WHICKHAM FELLSIDE YOUTH FOOTBALL CLUB Watergate Park, Lobley Hill, Gateshead NE11 9RQ A FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION CHARTER STANDARD COMMUNITY CLUB A A C Co om mm mi i t t m me en nt t t t o o O Ou ur r M Me em mb be er r s s , , o ou ur r V Vo ol l u un nt t e ee er r s s a an nd d t t h he e C Co om mm mu un ni i t t y y whickhamfellsideyfc.co.uk Whickham Fellside Youth Football Club @whickfellyfc DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2016-2019





Watergate Park, Lobley Hill,Gateshead NE11 9RQ


AA CCoommmmiittmmeenntt ttoo OOuurr MMeemmbbeerrss,, oouurrVVoolluunntteeeerrss aanndd tthhee CCoommmmuunniittyy‘ ’


Whickham Fellside YouthFootball Club



M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N TFounded in 1980 the Club provides a focus on football for the youth ofWhickham (Gateshead/Newcastle, Tyne & Wear) and the surrounding areas.Whickham Fellside Youth Football Club will work in partnership with parents andthe community so that all members enjoy and develop their ability in playingfootball, in a safe a secure environment. To achieve this we will enable theindividual member to realise and develop their potential; physically, mentally andsocially, through organised coaching, effective management and a sound structureunder game situations, using the facilities available to the Club.

The equal opportunities offered by the Club will enhance the members personalcompetence, esteem, adaptability, self-discipline and teamwork. Football is acompetitive sport but it must be played in a sporting and fair manner.

To achieve our mission all Members will work individually and collectively, realisingtheir potential, to maximise the effect of all of our endeavours. Constant referralwill be made to our Development Plan to achieve this.

AC T I O N P L A N 2 0 1 6 – 2 0 1 9The areas covered in this plan are . . .

Club Development Volunteer Development Running the ClubActivity Development Coach Education Development Better FacilitiesBetter Players Facility and Finance Development Social MediaGrowth and Retention Raising Standards Communication

WWHHIICCKKHHAAMM FFEELLLLSSIIDDEE YY..FF..CC.. was founded in 1980 by Terry Gatenby, George Dent and Jim Potts as the needwas seen to establish something for the youth of the area and beyond to become part of, to participate in, andto enjoy physical activity whilst playing in a team and Club environment. For the next 30 years Jim Potts tookthe lead and established the Club as one of the leading youth football clubs in the area. He promoted the Cluband its members on many away trips to football tournaments and single-handedly established the reputationwe now enjoy. With Jim now retired, the Club has embraced his philosophy and with the enthusiasm and hardwork of many volunteers over many years, the Club is now one of the largest in the area covering all age rangesof Youth Football. It is intended to continue the structured development of the Club in its fourth and latestDDeevveellooppmmeenntt PPllaann 22001166––22001199 in an equal opportunity environment and to make sure Team Coaches obtainsuitable qualifications under Football Association and Child Safeguarding guidelines. Also to establish closer linkswith local schools and the community; but primarily the aim is to offer our Members and the Community, to thebest of our ability, the highest standards possible for coaching, playing and enjoying football.


11.. MMuusstt eennssuurree tthhaatt tthheeiirr rruulleess aarree ffaaiirr,, tthhoorroouugghhllyy uunnddeerrssttoooodd bbyy ccoommppeettiittoorrss

aanndd ooffffiicciiaallss aanndd pprrooppeerrllyy eennffoorrcceedd..

22.. MMuusstt mmaakkee eevveerryy eeffffoorrtt ttoo eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee rruulleess aarree aapppplliieedd ccoonnssiisstteennttllyy

aanndd wwiitthh ttoottaall iimmppaarrttiiaalliittyy..

33.. MMuusstt mmaakkee eevveerryy eeffffoorrtt ttoo iimmpprreessss uuppoonn ppaarrttiicciippaannttss aanndd ooffffiicciiaallss tthhee

oovveerrrriiddiinngg nneeeedd ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn tthhee hhiigghheesstt ssttaannddaarrddss ooff ssppoorrttssmmaannsshhiipp iinn tthhee

oorrggaanniissaattiioonn aanndd pprraaccttiiccee ooff tthheeiirr ssppoorrtt..


11.. MMuusstt iinnssiisstt tthhaatt ccoommppeettiittoorrss uunnddeerrssttaanndd aanndd aabbiiddee bbyy tthhee pprriinncciipplleess ooff

ggoooodd ssppoorrttssmmaannsshhiipp..

22.. MMuusstt nnoott ccoouunntteennaannccee tthhee uussee ooff ddrruuggss bbyy ccoommppeettiittoorrss..

33.. MMuusstt nneevveerr eemmppllooyy mmeetthhooddss oorr pprraaccttiicceess tthhaatt mmiigghhtt iinnvvoollvvee rriisskkss ttoo tthhee

lloonngg--tteerrmm hheeaalltthh,, wweellffaarree oorr pphhyyssiiccaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff tthheeiirr cchhaarrggeess..


11.. MMuusstt aabbiiddee bbyy tthhee llaawwss aanndd ssppiirriitt ooff tthheeiirr ssppoorrtt..

22.. MMuusstt aacccceepptt tthhee ddeecciissiioonnss ooff ooffffiicciiaallss aanndd rreeffeerreeeess wwiitthhoouutt qquueessttiioonn oorr


33.. MMuusstt nnoott cchheeaatt aanndd,, iinn ppaarrttiiccuullaarr,, mmuusstt nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoo iimmpprroovvee tthheeiirr

ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee bbyy tthhee uussee ooff ddrruuggss..

44.. MMuusstt eexxeerrcciissee sseellff ccoonnttrrooll aatt aallll ttiimmeess..

55.. MMuusstt aacccceepptt ssuucccceessss aanndd ffaaiilluurree,, vviiccttoorryy aanndd ddeeffeeaatt,, wwiitthh ggoooodd ggrraaccee aanndd

wwiitthhoouutt eexxcceessssiivvee ddiissppllaayy ooff eemmoottiioonn oorr ddiissaappppooiinnttmmeenntt..

66.. MMuusstt ttrreeaatt tthheeiirr ooppppoonneennttss aanndd ffeellllooww ppaarrttiicciippaannttss wwiitthh dduuee rreessppeecctt aatt aallll



11.. TThhee SSeeccrreettaarryy wwiillll ccoolllleecctt ddaattaa rreeggaarrddiinngg ddiisscciipplliinnaarryy mmaatttteerrss aanndd rreeppoorrtt tthhee


22.. TThhee CClluubb wwiillll rreevviieeww tthhee ssttrraatteeggiieess ffoorr tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff ffaaiirr ppllaayy..

33.. MMaakkee MMaannaaggeerrss,, OOffffiicciiaallss aanndd MMeemmbbeerrss aawwaarree ooff oonnggooiinngg ddiisscciipplliinnee..

44.. AA ttaarrggeett wwiillll bbee sseett pprree--sseeaassoonn ffoorr ccaauuttiioonniinngg aanndd sseennddiinngg--ooffff rreellaattiinngg ttoo

tthhee pprreevviioouuss ddaattaa tthhaatt hhaass bbeeeenn aannaallyysseedd..

FFoollllooww tthhee gguuiiddeelliinneess ooff tthhee ‘‘FF..AA.. RReessppeecctt CCaammppaaiiggnn’’


1980 3 7




1. Run Team Managers and Coachesmeetings to offer support andguidance. This includes recruitingCoaches/Others to assist in bringingnew ideas and initiatives to currentManagement Group and addressingany concerns

2. Ensure all teams are affiliated to theCounty FA and registered with allrelevant leagues. Club RegistrationForms distributed at the start of theseason

3. Ensure that the Club has suitablerules, policies and procedures andinsurances

4. Ensure that the Club has the mostappropriate legal status

5. To obtain or maintain an accuratefinancial management system

Responsible Personnel

Club Secretary (to giveNotice), Club Chairman(to chair meetingswhere possible ordelegate), ManagementMembers

Club Secretary, ClubDevelopment Officersand ManagementMembers

Club Chairman, ClubChairman andManagement Memberswith guidance fromgoverning bodies

Management Members

Club Treasurer,signatories andManagement Members


Regular meetings per year (at least 4 ofthese to be organised by ClubSecretary) including an AGM in Juneas per the Club Constitution. Use thesemeetings to offer support and guidanceand to engage in dialogue andinteraction with Coaches

Affiliation and Registrations to be donein accordance with FA and Leaguerules and timescales. Accurate and up-to-date records are kept on all teamsCoaches, Players and Parents. ClubRegistration Form organised

Annual review of rules, ClubConstitution, policies and procedures.Maintenance of insurance cover. Anybreaches of rules, policies andprocedures are addressed in the correctmanner

Review legal status of the Club

Annual appointment of Club Treasurerat the AGM. Financial Managementreports are presented in detail to theClub Management and a resumé toCoaches at all meetings. Annualaccounts are presented in June of eachyear

Financial Implications

Watergate orWhickham venue.Possible hire costs

Costs for affiliationfees, league fees as percurrent levels

Cost of annualinsurance

Not known

Cost of banking


Duration of theDevelopmentPlan and ongoing

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan and ongoing

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan and ongoing

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan and ongoing

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan and ongoing

Success Criteria

Regular meetings assist Coaches in finding outwhat is going on in the Club. It is the opportunityto give them information either from within theClub or from the FA, Leagues etc.Assists Coaches in letting them know the Clubsupports them in their work. Regular meetingswill develop openness and transparencyOpportunities for Coaches to contribute to Clubaffairs and become more involved. Smootherrunning of the Club

Club is well organised and has a reputation forbeing well run. Coaches are confident that theyare given the necessary back-up regardingpaperwork and administration. Governing bodiesbecome aware that the Club is correctly run

Coaches aware that all situations are covered by arule or policy or procedure, giving them theconfidence to coach. In the event of any insuranceclaim, this is done quickly and efficiently. Parentsare aware that the Club is well structured withprocedures in place to cover all eventualities

Club is covered legally for all matters. Continualreview means that all current legislations are metand addressed. Club needs to be seen to be awareof its legal requirements to law and governingbodies

Everyone involved with the Club needs to beaware that our finances are well run. Co-signatories are imperative. Internet banking isdone and regular updates aspire to openness andtransparency. Treasurer makes recommendationsregarding investments. Dissolution clause is inClub Constitution




6. Common accounting system for allCoaches to use who have ‘TeamAccounts’. This is linked to Clubfinancial system, audited annually

7. Current Management Group need toappoint new members to increasethe management capacity as theClub grows. A managementstructure review will identify keyposts and areas that need addressing.Appointments will be made fromCoaches and interested individualsof the Club to support success inplanning in key posts and areasidentified within the Club

8. As the Club grows and develops weneed to ensure that we have cleardependable and concise lines ofcommunication between allstakeholders in the Club

Responsible Personnel

Treasurer and Auditor(appointed/elected)

Club Chairman, ClubSecretary and ClubPresident

Club Chairman, ClubSecretary and ITManager


Develop an integrated accountingsystem that covers all financialtransactions within the Club. Theaccounts will be audited and signed-offeach year

Carry out management structure reviewto identity areas that need to bedeveloped. Identify members of theClub who have the qualities andcommitment to join the Managementgroup. To provide developmentopportunities for members so we areplanning for smooth succession in thefuture

The Club website and social mediaareas are increasingly used ascommunication hubs to support therunning the Club. Channels ofcommunication need to be furtherdeveloped to ensure all interestedparties receive the correct and relevantand current information

Financial Implications

Purchase of accountingsoftware and possiblehardware

Cost gauged againsttime given

Club websitedevelopment, printingcosts


Starting of thenew accountingyear in 2016

In place forSeptember 2016


Success Criteria

A common system of recording all our financialtransactions will be in place within the Club andthe information fed into the main accounts,audited annually and available for our governingbodies to examine

A reformed Management Group has the capacityto continue to develop the Club over the next fiveyears. This can harness the potential of Coachesto make major contributions to the Club’sdevelopment. Clearly structured successionplanning will be in place

The Club website is a common forum forcommunication for the Club. Social media alsocontribute to this. These areas offer a range ofopportunities to communicate with allstakeholders. We ensure all communications aresuccessfully directed to all relevant parties




1. Recognise and reward volunteers

2. Recruit new volunteers

3. Invest and develop, from within andbeyond, young people to becomeYoung Leaders, Coaches, Refereesand other Club volunteer roles

Responsible Personnel

Management Committee

Management Committee

Football DevelopmentOfficer, Coaches andManagement Committee


Annual Presentation Night whererecognition is made of all players,coaches and volunteers. Have aphotographer present to record theseand obtain these photographs fordisplay at our HQ for posterity

Develop a volunteer promotion andrecruitment material. Produce literatureabout the Club, advertise and speakwith parents who bring their childrenalong to Development or Trainingsessions.Speak with other educationalestablishments that need teams to assisttheir Coaches to obtain qualifications,e.g. Gateshead College, Durham FA.Provide opportunities for trainingCoaches so they can achieve theirqualifications from higher education.Form a link and an association with allthese groups. Offer young people eitherstill playing for our Club or pastmembers, the opportunity to becomeinvolved with our Club as a volunteer;and is a way of repaying the Club backin some way. This can assist them withcareer opportunities

Every young player is offered andencouraged to develop and take upsome role within the Club (Level 1 forexample) and have a Club role

Financial Implications

Cost of venue, cost oftrophies

Cost of producing aleaflet, promotionalmaterial and anyadvertising ifnecessary

Cost of paying forCoaching Courses


Duration of theDevelopmentPlan and ongoing

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan and ongoing

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan and ongoingfor the future ofthe Club

Success Criteria

Members to be recognised for their work and bepart of a successful Club. Individual as well asteam awards give a sense of ‘belonging’ andbeing successful together. Feel good factor

Need for new volunteers is imperative. Recruitingfrom our parents is main source of this bututilising past members is another possibilityVolunteers who have been members have a senseof continuity and of being part of the Club.Success will be established by the number ofvolunteers we obtain and continuity of the Cluband its development will be ongoing if theyparticipate in the future. They progress from being‘players’ to being ‘volunteers’

Offering young people an opportunity where theyhave a say in the Club; they can progress towhatever level they wish; they have a sense ofgreater belonging from being a player to being avolunteer.The future of the Club is better guaranteed withthe involvement of young people.




1. Give all young children a highquality and fun introduction tofootball within the Club. Createtraining environments where theplayers can naturally develop andenjoy their sessions without unduepressure

2. Encourage coaches to offer everyplayer the maximum playingopportunities to help to realise theirpotential and give them confidence

3. To develop a structured range offootball skills courses for allsporting members within the Club.External courses will be adoptedand this will raise the standard ofskills within the Club at memberand coach level

4. Develop partnerships with thirdparty organisations to furtherenhance the range of coaching skillswithin the Club and offer to all agegroups within the Club.

5. Develop and further enhance thegoalkeeping specific coaching skillswithin the Club

Responsible Personnel

ManagementCommittee, FootballDevelopment Officerand all Coaches

ManagementCommittee, FootballDevelopment Officer

All Members and allCoaches

ManagementCommittee, FootballDevelopment Officer

Football DevelopmentOfficer


Making coaching fun as well asfollowing guidelines. Communicatepositively with members and parents,smile and enjoy training and games.Football Development Officer tocontinue with already establishedstructured Development sessions forYear 1 and Reception Children

All players are given time and Coacheswill monitor pitch time given toindividuals and adjust accordingly.Keep players informed by speakingwith them and their parents

A football skills programme will bedeveloped across all age ranges,including youth award, age appropriatecourses and FA Skills etc. andorganisations offering Futsal typecoaching/skills sessions

Develop and further build upon thepartnership and relationship withNUFC Foundation and NUFC in thecommunity, FA Skills team and anyother organisation which will assist anddevelop the coaching skills within theClub

Further utilisation and promotion of thethree qualified goalkeeper specialistcoaches. Inclusion of their developmentresourcs and use of third partygoalkeeping resources and organisation

Financial Implications

Costs towards venueand any other externalcoaching costs


Cost for courses andexternal coaching

Fully Club financed

Fully Club finance ofequipment andattendance atgoalkeeping specificcoaching


Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Success Criteria

Happy teams and individuals at the same time asimproving abilities, fitness and enjoyment.Develop young people to achieve their maximumpotential as a player. The Development sessionswill introduce new members and parents to theClub. First class experience of how our Cluboperates with good organisation and coaching

Happier and more content players and parents.Less potential conflict between parents andcoaches. Retention of players and everyone giventhe same opportunity to develop. Teams becomemore solid as a group if everyone plays.

The level of football skills across the Club isenhanced and reflected in performance atindividual and team levels. Use made of FA SkillsCoaching resources and develop partnerships withorganisations offering Futsa coaching

Strong established partnerships with theseorganisations for the benefit of everyone atWFYFC and exposing the players and coaches tothese organisations

An enhanced resource of the specialistgoalkeeping coaches; providing regulargoalkeeping sessions to all age groups within theClub




1. To produce a Marketing Strategydocument that provides support andguidance to members of the Clubwho engage in marketing activities

2. To develop successful marketingstrategies to grow volunteer andmembership numbers and increaseand maximise sponsorshipopportunities to promote the Club

3. To investigate marketing techniquesthat the Club can explore to promoteitself. We will examine the use oftraditional and digital marketingtools and strategies

4. To use social media to maximise themarketing of the Club. Twitter,Groups, Facebook, Texts etc. shouldall be considered as tools topromote, market and advertise theClub

Responsible Personnel

Management Group andMarketing Manager

Management Group andMarketing Manager

IT and MarketingManager

IT and MarketingManager, ClubChairman or individualwho makes entries onClub Website or Clubsocial media areas


To construct a working document thatsets out the strategies that can beemployed in all aspects of marketingthe Club

A marketing plan will be produced onhow the Club is going to promoteitself.

l Where are we now?l What do we want to achieve?l How do we get there?l How do we know we are there?

To analyse market techniques andselect the best opitons that suit theClub’s needs. Part of marketing planprocess

Details of what social media to useapart from the obvious ones should belooked into. A strategic plan of areas tobe targeted should be formulated

Financial Implications

Probably no cost, buttime to produce

Probably no cost, buttime

Time. Websiteadvertising costs

Probably no cost, buttime to produce


Summer 2016



Summer 2016

Success Criteria

A plan is produced that provides a marketingstragety guide for the Club. The plan providesclear objectives for the marketing and key projectsare identified

We employ a range of marketing strategies thatare successful in achieving our main aims inincreasing membership and sponsorship

Monitoring of the use of any marketingtechniques, their impact, and success or not

Feedback from social media used. Discussionswith Club Officials, Members and Parents as tohow the use of social media is benefitting theClub. Success in improved communication madeor information given out via these methodsanalysed




1. Structured induction process fornew Coaches to the Club throughthe Club’s Football DevelopmentOfficer

2. To offer structured coaching coursesand further courses for Managersand Coaches via a CoachDevelopment Framework Plan

3. Support Coaches in the utilisation oftheir efforts to improve their team.Keep qualifications up-to-date byrenewing FA Safeguarding andEmergency First Aid every 3 years

4. To raise the standard of Coachingwithin the Club and to organiserenewals of all aspects of coachingqualification, as per the FACoaching Pathway Programme

5. Further develop the CoachMonitoring resources within theClub, across all age groups.

6. Further investment in the FootballDevelopment Group for theintroducing of players into the U7’sage group team(s)

Responsible Personnel

Club Development andClub FootballDevelopment Officers

Club Development andFootball DevelopmentOfficers

Management Committeeand Coaches

ManagementCommittee, Club andFootball DevelopmentOfficers

Football DevelopmentOfficer andManagement Committee

Football DevelopmentOfficer andManagement Committee


To produce a structure, includingdocumentation and records, forinduction of new Coaches

Maintain an audit of the coachingqualificaitons per team/coach and makeCoaches aware of their DevelopmentPlan

Continue to offer Club facilities to thewider community. Hold a CoachesAssociation event at the Club eachseason, free of charge and communicateand interact with established/experiencedcoaching staff for advice and guidance

Every Coach to complete Level 1, AgeAppropriate Module and YouthModule. All Coaches to be members ofthe FA Licenced Coaches Club

Establish age appropriate Club Mentorswithin the Club covering age rangesfrom 5–10 and 11–18 age groups

Establish specific Coaches who willsupport the Development Group withsutiable FA Coaching qualification.Introduce an ‘Elite Player Pathway’ forrelevant players via the DevelopmentGroup

Financial Implications


Give any financialsupport for firstqualification andsubsidise furtherqualifications


Financing of Level 1and assistance withfurther qualificaitons


Financial support forthe completion of FACoachingqualifications


Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of planthe DevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Success Criteria

Monitor success of induction process throughClub Development and Football DevelopmentOfficers

Progressive completion of individual CoachesDevelopment Plan and obtaining relevant FAqualifications

Growth of membership within the Club. Coachesqualifications are kept up-to-date which helpswith Charter Standard Status etc. Coaches aregaining confidence with support from the Club. Asafe environment for young children to play iscreated

At least a Level 1 qualification must be obtainedby all Coaches. Increased number of Coachesobtaining their Youth Module Awards

Each age group is fully supported with a qualifiedClub Mentor

Earlier introduciton of players into non-competitive football. Success of individualscoming through the Club’s Development Group




7. Develop a Young Player CoachDevelopment Programme

8. All WFYFC Coaches to bemembers of the FA LicencedCoaches Club

9. Develop an online CoachingResource Pack containing trainingand coaching material, session plansand guidelines for all age groups

Responsible Personnel

Football DevelopmentOfficer andManagement Committee

Football DevelopmentOfficer andManagement Committee

Football DevelopmentOfficer and WebAdministrator


Offer to younger players within theClub a Coaching DevelopmentProgram. Encourage younger Coachesto support the established teams withinthe Club.

Encourage all Club coaches to becomeFA Licenced Coaching Club membersthroughout their involvement with us

Further development of the Club’sWebsite with a Coaching Rescue‘Portal’ containing relevant coachingmaterial tu support all age groupswithin the group

Financial Implications


Fully financed by theClub

Development coststowards theconstruction of thisand to maintain the‘Portal’. Possible costfor Website updatesand placing of materialon it


Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Success Criteria

Increase the number of younger coaches obtainingFA qualifications and supporting the teams withinthe Club

All WFYFC coaching staff become members ofthe FA Licenced Coaches Club with annualrenewal and compliance with Coach Development(CPD) Development

Online Portal as a feature of the Club’s websitewith full access available to all Club Coaches.




1. To consider and organise thepotential for further development ofexisting premises and facilities forthe long-term future of the Club.See also 4. below.

2. To continue the ongoing programmeof improvement to pitch playingsurfaces

3. To acquire and maintain anappropriate accounting system todeal with all aspects of Clubfinances and administration

4. To work towards the acquisition ofa Floodlit Artificial Grass Pitch andarea

5. To make available equipment of thehighest quality with health andsafety at the forefront of alldecisions

Responsible Personnel

Club ManagementCommittee

Club ManagementCommittee

Club Treasurer,Registration Secretaryand Club ManagementCommittee

Club ManagementCommittee

Equipment/Health andSafety Officer and ClubManagement Committee


Communication through and withEmmanuel College Partnership and anyother agencies and fundraisingproviders to grass roots football

Consultaiton with appropriate specialistorganisations and implementation ofnecessary action plan

Research and identify appropriatesystems, testing and ultimatelyimplementation

Engage key partners and fundingproviders. Produce a business andfootball usage plan. Applicaiton foravailable funding and planningpermission

Identify equipment requirementsincluding new goal posts and any otherplaying aids

Financial Implications

Significant levels ofexpenditure. Projectspecific in-depthcostings need to beobtained

Significant levels ofexpenditure

Not considered to be amajor expense andincluded within longterm financial budget

Significant financialcommittmentachievable onlythrough externalfunding

Significant level ofexpenditure


Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Ongoing andduration ofDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

1 to 2 years

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

1 to 2 years

Success Criteria

Improved quality of facilities to provide moreextensive and all year round usage. Provide selfgenerating income for future development projects

To have ownership of the best possible grassrootsplaying surface thereby assisting in thedevelopment of playing style and individualability

Enhancement of existing financial controls and toreduce workload of relevant individuals

Delivery of project

Delivery of project





1. All Members of the community willhave open access to all facilities andmembership of the Club

2. The Club will be an integral activecomponent of the community wheremutual support and development isa natural process

3. Clear lines of communicationcontinue to publicise and inform thecommunity of the Club’s activities.

4. To provide the opportunity formembers and other stakeholderswithin the Club to have the chanceto contribute to any present andfuture development

5. To develop the capacity of theManagement Group to providestructured succession planning

6. To continue to review theManagement Structure within theClub

Responsible Personnel

All Members

All Members

Club FootballDevelopment Officer,Club ManagementCommittee and ITManager

Club FootballDevelopment Officerand ManagementCommittee

Club Chairman andManagement Committee

Management Committee


Continue with Equal Opportunitiesimplementation, which will provideopen access to membership. Continueto offer Club facilities to the widercommunity

We will continue to develop links withCommunity groups, e.g. Schools andYouth Clubs. Links with otherorganisations to mutually support eachother, e.g. Charities, YouthOrganisations, Local Groups, RoundTable

Continue with links to local communitythrough good communications, mediacoverage and the further developmentof the Club Website and socialnetworks

To carry out an Annual Questionnaireto offer a voice to stakeholders (ClubMatters Website)

To produce job descriptions for keyposts in the Management Group. Toidentify new positions and roles to beadopted

To develop delegated roles andresponsibilities to individuals.

Financial Implications

Costs as required

None (time only)

Costs as required





Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Developmentfurther throughDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

September 2016

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan

Success Criteria

Audit of membership which identifies the variousgroups represented in the Club. Growth ofmembership within the Club

Our network of partners expands and the profileof our Club is expanded

Members of the community feel they can relate tothe Club and understand the aims of the Club

To have a clear two-way communication network.Use Survey information to continue thedevelopment of the Club

The workload of the Management Group is evenlyspread across the formed committee. We have themanagement capacity to lead and drive forwardwith our identified agenda

We know if the management structure is fit forpurpose, revise if required




7. To maintain the Club’s highstandards, policies and procedures.Being aware of changes in anypolicies by governing bodies etc. orchanges in the law

8. To further develop Watergate as avenue for a League base

9. We build on the success of theTournament of 2015. We increasethe size and age-range of theTournament. We delegate theorganisation and running of theTournament to a Manager Group(s)

10.To acquire the funding to build a 4Gpitch with floodlights at Watergate.To produce a financial plan thatdelivers the project

Responsible Personnel

Management Committeeand all Members

Club DevelopmentOfficer

Management Committeeand then ManagerGroup(s)

Management Committeeor an identifiedWorking Party set-up


To retain the FA Charter StandardCommunity Club Award

To attract at least one other League tothe Watergate site. To provide qualityfootball provision within the venue andon the pitches

We set-up a Manager Group(s) led bythe Marketing Manager/ClubFundraiser to organise and run theTournament

To identify and source funding streamsfor this project. Everyone in the Club isworking towards the financial successof the 4G project

Financial Implications

Costs as required

Could be considerableinvestment needed.Purchase footballresources. Investfurther in the playingsurfaces. The footballcentre is wellmaintained andcatering is providedwith income obtained

Advertising,production of leafetsetc. and any costimplication for extraequipment

Identify the costs ofproviding such afacility. Grants throughsports and othergranting agenciesshould be available.There may be asizeable contributionfrom our Clubrequired. Rememberconsiderable incomecan be generated fromthe rental of such afacility when complete


Duration of theDevelopmentPlan


Summer 2016

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan, butinvestigation hasalready started.Positiveapplication tocommenceSummer 2016

Success Criteria

Maintaining and growing of expected standards,policies and procedures. Keeping up with anychanges in legislation as they are published

We will have another League that uses Watergateand sees its benefit as a venue. The Club hassuccessfully introduced another League set-upwhich utilises the Watergate area. We can copewith this increased capacity easily or need moreresources. Flexibility of Watergate is gauged

The Tournament is held and it builds on thesuccess of the previous Tournament. We increasethe number of teams and age-groups taking part.The Tournament is recognised as a sucess by theClub and all participants.

To put in place a sound financial plan to purchaseand maintain a 4G pitch. To acquire funding forthe training facility and any development to beconstructed to the highest standard of 4G pitchwith floodlights




1. Continue to develop strategies toenhance growth and retention withinthe Club

2. Develop multiple teams in any agegroup to ensure continuity ofrepresentation as teams moveforward

3. Support young players moving frommini-soccer to 11v11. Toconsolidate and increase the numberof young people within the Club

4. Retain existing mixed teams andprogress through to open age. Hostevents

5. Provide support to develop Girls’football within the Club, initiallythrough mixed teams

Responsible Personnel

Club DevelopmentOfficer

Development Officersand ManagementCommittee

ManagementCommittee, ClubDevelopment andFootball DevelopmentOfficers and all Coaches

Club DevelopmentOfficer and FootballDevelopment Officer

Management Committee


Yearly Development Group for Under-6’s to build successful model forgrowth. Early parental contact withClub and development of a‘partnership’. Active recruitment ofCoaches and fit them into the gaps ofClub team profile. Retain through thequality of coaching and organisation toprovide a pleasureable sportingexperience. Close links with localschools and active coachingprogrammes within the schools ifpossible (depends on personnelavailable)

Never refuse any individual theopportunity to play football. Thenumber of players dictates the numberof teams. Club Development Officer tobe involved in retention and growth ofmulti-age groups. Encourage moresenior players who we have supportedand sponsored to Level 1 CoachingStandard to become active in thecoaching side of the Club

Run training sessions for Coaches. Runtransition sessions and matches foryounger players

Supporting existing Coaches. Use linkswith schools, the community andDurham FA to encourage and supportthis

Enable separate Girls only teams to beestablished to ensure continuity offootball with the Club where possible

Financial Implications

Costs of equipmentand hire of trainingfacilities

Cost of coaching andsupport

Cost of venue hire

None or minimal costof producing literature

Cost of setting up ateam


Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Success Criteria

Development group. Target 20+ players cominginto the Club every season. Parental support andcommittment to the Club from an early point.Fundamental that we create as many playingopportunities for players. The Club continues toretain and grow year on year. A focus on thiswould result in continuity to develop the conceptof the next generation of football and players

Multiple teams representing all small-sided agegroups funnelling through to older age groups.Next generation Coaches actively involved andcontinuity within the Club established

Smooth transition from mini-soccer to 9v9 to11v11 should result. Individuals made aware ofdifferences between groups as they progress intothem

Continued increase in membership and teamsduring the duration of the plan. Retaining theteams ensures representation at all age groups

To encourage and witness the movement of girlsfrom mixed football to Girls only football at anappropriate age




1. Promotion of the Respectcampaign

2. Promotion of Codes of Conduct

3. Maintain Community Club CharterStatus and standards of the same

4. Reinforcemernt of Club ColoursPolicy

5. Full exposure and use of websiteand social media

6. Adopt zero tolerance approach tobreaches of Club and Footballdisciplinary matters

7. Committee to upskill using DFAcourse material and/or courseattendance

8. Ensure effective delivey ofDevelopment Plan

Responsible Personnel

All personnel

All personnel

Club Secretary

All personnel

All personnel

All personnel

All personnel

Club ManagementCommittee


Use of Respect barriers for all fixturesat Watergate. Display of Respectmaterial around the Watergate building

Display of Codes of Conduct forplayers, parents, coaches and spectatorsat visible points across Club websiteand Watergate

Ensure all personal coaching andmandatory qualifications are achievedand maintained

All teams to be made aware of ClubColours Policy and breaches to be dealtwith by Management Committee

The Club to roll out full use ofFacebook, Twitter, Email anddeveloping interactive media to self-promote

All members to be advised that anybreaches of Codes of Conduct will bedealt with swiftly and effectively tomaintain the good name of the Club

Secretary to identify appropriate DFAcourses to enhance skills ofManagement Committee Members

Management Committee Members tohave ownership of their own areas ofthe Development Plan

Financial Implications



£2,000 +/–


Minimal cost





Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Duration of theDevelopmentPlan 2016–2019

Success Criteria

Regular use of Respect barriers

Maintaining and raising high standards of sportingbehaviour

Charter Status renewal in 2018

All teams wearing Club colours for home fixtures

Full range of social media being used by members

Members to embrace the Codes of Conduct andother Club Policies

Committee increase skills, knowledge andawareness of current ideas and trends

Development Plan remains on course for its threeyear target




9. To communicate clearly the highstandards of behaviour that areexpected from all members,volunteers and parents within theClub

10. To adopt a zero tolerance approachto any breaches of Club andGoverning Bodies disciplinarymatters.

11. Implement the ‘Respect’ campaign.Promote good practice and addresspoor practice in behaviour ofvolunteers, members and parents

Responsible Personnel

All Members

Management Committeeand Coaches

Club Welfare Officer,Management Committeeand Coaches.


To make all groups within the Clubaware of the Code of Conduct,Disciplinary Procedures andComplaints Procedures. Monitor theconduct of all groups within the Cluband report back to Management andManager’s meetings. Coaches willreport any breaches of discipline to theManagement Group for action.Statistics on the breaches of conductwill be published. Managers willorganise an induction for parentsmeeting at the start of the season. Thiswill be an opportunity to share theClub’s philosophy and emphasise theFair Play/Code of Conduct documents

To impose and strictly enforce Codesof Conduct and Displinary Proceduresrelevant to any incident. The Club willpass on any fines determined byGoverning Bodies (DFA and Leagues)to the individual concerned as per theClub Constitution and reserve the rightto impose additional penalties

Club Welfare Officer to be aware of allaspects of this campaign and distributeinformation both verbally and inliterature format to all responsiblepersonnel

Financial Implications



Costs of any copying ofliterature


Duration of theplan and ongoing

Duration of theplan and ongoing

Duration of theplan

Success Criteria

The behaviour of all groups within the Club willimprove and this information can be validatedthrough accurate information. The Clubprocedures are able to respond to all situationsand all members and individuals are treated fairly.

To see a reduction in the number of incidents ofbreaches of conduct and discipline. To improveour disciplinary record and statistics year on year.Club image will be enhanced and we will gain areputation for good discipline

Members, Coaches and Parents will be aware of theRespect campaign, how it works within our Club andthe implications of it. Knowledge of the FA’s viewstowards respect will become common knowledge




12. To follow FA guidelines andprocedures regarding Child Welfare

13. To continue to develop a solidClub ethos throughout all teams

14. Ensure effective delivery of theFootball Development Plan andcareful monitoring of F.A. CharterStatus Community Award.Complete CS Healthcheck eachseason before any deadlines.

Responsible Personnel

Club Welfare Officer,Management Committeeand Coaches

Management Committeeand General Committee

ManagementCommittee. ClubDevelopment andFootball DevelopmentOfficers


Ensure all Club Officials in direct contactwith young people are CRB checked andhave completed the appropriateSafeguarding Children Workshop. Allother FA Guidelines and proceduresshould be followed and Club Welfareofficer fully trained to support allvolunteers.

Make Coaches, Parents and membesaware of all Club policies andresponsibilities. On Club AnnualPresentation Night recognition is givenby the presentation of special awards toindividuals who have excelled both atTeam and Club level and not alwaysthrough football ability.

Delivery of achievement targets.Agenda item and update given at eachManagement Committee and GeneralCommittee meetings

Financial Implications

Costs of CRBregistrations, anycourses and gainingqualifications

Cost of awards,literature to beproduced

Not known


Duration of theplan and ongoing

Duration of theplan and ongoing

Duration of theplan

Success Criteria

Ensure any incidents are referred to Child WelfareOfficer and dealt with by means of best practice andsafeguarding guidelines. All staff become fullytrained in all aspects of Child Welfare and allOfficials are properly registered on any ChildProtection Database for reference

Parents and Members are made aware of all theClub Policies to promote openess andtransparency. The Clubs reputation will bemaintained in local football leagues that we playin and beyond. Everyone involved has an equalopportunity to win an award. Everyone in theClub learns to demonstrate this ethos and committto the whole Club

Maintaining Charter Community Status isimportant for our continued operation and growth.Enables the Club to apply for grants, awards andassists when trying to obtain sponsorship. Givenparents and members the confidence to become orcontinue to be involved with our teams

ETHOS is a Greek word meaning “character” that is used todescribe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterise acommunity, nation, as group or an ideology. The Greeks also usedthis word to refer to the power of music to influence its hearer’semotions, behaviors, and even morals. Early Greek stories ofOrpheus exhibit this idea in a compelling way. The word’s use inrhetoric is closely based on the Greek terminology used byAristotle in his concept of the three artistic proofs.



OOUURR VVIISSIIOONNSSeeee tthhee Mission Statement

IInnddiivviidduuaallss ttoo rreeaalliissee tthheeiirr ppootteennttiiaall

EEqquuaalliittyy iinn aallll aarreeaass ooff eetthhnniicciittyy aanndd ddiissaabbiilliittyy

EEqquuaall ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess ffoorr aallll

PPllaayyiinngg ffoooottbbaallll iinn aa ssaaffee aanndd sseeccuurree eennvviirroonnmmeenntt

SSttrruuccttuurreedd mmaannaaggeemmeenntt ooff bbootthh tthhee CClluubb aanndd iittss tteeaammss

RReetteennttiioonn ooff tteeaammss ffrroomm UUnnddeerr--77 oonnwwaarrddss,, eessttaabblliisshhiinnggaannyy nneeww tteeaammss aanndd ccoonnttiinnuuaallllyy ssuuppppoorrttiinngg tthhoossee aallrreeaaddyyeexxiissttiinngg

EEnnccoouurraaggee aanndd iinnvveesstt iinn yyoouunngg ppeeooppllee ttoo bbeeccoommeevvoolluunntteeeerrss

OOppeenn aanndd ttrraannssppaarreenntt wwaayy ooff ooppeerraattiinngg ffoorr aallll ppllaayyeerrss,,ppaarreennttss aanndd ssuuppppoorrtteerrss

WWoorrkk wwiitthhiinn tthhee ccoommmmuunniittyy aanndd sscchhoooollss

OOppppoorrttuunniittyy ttoo ccrreeaattee mmoorree PPaarrttnneerrss

OOppppoorrttuunniittyy ffoorr tthhee iinnddiivviidduuaall ttoo ppaarrttiicciippaattee aannddccoonnttrriibbuuttee ttoo tthhee CClluubb

EEssttaabblliisshh rreegguullaarr ggiirrllss aanndd wwoommeenn’’ss ffoooottbbaallll wwiitthhiinn tthheeCClluubb

AAuuttoommaattiioonn ooff CClluubb MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp,, RReeggiissttrraattiioonnss aannddPPaayymmeennttss tthhrroouugghh ssooffttwwaarree iinnvveessttmmeenntt

OOUURR PPHHIILLOOSSOOPPHHYYFFuurrtthheerr ddeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd eeqquuaall ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess ffoorr aallllwwiitthhiinn tthhee CClluubb

RReeffeerr ttoo tthhee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt PPllaann

TToo ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo mmoonniittoorr aanndd lliisstteenn

OOUURR AACCHHIIEEVVEEMMEENNTTSSGGrroowwtthh iinn mmiinnii--ssoocccceerr,, yyoouutthh aanndd ooppeenn--aaggee ffoooottbbaallll..MMuullttiippllee tteeaammss iinn aaggee--ggrroouuppss

TTeeaammss aanndd iinnddiivviidduuaallss ccoouulldd pprrooggrreessss ttoo sseenniioorr ffoooottbbaallll

2266 tteeaammss iinn 22001166----22001177,, aa ggrroowwtthh tthhaatt hhaass bbeeeennoonnggooiinngg ffoorr mmaannyy yyeeaarrss

NNeexxtt ggeenneerraattiioonn ooff ppllaayyeerrss aarree ccoommiinngg tthhrroouugghh tthheeCClluubb

EEssttaabblliisshheedd aass aa wweellll--rruunn,, wweellll--ssttrruuccttuurreedd aanndd wweellll--oorrggaanniisseedd CClluubb

PPoolliicciieess aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr aallll aassppeeccttss ooff yyoouutthh ffoooottbbaallll((CCoonnssttiittuuttiioonn,, FFaaiirr PPllaayy CChhaarrtteerr,, CCooddee ooff CCoonndduucctt,,FFuunnddrraaiissiinngg PPoolliiccyy,, DDeevveellooppmmeenntt PPllaann,, CChhiilldd PPrrootteeccttiioonneettcc..))

EEssttaabblliisshh aa ffiirrmm ooppeerraattiioonnaall bbaassee ffoorr tthhee rruunnnniinngg ooff tthheeCClluubb

CCoonnttiinnuueedd iinnvveessttmmeenntt iinn CClluubb WWeebbssiittee aannddeessttaabblliisshhmmeenntt ooff ssoocciiaall mmeeddiiaa lliinnkkss

AAcchhiieevveemmeenntt ooff tthhee lleeaassee ffoorr WWaatteerrggaattee aanndd ppiittcchheess oonnffaavvoouurraabbllee tteerrmmss

AAttttaaiinnmmeenntt ooff CCAASSCC rreessuullttiinngg iinn nnoo llooccaall aauutthhoorriittyyrraatteess cchhaarrggeedd

TTaalleenntteedd,, eenntthhuussiiaassttiicc aanndd ddyynnaammiicc vvoolluunntteeeerrss

CChhaarrtteerr CClluubb CCoommmmuunniittyy SSttaattuuss mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd aanndd‘‘‘‘HHeeaalltthh--CChheecckk’’’’ ppaasssseedd

SSoouunndd aanndd pprrooggrreessssiivvee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt CCoommmmiitttteeee wwiitthhhhiigghh ssttaannddaarrddss aanndd aa ffiirrmm ffoouunnddaattiioonn bbootthh ffiinnaanncciiaallllyyaanndd mmoorraallllyy

IInnvveessttmmeenntt iinn yyoouunngg ppeeooppllee,, ccoonnttiinnuuaall ssuuppppoorrtt ooffCCooaacchheess

FFoorrwwaarrdd tthhiinnkkiinngg aanndd pprrooggrreessssiivvee

OOUURR HHIISSTTOORRYYLLiitteerraattuurree aanndd LLeeaafflleettss aavvaaiillaabbllee

OOUURR FFAACCIILLIITTIIEESSLLooccaall AAuutthhoorriittyy bbaasseedd wwiitthh CClluubb hhoollddiinngg tthhee LLeeaasseehhoolldd

AAccttiivveellyy llooookkiinngg ttoo ddeevveelloopp WWaatteerrggaattee

UUssee aanndd ssuuppppoorrtt ooff oouurr oowwnn,, llooccaall oouuttddoooorr aanndd iinnddoooorrffaacciilliittiieess ttoo ttrraaiinn oonn

RREECCOOGGNNIITTIIOONNRReeccooggnniisseedd aass mmaajjoorr YYoouutthh FF..CC..

AAttttaaiinnmmeenntt ooff ggoovveerrnniinngg bbooddiieess ssttaannddaarrddss aanndd aawwaarrddss

HHiigghhllyy rreeggaarrddeedd aanndd rreessppeecctteedd

EEnnddoorrsseedd bbyy oouurr ggoovveerrnniinngg bbooddiieess aanndd lleeaagguueess aass bbeeiinnggwweellll oorrggaanniisseedd

RReeccooggnniisseedd bbyy oouurr ooppppoonneennttss aass bbeeiinngg aa ‘‘Good Honestand Fair Footballing Club’’



Recognition is acknowledged to: JIM POTTS, GEORGE DENT & TERRY GATENBY (Founders), NEIL LONSDALE, TREVOR HOPPER,BILL ILLINGWORTH, DUNCAN BARBER, ROB BUCKTON, GARY WHITE and many others who assisted in our early development





Vice-Chairman & TreasurerJOHN CLARK


Small-Sided Secretary & ClubDevelopment OfficerKEVIN THOMPSON

Secretary & Child Welfare OfficerDAVE NELTHORPE

Football Development OfficerSTEVE THOMPSON

Registration SecretarySTEVEN WILLIAMSON