Whipping Valentines .:~L”T~k CAR Washing · WANI’El—--’L’wo oi-tlireefurnished ... Barred...

PAGE FOUR BUY IT! SELL ThE SOUTH LYON HERALD, SOUTH LYON, MICH~FHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1949 IT ! TRADE + WANT ADS I HERALD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ONE TIME: 9c per line (5 words to line). REPEAT INSERTIONS~Be per, line (Na copy change). :..MINJMVM CHARGES: First inse~ti~p, 45c; Repeat, 40 c (each insertion) WHEN CHARGED i°c additional per insertion Rates for Classified Dls 1 ,lo~ Ad~ ertisements Given Upon Request Deadline: 4:30 p. in., Tuesday WANTED ~VANTED—CAi.VES, Also live’ stock trucking. Harry Clement. Ann Arbor i37925, - 27tfr •W~ N ‘FE I)—A it iqi it’ ~ewclery a ml - alit silver.. I Ii:,ne I’lyiiiout h 20112M ii. dcx WANI’El—--’L’wo oi-tliree furnished roollis to it ot (. ill Judd I. use at: Cr:i no - Ciuvv nun - Counm, ñv, South 1;yon, -, tItfcC iS t\ I El)—l ru’oiiigs to ci’. In an home \hrs (‘l:uci~ s (.uur(inc r, - Silver I .i,ke-. road. t’h,uuue South i.yon 2477, . OCX \S’AN’’l’EDcCiit glñss~ pri,ssccl glass c,r uiltI clii,,ii. Phone Ply ioooth 2092M:I. . Ga FOR SALE FOR SALE, __________________ Volt SALE—Babvcblcka from FOR RENT b!ood-ted~d stock. Order now, - Large type English White leg. - iectric FOR. ItEN“1 t’leiu. nut sleeping horns, Barred and iS hUe, ~ocics roll,., In ou,,,iern hoiiie. - 315 East ~ eII 1 cle: Water Heaters _ - i.i’ke street, South l4on. - Squire Hateherv~ 218 S,,uitl, ~ _______________ ~- - 14kb. i\ve., Ho~ell:1’luone Slth’W. , - 32 gal 66 gal, ~ i~omt ILENE o~~uJll lease on - —- .- - - ~tfc ¶Ve’ctiñghouise 139.50 *160.50 -shares, 2‘21)’ acre fi,roi. - Good PORSAI.E—n;kd oat unit ~chent I hnl,lnu.,r ~ $122.80 $146.75 hu,lidlngs and - gooct !mnd. A, ~ ~ PIer, 11 i W’hithei,d $107.50 $12710 ~ Ierritor:ai Lyon 8471. - - - - Iitflc’c Ai,to,n,utie Fuel Oil and Gas - , ,, , a - - - liter lit’i,ters, Myers dee~i anul FO~ I1L~ I “Itoon,s, ,o,,ttern home. YOU, SALE—Hay——Clover ii ml al’ 4iil k~ : ~u’ell Ju, i:,~,s, biuth rooiiu iuuen oiiI~’. M rs. A Ifred 1 nu~ is, folfa uiilxed and s,,Ii~e ii mi ~?t .51 ,c tut res, ill ii iiubi n ~ it ad Ii eating ~ i 0 1h ii reti street. Ne~I Iitil. straight tiiiiotii~ . l~1 5.,jO a ti,, 1 . su~ii,iies, - - - sun. 1 elephi.iie South. I.~ ci,, 5113. - Call South 1..) on 35 13. S.Oc~ - ~ - - - - Up Th.- --~ ~ - - - w. install - ————.—‘-——.————- FOR SAI.E We ii.i~ e o,,e 1948 FOR fll~’,’j’—htooi.i In iuoderiu C)ie~ rolet I ~ ton truck, long base, “S 5V1 ~~ iio,n~. Inquire aoz ivest lh’troit new and guiau’,.nteeul. Coinein intl Plumbing & Heating - street, “ii turner of i\’u,rreiu. get sill r speeliul urine n,nk . Crane ~ 41 1 Baseline. North-will. ~ .i’i,one Sotitlu 1,~ on 117 1. ~ Utfe . - Chevrolet Co., South L)ondcx ~ Ph~. North-vIlle 1128 - ~ roa S.%LE-—194o Cliosler ‘Irlisel.I - - ~ ~ 5 W A P ~ - Cr, H di H, good tires, new point, . ——... ________ - ___________ —_ __, u ~-______________ ——~ . A—I nibtor, $795. ‘fernis one-third FOR SAI.E—Extra qiiaPit~ . sutnil ~I 1-hAVE TOY DOG—-fe,,,uule, soi,tii. do~’n. I3in~or Motor Siules, 31675) grov,’o Russet Iturai jn,tuit,,es. er I’oj,,tuieranli,n.\Vili e~ehange Grand Itlu er,Far,ulngton, Plaint ~ ~ JarvIs L. Gage, phone 092 I, Si,uuth for Ooekçr, canarIes. goat, chIck. F’ariuingto,u 26,08. 6c’x I f,~ isa, 4tdpcl ens, or u lint. Box 6. ~. cc, I led. .~.-—— ~.—— I , _ ~___ —.——— - - son, MIch, FOR SALE—loot BuIck, heater, 4 VOlt S.\LE— .t~iples. WIlila,,, - new tires, ruins good $2211 ‘l’eri,us. i’eters, SN I I ‘l’en’Mtle ttoniI. ~ ISCELLANEOLJS Bower Motor Sales, 8IU~() Grand Phone Si’i,th i.yon ‘205h. 42Lfc ~ River, pliojie Fi,riitingtoii :~68. ~ 8E~’tNG MAChINES Vacuunu - - .— .— - I sweepers expertly repaired. All FOR SALE 1936 I)oclge cc~i,pi’, ~ makes. 25 years experience heater, 2 ne’, tires, i,iotor okes . - . - Floor brushes, belts 5 cords, $12_p full mince, Bower M,,t,.r ~ wheels, bobbin,, ,hottles, sew- - S,,ie,. 3161111 (irund ltlver, I”i,r- ~ llgluts~boIbs, moderate lwlces.- nilngL’.u. I’hoi,c Fiiriuingtoii 201,S. ~ r a Free estimates I’iuone Soot I, .—-—- - —-—•-— ___~y_’_ - Lyon 4361. . ~ Istfc _F~~)It SALE—_Giii,tI bright_hated ~Authorized Páik.id ‘I’AII.OUING-~- I.i~Iis’i~d ~Ien’s ~ l::~l5~ll3iJrC~::I!) . ~ antI Sal.. ana Snyic. - cl0thë1rCl’~lr~1:h&1ltered a,iilrv ~ i~ideii~e~r. 31690 Grand River, Farmlagton Rd.. near i2-Mil~’, Phone Brighton phone 67711. Ut9cx Phone F.~mington zoos I .von.3776. FOR SAI.E —‘- Ens. ., islting’ iii,. -. ehlne. i%’c,rks flue, ~II new wring- N””’ ‘NI) USED C er parts, S25.}O. Mrs Wv,. Mnrkl,n,u, pIi”i’e S,itth I.s in Call us for dei,ionstratioru M12 -- GOX ,unstlo,e. FOR SAI,E—20 ‘I’,,,, gaul quality Our Wak.snd Sp.ciaI halect r,,ixecl lui.v, ~IS per ton. Chas. E I lilnert, corner Slx’MIle 4t Plymouth, special deluxe anti Tower rds -I’ hone South full price 189500 L)oiu 4910, dcx F:oa s:u.E - .-~— ilurt Oi,hsmol~hie cliumue, Excellent~ i,,ot,, r,-, uses n,s c.!! - Very-. gb.,d - tires, :ete,, radii,’ - - - heater, ~I liii. Ill), 1 - II ,N civil’,,. 9N2 I -Peer Rd., S., ill hi let ‘n 2079,. FOR SAI.E ~I~ñI~iimi’ry W’iini washer: llhfllgl.ra grlu~’ t,ip t’,i,,t - and three piece suit -C ill- Arthur Don,,van, 336 IV. I .,,ke St. ,,fter 4:30 p.,,,. Vl,one 6-15 I, UI, FOR ‘-SAI.E—-—-ilve—r.,o,,, hi,,use in city Of South I ,y,ri. Avallal,ie now. For ,i:iointii,euit write Mrs. U, Gun,,, -2993 Helen, ])etrok 7,. -- PI,one Gc,,c~a 6822, - dcx FOR SAlE 2I’x20~ Greenhouse. Corner 7-Mile -and T,,wer roads, Phone St,u, tli - -I .,b’oi, 311)7. - - Up REAL - ESTATE FARMS COtTAGES COUNTRY HOMES CITY PROPERTY A giod selection from which to choose. J. R. HAYNER BROI(ER OFfice.: - 10582 Livirig.toq Street HAMBURG, and 405 W. Main Street BRIGHTON Phone.: Brighton 7-2273 or 3381 FOR SAI,E—Strictly tEesIi eggs. •—-stl,o~, i is’TqiiitI it y -- l’oui It~, . -1$’’ -- -South, -Street, South lyon, ~ t~veeliStryker - and Mills Streeis, PIit,iie South - l.~oiu :4591. . - ~‘ .-fl--.-. ._Iltfé I’OII ~SI.E—Strictly. fresh eggs it - uihi tililes,~thsti rui:tstiiig iie,,s. iV~ - deli ye r. Kit te r - l’u,i, It r~’ Fn rio, Phone South Lyon 6767. I2tfe Foit - SALE A,, Extra Shieeiltl, Iieau,tifui 9. ulere Parcel fronting Fish l,,lcc’, %Inrshall road, 3—I n,hhe north tsf - Xine Mite. ~li,,oj’!.vcai ,‘i~ hi 2 utlilt rt 01ent huisill e, gil rage ‘nd ‘2 hUge barns, For reslthcnu’e Intl livited r,,i,ii,iercl,,l Ilses, ~~lsI, - tiWant parcels fronting Fist, ~iiid Sandy . liu,tto,u lakes, R,,hert ,J, Ei,ff, .“Fou r I.akes Ci,:,uIt,nnits” 121)75 \VCst Nine Mile r,’ad. f iiille west of Itoslit,in road, Rural r,,li Ic No. 2 Soui tls I ,~‘on , I~li,,,, e 4525, Utfe FOR SA1.E—’2 Guernsey cots, i~iil kI,i g ~ two - HolsteIn wi fe rs, als,mut 1$ months old ; ~ Guernsey heifer, nhiol,t 10 Inonthis .,lti: H,,!— t,- stçln boll, S i,,onths -old. Pl,ohe .S,iutli I.yon2SS3. - - fitfe fill SAI.F.—CoaI or- wood he,,!- rola, brown e,tam~i ~nlshu, in good - condition; Heats 5 rou,i,isrMnr Gladys G,trdner, 12065 Silver lAthe ltd., phone South I,)’on 2477. ~ - dcx FOR S,-SI.E—Guernsey heifer, bred tt, Mich,ig~,n State College stock, d tie i n J ii I y. l’hone So ut hi Ly en ~7~L Up FOR SALE—One new o,odel II Al- Ii. Chalitiers ‘1’ meter and C’ulti.’a— t,,r for ~ i,i,eediate delivery. I’~:l rI S. Mastiek Co. Ahlis Chalniers, I ~t, ncr Esr,,I a nci G a rilen 31 a thu I a cry Ann 1 trln,r rucail it Soiltil Main sttes’t, Pl~i,i,,,itl,. Pl,ou:c’ .5455’. 011011 Sui,d:y it) ito, to 4 11.111. Ut’; 101! S.SI.E 01! ‘lIt.tl)l’ -I,-.’ , sc-It 1 ,Iuil,,iuil,t,i l.,.,l~. l’l,il,.’ Si.utli I.~ P11 :~!IM2 1 ftor .5 p. Ill, h-tJlI S.\ I h ..\!f~ If:i 1:111 Ilr,rll.’ li;i:.-. i~x,,-Il,’i:t i’1p7l1 lit ‘‘II. im. \!. ,nl,,itll Ii rIle, SUi,r I,nht’ r’,;oI - ll’lir (ire,’l: Gok st;lli,,tl, P]ic,,o’ S,ititl, l,~llll :j:, 12. Ut fl , i—tilt s.~I_h:—wit,l .n,; ,l,jiict, a lii!,. p II,,,,’ S,i,itIi I.:~ fill 2.~;3l. fl -I FOIt SA i,i•: - Suede .iarkvt, used I cliglitly, iiils.si’s site i2.Mrs. liar— - csId I lass, 5691 II Mien I i ii c- ‘J~ r;i I ~ J’holut’ 5,11th I_yin tiS~lfi. Simmons Electronics Radio Repairs All tube. and condensersin stock : ~ - •. - - ~ : All work guaMn~e.ed; - - Call-SouthLyon 547~.-~ - : .. 26966 South Hill Road -.-- ; -- :. .~.- -~- .. - - 46tfe EX(’A\’AtIN’3 Fill ai,1, - . . nod hhnck ulirl: Stanhes Chi,,on - Siilitli~ I) lIlt hlr,,’,kvhlte. lii , i’iyi.i’ oijth ‘h .‘‘,v l’tv,i,,,,,th s97.\S’~, or So,,lIi ;y on 81181. . 2011’ aId, .938 W’t’;i’ I.;,k,’ street, SlIt,I Lyc.rs. Phone 2534. ITtf. iVANTEI)—Goocl clean used fu,P- - nit,tre at..27l N. Main street, Ply- ,i,out ii, ~Sl ichigan . i’l,ieii e -- 2(13, Cash or trpde, lIarrs’ C. Itohin,- slip. owner; Jesse hake, “manager.. - ItItfe -L W. Alber Trucking ServiceS - C So~uth Lyon -. - - Farm and ~ . General - - Hauling Li,estook hasiling into yard. Phone South Lyon 4063 EAVEs~’ltOUGHS& FL’ItXACES —~—Eavest roliglis nail gravity air furnaces hnstahled es’ a tin . s,i,ith, Reasonalele m,rht’es. Tooi 5%. Ill liii. ‘5, ii right on 42III or H cd - f,,rl 167(t. 8591 I iitItlll,el r,’,it, 13r!gliton. 5I~ TRACTOR OVERHAUL 11111 rnhel:ildlng tn \itis.Cii;,I,,uers f;ic’t,,r~’.t r.,iiue,i ,,,‘ei,ar,its. Ex— hurt ut’,rkr,,r, ruslitu, itOh. litest in’,’ isi,ili suit. i’iiliil’lii,’iit_ Si’;, r— itt! I Iiiii~’ til it new ! ruet,r. (lI~~~ ~ iiirrtjit.’r .vffit’leflry, muir ~l~— t’r;lti,ig Th,ist~, humor traitor life, C)iiIck, friuuuilt- srrsI,e. SiIi,’ili.lt’ ‘‘‘lit ccli 1 i>’ iIi,ine—\~’alIecI i,akr 12018. DON HORTON FARM SUPPLY i’ol,tiac Trail at Maple Rd. tS’ailed Lake 4~fr - avHSCELLANECUS ci ‘SI’OM EGG II Aid IIX(i, K It I fe, 5 0 III Ninc’—M I ht• lid., m’hi ii ic St.i,thi I .‘ on $392. ‘ttTt’ x DARLING & CO.. SPOT CASH for Dead or Disabled Stock I iorses, *2(10 C’,n,s, $2.00 hogs Sill) 11cr e~t-t .%II according to ixe unit cti,uclitii,n C~ I’ es, SI, c’e~i n ad l’lgs Re,,liiieit Free I I’hone toll ret t i - C %ItL iiEitG - . l’htsnes, howell 150 l)eI roll, 5’ mess “t’:i I P1111) tf Tub; CABINEP SliOi’—l repair furniture, buiiid cabinets, book— cities, wnrdrol,es, studs desk,, wail racks, corner Whutnots, cor— nor c,ihliets at 29323 South ro,cd. . Phone South, L)on 3579. —-_______________ - AtTp HAULING SEItV1CR—Sand, gray- eL top soIl anal flit dirt. ,%Ise a shies mid ri,bhisii renlos oct. Xe’.’, liiodern eq I, Ipinent. I I i~iuIe r i-icr— hild, 238 iVest i.,ike street, Si,s,th L~ on, - I’hone 2~3 I. Stfe ELECTRICAL SERVICE Reel- dentlal. co,ui,iereiici and indu~’ trj~il wiring ansi, all kinds of - electrIcal work, Vane Chenoweth, Phone South Lyon 5272. 4ltfe Radiator Repair : R~d Out and SoId.r - . - All \Vis~rkGuiur,unteed AUTOMOTIVE RADIATkR REPAIR 57200 iVest Grand River NEW IIUI)SOX - -- - . - - -- Sex IIL’II.i)IN’G Slit 5’ tOE i’aihtlng roofing, repairing, new buildIng, ceiiient ‘i ork~ also cement mIxer to rent. C.— 0. I la,no,ond, S :: N. Center street, Nortiuvllle. Plunne Nortlis ilie 897, . itsp GESPRAL HAULING and Mov- Ing, also gruel and t)Ii dirt Dry wood, l,oth slab and body wood. - Court Itoot, phone SoUth, Lyon 5461, loLfe Body and Frame Straightening Complete Paint Job. Give yout car the New Look - for abou( $40 - Kenny’s Body Shop 21545 Dixhoro Road Phoa~ South Lyon 2388 - - 4stfe i.E.~ it?’. 1’ 0 I),% NCI~at Bailey’s I hunc’s St bib II aye ‘I 5 eec I,,— te rvteu’ ivi I ii us thu fi nO hew Cl!,’- it is to leut ro 0 r i ill I’ 3TOtlr dancing. lesson 5 by. . iii, - li~int i,lent, l’e,uehieis of b nI I r, cii. intl tap . I I S E, Ciaty St rt’i,i,- .- Ni,rth,ihie, Mid,, Phone Nortl,- ‘file - S 131%’, ~ - . - 2 Ip CARI’ENTER WORK—-Rough ,,t finish, I’hoae South Lyon ~-t52, Charles Clinnnsn,ithi, sitfe i)ECOIt~~i’iNG--Interi(,r :,nd exter- - iisr. Special disc-quint of 10 ~,eI’ cent. sin wallpaper for cash, 55’ itc,hert Young. l’hione South Lyon Q(i512, fife MA’IVItESS and Box Springs—all sixes tiiade new or rebuilt or re~ ;,aired. Hollywood beds a special- U-, All work guaranteed, iS’e call br ,i,,cI deltver. Adam Hock licdcling Cs,, cornei Six-Mile and Ear},art roads, Phone South - l•io!!.::48_Ode - ~tfc WELl. .DJtILLING AND REPAIR Electric punips and wat~r sy~- tools, Are and acetylene wehd- hng and !athe - work, Arthur \‘radenh,urg, 89550 NIne-Mile road, l’hone South Lyon 3939, - 41t44p 4ltfc IT! MISCELLANEOUS SS’K 5511.1, BUY your cattle, ~ hojis itlith ii,et it ry ,lerry ‘I’aggart, i’i, !)itt 5%’ hilt I,lore I .uke 24-IlL 4fltfc’ 111(11 I ES~i’ll iCES R\II) for cast me,, steel, 00011cr, 15711 5, rugs. iiiiit tilti luat terit’a. No rtin file Si, ru is I eon ii,itt Metal, 712 It,iIi— road A~ chub. N a rthis Ille. (In but k of t 5 eS M:,rqtlette cleisot I. t5tfc Nl:El) l~x ‘‘I’ BA MONEY ?—~t letter to lii,x 7 I , ~\1 ii ford 3ilcluigioi, w ill slits’ ~ oa lic,t~to earn ,u,oney in s’iitlr sIll rc thu t.. N is oblIgitt itiii_ G,,oit tie,!, hex ROOM lQl’S OF WALL1’APER— - alit., iiiuii lip. SpecIal bargains.~ Mcintosh Furniture Coii, 1 :iimsy So:,th 14011, l’hone 2333, Otfe CAR \VASHi~.O & 1’()I,ISHING— i.et us us isli unit polish ~our car in our new modern seryfee eta-i tlon Don -‘l’app’s Staniiurcl Ser— ,ice, South Lyon. l’luone 0821. 4 6e INCOMEi’AX ~BltVICE —FIve - ~weeke left~ . Avoid the l,ist minute, rush: -~- , J. . . iVelnbur,àr. 402: 5% iiim~ple street South L)oo -- ia,.,, ~q’,ot . -- FIND Newspaper Leader ; -- --- -- - - \V1XI)OW SHAI)ES MI colors, ~ succeed-LeslIe B. Merritt 5 Liv— and table pails iiuade to order. Mc- ingaton County Press a~ Howell, at Iiitosli Furniture Store 5 South the’ 81.1 annIversary convention 1.3ols, I’lione 2333, fife Jan, 21-22 at Lansing, - :=—=-— ,—- ~ , Ink White, Clinton County Re. publlean-News at St. John,,- wau S1 1 4 P elected first vlce-;reuldenv 3, C, Bedlent, Albion Evening hecord, second vlce-preehdent, end- James - ~ K. Rifle, Durand Expren, Iran- - sli,1_,1_ ~ur;1;w dIrectors are H. V. Balls san Adrian Daily Telegram; Hero S q w Jelterie. LowehI—.Ledjer; A. 3, A /t~t’~” ‘‘t~~1 Riley Ontan~goa Herald, and H. F. _Iwi_ . &i ~ I W~iI Brodl’e, Pontiac Daily Press. ~ \ I l~lW Ths 1049 membership comprises ~NI ~‘~‘&-~. ‘Y”— MM 51 daily and 808 weekly news- ~ A~~J - papers. The oldest living past - ~~W~IR~IS.~ president Is former Goveruor Clage wt~~~~ay ‘\ ‘~wii - a. Osbox~ 1 Sault Ste. Matie News, \WA~!~S~~_.&L__JItfl’I - president In iSDS. ~ -- - High_Spirited ~yot, sImply couldn’t depress - £ Smythe. He’d come home from a rotten game of golf cc a barren day’s fishing fuR of beans; He’d back the whole program without getting one placed horse, end e~cude good humor. When bueineaa got so bad that he had to maya Into a smaller and cheaper place, much to his wife’s dtsgo,t. he tried to con- 5O~e her with the fact that she hadn’t such a big place to look after. The first wet nIght she met him at the door with tbe news that the mof leaked and water was dripping Into the dinIng room, “That’s all right. dear,” he said, “put your— aspldistras under the drip: it’ll save you watering them.” - - - TOO MUCH COMPETITION - “isay; aId thah, what hnrp:~ned tothat parrot of you.s?” “Oh, Imatrled..you know, and It died of a broken heartt” . - - “Jeolousy, I supposel” “Well, not exactlt It- couldn’t - stand the competItIon,” - . - i,—,.————————— - ;: Riehee by - Degrees Samuel Johnson was at the corn- meneernent exercises of a London university. Almost all the honors werebestowed on citizens who had made financial contributions to the school, ~ - “This must be s very wealthy university,” commented a compan. ion. “Not yet,” quIpped Johnson, “but it’. getting richer by degrees.” - Lamidry ~ is Secoad*ry When a flood washed out thi cell’ way line to a small city where he wfl scheduled to make a cempa,gn address, ‘a vIce’presidentiai candi- date telegraphed the committee chairman; “Cannot arrIve on tIme, Washout -on tine.” - He wee startled to receive a tale graphic reply adylting: “Never mind wash, Buy another- shirt at our expense and come anyway.” POOR EXVVSE -BiflgoldLa4y1 Dàrà..::: Tops Hampshire Sows Raises Total of 71 , :Pigs-toWeaniàg.Age -- First of he! Hampshire breed to becotiie a “seven-star” sow, Bin- .gold.Lady ~ora !~à:. 753,056 has raised A totñl of 71 pIgs to -*ean- Ing age, an average of ~ 10.1’ plfl per hitter. Thie- record is more Impressive when compared with hntional averages. According to 1J S_ department of , agriculture re- ports, the- natIonaL average is SIB J spring. pigs and 6.39 fall plga per litter raised to weaning age. . To qualify for a star In the Hamp- shire production registry a sow must raise a litter of- at least eight pigs, without fault or defect, - to weigh 320 pounds within 50 days of fsrrowlng. And of course to gain a “seven’star” record Ringold Lady Dora has repeated this per- rorrnance seven- times. She It the first sow hi the Hampshire breed to be listed for either the sixth or seventh “star’’ litters •jn her seventh “star” litter, this sow farrowed 15 pigs, nine of which were saved. The eight selected for registration weighed 443 pounds at 56 days after farrowing, The production champion was fed a ration containing corn, oats, al- falfa and pelletized milk by- products prior to fartowing, PTer pigs were creep fed early and raised on a ration of seven parts corn and three parts oats, with 8 per cent milk by-products added. Ringold Lady has been owned ~ and bred by William C. Ocodheart, Jr., of Eaton. Ohio, ~inec 1914. and Was sold to ricadowiark Farms, Inc., Sutltvan, Ind. ~ I Farm Production Costs Fai’m production costs have near- 13’ tripled since the pee-war years of 933’39, according to U. S. dc partment of agriculture statistics. These costs totaled 14.9 billIon dol- jars in 1947, compared with 52 bil- lion before World War II’. out-- Diii you see it in the Herald too? ~ Ic F - a a:t, now three IT!. HERE A P!anri~d Economy Home I— _ L~ S e ~ ~ ~ ~?%.—. - - ~~t.t~tr? t~ ~ -‘ •A <psi: ~i}lL:k CA~ : iLl - PORT ‘4’ ‘4’ ci - I —- - LIVING- ROOM eaa~aa t. - -—~~‘‘‘~‘ - 5 .:~L”T~k --i-. ~ --- - - Planned for low’cost construe’ ation possible with conventional tion without sacrlfi,elng any qual- double-hung sash. If deaired the ities necesaary for comfortable car port can be uaed as a porch - living. this single stor house has dunn the summer. a car po~t, terrace aniffive rooms Bot~ bedrooms have cross yen- - - arranged to euit the average-sized tilatlon. ~An extra wide doorway between the living room and the family, It is nan no. oul Os nr- - - ehiteet Allen 1’. Turpin, Jr., 3300 ~ creates additional Deslard SI,, Monroe, La, ~T~e hou~ has been planüd to E*terlor sidewalla are white, eliminate waite space and, for the - with brick on the outside car port aake of economy, to take advan- wall as a pleasing note of variet~c tage of standard sizes of lumber The architect recommends asphait and stock materials. -- roof shingies for their economy as (Detailed DIsa, and specifies- - well as for full protection from lions are available Irons Aiien ‘V. both weather anu 6re. - ~ Turpin, Jr., asoo Deslard St., Moma- . The’ windows are a new type roe, La., by referring to Plan No. which provide twice the ventik 901.) NOTE TO hUSBANDS CORN LFAVEB PURPLE The average housewife ~vnahes Corn leaves with a purple tint rOximately six tons of dishes Indicate a shortage of phosphate !~ year. - in the soil, , . ! TEAMWORK ~ ‘, - -- DyCOLLIER scogi oo.qo Lts,—G__e vs ‘—S LAQOI 4”MICOS-O—O e% ~ U , ~i ~ I K%_JI - I and a half linus the 1935-39 aver- age. - Meanwhile, farm prices have slumped and many economists cx- pnt a further easing in months ahead, Corn and wheat !re already 25 to 40 per centws 4 tr their early 1948 peaks. Farmers can best meet the Ian- pact of higher production -costs and loWe! prices by good soil manage. I FAPM PQODLICTiON I cO6’r~ - __lr- _‘5_ ~ig4?’ a _______ 4~ meat. that steps up crop producing eMciency and lowers output costs pea- unit. Good sell management Involves no magic or mystory. It simply means playing fair with the soil by ; returning organic matter and plant ! nutrients used up by constant crop F production. Organic matter can be restored by growing deep-rooted . legumes such as aifaila or sweet - clover in the rotation and plowing them under for green manure, - When the soil Is restocked with organic matter and plant food you will get higher yields and you will nit vol,r nrodulrttnn costs. -- / Wbore -t~hi ~ Gron - More than 40 per - cent of the world’s cotton is produced - on only ‘3 per cent of/the world’s lend suar~ ft’s. The United States cotton belt, . which includes North CarolIne, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Miseisslppi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, OkIa- home, New Mexico, Arizond and California, I., the most highly spe’ dallied agricultural region in the world. - . Dry Skim Milk Retailed Now in Small Packages Now that dry skim milk—official- ly cailed non-fat dry mills solids— is On retail markets in small peek- ages for home Uae, thrifty home- makers have a convenient, ccc- -~ nomical product to build up the bu- ~tritive value of family meals, 4 The ease end convenience of its case as well as its high nutritive value justify its place along with flour, sugar and salt on the pantry’- shelf of every homemaker. Early Egg-Laying Cited As Not Good for Hens Healthy pulleys can be fed to in- I duce the starting of egg-laying due- Ing the fourth month, but experi. enced poultrymen usually avoid this early production on the theory that such pullets do not make as large , or ruggcd hens. Egg size continues to be small for a longer period where pulleta are -encouraged to lay early, thus reduc- log long’range orn9ts through ore. ‘a 1 1 II rt- ~ -,- 1,~~’~’’ _tep,R.,c. --- .,4 .t~ ‘P - I cent, Alex Johnson DAIRY Laboratory Controlled DAIRY PRODUCTS - ! ~~o~Soutb Lyon-5051: : : or:3473 ‘- ‘--P “I am a woman of few words said-the: haughty miStress. to; the flew maid. “If, I beekoawith my fin- gpr,- I mean come,” -~ - - - : __“I am a woman- of few -words, Zoo,” replied thó maid “If- I shake my heed, 1. mean! ain’t eomln’J’ •.: ,-- ~ ~ , . - Speed of Fish- - -:;~ ~ - Average froth -water Ash: can - ewim: about-.Eèven miles en hour~ . - Need ‘-a ‘7 -S Uyou’re wauchlng the weeds grow In the corn when the haying can’t wait—worrying about planting when there’s still more plowing end harrowing—or wishing the manure would haul Itself when the big tractor’s busy , . you need another tractor. With a Farmahl Cub, you can planr, cultivate, or mow 12 acres a day , ., rake at 3 miles en hour . . haul faster than a team, And you can spray, pump, run an elevator, plow sndw, saw wood, shell corn, grind (cccl. a hundred other Jobs too smell for the big tractor. Caine in and seethe FsrmallCub It n’r bejust whatyouneed. ,, Spencer Implement Sales SOUTH LYON, MICH, , PHONE 2601 MeCOi1MICK-DEERING SALES and SERVICE S.rvIc. Plus Quality 1’ ThE SOUTH LYON HERALD, SOUTH LYON, MICH,, THURSDA\FEBRUARY 10, 1949 r~ou~,g~jp nl IMt$OS... /v4s’~Z~i ~ -,~,‘ ~ :~s~a:. ..-~ ,~< .: : - ~- ist~L~~ ~ —~ —-— - (~_~~_-i_’~_ -: : .~i :~ tt~;:~7L~, ~ -: ~. t_ ~~1i-~ P IFh~r Pevorlti Pies ~ ~ LYNN ~ CHAMBERS’ MENU PIES ARE ONE of tjie favorite ~ .~— -- dholeea for - dessert all ever the Baked Chicken in Milk country. This Is really remarkable Baked Potatoes Brussels Sprouts because ~ali pies, ,whether served Fruit Salad Yeast Rolls at home or elsewhere, are not at’ - Beverage I ways good. they’re soggy and pale ‘Dillerent Lemon Pie: and their fillings are tasteless. ~ ‘Recipe given -‘—-— .77 Howsver,~whether you’re making ,. ._r-c-i_ - your flrst, twenty-nrst or your hun- lure. ‘top with whipped cream dot- n-’ - -- . dred and first pie, ad through a pastry tube. - there’s no reason Hera’s a light custard pie that -~r ~ ~ - -- t S l~in~tb~? ~: ::~: :~;~~::::~ - - ‘a— ~ Measure ingredi- los such as yeaR- L ~ eats with standard Ia wafers or ehoc- I tools, follow direc- olate drops lining ¼. .~ tions for mixing the bottom and carefully, and bake properly, and sides of a nine- you will have ‘a pie that meets the Inch pie plate, - test, - 0 ‘~ Pie It Isn’t difficuitto make a good ~h~’~” crane ie - crust; neither does It require ox- ~ ,~ u’~cc a . teflsive:xperlesi:&You’ilhaveto ~ ~~npoon.cor~~rth measured and not over-handled, ~ ‘~ ci:::y cream Owner. ~ , a egg yolks , - - Regular-Pastry ~ cup water ~ ales ~ tMakes 2 9-inch qrufls) 1% ~“P~or$Isg ~ S cops all-purpose flour ~, ~ ceokies 1 teaspoon salt 1 a h lenin eggw Cs :~ table:poon: ; 0 :r W~1i ~ tablespoon. powdered sugar Cut fatinto flour and salt until ~ and corn- the mixture resembles co:rse meal. starch, Add cream and egg yolks It a best to use a en ~ or and mix thoroughly Add water, olives so that the heat of the hands arange juice and rind. Cook over doee not melt the fat. Add only the hot water, stiiring frequently, until amount of water !ecommcnded in thickened Cover and cook for five the recipe, Crust may be chilled nilnuti’s longer, Place cookies il, before rolling, If desire& Do not bottom and sides of pastry tIn, Fill usa too much flour in tolling crust wit!, - the orange custard, or the pastry will Iso tough. To make the meringue, beat cuss . hot Water PIe Crust whites until stiff, add sugar grad (Makes 4 double cruet pie), ualty and continue beating utiti 34 cup water flit! and glossy Pile theringue a 34 cup shortening spoonfuls on top of custard, ti, 1 --- —lt*-eup.-ffour - - wlthãSnge sections and bake in a ¼ teaspoon salt slow (325 degree) oven for IS n 3/, teaspoon baking powder utes - Bring water to a boil, add the eD’flertnl L”mon PIe shortening and stir until smooth. intakes i 0-lack, pie) Sift measure and sift the flour. Add ~ baked pe shell salt and baking powder. Combine ~ egg y,,lks the mixtures, Stir until smooth, Set ~ tablespoons lemon j ii. away to chill for 12 hours. ~ ~,i, sugar Lemob Chiffon Pie Grated r:nd I lemon (MaKes 1 9-lao!, pie) ~ ttaspoon salt I tablespoon gelatIn 4 esg wh Ira 3~ cup cold water Meringue: 4 eggs J 3 egs whites 1 cup sugar s tablespoons sugar I tablespoons lemon juice - . ~ teispoon lemon JuIce 3~ teaspoon salt - !~ teaspoon sat I teaspoon grated lemon rind Beat yólks~ add sugar, leun.,, Dissolve gelatin in - cold water. juice, rind and ~alt, Mix thord’ig’i . . - - Mix egg yolks and sugar in top of ly and cook uver hot water wilil double boiler; add ~ ~— a soft custard is rormcd. Stir ccli lemon juice. Beat- stantly, Cool thoroughly. Fold Is well and cookover stiffly beaten whites and pour mix - hot water until . tore into .,aked shelL to malt,- the mixture thick- . meringue, beat whites until still, ens, Add gelatin ~—~— then slowly add the remaining in salt’and rind. Stir .~ ~ gradients, Place in a moderate ugtll gelatin is ~ 350-degree) oven and bake for 10 dissolved. Fold in’- ‘~ , to: 12 mInutes to browo meringue. to this the well- ~ Coconut Custard Pit - beaten egg - whites. Pile into a (Makes I 5-inch pie) bsked pie shell, Place in a cool - i ~baked pastry ebeB place until the OIling sets. . ~ egg., ~eatea Banana Praise Pie 14 eup sugar - •2 (Makes 1 S-Inch pie) , ~ tesapocti san flteu ~~ cup butter or substitute - ~ cups- mia 34 cap honey ¼ cup coconut Juice of ;4 lemon ~ -$easpooa vauws Grated rind of 34 lemon Add sugar, milL, flavoring and 2 cops cooked, chapped prunes ~ coconut to eggs and pour into 4 bananas, sliced pastry shell. Bake In a hot (450’ Whipped cream degree) oven for 15 mInutes, Re Blend butter and honey, Add ~ duee heat to 350 degrees and bake lemon juice and rind, than prunes. ~until a knife, Inserted, comes out Arrange bananas In baked pastry Fclean, about 25 to 30 minutes, shell, then cover with prune mix- ~ Released by wsu Fealties. LYNN SAYSI ~ Combine foods of different tea Plan Yoer. Meals ~ lures in one menu for appetite ap With Eye Appeai ~ peal : cariot tirubales, asperse Combine food of different colors ~t~ p, and brutlcd it: usliruonis. to add zest tc, meals. For example, i Siriple meal Shepherd’s pie with ~serve rice, Iamb chops and string potato tu~ipi ig ; ye: isa ise or iii issi - ~beans for a colorful combination, : ed carrots, ‘ahbaae siaw~ apris’s,l ; P:cture pretty Idea: salmon tim. ; cherry ups,stv duwis cafe. ~bales with egg sauce, chopped ~ Here’s a gusri meal for cold hg -s - spinach and èhocolate meringue ~braised short nba with bruw,s,’d ~ - pie. I talons, spinach sir broccoli ~ but I ti Colorful Menu: creamed dried ~scotch pudding beef on top of baked lctato, cooked Chicken pie can be madi situ - fresh or froten peas, peach salad baianc,sd niral with vegetable tab ~ and chocolate cake, I sad a heavenly ‘htes’nlate cake! CEt READY FOR SPRINC Orde! Your New FQRD TRACTOR N~Q W - to be Sure of Spring Delivery : DELIVERED. -PRICE OF THE FORD TRACTQR $1 2 96.00 - - Pitss Anti-Freeze - - - - THE , LOWEST PRICED COMPLETE two-plow Tractor, with an internal, built-in ~ hydraulic - system- of implement control, and battery and starter Our stock on mod implements is good, so we sug- geM that joU s~pin and find the equipment you will this spring, AT FARMING HEADQUARTERS. - wa ‘V a CALL US SOON to Lure your Tractors and Im. plements picked up for reconditioning, Be ready for the spring work ahead. USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD HUGH ARMS & SON 33 YEARS OF ~ ~, R0DU C T S SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN Wrecker Service - Telepbone 4241 rn!I~fI~ BABSON F ifty Grand ~ by Ro 5 er W. Babson A Year i Babson Discueses By ~ National Productivity FREDERICK MEDLIN (li~7”~, ~F, 1~ 1111: ~ ,I Is ‘-l” ~ still wonder a l~yJohnson ~ ,‘5 ui-pt tent mad so suddeniy after hi ,,,,,,, ~, ‘hr ,,‘rs II, ci sic gut out of stir, That is, all but Lco, ~ r,I~iii this t’,,s,tuirs st,,ilii lit. Lhc_ fenob, tt,t,tli. It.,i,,-,’,lI,ii’ Johnson remembered It all as he Machines Make Jobs strode feverishly through the hot. I i I I ii’ I i ~ I ~, t c a ts II . v~ e,i r~ cia , breathless night w,,rL,’r~ l,,,s , i,,, ,‘lll~ ‘stern I ~ _ Minute The black curtain llll’rt ‘roll,, ti., ht,,l,s il. . ‘ri’— I of darhneu that titlt’t’ t,,Ijr lit,,,’.. u’, ‘III: I g’i,,,l’, ~ I Floflan ~ r ~ 5 5 r d Olson I lie’ t lid t hi ii 55’ I ii’, ~tit’ I .1,,,’, ‘I,u L every side could ~ ‘‘‘‘, ,ti,t,iit 7’IVc ,~f ‘‘or mccl— not hidethose things that had gone ~ .~~“7’ li,iin ,:&L,:;ti ~‘~~tl~,i; before, Even their memory in- ,,, ci i ,, it’-, I , , c’s, ,i s. ‘loch, s tin i~ :1% creased - his furious pace, and tt is cup~iliecli,s a nit,, Is ,,,tcl 2% lee ‘5 as an effort not to cast a furtive isOllils, 5t’I,,’rc,i , tI~~ nu t’h,iiic’ ,l,eos glance over his shoulder an he drew 95 l~~ ,,~ ,il,r a ,,rL for u 2 nea r the spot on which the g reat ‘t’h~t’ t i, ,~ t I Iu I t on-I’ll,, ii I , , I ion ook should stand. . i S t lie ri at , I f sI i ci II is e’ ~ He remembered the night of ten fi,sl,l,,ni’,l i. gric7uci~,lts siCsl,ooter years ago that he had stolen the in 05 l,t,,I~ili ‘go. ‘i’l’t’ kit to 0,, Alsmeyer lewd.. It had been a ~ inere7ed da~jt’rate thing to do, and he bad ~ ~ thi;,,igl Illet iu,,tlaclit,,i. ‘I h,e half expected to be caught. His rt’suiit’s : shorter is terking lii,,, ‘a, li,oro mind’s—eye saw himself crawling ~, k c—I, ii I ic m’’ ~, s ,, itt ii, us su it Ii list’., up those precarious tracers of ivy si,tlnl srt’urlt s , ,, rid it stanilarsl-,,f- On the high back wall of the Als. ii’i,ig tlutt h.,s ,lt’e Stalin stared meyer ma”’ton. He recalled how to di’stthi. - - cautiously ,se-had—opened -the—win-- C~aditloirF.vbringGr~wiE’ dow with a glass-cutter and a file, Is ,,rtle, for an’ ,,f (i,,il’s cmi,— how carefully l~ had placed the t,tre4’ i~l,iit~, tui,,i,,ls, Or charge -of explosive against the t,, lircisiler it,,,i tIes chIli fulb , tlie~ cleverly-concealed - wall safe, how ~ i-tel the rigl,t no, I r,,n,i,ent antI 11w feverishly he had hurried through righ,t f,,’aI incii,sl rh,! .5 ,ii-rieai liur’,t the acrid snioke to the batte red ii it ii hiliti a nil til,,ss,inw,I for II , I ii tlit’ door after the muffled eséplosion had act ‘‘lie liuntireti s ear, lii’csllise it shaken the room. . ~ li,cl tlie - right f~~’~i bit 1 the rigId - . entir,,,i,i,t-nt Sari’ is’, sic i,,is I’ T HEN down that sweep of tvy i.I:’,nelnu$ rcs,,,lrt’t c~bit ~ ui. lInt— agsin to the groudét still ö~ir thb ~‘ ~ hut 0 I’ hi:us e hi.,il that ltu,sslit wall anut along the hard road as the u1 1~~ kcti 1 hil..Iwtt;i si uproar behind him steadily grew l,lehi e,ie’’s,riigt-ti risk taking ‘i his - - . the car with the fingering c,,,,, lii it’,1 ~ . .1 ,‘, I~ liii s c atoll rng,’,l searchlight darting down the - road ,, nil i,,,ttlr i’,s ihile tI’e s unit,, re clip— , - - his dogged flight across the i ~ , i to Ii., nI i sq t hi’ , ,,eelia,iit’ai ti, i’ r— field to the momentary haven of the g~’ ii hileli ~,i,t ,i,,’,sry nod It’d a I,i huge oak . , , His fingers trembled stork convulglvely again - as. they had l),,,ut lihsii,,e the next ,lr~irecsl~n when he h ad tumbled the i ewels ° n 1,11, clii nes. ill,,I~ I V i t ~ 0 Ill Cli ‘i’hs quickly Into the leather bag end ~ iiiiie’c sire a ,‘rking ,ll right. All burled ltiafcly, tar back under the upcurled root. He heard again the lit, the i’m,, ,.s. iiing ti,ti tiu,se op— deep.throated baying of the hounds, em ‘flog tI,t’se ulintl,int-s tisl~t toll- growing always closer, as he had ,i,,,iti. n irk f’’r I he g”il a C th~e heard it that night, hour alter ~. ,,rl,h sj~ 1 a I,.’!i’ ,jicl Is,,L for iins hour, twisting and dodging and hop- “lie selfish gras,,,, ing, knowing in his own heArt that Ineress.~iProductivity Needed he would be taught, and fearigg ‘i’huere is as great is ,,re,l for cup— it with hysterical terror. ~ t, I I,, ~ ,-. I ,,, ~ isi toils, . ~ a s then- , was - - wI,,,, I a its ii hues ., ~Vee,,tiltl resiti— And the, cafliaret ‘Tb, quirk shot, uv In. ott ftfi~ h,ilii”n ih,,lls, i’s tee or . I-, ib, ratid whip,, el l/~,, ‘ia/lets .,, tiit’ Ii r t tieci~ tI e i ii i nil ,,st ri ti a,, ti’ Ike hug, aov ds’sgg,e,g bin, dowa .. er,si,iili,,n. i%’c. 11(0,1 1,. ps,l inol hii-r But they had never found the 0 ft .‘ I,ihhl,,n liii’, I,s’using in order I ewels. He had hl’dded them well, to luring iii r h,,,u,si,,gpr,,gmio,, 1111 to and (or that ha’ had been grateful tli~t c,,t sti,,iilst nh V t. c.,,ih,i cushy 0 u,se bull) l,illlt,,is f,,r strt’uls tti,’l for tan yeart ~ - higliti ,~ s ,—‘i’ ),c’re i t’,’ri,inls a need, lie came quite euddeniy upon the tiieref,,~.e,for. increased sasi,,gs. clomp of trees. They seemed in ‘l’l,ese are hs’ishiilhu ,,siy w ii II Icist em the thick darkness to be the same taxi’s stand of ten years ago. lie thoved l’r’, cc liii stildies inihies,te that lu— about qul ekiy with the flasH I ght ti, re I iic’i,i,i c is i II lee ,‘ ii I t’ sitie, I ~il Ii- until he found the peculiar root that- to iih,’,,,rl, hner,’s,srcl t’roilueli,,u, curved outward and looped upward oh,, il~ili’s In ,,rth,’m, tls,’r,’fore, . to slightly, ‘ust as It had so long ago. ~ ‘lIr He dug back through the loo e earth i’i,~uihuii, his 11511(1 - a’), ‘,,,r C’.,,- ssluiu’r a 5, r k i. I .,ill I. e I I e r I I, ,i 1 ,, ,j ii I u’ ~i~9I’ 4 cur, s,rier iaxe-c r&,,ul 5,n-sng’4, ais,es,t i,,it,,hri—,l ,t,s,i hifIt,,, I,, ‘,,s,’ lsu,,s,hr,h i’uu,l twe,,t~ h,illion left I,, Isc’sul II,,’ lll’’Ht’’ iS, thieref,sre. tl,c’r, (sir g,se,cl’s ‘I II ii su’ r’ it i’s, ~l h~e rt’ ni ni’s ii re ihscri’_ 5511) , thii’rt’fs,re, is. at hi, si. till,’ - Good BusIness Up to Trumsn - S clsilirt’ c’s,t,iti,l i~1st l,sg ss un_il is’ sit ‘I II,’ ,IliIIciisk F,,r l,r,.iul is sIlu— C tnt isi Ills t’~l,,rs ire tiis,i,i_ _inder It; his fingers tingled as they touched rotten leather, and there were - the jewels spread out. they Were dull—but they we!e the Als’ meyer jewels, A N HOUR later they were shim- I & mering on velvet in Leo’s-back cooln that he used for business of secrecfl and Johnson was trem-- Wing wIth excitement. - Johnson paced the floor, “Five hundred - grsndl” be gloated, “That’s fifty grand a year in the big house, andstill they sly crime don’t~ay, Why, Leo, I know lots of big guys that don’t make fifty grand a year, I’m up in the big lsloñey -- now and it feels wonderful.” “You know what these are worth?” . ‘Yeah, Sure I do. So do you,” Perhaps he only wanted to bar’ gala, Sonse of the dread died in Johnson’s heart, “Ain’t you the best fence In th. East? That’s why I came to you °~Thu know that in’ honest?” Leo’s query was very grave and very earnest. “Sure, You al a have been” ‘7he AiampiK ,“ so,d (gO siotvb, e/mo4 s , are’juut haifa fioas, ‘Abey sal i ic north /it-c hi,.,- dred dollars,” They still wussdt’r why J uhuugsssi went mad so sh,ss-tly alter he gui out of stir, that is, all but Leo, ot s’_itsrse. Los, svssuid know, fur he b a Very shrewd Judge of hu’,s~sn l~S)’’ ;hulugy uisu,i jt-,’,-t’ls .. it is s:s sri, by those who kuss,w, th at l,’o sties is alit oat eusif us ssuuliss,ui sjusiiu,rs ;utst si thu ~Jsrsiuyer j cues Is. Rcl”a’.,’ul u~, ~~‘N5 IF IT’S PRINTING WE CAN DO IT! ft’u,r its ,iuf:,ir thaI lee’ (‘,,i,gmnss_ Sissctty t’ui,situal ini’e~t,neiit i’,,ntrlii— liii’s l~s rt’lsirtt ,n,ssilst’tis,,s ;,ussi t’uisiiitt ,i,s,’ssssls’~i,ic’rst. O,slv ss-ittu (air lix— c_-i, ‘air tSi~g~’i utiti (‘sir ni’itS, I’, it I,,,’ -‘41,1,’ I’’ liltisu’ back lIst:, tb 1 tsiis— iu,t-s’t .‘i,iilid’it’IIt fusods 5,, kt’i’ 1 s uses. I’,,sist ru,, I loll 5’n :1 cii rrent t me ,tliic— I tio,iri,ti,sg i,sii to t’i55i~i’ i’ii’it-e’ I,, ic., tiiittui, If cur gri’sit .~,,it’rlt’;iis to f,,rg,’ sii,i’a.l, ‘ut’ need t’’ t’rt’;iti— tile loller c’i,viri,isi,,i’uut for us growil,, ,i.i us ~ 5 it’s, n-s (‘15Cc) II r,tgi 0g i i’ sd Ii re d’stleiistl, ,o,t iit,~is,gii to clisihi, let Is huu,~,c’ thsutt l’rt’sithe,it ‘l’rsi~,,uiui ri’sihiat’s Ills Isutsie ec’s,u,c,s,iR’ fOnt, FT::-’-. - - ~-.-. ritE ~OLL Still Ilast’ Timt To t~:i 1 (;t’L \out’ bE Valentines I HERE ~ :ts Low :ts I , a ~ I PAGE I1Vt~ . -1 P I, I I ——.. -—. C __ ___ —— CAR Washing ; - and Greasing . OIL CHANGES THE MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT -- will be looking fol’ a ~nA*& We Is sh• sophistkoted? Then the smartest velensine yssi con send ~1t e clever MoUrned, Yo4entlnel Send her oft. shot’s witty and wondeslul os her newest hat—exciting as her cararl Is sle• d.nws’e? Chooa a Hallmark Valentine that’s gaily sentimental—one that’s bright with heart, ond flowsn, with ribbons and - with las.. What.ve, he frp. Sweetheart, wife, mother, skIer, pal they11 -~l~ be hocking for a t4oflmaá Valentine . . , the one Yolenthu. t~iat tells the ones you cafe far that ~ you cared enough to send the very best, IDEAL VALENTINE GIn’S— Si’hrafffs and Cilherts Valejitine Candy Coty’s, ( 4 Orday, Blue Fern. Evening in Paris’ Perfwnes . - - JONES DRUG STORE Everett A. Jones. Owner Telephone 3301 Lawen Fuel SW - - Tests co,sdueted by Tennessee Vai- icy authority revealed that a house completely insulated with minerai wool reduced the fuel bill by 45 pea NO WASTED WORDS c~. J. S. Gray, publisher of the Monroe Evening News, who will serve ae president of the Mi~higan Press AssocIation, Inc., during-its a~a. , - Homogenized -‘ - - - (Vitasuin-D) - - - - . Standard ~ ~ - . - -- -Jersey ~ ~ ~ .~-:ch~kte-;: : - Coffee Cream Whipping Cream Orange Drink Butter - Try our Cieamed Cottagi Cheese jn 1-2 ox. Pkgi. or - - 51b,cartons; - - --- --. :- ~ - : William Stiles Licensed Master Plumber Remedelisig & New Work Plumbing Healing Repairing Electric Sewer CI~an1ng - 21495 Melvin Street - FARMINGTON,M1CH, t t Tp - --i’an tvi~:! 3- -1 -~1 .:~- _;_4~ MANAGEPIaI4t ~ - - .d~’ - - fl - ~ IL-- ‘-. - _ifl ,/I i/s - Here. with her.,aveath “stat” family, I. - Elagold Lady Dare No. 753,056, champIon prodection sow in the Hampshire breed and the first of her kind to quality ~_!_e a “seven-star” sow. ~- tl,’~’ 5— p.- / Quality , I ‘I I PRINTIN FRIENDLY~ COURTEOUS - SERVICE DON TAPP’S Standard Service TIRES, TUBES and AUTO ACCESSORIES SOUTH LYON PHONE 9821 G S 4 _~~* ,-Ul tVI,c.s s,f sIn’ k.sii ~ ~ a— r,’,-t s,soii ,‘I r,5I— \ t;,rs I, r I n I u’ 1 iseri’. M,,sier~,t,’ 5 r 5 r’,’s South Lyon t - HERALD ~ 1” lots so ) AvERAGe “You are lain again this morning. Don’t you have an alarm clock?” “Yes, sir, but it went off while I wes asleep-”

Transcript of Whipping Valentines .:~L”T~k CAR Washing · WANI’El—--’L’wo oi-tlireefurnished ... Barred...







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•W~N ‘FE I)—A it iqi it’ ~ewclery aml- alit silver.. I Ii:,ne I’lyiiiout h

20112M ii. dcx

WANI’El—--’L’wo oi-tliree furnishedroollis to it ot (. ill Judd I. useat: Cr:i no - Ciuvv nun - Counm, ñv,South 1;yon, -, tItfcC

iS t\ I El)—l ru’oiiigs to ci’. In anhome \hrs (‘l:uci~s (.uur(inc r,

- Silver I .i,ke-. road. t’h,uuueSouth i.yon 2477, . OCX

\S’AN’’l’EDcCiit glñss~pri,ssccl glassc,r uiltI clii,,ii. Phone Ply ioooth2092M:I. . GaFORSALE FOR SALE, __________________

Volt SALE—Babvcblcka from ‘ FOR RENTb!ood-ted~dstock. Order now, •

- Large type English White leg. - iectric FOR. ItEN“1 — t’leiu. nut sleepinghorns, Barred and iS hUe, ~ocics roll,., In ou,,,iern hoiiie. - 315 East

~ eII1

cle: Water Heaters _ - i.i’ke street, South l4on. •- Squire Hateherv~ 218 S,,uitl, ~ _______________ ~-

- 14kb. i\ve., Ho~ell:1’luoneSlth’W. , - 32 gal 66 gal, ~i~omt ILENE — o~~uJll lease on- —- .- - — - ~tfc ¶Ve’ctiñghouise 139.50 *160.50 -shares, 2‘21)’acre fi,roi. - Good

PORSAI.E—n;kd oat unit ~chent I hnl,lnu.,r ~ $122.80 $146.75 hu,lidlngs and - gooct !mnd. A,

~ ~ PIer, ,ñ11

i W’hithei,d $107.50 $12710 ~ Ierritor:aiLyon 8471. - - - - Iitflc’c Ai,to,n,utie Fuel Oil and Gas - , ,, , a -

- - “ liter lit’i,ters, Myers dee~i anul FO~I1L~I “Itoon,s, ,o,,ttern home.YOU, SALE—Hay——Clover ii ml al’ 4iilk~ : ~u’ell Ju, i:,~,s, biuthrooiiu iuuen oiiI~’. M rs. A Ifred 1 nu~is,folfa uiilxed and s,,Ii~e iimi ~?t .51 ,c tutres, ill ii iiubi n~ it ad Ii eating ~ i 0 1 h iireti street. Ne~I Iitil.straight tiiiiotii~. l~15.,jO a ti,,

1. su~ii,iies, - - - sun. 1 elephi.iie South. I.~ci,, 5113.

- Call South 1..) on 35 13. S.Oc~ - ~ - - - - UpTh.- --~ ~ - - - w. install - ————.—‘-——.————-

FOR SAI.E — We ii.i~e o,,e 1948 FOR fll~’,’j’—htooi.i In iuoderiuC)ie~rolet I ~ ton truck, long base, “S • 5V1 ~ ~ iio,n~. Inquire aoz ivest lh’troitnew and guiau’,.nteeul. Coinein intl Plumbing & Heating - street, “ii turner of i\’u,rreiu.get sill r speeliul urine n,nk . Crane ~ 41 1 ‘ Baseline. North-will. ~ .i’i,one Sotitlu 1,~on 117 1. ~ Utfe

. - Chevrolet Co., South L)ondcx ~ Ph~.North-vIlle 1128 - ~

roa S.%LE-—194o Cliosler ‘Irlisel.I - - ~ ~ 5 W A P ~- Cr, H di H, good tires, new point, . ——... ________ - ___________ —_ __, u ~-______________ ——~ — .

A—I nibtor, $795. ‘fernis one-third FOR SAI.E—Extra qiiaPit~. sutnil ~I 1-hAVE TOY DOG—-fe,,,uule, soi,tii.— do~’n. I3in~or Motor Siules, 31675) ‘ grov,’o Russet Iturai jn,tuit,,es. ‘ er I’oj,,tuieranli,n.\Vili e~ehange

Grand Itlu er,Far,ulngton, Plaint ~ ~JarvIs L. Gage, phone 092 I, Si,uuth for Ooekçr, canarIes. goat, chIck.F’ariuingto,u 26,08. 6c’x I f,~isa, 4tdpcl ens, or u lint. Box 6. ~. cc, I led.

.~— .-—— ~.—— I , _ ~___ —.——— - - son, MIch,FOR SALE—loot BuIck, heater, 4 VOlt S.\LE— .t~iples. WIlila,,, -

new tires, ruins good $2211 ‘l’eri,us. i’eters, SN I I ‘l’en’Mtle ttoniI. ~ ‘ ISCELLANEOLJSBower Motor Sales, 8IU~()Grand Phone Si’i,th i.yon ‘205h. 42Lfc ~River, pliojie Fi,riitingtoii :~68. ~ 8E~’tNG MAChINES — Vacuunu

‘ — — - - .— .— - — I sweepers expertly repaired. AllFOR SALE — 1936 I)oclge cc~i,pi’, ~ makes. 25 years experience

heater, 2 ne’, tires, i,iotor okes . - . - Floor brushes, belts5

cords,$12_p full mince, Bower M,,t,.r — ~ wheels, bobbin,, ,hottles, sew-

- S,,ie,. 3161111 (irund ltlver, I”i,r- ~ llgluts~boIbs, moderate lwlces.-nilngL’.u. I’hoi,c Fiiriuingtoii 201,S. ~r a Free estimates I’iuone Soot I,

.—-—- - — —-—•-— ___~y_’_ - Lyon 4361. . ~ Istfc_F~~)ItSALE—_Giii,tI bright_hated ~Authorized Páik.id ‘I’AII.OUING-~- I.i~Iis’i~d~Ien’s

~ l::~l5~ll3iJrC~::I!). ~ antI Sal.. ana Snyic. - cl0thë1rCl’~lr~1:h&1ltereda,iilrv

~ i~ideii~e~r.31690 Grand River, Farmlagton Rd.. ‘ near i2-Mil~’, PhoneBrighton phone 67711. Ut9cx Phone F.~mingtonzoos I .von.3776.

FOR SAI.E —‘- Ens. ., islting’ iii,. -.

ehlne. i%’c,rks flue, ~II new wring- N””’ ‘NI) USED Cer parts, S25.}O. Mrs Wv,. ‘ ‘ •Mnrkl,n,u, pIi”i’e S,itth I.s in Call us for dei,ionstratioruM12 -- GOX ‘ ,unstlo,e.

FOR SAI,E—20 ‘I’,,,, gaul quality Our Wak.snd Sp.ciaIhalect r,,ixecl lui.v, ~ IS per ton.Chas. E I lilnert, corner Slx’MIle 4t Plymouth, special deluxeanti Tower rds -I’ hone South full price 189500L)oiu 4910, dcx

F:oa s:u.E - .-~— ilurt Oi,hsmol~hiecliumue, Excellent~i,,ot,, r,-,uses n,sc.!! - Very-. gb.,d - tires, :ete,, radii,’

- - - heater, ~I liii. Ill), 1 - II,N civil’,,.9N2 I -Peer Rd., S., ill hi let ‘n 2079,.

FOR SAI.E ~I~ñI~iimi’ry W’iiniwasher: llhfllgl.ra grlu~’ t,ip t’,i,,t

- and three piece suit -C ill- ArthurDon,,van, 336 IV. I .,,ke St. ,,fter4:30 p.,,,. Vl,one 6-15 I, UI,

FOR ‘-SAI.E—-—-ilve—r.,o,,, hi,,use incity Of South I ,y,ri. Avallal,ienow. For ,i:iointii,euit write Mrs.U, Gun,,, -2993 Helen, ])etrok 7,.

-- PI,one Gc,,c~a 6822, - ‘ dcx

FOR SAlE 2I’x20~Greenhouse.Corner 7-Mile -and T,,wer roads,Phone St,u,tli - -I.,b’oi, 311)7. - - Up






A giod selection from whichto choose.


- 10582 Livirig.toq StreetHAMBURG, and —

405 W. Main StreetBRIGHTON

Phone.: Brighton 7-2273 or 3381

FOR SAI,E—Strictly tEesIi eggs.•—-stl,o~,iis’TqiiitI it y ‘ - - l’oui It~, . -1$’’

- - -South, -Street, • South lyon, ~t~veeliStryker -and Mills Streeis,PIit,iie South - l.~oiu:4591. . -

~‘ .-fl--.-. ._IltféI’OII ~SI.E—Strictly. fresh eggs it- uihi tililes,~thsti rui:tstiiig iie,,s. iV~- deliye r. Kit te r - l’u,i, I t r~’Fnrio,

Phone South Lyon 6767. • I2tfe

Foit -SALE — A,, Extra Shieeiltl,Iieau,tifui ‘ 9. ulere Parcel frontingFish l,,lcc’, %Inrshall road, 3—I n,hhenorth tsf - Xine Mite. ~li,,oj’!.vcai,‘i~hi 2 utliltrt 01ent huisill e, gil rage‘nd ‘2 hUge barns, For reslthcnu’eIntl livited r,,i,ii,iercl,,l Ilses, ~~lsI,

- tiWant parcels fronting Fist, ~iiidSandy . liu,tto,u lakes, R,,hert ,J,Ei,ff, .“Fou r I.akes ‘ Ci,:,uIt,nnits”121)75 \VCst Nine Mile r,’ad. fiiille west of Itoslit,in road, Ruralr,,li Ic No. 2 Soui tls I ,~‘on, I~li,,,,e4525, Utfe

FOR SA1.E—’2 Guernsey cots,i~iilkI,i g ~ two - HolsteIn wife rs,als,mut 1$ months old ; ~Guernseyheifer, nhiol,t 10 Inonthis .,lti: H,,!—

t,- stçln boll, S i,,onths -old. Pl,ohe.S,iutli I.yon2SS3. - - fitfe

fill SAI.F.—CoaI or- wood he,,!-rola, brown e,tam~i~nlshu,in good

- condition; Heats 5 rou,i,isrMnrGladys G,trdner, 12065 SilverlAthe ltd., phone South I,)’on 2477.

~ - dcx

FOR S,-SI.E—Guernsey heifer, bredtt, Mich,ig~,nState College stock,d tie i n J ii I y. l’hone So ut hi Ly en~7~L Up

FOR SALE—One new o,odel II Al-Ii. Chalitiers ‘1’ meter and C’ulti.’a—t,,r for ~i,i,eediate delivery. I’~:lrIS. Mastiek Co. Ahlis Chalniers,I ~t,ncr Esr,,I a nci G arilen 31 a thu I a —

cry Ann1

trln,r rucail it SoiltilMain sttes’t, Pl~i,i,,,itl,. Pl,ou:c’.5455’. 011011 Sui,d:y it) ito, to4 11.111. Ut’;

101! S.SI.E 01! ‘lIt.tl)l’ -I,-.’ ,sc-It 1 ,Iuil,,iuil,t,i l.,.,l~. l’l,il,.’Si.utli I.~P11 :~!IM2

1ftor .5 p. Ill, •

h-tJlI S.\ I h ..\!f~ If:i 1:111 Ilr,rll.’li;i:.-. i~x,,-Il,’i:t i’1p7l1 lit ‘‘II. im. \!.,nl,,itll Ii rIle, SUi,r I,nht’ r’,;oI

- ll’lir (ire,’l: Gok st;lli,,tl, P]ic,,o’S,ititl, l,~llll :j:, 12. Ut fl

, i—tilt s.~I_h:—wit,l.n,; ,l,jiict, a lii!,.p II,,,,’ S,i,itIi I.:~fill 2.~;3l. fl -I

FOIt SA i,i•: - Suede .iarkvt, usedI cliglitly, iiils.si’s site i2.Mrs. liar—- csId I lass, 5691 II Mien I iii c- ‘J~r;i I ~

J’holut’ 5,11th I_yin tiS~lfi.

Simmons ElectronicsRadio Repairs

All tube. and condensersinstock : ~ • ‘ - • . - - ~ :All work guaMn~e.ed; - - •

Call-SouthLyon 547~.-~ -

: .. 26966 South Hill Road-.-- ; -- :. .~.- -~- . . - - 46tfe

EX(’A\’AtIN’3 Fill ai,1, -

. . nod hhnck ulirl: Stanhes Chi,,on- Siilitli~I) lIlt hlr,,’,kvhlte. lii , i’iyi.i’

oijth ‘h .‘‘,v l’tv,i,,,,,th s97.\S’~,or So,,lIi ;yon 81181. . 2011’aId, .938 W’t’;i’ I.;,k,’ street, SlIt,ILyc.rs. Phone 2534. ITtf.

iVANTEI)—Goocl clean used fu,P-- nit,tre at..27l N. Main street, Ply-

,i,out ii, ~Slichigan . i’l,ieiie - - 2(13,

Cash or trpde, lIarrs’ C. Itohin,-slip. owner; Jesse hake, “manager..

- ItItfe

-L W. AlberTrucking ServiceS

- C So~uthLyon

-. - - Farmand ~

. General- - HaulingLi,estook hasiling into yard.

Phone South Lyon 4063

EAVEs~’ltOUGHS& FL’ItXACES—~—Eavestroliglis nail gravityair furnaces hnstahled es’ a tin

. s,i,ith, Reasonalele m,rht’es. Tooi5%. Ill liii. ‘5, iiright on 42III or H cd -

f,,rl 167(t. 8591 I iitItlll,el r,’,it,13r!gliton. 5 I ~

TRACTOR OVERHAUL11111 rnhel:ildlng tn \itis.Cii;,I,,uersf;ic’t,,r~’.tr.,iiue,i ,,,‘ei,ar,its. Ex—hurt ut’,rkr,,r, ruslitu, itOh. litestin’,’ isi,ili suit. i’iiliil’lii,’iit_ Si’;, r—

itt! I Iiiii~’til it new ! ruet,r. (lI~~~~ iiirrtjit.’r .vffit’leflry, muir ~l~—t’r;lti,ig Th,ist~,humor traitor life,C)iiIck, friuuuilt- srrsI,e. SiIi,’ili.lt’‘‘‘lit ccli

1i>’ iIi,ine—\~’alIecIi,akr


DON HORTON FARM SUPPLYi’ol,tiac Trail at Maple Rd.

tS’ailed Lake4~fr


It I fe, 5 0I I I Ninc’—M I ht• lid., m’hi ii icSt.i,thi I .‘ on $392. ‘ttTt’ x


for Dead or Disabled StockI iorses, *2(10 C’,n,s, $2.00

hogs Sill) 11cr e~t-t.%II according to ixe unit

cti,uclitii,nC~I’ es, SI,c’e~i nad l’lgs

Re,,liiieit FreeI I’hone toll ret t i -

C %ItL iiEitG -

. l’htsnes,howell 150

l)eI roll, 5’ mess “t’:i I P1111)tf

Tub; CABINEP SliOi’—l repairfurniture, buiiid cabinets, book—cities, wnrdrol,es, studs desk,,wail racks, corner Whutnots, cor—nor c,ihliets at 29323 South ro,cd.

. Phone South, L)on 3579.—-_______________ - AtTp

HAULING SEItV1CR—Sand, gray-eL top soIl anal flit dirt. ,%Iseashies mid ri,bhisii renlos oct. Xe’.’,liiodern eq I, Ipinent. I I i~iuIer i-icr—hild, 238 iVest i.,ike street, Si,s,thL~on, - I’hone 2~3I. Stfe

ELECTRICAL SERVICE— Reel-dentlal. co,ui,iereiici and indu~’trj~il wiring ansi, all kinds of

- electrIcal work, Vane Chenoweth,Phone South Lyon 5272.


Radiator Repair: R~d Out and SoId.r -

. - All \Vis~rkGuiur,unteed


57200 iVest Grand RiverNEW IIUI)SOX -

-- - . - - -- Sex

IIL’II.i)IN’G Slit 5’ tOE — i’aihtlngroofing, repairing, new buildIng,ceiiient ‘i ork~ also cement mIxerto rent. C.— 0. I la,no,ond, S :: N.Center street, Nortiuvllle. PlunneNortlis ilie 897, . ‘ itsp

GESPRAL HAULING and Mov-Ing, also gruel and t)Ii dirtDry wood, l,oth slab and bodywood. - Court Itoot, phoneSoUth, Lyon 5461, loLfe


Complete Paint Job.Give yout car the New Look

- for abou( $40 -

Kenny’s Body Shop21545 Dixhoro Road

Phoa~South Lyon 2388- - 4stfe

i.E.~it?’. 1’ 0 I),% NCI~at Bailey’sI hunc’s Stbib I Iaye ‘I 5 eec I,,—te rvteu’ iviI ii us thu fi nO hewCl!,’- it is to leut ro 0 r i illI’3TOtlr dancing. lesson

5by. . iii, -

li~inti,lent, l’e,uehieis of bnII r, cii.intl tap . I I S E, Ciaty Strt’i,i,-

. - Ni,rth,ihie, Mid,, Phone Nortl,-‘file - S 131%’,~ - . - 2 Ip

CARI’ENTER WORK—-Rough ,,tfinish, I’hoae South Lyon ~-t52,Charles Clinnnsn,ithi, sitfe

i)ECOIt~~i’iNG--Interi(,r:,nd exter-- iisr. Special disc-quint of 10 ~,eI’

cent. sin wallpaper for cash, 55’itc,hert Young. l’hione South LyonQ(i512, fife

MA’IVItESS and Box Springs—allsixes tiiade new or rebuilt or re~;,aired. Hollywood beds a special-U-, All work guaranteed, iS’e callbr ,i,,cI deltver. Adam Hocklicdcling Cs,, cornei Six-Mile andEar},art roads, Phone South

- l•io!!.::48_Ode - ~tfcWELl. .DJtILLING AND REPAIR

Electric punips and wat~r sy~-tools, Are and acetylene wehd-hng and !athe - work, Arthur\‘radenh,urg, 89550 NIne-Mileroad, l’hone South Lyon 3939,

- 41t44p 4ltfc


SS’K 5511.1, BUY your cattle, ~hojisitlith ii,et it ry ,lerry ‘I’aggart,i’i,!)itt 5%’ hilt I,lore I .uke 24-IlL

4fltfc’111(11 I ES~i’ll iCES R\II) for cast

me,, steel, 00011cr, 15711 5, rugs.iiiiit tilti luatterit’a. Nortin fileSi, ru is I eon ii,itt Metal, 712 It,iIi—road A~chub. N arthis Ille. (Inbut k of t

5eS M:,rqtlette cleisot I.

t5tfcNl:El) l~x‘‘I’ BA MONEY ?—~tletter

to lii,x 7I , ~\1ii ford 3ilcluigioi, w illslits’ ~oa lic,t~to earn ,u,oney ins’iitlr sIll rc thu t.. N is oblIgitt itiii_G,,oit tie,!, hex

ROOM lQl’S OF WALL1’APER—- alit., iiiuii lip. SpecIal bargains.~

Mcintosh Furniture Coii,1


So:,th 14011, l’hone 2333,Otfe

CAR \VASHi~.O& 1’()I,ISHING—i.et us us isli unit polish ~our carin our new modern seryfee eta-itlon Don -‘l’app’s Staniiurcl Ser—,ice, South Lyon. l’luone 0821.

4 6eINCOMEi’AX ~BltVICE —FIve- ~weekeleft~. Avoid the l,ist minute,

rush: -~- , J. . . iVelnbur,àr. 402:5% iiim~ple street South L)oo

-- ia,.,, ~q’,ot . --


; -- --- -- - - —\V1XI)OW SHAI)ES — MI colors, ~ succeed-LeslIe B. Merritt5

Liv—and table pails iiuade to order. Mc- ingaton County Press a~Howell, atIiitosli Furniture Store

5South the’ 81.1 annIversary convention

1.3ols, I’lione 2333, fife Jan, 21-22at Lansing, -

:=—=-— ,—- ~ , Ink White, Clinton County Re.publlean-News at St. John,,- wau

S114P elected first vlce-;reuldenv 3, C,Bedlent, Albion Evening hecord,second vlce-preehdent, end- James- ~ K. Rifle, Durand Expren, Iran-

- sli,1_,1_ ~ur;1;w dIrectorsare H. V. Ballssan Adrian Daily Telegram; HeroS q w Jelterie. LowehI—.Ledjer; A. 3,

A /t~t’~” ‘‘t~~1 Riley Ontan~goaHerald, and H. F._Iwi_ . &i ~ I W~iI Brodl’e, Pontiac Daily Press.~ \ I l~lW Ths 1049 membership comprises~NI ~‘~‘&-~. ‘Y”— MM 51 daily and 808 weekly news-~ A~~J- papers. The oldest living past

- ~~W~IR~IS.~ president Is former Goveruor Clagewt~~~~ay‘\ ‘~wii - a. Osbox~

1Sault Ste. Matie News,

\WA~!~S~~_.&L__JItfl’I- president In iSDS.~ -- ‘ -


~yot, sImply couldn’t depress- £ Smythe. He’d come home from

a rotten game of golf cc a barrenday’s fishing fuR of beans; He’dback the whole program withoutgetting one placed horse, end e~cudegood humor. When bueineaa got sobad that he had to maya Into asmaller and cheaper place, much tohis wife’s dtsgo,t. he tried to con-5O~eher with the fact that she hadn’tsuch a big place to look after.

The first wet nIght she met himat the door with tbe news that themof leaked and water was drippingInto the dinIng room,

“That’s all right. dear,” he said,“put your— aspldistras under thedrip: it’ll save you watering them.”


“isay; aId thah, what hnrp:~nedtothat parrot of you.s?”

“Oh, Imatrled..you know, and Itdied of a broken heartt” . -

- “Jeolousy, I supposel”“Well, not exactlt It- couldn’t

- stand the competItIon,” • -

. - i,—,.————————— -

;: Riehee by - DegreesSamuel Johnson was at the corn-

meneernent exercises of a Londonuniversity. Almost all the honorswerebestowed on citizens who hadmade financial contributions to theschool, ~ -

“This must be s very wealthyuniversity,” commented a compan.ion.

“Not yet,” quIpped Johnson, “butit’. getting richer by degrees.” -

Lamidry ~is Secoad*ryWhen a flood washed out thi cell’

way line to a small city where hewfl scheduled to make a cempa,gnaddress, ‘a vIce’presidentiai candi-date telegraphed the committeechairman;

“Cannot arrIve on tIme, Washout-on tine.” -

He wee startled to receive a talegraphic reply adylting: “Nevermind wash, Buy another- shirt atour expense and come anyway.”


-BiflgoldLa4y1Dàrà..:::Tops HampshireSows

RaisesTotal of 71, :Pigs-toWeaniàg.Age- -

First of he! Hampshire breed tobecotiie a “seven-star” sow, Bin-.gold.Lady ~ora !~à:.753,056 hasraised A totñl of 71 pIgs to -*ean-Ing age, an average of ~10.1’ plflper hitter. Thie- record is moreImpressive when compared withhntional averages. According to 1J

S_ department of , agriculture re-ports, the- natIonaL average is SIB J

spring. pigs and 6.39 fall plga perlitter raised to weaning age. .

To qualify for a star In the Hamp-shire production registry a sowmust raise a litter of- at least eightpigs, without fault or defect, - toweigh 320 pounds within 50 daysof fsrrowlng. And of course to gaina “seven’star” record RingoldLady Dora has repeated this per-rorrnance seven- times. She It thefirst sow hi the Hampshire breedto be listed for either the sixth orseventh “star’’ litters

•jn her seventh “star” litter, thissow farrowed 15 pigs, nine of whichwere saved. The eight selected forregistration weighed 443 poundsat 56 days after farrowing,

The production champion was feda ration containing corn, oats, al-falfa and pelletized milk by-products prior to fartowing, PTerpigs were creep fed early andraised on a ration of seven partscorn and three parts oats, with 8per cent milk by-products added.

Ringold Lady has been owned~and bred by William C. Ocodheart,Jr., of Eaton. Ohio, ~inec1914. andWas sold to ricadowiark Farms,Inc., Sutltvan, Ind.

~I Farm Production Costs

Fai’m production costs have near-13’ tripled since the pee-war yearsof 933’39, according to U. S. dcpartment of agriculture statistics.These costs totaled 14.9 billIon dol-jars in 1947, compared with 52 bil-lion before World War II’. out--

Diii you see it in the Herald too? ~ Ic F - a a:t, now three

IT!. HEREA P!anri~d Economy Home


_ L~S e ~ ~ ~ ~?%.—. ‘ - - — ~~t.t~tr? t~

~ -‘

•A <psi: ~i}lL:k CA~: iLl - PORT

‘4’ ‘ ‘4’ci - I

—- - LIVING- ROOMeaa~aat. - -—~~‘‘‘~‘ - 5

.:~L”T~k--i-. ~ --- - -

Planned for low’cost construe’ ation possible with conventionaltion without sacrlfi,elng any qual- double-hung sash. If deaired theities necesaary for comfortable car port can be uaed as a porch

- living. this single stor house has dunn the summer.a car po~t,terrace aniffive rooms Bot~bedrooms have cross yen- -

- arranged to euit the average-sized tilatlon. ~An extra wide doorwaybetween the living room and thefamily, It is nan no. oul Os nr- -

- ehiteet Allen 1’. Turpin, Jr., 3300 ~ creates additionalDeslard SI,, Monroe, La, ~T~e hou~has been planüd to

E*terlor sidewalla are white, eliminate waite space and, for the- with brick on the outside car port aake of economy, to take advan-wall as a pleasing note of variet~c tage of standard sizes of lumberThe architect recommends asphait and stock materials. - -

roof shingies for their economy as (Detailed DIsa, and specifies- -

well as for full protection from lions are available Irons Aiien ‘V.both weather anu 6re. - ~ Turpin, Jr., asoo Deslard St., Moma- .

The’ windows are a new type roe, La., by referring to Plan No.which provide twice the ventik 901.)

NOTE TO hUSBANDS CORN LFAVEB PURPLEThe average housewife ~vnahes Corn leaves with a purple tint

rOximately six tons of dishes Indicate a shortage of phosphate!~year. - in the soil, , .


scogi oo.qo‘ Lts,—G__e

vs ‘—S


e% ~ U, ~i ~

IK%_JI - — I

and a half linus the 1935-39 aver-age.

- Meanwhile, farm prices haveslumped and many economists cx-pnt a further easing in monthsahead, Corn and wheat !re already25 to 40 per centws

4tr their early

1948 peaks.Farmers can best meet the Ian-

pact of higher production -costs andloWe! prices by good soil manage.


__lr- _‘5_

~ig4?’ a

_______ 4~

meat. that steps up crop producingeMciency and lowers output costspea- unit.

Good sell management Involvesno magic or mystory. It simplymeans playing fair with the soil by

; returning organic matter and plant! nutrients used up by constant cropFproduction. Organic matter can berestored by growing deep-rooted

. legumes such as aifaila or sweet- clover in the rotation and plowingthem under for green manure,- When the soil Is restocked withorganic matter and plant food youwill get higher yields and you willnit vol,r nrodulrttnn costs.

- - / Wbore -t~hi~ Gron- More than 40 per -cent of theworld’s cotton is produced -on only

‘3 per cent of/the world’s lend suar~ft’s. The United States cotton belt,

. which includes North CarolIne,South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,Tennessee, Miseisslppi, Louisiana,Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, OkIa-home, New Mexico, Arizond andCalifornia, I., the most highly spe’dallied agricultural region in theworld. - .

Dry Skim Milk RetailedNow in Small Packages

Now that dry skim milk—official-ly cailed non-fat dry mills solids—is On retail markets in small peek-ages for home Uae, thrifty home-makers have a convenient, ccc-

-~ nomical product to build up the bu-~tritive value of family meals,


The ease end convenience of itscase as well as its high nutritivevalue justify its place along withflour, sugar and salt on the pantry’-shelf of every homemaker.

Early Egg-LayingCitedAs Not Good for Hens

Healthy pulleys can be fed to in-I duce the starting of egg-laying due-

Ing the fourth month, but experi.enced poultrymen usually avoid thisearly production on the theory thatsuch pullets do not make as large

, or ruggcd hens.Egg size continues to be small for

a longer period where pulleta are-encouraged to lay early, thus reduc-log long’range orn9ts through ore.‘a 1 1 II rt- ~-,- ‘ 1,~~’~’’


--- .,4 .t~

‘P -

I cent,

Alex JohnsonDAIRY

Laboratory ControlledDAIRY PRODUCTS -

!~~o~Soutb Lyon-5051:: : or:3473 ‘- ‘--P

“I am a woman of few wordssaid-the: haughty miStress. to; theflew maid. “If, I beekoawith my fin-gpr,- I mean come,” -~ - - - : ‘

__“I am a woman- of few -words,Zoo,” replied thó maid “If- I shakemy heed, 1. mean! ain’t eomln’J’•.: ,-- ~ ~ ,

. - Speed of Fish- - -:;~ ~

- Average froth -water Ash: can- ewim: about-.Eèven miles en hour~

. - Need ‘-a


Uyou’re wauchlng the weeds grow In the corn when the hayingcan’t wait—worrying about planting when there’s still more

plowing end harrowing—or wishing the manure would haulItself when the big tractor’s busy , . you need another tractor.

With a Farmahl Cub, you can planr, cultivate, or mow 12acres a day , . , rake at 3 miles en hour . . haul faster than ateam, And you can spray, pump, run an elevator, plow sndw,saw wood, shell corn, grind (cccl. a hundred other Jobs toosmell for the big tractor.

Caine inand seethe FsrmallCub Itn’r bejust whatyouneed.


S.rvIc. Plus Quality




IMt$OS... /v4s’~Z~i~ -,~,‘ ~ :~s~a:...-~ ,~< .: : -


ist~L~~ ~ —~ —-— -

(~_~~_-i_’~_ ‘ -: : .~i:~ tt~;:~7L~,~ - :~.

t_ ~~1i-~P IFh~r Pevorlti Pies ~ ~ LYNN ~CHAMBERS’ MENU

PIES ARE ONE of tjie favorite ~ .~— - -

dholeea for - dessert all ever the Baked Chicken in Milkcountry. This Is really remarkable Baked Potatoes Brussels Sproutsbecause ~ali pies, ,whether served Fruit Salad Yeast Rollsat home or elsewhere, are not at’ - Beverage

I ways good. they’re soggy and pale ‘Dillerent Lemon Pie:and their fillings are tasteless. ~ ‘Recipe given-‘—-— .77 Howsver,~whetheryou’re making ‘

,. ._r-c-i_ - your flrst, twenty-nrst or your hun- lure. ‘top with whipped cream dot-n-’ - - - . dred and first pie, ad through a pastry tube. -

there’s no reason Hera’s a light custard pie that

-~r ~ ~ - ‘ -- t S l~in~tb~?~:::~::~;~~::::~- -

‘a— ~ Measure ingredi- los such as yeaR-L ~ eats with standard Ia wafers or ehoc-“ I tools, follow direc- olate drops lining

¼. — .~tions for mixing the bottom andcarefully, and bake properly, and sides of a nine-you will have ‘a pie that meets the Inch pie plate, -

test, - 0 ‘~ ‘ PieIt Isn’t difficuitto make a good ~h~’~” crane ie -

crust; neither does It require ox- ~ ,~ u’~cc a .‘ teflsive:xperlesi:&You’ilhaveto ~ ~~npoon.cor~~rth

measured and not over-handled, ~ ‘~ ci:::y creamOwner. ~ , • a egg yolks , -

— — - — Regular-Pastry ~ cup water ~ ales ~tMakes 2 9-inch qrufls) 1% ~“P~or$Isg ~

S cops all-purpose flour ~, ~ ceokies1 teaspoon salt

1 a h lenin ‘ eggw Cs:~table:poon: ;0

:r W~1i ~ tablespoon. powdered sugarCut fatinto flour and salt until ~ and corn-

the mixture resembles co:rse meal. starch, Add cream and egg yolksIt a best to use a en ~ or and mix thoroughly Add water,olives so that the heat of the hands arange juice and rind. Cook overdoee not melt the fat. Add only the hot water, stiiring frequently, untilamount of water !ecommcnded in thickened Cover and cook for fivethe recipe, Crust may be chilled nilnuti’s longer, Place cookies il,

before rolling, If desire& Do not bottom and sides of pastry tIn, Fillusa too much flour in tolling crust wit!, - the orange custard,or the pastry will Iso tough. To make the meringue, beat cuss

. hot Water PIe Crust whites until stiff, add sugar grad(Makes 4 double cruet pie), ualty and continue beating utiti34 cup water flit! and glossy Pile theringue a34 cup shortening spoonfuls on top of custard, ti,

1--- —lt*-eup.-ffour - - wlthãSnge sections and bake in a

‘ ¼teaspoon salt slow (325 degree) oven for IS n3/, teaspoon baking powder utes -

Bring water to a boil, add the eD’flertnl L”mon PIeshortening and stir until smooth. intakes i 0-lack, pie)Sift measure and sift the flour. Add ~ baked p e shellsalt and baking powder. Combine ~ egg y,,lksthe mixtures, Stir until smooth, Set ~ tablespoons lemon j ii.away to chill for 12 hours. ~ ~,i, sugar

Lemob Chiffon Pie Grated r:nd I lemon(MaKes 1 9-lao!, pie) ~ ttaspoon salt

I tablespoon gelatIn 4 esg wh Ira3~cup cold water Meringue:4 eggs J 3 egs whites1 cup sugar • s tablespoons sugarI tablespoons lemon juice - . ~ teispoon lemon JuIce3~teaspoon salt - !~ teaspoon satI teaspoon grated lemon rind Beat yólks~ add sugar, leun.,,

Dissolve gelatin in - cold water. juice, rind and ~alt, Mix thord’ig’i. . - - Mix egg yolks and sugar in top of ly and cook uver hot water wilil

double boiler; add ~ ~— a soft custard is rormcd. Stir cclilemon juice. Beat- stantly, Cool thoroughly. Fold Is

well and cookover stiffly beaten whites and pour mix- hot water until . — tore into .,aked shelL to malt,-the mixture thick- . meringue, beat whites until still,ens, Add gelatin ~—~— then slowly add the remaining insalt’and rind. Stir .~ ~ gradients, Place in a moderateugtll gelatin is ~ 350-degree) oven and bake for 10dissolved. Fold in’- ‘~ , to: 12 mInutes to browo meringue.to this the well- ~ Coconut Custard Pit

- beaten egg - whites. Pile into a (Makes I 5-inch pie)bsked pie shell, Place in a cool - i ~baked pastry ebeBplace until the OIling sets. . ~ egg., ~eatea

Banana Praise Pie 14 eup sugar -

•2 (Makes 1 S-Inch pie) , ~ tesapocti sanflteu ~ ~ cup butter or substitute - ~ cups- mia

34 cap honey ¼cup coconutJuice of ;4 lemon ~ -$easpooa vauwsGrated rind of 34 lemon Add sugar, milL, flavoring and

2 cops cooked, chapped prunes ~ coconut to eggs and pour into4 bananas, sliced pastry shell. Bake In a hot (450’

Whipped cream degree) oven for 15 mInutes, ReBlend butter and honey, Add ~duee heat to 350 degrees and bake

lemon juice and rind, than prunes. ~until a knife, Inserted, comes outArrange bananas In baked pastry Fclean, about 25 to 30 minutes,shell, then cover with prune mix- ~ Released by wsu Fealties.

LYNN SAYSI ~ Combine foods of different teaPlan Yoer. Meals ~ lures in one menu for appetite apWith Eye Appeai ~peal : cariot tirubales, asperse

Combine food of different colors ~ t~p, and brutlcd it:usliruonis.

to add zest tc, meals. For example, i Siriple meal Shepherd’s pie with~serve rice, Iamb chops and string ‘ potato tu~ipiig ; ye: isa ise or iii issi -

~beans for a colorful combination, : ed carrots, ‘ahbaae siaw~ apris’s,l; P:cture pretty Idea: salmon tim. ; cherry ups,stv duwis cafe.~bales with egg sauce, chopped ~ Here’s a gusri meal for cold hg -s- spinach and èhocolate meringue ~braised short nba with bruw,s,’d ~- pie. I talons, spinach sir broccoli ~ but Iti

Colorful Menu: creamed dried ~scotch puddingbeef on top of baked lctato, cooked Chicken pie can be madi situ

- fresh or froten peas, peach salad baianc,sd niral with vegetable tab~and chocolate cake, I sad a heavenly ‘htes’nlate cake!


N~QW - tobeSureof SpringDelivery


$1 296.00- - Pitss Anti-Freeze - - -

- THE , LOWEST PRICED COMPLETE two-plowTractor, with an internal, built-in ~ hydraulic - system- of

implement control, and battery and starter

Our stock on mod implements is good, so we sug-

geM that joU s~pin and find the equipment you willthis spring, AT FARMING HEADQUARTERS. -

wa ‘Va

CALL US SOON to Lure your Tractors and Im.plements picked up for reconditioning, Be ready for thespring work ahead.




- Telepbone 4241

rn!I~fI~ BABSONFifty Grand ~ by Ro

5er W. Babson

A Year i Babson Discueses

By ~ National ProductivityFREDERICK MEDLIN (li~7”~,~‘ F,1~

1111: ~ , I Is

‘-l” ~ still wonder a l~yJohnson ~ ,‘5 ui-pttent mad so suddeniy after hi ,,,,,,, ~, ‘hr ,,‘rs II, ci sic

gut out of stir, That is, all but Lco, ~ r,I~iii this t’,,s,tuirs st,,ilii lit.Lhc_ fenob, tt,t,tli. It.,i,,-,’,lI,ii’

Johnson remembered It all as he Machines Make Jobsstrode feverishly through the hot. I i I I ii’ I i ~ I ~, t c a t s • II .v ~e,i r~cia

, breathless night w,,rL,’r~ l,,,s , i,,, ,‘lll~ ‘sternI ~ _ Minute The black curtain llll’rt ‘roll,, ti., ht,,l,s il. . ‘ri’—I of darhneu that titlt’t’ t,,Ijr lit,,,’.. u’, ‘III: I g’i,,,l’, ~

I Floflan ~ r ~ 5 5 r d Olson I lie’ t lid t hi ii 55’ I ii’, ~tit’ I .1,,,’, ‘I,uL ‘ every side could “ ~ ‘ ‘‘‘‘, ,ti,t,iit 7’IVc ,~f‘‘or mccl—not hidethose things that had gone ~ .~~“7’li,iin ,:&L,:;ti ~‘~~tl~,i;before, Even their memory in- ,,, ci i ,, it’-, I , , c’s, ,i s. ‘loch, s tin i~ :1%creased - his furious pace, and tt is cup~iliecli,s a nit,, Is ,,,tcl 2% lee‘5 as an effort not to cast a furtive isOllils, 5t’I,,’rc,i , tI~~nu t’h,iiic’ ,l,eosglance over his shoulder an he drew

95l~~,,~ ,il,r a ,,rL for u 2

nea r the spot on which the great ‘t’h~t’ t i, , ~ t I Iu It on-I’ll,, ii I , , I ionook should stand. . iS t lie ri at , If sI i ci I I is e’ ~

He remembered the night of ten fi,sl,l,,ni’,l i. gric7uci~,lts siCsl,ooteryears ago that he had stolen the in 05 l,t,,I~ili ‘go. ‘i’l’t’ kit to 0,,Alsmeyer lewd.. It had been a ~ inere7edda~jt’ratething to do, and he bad ~ ~ thi;,,igl Illet iu,,tlaclit,,i. ‘I h,ehalf expected to be caught. His rt’suiit’s : shorter is terking lii,,, ‘a, li,oromind’s—eye saw himself crawling ~,k c—I, iiI ic m’’ ~, s ,, itt ii, us su it Ii list’.,up those precarious tracers of ivy si,tlnl srt’urlt s , ,, rid it stanilarsl-,,f-On the high back wall of the Als. ii’i,ig tlutt h.,s ,lt’e Stalin staredmeyer ma”’ton. He recalled how to di’stthi. - -

cautiously ,se-had—opened -the—win-- C~aditloirF.vbringGr~wiE’dow with a glass-cutter and a file, Is ,,rtle, for an’ ,,f (i,,il’s cmi,—how carefully l~had placed the t,tre4’ i~l,iit~,tui,,i,,ls, Orcharge -of explosive against the t,, lircisiler it,,,i tIes chIli fulb , tlie~cleverly-concealed - wall safe, how ~i-tel the rigl,t no, I r,,n,i,ent antI 11wfeverishly he had hurried through righ,t f,,’aI incii,sl rh,! .5 ,ii-rieai liur’,tthe acrid snioke to the batte red ii itii hiliti anil til,,ss,inw,I for I I , I ii tlit’door after the muffled eséplosion had act ‘‘lie liuntireti s ear, lii’csllise itshaken the room. . ~ li,cl tlie - right f~~’~ibit

1the rigId

- . entir,,,i,i,t-nt Sari’ is’, sic i,,is I’

THEN down that sweep of tvy i.I:’,nelnu$ rcs,,,lrt’t c~bit ~ ui. lInt—agsin to the groudét still ö~irthb ~‘ ~ hut 0 I’ hi:us e hi.,il that ltu,sslit

wall anut along the hard road as the u11~~

kcti1hil..Iwtt;i si

uproar behind him steadily grew l,lehi e,ie’’s,riigt-ti risk taking ‘i his- - . the car with the fingering c,,,,, lii it’,1 ~ . .1 ,‘, I~ liii s c atoll rng,’,lsearchlight darting down the - road ,, nil i,,,ttlr i’,s ihile tI’e s unit,, re clip—, - ‘ - his dogged flight across the i ~, i to Ii.,nIi sq t hi’ , ,,eelia,iit’ai ti, i’r—field to the momentary haven of the g~’ ii hileli ~,i,t ,i,,’,sry nod It’d a I,ihuge oak . , , His fingers trembled storkconvulglvely again - as. they had l),,,ut lihsii,,e the next ,lr~irecsl~nwhen he had tumbled the i ewels °n 1,11,clii nes. ill,,I~IV it ~ 0 Ill Cli ‘i’hsquickly Into the leather bag end ~ iiiiie’c sire a ,‘rking ,ll right. Allburled ltiafcly, tar back under theupcurled root. He heard again the lit, the i’m,, ,.s.iiing ti,ti tiu,se op—deep.throated baying of the hounds, em ‘flog tI,t’se ulintl,int-s tisl~t toll-growing always closer, as he had ,i,,,iti. n irk f’’r I he g”il a C th~eheard it that night, hour alter ~.,,rl,h sj~ 1 a I,.’!i’ ,jicl Is,,L for iinshour, twisting and dodging and hop- “lie selfish gras,,,,ing, knowing in his own heArt that Ineress.~i Productivity Neededhe would be taught, and fearigg ‘i’huere is as great is ,,re,l for cup—it with hysterical terror. ~t,I I,, ~,-. I ,,, ~isi toils, . ~as then- , was

- - wI,,,, I a its ii hues ., ~Vee,,tiltl resiti—And the, cafliaret ‘Tb, quirk shot, uv In. ott ftfi~ h,ilii”n ih,,lls, i’s teeor

. I-, ib, ratid whip,, el l/~,, ‘ia/lets .,, tiit’ Ii r ‘ t tieci~tI e iii i nil ,,st ri ti a,, ti’Ike hug, aovds’sgg,e,gbin, dowa .. er,si,iili,,n. i%’c. 11(0,1 1,. ps,l inol hii-r

But they had never found the 0 ft .‘ I,ihhl,,n liii’, I,s’using in orderI ewels. He had hl’dded them well, to luring iii r h,,,u,si,,gpr,,gmio,, 1111 toand (or that ha’ had been grateful tli~tc,,t sti,,iilst nh V t. c.,,ih,i cushy

0 u,se bull) l,illlt,,is f,,r strt’uls tti,’lfor tan yeart ~ - higliti ,~s ,—‘i’),c’re i t’,’ri,inls a need,

— lie came quite euddeniy upon the tiieref,,~.e,for. increased sasi,,gs.clomp of trees. They seemed in ‘l’l,ese are ‘ hs’ishiilhu ,,siy w ii II Icist emthe thick darkness to be the same taxi’sstand of ten years ago. lie thoved l’r’, cc liii stildies inihies,te that lu—about qulekiy with the flasH I ght ti, re I iic’i,i,i c is i II lee ,‘ ii I t’ sitie, I ~il Ii-until he found the peculiar root that- to iih,’,,,rl, hner,’s,srcl t’roilueli,,u,curved outward and looped upward oh,, il~ili’s In ,,rth,’m, tls,’r,’fore, . toslightly, ‘ust as It had so long ago. ~ ‘lIrHe dug back through the loo e earth i’i,~uihuii, his 11511(1 - a’), ‘,,,r C’.,,-

ssluiu’r a 5, r k i. I .,ill I. e I I e rI I, ,i 1 ,, ,j ii I u’ ~i~9I’ 4 cur,s,rier iaxe-c r&,,ul 5,n-sng’4, ais,es,ti,,it,,hri—,l ,t,s,i hifIt,,, I,, ‘,,s,’ lsu,,s,hr,hi’uu,l twe,,t~h,illion left I,, Isc’sul II,,’lll’’Ht’’ iS, thieref,sre. tl,c’r, (sir g,se,cl’s‘I II ii su’ r’ it i’s, ~lh~e rt’ nini’s ii reihscri’_ 5511) , thii’rt’fs,re, is. at hi, si.till,’ ‘ -

Good BusIness Up to Trumsn -

S clsilirt’ c’s,t,iti,l i~1st l,sg ss un_ilis’ sit ‘I II,’ ,IliIIciisk F,,r l,r,.iul is sIlu—

C tnt isi Ills t’~l,,rs ire tiis,i,i_

_inder It; his fingers tingled as theytouched rotten leather, and therewere - the jewels spread out. theyWere dull—but they we!e the Als’meyer jewels,A N HOUR later they were shim-I & mering on velvet in Leo’s-backcooln that he used for business ofsecrecfl and Johnson was trem--Wing wIth excitement. -

Johnson paced the floor, “Fivehundred - grsndl” be gloated,“That’s fifty grand a year in thebig house, andstill they sly crimedon’t~ay,Why, Leo, I know lots ofbig guys that don’t make fifty granda year, I’m up in the big lsloñey

-- now and it feels wonderful.”“You know what these are

worth?” .

‘‘Yeah, Sure I do. So do you,”Perhaps he only wanted to bar’gala, Sonse of the dread died inJohnson’s heart, “Ain’t you thebest fence In th. East? That’swhy I came to you

°~Thuknow that in’ honest?”Leo’s query was very grave andvery earnest.

“Sure, You al a have been”

‘7he AiampiK ,“ so,d (gOsiotvb, e/mo4 s , ‘ are’juut haifafioas, ‘Abey sal i ic north /it-c hi,.,-dred dollars,”

They still wussdt’r why J uhuugsssiwent mad so sh,ss-tly alter he guiout of stir, that is, all but Leo, ots’_itsrse. Los, svssuid know, fur he ba Very shrewd Judge of hu’,s~snl~S)’’;hulugy ‘ uisu,i jt-,’,-t’ls .. it is s:s sri,by those who kuss,w, th at l,’o sties is

alit oat eusif us ssuuliss,ui sjusiiu,rs ;utst si

thu ~Jsrsiuyer j cues Is.Rcl”a’.,’ul u~,~~‘N5


ft’u,r its ‘ ,iuf:,ir thaI lee’ (‘,,i,gmnss_Sissctty t’ui,situal ini’e~t,neiit i’,,ntrlii—liii’s l~srt’lsirtt ,n,ssilst’tis,,s ;,ussi t’uisiiitt,i,s,’ssssls’~i,ic’rst. O,slv ss-ittu (air lix—c_-i, ‘air tSi~g~’iutiti (‘sir ni’itS, I’, itI,,,’ -‘41,1,’ I’’ liltisu’ back lIst:, tb


iu,t-s’t .‘i,iilid’it’IIt fusods 5,, kt’i’1

s uses.I’,,sist ru,, I loll 5’n:1 cii rrent t ‘ me ,tliic— Itio,iri,ti,sg i,sii to t’i55i~i’ i’ii’it-e’ I,, ic.,tiiittui, If cur gri’sit .~,,it’rlt’;iis tof,,rg,’ sii,i’a.l, ‘ut’ need t’’ t’rt’;iti— tileloller c’i,viri,isi,,i’uut for us growil,,,i.i us ~5it’s, n-s (‘15Cc) IIr,tgi0g i i’ sd Ii red’stleiistl, ,o,t iit,~is,gii to clisihi, letIs huu,~,c’ thsutt l’rt’sithe,it ‘l’rsi~,,uiui

ri’sihiat’s Ills Isutsie ec’s,u,c,s,iR’ fOnt,

FT::-’-. - - ~-.-.

ritE ~OLL Still Ilast’ Timt Tot~:i1 (;t’L \out’

bE ValentinesI HERE~ :ts Low :tsI , a ~







——.. — -—. C __ ___ ——

CAR Washing; - and




will be looking fol’ a

~nA*& WeIs sh• sophistkoted?Then the smartest velensine yssi con send~1te clever MoUrned, Yo4entlnel Send heroft. shot’s witty and wondeslul os hernewest hat—exciting as her cararl

Is sle• d.nws’e?Chooa a Hallmark Valentine that’sgaily sentimental—one that’s bright withheart, ond flowsn, with ribbons and

- with las..

What.ve, he frp.Sweetheart, wife, mother, skIer, pal —

they11 -~l~be hocking for a t4oflmaáValentine . . , the one Yolenthu. t~iattells the ones you cafe far that ~youcared enough to send the very best,


Si’hrafffs and Cilherts Valejitine CandyCoty’s, (4Orday,Blue Fern. Eveningin Paris’

Perfwnes . -

-JONES DRUG STOREEverett A. Jones. Owner Telephone3301

Lawen Fuel SW - -

Tests co,sdueted by Tennessee Vai-icy authority revealed that a housecompletely insulated with mineraiwool reduced the fuel bill by 45 pea



J. S. Gray, publisher of theMonroe Evening News, who willserve ae president of the Mi~higanPress AssocIation, Inc., during-its


, - Homogenized -‘ - -

- (Vitasuin-D) -

- - - . Standard ~~ - .

- -- — -Jersey ~ ~~ .~-:ch~kte-;:: -

Coffee CreamWhipping Cream

Orange DrinkButter

- Try our Cieamed CottagiCheese jn 1-2 ox. Pkgi. or

- - 51b,cartons; - -

--- --.:- ~

- :William Stiles

Licensed Master Plumber

Remedelisig & New WorkPlumbing Healing Repairing

Electric Sewer CI~an1ng

- 21495 Melvin Street- FARMINGTON,M1CH,


- --i’an tvi~:!





_;_4~MANAGEPIaI4t ~ - - .d~’ - - fl - ~ IL-- ‘-. -

_ifl ,/I


- Here. with her.,aveath “stat”family, I. -Elagold Lady DareNo. 753,056, champIon prodectionsow in the Hampshire breed andthe first of her kind to quality

~_!_ea “seven-star” sow.

~- tl,’~’ —



/ Quality

, I




DON TAPP’SStandard Service




_~~* ,-Ul tVI,c.s s,f sIn’

k.sii ~ ~— a— r,’,-t s,soii ,‘I r,5I—

\ t;,rs I, r I n I u’ 1iseri’. M,,sier~,t,’5 ‘ r


South Lyon

t - HERALD ~ 1”

lots so) AvERAGe

“You are lain again this morning.Don’t you have an alarm clock?”

“Yes, sir, but it went off while Iwes asleep-”