Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will...

Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …

Transcript of Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will...

Page 1: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

Where God Wants Me...Là où Dieu me veut …

Page 2: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story.

J’ai entendu au travail l’histoire d’un homme que je ne connais pas, mais je sais que Dieu voulait que je l’entende.

Page 3: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

He was head of security at a company

that had invited the remaining members of

a company who had been decimated by

the attack on the Twin Towers to

share their office space.

Il était chef de la sécurité d’une entreprise qui avait invité les rescapés d’une autre compagnie, décimée par l’attaque des tours jumelles (Twin Towers), à partager leurs bureaux.

Page 4: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

With his voice full of With his voice full of awe, he told the stories awe, he told the stories of why these people were of why these people were alive and their alive and their counterparts were dead. counterparts were dead.

D’une voix émue, il D’une voix émue, il raconta pourquoi ces raconta pourquoi ces gens ont survécu alors gens ont survécu alors que d’autres sont morts.que d’autres sont morts.

Page 5: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

All the stories were just little things... All the stories were just little things...

Toutes ces histoires n’étaient que de petites Toutes ces histoires n’étaient que de petites choses... choses...

Page 6: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

You might know about the head of the company

who got in late that day because his son started


Vous connaissez peut-être l’histoire de ce chef d’entreprise qui est arrivé plus tard ce jour-là car son fils entrait en maternelle.

Page 7: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

Another fellow was alive because it was

his turn to bring donuts.

Un autre a survécu parce que c’était à son tour d’apporter

des beignets.

Page 8: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that


Celle qui m’a frappé est celle de l’homme qui avait mis une paire de chaussures neuves ce matin-là…

Page 9: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

He took the various means to get to work,

but before he got there, he developed a blister

on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a

Band-Aid. That is why he is alive.

Il prit plusieurs moyens de transport pour se rendre au travail, mais avant d’arriver, il attrapa une ampoule au pied. Il s’arrêta dans une pharmacie pour acheter un pansement. Cela lui a sauvé la vie.

Page 10: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

So, Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn

back to answer a ringing telephone...all the little

things that annoy me...I think to myself, this is exactly

where God wants me to be at this very moment.

May God continue to bless you with all those annoying

little things.

Alors maintenant, quand je suis coincé dans un embouteillage, que je rate l’ascenseur ou reviens sur mes pas pour répondre au téléphone... toutes ces petites choses qui m’ennuient... je me dis ‘‘c’est ici même que Dieu veut que je sois à ce moment précis’’.

Que Dieu continue à vous bénir avec toutes ces petites choses qui vous dérangent.

Page 11: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.
Page 12: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

A Tiny Voice Inside Une petite voix intérieure

Page 13: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

Have you ever been just sitting there and

all of a sudden you feel like doing

something nice for someone you care


THAT'S GOD... He talks to you through the

Holy Spirit. Vous est-il déjà arrivé d’être assis là et soudain l’envie vous prend de faire quelque chose de gentil pour quelqu’un que vous aimez...

ÇA, C’EST DIEU... Il vous parle par le biais

du Saint-Esprit.

Page 14: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long time and then next thing you know you see them or receive a phone call or letter from them...

THAT'S GOD... there is no such thing as “coincidence.’’

Vous est-il arrivé de penser à quelqu’un que vous n’aviez pas

vu depuis longtemps et tout d’un coup, vous le voyez ou

vous recevez un coup de téléphone ou une lettre de lui...

ÇA, C’EST DIEU... Les ’’coïncidences’’ n’existent pas.

Page 15: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

Have you ever received something wonderful that

you didn't even ask for, like money in the mail, a debt

that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a

department store where you had just seen something you wanted, but couldn't afford…

THAT'S GOD... He knows the desires of your


Avez-vous déjà reçu quelque chose de merveilleux que vous n’aviez pas demandé, comme de l’argent dans le courrier, une dette qui a été mystérieusement payée, ou un bon d’un magasin où vous veniez de voir un article que vous vouliez, mais ne pouviez vous permettre d’acheter....

ÇA, C’EST DIEU... Il connaît les désirs de votre cœur...

Page 16: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it was going to get better, but now you look back on it...

THAT'S GOD... He passes us through

tribulation to see a brighter day... Avez-vous déjà été dans

une situation où vous n’aviez aucune idée

comment cela pourrait s’arranger, mais

maintenant, avec du recul.... ÇA, C’EST DIEU...

Il nous fait passer par des épreuves afin de nous faire voir un jour meilleur...

Page 17: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

Do you think that this E-Mail was sent to you by chance?

I was thinking of You!

Please pass this along and share the Power of God...

In all that we do, we should totally give HIM thanks and our blessings will continue

to multiply.

Pensez-vous que ce courriel vous a été envoyé par hasard?

Je pensais à vous!

S’il vous plaît, faites-le passer et partagez le puissance de Dieu...

Dans tout ce que nous faisons, nous devrions LE remercier entièrement et nos bénédictions se multiplieront.



Page 18: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

This message was sent to me by a close friend and please pass it on to all of your good friends.

Keep this going for an eternity.


Ce message m’a été envoyé par une bonne amie. Faites de même pour tous vos ami(e)s.

Et que ça dure pour une éternité.


Que personne ne cherche son propre intérêt, mais que chacun cherche celui d’autrui.

1 Corinthiens 10:24

Page 19: Where God Wants Me... Là où Dieu me veut …. I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story. J’ai.

Keep smiling......

It’s one of the best advertisements for


it makes people wonder what you’ve



C’est une des meilleures devantures de Dieu…

car les gens se demandent ce que vous avez...