Whatsapp Forums Hijacking Role of Ulama

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81) Volume 21. No.1 • REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER Muharram 1440 / October 2018 Whatsapp Forums Hijacking Role of Ulama Qur’an 3: 104 Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma’roof (i.e Islamic Monotheism) and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism) And it is they who are the successful. Hadith The Prophet said: Your property is that which you send forward (spend towards charity) but that which you hold back belong to your heirs. (Bukhari) Regulations and rules of religion, great as that of ISLAM cannot be replaced with the dictates of modernity, technology, innovations, democracy and even secularization among others. The birth of some communication portals such as Facebook, whatsapp, tweeter and the like should not diffuse the role of Ulama as our link to obtain rules and regulations of our religion Islam. There are some issues ordinary Muslims can discuss about Islam. Discussing and giving decision (Fatwa) on serious and complex issues such as matters of Fiqh (jurisprudence) yet we don’t possess correct knowledge of Islam is hijacking the role of Ulama. Religious matters are not academic in nature. How can we discuss complex issues of Islam without Ulama’s guidance? Where do we base our discussions on religious matters and subsequently making conclusion? Should whatsapp forums made of members who don’t possess knowledge of Islam be the discussers and discussants of Islam and issuing direction. The more loose the whatsapp forums in debating serious matters of Islam, which require adequate knowledge, the more dangerous for Islam. Unless whatsapp forums stop hijacking the role of Ulama, by debating matters of religion, which solely require the knowledge of the well-learned Ulama, the future Islam will be challenged. Let us learn to refer matters of religion to Ulama. We can discuss simple issues like get-together, visiting the sick, how we can contribute and help the poor, how we can take Islam to all parts of Malawi, how we can take care of the orphans and many other simple issues. BUT not complex religious matters where a jurisprudence conclusion is needed. This is the responsibility and the role of Ulama. Note that what we read from the social media should not warrant us to give jurisprudence standing about Islam.We should not sideline our Ulama. We need them most because they possess the knowledge of Islam. Islamic Information Bureaus are Islamic Libraries. Currently it operates in 3 districts: Lilongwe, Balaka and Blantyre. These are public libraries where Islamic information can be sourced. This month hot issue on our marriage discourse is: A Muslim sister dating with a Christian guy promising to revert to Islam. What is Ulama’s point of view on this despicable act? Details are covered on page 4 Zakaah Nisaab (Oct 2018) MK200,000.00

Transcript of Whatsapp Forums Hijacking Role of Ulama

Vol 21. No.1 October 2018 / Muharram 1440

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed isfalsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81)

Volume 21. No.1 • REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER • Muharram 1440 / October 2018

Whatsapp ForumsHijacking Role of Ulama

Qur’an 3: 104Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma’roof (i.e Islamic Monotheism) and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism) And it is they who are the successful.

HadithThe Prophet said: Your property is that which you send forward (spend towards charity) but that which you hold back belong to your heirs. (Bukhari)

Regulations and rules of religion, great as that of ISLAM cannot be replaced with the dictates of modernity, technology, innovations, democracy and even secularization among others. The birth of some communication portals

such as Facebook, whatsapp, tweeter and the like should not diffuse the role of Ulama as our link to obtain rules and regulations of our religion Islam.

There are some issues ordinary Muslims can discuss about Islam. Discussing and giving decision (Fatwa) on serious and complex issues such as matters of Fiqh (jurisprudence) yet we don’t possess correct knowledge of Islam is hijacking the role of

Ulama. Religious matters are not academic in nature.

How can we discuss complex issues of Islam without Ulama’s guidance? Where do we base our discussions on religious matters and subsequently making conclusion? Should whatsapp forums made of members who don’t possess knowledge of Islam be the discussers and discussants of Islam and issuing direction.

The more loose the whatsapp forums in debating serious matters of Islam, which require adequate knowledge, the more dangerous for Islam. Unless whatsapp forums stop hijacking the role of Ulama, by debating matters of religion, which solely require the knowledge of the well-learned Ulama, the future Islam will be challenged.

Let us learn to refer matters of religion to Ulama. We can discuss simple issues like get-together, visiting the sick, how we can contribute and help the poor, how we can take Islam to all parts of Malawi, how we can take care of the orphans and many other simple issues.

BUT not complex religious matters where a jurisprudence conclusion is needed. This is the responsibility and the role of Ulama. Note that what we read from the social media should not warrant us to give jurisprudence standing about Islam.We should not sideline our Ulama. We need them most because they possess the knowledge of Islam.

Islamic Information Bureaus are Islamic Libraries. Currently it operates in 3 districts: Lilongwe, Balaka and Blantyre. These are public libraries where Islamic information can be sourced. This month hot issue on our marriage discourse is: A Muslim sister dating with a Christian guy promising to revert to Islam. What is Ulama’s point of view on this despicable act? Details are covered on page 4


(Oct 2018)MK200,000.00


QSmartphones has changed the means of interaction greatly. Shed light on some of the manners that should be followed by Muslims when chatting online?

AMany times people are either busy at work or doing their own businesses and may have no time to chat online. Taking this into account you should not contact someone online merely

for chatting when you know that this person is likely to be busy lest that person be interrupted or embarrassed not to reply. As part of good manners ask the other party if he is free to chat. If the other party is ready will enter directly into a conversation with you.There are people whose time is extremely valuable. Yet others do not care.

QThere is no doubt I am a Muslim and I am asking the following question only for knowledge. How can you prove scientifically the benefit of prayers?

AWe would like to raise another question which we believe will eventually bring a solution home. What if there is no scientific proof for the benefit of prayer? In fact what we are getting at is

an even more essential and related to a second question: Why there has to be a scientific proof for a religious practice? Faith should not be conditional at whether there are scientifically measurable involved. The ultimate point of religion is not human. It is Allah Ta’ala. There is no single religious act that does not benefit us.

QI have a problem of not completing anything I start to do. Whether this action has to do with my acts of worship or my worldly life. What is your recommendation?

AThis is a behavioural problem. It requires practical solution and remedy. To overcome this shortcoming learns to persist when you embark on something. Probably the first successful

experience will motivate you. Two things will help you to achieve this: (1) dividing the deed into small steps so that you will feel more motivated to complete each stage. (2) Choosing short and quick tasks.The Prophet said: O people, you should only do deeds that you are able...... (Bukhari)

QIs it permitted to be a silent partner in a business dealing in the same line of products as the company you are already employed?

AIslam aims at establishing good relations. Muslims are commanded to avoid all things that lead to conflict and hatred. It is permissible to be a silent partner. This is called Mudarabah

in which you contribute the capital and leave the management to other partners. There is a conflict of interest here as the Mudarabah deals with the same products of your employer unless he does not object.

QI have secured a job as an agent in real estate. Is it permissible to work as a real estate agent and real estate appraiser?

AYou can work as a real estate agent. There is nothing wrong in this profession. You should help people to find good homes, land, properties for purchase, but do not get involved in the

un-Islamic ways of borrowing money for purchase.

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• Question and Answers

• Marriage Discourse

• IIB Highlights

• Hijacking the Role of Ulama

Invocation for when you find something becoming difficult for


Allaahumma laa sahla ‘illah maa ja’altahu sahla wa ‘Anta taj’alul-hazna ‘ithaa shi’ta sahlan.

O Allah, there is no ease other than what You make easy. If You please You ease sorrow.

Invocation for when something you dislike happen, or for when

you fail to achieve.

Qadarullaahi wa ma shaa’a fa’ala It is the Decree of Allah and He does whatever He wills.

PublisherAl-Haqq Publications

[email protected]@alhaqq-malawi.org


Vol 21. No.1 October 2018 / Muharram 1440

[email protected]

QWe sometimes become either guest or host. What are the rights of the guest and the host/hostess?

AThe rights of a host on his guest are that he thanks him for his hospitality. It is also the host’s right that his guest guards his privacy

in whatever he has come to learn through their interaction. Whatever he has seen that is bad he should keep it secret and hidden. It is the host’s right upon his guest that he protects the sanctity of his home so he must not betray him in his house.

QI would like to know how could an individual reap maximum benefit from the Qur’an?

AIn order to reap benefit from the Qur’an your heart must be attentive and alert when reciting or listening. Listening carefully with

presence of mind. Allah Ta’ala says: Truly there is a reminder in this for anyone who has a heart or who listens attentively with presence of mind. (50:37) So long as you have a heart, and you listen to the Qur’an attentively with the presence of your mind, the end-result is obtained: benefiting from the Qur’an and taking heed.

QI want to embrace Islam. My parents and relatives are against the idea and are scornful to me. What is your advice?

AWhen a person believes in Allah he will be prepared to make sacrifices. Hurtful words from relatives are difficult to bear but that

will become insignificant for one who bears in mind the Greatness of Allah and he will continue on his path without turning away or hesitating. Do not wait longer. So utter the twin declaration of faith.

QI always feel depressed. How can I overcome fears and depression? Is there any prayer or supplications for it?

AWe must look at life in a more detached and reasonable way. No event in the life of a human being represents the end of the

road except death. Allah takes care of us and we

should entrust ourselves to His will. View every development in life as good. Prophet used to say: Allahumma innee a’udhu bika mina al-hamm wal hazan wa a’ udhu bika mina al-’ajzi wa al-kasal wal al-jubun wa al-bukhl wa ghalabati al-dayni wa qahri al-rrijaa. (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry, depression, helplessness, sloth, cowardice, niggardliness, and the burden of debts and domineering men).

QCan you advice me about the things one can do, so that Allah gives him Rizq (provision), especially if one is poor?

AThere is no special Dua (supplication) for Rizq, but you can supplicate to Allah for any need. You must of course take the human

footsteps to better your situation, through any creative, Halaal means and also make Dua. Allah says: And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. (65:2-4)

QIs it permissible to speak to the girl that one intends to marry? If not does that not sound irrelevant in modern life?

ANo, it is not permissible. Information about the girl can be acquired through the medium of a reliable female Mahram (female that

one cannot marry) such as one’s mother or sister. The reason for the prohibition is that, as the Nikah has not taken place as yet, he and she are considered as strangers to each other. It is not irrelevant for there is nothing like modernity in Islam. Islam is complete and modernity cannot change the rulings of Islam, which are better for a human being.

QMy friend would like to know what can he do with the money he falsely and ignorantly earned and then he repented?

AIf the person from whom the money is taken in an inappropriate way is known, money must be returned to him. If he is not known

or it is not rational to give it to him, then give the money to Muslim charity.

The Messenger said: There is no person like a person who takes the reigns and fights for the sake of Allah, avoiding people’s evil, giving meal to his guest, honouring his right. (Ahmad)

The Prophet said: A man will be tested according to the level of his religious commitment, and trials will keep affecting a slave of Allah... (Ibn Majah)


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Q: Does separation amount to divorce? Say if couples fight and after that they do not talk to each other, does this affect their Nikah?

A: Marriage in Islam is a solemn contract for which the Shariah lays down rules and arrangements to guarantee its stability. The spouses should avoid fighting or divorce. It is not right for spouses to break their relations. If there are differences, then they should try to reconcile as soon as possible. Severance due to strained relationship does not affect the Nikah.

Q: My wife has left the marital home because she does not want to live in the same house with my old parents I tend for them. The house is very big. There is a section for her with everything with complete privacy. However she still refuses. Please advise?

A: Providing a separate living space for your wife is her right. Providing her a separate space with everything for which your parents will not have access satisfies the law. She has no right to make further demands. She is acting in conflict of the Shariah by going out to another place. This will compel you to abandon your parents to satisfy the unlawful demand.

Q: If a married woman wants to work outside the home, is she obliged to get husband’s permission? Is it lawful for husband then to prevent her from going to work?

A: The relationship between spouses is based on mutual affection, mercy, and kindness. This is in addition to the mutual duties and rights they owe to each other. The husband is to provide his wife with a

dwelling, sustenance, and clothing according to his income. The wife in turn, is to observe her marital obligations to endear herself to her husband. She is obliged to get her husband permission to work outside the house. If he refuses she has to abide.

Q: What is the ruling on a husband who tries to make his wife abort because he wants to divorce her?

A: It is not permissible to abort a pregnancy. Once pregnancy is discovered, it must be protected and it is Haraam for the mother to harm the pregnancy or disturb it in any way, because it is a trust that Allah Ta’ala has placed in her womb and it has rights, so it is not permissible to mistreat it, harm it or destroy it. No expiation is required, but what is required is repentance to Allah from this Haraam action.

Q: I am a Muslim sister and dating with a Christian guy who promises to convert to Islam. We will part if he reverses his intention and goes back to Christianity. What is your advice?

A: We remind you of something that you neglected in your question. This thing you call dating is Haraam. It is not permissible to be in contact with a man outside of a legitimate marriage, regardless of whether that man is a Muslim, a Christian or anything else. Marrying a Christian is definitely prohibited in our religion and it is one of the most reprehensible deeds that a Muslim woman could do. The prohibition is not limited to a case where you fear he may make you enter his religion, rather even if he promises you that he will become a Muslim, it is not permissible to rely on his promise; rather it is essential that he actually does enter Islam out of a genuine wish to follow this religion and believing that it is the truth.

• Sheikhs and Imaams workshop for preparation of the 2019 tripartite election.

• Inter college meetings: Polytechnic, College of Medicine, Blantyre International University,


• Blantyre zone get together: Bangwe zone, Blantyre Central Zingwangwa, Ndirande and Chirimba.

• Collect Mudd cups at IIBs. 4

Marriage Discourse

Islamic Information Bureau Highlights

Vol 21. No.1 October 2018 / Muharram 1440

[email protected]

The Prophet said: Allah has forgiven my Ummah for their mistakes, what they forget and what they are forced to do. (Ibn Majah)

The Prophet said: Every son of Adam commits sin, and the best of those who commit sin are those who repent. (Ibn Majah)


QWhat is the ruling on one who spreads the personal affairs of others without the person’s permission?

AWhen entrusted it is not permissible to spread it. Similarly if spreading it will result in a scandal for a sinning Muslim brother

whose sin has been concealed by Allah it is not permissible to spread it. But if spreading it will serve a Shar’i interest and the person did not state the condition that it had to be kept a secret then it is permissible to spread it in that case.

QWhat situations can a promise be broken knowing that breaking a promise is one of the attributes of hypocrites?

AA Muslim making promises to people and breaks it may have an excuse or he may not. If he has an excuse then there is no

sin on him. If he does not have an excuse then he has wronged. Promises are broken in situations where the one making it is excused. For example: Forgetting, being forced to break one’s promise, promise to do something forbidden, something unforeseen happens etc.

QWe are urged to do good deeds. What are the guidelines on refraining doing good deeds for fear of showing off?

AShaytaan is keen to make the Muslim fall into one of two things: Either to make him do a good deed in order to show off and for

the sake of his reputation or to make him refrain from doing the good deed altogether. The Muslim who is sincere will not pay any attention to the whispers of Shaytaan trying to impart to him. Sincere heart is equally at ease both when doing good deeds secretly or openly.

QMy friend went to one massage center administered by a lady who touched his body. What does Islam say about that?

AIt is not lawful for a person to have massage done by a member of the opposite sex. Massage done by a member of the opposite

sex will involve a lot of unlawful such as touching a

body of a member of the opposite sex. Your friend wronged by having a massage done by a lady. Islam prohibits all ways leading to fornication, adultery, and all forms of sexual perversion. Islam blocks all ways leading to that which is prohibited.

QIs it permissible to marry in order to obtain a nationality considering that this marriage will be nominal?

AYou have to keep in mind the fact that marriage contract, in Islam, is so solemn that Islamic Shariah lays down rules and

regulations that guarantees its stability and continuity. By the same token, Islam renounces all forms of temporary marriage. Therefore, nominal or paper marriage that is meant to obtain nationality from another country is all null and void.

QI forgot that I did not have Wuzu (ablution) and prayed. Do I have to repeat my Salaah?

APurification is a condition for the validity of Salaah. Wuzu should be made with pure water. Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an:

O you who believe, when you rise for prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows and lightly rub your heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. (5:6) Whoever prays forgetting that he did not have Wuzu has to repeat the prayer. This is in contrast to the person who has some impurity (Najasah) on his clothes and forgets. He does not have to repeat his prayer.

QWe do various good deeds. What are the conditions for a deed to be righteous and acceptable to Allah Ta’ala?

AAn action cannot be an act of worship unless it includes two things: Complete love and complete humility. Moreover, the Muslim’s

worship will not be accepted unless it meets two basic conditions: 1- Sincerity of intention towards Allah Ta’ala, which means that the person’s intention in all his words and deeds, both outward and inward, is to seek the pleasure of Allah. 2- It should be in accordance with the Shariah.

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F:Ndikufuna malangizo kuchokera kwa inu. Makono abweretsa zinthu zabwino ndi zoipa zomwe. Ine

ndinapeza mufoni ya mayi anga muli zinthunzi zolaula ndipo ndinakhumudwa nazo. Kodi nditani, kapena ndikapeza mpata woigwiranso foniyo ndichotse zinthunzi za zolaulazo?

Y:Ndizomveka kuti inu munakhumudwa mutaona zinthunzi za zolaula mufoni ya mayi anu. Sitingakupatseni malangizo

oti mukaipeza foniyo ulendo wina muchotse zinthunzi za zolaulazo, chifukwa kutero sikuthetsa mchitidwe oipawo. Tinene kuti ngati mufuna kuthetsa mtchitidwe woipawu muyetse kuchita izi: (1) Ngakhale kuti ndikovuta, muyese kulumikizana ndi mayi anuwo za kukhumudwa kwanu, chifukwa kutero mubwera pafupi ndi mayi anuwo ndipo mwina kutheka iwo ndikumvetsa za kukhumudwa kwanu. (2) Gwiritsani ntchito uthenga wa Chisilamu womwe ukukamba za m’mene Msilamu ayenera kukhalira pa umoyo wake wa uzimu ndipo kuti kukonda kuona zinthunzi za zolaula ndi kutsutsana ndi malamulo a Chisilamu. (3) Mutha ngati kulikotheka kupeza anthu ena kuti akuthandizeni koma muyenera kuchita izi mwanzeru ndi cholinga chosawayalutsa mayi anu. Koma kuti tifunsepo kodi mayi anuwo anakupatsani ufulu wogwira ndikutsegula foni yawo kapena munangozitichitira. Pena ndibwino kupereka ulemu posagwiragwira zinthu kapena kanthu kaweniweka pokhapo ngati titaloledwa kutero. Nanga taonani zomwe munaona.

F:Ndikufuna kulangizidwa moyenera. Ine ndine katswiri wa za chuma ndi malonda ndipo ndimapereka malangizo

kwa anthu za njira yoyenera kutenga pa za chuma ndi malonda. Asilamu ndimawalangiza ndikuwaongolera za njira zovomerezeka ndi Chisilamu pomwe anthu ena ndimaona kuti iwo atha kutenga njira ina iliyonse khaya ndiya Haraam chifukwa kut iwo alibe nazo ntchito zimenezo. Kodi ntchito yangayi ndiyabwino?

Y:Kuwalangiza Asilamu kutsata njira kapena ndondomeko yovomerezeka pochita malonda ndi kasungidwe ka

ndalama yawo ndi ntchito yabwino yomwe ili yovomerezeka, koma kuti tiyenera kuwalangiza ena omwe sali Asilamu mofanana ndi Asilamu. Msilamu akulamulidwa kuwaongolera anthu ku njira yabwino pa china chilichonse ndipo izi ziyenera kupitanso kwa anthu omwe sali Asilamu. Sizololedwa Msilamu kuwalangiza anthu omwe sali Asilamu kuti azigwiritsa njira yoipa pa china chilichonse chifukwa choti iwo sali Asilamu, monga kuwalimbikitsa kugwiritsa ntchito njira ya katapira pochita malonda ndi kusunga ndalama yawo. Mwachidule ntchito yanu ndiyovomerezeka koma simukuloledwa kuwalimbikitsa anthu onse kugwiritsa ntchito njira zoletsedwa, monga kulandira ndi kupereka chiongola dzanja, kupanga katapira, kuchita malonda oletsedwa monga kugulitsa mowa kapena kugwira ntchito yogulitsa mowa. Inu ngati Msilamu muyenera kukhala ochita zabwino ndikuwafunira anthu ena kukhalanso ochita zabwino Asilamu ndi omwe sali Asilamu.

F:Timamva kuchokera mu Hadith kuti munthu akamwalira zintchito zake zonse zimaima kupatulako zitatu

ndipo chimodzi mwaicho ndi ntchito yabwino yomwe ili yopitilira monga kumanga mzikiti, kumangitsa zitsime, zipatala ndi zina ndipo iyi imatchedwa Sadaqatul Jarriyah. Kodi nthawi yabwino yokhonza Sadaqatul Jarriyah ndi iti?

Y: vv Asilamu onse omwe ali ndi kuthekera akulangizidwa kupereka chaulele kwa osauka akadali moyo. Chomwenso

chopereka chopitilira yomwe ndi Sadaqatul Jarriyah ndiyofunika kwambiri kwa Msilamu chifukwa phindu komanso madalitso ake amapitilra iye munthu atamwalira. Chopereka chopitilra ndi monga kumanga ma sukulu, zipatala ndi zina, ndipo nthawi yabwino kukhazikitsa chopereka chopitilira ndi pamene tili moyo. Abale a munthu yemwe wa mwalira atha kukhazikitsa chopereka chopitilira m’malo mwaiye. Khazikitsani lero chopereka chopitilira imfa isanakufikireni kuti chuma chanu chomwe muli nacho chidzakupatseni madalitso ndi mtendere pamene inu muli m’manda.



Mtumiki anati: Mupempheni Mulungu chisomo chake, chifukwa Mulungu amasangalatsidwa ndi kupemphedwa ndipo kupembedza kwabwino ndi kukhala ndi chiyembekezo chabwino. (Tirmizi)

Vol 21. No.1 October 2018 / Muharram 1440

[email protected]

Mtumiki anati: Munthu yemwe ali ndi khumbo lofuna kuti zopeza zake zikhale zochuluka komanso kuti moyo wake ukhale wautali ayenera kusunga ubale. (Bukhari ndi Muslim)


F:Kupeza zinthu zofuna moyo wathu wa tsiku ndi tsiku kuli kovutilako chifukwa chakudula ndi kukwera mitengo kwa

zinthu zosiyanasiyana. Kodi tingapange bwanji pothana ndi vuto limeneli. Kodi tili ololedwa kugwiritsa ntchito njira zachidule ndi za chinyengo pofuna kuthana ndi vuto limeneli?

Y:Msilamu sakuloledwa mu njira ina iliyonse kupeza zinthu zoyendetsera moyo wake pogwiritsa ntchito njira za chinyengo, monga

kunama, kuba, kulanda ndi zina. Tiyenera kupeza njira zoyenera ndi zovomerezeka yondetsera zofuna moyo wathu wa tsiku ndi tsiku. Kuchoka apo ife ngati Asilamu tiyenera kuthandizana wina ndi mnzake pochotsana mumavuto a za chuma omwe Asilamu ena angakumane nawo. Malangizo otsogola ndi opambana pa nkhani ndiko kuchulukitsa kupempha kwa Mulungu komanso kubwerera kwa Iye. Tiyenera kukhala anthu omukumbukira Iye nthawi zonse. Pomaliza boma komanso mabungwe omwe sali a boma ayenera kugwira ntchito yaikulu pothetsa umphawi ndi kusowa zipangizo zofunikira pa umoyo wa anthu.

F:Kodi tili ololedwa kutsatira ndale za dziko lathu, pothandizira komanso kulowa kumene ndalezo?

Y:Poyamba tinene kuti Msilamu ayenera kukhala munthu ochangamuka pazochitika za dera lomwe iye amakhala, boma

lake komanso dziko lonse. Msilamu ayenera kuonetsetsa kuti akuchita zinthu zofuna kuthandiza anthu a dera lake komanso dziko lake. Kusatsatira kapena kusalowa ndale kutha kubweretsa zovuta zambiri monga kusowa anthu owaimilira Asilamu ku nyumba ya malamulo ndi zina. Choncho tili ololedwa kutsatira komanso kulowa ndale za dziko lathu ngati zolinga zathu ndi zabwino. Zolinga za Msilamu nthawi zonse zimayenera kukhala zosatsutsana ndi malamulo a Chisilamu. Poyamba ndife Asilamu kenaka ndife a Malawi choncho tisasiye gawo lina lililonse la zochitika za dziko lathu popanda kukhala nawo, kulowa nawo, kuchita nawo ndi a Malawi ena.

F:Ine ndikufuna kuthandiza chipembedzo changa cha Chisilamu. Kodi ndingapange bwanji?

Y:Mutha kuthandiza Chisilamu pokhala ndi cholinga choyenera chopanda chinyengo monga pofuna kupindulapo mkati

mwakuthandiza kwanu, chifukwa kuti Mulungu amadalitsa cholinga chomwe chili choyera, chomwe chikuchitika chifukwa cha Iye Mulungu ngakhale chili chochepa bwanji. Mutha kuthandiza Chisilamu potsatira njira yoongoka ndikumaitsatira. Mutha kuthandiza Chisilamu potsogoza zinthu zochitira ubwino Chisilamu osati zofuna mitima yathu. Mutha kuthandiza Chisilamu potsatira miyoyo ya anthu okhulupilira. Mutha kuthandiza Chisilamu podana ndi ulesi, poti Chisilamu ndi chipembedzo cha kuchita ndipo chimadana ndi ulesi.

F:Kodi ndizololedwa kupereka ndalama ya intelesiti yomwe a banki akupatsa ku mzikiti kuti azigwiritsa ntchito

zosamalira pa mzikiti?

Y:Ayi sizololedwa. Mzikiti ndi chinthu cholemekezeke, malo oyera omupembedzera Mulungu, ndipo zonse

zokhuza mzikiti ziyenera kukhala zinthu zoyera. Apa tinene kuti kuyambira ndalama yomwe tikufuna kumangira mzikiti iyenera kuchokera kapena kupezeka mu njira yovomelezeka ndi malamulo a Chisilamu. Choncho kugwiritsa ntchito pa mzikiti ndalama yopezeka kupyolera mu intelesiti ndi zoletsedwa.

F:Anthu abwereka zinthu sabweza. Kodi Malangizo anu ndiotani?

Y:Mulungu sadzawononga malipiro abwino a munthu yemwe wachita zabwino ndipo zabwino kwa

munthu ndiko kuziyandikitsa kwa Mulungu. kuwabwereka amzathu ndi chinthu chabwino. Munthu akabwereka ndipo akulephera kubwenza zomwe anabwereka mwina chifukwa cha mavuto ndi bwino kumupatsa nthawi yokwanira, posanyoza koma kumuchitira chifundo. Munthu yemwe wabwereka kanthu ndikoyenera kwa iye kuonetsetsa kuti wabweza zomwe iye anabwereka.

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F:Anthu omwe sali Asilamu amafunsa kuti ngati Asilamu amakhulupilira kuti iwo okha ndi omwe adzalowetsedwe

ku Jannah, kodi izi zikuthandauza kuti anthu azipembedzo zina adzalowetsedwa ku moto?

Y:Malinga ndi chiphunzitso cha Chisilamu, Jannah ndi mphoto kapena kuti malipiro omwe munthu adzapeze chifukwa

chakukhulupilira za Mulungu m’modzi yekha, za mabukhu opatulika a Mulungu, za angelo ake, atumiki ndi aneneri a Mulungu, ndipo ndichikhulupiliro chimenecho ntchito yabwino iyenera kutsatira.Munthu ngati atakwanitsa zomwe zatchulidwazi chotsatira chake ndi kulandira malipiro a Jannah pa tsiku la Chiweruzo, koma kwa yemwe sakwanitsa, mphoto ndi malipiro amenewa sadzawapeza, ndipo m’malo mwake adzalandira chilango ndipo mwina chilango chake ndi chimene chili mu funsoli lomwe latchula zakulowetsedwa ku moto. Tsono ino ndi nthawi ife Asilamu tizifunse tokha za chikhulupiliro chathu ndi kusiya kuwaweruza anthu azipembedzo zina. Pomaliza penipeni tinene kuti zomwe Asilamu amakhulupilira zili ndi umboni mu Qur’an pamene Mulungu akunena kuti: Ndithudi chipembedzo chovomerezeka pa maso pa Mulungu ndi Chisilamu. (3:19)

F:Tiuzeni maduwa omwe tingamapange pofuna kuti tichile pamene tikudwala ku matenda osiyanasiyana?

Y:Poyamba tinene kuti tiyenera kudziwa kuti Mtumiki Muhammad (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye)

anatilangiza ife kufunafuna mankhwala pamene tadwala, chifukwa chakuti Mulungu anaika mankhwala pa matenda ena ali onse. Ichi chikhale chilimbikitso kwa ife pofunafuna mankhwala pamene matenda atipeza mbali ina tikupanga maduwa, kupempha kwa Mulungu kuti atichilitse. Mwamaduwa ena omwe tingamapange ndi monga awa:(1) Allahumma rabba al-nnas adhhibi al-ba’sa ishfi anta al-sshafi la shifa’a illa shifa’uka shifa’an la yughadiru saqaman. (2) As’alu Allaha al-azem rabba al-’arshi al-azem an yashfiyane. (3) Audhu bi izzati Allahi wa qudratihi mimma ajidu

wa uhadhiru.

F:Kodi tingapange bwanji pofuna kupititsa chikondi chathu pa Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu

apite kwa iye) kuposa china chili chonse pa dziko lino?

Y:Kukhazikika kwa chikondi pa Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) kumalumikizana ndi chikhulupiliro

cha munthu. Pamene chikhulupiliro cha munthu chikhala chokhazikika pa chipembedzo ndiye kuti chikondi chake pa Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) chidzakhala chotsogola. Dziwani kuti kumukonda Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) ndi gawo limodzi lakumvera Mulungu komanso ngati njira yoziyandikitsa kwa Mulungu. Kumukonda Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) ndi chilamulo cha Chisilamu. Choncho mutha kupititsa patsogolo chikondi chanu pa Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) pochita, kuzindikira ndi kutsata izi: Dziwani kuti Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) anatumizidwa ndi Mulungu kudzafalitsa uthenga wake wa Mulungu kwa anthu onse. Tiyenera kuzindikira ulemelero womwe Mulungu anamupatsa monga kuti iye Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) ndiwabwino kwa zolengedwa za Mulungu. Tiyenera kukumbukira kuti iye anavutitsidwa kuti Chisilamu chifike kwaife. Tiyenera kutsata chitsanzo cha Maswahabah (Mulungu asangalale nawo onse) omwe ankamukonda Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwaiye) kuposa chuma chawo, ana awo, komanso iwo wokha. Pomaliza tiyenera kutsatira Sunnah ya Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) pazochita zathu za moyo wathu watsiku ndi tsiku. Kumukonda Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) ndiko kutsatira zomwe iye anatiphunzitsa mundondomeko yake popanda kupotoza, kuonjezera ndi kuchotsa zina.

Mulungu akulankhula mu Hadith Qudsi: Ine (Mulungu) ndimakhala pafupi ndi malingaliro (maganizo, zolinga) a kapolo wanga pamene iye aganiza za Ine.Ngati iye (kapolo) andikumbikra mumtima, Inenso ndimamukumbukira mu Mtima mwanga. (Muslim)

Vol 21. No.1 October 2018 / Muharram 1440

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F:Kodi Chisilamu chikutinji pa nkhani za kusunga ndi kusamala ubale?

Y:Ndiudindo wa Msilamu aliyense kusunga ubale. Dziwani kuti kupyolera mukusunga ubale

kumathandiza kuti anthu mukhale ogwirizana mozochitika za tsiku ndi tsiku monga kuthandizana mu zinthu zosiyanasiyana. Kusunga ubale kumabweretsa madalitso ochuluka. Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) anati: Kwa yemwe akufuna kuti zopeza zake za moyo wake zichulukitsidwe ndipo kuti moyo wake ukhale wautali, asunge ubale. (Bukhari). Apa tikutha kuona kufunika kosunga ubale. Tikamvetsa zimenezi chotsatira ndiko kuzifunsa kuti kodi ndi ndani yemwe amasunga ubale, ndipo funso ili Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) analiyankha motere: Munthu yemwe amasunga ubale mu chifukwa chongofuna kusunga ubale chabe sali wakusunga ubale kwenikweni. Munthu yemwe amasunga ubale ndi yemwe amasunga ubalewo ngakhale ubalewo utasokonezeka pakati pawo (kunena kuti kupitilira kusunga ubale pa mbuyo poti mwadana pa chibale chanu.

F:Ngakhale kuti ndine Msilamu, koma sindikudziwa chomwe chinachititsa kuti Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso

a Mulungu apite kwa iye) ndi anthu omwe anamukhulupilira iye asamuke ku Makkah kupita ku Madinah. Mwachidule kodi msamukowo unachitika chifukwa chani?

Y:Takunyadirani ndithu pafunso lanu labwino. Chidwi chanu chatipatsa chilimbikitso pa ntchito yathu yolemba

uthenga wa Mulungu. Msilamu azidziwa zinthu za muchipembedzo chake ndipo njira imodzi yoziwira ndiko kufunsa mafunso. Msamuko wa Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) ndi anthu ena omwe anali okhulupilira za uneneri wake, sudangochitika wamba popanda chifukwa ayi. Padalidi chifukwa ndipo ndi Mulungu yemwe anamulamula Mtumiki kuti asamuke. Izi zidachitika pamene anthu osakhulupilira adalimbikitsa

zakumuvutitsa Mtumiki ndi anthu omutsatira iye. Zitafika povuta Mulungu adawalamula kuti asamuke ndi cholinga choti apite ku dera komwe akathe kumupembedza Mulungu. Mulungu anasankha kuti Mtumiki asamukire ku Madina ndipo Mtumiki anaona kutulo akusamukira ku Madinah. Choncho mwachidule msamuko wa Mtumiki ndi anthu omutsatira iye kuchoka ku Makkah kupita ku Madinah unadza chifukwa chakukula kuvutitsidwa kwa iye Mtumiki ndi anthu omutsatire iye.

F:vvvvvzana ndi anthu ena?

Y:Chisilamu chinaika umoyo wa Msilamu kukhala umoyo wapakatikati. Umoyo wa iye ngati

munthu pa yekha komanso moyo wolumikizana ndi anthu ena. Chisilamu chimakhulupilira za umoyo wa munthu pa yekha ndipo kuti iye ngati munthu ali ndi zokayankha kwa Mulungu pa yekha. Komanso mbali ina Chisilamu chimalimbikitsa kukhala ndi udindo wowayang’anira anthu ena powachitira zabwino, kuwathandiza, kukhala munthu wobweretsa zabwino pakati pa anthu. Choncho Msilamu ndi munthu iye pa yekha komanso ayenera kulumikizana ndi abale komanso anthu ena kwina kulikonse komwe akukhala.

F:Ine ndikufuna kudziwa kuti kodi malire a munthu wa mkazi kudziwa za ndondomeko za chuma pa nyumba

akuthera pati, poti pena sindimamva nazo bwino mamuna wanga akamandibisila zinthu zokhuza chuma pa nyumba?

Y:Chisilamu chinakhazikitsa lamulo kuti mamuna ayenera kumuyang’anira mkazi wake moyenera malinga ndi momwe iye

angathere, ndipo Chisilamu sichikumukakamiza mkazi kuziyang’anira iye mwini ngakhale iye mkazi atakhala wolemera, kupatulako ngati iye mwa iye yekha atafuna kutero pokhala ndi chifundo ndi mamuna wake. Ngati mkazi ali pa ntchito, sizololedwa mamuna kutenga gawo lina lililonse la malipiro a mkazi wake kupatulako ngati iye mwini atafuna kupereka.


Mtumiki anati: Jibreel (Alayhis-Salaam) anapitilira kundilangiza mobwelezabweleza za kukhala ndi anthu oyandikana nawo bwino, moti ndikayembekezera kuti adzamupanga kukhala m’modzi mwa anthu woti nkutenga gawo la chuma chako cha masiye. (Muslim)

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QI suffer from extreme white hair. I am depressed that my husband will laugh at me as I am young. Can I dye them black?

AIt is preferable to dye white hairs any colours except black. To avoid deceiving the suitor should be informed before marriage

of the situation. Such matters cannot usually be hidden. The same to those young Muslim women who uses lotions that make them look beautiful in complexion. It is advisable to be frank to their husbands about their complexion when they are getting married, since such complexion is never permanent.

QHow can I enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil with regard to my father who is older than me?

A Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil is one of the greatest duties that Islam enjoins upon Muslims. Undertaking this

duty with those who are older than you, especially your father by understanding that this duty must be accompanied by three basic characteristics: knowledge, kindness and patience. We cannot enjoin good or forbid evil unless we understand what we are enjoining or forbidding.

QMy house is far away from the Masjid. Is it permitted to pray in one’s home if the Masjid is far away?

AEvery Muslim should strive hard to perform congregational prayers on their appointed times in the Masjid, because performing

prayers in the Masjid encourages one to inch closer to Allah Ta’ala in addition to attaining Allah’s generous reward. Besides living far from the Masjid will increase the reward of attending the congregational prayers in the Masjid. Although prayer at home is permissible, performing at the Masjid is more virtuous.

QA Muslim belongs to an international club at school. Everyone is asked to raise money for the church. Is this


AThe church is a building in which the Christians practice their rituals, which include belief in trinity. Based on this,

building churches or collecting donations to build them, renovate them and support them, is a serious evil action, because it involves helping to spread disbelief and approving it. Hence don’t approve it.

QWe die at specific time. Will this mean every time a person dies time has come for him to depart even if he was killed?

AAllah Ta’ala created all people and decreed for them the specific time at which their lives would come to an end. When the time for

their lives to end comes whether they die naturally or illness or they are killed or die in an accident it cannot be brought forward or put back from the ordained time. The one who takes good care of his health is not the one who causes his lifespan to be lengthy; rather Allah has decreed that for him. The one who kills a person has not taken anything away from the lifespan of the one who was slain, rather Allah decreed that from eternity, and the killer will be brought to account for his transgression.

QI want to know things that invalidate my Salaah (ritual prayer) or what are the real things that render my prayer invalid?

AThere are certain acts that if done while performing prayer, render the prayer invalid. A Muslim should be aware of these things.

The following acts invalidate prayer: (1) losing one of the requirement or the obligatory acts of prayer. (2) Intentional eating and drinking. (3) Deliberate talking. (4) Intentional and unintentional many movements that do not relate to prayer. (5) Laughter. (6) Committing a mistake in recitation that changes the meaning completely.

QMy brother died in a car accident. The car was on comprehensive insurance. What should we do with the compensation?

AIf your brother is the one who insured the car, you should not take more than the amount he paid for the insurance and you

should give the rest in charity, because insurance policies are a form of gambling and are a kind of ambiguous contract, which are not permitted by Shariah.

Q A revert to Islam is due to make Nikah. Is circumcision compulsory for him?

ACircumsicion is not compulsory although emphasized. Even though is not a requirement, but Islam calls

for cleanliness, for which getting circumcised will enable a man to meet a high level of cleanliness. Interestingly, nowadays circumcision is becoming a requirement for health life. Circumcision is been provided in almost all hospitals and health centres.


Vol 21. No.1 October 2018 / Muharram 1440

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The Prophet said: Allah created the disease and the remedy, so treat disease but do not treat it with things which are Haraam. (Bukhari)

The Prophet said to the one who wanted to give oath of allegiance, and his hair was completely white. He said: Change this, but avoid black. (Muslim)


QCan a divorced woman be required to live with the parents again or is she allowed to become independent?

AThere is nothing in Shariah to make it obligatory on you to stay with your parents, if you are a mature adult woman. However,

Islam insists that you need to ensure that you are able to safeguard your honour and dignity. Once you are confident of that you may live on your own. At the end of it never fail to seek the pleasure and acceptance of your parents in your decision.

QWhat is the status of a woman who does not receive her monthly periods for many months or for more than a year?

AThe woman who has not received her menses period for several months is described in the Shariah as Mumtaddatut

Tuhr i.e her period of Tuhr (purity) is prolonged. This happens to many women. As long as her Haiz does not commence, she will be in the state of Tuhr (purity). She has to perform Salaah and fast.

QI run a business with sale prices vary from one person to another according to bargain. Is this deceit?

AWhat you should do is not to increase the value of the item to more than its market value. There is nothing wrong with lowering

the price and making it less than the market value for some customers; rather what is forbidden is increasing it and making it higher than its market value for some customers especially if the purchaser is unaware of the market price.

QWhat is meant by exhorting the dying person to say Laa ilaaha illallahu (None is worthy worship except Allah)?

AExhorting means teaching and explaining the dying person to say Laa ilaaha illallahu. There should be someone with him who can

remind him to say Laa ilaaha illallahu as if teaching and prompting a small child. It is Mustahabb to do so in this situation so that the dying person dies

while uttering this.

QA dead woman has nail polish. Is it permissible to remove the polish at the time of giving bath (Ghusl)?

ANail polish is prohibited. Neither Wuzu (ablution) nor Ghusl (bath) is valid with nail polish on. It is most unfortunate that a

woman dies with this substance on her fingers. It should be removed because the Ghusl (washing) will not be valid while the nail polish remains on the nails.

QIs it permissible to do surgery to lose excess weight? My doctor say surgery is the option to improve my health?

ASome cosmetic surgery are permissible, namely that which is done to treat a fault, remove a deformity and so on, which comes

under the heading of medical treatment. And some kinds are not permissible namely that which is done for the purpose of beautification, because it is changing creation of Allah. According to medical reports, excess weight and obesity affects one’s health and put one at risk of disease. If it is not possible to treat this excess weight by regular means such as reducing food intake, beneficial medicines, exercise etc, then surgical intervention may be the last resort in treating it.

QA woman wants to enter Islam from Christianity. Do her two children aged 10 and 12 have to say the Shahaadah?

ASaying Shahaadah is an essential conditions of entering Islam, but whoever is born to two Muslims parents does not have to utter

the Shahaadatayn because he is judged to be a Muslim unless he does something that nullifies Islam. But whoever is born to two Non-Muslim parents must utter these words of Shahaadatayn, like her or his parents.

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Zakaah (alms-giving) is one of the five fundamentals of Islam. In a Hadith it says: Islam is founded on five pillars: bearing witness that there is no deity except Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger; establishment of Salaah; paying Zakaah; performing of Hajj; and fasting in Ramadhaan. (Bukhari)After Imaan (faith), Salaah is the most important act of worship, which is to be performed physically, and Zakaah is the main act of worship, which is to be performed monetarily. Salaah and Zakaah have been mentioned together on many instances in the Noble Qur’an, to cite just a few examples, Allah Ta’ala says: And establish regular Salaah and pay regular Zakaah, and bow down with those who bow down. (2:43) The Masjids of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give Zakaah... ((9:18)The two Ayahs (verses) substantiates that Zakaah is the most important fundamental after Salaah.

Those who fulfill this duty (of paying Zakaah) have been promised abundant reward in this world and the Hereafter, and those who evade Zakaah have been sternly warned in the Qur’an and in the Hadith of the consequences.The following are some of the many benefits mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah for the one who gives Zakaah: (1) Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. (2) Increase in wealth. (3) Protection from loses. (4) Forgiveness and blessing from Allah Ta’ala. (5) Safety from calamities. (6) Protection from the Wrath of Allah Ta’ala and bad death. (7) Shelter on the Day of Judgement plus much more.Bear in mind that anything we leave behind is not ours. If we want to protect our hard-earned money and save it for use at a time when we shall need it badly, let us spend it in the way of Allah Ta’ala and deposit it in the Bank Account of the Hereafter. The accounts include: Salaah, Zakaah, Hajj, and fasting. Make relevant deposits now.

Open Your Bank Account Today

In a well-known book, Al-Hikam (Words of Wisdom) it says: “Postponing good deeds until you have free time is an indication of an immature soul.”In other words, there is nothing called “I do not have time.” The deeds we are talking about such as prayer (Salaah), remembering Allah (Zikr), reflection, all need time. However, sometimes one postpones them and say I will do them tomorrow, next week, next year or next Ramadhaan. The author of this book describes this attitude as an indication of an immature soul, i.e. this person is demonstrating a folly

of the self because you can do everything you want to do if you have a strong will and time will help you a lot. However, it is a matter of priorities. You leave home in the morning and you have a specific number of hours to do a certain number of tasks. You will do what is important first, then what is less important. Then you decide to postpone the remaining tasks until tomorrow saying that: Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. (2:286) If you have ten minutes, for example, and you have many things to do including the prayer, then you have to perform the prayer first.

Don’t Postpone Good Deeds

Dzutsani Sunnah Ya Mtumiki Muhammad Gwiritsani ntchito “Mudd Imodzi” popanga

Wuzu Mutha kukalandira Mudd ku Islamic Information Bureau

Limbe, Balaka ndi Lilongwe

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