What’s Happening in District 5M1? 2014.pdf · What’s Happening in District 5M1? Left: ... Curt...

The 5M1 Pride News Keeping District 5M1 Lions Clubs Informed Number 9 <www.lions5m1.org> April, 2014 What’s Happening in District 5M1? Left: 5M1 DG Earl Orvik is elected to serve as MD5M Council Chair for 2014- 2015. PDG Clair Mrotek emphasizes the importance of hanging on to the gavel during his term. Right: 2 nd VDGE Bruce Montplaisir demonstrates a beep baseball at a zone meeting. Clubs are encouraged to sponsor a baseball for the Beep Baseball Tournament in Rochester this summer. Also, volunteers are needed. What a great service project for Lions! A form to make a donation is included in the newsletter. Your Lions Clubs PU-101 needs to be submitted to Lions Clubs International, and District Governor Earl, by May 15th. If this is not done in May, all your officers will be wrong in the LCI Directory for the next year. What does this mean? The old club officers will continue getting LCI information that the new officers should be receiving, plus your club will be listed incorrectly in our club directory. Remember, if your meeting place or time has changed you need to update those on the PU-101’s. **IF your new officers’ addresses are different from their LCI registered member address, you need to change that also, or new officers’ addresses will default to the old address. Remember to UPDATE ALL INFORMATION! Above: Welcome to Charlie! He is a new Can Do Canine puppy sponsored by Lions in District 5M1. You Don’t Want to Miss This!! 5M1 School of Instruction Sunday, May 4 th 2:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. Heintz Center, RCTC Rochester, MN Cost: $5 per person $15 for 3 or more in a club Menu: Pizza, served after the last session. Jungle Days July 28, 2014 Winona Camp Winnebago Clean Up Day May 3 rd , 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. Get a group of Lions from your club to go to the camp and help clean up. Another great service project, plus you get to see what a great camp we support. Page 2 DG Earl, Membership, New Members Page 7 GMT, Zone 5 Report Page 12 School of Instruction, Registration Page 3 DGE Jim, Ostrander Lions Page 8 DG Travels, Zone 4 Report, Pine Island Lions Page 13 Event Flyers Page 4 VDGE Stan, Jungle Days, Austin Go- Karts Page 9 Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation Page 14 Multiple Convention, 5M1 Pictures Page 5 GLT School of Instruction, Lewiston Lions Page 10 Clubs in the Spotlight, Hokah, Hayfield, Byron Page 15 Event Flyers Page 6 5M Diabetes Page 11 Calendar Page 16 Multiple Proposal, DG Earl Award Membership 5M1 membership is up 53 members. If each club adds only 1 more member we can reach 100 new members! Think about who you can ask to become a Lion.

Transcript of What’s Happening in District 5M1? 2014.pdf · What’s Happening in District 5M1? Left: ... Curt...

The 5M1 Pride NewsKeeping District 5M1 Lions Clubs Informed Number 9 <www.lions5m1.org> April, 2014

What’s Happening in District 5M1?

Left: 5M1 DG Earl Orvik is elected to serve as MD5M Council Chair for 2014-2015. PDG Clair Mrotek emphasizes the importance of hanging on to the gavel during his term.

Right: 2nd VDGE Bruce Montplaisir demonstrates a beep baseball at a zone meeting. Clubs are encouraged to sponsor a baseball for the Beep Baseball Tournament in Rochester this summer. Also, volunteers are needed. What a great service project for Lions! A form to make a donation is included in the newsletter.

Your Lions Clubs PU-101 needs to be submitted to Lions Clubs International, and District Governor Earl, by May 15th. If this is not done in May, all your officers will be wrong in the LCI Directory for the next year.

What does this mean? The old club officers will continue getting LCI information that the new officers should be receiving, plus your club will be listed incorrectly in our club directory. Remember, if your meeting place or time has changed you need to update those on the PU-101’s.

**IF your new officers’ addresses are different from their LCI registered member address, you need to change that also, or new officers’ addresses will default to the old address. Remember to UPDATE ALL INFORMATION!

Above: Welcome to Charlie! He is a new Can Do Canine puppy sponsored by Lions in District 5M1.

You Don’t Want to Miss This!!

5M1 School of Instruction

Sunday, May 4th 2:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. Heintz Center, RCTC

Rochester, MN Cost: $5 per person

$15 for 3 or more in a club

Menu: Pizza, served after the last session.

Jungle Days July 28, 2014


Camp Winnebago Clean Up Day May 3rd, 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.

Get a group of Lions from your club to go to the camp and help clean up. Another great service project, plus

you get to see what a great camp we support.

Page 2 DG Earl, Membership, New Members Page 7 GMT, Zone 5 Report Page 12 School of Instruction, Registration

Page 3 DGE Jim, Ostrander Lions Page 8 DG Travels, Zone 4 Report, Pine Island Lions

Page 13 Event Flyers

Page 4 VDGE Stan, Jungle Days, Austin Go-Karts

Page 9 Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation Page 14 Multiple Convention, 5M1 Pictures

Page 5 GLT School of Instruction, Lewiston Lions

Page 10 Clubs in the Spotlight, Hokah, Hayfield, Byron

Page 15 Event Flyers

Page 6 5M Diabetes Page 11 Calendar Page 16 Multiple Proposal, DG Earl Award

Membership 5M1 membership is up 53 members.

If each club adds only 1 more member we can reach 100 new members!

Think about who you can ask to become a Lion.

Lions District 5M1 Newsletter www.lions5m1.org —Page 2

Live The Dream By District Governor Earl Orvik

WOW!! The year as district governor sure goes in a hurry. April is here and new club elections will be taking place.

• I hope all clubs have a slate of officers willing to move up or be added to their clubs’ leadership. Leadership is an opportunity to see what you can provide to your Club. Secretaries, make sure to report the new officers on the PU-101 form to International. Check twice to make sure the email addresses and phone numbers are correct. Don’t worry about giving out this personal information, this information WILL NOT be transferred to anyone else.

Lions Jane and I continue to be impressed with our club visits. We have soooo many wonderful clubs in our district. Yes! I am talking about your club. Each and every club works hard to serve their community. Keep up the good work. We only have 5 clubs visits left.

Membership is really going well. District 5M1 led Multiple 5M at the end of February with a plus 47 members; we are now at 50. We are leading the second largest multiple in North America. We have 38 clubs with new members this year; 20 with two or more new members. One club in District 5M1 will win $250 from Lions Clubs International for having the most new members between January 1 and July 31, 2014. We already have two clubs with more than five, and several at three or four new members since January 1st. Your club must recruit five new members or 10% of your present membership to qualify. Keep on adding members and, remember to keep the members we have. Encourage members you haven’t seen for a while to pick up the beat and join the band again. Remember, new members bring with them new ideas, enthusiasm, and working hands.

Upcoming events include the Multiple District 5M Convention in Morton, MN, April 25th through 27th. This is a great way to gain more information on Lionism and learn what is accomplished at the next level. Speaking of the next level, Lion Jane and I received a great honor at the last Council of Governors. I was elected to the position of Council Chair, a position that will allow me to guide, mentor, inform, motivate, and carry out decisions made by the Council of Governors in 2014-2015. It will also allow me to continue my path in Lionism.

Last for this month is an invitation to join me at the Spring School of Instruction. The Global Leadership

Team (GLT) has put together a great afternoon. Besides officer training by outstanding Lions Club leaders, included is also a session on successful fundraisers and membership drives that clubs have used this past year. There is a more complete article in this newsletter.

Jane and I look forward to seeing you at future 5M1 events.

Membership Worldwide 1,375,834 This Month This YearOpening Balance 1,850 1,803Added Members 10 166Dropped Members 4 113Closing Balance 1,856 1,856Net Gain/Loss 6 53

Worldwide membership has increased by over 27,000 members since July 1, 2013.

New Members

New Lion Sponsor Club Matt Braun Duwain Egland Dennison

Ralph Braun Dennison

LeAnne Neuenfeldt Dennison

Autumn Beach Jeff Langen Hokah

Tom Deziel Colin Maltbie Kasson-Mantorville

William Stromme Ron Albright Kasson-Mantorville

Joel Xavier Brian Xavier Kasson-Mantorville

Ryan Niemeier Summer Thorson La Crescent

Randy Thompson La Crescent

Raleigh Wagner Jamie Warner Mazeppa

Rodney Lanners Roy Larson Pine Island

Curt Njus Michael Sellnow Pine Island

Charles Steele Gerald Vettel Pine Island

Don Solberg Glenn Dale Preston

Richard Wolfe Arnold Keene Preston

Thomas Muller Everett Smith Red Wing

Paul Velsor Merrill Wondrow Rochester Morning Pride

Lisa Bornholdt Spring Grove

Bob Morken David Morken Spring Grove

Kathy Rosendahl Spring Grove

Doris Sherburne Kim Sherburne Spring Grove

Allen Vickerman Mark Deneen Spring Grove

Dean Wiste Spring Grove

Betty Dokken Mark Dokken Spring Grove

Lori Morken David Morken Spring Grove

Sara Schroeder Spring Grove

Jacqui Vanminsel Spring Grove

Brett Wiste Spring Grove

Cathy Bakken Stewartville

Linda Pingree Stewartville

Janice Schumann Henry Schumann Stewartville

Jason Dicus ID Larry Dicus Winona

Lions District 5M1 Newsletter www.lions5m1.org —Page 3

District Governor Elect By District Governor Elect Jim Dunlop Greetings to all of my fellow Lions! The weathermen have been saying that spring is here, I am still not sure, but if it gets into the 50’s for a while then I may agree.

School of Instruction is coming up on May 4th.. Again this year the cost is only $5 per person or $15 per club if you have 3 or more attend. If you have not signed up yet please do so. You will have a great time!

District 5M1 is in 1st place in membership in MD5M thanks to all of you. If we all keep working hard on getting our members to get out and attend the Zone, Region, Mid-Winter meetings, and forums, plus the School of Instruction, they can see what’s going on with Lions and keep the enthusiasm up. With this enthusiasm in all of our clubs we can stay on top again this year! Thank you for your help.

I have been attending Lions leadership training the last few months. I have been learning about some of the ways I can help 5M1 as your incoming district governor. Ways to keep the district running smoothly and also to be helpful to all of the clubs in our district by keeping them informed on what Lions are doing in the district, multiple, and all around the world. Well-informed Lions clubs will be able to keep up the great work they have been doing that has put us in FIRST PLACE in the MD5M multiple.

I feel very fortunate to have all the great leaders that have lead the way in 5M1 that have come to me and said they will be there for me if I need them. I also will look to my 1st VDG and 2nd VDG for their help also. I am looking forward to this year and Thank You again for your vote of confidence in me.

March 12th through the 16th I was in Minneapolis for training. The first thing we did was tour the Can Do Canines facility. This is their 25th year of service! When we got there, we got to see how they trained the dogs, plus we heard from some of the people that have received their dogs, and how the dogs have helped changed their life for the better. It was great! All clubs are invited to their graduation ceremonies on May 17th and one on October 11th at their facility. For more information please contact Janet Cobus at 763-331-3000 Ex.153 or [email protected].

Then we went to the Lions Children’s Hearing Center and listened to some of the world-leading doctors and the great things they are working on. This would be a great place to have your club put together a bus trip and go see how the funds they raised and have given to them are being used. They are having their Third Annual Walk to D-Feet Hearing Loss on June 7th at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska. For more information go to http:www.5mhf.org.

Then we were invited to the Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation for a tour of the center for Magnetic Resonance and the Immunology lab. We were informed about exciting

development in diabetes prevention and cure research from world-leading scientists. For more information contact [email protected].

From there we went to the Minnesota Lions Eye Bank. We were able to watch them cut out cornea tissue to use for transplant and research. This was a very informational day with great speakers and lots to see, and now I can understand better what and where the money we donate from our fundraiser is going and how much it is doing for all of us and it makes me more excited to work harder for all of these great Lions foundations and projects. For more information about eye donation please visit www.MnLionsEyeBank.org or call 612-625-5159, or toll-free 1-866-887-4448. Remember Governor Earl’s five-star program. Let’s all keep up the great work we have started and help him go over his goal for this year for recruiting new members, and work hard on retention for keeping the current members we have in each club throughout our district. Let’s all get on board and help, and remember, All we have to do is Just Ask.

Thank you my fellow Lions for all that you do for your Club and our District 5M1. I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events or meetings. Let’s all work hard on having a great attendance at these events and remember, a few of us can do a few things but all of us can do so Much More.

Thank You DGE / 5M1 Lion Jim Dunlop

Ostrander Lions Club By Lion Marjorie Lenz

Great news! Ostrander has a library. The Mailbox Library is located inside Siskows Deli and Blown Away Salon. Books are available for all ages from youth to adult to enjoy reading. No fines or fees. Take a book – Share a book.

Lion members Arden and Marge Lenz worked together to make this project possible with membership support of the Ostrander Club.

Lions District 5M1 Newsletter www.lions5m1.org —Page 4

First Vice District Governor Elect By First Vice District Governor Elect Stan Nerhaugen

Dear Fellow Lions, We are half way through our zone meetings, and 5M1 clubs are working hard on their 2013-14 goals. 5M1 continues to have the highest net growth in MD5M. Keep working to retain the members you have by getting them involved and letting them know they are wanted. April is Family and Friends month in LCI. Any month is a good time to invite family members to club meetings or events. Remember, family members can get half off their LCI dues when the secretaries indicate they are family members (spouse or child). Reading Action Programs - 5M1 clubs are involved by: -Giving dictionaries to third graders -Reading to school children in classrooms/ libraries -Establishing a book lending library in a community location -Raising money for IPads for use in schools -Purchasing books for school or community libraries; you can partner with Lions and Scholastic Inc. for discounts. -Reaching out to involve others; Stewartville served 700 people s’mores in a community read. Get more ideas from the LCI website and report your activities on a separate area in your monthly reports. Kasson-Mantorville Supt. Mark Matuska (a Lion) in Zone 4 shared that the U.S. is 4th in literacy and Minnesota is 1st or 2nd in the country. K-M has five programs that target literacy in grades K-3. Students who can read by third grade have much lower behavior problems, have higher graduation rates (96%), and have a higher quality of adult life. Students who don’t master reading at this level have a much higher rate of juvenile-adult criminal records, more single pregnancies, and are more likely to live in poverty. Invite your local superintendent or principal to a club meeting and find out what they are doing for literacy, and how you as Lions can help. Lions are bringing heat to their services to children. Now if we can just get the weather to warm up.

Hearing Foundation Childrens Clinic

PDG Barb Ernster received a check for $56.60 from the small ink cartridges turned in after Midwinter. Please continue to save them. Thank You.

Jungle Days Mark your calendar for the Jungle Days outing. The date is Monday, July 28, at beautiful Cedar Valley Golf Course in Winona. Sponsors are all three Winona Lions Clubs. Proceeds will go toward “Matteo’s Dream, Winona Edition.”

We will be sponsoring a fundraising drive to equip the city parks in Winona and Goodview with playground equipment suitable for children and young adults with physical disabilities. Again, mark your calendars and make your plans to attend.

Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < www.lions5m1.org > -- Page 5

GLT-School of Instruction By Lion Larry Stryker

School of Instruction Sunday, May 4th

The 2014 School of Instruction will feature topics of interest to all Lions as well as for all officers. The Global Leadership Team (GLT) has changed the format slightly so everyone can hear the presentation for All Lions. The sessions for officers will run concurrently after the opening introductions and welcome. The officer sessions will be followed by a session on Fundraising, highlighting several successful fundraising projects within our district.

We have also continued our lower cost to encourage attendance. The charge for each Lion is $5, up to a maximum of $15 per club. In addition, first-time attendees to the School of Instruction are free, but you must register ahead of the meeting and indicate “FT” on the form.

The sign-in for the Sunday, May 4th event begins at 2 P.M., with the program beginning at 2:30 P.M. After the sessions end, about 4:30 P.M., we will serve pizza, fruit, and beverages.

Four Officer Sessions run at the same time.

1. Presidents and VP’s (to be determined)

Applying for the Club Excellence Award

Utilizing cabinet members to speak at clubs

Encouraging members to attend zone meetings/region meetings, fall forum, Mid- Winter, School of Instruction

How to run a timely, and effective and fun meeting

2. Treasurers (Lion Greg Larson)


Reporting to your club

Parade of Green – Addressing checks

3. Secretaries (PDG Randi Fravert)

Filing monthly reports on-line and on time

Reporting club activities

Navigating LCI website

4. Membership (Global Membership Team)

Increasing membership through a membership drive – successful club efforts

Retaining your members and keeping it fun to be a Lion

Following these sessions everyone will attend the sessions for All Lions:

All Lions (Panel of district Lions)

A series of short presentations on different types of fundraising projects that have been successful in our district

An open discussion about options for fundraising

Register for the School of Instruction using the form included with this newsletter. The form was also provided to each club attending the May Zone meetings. Join us on Sunday, May 4th at RCTC’s Heintz Center, 1926 Collegeview Drive SE, Rochester.

Lewiston Lions By 2nd VDGE Bruce Montplaisir

The Lewiston Lions held their annual gun and cash raffle during the pancake and French toast breakfast on Sunday, March 16, 2014.

Winners were: 1st Browning A-Bolt 30-06 - Barb Marchwick 2nd $500 cash - Jack and Sandy Neuman 3rd Winchester SXP 12 ga. - Richard Frank 4th $400 cash - Patty Sannes 5th Henry GB 22 LR - Keith Persons 6th T/C 50 Cal. Camo Impact - Dale Prigge 7th $300 Cash - Bob Baer 8th $200 Cash - John Augustine The raffle supports Camp Winnebago and other projects. Pictured below is Lewiston Lion President Bruce Klein presenting a check for $2,000 to Camp Winnebago Board of Directors President Terry Chiglo and Treasurer Craig Schroeder for use in the camp’s activities.

Is there someone in your community who would benefit from a camping adventure at Camp Winnebago? If so, have your club sponsor them.

Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < www.lions5m1.org > -- Page 6



MN Lions Diabetes Foundation, Inc. Funding for Diabetes Research

….The Saga of the Silent Killer….

There’s a silent DEADLY Killer that’s still out in our communities and we need YOUR HELP to hunt it down!! Saddle Up Lions – “We’re going after Diabetes”…we need you to join our MN Lions Diabetes Foundation Posses. Join a posse to find a CURE to fight this deadly disease!

District Posses are starting to be seen all across the State of Minnesota!! Posse Posters are hanging on every lamp post in communities who have taken up the hunt. Lions are feeling the hurt of people with diabetes! Bigger posses are closing in on the killer…

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!! Diabetes has been captured in District 5M5 and District 5M3…and the JUDGE has called court into session! The Silent Deadly Killer “Diabetes” is on TRIAL and now we need to bring in the EVIDENCE (abnormal blood glucose results, loss of vision, kidney problems, amputations, and all those terrible consequences of diabetes!! We need EVIDENCE so everyone knows the hurt this disease causes!

District 5M8 has rounded up a large posse headed by the Marshal (500 tickets sold) and they are coordinating with the Sheriff’s posse (200 tickets sold) in District 5M11 to keep after Diabetes, who is hiding out in the frozen North Country!

Deputy Posses (100 tickets sold) have been organized in Districts 5M1, 5M2, 5M9, and 5M10, but they can only cover so much territory. Diabetes has too many places to hide yet in these areas! The posse members are cold and need more help!! Their liniment supply is scarce and their bandanas are freezing to their cheeks….not enough hot air!!

The Mississippi River runs cold in District 5M6 and 5M7 and word has it their Ranch Hand Posses (25 tickets sold) need recruits! Diabetes could hold up in some Irish Pub (if any have been built at the time this Saga was written) and without more posse members that Deadly Silent Killer could strike several times before it’s caught! We NEED YOU!!

Saddle UP Lions! ~ Cross those county lines and JOIN OUR POSSE before April 26th!!


“Cure For Diabetes”

Visit us @ www.mnlionsdiabetes.org As you may have heard, the MN Lions Diabetes Foundation, Inc. is selling raffle tickets to be raffled off on April 26th at the Multiple Convention. Below is a list of clubs that have sold tickets so far. There is still time to get your tickets and sell them. Contact PDG Vern Dockter.

5M1 Posse Update Ranch Hand (25 tickets sold) January Rochester ’76 Lions Club Zone 3 District 5M1 Houston Lions Club Zone 2 Plainview Lions Club Zone 1 Pine Island Lions Club Zone 5 Lake City Lions Club Zone 6 February Mazeppa Lions Club

Cowboys (50 tickets sold) February Zone 6 January District 5M1

Deputy (100 tickets sold) January District 5M1

Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < www.lions5m1.org > -- Page 7

Global Membership Team By PDG Roy Larson, GMT Coordinator

Each year our Lions Clubs work hard to Recruit new members, and this is vitally important. Equally important is Retention, it is so important to keep the members we do have. We need to be attentive to members that have not been attending, if they are not actively on a committee, if they may be shy and not feeling included, just some signs to be watchful of. If a work opportunity relocates them, or if one passes away, these are unfortunate for any club. Usually the secretary takes attendance, the membership chair and the sponsoring Lions can be watchful of those not attending. We want to catch this before one may choose to resign, then it is too late. If someone falls into these categories, make a phone call to show concern, ask if there is a preferred committee they would like to be on, or if they need a ride, any contact with them will show concern.

In February the GMT team invited some additional Lions to this meeting for the purpose of approaching some people in towns where there are no Lions Clubs. This past Friday some of this group went to Eyota to present to them what a Lions Club can do for their community - interest was shown, and we will follow up with them in April.

Remember the phrase we have passed along, “Just Ask” - it works.

Zone 5 Report By Lion Madonna Norton, Zone 5 Chair

What a great night we had in Dodge Center on Thursday, March 20. The Dodge Center Lions did a great job hosting our Zone 5 clubs. The food was wonderful…..Thank you Dodge Center Lions Club.

Our theme was “Any Dream Will Do – Literacy” and our guest speaker was Lion Mark Matuska from the Kasson-Mantorville Lions Club. Lion Mark is the superintendent of the Kasson-Mantorville schools. Some of the highlights he spoke on were:

2/3 of the students who cannot read proficiently by the end of 4th grade will end up in jail or on welfare. Literacy rates of the USA compared to the world - USA only ranks #4, with only 43%. Canada ranks #1 (51%),

Israel #2 (46%), and Japan #3 (46%). How does the success rate of Minnesota compare to the USA? We are #1 with a group of states that also share that spot (Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and Massachusetts). Literacy is the cornerstone of freedom.

Is there something you can do in your club? How can you promote literacy? Well, Lions International has taken on a program. Please visit the Lions International website (Reading Action Program) for more information. Work with your community, outside of your community, or wherever it takes you, this is an important program not to miss. The clubs had a small group discussion on what to bring back to the Zone 5 clubs, and how they can incorporate this program into a service project.

Our DG (also Council Chair Elect) Lion Earl gave out special awards: Kurt Erickson (Hayfield Lions) – Everyday Hero, PDG Julie Carlblom (Bryon Lions) – Can Do Canines, PDG Clair Mrotek (Stewartville Morning) – Can Do Canines, and Ron Norton (Kasson-Mantorville Lions) – Melvin Jones award.

Reminder: School of Instruction on May 4th, held in Rochester. Please be sure to come.

Thanks to everyone that came and participated.

Above Left: DG Earl presents a Melvin Jones Award to PDG Ron Norton.

Above Right: DG Earl presents a Can DO Canines Top Dog Award to PDG Clair Mrotek.

Pine Island Lions Club Lasagna Dinner Sunday, April 13, 2014 Pine Island School Cafeteria 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Adults – $9.00 Children (5-10) – $5.00 Take Outs Available

Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < www.lions5m1.org > -- Page 8

District Governors Travels March 31 Red Wing Club visit April 1 GMT Meeting April 3 Kellogg April 4 World Lunch Relay Day April 7 Adams Pizza Ranch tip night fundraiser April 10 Winona Sunset Club visit April 12 Le Roy Membership Coffee April 12 Puttin on the Ritz (Winona) April 13 Dodge Center Lions Pancake Breakfast April 17 Austin Evening Club visit April 17 Adams Club Meeting April 25 Council of Governors Meeting April 25-27 MD5M Multiple Convention April 27 PDG Association Meeting April 27 PCC/CCE Meeting May 1-2 Quest Training May 3 Camp Winnebago Clean Up Day May 4 Spring School of Instruction May 10 Goodhue 50th Anniversary May 17 Syttende Mai Waffle Breakfast Spring Grove May 19 Winona Rivertown Club visit June 8 Cabinet Meeting @ Honkers Baseball Game

Zone 4 Report By Lion Bonnie Heidtke, Zone 4 Chair

Zone 4 had a great turn out. Hosted by the Adams Lions Club, the event was held at the Pit Stop Restaurant in Dexter. Fifty-three people enjoyed a great meal served by the restaurant, socialized with many Lions, and heard more on Quest, Diabetes, MN Vision Foundation, Project New Hope, and, cheerfully added, Leader Dog and the District Administrator. Thank you to PDG Lion Dick Whitaker, PDG Lion Vern Dockter, PDG Clair Mrotek, Lion Joanne Lipke, Lion Bill Kase and PDG Randi Fravert.

Zone Chair only demoted District Governor Elect Lion Jim Dunlop once, and had the privilege of announcing a promotion connected to a wearer of one of those jackets of blue. District Governor Lion Earl Orvik is now Council Chair Elect. I remember saying “wow,” which was very professionally stated. We were also honored with lst VDG Elect Lion Stan Nerhaugen and 2nd VDG Elect Lion Dr. Bruce Montplaisir.

We heard clubs in this zone are doing their part in promoting reading action. Adams has received their shipment of Students Dictionary and will be distributing

them; Harmony and Preston Lions joined together to donate 96 dictionaries to the 3rd grade students of Fillmore Central, and will do so again next year. Ostrander is unique due to the lending library which is part of the newly opened Deli in the City, and Wykoff Lions donated 41 dictionaries to the students of St. John’s Parochial School in Wykoff. Two dictionaries were donated to Ostrander Lions Tuesday night from the Wykoff Lions.

PDG Lion Randi drew Austin Morning Lions name from the many colored eggs present. Zone chair donated a gold sweatshirt inscribed with "Don’t Forget." I don’t want any club to forget why they became a lion and never forget all the dreams and accomplishments that make Zone 4 a force to be reckoned with. The club can use the sweatshirt at their discretion.

A note to Zone 3 Chair Dave Hoot - It became necessary to organize a 3-person swat team in order to retrieve our well-earned lion from your bookshelf.

As we continue to work together, thank you to all who made it a fun evening.

Pine Island Lions By Lion Nadeen Lunde

PDG Clair Mrotek presented the Vision Foundation story at our regular meeting on March 17, 2014. He reported Pine Island had donated $697 to the Vision Foundation. At the end of the meeting, Lion Weis, who has been in the club just under 1 year, donated $303 to complete Pine Island’s donation to be able to present a Helen Keller Award. Thanks so much, Dean!!

Below: Pine Island President Woody Woodward, Lion Dean Weis, Clair Mrotek

See the May newsletter for information on the Wagon Train to support Camp Winnebago!

June 23 - July 1, 2014

Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation

Every week, about 4 children in Minnesota are born with a hearing loss. The causes of newborn hearing loss include: a genetic origin (50%), cytomegalovirus (CMV) (25%), and unknown causes (25%). Many of these children may be helped by early diagnosis and treatment. But there is still much to learn.

The Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation contributes funds for hearing research and education. Otolaryngologists and world leaders in hearing problems are trained and collaborate at the University of Minnesota.

How can you be part of this exciting process? On June 7, 2014, the Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation is putting on the Third Annual D-Feet Hearing Loss at the University Of Minnesota Arboretum in Chanhassen, Minnesota. We are asking Lions and non-Lions to participate by walking and raising money for Hearing Loss. If you cannot walk, support our walkers with your pledges. Maybe your whole Lions Club can make this a project.

Everyone is welcome! The Arboretum is a beautiful place to welcome in spring and to support those who can’t hear. For more information and registration see the Minnesota Lions Hearing

Foundation web site:

Lions District 5M1 Newsletter < www.lions5m1.org > -- Page 10

Hokah Lions Club in the Spotlight By Lion Gene Lundak – Zone 2 Chairperson

The Hokah Lions Club was chartered on May 8th, 1978, and has 29 members at the present time. Their President is Lion Jeffery Langen, who is also a drummer in several bands. For fundraisers they park cars at the Houston County Fair, hold a very successful gun raffle, host a softball tournament and a chicken-n-Que. The money raised has helped the community with the swimming pool and the libraries. They take part in the school’s library to purchase reading material for the students thus do promote the Lions reading support program. They have provided help in cooking chicken for the Eitzen Lions Club and help with Camp Winnebago cleanup days. They meet the first Monday of each month in the Hokah fire station building. Please feel welcome to join them at one of their meetings and be sure to purchase a gun raffle ticket. The Hokah Lions Club does a lot for the small community of Hokah. They live up to the Lions motto “We Serve.”

Hayfield Lions Club in the Spotlight By Lion Madonna Norton, Zone 5 Chair

The Hayfield Lions club was officially chartered in 1966. Our club currently has 45 active members, 7 of whom are women, and there’s a continuing growth of members under the age of 40. We meet the third Wednesday of every month at the American Legion in downtown Hayfield.

The Hayfield Lions are extremely active in donating their time and talents to Hayfield and in our school district. Highlights of our community service involve hosting a pancake breakfast every year with blood pressure and blood sugar checks. We have been a proud sponsor of the Boy Scouts since 1976. Some of the other projects that the Hayfield Lions sponsor are: Easter egg hunt in the park, sandbox fill, city-wide clean-up (held every other year), adopt a highway, the punt, pass and kick competition, donating and delivering gifts for our local Share Christmas, and assisting with blood drives in town. We also were responsible for building two huge shelters at the city park.

The Lions also have a great presence in Hayfield Community schools. We sponsor annual tournaments for both our volleyball, and track and field teams. Additionally, we sponsor 3 scholarships every year for

graduating seniors who have demonstrated the importance of community service.

We are also very proud to continue to donate to Severson’s Christmas Light show, which is an annual draw to Hayfield each December. The proceeds from this event go to the Hayfield Ambulance, which is another way we stay actively involved in Hayfield and our surrounding areas. Future projects the club is currently considering include: finding a replacement to some Hey Days activities, planting more trees in towns, and possibly doing a soles4souls drive.

Lastly, we couldn’t mention the Hayfield Lions without bringing up our biggest annual fundraiser. The Hayfield Lions have been serving brats at the Dodge County fair since the mid 1970’s. The secret recipe for the perfect brat (on rye with kraut!) has been passed down for years and our entire club thoroughly enjoys meeting all Lions who stop by our stand during those 5 days in July. Please stop by any of our events, or the Dodge County fair for a brat, and we will be glad to share more of the rich history of the Hayfield Lions.

Byron Lions Club in the Spotlight

By Lion Dale Lipke

The Byron Lions have been slowly changing up on our service projects to be more compatible with the needs of our community. For example, over the last two years we have partnered with the Byron Parks and Recreation Committee to assist with park and trail upgrades that fall outside of the city budget. We purchased and planted trees. Our club provided and installed Dog Waste stations along the city bike trails. The city ice rink stays open due to our financial support, another project cut out of the city budget a few years ago. We have assisted with upgrades and maintenance of the city’s baseball parks used by the youth of our community. For this commitment to the city, its parks, and the community of Byron, our club is the only organization in Byron to have been awarded the Key to the City.

Lions District 5M1

April 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 Lions World Lunch Relay Day


6 7 Adams Pizza Ranch Tip Night Stewartville Meal with a Peel

8 9 10 11 12 Puttin on Ritz Winona

13 Dodge Center Pancake Breakfast Pine Island Lions Club Lasagna Dinner

14 15 Only 1 Month until PU-101s are due. Do you have your officers for 2014-15

16 17 18 19 Hayfield Lions Easter Egg Hunt

20 21 22 23 24 25 Multiple Convention

26 Multiple Convention

27 Multiple Convention Pine Island Lions Club RUN for VISION

28 29 30

May 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1

Quest Workshop 2 Quest Workshop

3 Camp Winnebago Clean Up Day

4 5M1 Officer Instruction-Member Informational Day

5 6 7 8 Only 1 week until PU-101s are Due

9 10Goodhue Lions 50th Anniversary Byron Lions

Metal Recycling 11 12 13 14 15

PU-101 DUE!! 16 17

Spring Grove Syttende Mai Waffle

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 Memorial Day

27 28 29 30 31

To submit an activity or event email it to [email protected]

Address Service Requested

Lion Earl Orvik District Governor 5M1 108 Lewison Street Adams, MN 55909

Live The Dream Feel free to copy any portion of this newsletter.

Above: Lion Nadeen Lunde from Pine Island presented at the Council of Governors on March 15, 2014. She represented Pine Island and Oronoco to submit a bid to host the 2016 MD5M Convention in Rochester, MN. Two bids were presented and forwarded to the convention committee. Their decision will be revealed at the 2014 MD5M convention in Morton, MN.

Above: DG Earl and DGE Jim holding the cup for 1st place in net growth in membership in MD5M. DG Earl has a net growth of 48, as revealed at the Council of Governors meeting on March 15, 2014.

Congratulations to DG Earl for being elected to the Council Chair position for 2014-15. This is a great honor and it is voted on by the 1st Vice-District Governors.