Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?



Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?. The Hoff Jessie J Danny Simon Cowell David Walliams Tom Jones Len Goodman Amanda Holden Alesha Dixon Will.I.Am Louis Walsh Craig Revel Horwood Bruno. All of you will recognise and apply the personality adjectives (Level 3a). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?

Page 1: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?
Page 2: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?

Which adjectives would you allocate

to the judges?

• The Hoff• Jessie J• Danny• Simon Cowell• David Walliams• Tom Jones• Len Goodman• Amanda Holden• Alesha Dixon• Will.I.Am• Louis Walsh• Craig Revel Horwood• Bruno

French (m) English French (f)

arrogant arrogant arrogante

beau good-looking/beautiful


cruel cruel, nasty cruelle

gentil kind gentille

impatient impatient impatiente

impoli impolite, rude impolie

intelligent intelligent intelligente

marrant funny marrante

vaniteux vain vaniteuse

égoïste selfish égoïste

sévère strict, harsh sévère

sincère honest, sincere sincère

stupide stupid stupide

sympa nice sympa

Page 3: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?




All of you will recognise and apply the personality adjectives (Level 3a)

Most of you should be able to adapt phrases and add time phrases (Level 4c)

Some of you could add opinion to your work (Level 4b/a)

Page 4: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?

The Hoff est ……..The Hoff is….

Jessie J est ……The Hoff is….

• The Hoff• Jessie J• Danny• Simon Cowell• David Walliams• Tom Jones• Len Goodman• Amanda Holden• Alesha Dixon• Will.I.Am• Louis Walsh• Craig Revel Horwood• Bruno

French (m) English French (f)

arrogant arrogant arrogante

beau good-looking/beautiful


cruel cruel, nasty cruelle

gentil kind gentille

impatient impatient impatiente

impoli impolite, rude impolie

intelligent intelligent intelligente

marrant funny marrante

vaniteux vain vaniteuse

égoïste selfish égoïste

sévère strict, harsh sévère

sincère honest, sincere sincère

stupide stupid stupide

sympa nice sympa

Page 5: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?

You are now going to do the same, but this time you need to call out the sentence, not write it down!

Page 6: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?
Page 7: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?

On the next slide you will see the judges appear, one by one.

As they appear, write the phrase “il est + adjective” (for a male) or “elle

est + adjective” for that person, depending on your opinion of them.Hold your board up when you have

done it!

Page 8: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?
Page 9: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?
Page 10: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?
Page 11: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?
Page 12: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?





a. Il s’appelle Simon Cowell. Il a 53 ans, et sa profession, c’est producteur de musique. Il est très riche!

b. Il s’appelle Will.I.Am. Il a 36 ans, et sa profession, c’est chanteur. Il est très marrant!

c. Elle s’appelle Jessie J. Elle a 24 ans, et sa profession, c’est chanteuse. Elle est très belle!

d. Il s’appelle Len Goodman. Il a 68 ans, et sa profession, c’est danser. Il est très gentil et sincère!






Page 13: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?

Adding more detail to the adjectives:Adding depth and detail to your work

très - verytrop - tooassez - quiteun peu - a bitsouvent - oftentoujours – alwaysnormalement – normallyd’habitude – usuallyen ce moment – at the momenttout le temps – all the timeJe ne suis jamais – I am never

Je pense que.. – I think that …Je suis d’accord – I agreeJe ne suis pas d’accord – I don’t agree Mes amis pensent que … My friends think that … Mes profs pensent que … My teachers think that … Ma mère pense que… My mum thinks …À mon avis – in my opinion

mais - butparce que - becausedonc - thereforecar - as, becausecomme - likeet - andpar exemple - for examplepuis - then

Page 14: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?

a. Il s’appelle Simon Cowell. Il a 53 ans, et sa profession, c’est producteur de musique. Il est très riche!

b. Il s’appelle Will.I.Am. Il a 36 ans, et sa profession, c’est chanteur. Il est très marrant!

c. Elle s’appelle Jessie J. Elle a 24 ans, et sa profession, c’est chanteuse. Elle est très belle!

d. Il s’appelle Len Goodman. Il a 68 ans, et sa profession, c’est danser. Il est très gentil et sincère!

Page 15: Which adjectives would you allocate to the judges?