Where Catholicism is headed

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  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    Where Catholicism isHeaded:Seven Trends that Will AffectYour Parish, Ministry and Personal Faith

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    The Church isnot a

    manufactureditem. She is theliving seed of Godthat must be

    allowed to growand ripen.



  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    $hat $e %ean b& Trend

    The things that make goodheadlines are on thesurface of the stream of life,

    and they distractus fromthe slower' impalpable'imponderable movementsthat work below the surfaceand penetrate to the depths.ut it is reall& these

    deeper' slowermovements that ma(ehistor& (Historian Arnold

    . Toynbee, as !uoted by ohnAllen"

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    ) *ew+isclaimers,

    # speak from an Americanperspecti$e, howe$er

    -ot rendering opinion on themoral !uestions

    %e will be moving uic(l&,

    %e will ha$e a & ' A after

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    ac(ground in the

    Church) years of pastoral,publishing, and ministrye*perience at the parish,diocesan, and national le$els

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    #nterview Process

    %e conducted a sur$ey that reached /01Catholics throughout the 23 Asked !uestions about their e*periences of

    +atholicism, parish life, and e$angeliation

    Asked what trends they were seeing

    %e inter$iewed 44 people throughout the- who ha$e var&ing perspectives and

    bac(groundswithin the +hurch /ome ordained, some consecrated, many lay

    people of di0erent ages, some directors ofdiocesan o1ces

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    General $orld Trends 2opulations of countries have shifted' are

    shifting' and will continue to shift /hift from a northern (hemisphere"3centric +hurch

    to a southern3centric +hurch

    #n 444, more Catholic baptisms in thePhilippinesthan in 5rance, /pain, #taly,and 2oland combined (Allen, 67".

    50 of the 41new cardinals in 468 werefrom 6atin )merica' )frica' or )sia(%/".

    Trend 57 Shifting+emographics

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    #mplications for +hurch

    +hurch is no longer euro8


    -orth is new mission territory

    9ore popes from South

    Trend 57 Shifting+emographics

    d 4 h i

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    Trend 47 The 9*rancisE:ect

    5. ;ct. /thGallup Poll /ur$ey respondents were asked how

    their $iew of the church has changed

    due to 2ope 5rancis 4

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    Trend 47 The 9*rancis

    E:ect cont@d#mplications for+hurchAd intra to ad extra


    Theologicall&orthodoA' sociall&


    @mphasis on merc&BTheolog& of Encounter

    T d 0 Th i f

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    6"A clear embrace of traditionalCatholic thought' speech' andpractice

    "@agerness to proclaim one>s Catholicidentit& to the world, emphasiing itsimplications for culture, society and


    B"5aith seen as a matter ofpersonal choice ratherthan culturalinheritance

    Trend 07 The ise ofEvangelical


  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    Evidence of EvangelicalCatholicism

    @mphasis on 2arish renewalDivine Renovation, Rebuilt #n @ngland and %ales, Proclaim 5> still in introductoryphase

    19%never witnessed parish renewal


    parish renewal to be veryuncommon

    #ntentional discipleship

    +atholics concerned with standing in opposition tosecularism

    +ulture wars in the %est #n Africa, Cishops opposing ideological coloniDation


    5or orthodoA,

    5or progressives,

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    4 23 Trends+hurch membership?attendancesD Continued decrease

    About 41= of Catholics attend %ass throughout@ngland and %ales.

    5ewer people will identify as +atholics in the future, sopercentage

    6eaner +hurch.

    Eew wa$es of Catholic immigrants will bolsterCatholic numbersB life in -

    2olish, Eigerian, 5ilippino, and #ndian +atholics are

    dynamic in their faith keeping parishes open#mplications

    ich diversit&

    9ore foreign priests

    Ad extra approach

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    #n %& *ull Tal(s

    # will co$er these trends and more in full

    %e will discuss in detail how each trend might

    impact parish' ministr&' and personal faith

    %e will ha$e a $ibrant F )

  • 7/24/2019 Where Catholicism is headed


    6ocationsB+ates of Presentations

    9onday 66?7D -orthhamptonin morning,ampshirein e$ening

    Tuesday 66?64D +evonin the morning,

    irminghamin e$ening %ednesday 66?66D %anchester in morning

    Thursday 66?6D 6ancasterin morning,Glasgowin e$ening

    5riday 66?6BD /t. 2atrick>s in /oho 6ondoninthe afternoon

    Fisit +atholicCibleTour com for more