Who are in today’s schools By Samantha Lowicz,Ashley Nelsen,Renae Lawley,Roberto Lonogoria.

Who are in today’s schools By Samantha Lowicz,Ashley Nelsen,Renae Lawley,Roberto Lonogoria

Transcript of Who are in today’s schools By Samantha Lowicz,Ashley Nelsen,Renae Lawley,Roberto Lonogoria.

Who are in today’s schools

By Samantha Lowicz,Ashley Nelsen,Renae Lawley,Roberto Lonogoria

Bilingual Educators

• Bilingual Education allows students to be taught at least half of the time in their native language.

• Some forms of Bilingual Education offered in schools are ESL classes to help students learn English better or two way or dual Language programs to teach both languages

Strategies for presentations on SDAIE

• Having teachers talk slower and clarify more on what they are saying

• Using more hand gestures and facial expressions

• Using more visuals Ex: power points, charts, Elmo’s etc.

• Avoiding English expressions

• Having more group work that is student centered

• Pairing up English students with bilingual students

Sexual Orientation

• Sexual Orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction that a person feels toward people of one or both sexes.

Typical Categories include:

• Heterosexual

• Homosexual

• Bisexual

• Transgender


• Because LGBT students are often hidden, these students are often considered the “invisible minority”.

LGBT students are at a greater risk than others for being:

• Harassed and bullied

• Experiencing depression

• Attempting suicide

Drop-out Rate

• Dropout rate is the percentage of students who fail to complete high school or earn an equivalency degree.

Rate of dropout in the United States is around 10 percent.

Five Stages for reducing dropout rate:

• Make it harder for students to drop out of school

• Address the underlying causes of dropping out

• Address the needs of those groups at highest risk of dropping out

• Strengthen school readiness

• Strengthen the skills and understanding of the adults

Dropouts Declining

Multicultural Education

• Multicultural Education is a broad term for many approaches that recognize and celebrate the variety of cultures and ethnic backgrounds found in U.S schools.

Relevant Pedagogy

• Relevant Pedagogy is teaching practices that place the culture of the learner at the center of instruction.

Attributes of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy:

• They use cultural referents to develop students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes

• They honor the students’ life stories and belief systems

• They create classroom community

• They encourage all students to achieve academically

Learning Styles

Learning styles are the way people learn differently. There are many different forms but the most common are:

• Auditory learners: When you learn by hearing and speaking

• Visual learners: When you need to see what you are learning, such as pictures, videos, manuals etc.

• Kinesthetic learners: When you learn by doing hands on physical work.

The primary style would be visual because most teachers write on the board, show videos and present textbook images for the students to comprehend better.

Demographics in todays schools

The demographics in the schools show White students being the majority in 1972-2004 but showed a decline of 1% in 2006.

Black students increased 23% while Asians were up 11%.

Hispanics jump to an astounding 64%!

I think this data is correct because I went to a very diverse high school. I would say that there were just as much as minority people to white people.

Students at Risk

• Definition: Students in danger of not completing school or not acquiring education they need to be successful citizens.

• Social Factors That Put Students At Risk

• Low income household

• Non supportive household/ school

• Drugs/alcohol abuse

• Teen pregnancy

Family Risk Index

A student that lives in a family with four or more of certain factors

1. Child is not living with two parents

2. Household head is a high school dropout

3. Family income is below the poverty line

4. Child is living with parent(s) who is (are) underemployed

5. Family is receiving welfare benefits

6. Child doesn’t have health insurance


Multiple Intelligences

• Linguistic (“word smart”)- Ability to use an manipulate languages

• Logical-Mathematical (“math/science smart”)- capacity to analyze problems, think logically, and carry out mathematical operations

• Musical (“music smart”)- Ability to recognize and appreciate musical patterns, pitch, rhythm, and timbre; skill in performing and perhaps composing music

• Bodily-Kinesthetic (“body smart”)- Ability to move one’s body and its various parts in a coordinated way and to handle objects skillfully; capacity to use the body to create a performance or solve a problem

• Spatial (“art smart”)- Ability to recognize patterns and relationships in physical space and manipulate them mentally

Multicultural Intelligence

• Interpersonal (“people smart”)- capacity to understand other people’s moods, intentions, motivations, and desires

• Intrapersonal (“self smart”)- capacity to understand your own feelings, motivations, strengths, weaknesses

• Existential- concern with ultimate issues, such as philosophical beliefs about life and death; related to spiritual intelligence

• Spiritual (tentative)- capacity to explore the nature of existence in all of its manifestations

• Moral (tentative)- concern with rules, behaviors, an attributes that govern the sanctity of life; connected to spiritual and existential intelligence

• My intelligence would be described as Interpersonal as the main category and logical-mathematical as secondary. I am a people person for sure. But I am good at math and science just not as well as I can communicate with people. This does help with my future career because I want to do something with people, just little people. I also comprehend the subjects I would be teaching very well.