Who is a Believer

Please be Patient, have an open Mind and Read the Texts from the Holy Bible. Reason the new found Information with what you know already, discuss with your Pastor, or any Soul who fears the Day of Judgment. Always Pray to the Creator to Guide Us All, in the Straight Path Who is a Believer? Those whoSubmit to the Will of the Creator PONDER THE STRIKING SIMILARITIES Time to Believe Time to Practice


H Immorality. Heb13:4, Gal 5:19-21, Mark 9:43, Mat.18:9, Job31:1-3M 5:28 Modesty1Tim 2:9-10ModestyQ 24:30-31], 33-59 Note the striking SIMILARITY of Hijab - lower the gaze and guard the modesty (men and women) and a loose outer garment when in the company of strange men, so not be molested, but only recognized.Ponder: 1. I can on my own self do nothing:..... but the will of the Father John5:30 . 2 Think not I have come to abolish the Law...., but to fulfil them..... Mat5:17-18

Transcript of Who is a Believer

Page 1: Who is a Believer

Please be Patient, have an open Mind and Read the Texts from the Holy Bible. Reason the new found Information with what you know already, discuss with your Pastor, or any Soul who fears the Day of Judgment.Always Pray to the Creator to Guide Us All, in the Straight Path

Who is a Believer?Those whoSubmit to the Will of the Creator


Time to Believe Time to Practice


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Page 2: Who is a Believer

BELIEFGodAngels Messengers Last Hour Only Last Messenger Unforgivable SinNew ReligionPRACTICEMethod of Prayers�Wudu(Cleansing) Praising God �Standing(Qiyam) Bowing(Ruku) Prostration(Sujood)�Greeting Essential In Prayer10 CommandmentsInterest�



Bible� Ref

OneYes YesYes YesOnly Allah

Only Father in Heaven
















Page 3: Who is a Believer

Prayer Times Food Forbidden�� �Food PermittedModesty� CharityGambling

� �

5 3 G

Quran Bible� Ref





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Let us START Now- Believe and Practice that are Common

Quran n Bible

A - Quran112;1-4 Ex20-3-5,Deu6:4 Isa46:9B - Psalm 103:20-21C - Deu18:18,Isa29-12 John16:12-14D - Quran 7:187 Mat24:36E - S12:20,Ex30:21 Wudu(Cleansing) Ex40:31Praising God� P63:4, 48:1, 63:4Standing(Qiyam) P4:4, 26:12, 22:22 P35:18Bowing(Ruku) Chron7:3,S20:41G24:52, P44:25,22:29

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Prostration(Sujood) G13:3, N20:6, Ez19:8 Josh5:14, 7:6, S20:41F - Greeting � L24:36,J20:2, G - P55:17, ) I - Interest: Quran3:130 Deut. 23:19-20

H Immorality. Heb13:4, Gal 5:19-21, Mark 9:43, Mat.18:9, Job31:1-3M 5:28 Modesty1Tim 2:9-10ModestyQ 24:30-31], 33-59 Note the striking SIMILARITY of Hijab - lower the gaze and guard the modesty (men and women) and a loose outer garment when in the company of strange men, so not be molested, but only recognized.Ponder: 1. I can on my own self do nothing:..... but the will of the Father John5:30 . 2 Think not I have come to abolish the Law...., but to full them..... Mat5:17-18 03

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3. Enter Heaven..., but only the one who does the will of my Father .. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name.. :.. and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'Mat. 7:19:23 4.Inaccuracy of Bible: 'How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it

falsely?Jeremiah 8:7-95 , praying to Saints asking to . Worship of StatuesHelp!(The All Mighty needs a intercessor? Unaware? Jesus(pbuh) taught this form of Prayer/Pleading?6Did he pray like in the present day ?7Greeting was Salaam(Peace), Fasting?8Why doesn't the Good Christians appreciate the dress code of Mother Mary(pbuh), Jesus(pbuh), Beard, avoid Pork, Liquor etc.9 Prophet Muhammad : Deut 18:19 ... it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not harken unto my words


Page 6: Who is a Believer

which he shall speak in my name,I will require it of him. Isaiah 29:12"And the book is delivered to him that is not learned saying, 'Read this, I pray thee'; and he saith, 'I am not learned'."When Archangel Gabriel commanded Muhammad (pbuh) by saying 'Iqra' Read(Proclaim)Quran96:1, he replied "I am not learned".

Angels have no Freewill:Psalm 103:20-21 Praise the LORD, you his angels,you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.(Devil .. not a bad Angel*Quran. This is the Book, about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah*-2:22. Indeed, it is We who sent down the message, and indeed, We will be its guardian-15:93. Say “If mankind and jinn* gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants”.-17:88 (17:88).4. This is a Book,with verses fundamental(Of established meaning), Further explained in detail,Fromone who is Wise, and well aquainted with all things-11:105

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5. These are verses of the Clear Book12:16. These are verses of Revelation,of the Quran that makes things clear15:17. praise be to Allah, who hath sent to his Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no crookedness18:18. And We have indeed made the Quran easy to and understand and remember; Then is there any that will receive admonition?-54:17 (Very many millions known the whole Quran by memory while close to a billion know about 10 verses of the Quran!)

The series of Booklets that have been produced is to remove misconception on Islam, and see ways and means to nd the similarities in the Great Masters Teachings, through the available Scriptures, and to prevent Mischief.

We hope you will enjoy reading them, and also nd useful n Truthful Information that will help us as a Society to live in Peace, whatever our d i f f e r e n c e s i n B e l i e f s , P r a c t i c e s a n d Understanding.

Page 8: Who is a Believer

We are ordinary Muslims helping to crush ‘A Misconception on Islam within a Minute’ - refer Showcards @ vr-one.org

It is not possible to get these details.THANK YOU ALL good Souls

who have made their work freely available.