White Paper The PC Performance Experts™ · 2010-12-13 · Wiping a computer's hard drive and...

White Paper October 27, 2010 The Myths and Facts About Windows PC Slowdown The Nine Proven Root Causes of Computer Degradation The PC Performance Experts™

Transcript of White Paper The PC Performance Experts™ · 2010-12-13 · Wiping a computer's hard drive and...

Page 1: White Paper The PC Performance Experts™ · 2010-12-13 · Wiping a computer's hard drive and doing a clean install of Windows is generally a sure-fire way to streamline and refresh

White Paper

October 27, 2010

The Myths and Facts About Windows PC Slowdown The Nine Proven Root Causes of Computer Degradation

The PC Performance Experts™

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Virtually everyone who uses a Windows computer has experienced slower computer performance and responsiveness over time. However, due to the lack of readily available, quantifiable evidence about the true causes of computer slowdown, many users may not fully understand the reasons behind their PC's lagging speed. Although most users can see how major problems like hardware failures and spyware infestations affect the health and functionality of their PC, many do not understand that everyday actions – like installing and uninstalling programs, surfing the internet, and routine Windows updates – significantly contribute to the gradual corruption and degradation of PC speed as well. This lack of information often causes users to inadvertently take actions that hinder, rather than help, the speed and stability of their Windows PC. Knowledge is power when it comes to fixing and preventing PC slowdown The purpose of this whitepaper is to debunk the myths, clear up the misunderstandings, and share the latest findings about the nine root causes of PC slowdown recently discovered through research by iolo Labs. This paper:

Explores the problems faced by business owners and IT professionals who

seek to optimize and maintain workstations that undergo regular daily use

but may not receive regular daily maintenance.

Addresses the most commonly-held misunderstandings that many users have

about PC slowdown.

Reviews the major sources of poor Windows performance.

Focuses in detail on the nine root causes of software entropy and how they

can be effectively resolved and reversed by fast, low-cost, and low-impact


While PC slowdown is gradual at first, it can—if left untreated—lead to a significant decline in employee productivity and increased costs spent on workstation maintenance. The solutions presented in this report seek not only to reverse the software entropy that leads to overall system slowdown, but to optimize and extend the life of working computers, minimizing the time and money spent on PC repairs and replacements.


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The day-to-day maintenance of a computer is generally not one of the principal concerns of the average workstation PC user. As an unintended consequence, the user may put off taking, or may simply be unaware of, the regular actions necessary for the upkeep and maintenance of their machine. When problems like freezes, crashes, or significant slowdowns occur, the user may perceive them to be catastrophes that have emerged almost out of nowhere, and blame them on a variety of well-known or easily identifiable phenomena that may or may not be related to the problem at hand. While users need not become computer experts (or be required to comprehensively diagnose their computer problems), it may be helpful for them to understand the underlying reasons for poor PC performance so they can take appropriate precautions and preventative measures. Business owners and managers may also benefit from a review of these common misperceptions in order to better understand users' attitudes toward PC usage and correct or adjust these misunderstandings as necessary. To follow is an overview of five of the most commonly held beliefs among non-technical users regarding the causes of PC slowdown, and how such beliefs may affect their approach toward the maintenance and operation of their workstation computers.

The idea that a PC's performance suffers because its hardware literally "wears out" is an easy assumption for a non-technical user to make, since this is certainly what happens to other machines we use in our daily lives—cars, lawnmowers, washing machines, and so on. Some users may believe that when a PC slows down, it means that they have overworked or overtaxed the physical capabilities of their computer, so it must need an expensive hardware upgrade or must be replaced by a new PC altogether. Fact: A computer's hardware is almost 100% non-mechanical and does not wear out and slow down over time. It operates at exactly the same speed whether it is brand new or many years old. Barring actual traumatic physical damage to the hardware, the only part of a computer that significantly slows down over time is its operating system and software, which can become corrupted over time due to daily use and regular software and Windows updates. Aside from the rare instances of hard drive failure (the hard drive being the only mechanical component in the PC), it is the software rather than the physical components of a PC that are subject to entropic degradation from routine usage.

The Top 5 Myths of PC Slowdown

Myth #1: PCs slow down because the hardware components wear out over time.

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Wiping a computer's hard drive and doing a clean install of Windows is generally a sure-fire way to streamline and refresh a poorly performing PC. This is a misperception that may be promoted even by more technically minded users, as the "clean install" has long been touted as a reliable cure for poor computer performance. Certainly, the idea of the clean install corresponds to common-sense ideas about how refreshing a PC or starting over with a clean slate will provide a better solution than merely tinkering with cleanup and settings in an already badly corrupted system. Fact: Re-installing Windows is unnecessarily time-consuming, and not the only or even the most effective way to fix and speed up a sluggish computer. Indeed, many computer experts believe that with today's operating systems, doing a clean install of Windows is both inefficient and largely unnecessary. Aside from a computer being infected by a kernel root kit or parts of the Windows operating system being removed or physically damaged, there is usually no valid need to re-install Windows. There are other, less drastic steps users can take to ensure that their PCs continue to run swiftly and stably, especially with the availability of performance-tuning tools that can systematically reverse all nine root causes of entropic software degradation.

Windows 7 does include several good improvements over previous versions, including enhancements that noticeably improve start-up time and program performance. Moreover, because it has only been available for a little over a year, many users may not have yet experienced obvious signs or symptoms of system slowdown. Fact: Recent tests reported on by PC World discovered that

while Windows 7 did seem to speed things up somewhat, a few tests actually showed some slowdown. Applications launched more slowly across the board (the most dramatic change was a 2.7-second Photoshop CS4 launch in Vista turning into a 9.6-second launch in Windows 7). (Miller)

In addition to a degree of slowdown right out of the box, Windows 7 loses performance over time from normal use in almost exactly the same way as its previous versions, XP and Vista. What's more, the pattern of gradual fragmentation

Myth #2: The only way to speed up a slow or unstable PC is to wipe the hard drive and reinstall Windows.

Myth #3: Windows 7 does not slow down like Vista or XP.

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and corruption of its operating system remains consistent with the nine root causes of PC slowdown discovered by iolo Labs.

New PCs certainly run faster than older computers that have accumulated a great deal of clutter; however, they come configured to a factory standard that may not be optimized for a user's particular needs. Fact: Tests performed by iolo Labs demonstrated that a brand new PC's speed can be improved by up to 25% by reconfiguring and optimizing system settings, removing unnecessary start-up items, and re-aligning program files dislodged by Windows updates and disk defragmenters (see Fig. 1 below). So while new PCs may initially run faster than an older or previously owned PC does, this does not mean that 1) a new PC's speed cannot improve and 2) an older PC that is properly configured for maximum effectiveness will not be able to run as fast as, or faster than, a brand-new PC that has been improperly set up.

Fig. 1. Data from an iolo Labs study (iolo Labs, 2009) shows Windows startup time before and after a tune-up;

even a PC at 0 months of use sees a noticeable improvement.

Spyware is an omnipresent problem for PC users. According to a number of recent consumer reports by software companies and independent organizations like Trend Micro, Harris Survey, Webroot, America Online, and the Cyber Security Alliance, 80 to 90% of PCs worldwide have been infected by spyware (Bocij, 76). Viruses and spyware infections not only compromise a user's privacy, but can impact a PC's overall performance.

Myth #4: New PCs run as fast as they ever will.

Myth #5: When a PC slows down, it's always due to spyware.

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Fact: While malicious software can certainly cause a PC to slow down, it is often not the primary cause of poor PC performance. With the notable exception of a root kit or other damage-seeking virus, most malware programs today are designed to steal information and therefore be as invisible to the user as possible. Modern malware usually impacts a PC no differently than any other piece of software that has been installed. Yet if a PC gets too cluttered with malware, the accumulation and operation of these unnecessary and unwanted programs can create a significant drain on the computer's resources, just as having too many non-malicious redundant programs installed on a PC can clutter up and thereby slow down overall system speeds. This leads users and even some IT professionals to confuse the slowdown caused by the normal entropic processes of PC slowdown over time with a malware infestation. While the accumulation of spyware may certainly contribute to poor PC performance if left unchecked, a computer that is completely virus-free will often still run just as slowly as or even slower than one that is infested with malware.

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Contrary to what users may believe, the primary cause of PC slowdown is rarely anything as visible or easily identifiable as malfunctioning hardware or invasive spyware. While these causes cannot be completely ruled out, for the most part slow or inefficient PC performance is caused by a phenomenon that is far more mundane: the gradual encroachment of entropic processes on the user's software programs and operating system. What is software entropy? Entropy—as defined by the second law of thermodynamics—is what causes systems to go from order to disorder. This well-known scientific law applies to most of the things we encounter in everyday life. For example, if left untended, an orderly garden becomes a weed-filled plot; a neatly kept room becomes increasingly cluttered and messy; and a brand-new car becomes run-down and weathered. The same rule applies to software. Over time, hard drives become fragmented, program files drift apart, and the Windows registry becomes bloated or corrupt: this gradual software corruption is caused by regular PC use, including routine actions like installing and uninstalling drivers, updating programs, or creating and deleting files. Entropy causes software programs to become increasingly inefficient, and increasingly time-consuming to maintain. This is because

...[any] software system that undergoes continuous change, such as having new functionality added to its original design or fitting into the latest technology environment, will eventually become more complex and disorganized as it grows, losing its original design structure. (Javvin Technologies, 452)

While barely noticeable at first, the effects of software entropy slowly accumulate over time until it comes to affect the PC's functionality. Like rust gathering on a car, software entropy can slowly and stealthily build up on a user's machine until the workstation can no longer operate properly.

The True Culprit: Software Entropy

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Since 1998, iolo Labs has pursued research into the phenomenon of software entropy in an effort to measure and quantify its occurrence across a broad range of PC computers and workstations. iolo Labs researchers have recently identified nine key areas where these entropic processes were both noticeably present and could potentially be repaired and reversed. This section gives a brief overview of these nine root causes of PC slowdown and: 1) isolates the ways that corruption and entropy lead to the symptomatic loss of computer performance over time, 2) highlights the issues that most significantly diminish PC performance, and 3) suggests effective and comprehensive solutions for preventing, repairing, and reversing these sources of software entropy.

Program misalignment occurs when the many interrelated files that comprise a single computer program get rearranged and scattered in different places around

the PC's hard drive, due to automatic program updates and other actions taken over the course of routine computer use. This progressive file system entropy or "drift" causes the hard drive head to move back and forth across the drive disk to execute routine program functions, leading to both slower overall performance and extra fatigue on the system's drive head and processor. Disk defragmenters are unable to resolve the problem of program misalignment because they fail to understand and accommodate the critical interdependencies and relationships between each program and its supporting set of dependent files. Indeed, defragmenting tools may exacerbate the problem by indiscriminately collocating and compacting files together without ensuring that related program files remain grouped together. A solution that seeks to effectively address and resolve program misalignment must be able to identify and re-align related program files for faster loading time and greater program responsiveness. Currently, System Mechanic's Program Accelerator™, available in the newest version of System Mechanic Business, is the only PC utility tool available on the market that directly targets this problem of program misalignment. Informed by a database of program file information regularly maintained and updated by iolo Labs, Program Accelerator recognizes related program files and re-aligns them together on the hard drive. Preliminary tests by iolo Labs have shown that using Program Accelerator alone increases PC start-up speeds up to 8%*, even in otherwise completely

*Results based on impact to Windows startup time as reported by Microsoft® Windows Performance Toolkit’s Time-To-Desktop

(bootDoneViaExplorer) milestone. Scores are aggregate average results of tests performed five times per PC configuration. Configuration tested: Windows 7 64-bit 4GB RAM. Other software installed: Microsoft Office, Apple iTunes, Mozilla Firefox, Windows Messenger, Adobe Flash, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Analysis performed on October 3, 2010 using the latest versions of software available.

The Nine Root Causes of PC Slowdown

Root Cause #1

Program Misalignment

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optimized machines: a noticeable performance improvement even over previous versions of System Mechanic.

Fig.2: Program Accelerator re-aligns scattered program files to reduce system entropy.

Although today's PCs generally have more than enough RAM to sufficiently handle most business applications, available RAM can still get trapped

in "memory leaks," a common software problem created by a design flaw in certain programs (particularly applications created with C/C++). These programs either forget to release memory after their task is finished, or they continue to consume or reserve memory even when it is no longer necessary to complete the task at hand. While the amount of memory siphoned off by a memory leak may appear to be quite minor at first, as the number of leaks accumulates, the resulting misallocation of memory can result in a significant and noticeable decline in available RAM. This reduction in available memory may cause other programs to store and access their information on and from the hard drive, putting additional strain on system resources and resulting in slower program performance across the board. In a worst-case scenario, a significant drain on system memory can cause other programs to crash. Detecting and repairing program memory leaks can be a time-consuming process, and it is often a task that is beyond the capabilities of a regular workstation user.

Root Cause #2

Available RAM Decline

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System Mechanic's re-engineered Memory Mechanic® tool is designed to give users a simple, one-click option to automatically recover wasted system memory. This "defragmentation" process swiftly drains memory leaks and reclaims available RAM trapped by inefficient program codes.

During the Windows start-up process, a PC must execute the following three tasks before the user can start working:

Run tests to ensure the hardware is operating properly

Load the Windows operating system

Load programs and services

While the first two tasks can be executed very quickly, the last one can take much longer to complete. If too many programs and services are trying to load alongside Windows, they create a bottleneck that significantly extends the time it takes for Windows to start up. Not all of the programs that start up with Windows are needed or necessary: many programs automatically configure themselves to load during the start-up process. There are many benefits to uninstalling these extra programs; however, users who are unfamiliar with Windows startup files may not know the difference between applications that can be safely removed and applications that are essential to the startup process. System Mechanic's Startup Optimizer™ takes the guesswork out of the Windows startup process by automatically detecting and deactivating unnecessary start-up programs or services. Eliminating these extra programs not only allows Windows to start up faster; it also ensures that there are no unnecessary programs running in the background taking up system resources once Windows has completely loaded.

Eliminating unnecessary programs is one of the quickest and most effective ways to speed up PC performance. By getting rid of a program that they never use, a workstation user can immediately free up

hard drive space, memory, and other valuable system resources. However, sometimes these unnecessary programs do more than simply cause clutter: if the user has many redundant software programs – that is, programs with duplicate or overlapping functions – installed on their PC, it can lead to system freezes or lock-ups as each program attempts to secure the same resources for its own exclusive use.

Root Cause #3

Slow Windows Start Times

Root Cause #4

Redundant or Unnecessary Installed Programs

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Most users have redundant programs installed on their PCs, although they may not realize it. Some of these programs come pre-installed on a PC by the retailer or manufacturer. Other redundant programs "piggyback" onto other programs during the download and installation process, so users who install certain programs may inadvertently install other unneeded (and unwanted) software along with them. While most of these programs simply take up extra space on the user's PC, simultaneously operating multiple programs with certain types of functions – like antivirus scanning or registry repair – can create conflicts and significantly degrade PC performance. Because different users prefer to use different programs for web browsing, photo editing, listening to music, etc., System Mechanic's new CRUDD (Commonly Redudant or Unnecessary Decelerators and Destabilizers) Remover™ tool identifies all the redundant programs present on a PC but ultimately gives the user the option of which programs to keep and which ones to uninstall. CRUDD Remover also lets the user or administrator know if the presence of redundant programs threatens overall performance: when it discovers evidence of redundant programs in any given functional category, it indicates the levels of threat those programs pose to performance and to stability on a scale of 1 to 5 (see fig. 3 below). CRUDD Remover is designed to provide users with even limited technical expertise the ability to periodically review and safely uninstall the redundant programs on their computer.

Fig. 3: CRUDD Remover identifies and lists redundant programs, and gives users the choice of which program to uninstall. Each software category is rated in terms of the threat redundancy poses to performance and stability.

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As many system administrators know, PC network settings should be adjusted to fit the data capabilities of a

workstation's internet connection. However, Windows comes preset with a series of network configurations that may not necessarily be optimized for every workplace's connection type. If the Windows network settings are not properly configured to accommodate the amount of data transferred through the network connection, the result is longer page and program download times, and glitches and frequent interruptions in streaming media. Even if a PC's network settings have already been properly configured by the user or administrator, business users who travel with their PCs may have to adjust and re-adjust their network settings for optimal connectivity as they move from office to hotel to conference room and back again. In this context, the most effective and time-saving solution for optimizing internet performance is one that can quickly and easily adjust internet settings for the most efficient network connection possible. System Mechanic's NetBooster® gives users this option to automatically optimize their internet settings with the simple click of a button. Users simply indicate what kind of connection type they have, and System Mechanic will automatically adjust PC network settings to optimize internet performance. For the more hands-on user or system administrator, NetBooster also makes it easy to view and manually adjust network connection settings as necessary.

The Windows registry is the master database that contains all of the information and

settings for the programs, applications, and files on a PC. Over time, it will also accumulate all of the errors, orphaned settings, and unused data remnants left over from defunct and partially removed software and hardware installations. Because the registry is so central to the workings of a PC's operating system, a cluttered or error-filled registry can lead to slowdowns, freezes, and even crashes. Keeping the registry in good working order is an important element of PC care; yet because registry settings are so central to the working of the operating system, manually editing and optimizing the registry is a task that should only be taken on by a trained user or administrator. System Mechanic's Registry Tuner finds and fixes broken keys, broken shortcuts, and other errors that are corrupting or destabilizing this important database. What's more, it provides a flexible solution that can either be set to automatically monitor and repair registry errors, or to allow individual users and administrators to review and repair these errors one at a time.

Root Cause #5

Mismatched Internet Settings

Root Cause #6

Windows Registry Errors and Clutter

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Detecting and cleaning out errors from the Windows registry is only half the battle in the war on system entropy. After broken or

obsolete registry keys have been deleted, they can leave gaps and empty spaces in the registry database, causing "registry bloat" that continues to use up extra system resources and acts as a drag on Windows start times.

Fig.4: Registry repairs can leave behind gaps and empty spaces that cause registry "bloat."

To maximize the benefit of registry repair, a comprehensive registry-cleaning solution must also reorganize and compact the database to eliminate this unnecessary bloating. System Mechanic's Registry Compactor™ does just this: it is designed to work together with Registry Tuner to complete the process of registry optimization by defragmenting and compacting the registry the next time Windows starts up.

File fragmentation is probably one of the most well-known and most pervasive causes of PC slowdown. Fragmentation occurs when individual files get split up and stored in different parts of the hard drive; it causes slowdown because then the hard drive head

search for the scattered parts of the file every time the user needs to load the file or make changes to it. This slowdown becomes even more pronounced when important system files like the registry hives and main pagefile become fragmented. Disk defragmenting tools are one of the most effective and popular ways to deal with the problem of file fragmentation—so much so that the system settings on the latest versions of Windows default to run a defragmenter on a regular schedule, so that the user doesn't have to remember to perform this regular maintenance task. However,

Root Cause #7

Windows Registry Bloat

Root Cause #8

Fragmented System Files on Hard Drive

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running a disk defragmenter on a regular schedule can exacerbate the problem of program misalignment (root cause #1). What's more, defragmenters can't touch the registry hives or other critical operating system files, because they are locked and in use when Windows is running. System Mechanic's DriveAccelerator™ uses proprietary technology to defragment system files during Windows boot-time, when those critical files are available to be optimized. What's more, for System Mechanic 10, DriveAccelerator has been re-engineered to work together with the new Program Accelerator™ tool to ensure that program files remain aligned with one another during the defragmentation process. The result is a first-of-its-kind defragmentation tool that provides a significant boost to both overall system and program performance.

Last but not least, the accumulation of junk files on a PC is a significant source of PC slowdown and degradation over

time. Without regular maintenance, junk files—the temporary files generated when programs are installed or uninstalled from a PC, or that are created and downloaded during internet use—can collect on the hard drive, taking up space that could be used for other data and bloating the file system's indexing database (Master File Table). Because junk files place an unnecessary burden on a system's resources, clearing out temporary files and cache folders should be part of a regular PC maintenance routine. However, not all users are equally conscientious about keeping up with their PC chores. An effective PC clutter-cleaning program should have the flexibility to accommodate these types of users, as well as the ones who are generally more meticulous and careful about what files they plan to keep and which ones they want to throw away. System Mechanic's PC Cleanup PowerTool™ tool offers users both of these options. PC Cleanup quickly scans the user's system to detect junk files and other clutter, and then provides users with an itemized list of its findings. Users can pick and choose which items to delete from this list, or sweep them all away with the click of a button. For users who prefer an entirely hands-off approach, this clean-up tool can also be set to run automatically and out of sight, whenever the PC is turned on but not in use.

Root Cause #9

Accumulated Junk File Clutter

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Identifying the nine root causes of PC slowdown is an important first step in designing effective solutions to repair and reverse these entropic processes. While some of these root causes can be addressed by manually readjusting PC settings, editing the registry and hard drive, or re-installing Windows altogether, these repairs are potentially hazardous if undertaken by a novice or uninformed user, and potentially too time-consuming for an advanced user, administrator, or busy IT professional to keep up with on a regular basis. Backing up the computer, cleaning system clutter, making sure that system configurations are constantly optimized, and keeping tabs on registry and hard drive fragmentation are all tasks that take up time that could otherwise be spent working on other, more immediately pressing projects. One option is to run a software utility program or suite, but it is important to be careful about choosing which programs to use. Many of these utility programs effectively target two, three, or even four specific areas of PC slowdown. They defragment the hard drive, clear out registry errors, shorten Windows start-up time, or clean up junk files and system clutter. However, to combat all nine areas of system slowdown, a more complete solution is required. With a battery of over 50 tools and 200 tests, System Mechanic 10 is the only PC tune-up software available that can provide a truly comprehensive approach to improving overall PC performance.

Nine Root Causes of PC Slowdown

Symptoms Solution

1. Program misalignment

Slow start-up, sluggish program behavior

Program Accelerator™

2. Available RAM decline

Universal system slowdown Memory Mechanic®

3. Slow Windows start-up

Windows takes too long to load Startup Optimizer™

4. Redundant programs

Lock-ups, general system slowdown

CRUDD Remover™

5. Mismatched internet settings

Lost connections, slow internet browsing


6. Registry errors Unpredictable hesitations and freezes

Registry Tuner

7. Registry bloat Universal system slowdown Registry Compactor™

8. Fragmented system files

Excessive hard drive churn, freezes DriveAccelerator™

9. Accumulated clutter Sluggish behavior, premature drive failure

PC Cleanup

Successfully Reversing the Nine Root Causes of Slowdown

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Today, businesses have come to rely on the speed and stability of their PCs. Left untreated, a slow or sub-performing PC not only drags down worker productivity, but can also lead to expensive and unnecessary upgrades. Additionally, many companies may not have the time or the manpower to keep up with the ongoing software entropy incurred through daily use in order to make sure that all of their PCs are running at peak performance. System Mechanic 10 does the work of repairing and maintaining your PCs by automatically scanning for, fixing, and reversing all signs of entropic slowdown in each of the nine key areas most vulnerable to corruption. PC users who want a hassle-free tune-up solution will benefit most from System Mechanic's ActiveCare® technology, which automatically monitors and fixes PC problems without taxing system resources. Advanced users and administrators who prefer to take a more hands-on approach to PC maintenance will appreciate System Mechanic's custom tools, which allow them to quickly and easily adjust the system settings and preferences to get the performance they desire. In addition, regularly updated Tune-up Definitions™ allow System Mechanic to incorporate the latest program information and research findings from iolo Labs, ensuring that your PCs continue to receive the most complete and up-to-date care possible. Designed for users at all levels of computer expertise, System Mechanic 10 provides a comprehensive solution to PC slowdown based not on myth, but on proven fact. Works Cited Bocij, Paul. The Dark Side of the Internet: Protecting Yourself and Your Family From Online Criminals. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006. iolo Labs. The Impact of Time/Usage and PC Tune-Up Software on Selected PC Performance Factors. Los Angeles, CA: iolo technologies, 2009. Javvin Technologies. Network Dictionary. San Jose, CA: Javvin Press, 2007. Miller, Patrick. "Technology's Biggest Myths," PC World. August 22, 2010. <http://www.pcworld.com/article/203732/technologys_biggest_myths.html>


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About iolo Crowned the Fastest-Growing Company in the United States in both 2010 and 2009 by the American Business Awards, iolo technologies, LLC (www.iolo.com) produces award-winning software that repairs, optimizes, and protects Windows computers. Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Los Angeles, iolo has presence in 33 countries, more than 30 million users worldwide, and hundreds of company, executive and product awards from industry analysts and media. The iolo product line includes System Mechanic®, the #1 best-selling PC performance software; System Mechanic Professional®, an all-in-one suite of both PC performance and security tools; Search and Recover™, a powerful data recovery tool for retrieving deleted files and photos; DriveScrubber®, the #1 best-selling utility for permanently erasing data from hard drives; as well as System Shield®, performance-focused antivirus and antispyware software. For more information see www.iolo.com.

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