When 'nice' commits 'not nice' things

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  • 8/9/2019 When 'nice' commits 'not nice' things


    every day life, we deal with people from all walks of life. Some make friends with us while some remain as 'strangers' . While engaging with these people, we tend to do a 'rough mind calculation' about them. It is a nature of every human being to always generate feed backs about each other. While doing so, inevitably,we tend to judge a person based on their behavior or attitude(In another word, how they treat us)

    When the person is known for her 'bad' traits; well that should not bother us. However, when we believe a person is 'nice' or 'good'; we maintain a good impression on them and things start to diverge when this person proves to be vice verse

    under certain circumstances and conditions.

    When we believe a person is 'good'; we are unable to accept to misbehaves of theperson.Immediately we jump to a conclusion that she is not worth of thinking ormingling. Why do you think that one person behaves differently in a different s


    We will not be able to accept if the good one does the worst.This is closely related to behavior. How do we define behavior?

    Dr Nicholas Herrera, in one of his essays defines behavior as ' a function of the person and the situation' This means a person's behavior is subjected to changes from time to time. He explains this by quoting defender Elizabeth Lambert who

    behaved badly during a soccer match between the University of New Mexico and Brigham Young University(According to a sports center source)

    If behavior changes, how we define whether a person is 'nice' or not? Usually, when a person pleases us, we think she or he is 'nice'. Dr. Jeremy Sherman, an evolutionary epistemologist in his essay entitled 'Is It Narcissism or Nicessism'says that it is difficult for us to distinguish between 'nice' and 'not nice'. This suggests that one person;s wisdom may offend another person's principle.

    One man's meat is another man's poison.

    Since it is difficult to differentiate, then where do we draw line between 'nice' and 'not nice'? If we are not be able to differentiate, then how can we tell a

    person is nice or not.

    Maybe some people may claim that ' she does not hurt me, so she is nice'. This may sound naive because the same person may claim later that 'I did not expect her to behave in such a way. She sucks'

    Same person who reacts differently when she is dumped into a stressful situation."fundamental attribution error"term as developed by Ross, 1977 claims that beha

    vior is attributed to a person's personality and not the situations which mightthe person is most probably victimized.

    Based on this ' fundamental attribution error', we should not judge a person based on her behavior since it is parallel to the conditions or situations she is subjected.

    We must first understand the factors that make the person to behave in such a way. If she is ill mannered due to situational factors; then we should not blame her for behaving unpleasantly. This less or more reflects people who tend to judge a person based on their single act.

    Each individual is unique. If the nature is different in 4 seasons, we after all

    human beings undeniably represent variety of reflections in different situations. Remember that two people may see at one thing differently.