WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand:...

WHAT’S ON October – December 2016 at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum 1

Transcript of WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand:...

Page 1: WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand: Ancient maritime and overland trade “The world in a grain of sand” is an exhibition

WHAT’S ONOctober – December 2016

at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum


Page 2: WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand: Ancient maritime and overland trade “The world in a grain of sand” is an exhibition


The Hong Kong maritime museum (HKmm) is a vibrant, cultural institution dedicated to preserving, collecting and displaying objects that tell the story of trade and maritime in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. A nonprofit registered charity, the Museum was founded in 2003, opened in Murray House in Stanley in 2005 and relocated in 2013 to Pier 8, in the heart of the Central Harbour Waterfront.Today the Museum displays nearly 1,200 objects in 15 galleries on three levels and attracts more than 100,000 visitors annually.

A special exhibition and events space, resource centre, roof-top café and gift shop contribute to visitors’ experience. The community of Hong Kong actively engage in education and public programming offered for schools, adults, community groups and families.

General Information

Hong Kong Maritime Museum Central Pier No. 8 Hong Kong Tel: +852 3713 2500 Fax: +852 2813 8033 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hkmaritimemuseum.org

Front Cover:Passenger Gallery, B Deck featuring Science On a Sphere

opening Hours

09:30 - 17:30 (Monday to Friday)

10:00 - 19:00 (Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)


Adult $30

Senior (aged 60 and above), child (under 18), student (with valid full-time student card), visitors with disabilities (and one accompanying carer) $15

Group discounts and annual passes available

Join the Friends of HKmm for unlimited free entrance and many other benefits and discounts.

SpecIAl exHIbITIonS And dISplAyS

1–30 Oct 2016

one man’s legacy: lee Fook chee’s photographs, Hong Kong in the 1950s

Co-organized with The Photographic Heritage FoundationLong Gallery

This exhibition presents the photographs and life story of Lee Fook Chee. Born in Singapore, Lee became a seaman and came to Hong Kong in 1947. He became a photographer, and captured the images of Hong Kong during the 1950s, producing memorable images seen in the book Lee Fook Chee’s Hong Kong. Through the case study of Lee Fook Chee, showing his photography and documents, as well as the HKMM collection such as paintings from the contemporary artist Lui Shou Kwan, this exhibition will record the phenomenal changes and harbour development of Hong Kong between the 1950s and today. The exhibition will invite visitors to reflect on issues such as migration and settlement, the overseas Chinese diaspora and Hong Kong’s ‘can do’ spirit.

29 October, 2016–26 February, 2017

coastal Watch project – Turning the Tide Against marine litter

Marine litter is a persistent problem in Hong Kong, threatening not only our scenic coastlines but also our marine ecology and the marine food chain. An average of 15,000 tonnes of marine litter is collected by the Hong Kong government annually, while thousands of tonnes more lies uncollected on our beaches and shorelines. Marine litter commonly accumulates in and seriously affects these remote coastal areas and the underwater environment. In the hopes of bringing attention to – and solving – this worsening problem, in 2014 WWF-Hong Kong and several partners organizations launched a two-year conservation project called Coastal Watch. The project saw teams of volunteers conduct marine debris and ecological surveys and clean-up exercises at different coastal sites around Hong Kong. This display showcases the severity of the marine litter problem in Hong Kong and summarizes the survey results of this ground-breaking two-year project. We hope you find the display interesting and engaging, as only through the collaborative efforts of all of us will we restore Hong Kong waters to their former glory.

Photo Source: Lee Fook Chee’s Hong Kong, co-published by The Photographic Heritage Foundation and The Commercial Press Photo Copyright: The Estate of Lee Fook Chee

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Page 3: WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand: Ancient maritime and overland trade “The world in a grain of sand” is an exhibition


Alexander Hume Scroll painting

c. 1772, Gouache on silk, 91.5 x 275.5cm Permanent display, C-Deck. Acquisition funded by the KH Koo Charitable Foundation, The Tung Foundation and the Hong Kong Maritime Museum Endowment Trust. This large panoramic painting is one of the earliest depictions of foreign factories in Canton. Made specifically for the European market, this painting combines western naturalistic landscape with Chinese painting techniques and was mounted in the traditional Chinese hand-scroll format. The painting shows a lively scene of the business premises - hongs - rented to Western trading nations clustered along the northern bank of the Pearl River.

Saturdays and Sundays

General Guided Tours

An introduction to the Hong Kong Maritime Museum. Suitable for age 16+.

Every Saturdays and Sundays 14:00 (English), 16:00 (Cantonese)

Adult Treasure Hunt Trail booklet, children’s Trails and colouring Sheets

Available any time during Museum opening hours, ask at the Visitor Services Counter. See what our mascot Jake the Diver has chosen for you to look at.

AdvAnce booKInGSome events require advance booking to reserve a place, for others you can just come along and join on the day, all are FREE with a Museum admission ticket, unless indicated. Suitable for age 16+. Walks, workshops and symposium: go to www.hkmaritimemuseum.org > What’s On > Calendar of Events Schools and Community Groups: go to www.hkmaritimemuseum.org > learn > Book a Visit. Online and fax bookings are available for schools and community groups. Fax No.: 28138033

pAymenTSBy credit card/ PayPal via HKMM website Go to www.hkmaritimemuseum.org > visit > giftshop > online store

AlWAyS on

9 June–23 October, 2016

corals: our Underwater living Treasures

Co-produced by Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Conservation International and Hong Kong University Swire Institute of Marine Science. This exhibition explores the rich and diverse coral ecosystem of Hong Kong and the Coral Triangle. A series of workshops and public talks will accompany this exciting and interactive display.

17 May–31 December, 2016

The World in a Grain of Sand: Ancient maritime and overland trade

“The world in a grain of sand” is an exhibition that uses a small number of objects to communicate about the extensive maritime and overland trade routes of the past. Sand is an interesting metaphor for the land and sea trade which characterised the ancient Silk Road.

The objects chosen for this exhibition highlight key themes around the circulation of commodities, people and ideas across the Silk Road over time. The artefacts on display include export ceramics from China and Southeast Asia, gemstones from Southeast and Central Asia, Mongolia and the Mediterranean, Turkish textile patterns from saddles, and ancient Roman glassware used in China.

SpecIAl exHIbITIonS And dISplAyS

12–18 Nov, 2016

maritime Awareness Week 2016

Hong Kong Shipowners Association (HKSOA) and the Hong Kong Maritime Museum (HKMM) are jointly holding a youth oriented career development event entitled Maritime Awareness Week 2016 from 12th to 18th November 2016 in order to promote the vital and vibrant industry as a viable choice for a career pathway.

Please come along with your friends and family to find out more about Hong Kong’s vibrant shipping industry. Come and get a first hand feeling of the modern ships, speak to professionals about the exciting career opportunities in the maritime industries and find out how changes in modern shipping are affecting you!

Activities during Maritime Awareness Week 2016 will include tug boat visits, maritime information stands, shipbuilding development history and development exhibition, a modern ship demonstration stand, bridge simulator experience, presentations from industry professionals, careers advice and, of course, the chance to explore and experience the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

Do not miss out on these exciting programmes!

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Page 4: WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand: Ancient maritime and overland trade “The world in a grain of sand” is an exhibition


13–14 Oct, 2016

Green and Sustainable development in Shipping and engineering at Happy valley Racecourse

The Advanced Maritime Engineering Conference (AMEC) 2016 of Pan Asian Association of Maritime Engineering Societies (PAAMES) will be held on 13-14 October, 2016 at The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Happy Valley Racecourse. The theme is “Green and Sustainable Development in Shipping and Engineering”.

As one of the Supporting Organisations, HKMM is pleased to invite you to join the event. For details, please visit: http://amec2016.strikingly.com/

18–20 Nov, 2016

book Fair: china in print

China in Print is Asia’s leading international fair and exhibition for rare books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, and ephemera with a particular focus on Asian printed material. The world’s leading specialist dealers in the world, from Austria, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Hong Kong, and the USA will exhibit in this three-day fair from 18–20 November, 2016.

Saturdays and Sundays: Session at 14:00; 14:45; 15:30; 16:15 (collect a free ticket upon arrival)

Km Koo Ship bridge Simulator

What are the challenges of piloting and navigating modern, ocean-going vessels? Visit our exciting new simulator to find out how to steer a ship into the Port of Hong Kong and learn about the roles of different seafarers on board a ship. Weekdays: advance group bookings only (see page 4 for details)

Plan your next event in the KM Koo Ship Bridge Simulator!

Private group, corporate team-building and birthday party (children ages 7+) packages available. Email [email protected] for more information.

HonG KonG bIodIveRSITy FeSTIvAl 2016

Subvented by Agriculture, Fisheries and conservation department

Hong Kong biodiversity Festival 2016

To raise public awareness and interest in local biodiversity, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum will join the Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016 (HKBF 2016). Take part in boat tours, workshops, lectures, and more! Experience the Museum as never before!

24–30 Oct (Kornhill Plaza), 6–13 Nov (Amoy Plaza), 14–20 Nov (The Peak Galleria)

Roving exhibition: corals: our Underwater living Treasures

The roving exhibition will be set up in freely accessible public places where many people will encounter it and where its key messages about conservation and Hong Kong’s coral biodiversity can be promoted.

venue sponsor:

29 Oct, Saturday, 10:00–12:00, 14:00–16:00

eco-tour: discovering Hong Kong’s coral communities

Participants will go on an eco-boat tour of Hong Kong’s corals by visiting Heung Lo Kok, Mo Chau and Ngau Chau. An expert facilitator will provide commentary and a SWIMS representative will lead a workshop aboard to increase participants understanding of the environmental issues affecting HK’s coral biodiversity and its importance for reef fish and instruct participants on responsible ecotourism.

Participation by prior application only. Email [email protected] for information.

30 Oct (Kornhill Plaza), 13 Nov (Amoy Plaza), 20 Nov (The Peak Galleria)


Workshop: coral biodiversity Workshops

Public workshops and interactive demonstrations will be held at the sites of the roving exhibition venues to engage and educate public on coral biodiversity issues, increasing public awareness and appreciation for Hong Kong’s coral communities. The workshops will help deepen the learning from the roving exhibition and increase the effectiveness by offering more ways for the public to get involved and learn.

5 Nov, Saturday, 10:00–13:00, 14:00–17:00

eco-tour: visit to SWImS (Swire Institute of marine Science) faculty

Visitors will depart from HKMM in a tour bus and travel to SWIMS for a tour and demonstrations of current coral biodiversity research.

Participation by prior application only. Email [email protected] for information.

public lectures at HKmm

19 Nov, Saturday, 16:00–17:00Coral Biodiversity: Past, present and future

26 Nov, Saturday, 16:00–17:00Hard and Soft Coral varieties of Hong Kong

3 Dec, Saturday, 16:00–17:00Hong Kong and the Coral Triangle

Free admission if book in advance. Email [email protected] for information.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or HKMM.

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Page 5: WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand: Ancient maritime and overland trade “The world in a grain of sand” is an exhibition

8 Oct, Saturday, 16:00–17:00 (English)

one man’s legacy: lee Fook chee’s photographs, Hong Kong in the 1950s

Edward Stokes Founder and Publisher, the Photographic Heritage Foundation

Lee Fook Chee, a young seaman, arrived in Hong Kong in 1947. Having faced hard years growing up in Singapore, like many immigrants Lee possessed a gritty resolve. He epitomized Hong Kong’s ‘can do’ spirit of the times.

Lee’s 1950s photographs, unknown until recently, portray diverse aspects of Hong Kong and especially the life of Victoria Harbour. Edward Stokes, co-author, with Dr Patricia Chiu of the book lee Fook chee’s Hong Kong, will relate the project’s story: Stokes’ fortuitous meeting with Lee, leading to their collaboration to publish a book; Lee’s and Chiu’s oral history that underpins the book; the story of Lee’s life; and, especially, Stokes’ photo-led commentary on Lee’s superb images of 1950s Hong Kong.

TAlKS And SpecIAl exHIbITIon GUIded ToURSSuitable for age 16+. No booking required. Free with Museum admission ticket. Talks last for approx 60 minutes, including Q&A.

22 Oct, Saturday, 16:00–17:00 (Cantonese)

excavating Hong Kong’s sunken treasure

Rick ChanDiver and member, the Hong Kong Underwater Heritage Group

Ancient ship remnants were recovered in Hong Kong waters by a joint initiative or the Hong Kong Maritime Museum and the Hong Kong Underwater Heritage Group in July.

In this talk, Rick Chan, a member and diver of Hong Kong Underwater Heritage Group, who joined this operation will share the experience and story of this excavation.

22 Oct, Saturday and 30 Oct, Sunday 15:15–15:45 (Cantonese)

Guided tour: one man’s legacy: lee Fook chee’s photographs, Hong Kong in the 1950s

On this guided tour, visitors will develop their understanding of the story of Lee Fook Chee and the changes to Victoria Harbour and Hong Kong.

TAlKS And SpecIAl exHIbITIon GUIded ToURSSuitable for age 16+. No booking required. Free with Museum admission ticket. Talks last for approx 60 minutes, including Q&A.

29 Oct, Saturday, 16:00–17:00 (Cantonese)

one man’s legacy: lee Fook chee’s photographs, Hong Kong in the 1950s

curator’s Special Talk and Tour

Dr Libby Lai-Pik Chan Senior Curator of HKMM

In this event, the Co-curator will help the attendants enjoy exploring Lee Fook Chee’s photos, together with the exhibition’s themes of Hong Kong’s ‘can do’ spirit, migration, settlement and the overseas Chinese diaspora.

The first section will be a talk discussing Lee Fook Chee’s photos and the HKMM collection in the show, especially the paintings from the contemporary artist Lui Shou-kwan, the founder of the New Ink Movement. The second section will be a curator-guided tour specifically designed for the attendants.

12 Nov, Saturday, 16:00–17:00 (English)

cantonese shops in the 1820s - an illustrated shopping spree

Dr. Patrick Conner Director of the Martyn Gregory Gallery, London

Pastries, clocks, medicines, hats, paintings, and teas – not to mention porcelain, lacquerware, silks and tobacco - all could be found in two narrow streets in Canton’s international settlement; while a third, Hog Lane, specialised in cheap liquor and souvenirs for the visiting sailors. Their shops can now be explored and illustrated by vivid and highly-detailed Cantonese export paintings.

Photo Source: Lee Fook Chee’s Hong Kong, co-published by The Photographic Heritage Foundation and The Commercial Press Photo Copyright: The Estate of Lee Fook Chee

Photo Source: Lee Fook Chee’s Hong Kong, co-published by The Photographic Heritage Foundation and The Commercial Press Photo Copyright: The Estate of Lee Fook Chee

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Page 6: WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand: Ancient maritime and overland trade “The world in a grain of sand” is an exhibition

30 Nov, Wednesday, 14:30–16:00 (Cantonese)

The east Asian History of Science Foundation and education bureau Joint public lectures on History of Science in china

lecture 2: The Zitan Wood Rudderstock of 1412:

Seafaring, Shipbuilding and the east Asian maritime World

Prof. Fung Kam-Wing, Zhu Kezhen History of Science Professor, Chinese Academy of SciencesActing Director and Institute Fellow, Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong. Visiting Scholar of the Year (2016), Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

In April 1984, a ship component used in Ming governmental shipbuilding was unearthed during sediment removal at Penglai Water Fortress (referred to as the harbour of Dengzhou in the pre-modern age), Shandong. This relic of 8.2 m long was a zitan wood rudderstock with an inscription “Sixth Month of the Tenth Year of Yongle Reign of Ming” (1412). Starting from the rudderstock, the lecture delineates the history of Chinese seafaring, shipbuilding and the making of sea chart from Tang Dynasty to Zheng He’s voyages in the Ming. It reveals the influence of Chinese seafaring technology in countries across East Asia.

10 Dec, Saturday, 16:00–17:00 (Cantonese)

Where have our clean beaches gone?

Julia Leung Programme Manager of Education from Plastic Free Seas

When was the last time you went to the beach and saw absolutely no rubbish in sight? It is very sad that seeing dirty beaches has now become a norm and their impact is reaching even remote places such as the Arctic. The oceans are severely infested with trash made of plastics, which are designed to endure for many years. They are frequently mistaken for food by fish and birds, causing damage to life throughout the seas and contaminating our very own food chain. This is a global problem without border and the possibility to reverse it relies on everyone’s willingness to do something about it. As consumers, we can use this power collectively to make positive changes in our society.

TAlKS And SpecIAl exHIbITIon GUIded ToURSSuitable for age 16+. No booking required. Free with Museum admission ticket. Talks last for approx 60 minutes, including Q&A.

Music programmes are free and take place in Cafe 8 unless otherwise indicated.

Suitable for all ages.


7 October, Friday, 19:00–21:00croons & ShowtunesJazztriom with Larry

16 October, Sunday, 16:00–19:00All Time Favourites, bossa nova, & Iconic HK melodiesCool Cats n Docs

21 October, Friday, 19:00–21:00latin musicAlonso Gonzales

4 November, Friday, 19:00–21:00History of canto popVincie QUIZ

27 November & 18 December, Sunday, 16:00–19:00All Time Favourites, bossa nova, & Iconic HK melodiesCool Cats n Docs

4 Dec, Sunday, 14:00–17:00

Who is making plastic Soup?

Plastic Free Seas

It is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050 and it is undeniable that we have a plastic pollution crisis in the oceans. But what is this composed of? Where do they come from and where will they go? Do you know that we might be washing microbeads down the drain with the simple daily act of face-washing? What is the Pacific Garbage Patch and why are planktons drinking plastic soup? Come find out more about plastics and how this is affecting the environment and us. You might view and use plastics in a whole different way.


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Page 7: WHAT’S ON - Hong Kong Maritime Museum...17 May–31 December, 2016 The World in a Grain of Sand: Ancient maritime and overland trade “The world in a grain of sand” is an exhibition

STem Workshops (neW)

From September 2016, The Hong Kong Maritime Museum will provide curriculum-linked STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) workshops for both primary and secondary schools. These workshops will challenge and engage children through problem-solving activities, group work and interaction with Museum staff. A highlight of these workshops is the chance to use the Museum’s new KM Koo Ship Bridge Simulator, a virtual state-of-the-art training tool used by maritime training cadets studying to become seafarers.

Book your visit at www.hkmaritimemuseum.org



Visit the Hong Kong Maritime Museum to reminisce about Hong Kong’s maritime past. Reminiscence sessions for groups of up to 25 senior citizens can be organised, with objects to handle and discuss, led by our experienced staff and volunteers. Refreshments provided.

Handicraft Workshops

For groups with learning disabilities, participants visit the Museum and make their own souvenirs, led by our experienced staff and volunteers.

* Suitable for participants of different levels of ability. Contact Museum staff for more information.


2 Oct, 6 Nov, 4 Dec, Sunday, 14:30–17:30


Come make a badge with maritime elements and designs for your personal keepsake.

16 Oct, 27 Nov, 11 Dec, Sundays, Session 1: 15:00–15:30 Session 2: 16:00–16:30 (Cantonese and English)


Come and share the joy of a simple story well told. Skilled storytellers share with you stories about oceans and seafaring.

30 Oct, Sunday, Session 1: 14:30–15:30 Session 2: 15:30–16:30

Halloween Fun

Come celebrate this fun festival with us! Make a Jack-o-Lantern decoration for your home.

Selected Sundays, 14:30–17:30

Family craft corner

Arts and crafts is a fun and enjoyable way for families to spend quality time together expressing their creativity. Materials will be provided to make fun and unique Museum souvenirs to bring home!

Themes:23 Oct Whale Bookmark13 Nov Pirate Flags20 Nov Dish Fish18 Dec Eco Octopus

No booking required, first come first served. Free with Museum entrance ticket. Admission is free for primary and secondary schools but advance booking is required.

For registered charities. Free but advance booking required. See page 5 for details.

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2 Sun Family Activities badgemaking (page 12)

7 Fri Music croons & Showtunes Jazztriom with larry (page 11)

8 Sat Talk one man’s legacy: lee Fook chee’s photographs, Hong Kong in the 1950s (page 8)

16 Sun Family Activities Storytelling (page 12)

Music All Time Favourites, bossa nova and Iconic HK melodies cool cats n docs (page 11)

21 Fri Music latin music Alonso Gonzales (page 11)

22 Sat Talk excavating Hong Kong’s sunken treasure (page 8)

23 Sun Family Activities Family craft corner (page 12)

29 Sat Talk one man’s legacy: lee Fook chee’s photographs, Hong Kong in the 1950’s curator’s Special Talk and Tour (page 9)

Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016 eco-tour: discovering Hong Kong’s coral communities (page 7)

30 Sun Family Workshop Halloween Workshop (page 12)

Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016 Workshop: coral biodiversity Workshops (page 7)

WHAT’S on cAlendAR


4 Fri Music History of canto pop vince QUIZ (page 11)

5 Sat Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016 eco-tour: visit to SWImS (Swire Institute of marine Science) faculty (page 7)

6 Sun Family Activities badgemaking (page 12)

12 Sat Talk cantonese shops in the 1820s - an illustrated shopping spree (page 9)

maritime Awareness Week (page 5)

13 Sun Family Activities Family craft corner (page 12)

maritime Awareness Week (Page 5)

Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016 Workshop: coral biodiversity Workshops (page 7)

14 mon maritime Awareness Week (page 5)

15 Tue maritime Awareness Week (page 5)

16 Wed maritime Awareness Week (page 5)

17 Thu maritime Awareness Week (page 5)

18 Fri maritime Awareness Week (page 5)

book Fair: china in print (page 6)

19 Sat Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016 public lecture: coral biodiversity: past, present and future (page 7)

book Fair: china in print (page 6)

20 Sun Family Activities Family craft corner (page 12)

book Fair: china in print (page 6)

Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016 Workshop: coral biodiversity Workshops (page 7)

26 Sat Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2016 public lecture: Hard and Soft coral varieties of Hong Kong (page 7)

27 Sun Family Activities Storytelling (page 12)

Music All Time Favourites, bossa nova and Iconic HK melodies cool cats n docs (page 11)

30 Sat Talk The east Asian History of Science Foundation and education bureau Joint public lectures on History of Science in china

lecture 2: The Zitan Wood Rudderstock of 1412: Seafaring, Shipbuilding and the east Asian maritime World (page 10)


3 Sat Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival public lecture: Hong Kong and the coral Triangle (page 7)

4 Sun Family Activities badgemaking (page 12)

Workshop Who is making plastic Soup? (page 11)

10 Sat Talk Where have our clean beaches gone? (page 10)

11 Sun Family Activities Storytelling (page 12)

18 Sun Family Activities Family craft corner (page 12)

Music All Time Favourites, bossa nova and Iconic HK melodies (page 11)