Which Part or Scene of the Movie That Inspires You Most

JOEY B. RAÑERA RIZAL 101 C BSCpE – 5 JANUARY 8, 2015 1. Which part or scene of the movie that inspires you most? The most inspires of the scene in the movie is the main storyline of imprisonment and revenge is preserved but many aspects, including the relationships between major characters and the ending, have been changed, simplified, or removed; and action scenes have been added. An adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness, it focuses on a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune and sets about getting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. However, his plans have devastating consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty. In addition, it is a story that involves romance, loyalty, betrayal and selfishness, shown throughout the story as characters slowly reveal their true inner nature. 2. Compare the situation of the movie to the Philippine situation before? Do they have similarity? The similarity of the movie as the situation in the Philippine they have many same situations like the revenge of the people to people that’s way people is very sensitive to the manner. Due to his knowledge and rhetorical power, everyone even his enemies, who do not recognize him, find him charming and seek his friendship. But before embarking on his efforts for revenge, he first helps several people who were kind to him before his imprisonment. The court-yard of this quarter is enclosed by enormous walls, over which the sun glances obliquely, when it deigns to penetrate into this gulf of moral and physical deformity. On this paved yard are to be seen, pacing to and fro from morning till night, pale, careworn, and haggard, like so many shadows, the men whom justice holds beneath the steel she is sharpening. There, crouched against the side of the wall which attracts and retains the most heat, they may be seen sometimes talking to one another, but more frequently alone, watching the door, which


nice answer

Transcript of Which Part or Scene of the Movie That Inspires You Most

Page 1: Which Part or Scene of the Movie That Inspires You Most


BSCpE – 5 JANUARY 8, 2015

1. Which part or scene of the movie that inspires you most?

The most inspires of the scene in the movie is the main storyline of imprisonment and revenge is preserved but many aspects, including the relationships between major characters and the ending, have been changed, simplified, or removed; and action scenes have been added. An adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness, it focuses on a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune and sets about getting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. However, his plans have devastating consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty. In addition, it is a story that involves romance, loyalty, betrayal and selfishness, shown throughout the story as characters slowly reveal their true inner nature.

2. Compare the situation of the movie to the Philippine situation before? Do they have similarity?

The similarity of the movie as the situation in the Philippine they have many same situations like the revenge of the people to people that’s way people is very sensitive to the manner. Due to his knowledge and rhetorical power, everyone even his enemies, who do not recognize him, find him charming and seek his friendship. But before embarking on his efforts for revenge, he first helps several people who were kind to him before his imprisonment. The court-yard of this quarter is enclosed by enormous walls, over which the sun glances obliquely, when it deigns to penetrate into this gulf of moral and physical deformity. On this paved yard are to be seen, pacing to and fro from morning till night, pale, careworn, and haggard, like so many shadows, the men whom justice holds beneath the steel she is sharpening. There, crouched against the side of the wall which attracts and retains the most heat, they may be seen sometimes talking to one another, but more frequently alone, watching the door, which sometimes opens to call forth one from the gloomy assemblage, or to throw in another outcast from society.

3. What is the value of the movie that is similar to Dr. Jose P. Rizal?

The value of the movie to the Dr. Jose P. Rizal is should be a good person and he is helpful in the other person. Then Dr. Jose P. Rizal is one of the most freedoms in the people. I know what happiness and what despair are, and I never make a jest of such feelings to get your secret without paying for it, you blockhead. This looks very much like a suspension of payment. During the perusal of this letter, which informed Valentine for the first time of the madness of her father and the death of her brother, she became pale, a heavy sigh escaped from her bosom, and tears, not the less painful because they were silent, ran down her cheeks; her happiness cost her very dear.

Page 2: Which Part or Scene of the Movie That Inspires You Most


BSCpE – 5 JANUARY 8, 2015

4. What is in the movie that become as one of Rizal’s inspiration in writing Noli Me Tangere?

The movie that become as one of Rizal’s inspiration in writing Noli Me Tangere is many aspects, including the relationships between major characters and the ending, have been changed, simplified, or removed; and action scenes have been added. My good friend, as in all probability I own my present safety to that influence, it would ill become me to search too closely into its source; therefore, instead of condemning him for his intimacy with outlaws, you must give me leave to excuse any little irregularity there may be in such a connection; not altogether for preserving my life, for my own idea was that it never was in much danger. Where, I can assure you, in spite of all my outward appearance of ease and unconcern, I did not very particularly care to remain. There were not lacking, however, evidences of what we may call the intelligent egoism of a youth who is charged with the indolent, careless life of an only son, and who lives as it were in a gilded cage.

5. What are your learning insight and give a reaction about the movie.

The learning insight and give a reaction about the movie is to I believe you, my lord, as implicitly as if God had spoken to me," said the young girl, presenting her forehead to him. Monte Cristo pressed on that pure beautiful forehead a kiss which made two hearts throb at once, the one violently, the other heavily. "Oh,” murmured the count, "shall I then be permitted to love again? Ask M. de Morcerf into the drawing-room, said he to Baptistin, while he led the beautiful Greek girl to a private staircase. We must explain this visit, which although expected by Monte Cristo, is unexpected to our readers. While Mercedes, as we have said, was making a similar inventory of her property to Albert's, while she was arranging her jewels, shutting her drawers, collecting her keys, to leave everything in perfect order, she did not perceive a pale and sinister face at a glass door which threw light into the passage, from which everything could be both seen and heard. He easily understood why his son did not come to see him before he went to avenge his father's honor; but when that was done, why did not his son come and throw himself into his arms.