What's New in CAMWorks 2014 · What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 2 What’s New in...

What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 Contents (Click a link below or use the bookmarks on the left) WHAT'S NEW IN CAMWORKS FOR SOLID EDGE 2016...................................................................... 1 What’s New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 – SP0 2 Supported Platforms 2 Resolved CPR’s document 2 Improved Tool Management Interactions ......................................................................... 3 Tool tree view tab for easy tool management 3 Interface to select tools from the library (TechDB) 5 Filters to select Turn tools from the library (TechDB) 6 Feed per tooth and SFM/SMM can be defined for the tool 7 Feature Definition................................................................................................................ 8 2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports non-planar faces and edges 8 2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports Second End Condition 9 2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports Join segments 10 Recognizing features depth wise 11 Change in display of Air Segments to dotted lines for slot features 12 Simplified 2.5 Axis Feature Recognition when defining/editing features 12 Operations and Toolpath .................................................................................................. 13 Simplified Operation Definition dialog box 13 Intuitive Chamfer Machining 14 Pre-Drilled Holes for VoluMill 15 Gun-drilling cycle in Milling 16 Define ‘Dwell’ and ‘Shift amount’ for drill cycles 18 Approach and Retract moves from machine home position for Mill operations 19 Turning with Incremental Angle for B Axis 20 TechDB............................................................................................................................... 21 Material considerations for Turn Feature Operations Conditions 21 Copy or Delete Strategies 22 Setup Sheets ..................................................................................................................... 23 Option to generate Part and Tool Images for setup sheets 23 Miscellaneous.................................................................................................................... 24 ‘Light Rebuild’ from CAMWorks NC Manager Node 24 Modify the Feature Strategies in the Active part or Assembly 25 Defining the default value for Mill Part Setup origin 26 Option to set Mill Part Setup Origin as top or bottom center of the stock 27 Better representation of Mill Part setup origin in relation to stock 28 Adding new Wire Diameters in Cutting Conditions of Wire EDM 29 Improved UI for CAMWorks For Solid Edge License Manager and Port Number Detection 30 Geometric Americas Inc. makes no warranties, either expressed or implied with respect to this document. Geometric reserves the right to revise and improve products as it sees fit, and to revise the specifications and information contained herein without prior notice. Due to continuing product development, specifications and capabilities described in this document are subject to change without notice. Copyright© 2015 Geometric Americas, Inc. All Rights Reserved. October, 2015

Transcript of What's New in CAMWorks 2014 · What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 2 What’s New in...

Page 1: What's New in CAMWorks 2014 · What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 2 What’s New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 – SP0 Supported Platforms Supported Platforms for 64-bit

What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016

Contents (Click a link below or use the bookmarks on the left)

WHAT'S NEW IN CAMWORKS FOR SOLID EDGE 2016 ...................................................................... 1

What’s New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 – SP0 2 Supported Platforms 2 Resolved CPR’s document 2

Improved Tool Management Interactions ......................................................................... 3 Tool tree view tab for easy tool management 3 Interface to select tools from the library (TechDB) 5 Filters to select Turn tools from the library (TechDB) 6 Feed per tooth and SFM/SMM can be defined for the tool 7

Feature Definition ................................................................................................................ 8 2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports non-planar faces and edges 8 2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports Second End Condition 9 2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports Join segments 10 Recognizing features depth wise 11 Change in display of Air Segments to dotted lines for slot features 12 Simplified 2.5 Axis Feature Recognition when defining/editing features 12

Operations and Toolpath .................................................................................................. 13 Simplified Operation Definition dialog box 13 Intuitive Chamfer Machining 14 Pre-Drilled Holes for VoluMill 15 Gun-drilling cycle in Milling 16 Define ‘Dwell’ and ‘Shift amount’ for drill cycles 18 Approach and Retract moves from machine home position for Mill operations 19 Turning with Incremental Angle for B Axis 20

TechDB............................................................................................................................... 21 Material considerations for Turn Feature – Operations Conditions 21 Copy or Delete Strategies 22

Setup Sheets ..................................................................................................................... 23 Option to generate Part and Tool Images for setup sheets 23

Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................... 24 ‘Light Rebuild’ from CAMWorks NC Manager Node 24 Modify the Feature Strategies in the Active part or Assembly 25 Defining the default value for Mill Part Setup origin 26 Option to set Mill Part Setup Origin as top or bottom center of the stock 27 Better representation of Mill Part setup origin in relation to stock 28 Adding new Wire Diameters in Cutting Conditions of Wire EDM 29 Improved UI for CAMWorks For Solid Edge License Manager and Port Number Detection 30

Geometric Americas Inc. makes no warranties, either expressed or implied with respect to this document. Geometric reserves the right to revise and improve products as it sees fit, and to revise the specifications and information contained herein without prior notice. Due to continuing product development, specifications and capabilities described in this document are subject to change without notice.

Copyright© 2015 Geometric Americas, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

October, 2015

Page 2: What's New in CAMWorks 2014 · What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 2 What’s New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 – SP0 Supported Platforms Supported Platforms for 64-bit

What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016


What’s New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 – SP0

Supported Platforms

Supported Platforms for 64-bit



The 64-bit versions of:

- Solid Edge ST7 MP10 or higher

- Solid Edge ST8 MP02 or higher



64-bit versions of:

- Windows 8.1

- Windows 7 (SP1 or higher)

[*Home Editions are not supported]

Resolved CPR’s document

Purpose: The Resolved CPR (CAMWorks Problem Report) document has been updated

to report the software errors that have been resolved in this release.

Implementation: To view the document, select:

Start>>All Programs>>CAMWorksForSolidEdge-2016x64>>Resolved CPR’s.

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What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016


Improved Tool Management Interactions

Tool tree view tab for easy tool management


The Tool Tree View tab is a new tab provided, adjacent to the Operations

tree. The tool tree and the context (Right Mouse Button) menu commands

within this tab provide a means to manage the tools with ease.

Interactions like replacing or assigning tools, reordering, deleting tools can

be done by few mouse clicks.


The Tool tree tab is provided adjacent to the CAMWorks Operations tree

tab. The standard parameters in this tab include the CAMWorks NC

Manager, Machine and Active Tool crib. Be default, the tool crib items will

be expanded.

For twin turret Turn and Mill-Turn machines, both turrets will be

displayed in the Tool Tree view.

The RMB context menu commands on the Tool crib node allows users

to edit the tool crib, add new tools from the library, create new tools

and save Tool crib to the TechDB.

The RMB context menu of the Tool node allows user to display tool

parameters and properties, add new tool from the library, create or

replace tools, create new operations for the selected tool or delete

selected tool.

Each Tool node lists the operations using the selected tool.

Users can select operations and drag/drop them from one tool node to

another tool node. The operation will be regenerated after being


If user modifies the tool itself, then all the operations using that tool

will be regenerated. A corresponding warning message will be


Tool Tree View for Mill Mode Tool Tree View for Mill-Turn Mode

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Assigning operations to tools in Tool View tab

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What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016


Interface to select tools from the library (TechDB)


The User Interface of the Tool Select Filter dialog box has been simplified to

allow the user to add a tool from tool library to the active tool crib in

minimal steps. A preview pane has been made available for the user to

have a better visualization of the tool being selected.


New tools can be added from TechDB at three places

1. Machine – Edit Definition - Tool Crib tab

2. Operation – Edit Definition – Tool – Tool Crib tab

3. New Operation dialog box

In the earlier version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the tool addition process

to the Active Tool crib includes two steps with two different dialog box i.e. Tool Select Filter and Tools Database.

From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016, the Tool Select Filter dialog box and

Tools Database dialog box are combined to simplify the selection process of

tool from the Tool Library and adding to the Active Tool crib. The flow of the

tool selection process has remained unchanged.

A Preview pane is added to display the highlighted tool in the Tools

Database group box along with some dimensions.

Tool Select Filter dialog box

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Filters to select Turn tools from the library (TechDB)


The User Interface of the Tool Select Filter dialog box for selecting Turn

tools now support filters.


In the earlier version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, for turn tools, filters

were not available to focus on certain tools.

From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016, five different filters can be applied to

the turn tools. The flow of the tool selection process has remained


A Preview pane is added to display the highlighted tool in the Tools

Database group box along with some dimensions.

Tool Select Filter dialog box

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Feed per tooth and SFM/SMM can be defined for the tool


Feed using SFM/SMM and feed par tooth can be assigned to the tools in

the TechDB. Based on that data, user will be able to define the RPM

(Revolutions Per Minute) for a Mill or a Drill tool using the SMM or SFM.

The XY feed rate can be defined using the new parameter of Feed per



The new parameters of SMM/SFM and Feed per Tooth/Revolution are

made available in the Cutting Parameters dialog box of Mill and Drill tools

in CAMWorks For Solid Edge and TechDB.

The RPM can be defined by specifying the SMM/SFM value. The XY feed

rate or Z feed rate can be defined by using feed per tooth/revolution


Note: The Z feedrate (for Mill tools) and Leadin feedrate will not be

affected in the Cutting Parameters dialog box.

Cutting Parameters dialog box of CAMWorks For Solid Edge

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Feature Definition

2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports non-planar faces and edges

Purpose: To allow the user to define 2.5 Axis Mill Features using Non-Planar Entities.


The user can select multiple non-planar entities resulting in satisfactory

profiles for the set feature type. This feature eliminates the creation of

sketches for defining complex feature shapes. The base profile of the

feature is created at the highest Z level as per the selected entities. The

user-given end conditions are applied from the base profile plane.

Define 2.5 Axis Features using Non-planar Entities

Feature profile defined by non-planar entities in yellow color. Feature profile created by projecting

at maximum Z level amoungst the selected entities in green color.

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2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports Second End Condition


To provide a method to the user using which

the depth of the 2.5 Axis feature being

interactively inserted can be defined in both

direction of the profile plane.

2.5 Axis Feature: End Conditions dialog box


User can now define the depth for the

interactively inserted feature in both directions

of the Mill Part Setup. This functionality helps

the user in avoiding the creation of sketches on

the exact planes as that of feature limits in

machining direction. The user defined draft

angle will be applied to the feature from the

lower most plane of the feature with respect to

the machining direction. The islands can be

added interactively or by using the Auto detect functionality on Island tab of the 2.5 Axis

Feature Wizard.

The End Condition Direction-2 can be applied

for all the editable features in edit definition

mode as well.

End Condition Direction – 2

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2.5 Axis Feature Definition supports Join segments


To provide method to close loops using join segment when defining 2.5 Axis

features that require a closed loop.

In most cases, join segments avoids need for having to create a sketch to

define 2.5 Axis features.


In many cases, where a clear closed loop is not available to define a 2.5 Axis

features, that need a closed geometry, user can pick possible open segments

and CAMWorks For Solid Edge will add a join segment to create a close loop

Only one direct join segment is supported at this point.

Future versions of CAMWorks For Solid Edge will support multiple as well as

various forms of join segments like tangential or parallel, etc.

2.5 Axis Feature: Select Entities dialog box

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Recognizing features depth wise

Purpose: To recognize features depth-wise, so that the resulting features can be



In previous versions of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, feature recognition

combined multiple features to generate shapes of equal depth. The problem

with this approach was that the shapes couldn’t be simplified.

From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016, the features can be recognized depth-

wise, resulting in better feature recognition compared to previous versions.

This functionality is enabled when the option Recognize features by depth in

the Mill Features tab of the CAMWorks Options dialog box is checked.

Note: The Recognize features by depth option is available in the Mill Features

tab only when Extract Machinable Features method is set to MfgView.

Through Feature type

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Change in display of Air Segments to dotted lines for slot features

Purpose: To enable easier identification of Material segments and Air segments of a

slot feature.


In previous versions of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, all material and air

segments were displayed in solid lines. Users had to edit the slot feature to

identify which segments were air segments and which were material


From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016, the air segments will be denoted with

dotted lines and material segments of the slot feature will be denoted with

solid lines.

Air segments represented with dotted lines for slot feature

Simplified 2.5 Axis Feature Recognition when defining/editing features

Purpose: Simplify the process of defining the features with closed shapes.


1. When interactively defining the features with closed shapes:

i. If the Edge selection method is set to Open chain, then holding

Ctrl or Shift key and selecting the segments will pick the chain.

ii. Valid closed loops will be shown as a translucent 2D surface.

iii. Entities forming the valid closed loop will be made bold in the Selected entities list box.

2. Edit profile allows multiple entities to be picked.

Valid closed Loop displayed as Translucent 2D Surface

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Operations and Toolpath

Simplified Operation Definition dialog box


The User Interface of the New Operation dialog box updated to provide the user, easier and

intuitive method to define a new operation.


In the earlier version of CAMWorks For Solid Edge,

the insert new operation flow was split into two

different tabs.

From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016, the tabs are

combined into a single tab of New Operation dialog

box. The changes are done by keeping the method

of inserting a new operation same as before. The

changes are listed below:

Select feature push button has been

provided for selecting the feature to be

machined. A new dialog box will list all the

available part setups and their respective features. The Create New Feature command

has been included in the new dialog box.

The new Parameters button added in the

Features group box displays the parameters

of active feature. For hole features the

machinable hole parameters will be

displayed and user will be able to modify the

parameters of the hole features for the

operation being inserted.

New Operation Dialog box

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Intuitive Chamfer Machining


To make the chamfer machining parameters of Chamfer Length and

Clearance to be intuitive so that based on the feature type of Blind and

Through and the tool diameter, the maximum possible chamfer length

can be informed to the user.


CAMWorks For Solid Edge will provide a feed back to the user regarding

the maximum chamfer length that can be achieved with respect to the

tool selected and feature depth.

The clearance amount will be reset to the maximum possible value

based on the tool diameter, chamfer length and feature depth, when

very high value is entered for the clearance amount. This behavior will

assist users in machining the chamfer with the largest diameter of the

tool, thus eliminating the manual calculations.

Through Feature type

Blind Feature type

Warning Message

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Pre-Drilled Holes for VoluMill

Purpose: Provide a new Entry type option for Rough Mill operations using the Pattern type of VoluMill.


Along with the existing options of Spiral and Ramp, a new Entry method of

'Pre-drilled Holes' has been provided for the Rough Mill operations having the Pattern type set to Volumill.

When the Entry type is set to Pre-drilled holes, CAMWorks For Solid Edge

will identify all the entry points of the Volumill toolpath. A drilling toolpath is

generated at the identified entry points. The user can also specify the entry points under the Entry Points on the

Feature Options tab of the Operation Parameters dialog box. The Entry move of the Volumill toolpath is automatically adjusted in case if the

selected points tend to be within a predefined range.

This method is useful while using large depth of cuts.

VoluMill Settings dialog box

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Gun-drilling cycle in Milling

Purpose: Support Gun drilling cycles for Drill operation for Mill and Mill-Turn modules.


In previous versions of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, gun-drilling toolpaths

were generated using post parameters. Gun-drilling toolpaths couldn’t be

simulated and its parameters were specific to the post processor used.

From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016 version onwards, gun drilling cycles will

be supported in existing Drill operations with Gun drilling being a sub-


The following parameters will be added to the Drill Hole Parameters tab of

the Operation Parameters when the Type selected for Drill operation is Gun


- Pilot feed-in distance

- Pilot feed-in federate

- Feed-in spindle speed

- Feed-in dwell

- Feed-back amount

- Feed-out feedrate

- Change retract RPM at

- Retract spindle speed

The Technology Database shipped with CAMWorks For Solid Edge has been

updated to support Gun Drilling toolpaths. When post processed, long code

will be generated for Gun Drilling toolpaths.

Gun Drilling Parameters in Drill Hole Parameters tab of Operation

Parameters dialog box

Post Processor


The functionality to define Gun / deep drilling is available when the post

processor supports the post header “ALLOW_GUN_DRILLING”. Please

contact your CAMWorks Reseller to update the post.

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Multiaxis operations can now do drilling using 3D sketches

Purpose: To create drilling toolpaths in 5 Axis module with the help of 3D sketches.


The user can now create drilling toolpaths for complex parts using the

Drilling pattern in Multiaxis Milling operation. The location of the drilling

toolpath and the depth of the drill toolpath will have to be specified through

the 3D sketches. There can be multiple segments in a single 3D sketch and

user can select one or more segments as required for generating the drilling


The user can now set the method to Drilling and select the Pattern type as Lines.

The lines to define the drill location and depth will have to be selected by

picking the Lines button.

Only 3D sketches are supported for the current version.

5 Axis Drilling using 3D sketches

Select a 3D Sketch

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Multiaxis operations for Gouge Check – Tilt Tool option to define Angle Range

Purpose: Define the minimum and maximum Tilt angles separately for Gouge

checking strategy of Tilt Tool.

Implementation The user can now define the minimum and maximum tilt angles separately

for Gouge checking. This option is available when the strategy is set to Tilt

Tool and angle definition is set as Use Lead/Lag Angle or Use Side Tilt Angle.

Angle definition using minimum and maximum limit fields

Define ‘Dwell’ and ‘Shift amount’ for drill cycles

Purpose: Provide the option to define ‘Dwell time’ for all Point-to-Point operations.

Also the user can now define ‘Shift Amount’ in case of selected type of

Boring operations.


The user can now specify the Dwell time for all Point-to-Point operations.

The units of the dwell time can be in Milliseconds or Seconds depending

upon the post processor.

For Boring operations using the type of Back boring or Fine boring, it is

needed that the tool should move towards the center line before retracting

to clearance plane. A value has to be specified for the tool to move towards

the center line of the feature. This value can now be defined in CAMWorks For Solid Edge using the parameter of Shift amount.

Both the above parameters can be defined in Technology Database

(TechDB) for the respective Feature and Operation conditions.

Previously these parameters used to be defined in the post processors.

Operation Parameters Dialog box

Post Processor


The new controls for “Dwell” and “Shift amount” are mapped to the

corresponding post parameters. While the “Dwell” control is available to all

cycle types, you may not see its value if the post processor does not handle


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Approach and Retract moves from machine home position for Mill operations

Purpose: Provides the ability to have approach and retract moves from machine

home position for Mill operations being carried out on a Mill-Turn machine.


A new group box named Advanced Approach and Retract has been provided

on the NC tab of all Mill operations. This control will be active when the

machine type is set to Mill-Turn.

Define the desired approach and retract methods by using the parameters given in the Approach and Retract dialog box that is invoked through the

Define button.

Approach and Retract dialog box

Post Processor


This functionality is available when the post processors supports post

header MILL_ADVANCED_ENTRY_RETRACT. Please contact your CAMWorks

Reseller to update the post.

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Turning with Incremental Angle for B Axis

Purpose: Enables turning of complicated profiles using simple tools.


Defining the B Axis incremental angle in the Tool tab: Holder Page tilts the

tool to a user-defined angle. Based on the orientation of the tool, the

toolpaths will be generated. The user defined tilt angle enables machining

of complicated profiles using simple tool inserts.

Note: If Tool Orientation is changed after the B Axis Incremental Angle was

defined, then the B Axis Incremental Angle will be reset to 0 degrees.

Post Processor


The functionality to define B Axis for turning is available when the post

processor supports the post header “ALLOW_B_AXIS_OFFSET_REAR”.

Please contact your CAMWorks Reseller to update the post.

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Material considerations for Turn Feature – Operations Conditions


Provide an additional parameter of Stock Material Group for all the Turn

Feature and Operation conditions.


From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016, the user can define required stock

material group for all the Turn features and operations conditions in

TechDB. Till now this functionality was available for only Mill and Wire EDM

Feature and Operation conditions.

For each Feature condition, you can select a specific stock material group

from the available list. The list of stock material will be populated from the

Stock Material Group in TechDB.

Feature and Operation Form

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Copy or Delete Strategies


Provide the ability to Copy and Delete Strategies along with the associated

Feature and Operation conditions.


From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016, the new Copy and Delete strategies

commands are introduced.

The Copy Strategy command allows you to duplicate an existing Strategy for

a feature type. All the features and operations conditions associated with

the original strategy type will also be copied with new name.

The Delete Strategy command allows you to delete any user defined Strategy

from the list along with all the associated features and operations


Feature Strategies dialog box

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Setup Sheets Option to generate Part and Tool Images for setup sheets


The option to generate Solid Edge part or assembly images in the Setup

Sheets with desired orientation has been included in the Setup Sheet

Options dialog box. Also added is a new option to generate the images of

the tools used in the active part or assembly.


The Generate part/assembly images and Generate tools images check boxes

are introduced.

If Generate part/assembly images option is checked, CAMWorks For Solid

Edge allows the user to generate the part/assembly images with desired

orientation type for each Setup level. Click on the Options button and select

the desired orientation.

The default path for saved part/assembly images will be:

Drive: \CAMWorksData\CAMWorksForSolidEdge2016x64\Lang\English\


If Generate tools images option is checked, CAMWorks For Solid Edge will

generate the tool images used for operations in each Setup.

The default path for saved tool images will be:

Drive: \CAMWorksData\CAMWorksForSolidEdge2016x64\Lang\English\


Setup Sheet Options dialog box

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Miscellaneous ‘Light Rebuild’ from CAMWorks NC Manager Node

Purpose: Provide the option to rebuild the CAM data using Light Rebuild functionality.


You can now select Light Rebuild command in the CAMWorks NC Manager

context menu.

Use the Light Rebuild option in the following scenarios:

When CAMWorks data contains only interactively inserted features.

When CAMWorks data contains both automatically recognized

features as well as interactively recognized features but the changes

made to the part model or sketches do not affect automatically

recognized features.

Light Rebuild command on CAMWorks NC Manager context menu

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Modify the Feature Strategies in the Active part or Assembly

Purpose: To provide an option to modify the strategy of one or more feature types in

a single step.


The user can modify the strategies set for one or more feature type in a

single step using the Default Feature Strategies dialog box.

The list is populated with the default strategies set as per TechDB. In the

strategy column select the desired strategy for the required feature type. Select the Apply button to change the strategy type in the Active Part or

Assembly. If you wish to set the new strategy as default in the TechDB,

then click on Save to TechDB button.

Default Feature Strategies dialog box

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Defining the default value for Mill Part Setup origin

Purpose: Provide the default values for newly added Mill Part Setups in part mode or

assembly mode.


In the earlier versions of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the default value of the

origin of Mill Part Setup was set to "User" with defined co-ordinates.

From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016 onwards, all the newly created Mill Part

Setups in part or assembly mode will have the default origin set to "Top

Center" or Fixture Co-ordinate System in case when a Fixture Co-ordinate

system has been defined in the Machine Setup.

Origin Tab of Part Setup Parameters dialog box

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Option to set Mill Part Setup Origin as top or bottom center of the stock

Purpose: Option to set the origin of the Mill Part Setup to the top center or bottom

center of the stock.


In previous versions of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, the user could set the

Mill Part Setup Origin using the eight vertices available of the stock. From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016 onwards, the user can set the origin of

the Mill Part Setup using the top center or bottom center of the stock as


New Stock vertices options in Origin tab of Part Setup Parameters dialog box

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What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016


Better representation of Mill Part setup origin in relation to stock

Purpose: Translucent display of stock in the graphics area when Stock Vertex option

is selected for the Mill Part Setup origin.


From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016 onwards, whenever the origin of a Mill

Part Setup is being defined using the stock vertices, then a translucent

display of the stock will be shown for better visual representation of the

selected vertex.

Figure (a): Origin of Mill Part Setup (Stock Vertex) displayed out in space

Figure (b): Origin of Mill Part Setup (Stock Vertex) displayed on translucent stock


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What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016


Adding new Wire Diameters in Cutting Conditions of Wire EDM

Purpose: Provide a functionality in Wire EDM module wherein user will be able to

input desired values for Wire diameter when defining Cutting Conditions.


In the earlier versions of CAMWorks For Solid Edge, while defining Cutting

Conditions in the EDM Setup tab of the EDM Settings dialog box, the

dropdown list for Wire diameter listed read-only values. There was no

provision for the user to modify or delete these values or to add new


From CAMWorks For Solid Edge - 2016, an Edit Wire Sizes button has been

provided next to the Wire diameter dropdown list. Clicking on this button

activates the Edit Wire Sizes dialog box. Use this dialog box to modify or

delete existing values or add new Wire diameter values.

- Delete button deletes the selected wire size from the list.

- Add button adds a new wire size after the selected wire size in the


- Insert button adds a new wire size.

- Change button applied the edited values to the selected wire size.

Click Edit Wire Sizes button in EDM Setup tab to open Edit Wire Sizes dialog box

Edit Wire Sizes dialog box


Page 30: What's New in CAMWorks 2014 · What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 2 What’s New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016 – SP0 Supported Platforms Supported Platforms for 64-bit

What's New in CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2016


Improved UI for CAMWorks For Solid Edge License Manager and Port Number Detection

Purpose: Provides an improved User Interface for Server Settings tab of CAMWorks

For Solid Edge License Manager dialog box and enables viewing of Port

Number detection for setting up client machines on a floating network.


To setup a machine as the CAMWorks License Server for a floating network,

open the CAMWorks For Solid Edge License Manager application and click

on the Server Settings tab.

- Click on the “Use this machine as License Server” button to setup

the machine as the License Server. Clicking this button displays the

settings for configuring the current computer as the CAMWorks

License Server. (Click on the Help button in the UI for steps to

configure a License Server.)

- Once the CAMWorks License Service is installed and the CAMWorks

License Server is activated by clicking on the “Install CAMWorks

License Service” and “Start CAMWorks License Server” buttons

respectively, click on the “Display License File” button to view the

port number configured in the CAMWorks License file. The port

numbers will be displayed in the Status box at the bottom of the tab.

Use this displayed port number to configure client machines on the

floating network.

Server Settings tab of CAMWorks For Solid Edge License Manager

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