Where Learning has no limits - The Education Village ... · Web viewAlison Sinclair Alison Sinclair...

Behaviour Policy Gurney Pease Academy This policy is an Annex to the main Education Village Behaviour Policy and sets out the routines and procedures for children in Mainstream Primary. 1

Transcript of Where Learning has no limits - The Education Village ... · Web viewAlison Sinclair Alison Sinclair...

Page 1: Where Learning has no limits - The Education Village ... · Web viewAlison Sinclair Alison Sinclair Consequences flowchart amended after discussion with Gurney Pease staff Gurney

Behaviour Policy

Gurney Pease Academy

This policy is an Annex to the main Education Village Behaviour Policy and sets out the routines and procedures for children in Mainstream



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EVAT Version Control Document


Date: Policy Owner:

Amendments made by:

Details of amendments made:

Reviewed by:

Approved by:

V0.1 5.12.15 Alison Sinclair

Alison Sinclair Initial draft Angela Henderson

V1.0 18.7.16 Alison Sinclair

Alison Sinclair Added an appendix and flowchart

Angela Henderson

V1.1 1.9.16 Alison Sinclair

Alison Sinclair Consequences flowchart amended after discussion with Gurney Pease staff

Gurney Pease staff

V1.2 3.10.16 Alison Sinclair

Alison Sinclair Addition of reference to homophobic language

ESC members


Page 3: Where Learning has no limits - The Education Village ... · Web viewAlison Sinclair Alison Sinclair Consequences flowchart amended after discussion with Gurney Pease staff Gurney

At The Education Village Academy Trust, all children, young people and adults are valued both as individuals and as part of the wider Trust community. We aim to provide a safe, happy and caring environment within which everyone can thrive.Core valuesOur Trust’s activities are informed by our core values, which mean that we:

1. recognise the worth of each individual by valuing the personal qualities they demonstrate in their learning, living and working

2. recognise the experiences of children and young people by valuing the talents and skills they bring into their schooling, and we commit to ensuring that schooling enhances these talents and skills

3. embrace difference and harmony by valuing diversity

4. display integrity and authenticity by valuing openness, trust, fairness, honesty and respect for all people

5. foster ambition, high aspirations and independent spirit by valuing each individual’s abilities, aptitudes and desire to create, explore and grow

6. commit to hard work and high standards in provision, behaviours and outcomes

7. help, support and enable others by valuing relationships with all stakeholders, being emotionally intelligent, building resilience and being forward-looking

8. acknowledge the role of networks by valuing the ways in which people can live together, collaborate and make positive contributions as citizens

9. acknowledge the place of school in the community, including the broader global community, by valuing the essential nature of the relationship between schools and the social and economic environments in which they operate


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This policy, and its associated procedures and protocols, are based on these key principles.


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Rationale p.5

Consequences Pathway p.8

Appendix 1 – Consequences flowchart p.10

Appendix 2 – C3 Behaviour letter p.11

Appendix 3 – C4 Behaviour letter p.12

Appendix 4 – C5 Behaviour letter p.13

Appendix 5 – Lunchtime Behaviour letter p.14

Appendix 6 – School expectations p.15


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At Gurney Pease Academy we are committed to developing a happy and caring environment, which encourages the highest standards of behaviour and creates the best possible opportunities for learning.

We aim to create a positive ethos across the school through the effective management of pupil behaviour to ensure that good quality teaching and learning is embedded. Learning cannot take place unless behaviour is under control. To ensure that the rights of everyone within the school community are respected all adults and children in the school follow this Behaviour Policy.

The purpose is to: Provide clearly explained expectations of behaviour that are understood

by all pupils Maintain high levels of consistently positive behaviour Provide a consistent approach in rewarding excellent behaviour Provide a consistent approach in improving unacceptable behaviour Teach children to respect others and take responsibility for their own


Basic Aims

All members of staff need to establish consistently high levels of behaviour with the support of parents, governors and administrators. Positive expectations are the key to successful classroom management. Pupils need to know how to make good choices. They need to receive consistent positive encouragement as means of motivation. They need to be taught to manage their own behaviour.

Positive Recognition

Good behaviour is rewarded and celebrated in a variety of ways throughout school. Parents are invited to a ‘Pride’ Assembly every Friday, where the Principal or Deputy Head teacher awards certificates and prizes for effort and good behaviour.

Other forms of positive recognition may include:

Notes to parents Awards Special privileges Class systems House points


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The EYFS manage behaviour in line with the age of the children in the unit. If children demonstrate negative behaviour they are removed from the activity currently being undertaken by the child for a few minutes. If poor behaviour persists then the child is removed from the activity for the rest of the session.

Verbal praise is given regularly for good behaviour and stickers are used to reinforce positive behaviour when appropriate.

Both positive & negative behaviour is fed back to parents at the end of a session on an informal basis.


It is important that children are given responsibilities throughout the school. Class teachers will allocate responsibilities to children in their class at their own discretion.House Captains (see below) wear a badge in school identifying them, as do School Council members.


The school operates a traditional ‘House’ system to provide a means of incentive, teamwork, and healthy competition for the children.

The children will earn points for their team as a reward for positive behaviours, eg:

Effort in work (all curriculum areas) Attainment in work (all curriculum areas) Positive behaviour in playground Politeness and good manners in class and around the school High quality homework (including completing a reading book at home) Effort in homework (sometimes simply doing it!) Building positive relationships and friendships with other children Being a role model Resolving disputes in the ‘right way’ Being kind and helpful Participation in sport

Credit should be given to children of all abilities and their efforts recognised. Our annual School Sports Day provides a focus for inter-house competition.


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Children are also recognised individually for their achievements within their house. When the children reach an individual milestone they are awarded with a certificate and sticker.

Bronze: 100 pointsSilver: 200 pointsGold: 300 pointsPlatinum: 500 points

Individuals are rewarded at the end of each term.


House Captains and School Council representatives are elected each year through a democratic process. They are expected to be positive role models for the other children in the school. House Captains are encouraged to look after the welfare of children in their House and from time to time will be given tasks. School Council representatives meet regularly to share and discuss children’s views about the running of the school.

Negative behaviour

Children are expected at all times to:

Be safe Be respectful Be responsible

Positive behaviour is reinforced using displays throughout the school and consequences will be used to ensure effective behaviour for learning.

Classroom management is the responsibility of every member of staff and includes:

Knowing your class (check vulnerable groups register) Meet and greet Non-verbal communication Seating plans Quality first teaching Presence Tone, use of voice Use of praise Where you stand in the classroom Proactively developing relationships with pupils


Page 9: Where Learning has no limits - The Education Village ... · Web viewAlison Sinclair Alison Sinclair Consequences flowchart amended after discussion with Gurney Pease staff Gurney


The Consequences pathway:

Children are reminded about the rules and consequences procedure. This may be done at the start of a lesson to set clear expectations. Each class will record consequences from a C2 onwards on a chart which is visible up in the classroom. All children start the day with no consequences. Their position on the consequences grid is reviewed at the end of the morning and afternoon sessions.

NB: EYFS & KS1 will also use traffic lights to record any necessary negative behaviours.

C1 yellow - 1st warning (verbal)C2 orange - 2nd warning (verbal)C3 red - Final warning which is recorded electronically on CPOMSC4 - Pupil removed to another class for the remainder of

the session. Lunch-time detention takes place as soon as possible after the session. The class teacher will inform parents.

C5 - Pupil will be moved to isolation with a member of SLT for a day, including an additional lunchtime detention. A letter will be sent home to inform parents (Appendix 2)

C6 - Pupil will be excluded for fixed period. Parents are informed of the details of the incident via a letter and a copy of the letter is sent to the Chair of the Education Standards Committee (Governing Body) and the Local Authority (Appendix 3)

If a child has 3 or more C3s in one week, the class teacher will inform parents and the child will be given a lunchtime detention which will be supervised by a member of SLT.

It is the responsibility of SLT to monitor consequence records on a daily basis.

Class teachers have responsibility for the recording of incidents electronically at C3 or above, including any action taken at both class teacher level and SLT level in accordance with the school sanctions procedure. This electronic recording will create an evidence base which may be used to ensure the correct support and provision is in place for individual pupils.

Sanctions Procedure: Playground

Lunchtimes and playtimes can be problematic for children as they are in school but outside the normal classroom environment. We expect the same school


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rules and standards of behaviour to apply as during the rest of the school day. We expect children to respond to the authority of lunchtime supervisors and treat them with the same respect as other adults in the school.

The SLT and HLTA ensure effective communication, act as the main contact point with lunchtime supervisors and ensure the reporting of incidents to class teachers.

Behaviour CodesThe same codes apply during lunchtime as with the rest of the school day in order to ensure consistency and high expectations.

There may be occasions when behaviour is so serious that a sanction above C3 is needed. Such behaviours may include:

Physical fighting between two children Foul and abusive language Racial or sexual abuse Use of homophobic language Vandalism Theft Verbal/physical assault on adults

In cases such as these it is suggested that a member of SLT is involved immediately and the appropriate consequence applied.

Serious Incidents

Serious incidents need to be treated on an individual basis and the circumstances investigated.In exceptional circumstances permanent exclusion may be considered for a first or ‘one off’ offence. These may include:

Serious actual or threatened violence against another pupil or a member of staff;

Sexual abuse or assault Supplying an illegal drug Carrying an offensive weapon Serious deliberate damage to school property

There may be occasions when behaviour is so serious that STEP 1 of the Sanctions Procedure (C1/C2) may not be seen as appropriate. Such behaviours may include:

Physical fighting between two children Foul and abusive language Racial or sexual abuse Vandalism Theft Verbal/physical assault on adults


Page 11: Where Learning has no limits - The Education Village ... · Web viewAlison Sinclair Alison Sinclair Consequences flowchart amended after discussion with Gurney Pease staff Gurney

In cases such as these it is suggested that a C3 or a C4 are adopted early. This is down to the professional judgement of the staff member involved.

Appendix 1 Gurney Pease AcademyC1 – C5 Consequence System


Refusing to go to C4Failure to adhere to C4 expectations - disrupting the lessonSwearing at a member of staff

Repeated failure to adhere to expectationsRefusal to follow instructionsContinued arguing and backchat

Repeated failure to adhere to expectationsFailure to adhere to previous warningsCorridor behaviour


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on. Repeat of C1 behaviour or any

other disruptive behavioursLack of respect, rudeness to staffLack of effort, passivityNon-compliance with seating planInappropriate language (not aimed at anyone)





1 day isolation plus lunchtime detention

Removal to another class and lunchtime detention

Final Warning

Second Warning

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Appendix 2

C3 Behaviour Letter



I am writing to inform you that _______________________________(child’s name & class) has had three C3 behaviour consequences this week. The reasons for these consequences can be seen below:

1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________

These behaviours have disrupted the learning of your child and other children in the class. I would be grateful if you would speak to your child about their behaviour.

Please return the slip below to acknowledge receipt of this letter. If you need to see me about this matter, please call the school to make an appointment.

Yours sincerely

Class Teacher



I acknowledge receipt of the letter and have spoken to my child about their behaviour.

I would like to make an appointment to discuss this further Yes/No

Signed ……………………………………………………..


Page 13: Where Learning has no limits - The Education Village ... · Web viewAlison Sinclair Alison Sinclair Consequences flowchart amended after discussion with Gurney Pease staff Gurney

Appendix 3

C4 Behaviour Letter



I am writing to inform you that your child ____________________________(child’s name and class) received a C4 consequence for the following reasons:

1. Has not been safe because………2. Has not been respectful because …………….. 3. Has not been responsible because ……………..

As your child’s behaviour was disrupting the learning of other children in the classroom, +++ was moved to isolation for the rest of the lesson/morning/afternoon and received/will receive a lunchtime detention.

I would be grateful if you would discuss your child’s behaviour with them, sign the slip and return to school.

Please contact me to make an appointment if you wish to discuss this further.

Yours sincerely

Class teacher



Child’s name and class:-------------------------------------------------------------- Date:-------------------

I have received the C4 Behaviour Letter and will speak to my child about their behaviour.

I would like to make an appointment to discuss this further Yes/No

Signed ---------------------------------------- (signature of Parent/Carer)

Appendix 413

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C5 Behaviour Letter



I am writing to inform you that your child ____________________________(child’s name and class) received a C5 consequence for the following reasons:

1. Has not been safe because………2. Has not been respectful because …………….. 3. Has not been responsible because ……………..

The following action has been taken:

a. The matter was referred to the Deputy / SENDCO / Principal b. They will be/ have moved to isolation for half a day c. They will / have missed their whole lunch breakd. Any other comments

Please discuss your child’s behaviour with them, sign the slip and return to school. Remember that three such letters in one term will result in parents/carers being called into school to discuss behaviour and this could also result in your child receiving a fixed term exclusion.

Please contact me to make an appointment if you wish to discuss this further.

Yours sincerely

(Senior Leader who dealt with incident)



Child’s name and class:-------------------------------------------------------------- Date:-------------------

I have received the C5 Behaviour Letter and will speak to my child about their behaviour.

I would like to make an appointment to discuss this further Yes/No

Signed ---------------------------------------- (signature of Parent/Carer)

Appendix 5


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Class teacher letter


I am writing to inform you that ++++++ at lunchtime today was unacceptable as follows: (state incident).

This is not the first time +++’s behaviour at breaktimes has been a cause for concern and I would like to inform you that if it continues then I will have to request that +++ goes home for lunch and is not allowed on the school premises between 12:00 and 12:45 pm.

I hope that you will take this opportunity to discuss ++++’s behaviour with him and that there will be no further repeat of such incidents.

Please sign and return the slip below to confirm you have received this letter. Please contact the office to make an appointment to see me if you wish to discuss this matter further.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A SinclairPrincipalGurney Pease Academy


Name of child …………………

I acknowledge receipt of the letter regarding behaviour at lunchtime.

I would like to make an appointment to discuss this further Yes/No

Signed ……………………………………………………..


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Be Safe

Keep classrooms neat and tidy Use materials and equipment

correctly Follow instructions

Be Respectful

Dress, speak and act appropriately

Use good manners Encourage others to do their


Be Responsible

Be an active listener Give your best effort Be prepared

Be Safe

Walk along corridors Keep to the left

Be Respectful

Walk quietly and sensibly Respect other people Use good manners

Be Responsible

Keep the school clean and tidy Respect displays

Be Safe

Play in the right areas Care for myself and others Use equipment correctly

Be Respectful

Use appropriate language Practice sportsmanship Play together

Be Responsible

Respect the school grounds Follow instructions Play safely

Be Safe

Wash your hands

Be Respectful

Keep areas tidy

Be Responsible

Turn off taps Report any spills Be sensible

Be Safe

Listen and follow instructions Follow routines Stay in the right areas

Be Respectful

Use an indoor voice Use good manners

Be Responsible

Clean up after eating Report any spills Look after each other











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