atleast bo given tuo credit of tofusing to attack those with whomhis relations were not particularlyfriendly.


Tho seleoti u of i'hoo. J?. Luu-e'n- g

to fill tho senatorial vacancy


of tlio logislaturo is ouo that willmpct with general approval irreripective of party or faction. EHb

public aud pnvato career lineboon HiiH) that nomtuntion in

practical assuranco of election, asit is not likolv that the adminis-tration or those in the AmoricauUnion puny opposed to the presout olliuiiil admitiitratioti w illoffer auy candidnto in opposition.Mr. Lansing is a people's enndi- -

dite who accepts the nominationof the organized party in tho s,

aud will recoivo tho unitedsupport of the voters and thonioial oudors ment of tho nouvoters of t lie territory.

In national politics Mr. Lan-

sing Iihs been a Republican amitdmuld the occasion ariso cau bedepended upon to support thoprinciples of thnt party.


Judging from tho remarks ofHilo papprs aud peoplo thero arewharves and whnrves; structuresthat run out into tho wntor andan- - useful to business interests,nndb collection of piles and plankathat me up monoy and offor nopitticiilar bonelits to a long suf-

fering public. Frojn all accountsthe now Hilo wharf comes underthe latter hoadiug. Of courseHilo Iihb tho namo of being hardto satisfy, but tho ontire aggrega-tion of tax payors has an intorestin seeing to it that whon publicmouey is expendod it shall bo withan eye to the future, and thatfuture is, in thw particular case,that Hilo shall havo wharf fncilities that will accommodate seagoing ships not whalo boats.Every dollar that is speut onHilo harbor iinprovoment thathas uot this end in view is juatso much monoy wasted, aud whonHilo gets tho wharfage in wants,as it eventually will, the make-

shift structures will simply standas a monument of unnecessarymistakes. '


Sinco Saturday evening therehai bem another string of foroigns tiling vessels arriving in port.Tho firt was tho American bark-ontin- o

Jane L. Stanford.Tho Stanford camo in about

G:33 p. in. Saturday with a cargoof coal fiora Newcastle for W. U.Irwin Si Co Sho left NewcnstleJanuary 13th. Coming in collisiou with the S. S. Lornica, shewhh forced to return to port. TheSUnford did not sail Benin untilJauuary 20th.

The American schooner LaNinfa, a small vessel, camo in at(i:50 a m. Suuday from Seattlevia Hilo. If it is possible, shewill be sold hero. Tho Ninfasailed from Seattle, Novomber 7,1808, Bnd from Hilo, Fobruary 9,1899.

The American sohooner 0. S.Holmes arrived from Seattle at8:30 a. m. Sunday. She has acurco of lumhor for Allon & Robinson The Holmes took thirty- -live days to get hero.

The Amoiicau schooner RobertLowers camoin at 5:30 p. m. Sunday with general morchaudiso for11 Hackfeltl ,fc Co., as well as 350lings and a horso. Tho RobertLowers hailed from San FrauciscoJanuary 23 Ono of tho sailorstook sick on the trip.

The American schooner Muriolcamo in trom JNowcastlo tinsmorning with coal to order. Captain Carlson is suffering fromsaiaticu

Tho British ship Linlithgow-shii- e,

1357 tous, W.B. Audoreoumaster, arrived in port at noontimp, 130 days from London, Bnc-lan- d,

laden with a cargo of 1975tons rif ueueral merchandise forH. Hackfeld & Co.

Besides tho above thero is stillanother schooner off. port, thenamo Of which is unknown at thetime tho Bulletin goes to press.

Thi. Vlmlriil Ashore.Tlftur Arlmirnl TCnn. vuna nnlinrn

from tho Philadelphia yesterday,spending eonio timo at tho Ha-waiian hotel. Tho gallant navalcnmmnnilnr ifl n lirnllinr nf tlinlate M'tjor Goneral Kaulz, whowas prominent in tho civil warand distiugui-ihe- as a cavalryloador of great energy and suc-cess.


Notes of Progress in Town and Country

Are All the News.

Addition to Coasting Fleet Building Opera-lion- s

and Land Sales Dry Weather

All Along Coast.

Items from Herald and Tribune:A tourist takes nenrly a page of

tho Herald to express his' opinionthat Hilo is superior to othefwinter resorts hero or on tbo main-

land.Tho Mntson lino's cold storage,

having lauded boer in good con

dition, fresh buttor from the

Coast is next lo bo tried, thou

fruits and vegetables.

Tho Koua Sngir Co. has boughtthe schooner Alton and will runbetween tho plantation and Houn-lul- u

as soon as u counting licensecau be procured. She will ho

commanded by Capt. John Noil-eo- n,

formorly master of tho steam-

er John A. Cummins.Water has liopp turned on in

tho brnnzo fountain erected byBruco Waring it Co. in Riversidepark. Littlo Miriam Stacker,daughter of tho editor of thoHerald, porformed tho coromouy.

Town lots at Olaa aro being ad-

vertised.U. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., aro

expeuding, about $5000 ontheirlumber sheds.

The previously published state-msu- t,

that two Chicago men clear-ed S1G.000 inside of threo mouthsby a deal in govornracnt land,proves to bo a fiction.

Tho building of both dwellinghouses and places of business isfully as active now as at any timein Hilo's modern growth, showingboth a considerable influx of population and much business act-

ivity.Tho marriago of Miss Lizzie

Cunu'mghain and Dr. H. B. Elliot is announced to tako place noWashington's birthday.

Tho schooner La tfinfu clearedfor Honolulu on Friday. It iH

not known whether sho will bosold or loaded with sugar for thecoast.

A traveling man reports thedtyest woathor from Hnmakua,right the coast and to the Volcanothat ho ha over experienced Notone occasion for using an oil coattho whole trip.

One lot of twenty acres in Kaumaua, suitable for tho growth ofsugar, was sold this wooli to It. 1Forrest, for S1000. A considorahloamount of laud iu Eaumnua is bo- -

ing devoted to oano, which will boilumed down to YVainuku.

There is a in ivement on font tohave a man appointed by tho Gov-ernment to bo permanently on tolook after whatovor blights andpests may appear, and to workgenerally for tho iutorests of theplantors and farmers iu tbo linoof work of which Professor Koebelo has chargo.

Prof. Koobelo roports that thodamago said to have been dono bythe cano-bore- r at Ouomea hasbeen exaggerated. Very littlo re-

sult of work has been perceivedon the part of this pest. The badappearance of cortaiu fields resultsfrom other causos which will berei.dily removed.



Tho New England bakery madenn ovntion'Stttnrday night by treating its patrons toamusicalprogramthroughout tho eveuiug. ThoHawaiian Quintet Club stationedin the roatauraut gavo tho popularHawaiiau airs that aro so highlyappreciated by old residents andnow coiners. Tho usual refresh-ments which tho Now Englandbakery always has on hand, woroserved.

An Old I'loncr.T. L. Willis, who died at Pa- -

hala, Hawaii, was a vory old resi-don- t

of tho Hawaiian Islands. Hewas a California pioneer nud camoto Hawaii in tho early fifties. Mr.WillB was tho father of T.O.Willa,tho wollknown merchant, who hasboon in business nt Pahnla manyyears, lie was nimsoit an activeand public spirited man in tho daysof his strength, and has held va

rious government commissions.


Continued from Piikc 1.

up to join the Special ServicoSquadron and to proceed with theBattleship Oregon to Manila.Leaving Now York Octobor 13,the Iri-- proceeded to Bahia whereshe furnished tho squadron therowith water. From Bahia ehewent to Punta Aienas, Sirnits ofMagellan. Here sho was joinedby the Oregon, Iowa and tho restof the Bquadron that had stoppedat Rio do Janeiro.

From Punta Arouas, thoIris and Scindia went toLotn, Chile, for cotl. Thoremainder of the squadron pro-ceeded to Valparaiso and then toCallno, where tho Iris wniored thoIowa. Threo days after leavingthe lntter port the Iowa and thorofrigorator ship Coltic left thesqundrou and proceeded to SnnFrancisco. Tho Celtic ran ont ofmoat and returned to tho portmentioood for a now supply. Sheis expected hero before loug, onhpr way to Manila Tho Celtichnd 7000 carcHsecs aboard whonBbe left New York.

The Iris sailed from Galapagosfor Honolulu as already givenabove.

Tho function of tho Iris is tofuruish water to war vessels iuthe fcqna'lron sho accompanies.This muked the Government independent of pooplo at differentports who sometimes nBk exorbi-tant prices for a sufficient supplyto ships.

Tho plant aboard the Iris iscom pns A of twelve evaporators,six on tho starboard and six ontho port side. These constitutefour sets of three evaporators oach.The steam from tho ships' boilcrjpasses through tbo pipes to ono oftho evaporators of each set throughtubps which aro surrounded bysalt wider. This water evaporates,tho steam passinc through thosecond evoporator of each sot,converting tho salt wator thereIntostoam aud producing steam inwhat is kuown as tho third effectThis goes into a condenser and isconverted iuto fresh water, whichib either pumped into storazotanks or directly aboard a shiptaking water. Besides supplyingwater tho Iris koeps oil aboard forUncle Sara's ships.

Tho Iris is capable of producing75,000 gallons of fresh water perday. Thero are at present, threowater ships in the U. S. Navv.

Liout William E Safford is wollkuown in Honolulu. Ho washere some ton years ago in thoMohican and, at that timo, sawmuoh of tho country and tbo peo-plo. His last trip hore was iu theAlort three years ago. Mr Safford is now Exocutivo Officer oftho Iris nud is most efficient iuhis office.

Liout W N Littjo is anotherofficer aboard tho Iris who is wellkuown in Honolulu. He washoro lastun the Philadelphia asPassed Assistant Engineer. Hehas sinco rison to tho rank ofChief Engineer aud to him is duomuob credit for bringing the Irissafely into port without accident,when it is considered that theship's boilors aro far from satis-factory.

Tho Scindia remained off portall morning. As tho Bulletingoes to press, she is boinp; towodin hy tho U S Tugboat Iroquoisand tbo Government TugboatEleu. She is unable to steam iuhiMself on account of her recontbrenkdowu.

Oaptain Engono Watson, oom-mand- er

of tho Scindia, is wellkuown in Honolulu, Ho was horonot long sinco as commandor ofthe U S S Adams.





Winchester 44 Carbines.Winchester 45-- 70 Sporting Rifle.Winchester Magazine Shot Guns.Rice Dird Guns.Single and Double-Barr- el Shot

Guns.Smith & Wesson Revolvers.Colts Revolvers.

Pacific Ilardwam Co, Ltd..

Fort Street.


Tho People's 3?rovilcvH

rr&si Will show this weeksome recent importations ofbleached and unbleached TableLinens and Napkins, and Linenand Cotton Towels.

Special attention is called tothe above, as the qualities areguaranteed, while the pricesdefy competition.


Tlie I?eoplo's Providers.

MMIHWMMlMMMMlMiMachines Sold on Installments. Renting and Repairing.

Parts and Needles for All Machines.





FEB. 14TH !


The Golden Rule Bazaar received by thelast steamepa NEW AND BEAUTIFULLINE of

which are now on display In their win-

dows, 316 Fort street. All those Interestedare Invited to call and Inspect the line.



GolrienMeBazaarIs the best place In the city to buy STA-



316 FORT ST.

The "Anamba"Brought Us,AmongOther Goods :

--64 crates and i8cisks of CROCK- -

ERY and CHINA WARE, containing anew supply of our n

...Trilby Ware...In BLUE, FADE GREEN and RUSSETBROWN colors, with our new 1899 pat-

tern called LYTTON.Also a fine line of WHITE

and Including a completestock of IRON STONE for HOTELand RESTAURANT trade.

We are also displaying the "Red Poppy"In French China, which Is very peat In

appearance, reasonable in price, and Is soldIn quantities to suit the purchaser.

W, W. Dimond & Co,,LIMITED v

--Von Holt Block, King struct.

BSTSole Agents, H iwailan Islands, for

"Jewel" Stoves, Gumey CleanablePrimus Oil Stoves.

"city repair shop115 Bethel St., opp. Castle & Cooke

TELEPHONC ion.Strictly new 1898 Cleveland Illcycles lor Rent.Repairing promptly ani thoroughly attended to.

All work guaranteed.C. JONES,

iuj-6- R. CLARK.

Practical Horseshoer,

J. A. MORGANHas Removed to

JOHN A. NUNES', 127 QUEKN btrcot,Near Richard street


HSewing Machine



The Use : :

of paying big prices forclothing, hats and furnishings, whenyou can buy new and stylish goodsfor less money? Ours' Is all newand stock, bought at thelowest cash prices ever andnot an article In the store has beenthere more than one season.

Come unci CompnrcOur men's suits with those thatothers are asking more for, and youwill appreciate what we are sellingyou.

Come and Compare 1

Oursplendld line of hats, underwear, Jboys' and children's suits, gloves,sweaters, shirts, collars, with any-- jthing shou'n you, and you will say 'our styles are .and pricesthe lowest named by any first-cla-

house in the city.

9 Hotel Street : : WllYerley BlOCl1

AfontH (or Dr. Linen-Mes- h

TTiiitorwir. aPii'' 'or Catalogue.

Wo Make Shirts to Order.

Tolophono No 070.

Guitars Made.My Guitars aro noted for tho purity

of their tono.Guitars, Mandolins, Violins, etc., Repaired.

A. DIAS,o9 lloitl street, noposlte the Arlington.

F. IT. OTREMBA,Wood Carving and Polishing.

Lessons Given inFancy Wood Carving.


and floor Honolulu Planing Mill. tn


Is a kplendldly equipped establishment. It Ins cour-teous drivers, line horses, and rubber-tlres-

voluptuous vehicles.

Ring up Telephone 32 l1119

MANUEL NUNES,v Manufacturer ol


Workmanship and Material Guaranteed. Repairinga Specialty.

1130 ;: Xo. 210K KING ST.



ii5;i Nuuanu street, 4 Honolulu, H. I,mi



400 Nimnnu Struct. .

Chairs of nil Kinds, Mntting,Cigars, Silk nud Clilncso Teas. 1130




"The Kash,"



Contractors, Builders,





Page 5: Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut




To-day- 's Honolulu StockExchange Report.



C. Brewer & G

Sugar.Am Sue'rCo.AsAmSuOo.pd up

Csrllal 'ShV-. .. . . . . .ifluino cji$u J

1,001,000 io,ood


BwftPlant'n Co ,000,000 30,000ll.mnjt PlftnCo IM.Ooo l.TColUw'n ARr. Co 500,000 5,000Haw'n Sue Co ,ooo,oooao.ooo

Su Co 3x,ood 3,000HonoKaa : LO I,000,U0OI0,0U0Haiku SufcAfCo soo.ood 5,000Kahuku n n 1.0 500,00a 5,000Koloa SuearCo, 300,000! 3.000KlpahuluSuCo 160,000 1,600Oahu ASMbl 600,000! 6.000


Onnmfl U 1,000,00010,000v QokalaSP'nCopiowalu Com'yPacific Su MillI'ala riant rn--oPepeekeoSuCononeer.'iiu voWilluku Su CoWalmanaloSCoWalmtaMIIICoWalanavCom )Mnetltjntaui

Wilder S S CoInter-I- s S N CoHaw'n Dec Co.Hono. K I SLLoMutual Tele CoMakahaCofl.As

" o'd vOahuUy&LCo

DoitJi.Haw Covper c

nr?nu rn.t; iOahuHyftlgo

r if7W.0OO1




750,000, 7,500

700,0001 7,ouo351,000. 9,520135,000 1,350355,000 3.550

5oo,ooo 5,000500,00a 5,000350,00a 3,3501soo,con 9,000150,00c 13,00a

9,ool 9031,000 31c

1,500,000 1 5.0UO

CapitalPaid Up






















Two men from tti-- ' Oregon wereexpected Ht the. Qup.om'b hospitaltoday, one who Ims bad puoumo- -

nin bdly mid tho other whosebend bns bee 11 injured by nccidout.


Tel. 746.

Prince Cupid Itrtarna.Tho steamer Iwalani returned

from Kailua nt about 9:30 o'clock

this forenoon, bringing Prince Cu-

pid Kaliinianno.p, his wif-- , DrGoore Herbert, Dr A McWayne,Wm Blriitjdell, J F Colburu andLilikalani. i

Tim Iwalnni rencbod Kailuaat 10 o'clock Sunday momiug. DrHerbert went asboro immediatelyto attend toPriuceOapid wboso injury iy a KICK irom a uorsu wubnoted lu Saturday's bulletin.Prince Cupid wbb able to notabout, but complained of a s"veropaiu in the side, whore tho horsohad kicked him. This had pre-

vented his sleeping or eatingmuch. However, ho mado preparatiaun to return to Honoluluand left in tho afternoon.

The pxct nature of tho hurt isnot yet Iniowu.

- m w

Cmmlnry Invfallitittlnn.CiiDtain Lydic, ohiof commis

sary, and Mr.. Niokerson, chiefclerk of comuiissaiy, HawaiianpoRt, U. S. A., will not go toMaui tomorrow an they had in


tended. Arrangement could notbo made in time They will visitthat island as soon as possible,for die purpose of investigatingthe food supply. This work habeen alrend) done ou Hawaii andKauai.




We con make your old wheelAS GOOD AS NEW!

Our new plant Is turning outwork unexcelled by any fac-

tory. Any color, plain orstriped. With or withouttransfers

If you have a broken frame we can put In

a new bar at very little cost

Any minor repairs done on short notice !





You are always right inbuying


On account of the excellentfinger board they are the bestinstrument a beginner canprocure.

Cheapest. Why? Becausethey are the best.

All Hawaiian Songs canbe procured at our counter;




wants "position in wholesale or retail house. See WANTS.

Pacific Cycle Co. have inst received '99lnodel; White, itrmiugton and Orescent Bicycle.

Annual meelinu of tlio IuteriHlnnd Steiimsbip Company 'Cuesday, March 7. Sse Now Today.

Tho management of tho Hawai-ian hotel announce the opening ofthe Now Annex at Wuikiki. SeeNow Today.

A sailor from tha trnuspoitOhio was taken to the Queen'shospital yesterday to receivetreatment Tor appendicitis.

Chns. Hall, who frmKailua in the Miiuun Loi Friday,returns to that place in the samesteamer tomorrow raorniug.

Among the arrivals from Kauaiin tho W. G. Hall Sunday werethe following: Prof. Walter Mux-wel- l,

M Brasch, J. K. Farloy, AG.iudall and It. T. Wilbur.

Sursor Bfckloy of tho Kinau re- -

drv weather alone theHilo coast. In Hilo it is so drythat thero is dust on tho treotti.Tbid is a most unusual pbeuome-uo- n.

Captain Charles F. Pond of theIroquois has rented tho Vida homeon rung streot. H.0 expects niwife hoio in n short timo. Hisfon cntno from San Francisco intho Iroquois with him.




rrrrrJrArrArrJjrrJd.nDemand for Militury


Major Langfitt, commanding theU. S. A. post, has made an oral de-

mand on the Hawaiian Governmentfor the delivery to him of all themilitary buildings, munitions O

formerly belonging to the Re- - jjrtf Hnl'nll. Nntlllntr li:ic Vit

done, formally, In the way of

complying the demand.







Bishop Guatnn, Beoisted by hitsulergy, dedicated tho Cutholicuhnpel for Portuguese Murqueavillo yeetotdny with impreBsiveceromouicH. 'I'horo waa.nn neaeinbingo on tho ground which wouldhave filled a building three timestho size of tho chapol.

Adolph Kuust, tho German carpenter who fell through tho coil

oDice in Queon strcot, is dninu aswell ns could bo oxpoclo.l at theQueen's hospital. Ooiuc73ycnrBof ago, it is a wonder the shook olhist fall did not kill him.' II. W. Sbinglo assumed his d'uties with Honry Wntorhouse &Co. today. Tho nowspapor frit-torn- ity

here has lost a most elliciont worker nnd Wntorhouse & Co.gained a valuable man. Thn Butletin wishes Mr Sbinglo all suo-ce- ss

and a long aud prosperouscommercial career.

Owners of horses, cattle, sheepand dogs should read the adver-tisement of the John Pottio &Sons remedies under New Today.The John Pottio remedies are ofworld wide reputation, and overyowner of nnimals should have nlot on hand. Clarence W. Mac-farlan- o

is tho local agent.Manager Glnzo of the Hilo hotel

hns made a great many improve-ments at that place. Special dinners and dnnces with fine music,aro given twice a week. Tho hotolhas hecorno vory popular and lissuccess is assurod. Purser Beck- -

ley of tho Kinau states that theplaco kpopa full all tho timo.

iiluejacKets on bicycles, in agroup of six or night.'mado fun onKing stroot this forenoon. Itwub ovor one of thorn who wasonly learning tho machine. Final-ly, nfter many tumble, thtueophyto was taken in tow, at thoond of a, cord, by a comrado audtho partf went whirling out Ala-k- en


Aro Aft.r Sulto.

Posters describing tho looks ofSnito the accomplice-- of Mnida,tho man who has just boon givenlifo sentonco for a receut crime,aro being 6ont to overy island, intho grdSui). A rownrd of $500 isoffered for his capture.

-.- -Henulor anil Ohio.

Tho Senator and Ohio will sailbetween 1 aud 5 o'clock this after-noon. The two ship's huvo ordersto keop together' all the way toManila.




The New Music Storeof Wail, Nichols Co.is Now Open !

New shipment of


New Records and Tune Sheets lor toe.




W. E. BIVENS, the Rcnl EstateAtien t, Iuik chunked IiIh locationfrom Jt5 Fort street to the new quarters In

Mclnenry Block, opposite Bank of Hawaii.'Phone 146.

The Bulletin classifies its ads. Re-

sultsmall advertisers get a squaredeal.




Squash, 3c per lb.Cranberries, 15c


Fort and Hotel Sts.Telephone 680. 1 109



Onice: 20S Merchant street, Cnip-bel- lIllook, reur of J. O. Carter's oUlcu.

P. O. Box 104.

EDMUND H. HART,Notary Public and Typewriter

Conveyancer ni Setrcher ol Records.

Olllco Camplwll'M Illook, Morebnnt St.Next door to Hawaiian Wine Co. lojvlt

Notice.I'efxonH wishing to olitntn board nt

Mukawno, Mnul,cau be rccotnmotlntodnt MILS. II. IS. ISAIM-rV'-

forms, $10 perwoek. fi.15--

BNAMBLING,We malic specialty of fine enameling, either In plain black, colors, or

highly decorated finish.

Kodaks Repaired,Also guns, typewriters, bicycles, and any article tequlring skilled andfinished workmanship. All work guaranteed. Will call for and deliver.

3- - KO- -

PEARSON & HOBRON, Agts312 FORT ST. Telephone 565.

'i :.Jb ':: vi.l.ai.

jl. , sL - j fVn ;






GiftsFop All



rS'. . . In selecting Gifts

many points are to be considered:

First of all, where is the largestand best display to be seen ?

Second, the quality and prices ?

After you have convinced your-

self on these two points the restis easy.

Stock.We have on display the

largest nnd greatest variety of

CHOICE GOODS ever offeredin Honolulu. We know our prices

are right, because we Jbuy rightfrom the manufacturers, therebysaving the percentage made by

the middle man.

and BestWhen you come to our store

we feel it our duty to familiarize

you with the goods we carry, and

our time is yours.

Come and inspect our stock.

Goods are all marked in plain





We havex a LargeAssortment thisintrinsically valuable article,' which

sellingthe most reasonable figures.






Hollister Drug



we are at




y VI


Page 6: Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut

! U.l "H"1!! "', '"-.- " "MM MTTfMrnMTrrlfM-TrnWMMM- - III li nun i imiihiiiii jiii j. - ,,, ..,, .. .- - , ...it

aamrwrrm:!jAr ' - - ., inr.RuT'' K$- - ' T


K' I Markets. THE HAWAIIAN LEGISLATION HEWSY 0F mi Attorneys. Bankers.

k' MTiiriunnnnipnu MiHifl pr continued nom rage 1.

MB mUmihiini lUUlll UU, Washington, Fob. I Olmir ltm M1UV UI 1111 U1U1, LIU. hud .Qnrfonb'oTcl F. I nSn 101 KING STltEET man Kuoxof tho Houbo Commit

W ; G. J. "WAiiLEit, : ; Makaqeii

Wty Wholesale and Ketail

i! i Butchers

f V

"r - 1

h i



Navy Contractors.BEST OP MEATS.

Famlllos doslrlng tendor roasts,Juicy sleaks and chops shouldcall on tho

Central Meat MarketWo mako a siwclalty of family trademid to 11 tho best at reasonablellguros.

H. E. GARES, Proprietor.21 1 Nutmnii St. Tolophono 10 i.


Sterling 25c !

SilverTn! ThimhQcT


'Gold, Silver and Plated Ware,in the Latest Designs,


The Season IAll Goods Guaranteed as Itoprcsonted.

j WAlX'HMAKint,MANiM'-AcruniN-

o ji:vi:i,i:rAND OPTICIAN.

M. R. COUNTERCU7 Fort Street.

LAEST STYLES JEWELRYBy last Bteniii- -r from tlie Coast,

THE REGULAR THINGAt my Htore, whore the

BEST CUSTOM WORKla ''njie repttriug ami new wort'hotlt. Pins, rl-'- bracelets, watt'limtiltlim, eta.

H. G. B1ART 404 Fort St

Gr. DTWTZ,Practical Watchmaker

417NTITANUST.Rtpalrs fine complicated Watches, Clocks, Mnl

Boxes nJ Jewelry.All work guaranteed Thirty-fiv- e yean experience

Your work solicited, ami the finestclasw of sorvlco AT REASONABLEPRICKS GUAttAXTHKD.

f Only White LeOjoi Employed

All Flannels anil Silks washed byhand. Onlhmry Moudlutr, nud But-toli-a

Sewed On.

The Honolulu


' ifiTTelephonu 683, and leave yourorders. 1058



W t EMBALMINGPWti & A sneciuUy.

)HBCL b 614 & 610 Fort St., near Hotel.IDHp? I- - Teloplione 179.

WfcL Keal Estate Transaction p.

HMjg t Bnbsorlbers nr (ainlabed with from Ovi

HI I to s'x 1Mb per 'iiwk, nivlnR an aoonratcHvS ft jeooid of all d joils.morl Races, leasea, re- -

Bt'1, V .leas powers of attorney, etc., etc, whlob

H K re p'aoocl on reoinl.

Bf W 'Subscription Price, $2.(10 per Month,

H' . A.V. GEAK,EK" M 9inKineBt,nonolnln,

gT' fX'I-- f Mercantile Agency

K I ' Oifllcult Collections a Speclalt)

teo on Territories to day kiwinotice by tho introduction of ti re-

solution, which wont to tho Comraitteo on liulo, that ho desires tocall up tho Hawaiian governmentbill ou Friday and have it pausedaf or a t o ilaj s' debate.

There i otno rensnn to believethat Speaker Heed will allow thobill to cotno up and that it willpaas the lower house, and thusget into tho Senato with cortaiuamendments before that body cancall it up for nction. There willIto a hard fight in tho Ilonso forthe ameudmont of tho bill on thelines already discussed in the"Chronicle,"principally tho cuttingout of tlio property qualiucationfor voting and tho appointingpower for tho Governor.

Thoio will be n mpetiujj tomorrow of tho Sonato Committee onCommerce, at .which time thetiouso bill providing for the extending of tho navigation laws ofthis country to tho islands will hetukou up, and it is expcctoii thatit will ho reported favorably.Senator Perkins will appear before

tho committeo aud mako anappeal for adding to tho naviga-tion laws a bill of customs reve-nue nud contract labor laws. Ifhe is successful thero will bo ain ut chance that omorgoncy lotiirlii'ion so badly needed will bopushed through within a couple ofweeks. ,


An application for articles ofincorporation for tho HonoluluInvestment Compnuy was filedwith tlio Jlinistnr of tho Inte-rior Situ relay forenoon. Thecapital is 130,000, with privilegeto increase to ono million dollars.

The petition is signed by HenrySmith, T. F. Lanainfj, O. D. Gray,Goorgo D. Gear, John D. Holt,Lfwis S. Gear, M. Emmott May,Fred. A. Jacobs, A V. Gear.

Calumet f MAKES

healthful I


BakingNONE V

GOODsu I) Powder


When WEOffer

ArticleFor Sale

And call It something, w.re quitesure there's no false- label on It ; quHe sure,InJeed, that It Is just what we all It, orwe wouldn't eNpect to hold our P'teltlou Inthe trade very Ioiir.

We haven't labored steadily well ontoward the quarter century mar'.t to reachthe top in our line of business just- - to fool

aw.iy th.it good name we prize so muchon a game of chance like misrepresentingan article of food.

Lewis fe Co.FORT STREET.

Telephone 240.

Wholesale and He till J

Dealers In - --

Staple andFancy - -

GroceriesP. O. Box 207.

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail Qrooeries.

515 & 517 Fort St., HonoluluTelophoner iia P.O. Box 470

Small ads. in the Bulletin ace notovershadowed by bigger ones.

I Office and Parlors 211



planned for another visit. Atabout nine o'clock, ofticor Paiknkasaw a small boy appear at thowindow and pryina it open withmo.ius of a pocket knife, loweredtho window and then stealthilygot into tho store; hut at that mo-

ment tho oilicor jumped on himand brought tho youui follow tothe jail where he languished uutilmorning. At 9 o'clock that morn-ing the youug burglar about fif-

teen years of oge, appearod beforeMagistrate McKay to auswor tothe chargo of burglary in tho firstdogreo. IIo gavo his namo as PoleKawelo and his ago as abovo stat-ed. Tho caso was continued.Young Polo has completely para-lyzed tho Bhoriff for ho (tho she-tiiT- J

could not comprehend howso yount; a lnd could dosuch work for he looks as ahoy of twolve or thirteen only, sosmall in staturo and too young inpppoarauce; but his plan at burg-larizing are those of an experienc-ed hand. Young Kawelo's casowill come up next weok.

Tho plantation mauagors on thisisland held a convontion at Kahu-lt- ii

last Monday. Tho purpose ofIho meeting was said to be for ad-

justing tho grado of the wages ofthe laborors so that tho wages paidby the various plantations will bouniform, and this in a measurewill lesson tho running away oflaborers from plantation to plan-tation in Gonrch of better wagosand more ho'pitablo luuas.

coffi:i: nviutvvi lium:.

I'rornanr Kifl,e Sliito Opinion! onI lii Vurloiii DlitrlcU.

Professor Koobolo arrived inH1I0 AVfdnosday, cominc over-land from Konn, the Hilo Tribunereports. Siuco he was hero be-fo- ro

ho has visited Puna, OInaand Kona, and has much to sayof interest regardiug those placo9.Tho Professor's visit to Puna wa9in tho interest of tho coffee plan-tor- s

thero who wero panic strickenby tho nppoarnuco of a fungus,which they fearod to be tho Guat-emala leaf disease. This provedfortunatoly to bo an orroneousopiaion, tho fungus being ono in-

digenous to the country ond fonndin a slight degree on nearly nilvegetation. "When a tree or plantlioeomes weak through lack ofnouriahmout or soino other un-favorable circumstance, the fun-

gus develops, ns is the casa withtlio red spider. Profeesor Koe-be- lo

finjH that those plantationsin Puna which havo sufferedseverely aro the ones with toomuch rock aud too little soil.ro- -Bultitig in both Inolt of nourish- -4AJ1.AJV &V& IJV k.U UUI JVUUI VIA4- -

ago.Olaa tho Profeecor finds in a

7erv satiafactory condition, thowhole district giving promise ofneat coffeo production in thenenr future. The ol&vation of nl'jtrgo portfon of tho district makestho age of bearing much laterthan on tbo lowlands. Ho stillneiievos mere is too mncu ramthere, but finds the raoisturo de-creasing as tho country is opnnedup.

Eona is out of sight accordingto tho Government outomologist,nor aro there any blights or poststbore, The coming crop will botbe largest in the coffeo growinghistory of tbo district. TheclimntoProfessor Koebelo believes thefinest for coffeo growing to bofound on tbe island.

Kona has its bub fir boom, aswell as Olaa, and many people nrojputting in cano arouml Kailua, aswell as tho Kona Sugar Co , whichwill have- - at least toro thousandaores. Both cane and coffeo

in Kona as high as 3500'feet, and doing well. Speaking o?sugar, by tho way, tho ProfessorIsays that ho conBidors Olaa asplondidi district for tho crop.


Meuttle IUr.This evor popular Rainier beer

is becoming a housohold wordaud "will you havo a glass ofSeattlo" is more often hoard thananything olso. Tho CriterionSaloon havo tho boor ou tap or inbottles. "

Cullforuln Frulti.D. G. Gamarinos recoived on

the steamer Australia a big in-

voice of Apples, Qrapos, Figs, Le-

mons, Nuts, Pure Olive Oil, DryFruit, etc. etc.

If you want a nico rubber tirohack with a careful driver ring upClub Stable Hack Stand Tel. 319,and wo guarautoo you will bosatisfied.



nito. rrAWAiJ

Cathc'art&ParkeAttorneys-at-La- w


A.ttovney at Law andISTotarv .Public.

KiMiiuniniiU Htreot.


A.ttorney-at-- L awbethel St., Honolulu.


W. C. Ann. Knock Joiinsox.AOHI.& JOHNSON,

Aitornoys and Counselorsat Law.

Onico No. 10 West King streot.Tolopnnno 884 1078



Wilt practice In all the HawtlUn anl Unllel StatesCourts.

Rooms 11-- 12, PROGRESS BLOCK,Cor. Tort ani KercMnla trwH. 1116


rlWill pnctlce In all tlio U. S feJeral

anj state uourisIVortcss Block, cor. Ucretanla anl Tort streets.

1133 :: Rooms 5 anl 6.

T. AtcCANTS STEWART,(rormerly of the New York Bar),

Attorney and Counsellor at Lawspreckels building,

Raam c. Honolulu, H. I305 Fort St.,


A. DAVIS,Attorney at Law,

Notary public and conveyancer.20O Merchant Street.

Dcels, MortcaET. ARrefments, anl otheron arid alter AlonJay, the (til of Jan-

uary. A. D. 1899.Office Hours froir 9 a. m. to 5 p. m,Honolulu. Janusry 4. 1809 nop

Surgeons and Physicians.

DR WALTER HOFFMANN.coRNint immrrAXiA and rcrNcii-now- ri

sTiu:irrs.Offlco Hours: 8 to 10 n. m.; 1 to 3

p. m.; 7 to 8 p. in. SiincUyH : 10

a.m. Tolupbono 510. P.O. Box 601.


Hours: 0-- 11. niirl-- 3 p. m., 8 P''".Somlnys, 12-- 2 p. 111.

Telepliono'711. 1107-3i- a

"DRTc. L. GARVINOllK'e: 537 Kino bTMiXT, noarPuncb-bowl- ,

Honolulu, H. I..TELEPHONE No. 148

Monro: 9 to 11 a. in.; 1 to 3 p. iu.j7 to 8 p. hi.

28 Dentists.


AloIa,near Hotel streeti removed fromHotel ar--j



MOTT-SMIT- BLOCK.Telsipiionks: OUco, 615; Hosldonw,

TOi). Houits: 0 it. 111. to 4 p. in.


New Love's BnlldluR, Fort BtreetiTKLEPHONK 434.


DENTIST.13-- 14 Progross Dloek, cornor Borotanln

and Fort Streets, Honolulu.


Dentist.No. 210 Hotel streot. Tolophono 503.

HOURS: O'tol2a.m. audi to 4 p.m.,1018.

-- ' ii' H. L. KERR & CO.,

Architects and BuildersRoom 9 anj 10.

:: PROGRESS BLOCK,Telephone iji. 1116

f incorpohatcd unber tub lawslof tub Hawaiian Republic.

Capital 400,0001

OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR3:CitAH. M. Cookk, Prosltlont.

J. 11. Athi.iiton,O. H. Cookk, Cashlor.

' F. C. ATiinitTos, Socrolary.Honry Watorhouw,

Tom May,F. Mncfnrlano, .

E. 1). Tonnoy,JA. McCandlosa.

Solicits tlio Accounts of Firms, Cor-porations, Trusts, Individuals, and willcnrofully and promptly tiltond to allbusiness connected with tanking

to It. Soil and purchase- ForeignExcbango, Issue Lottors of Crodlt.


Ordinary and Torin Doposlis rocolvod,and Interest allow od In accordance withrulos and conditions pt I tiled In Passbooks, ooplos of which may bo had uponapplication.

Safo tlojmslt boxos routed by monthor year. 1045

Architects, Contractors and Builders.

O. G. TKAPHAGEN,A.ROHITEOT223 Merchant St.. Honalulu,

Between Fort nud Alukea,Telepkonk : : : 734

Building MaterialsOr ALL KIND8.

Doalors in Lumber and Coal,

ALLEN & liOBINSON,Queen streot, Honolulu.


Contractor and BuilderOffices aud Stores fitted up nd

Estimates clvcn on

ALL KINDS OP WORKKgr Olflco hdJ Bliop. No. 619 Fort street,

adlolnlBK W. W. WrlKht's Carriage Shop.

To My Patrons and the Public,

Having rocovored from my re-

cent illness, I nm npain preparedto do nil kinds of Tinsmith nndPlumbing work an horetofore.Thanking yon for past favors, Irrspectfully solicit a continuanceof tho same.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.ear Tel. 844.

A New Paint Shop.

Ilavtoig assoclatod with us Mr. JohnII. West, a pmctlcrJ Houso Painter,Decorator aud Wood Pollshor, wo arenow prop irod to glvo ostlmatos on allkinds of work In that lino.

Mr. West having had a practicalof over twonty years In San

Francisco and other larco citlos on theConst, w fool conlUlont that any workentrusted to us will glvo ontlro satisfac-tion to our patrons.

Peerless preserving paint m.

Artistic Graining

KJ? TOJ DECORATING AND NATURALOst Wat wnnn 1 ini;i(in-- . a sPFriAt.TY.

House Painter,Paper Hanger,Grainer, Glazier, andTlNTER : : :

H. MoKeolmie,MERC1IAKT TJtE171,

107(1 Next to Police Station



In Fllio Condition, Just aa Good as Now.

J. T. LUND,Onion Street (Bell Tower).

WLIcht Michlnt Work r omptlv donf.

Have You Seen Them?Tboso olegant WKOUQHTIItON

PHNOKS wo aro putting up aroundtho moro handsomo rosldouco lots Intown? Costs no more tlinn a woodenfence; lasts a llfo tlmo: a combination ofboauty antl strongth that will udd moroto tho attractiveness of your homo thanany othor Improvement for fwlco thomonoy. Call and sco our sainplos.

Iron Work of every description. Im-ported and domestlo MONUMENTS,Tombstones aud Statuary.

Intimates glvon on nil kinds of Grad-ing, Stono Work and Terracing, Curbingand Coment Sidewalks. Content workof all kinds. Letter Cutting In brats,Iron and stono.

Btoncll making a Bpoclalty.

Hawaiian Iron Ponoo and Monu-

mental Co.

H. E. HENDRIOK, Managor.315 Fort streot.Tolophono 502.



CHUS Wk, O. InwiM


Sin FraucUco AgtnUTrin Nevada Bank orBah Fhancisco.


diH Franoisoo Tho Nevada Dank of SanFranclaco.

London The Union Bank of London. Ltd.fiar York American Exchange National

Bank.OninAoo Mcrchantu National Bank.Pabis Comptolr National d'Escotnpt de

Paris.Birlin Drcsdncr Bank!Hokokono and ToKonAMA Hongkong A

SbanKhal Banking Corporation.Nbw Zbaland and Adstiulia Bank of New

Zealand.VtQTOHiA and VANOotTVin Bank of Brltlsb

Nortb America.ransact a General Banting and Exchange Business

Dcpolsts Kccclvcd. Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections Pbomptlt Accounted For.

BISK!? & OO.


Savings Dopostts will berecelvod and Interest allowed by thisHank at four and ono-lm- lf per cont.por annum. Tho torms, rules andregulations of the Hawaiian Postal Sav-ings Hank havo boon ndoplod as far ftsIt Is practicable to apply thorn, and theCash llosorvo of 550,000 as required un.dor tlio Postal Act v.111 bo maintained.

Printed coplos of tho Rulos nnd Reg-ulations may bo obtained on application.


Kstubllshod 1653


Transact a General Bankingnnd Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-tbl- o

in all the principal citiesf tho world.Interest allowed nftor July

1,1898, on fixed donosits 3months 3 por cent., 0 monthsJ$ por cont., 12 months 4por cont.

Pioneer Bul'ding andLoan Association.

Assets, Dec. 31, 1SDS, $116,803.38Monoy loaned on approvod security.A SaWugs lUnk for monthly deposits.Houses built on tho monthly Install-

ment plan.Klghteonth Sorlos of Stock Is now


Officios: T. P. Tensing, Presldont;S. B. Iloso, C. II. Gray,Treasurer; A. V, Goar, Socrotary.

uuiwruius: : . iansing, M.ii. nose,A. V. Goar, A. W. Kooch, J. G. lloth-wel- l,

Honrj' Smith, J. J. McLean, J. 1).Holt, C. 11. Gray.

Por furthor particulars apply toA. V. GEAlt, Boorotary.

Chamber of Commorco rooms.Olllco Hours: 12:30-1- :30 p. in.

TJe oohaniu gpecie BanLIMITED.

Bubucribod Capitol Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital .Yen 10,500,000Bcserve Fnud Yen 0,060,600


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Eong,

TIlA Tt.inlr....... liuvu nnrl wiiMtlwn. ah nAliUt,.. ....u viwiiui tut cuituuHon Bills of Exchange, Issuos Urafta andLetters of Crodlt on tlin nltnvt. tiMi.mi.A.and Agonclos, and transacts a goueraluuuuiiig uusinoss.INTEREST ALLOWE- D-

un HxeJ IVi'msk tor la month), 4 per cnt p. a.On FUel Dei .lt for 6 montlii, jji 'On TlxeJ Ui'poill lor mo, 1 '

INTEREST ALLOWCDuy vi MsiJ (Juno at Yokohama, on Current D- -

Polt,!4rifnl per annum.11 months, 7 per cent. p. a.


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwlla Sta.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand,

Estimates given for house wir-ing and Elootrioal plants.

Marino Wiring a epeaialty,


Page 7: Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut

1 .f




Lines or

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fiuo Paaeengor Steamers of .This Lino Will Arrivo at an

LoaVo This Fort as Hereunder.

From San Francisco:AUSTRALIA February 15

MOANA March 1


ALAMEDA - March 29

In counoctioti wltb tho sailing of the above steamers, the Agentsaro prepared to isauo, to lntendinr; passengers, oonpon throughtiokots by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in tboUnited otatos, and from NowEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., LimitedGbnoral Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co. gs Toyo Kiscn Kaisha

. Stumers of the above compantea will call it Honolulu anl leave (his port on or about the ..dates below mentioned i,..

For Japan and China:COPTIC- .- February 18


For San Tranclsco Cabin $ 75Son 1 Cabin (Tnyo Klsen Kalsha onlv) . . 50European Steerage 15

For Yokohama Cabin 150Second Cabin (Toyo Klsen Kaisha only) 100European Steerage 8s

For Hongkong Cabin , .. MSSecond Cabin (Toyo Klsen Kaisha only) itsEuropean Steerage 100

H. Hackfeld &

JWSteamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN PACiriC RAILWAY CO.,between Vancouver, 11. C anj SvJney. N. S. W., and calling at Victoria, II. C Honolulu, Suva (I'lil),and Wellington, N. Z am llUli AT IIO.NOI.ltI.ll on or about the dates below stated, via:FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B.

I or Suva, Wellington IN. .) ana syjney :Aorangl February it Aorangl August 4

Mlowera March 17 .Mlowera,... September 1

Warrlmoo April 14 Warrlmoo. September oAorangl May :a Aorangl Octobers?Mlawera..... June o Mlowera.. .November 4

Varrlmoo July 7 Warrlmoo. .December ai

carThroueh tickets Issued from Honolulu (0rassage ana an general imormauon, appiy iu

Theo. H.Davies&Co.,Ltd., Gen'l Agents.Lines of Travel.

British-America- n S.S.Co.'s Line






Will leave Seattle and Tacoma for Honolulu and Hllo, on

Fcb'y 15th, again on March 20th,and monthly thereafter.

Space and accommodations should be en'caged ahead. All railroad agents In theEastern States are now prepared to quoterates and sell tickets through to the Hawaiian Islands.


Queen Street General Agents.

O. It. & L. Co.wtMr33?J3

"iiwrr us w

TIME TABLE.From ami After January 1, 1800c

TRAINS.STATIONS. Dally Dally(Outward) ex. Sun, Dall ex. bun. Dally Dally

A.M. A .At. A.M. l'.M. I'.Al.Honolulu 7;io o:ij ir.oj j:J J.IOPearl City So 11:40cwaAiiu .. .ll 10.08 ia.00 4:05 6.10Walanaa... 10: so 4:45Walalua.... 11:55 5:40Kahuku ia:ia 6:15

STATIONS, Dally(Inward) ex Sun. Dally Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. I'M, P.A1.Kahuku.... so3,.. a:so

i:5S1:05 4:3a1:30 4:5ss.os 5:36

Walalua 6:10Walanae 7:10Ewa AMll 5:50PeailClty 6:15 8:01Honolulu 6.50 8:iS

F. 0. Smith, Gon'l Pass. & TlokotA (50 nt.

O. P. Dkniso.v, Suporlntondont.


The-atag- e for Kaneohe, Heela, Wal-Itan- e,

Puualuu, Lulo, Kahuku ami waypoints, will leavo l'ostofllco, Betholstreet side, at 0 a. 111. (Sundays except-ed), calling for passengora and pack-ages at Lovejoy & Co's, No.lDNuuanustreet

ngjuStages will make tho return tripfrom Kahuku dally. 1010

ittev, ,itA&hit'JSlt



For San Francisco:AUSTRALIA February 21ALAMEDA March 1


York by any steamship line to all

For San Francisco :

CITY OF PKKINO February 11


Tor San Francisco Cabin, 4 months JusFor Yokohama Cabin. 4 months tic

Cabin, is months s6t soTor Hongkong Cabin. 4 months t6a 50

Cabin, la months J16 ts

Co., Ltd , Agents,

SLcamsinn Conpani

rRO.W SYDNEY, WELLINGTON (N. Z.) & SUVA1 or victoria ana Vancouver (U. I.):

Mlowera .February is Mlowera ...... Aumitt aWarrlmoo . marcn is Warrlmoo.. . August soAorangl. .. , April Anrangi. ..aepiemper 17Mlowera lay 10 Mlowera.... October aswarrlmoo June 7 Warrlmoo. .November aiAorangl July 5 Aorangl...,December so

Canada, United States and Europe. ror Freight and

Lines of Travel.

Widen Steamship Co's


S.S KlNAUCLARKE, Commander,

Will loavo Honolulu ovory Tuosday at3 o'clock p. m., touching at Lahalna,Mititliidii Hay and Mukona tho sainulay; Mnlmkona, Kuualfcao ,aml

tliu following day, arrivingat llllo WotlnoMlay ovonlng,

Koturnlng will mill from Hilo ovoryFriday at (1 o'clock p. in., touching atijiupiiuoouoo, JMaliukoua, Kawalliuo,Malcolm, Maalnoa liny and Lahalna.arriving ;u uunuiuiu aaiuruny night.

Will call at Poholkl, Puiu, on thosecond trip of each month, arrivingtuoro on tlio morning of the day ofsailing from llllo to Honolulu.

the popular routo to the Volcano Isvia Hllo. A good earrlugo road tho on-tl- ro



Will loavo Honolulu Tuosday, at 5o'clock p. in., touching at Kahuhil,Ilauii, Ilamoa und Klpahuhi, Maul, g,

arrives at Honolulu Sundaymorning.

Will call at Nun, Kaupo, onco oacnmonth, f

This company resorves tho right tomako changoH in tho tlmo of departureand arrival of its btcaniors WITHOUTNOTICE, and It will not bo rosponslblofor any couseijuoncos arising tlioru-fro-

Consignees must ho at tho landingto rocolve tholr frolght. This companywill not hold It.su If responsible forfrolght after it has been lantlod.

I.lvo stock received only at ownor'srisk.

This company will not bo rosponsi-blo for money or valuables of piissen-gors uuloHS placed in tho care of purs-ers.

Passongors aro roauostod to purchasetickets boforo oinbarklnir. Thosn fall.ingtodo so will bo subject to an add!.nonai cnargo or twenty uvo por cent.

'iiio couiiauy will not bo liable forloss or, nor Injury to, nor dolay in, tliodollvory of baggago or personal olloctsof tho passongor beyond tlio amount of8100 00, unless tho value of the sainobo doclarod, at or boforo tho lssuo oftlio ticket, and frolght is paid thoroon.

All omployoos of tho Company areforblddon to rocelvo frolght without

a shipping recolpt thorofor Intho form proscribed by tlio Companyand which may bo soon by shippersupon application to tho pursors of thoCompany's .Steamers.

Shippers aro notlilod that If frolght isslilppod without such receipt, it will bosolely at the risk of tho shipper.

C. L. WIGHT, Prosldont.S. 11, KOSH, Socrotary.

CAPT. J. A. KINO, Port SiiM.



Arrive from San Fran-- 1 Depart for San Fran-

cisco or Victoria. I Cisco or Victoria,Mariposa., lebruary i Moana .... February ftNippon Maru. 1 America maru.., 4Mode Janeiro o City of I'iklng.. " ttAustralia. - . i$ Mlowera , " 15Aorangl 17 ' Australia ,,.,... " 91Coptic 18 Gaelic " !America Maru . " 98 Hongkong Maru " 98Moana March 1 Alameda March tCity of Peking . 8 China , toAustralia " ts Warrlmoo " 15Gaelic " 16 Doric " 18Mlowera " 17 Australia " 91Hongkong Maru " t4 Nippon Maru ... " 95Alameda " 39 Mariposa ... 90China April 1 Rio de Janeiro.. April 4Doric ' n Coptic " tiAustralia ' is Aorangl " 13Warrlmoo 14' Australia " 18Marlrosa AmerlcanMaru.. " iRio de Janeiro 17 Aloana " A

Coptic Alay 5 City of Peking.. " 99Australia . " 10 Gaelic May 6Aorangl Mlowera " toAmerica Maru . Australia " 16City of Peking., Hongkong Maru " 16Moana :: i! China . " 9)Gaelic . . . Alameda " 94Australia .June 7 Doric JuneHongkong Maru Warrlmoo ,'.,,., " 7Mlowera Nippon Alaru... " 10China 6 Australia " 11Alameda Mode Janeiro.. " 17Doric , .Mariposa " 91

'Coptic.. " 97

NOID. Departure for and arrivals from the Colonles, or China and Japan, are not given In the abovetable, though they can be easily ascertained, as for-eign mall steamers generally leave Honolulu the dayof arrival. Steamers Aorangl, Warrlmoo and Aliowera run between Victoria and the Colonies: Alameda.Mariposa, and Aloana between San Francisco and theColonies; Nippon Alaru, Rio de Janeiro. China.Doric, Coptic, America Alaru, Gaelic and Hongkong..Liu mn san rrancisco nnj japan anji.nina;Australia between San I ranclsco and Honolulu onlv.

Beer nd Wine Dealers.

CHS HowAboutBeer ?


Most Deliciousmm.and Healthiest,


iff I SCHLITZThe Deer that made

Milwaukee famous

Macfarlane & Co., Ltd.SOLE AGKNTS. 1027

Shonlft Yen be Weary ani Foil of ThirstCALL AT.....

1ST. BBEHAM'SHop Boor Cottage, No. 11 Konla (formerly

ainiili) street.TTm liinlfnu n uttini n ll r rt flirt l.vnuiliir.

of HOP IIBKH, and ovory liottlo imsscsundor his personal sujiorvlslon, and Isfriinrti til mill li, lit.,. !!... !. I.. .....n.........w,. j ...,,i, ..wji jiuci in jinkan intoxicant, is aud is acool, palatable, Mr.llrohaiu courts an ojien of Idsinui-- 111111 ins nieiiious imioing misiness.

LOVEJOY & CO.I.MroiiTj; us, akii Wnor.KHALi:

fine and Lmuoi1 Mm.Agents lor the Uottled Rainier Deer of Seattle.

No. 10. NUUANU STHI'.I.TFoster Block. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

P. O. Doa H7. Alutual Telephone 308.

A close rosomblauco to Iteer,From Kentish Hops." An adminiblo imitation." LondonTimes.




225 Queen Btreet, Honolnlu, H, ),

Chinese and Japanese Firms.


I havojust rocelvoila big Importationof theso goods.

KAM TAI,Hotel St, noar Fort.

Ivory Wnro.... Lacquor Waro

Silver WaroCrockery Ware

WING WOTAI & 00.1!M Niiuanu stroot


Merchant Tailor323 Nuuanu St.

fine Suitings in Kngllsh, Scotch andAmorlcan Goods mado to ordor.

rolephouo COS.' -- Postoillco box 1)86.

Seasonable Goods,CHAIIIS of all kinds. Mnttlnr.

Chinese Grass LI11011 In' nnv color.Fancy China Silk Handkerchiefs.

KWONG HINO OHONO CO.,100 1 Niiunuu ubovo King st.

SHIPPING NEWSAdditional, and the latest Shipping News, will be

found on the eighth page.

MOVKMKNTd OF.STKAMKHS.Steamers due and to sail today and

for the next six days are as follows:


Steamers From DueCity of Peking ClilnnaiiilJapaiiFehllAustralia rnu Francisco Feb 15Mlowera Colonics Fd, jr,Aorangl Victoria Feb 17Klnau Maul ami Hawaii Felt 18Leliun Molokal and La nut Feb 18Coptic San Francisco Fen 18uiamiinc .Maui Feb (i

WO Hall Kauai Feb ill

DUI'AIIT.Steamers For SailsLehuu Molokal and Laiial Feb IIKlnau Maul and Hawaii Feb 14

WG Hall Kauai Feb IIClaiitllnu Maul Feb 1JManna Loa Maul and Hawaii. Feb IICity of Peking San Fritnei"co..Ke(l 11Mlowera Victoria ..Feb 13Aorangl Colonies ..Feb 17('optic China aitd.Iiipaii.. ..Feb 8

lMHSL.Kal.ItS AIUtlVEl).

From irakiiweli, porstrnr Kenulion, Fob 11 Mrs O IsoubtTf, UrKing.

From Kauai port, per Btmr VO Hall, F.-- W

M Brnsch, It T WiUmr,J K Farley, II Ohriatinu, V Ekekeln, Olmfl Maknuui, Mrs J WGirvin, Mrs W Groto, Mantor13ower, 0 W Dnncoclc, A Qaudull, A Furuaudrz, Tnnskn.

From Maui ports, per stmrMaui, February 12 L A Thutston, A A Dean, 0 II Dickey, . AGriffon, Itov SiiHuki.Hunry birch.Mrs Itirch, Miss M 1 Zieglor, IIS Coffin, Lester Collin, ltosioLincolu, Mrs Chaa I3ail(.y, MrsUr Heudrick, Mrs Goodrich, II 3UuniPoy, Ur Hendrick, Mrs OAbbott, Willin Wright, Mrs D HMurdock, D K Hayselden and 30deck.

From Mnui nnd Hawaii port,per stinr Kiuan, Feb 12 Volcano:MrsOT Hancock.C H Yonng.MissJ Young, Miss M Milcholl, J JHnmell, It 0 White, Mrs It 0Whito, John Mnrks, Dr Poklolsky,Mi'bs D Ohntnbors, D It Smith,Miss M L Smith, F J Koslnr,Prof A Koebolo, C IIibo-- .Way ports: Sister Mnkanoe, Elder Smith, Elder Woolsoy, Wool-se- y

Boys 2, Mrs It A Totnos, 0 CHoffmnu nnd wife, Mies T McCor-risto- u,

Erisiun Slinrp, Lieut Elliot, L M Wbitobouro, John Wil-son, C T Day, John Goudie, El-d- or

W B Davis, Olias Fowlor, J ALawolnwe, JoLn P Fny, Cnpt GHock, Ulivor Jobusou. J H Porioous, Mrs J II Wise, and child, J S

igm, ix u wuione, iurs u 11Itoulon nnd child, T W Gny, Al-m- a

Clarko, Dr Winslow, Hon HWnterbonsp. Miss D II Tomns. .1

S Wnlkor, Hon A N Kepoikai, HL Acbllop, Mnstors Edward, Hennnd David Morton, Masters Earlnnd Cbas Williams, L Barknuseuand CO deck passougors.

Knliulul Hlilpiilnir.Wailuku, February ,11.--T- be

American four-maste-d' schooner

Defonduut arrived at Kabului JnstFridny after n fino passage ofoighteen dnys from San Frnucif co.She brought a full cargo of gen-eral inorcbnndiHo consisting chief-ly of'inachiuory nud pipos for theHawaiian Commercial aud SugarCo. After unloading cargo bIiowill load back with sugar.

Tbo American tern Jennie)Wand Bailed for San FranciscoInst Tuesday with Gb'00 bags ofsugar weighing 350 tons.

The Hawaiian steel bark Nuurinii, Jossylen master, sailod thismorning (Saturday) on hor longvoyage nround tlio Horn for NowYork. She took 22.105 bans ofsugar weighing 1IJ81 tons.

Km ma KtHlre Mualr.Tlio band will play flio follow

ing selections in Emma squaretins ovening:


Overture: Raymond ThomasChorus: Taniiliausor Wagnervjiiimi aficcuon: ii 'rrovatore..VerilI

(a) Malkal Waliilo, Olwl Nanl(U) Akalil Hof, Kuwlllwill

Tlie Misses Kelllaa and Alaiml.


Cornet Solo: The First Klss..NouinanMr. Charles Kreuter.

draml Musical: Interiiatlonal Con-gress Sousa

Waltz: Thou and Thou KtruumMarch: Tho Garrison liurirur

Tlio Star Spangled Hanner.

Honolulu MessongerSorvicn dolivers mossagoa nnd pneknges.Tolephono 37H.


U S II S Oregon, Marker, Ci'lao, Feb ?.USTS Ohio. Hoggs, San Francisco,g. Hound for A:itil!a.

USTS Senator, Patterson, San Fran-cisco, Feb i). Hound for Atanlln.

U S S Philadelphia, White, San Diego,Feb ii. Foi Samoa.

US Collier Sclndla, Watson, Callao,Feb 12. For Abnll.i.

US Water S Iris, Veeder, Callao, Feb12. For Manila.

AH1KCIIANT.MEN.(This list does not Includes coasters.).

Am sip Vol.tnte, Johnson, San Francis-co, Nov ii. Bound for Guam.

Am stinr City of Columbia, Allnor,Hllo, Dec ii.

Haw ship Fort George, Morse. New-castle, Dec. 17. WG Irwin .V Co.

Am ship W F Hancock, Oilley, Haiti-mor- e,

Dec 20. U S Consul General.Ill-- 10 VII!.-,.,!-( ll,L. 1.. M.... !...... .', ,.,t,kifi. i t.iL'i'uy, ii.iiiiiiiiHr,

Dec 20. H H.il' '! r,,.Hr bl: Dominion, Ilero.uist, Newcastle,

J.in 3. W G Irwin iV: Co.Am bit St Katherine, .Matthews, Na

nalmo, Jan 8. H Hackfeld & Co.Am bk Oregon, Parker, Newcastle. N S

W, Jan 14. Cargo coal to order.Am bktnc Kllkltat, Cutler, Port Town-sen-

Jams. Wilder iV Co.Haw sp Star of Russia, Hatfield,

Tacoma, Jan 21, 1 I S N Co.Haw bk Mauna Ala, Smith, Port Town-sen-

Jan 21. T II Davles & Co,Am bit Harry Atorse, Fullerton, Nana

imo, Jan 27. 1 1 S N Co.Br bk Helios, Christians!!, Iqulque, J.in

28. H Hackfeld & Co.Am sclir Jessie Allnor.Whltney, Eureka,

Jan ji. Allen & Robinson.Am bktne S G Wilder, .McNeil. San

Francisco, Feb 2. F A Schaefer & Co.Am bk C D Brvant. Collv. S. Fran- -

Cisco, I:eb s. H Hackfeld & Co.Am sclir Prosper, Paulsen, Tacoma,

Wash, Feb 5. Lewers & Cooke.Am bk Albert. Griffiths. San Francisco,

Feb 10. II Hackfeld & Co.Am bgtn Wm G Irwin. Williams, San

Francisco, Feb 10. W G Irwin V Co.Am sclir Endeavor. MeAllett. Port Town- -

send, Feb 10. Lewers V Cooke.Am DKtn Uncle John, Alurchlson, Eu-

reka, Oil, Feb 10. Allen & Robinson.Am bktn S N Castle, Hubbard. San

Francisco. Feb 10. W G Irwin & Co.Nor ship Hercules, Toblason, Newcastle,

Feb 10. W G Irwin & Co.Am ship I F Chapman, Thompson, San

Francisco, Feb 10. W G Irwin & Co.Am bktne Jane L Stanford, Johnston,

Newcastle, N S W, Feb 11. W G Irwinit Co.

Am sclir LaNlnfa.Hentamln. Seattle vlnHllo, Feb 12. Comes for register.

Am sclir C S Holmes, Johnson, Seattle,Feb 12. Allen & Robinson.

Am scht Robert Lewers. Goodman. SanFrancisco. Feb 12. H Hackfeld t Co.

Am sclir Muriel. Carlsen, Newcastle,Feb 13. Coal to order.


A Vim t lu Dnelor Ortlrrcil.I was in poor health aud tbo

prescriptions I tried aid not bonotit me. At Inst tlio doctor beganto givo mo Hood's Snrsaparillanuil it proved to bo tho bf st of allmedicines for mo, nud I can speakof it only in tho highest termsnnd doom it n duty to recommendit." Charles S. Powell. 420 Iowaolreot, ban Antonio, Texas.

Hood's Pills aro tho onlv milsto take with Hood's barsapanlla.Cure all liver ills.

Thr Laat Car.The last-car- s of tho King street

lino goiug to Waikilci nnd PalamnpnsB the Anchor Snloou. Thecleverest mixologists in tbo cityarc there always to put you upanything yon tuny dosiro. Dropiu nud tftko n drop boforo you taketboenr. The eolebrated Seattlebeor is to bo bad here on draught.A full lino of liquors including thefainouB A. A. Jpbbo Moor" Whiskyetc., always on hand. Tho mostexacting and varied demands canbe satisfied. Tho Anchor Saloonis here to ploaso its patrous. "

Menhanio's Homo, corner Hotoland Kunanu streets, loJgiug byday, week or month. Terms: 25nud 50 cents por night. $1 nndS1.25 per week.

Tho use of tho Singor in mil-

lions of homes shows tho unpre-cedented success of thoso idealsowing machines. It is convinc-ing proof that tho Singer oxcolsin nil kinds of family sowing andnrt needlo work. All our sowingmaohiucs nro of tho bOBt construc-tion, boautifully decorated, andnro mouuted on solected woods infinely finished cabinets of artistiodesigns. B. Bergorson, ngent, 10JlMhol street.

It is not ofton that n physicianrecommends a patent medicine:whon hn dops. you ranv know thatit is a good one. Dr. J. P. Clevo-lan- d,

Glasgow, Ya., writes: "Ihave used Chamberlain's Colic.Cholera and Diarrhoon Itomedyin my practice, nud it has provento be au excellent roraody, wherea thorough conrsoof medicino hadfnilod with me. I recommendit to my pntiontB every tiino foroolio nnd tlinrrhooa." Many othorprogressive physicians recommondand ueo this rombdy, because italways oares and cures quickly.Got a bottlo nnd you will havo anoxcollont doctor in tho house, forall bowol complaints, both forchildren and adults. For snlo bynil dealors. Benson, Smith &

Co., Gon. Agouts.

The Clun Stableslimt 1 od.

0. Bhllina, : Miuiainji.FOltl HI'. BBl,

Teluphoiifr -- rnLivery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo are osieclally oqulpixid to enter toyour trailo. Fair dealing aud good ser-vl- co

is what wo depend upon to got It.Wo havo for salo Family Carringo anil

Driving Horses, single or double teams.Tlioy aro In good condition and will bowild on favorable tonus.

l)r. Howat Is always In ntteiilrt,icottbo Stables.

Cmb Stables Hack StandCor. Union ,fc Hotel Sts.


DlttVKHS.FIRST CLASS CAllIUAUKS.HACKS AT ALL HOURS.Orders forSurrcys, Wngoucttns, Single

or Double Tenuis at a liniment's notleo.Hack Nos. 125, 1S.1, 100, 70, 77.


Your Roof and

Gutters.Should be put in thorough repair

before you are washed out duringthe heavy rains.

1 stand ready to do any necessaryrepairs required.

John NTott,75-7- 9 KIXG ST.

roloplinno No. 31.



ITS .mM I.

Hems ol Interest (0 Bicycle Riders.

--"Tttiii !) vtm) tint the chalnlcss tiat ccmeto itay. Also the 30 Inch uric! . It la proving iultepopular, ani manufacturers generally are making It.The chatnless at a high rr,c. li,t at aNiut$5 above roaJster rates. Rubber Is not likely to behigher, but prent prices will be malntalneJ tor sometime.

IIAIIXY'S HONOLULU CYCLCUY has partsanj sunJrles lor ib make ol Mhri. In

black an1 colors. Repairs caietully anj economlcatl)Jone by exptrt workmen. Prompt Jispatch.

Agintlorthe III.LIII.r. IIICYCLL

Uni ley's Honolulu Cyclery,231 KING STRHHT.

EttablUhcJ i8?i

Ilaniwai Seaside Resort.AlK. HARRY KLDMME desires to Inform

the residents of Honolulu and the neighbor-ing Islands that he has taken over themanagement of the ILANIWAI SEASIDEHESORT, and will nin the same with aview to the entire comfort of his patrons.Everything will be supervised and carriedon In first-cl.i- style, but the charges willstill remain moderate. Visitors intendingto locate at the beach for a short season, orpermanently, would do well to Inspect theaccommodation llanlwal provides, previousto making their selection. 1121


Vol. I'UDLISHUD IN HlLO. No,: fj 1.

Is a pretty Adve'r tisf rs.good paper for who use its col-

umnsS2.50 per an-



preferably GOODin advance. RESULTS 1

GOOD THING,4. u .. o

Ohia Algeroba and Pine FirewoocOat and tipllt (rendy for theBtore).




At Lowest Sl'rlrOH, riellvrred to nnj pailtho City.


HUSTAOR & CO..II Oneen Htreet

Itadame Wolfe,

S8S II Olid I) efjitssmaioi


Having arrived from the Coast per S. S.Garonne, has commenced business. Thevery latest styles, anj a perfect lit, guar-antee-

Charges moderate. uyz


Merchant Tailor534 FORT ST.,

-- Near corner ul Chaplain LaceCleaning anj Repairing at Short Notice,

anj In the best possible manner. i6






J- -y.





Page 8: Who Wait Turn Up, AIway's Die Guessing.? ' 'irir ...€¦ · J A Scofield, naval cadet. Tho Iris has a compliment of!Ki raon. Two of tho officers nboard, Lieut L S Van Duzor and Lieut



! M i n , . ,,rrw!.Tf ' -,- wr rv t , i.r::mffmmmnmiF



Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Dogs.A-Xj- have their ills,

REMEDIES MADE BY JOHN POTTIE & SONS,Veterinary Surseons of World-wid- e Fame, will

CURE THOSE ILLS.Money Is Snved by Investing in Pottle's Remedies.

Black Oils for Sprains, Gall Salve for Sore Necks, White Oils for Swollen Glands,Green Lotion, Rreat healing agent, Soothing Oils for Skin Eruptions,

Black Ointment for Horses' Feet, Electric Oils, a mild blister,Pottle Eye Salve for Sore Eyes,

Vermin Soap for Dogs, Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Shrubs and Trees.frlrThls Is only a partial list j If you don't see what you want ask

C. W. MACFARLANE,tt4) Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

There are a number of good wheelsmade. At the head of the list you willfind the


Inspection and use will prove this toyou. A few bargains in 2nd hand wheelsthat we have taken in trade whenselling new wheels. These are in goodorder, and can be had for less than halfthe price of new ones.

0. HALL & SON, Ltd,

Cor. Fort and Kins Sts.Columbia and Humbler Agonts.


HONOLULU DRUG CO.:: - King Street.


At about 12:20 o'clock Sundayin .rninir Joe. ft Mnlny, who hasbppn workinir in the HonoluluIron Works for some timo past,war found dend in front of tbobuilding in which he whs living,in an alley on the inakni Bide (if

King ftrcpt, between Maunnkeaand Kaulike. A Chinese boy roturning to his room on the groundiloor of the name building, vhb theouq who first discovered the body.Ho liuhted the lamp in bis roomand thon wont to Nuuaiiu streotvvheio ho found Ollicer Kilioun.

The Malay was found dead butthe body was still warm. Thepatrol waaon was summoned audihe body removed to the policestation. A.dcep jagged cut on thetop of the head, about ibrto and ahalf inch' s long, was found. Tboskull was not fractured. Dr. Em-

erson stated that the, man, if hitwith a club, must liavn receivedn very heavy blow or, if he haufallen. raiift haw dropped from ameat lioiuht.

An inquest was hold yesterday.Tho following fat's were broughtout: That deceased was la-- t seenat 8 o'clock by the people in theplace he had bpen living; thit holiad taken some liquor; thnt binpeoplo wont to bed at 10 o clock;that tbo Japanese in tho samebuilding wore still carousing atthat time; that tho body was foundunder n window that opons intotho- - Japanese quarters, and thatthese quarters woro dark whou thoOhinniiinn, spokon of nbovo, re-

turned homo.Deputy Marshal Ghillingworih

is investigation tuo mutter lineafternoon.

Nilnutloii Pllrtl.TIip 'nomination of Theo F.

Lapsing for the nenatorship wasfiled at thf Intorior oOico todsy.Mr Lansiig has rnsignod fromHoBoardof Hoilth, th' lawrequir-in'- g

thnt no camli'taie. for electiveolliee bliHll hold an appointive pos tiou undor the govemmout.


Tim Tout Miovr.

The big tent at the corner ofAlakea nnd Berotmim streets con-tinues to draw full houseB and onSaturday night tunny ppoplo woreturned away. 'Tho porformanoois first class and tho increasingpopularity of the entertainmenthas prompted Manogor Berliner tonlarge tho stage and today Bcenry has boen added. Tbo livingsong sheet introduced Satuidayevening for the first time caughttho bouse and will bo producedeach evening during the wcok. Inaddition to tho regular performance n picture machine has beeuadded, showing scenes from thelate war. Popular prices loo and25o will continue.

Ntransera' Frlxmt Society.At a meetinc of the Strancers'

Friond Society this morning, tholadies voted to continue thoirworkin behalf of thosevonteen familiesthey are now supporting. Twomon were reported in the hospital,


Mvely I.unil Hule.Chiof Clerk Hassinger sold by

auotion at noon a town lot ntHookenn, South Kona. Its area isabout TO by 100 feet, The pro-perty went to Mr. Achi for $235.The upset prico was S40.

Ash Weilneailay.Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday

and the next day is Ash Wednes-day, the first day in Lent Spe-cial services will be held in St.Androw's cathedral and thoRoman Cathedral Wednesday fore-noon and evening.

Coul l'Ulkln.

It has been found that thero isno coal at Samoa. Tho Philadel-phia cannot carry enough coal fortho round trip. It is possiblethat a.sehoonor may bo charteredto take coal to Samoa for tho flag-rthi- p.

Snturday night's success, "AMoney Order," will bo repeated atthe (Jrpbeum tonight.

,Vfpac. in Ml column mil ht inurltS at IfcmllWwS a linifint inttttion; to ttnls uconJ inttr.

Hon; to unit a wetk enJ d ctntl a month, 7 bit it tbtcbiJfett aJvtrtiting tvtr offtrtJ tbt ftopti of Honolulu.

WE WANT YOU TO HAVE a West DisinfectingMachine rut In your closet nr cesspool, and

save sickness. California Feed Co.,Ae;ents. 1009


WANTHD-- A HOT WATER INCUHATOK. StateX, Bulletin office. 114)

XANTED Position by young man, with wholesaleor retail firm. Ileal of references.

Queen Hotel.CLERK,

ANTEr)-ri- ve Experienced Dressmakers at Ma-v- v

dame Le Vanoay's. 7 llentanla SI. tua-- at

WANTED By a gentleman and wife, one or tworooms centrally located, with or with

outboaid. Address 1, a, J, Bulletin office. ttat-t- f

WANTED-O- Irl Walters for Restaurant. Apply10 a, m. and a p. m. Home Bakery,

fort street.

1 ANTED Several SMALLV Honolulu Messenger Sei

siaicea streets.

BOVSrtlce, corner


X7 ANTED 500 Men gel Shaved for 1 5 atW 6,04 F0,t opposite the Club Stables.lojftf II. JEFrS, Proprietor,

THE PUBLIC TO KNOW thathT St. Col- -'lege, St Andrews Priory, Prison,

Insane Asylum, other public Institutions, use ourwith great success. California

Feed Co., Agents. 1060


SALE: Ebony Upright Plsno, $: Interna-tional Cyclopedia (1$ vols) $jo; Webster's Un-

abridged. $8. Cookstove, etc. Apply SOONII. A. WHARTON, 8 Anapunl St., Makikl. ti)8.iw

SALE- -4 Lots at Makikl. by CEO. FORDI Inquire Popular, Fort street. njfimHProRTUNITY FOR DAIRYMENJ dairy stock, bred the thoroughbred sire of theVV fV frttln ,1lA,C. W Macfarlane

Apply atKing

to cents,street,

LouisOahu Oahu



tofurther particulars inquire of


order. Apply to II. O. Blart. Tort St, 1101--

A Pedal Bass REED ORGAN" Suitable for chapel or residence. HergstromMusic Co., Fort street. too?

BEST a cent meal In town. Try It and beLlnd's Excelsior Restaurant. 1041.



OARD WITH NICE IURNISHED ROOMS.soi Beretanla street. nji-i-


FUND Pouch containing Blcvcle outfit,same by calling at the Eventntr



office and paying expenses. 1191

I OST A WHITE rnATIICK BOA on the road to'-- Moana Lua last Sunday. Pleaseoffice and receive reward.





return 1 1 this

I OST A GOLD PIN with a DIAMOND In the cen-- (-

ten between Waikahalulu Bridge and Atapal St.Return to this ollice. tioS-a-

PASS-BOO-LOST. Pass Book 0117. In favor

Wm. Crawford, has been lost. Finder willreceive suitable nward by leaving ssme at the officeOf Ihe IIAWAIIAM-CHINbb- NliWS. uoi-t- f

A LITE, from not having West Disinfecting Ma-chines Invourhouses. kills

cockroaches and ants. See California Teed Co.,Agents. 1069



WE RENT the West DISINFECTING MACHINES, and keep them In order, for a small monthlyrental, California Feed Co., Agents. 1060


Meeting Notice.The Anniinl.Meeting of the Stockholders

ofthe lnter-Islao- d Steam Navigation Com-pany, Ltd., will beheld at the office of theCompany, on Tuesday, March 7th, 1899,at 10 o'clock A. M.

N. E.GEDGE,Secretary.

Honolulu, Feb. ijth, 1800. iuytM6

Hawaiian Hotel Annex,WAIKIKI.

The manaBement of the Hawaiian Hotelannounce that the Annex at Walklkf Is

now open to the guests of the Hotel

It must be understood that the ANNEXIs not In any sense an open PUBLIC RE-

SORT.Bathsand refreshments will be furnished

only to the GUESTS OF THE HOTEL."43-z- t

Tic Dai Slip Oregon

-- Is In port, preparing for anotheJvoyage to a much warmer clime than this,Many of the crew, both officers and men,have cameras with which you hope tofurnish wives and sweethearts with pic-

tures of the beautiful, lands you havevisited or expect to see hereafter, before

the great Ironclad is

Bound.nee more we strongly advise you to

have your films and plates developed be

fore leaving, Honolulu, as otherwise youare almost certain to lose them throughdeterioration. Many valuable exposureshave already been

Altogether Lostbecause of dampness or tropical heat.Come and see us, and we will tell youhow to avoid this In the future." .


Roams 2, 3 unci 4, Love Building.


CROCKKTT At Hllo, Hnwall, Feb8, 180!), to the wife of Albert Wul- -'

do Crockett, a Hon.MOSSMAN In thlselly, Feb 12, '09,

to the wife of K E Mossniau, neon.

For additional Shipping News tee seventh page.

Diamond Hcatl SlRual Station, Feb13, 1 p m "Weather clear, wind freshN K.

Weather Bureau, Punahou, Feb 13.Temperature Morning minimum,

03; Midday maximum, 78.(Barometer corrected for gravity .06 )

Jlaromcter, 0 a in. 30.07 steady.Rainfall, do, 0.01.Humidity nt 9 a m 08 percent.Dow Point (t2 F.Prospect of slight showers tonight.







FridaySaturday .




..aEoT5 p;


p. Ill

t?3 sr


a.m.0.5W 5.30





li m








? acp












a.m. p.m.8.05 4.40

The Standard time whistle Rounds at12h. Om. 0s. fmldulghtj, Greenwlclitime, which is lh. 30m. p. m. of Ha-waiian Stantlartl time.

AliUIVALS.Saturday, Feb 11.

Am bktu Juno L Stanford, John-ston , from Newcastle: 1570 tons ofcoal to W 0 Irwin &

StmrTwa.Oeorge, from.Kahana.Htinr J A Cummins, Searlc, from

Wnlmanitlo.Stm r Kcauhou, Mother, from ll:

1101 hags Hitgar, Alexander Allaldwln; 2029 bags sugar to H Water-hous- e.

Sehr Mol Wahlne, from Hawaii;22M) Iiuks Hamakiia sugar.

U 8 Collier, Sclndla, Watson, 31days from Cnlluo.

IT S stmr Iris, Vccder, 31 (Jays fromCallao.

Sunday, Feb 12.Ptmr ICIntui, Clarke, from Maul

ami Hawaii ports; 315 lings potatoes,2," lings corn, 185 liend sheep, 25 .headcattle, 0 cows, 1 calf, 1 horse, 30 baleshides, 12H pkKs sundries.

Stmr Maul, Freeman, from Mamports; 0307 bags stiKar, 201 bags spuds,1 horse, 110 pks sundries.

Am sclir Hubert Lowers, Qoodman,from San Francisco; 1500 tons gen'lmilso to H Haukfeld & Co.

Am sclir I,n Nlnfa. Heiijamin. fromSeattle via Hilo.

Am sclir C S Holmes, Johnson,from Seattle; 570,0110 feet lumber forAllen & KolilliHou.

flas sclir Malolo, Sass, from Molo-ka- l.

Stmr W G 'Hall, Hngluml, fromKauai ports; 0180 bugs sugar II Hack- -fi ltl & Co. v

Monday, Feb 13. x

Stmr Iwiilunl Qregory, from Kal- -lua, Kona.

Am sclir Muriel, Curlsen, fromNewcastle, N 8 W.

Br sliln LlnlltliKoWHliIre, Anderson.from London, Jng.

DEPAIlTDnE8.Sntunlay, Jan 11.

Am sclir Mildred, Kindlon, for theSound, in ballast.


iMOIlClUV. I'LMI Id.Am bk Martha Davis, Frlls, for

SanStmr Jnmes Makee, Tullett, for

Kapaa at 4 p 111.

Stmr Walaleale, Green, for Kllau-eu- ,Knllliiwal and Hnnalciat4p 111.

Stmr J A Cummins, Scarle, forOahu ports.

VUHHELS LEAVING TOMOnilOW.Stmr Muuua Loa, SImerson, for

Ialmtua, Muulacu, Kona mid Kuuat 10 a in.

Stmr Klnau. Clarke, for Maul andHawaii ports at 3 p m.

Stmr W G Hall, Haglund, for lll,

Hanainaulu, Koloo, Eleeloanil Hnnaneno at 5 n m.

Stmr Lehua, Bennett, for Molokuland Luimi at 5 p in.


The Lehua will not sail for herregular porlu until tomorrow after-noon.

Tho. Moi Wahine carao in fromHamakua Fehruary 11 nnd theKa Moi from tho same place thenext day.

Captain Rook, maater of thoAnnio Johnson, now in Hilo.camoto town in tho Kinau. He willroturn to Hilo in tho Kinau tomorrow afternoon.

Tho eohooner Alton thnt hasbeen in Hilo for nbout twomonths, was sold last Thursday totho Kona Sucar Co. Sho will attend to the work of that company,running botwoon island porta.

The American bark MarthaDavis, Friia master, sailed forSan Francisco this foreuoon,taking a carpo of 1400 tons ofsugar. Captain Friia expects tomako a quick trip to the Const astho weather should be favorablejust now.

Tho W G Hall reports tho Mi-kah- ala

at Maknwoli dischargingSaturday: Thorn woro 01550haps of sugar on Kauai, dividedas follows: K S M, 11.000; V K.1000; Mak, 3350: E L P.lfiOO; KP,,10,000; 8, 1000; H M, 21,000; LP, 7500; M S Co, 1700; K S Co,500.


FULL.fc h&? &?

Of the very best grades of new and popular style of Shoes.Our stock Is'a thoroughly good stock in every respect. You willfind It good because Its styles are not only tasty, but desirable andserviceable. GOOD because Its assortment Is varied and complete.GOOD because it shows full, honest value for the price every time.


except your time, to all and see for yourself, and If your TIME isvaluable you cannot spend it to a better advantage, or at any placewhere you will receive better returns than examining our superbstock.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co., -

Sign of tub Big Shoe,

XX Fort streot.





-- 33 Queen Street

Shares of StockAT AUCTION.

Under instructions from tbo Treasurerof tlio V nliumo Co., Ltd., I will soil at1

Public Auction, at my snlosroom, Quocnstreet,





CO., b(51ng tho fractional hUiuohof the now Issuo of stock.

Terms-CaMi- , U. S. Gold Coin

JAS F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

Fine Residence For Sale.

Ilosldonco of Mr. F. Wnltlron, on

Lunnlllo Rtroot ; 1 10 feet on Luualllo

sttoot, 120 to 181 foedoop.

Contains 20,070 squaro foot.

A now, comfortablo liouso on tbo prop-ort- y,

containing 0 rooms.

Further particulars at my ollloo.



Noteil the Nuiut). i

"That's Lowroy's," ono of thesoldiers called out while n com- - .

pany of tho 22nd U. S. Infantry I

was marching along Lunalilo,street Hub jnorninc "It's thefinest place in town," ho nddod intho tono of one belonging horoand acting as a guide. Tho naiuomentioned waH taken up by sov-or- al

others to tho roar oE the firstspeakor, nnd there was laughingas it was carried along frommouth to mouth. It was "oyesloft" upon tho rosidonco of Fred.JiLowrev whilo the company wascrossing Victoria streot. The lastremark, fairly shoutod oloso to thorear, was: ."Look at Loifroy's !

1 wonder if he's any relation toJim." Tboro must havo been anamoaake of Mr. Lowrey with thogiven narao "Jim" in the ranks,to bavo excited so much pleasantryat the sight, of that goutloman'suarno on tho store pillnr nt thoentrance of his grounds.





The Laughable Farce-ComcJ-


ISS LOUISE LLEWELLYNCharming Dramatic Soprano,




Big Tent ShowCorner Alakea andBeretanla Sts,csss





15 ARTISTS 15Admission 15c.llo3orvol Ohaiis, 25c.



PROPERTYConsisting of that certain lot on the

east side of Fort street, near thehead of Kuluii street, i few doors

above the corner of Fort and Bere-

tanla streets.

Apply to


ii2i No. 310 Fort St.


BARGAINS!I, Farm at Hamakua $ 7,300

, 4 Lots at Makikl 3 ;oa

), 7H acres lan-- near town 6,000

4, ii acre ol lanj center 01 town 4,jm. A lease 4 cottages. 1,35a

6, A Lodging House, lease. 5,000

T. Large lot at Malklkl 10,000

8, 175 acres coffee land, Kona 3,00a

9. 51 acres coffee land, Kona, i planted.... 6,00a

10. Lot acre near town.. 1,30a

ii. Corner lot cenleroltown 9,500

a. An leases collages 1,00a

For further particulars apply to

J. M. VIVAS,G Po8to!!lce Lane, - Honolulu.


?& ;S..



