What You Need To Do To Stop Hair Loss


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http://www.easyhairlosssolutions.com Hair loss can be a significant source of embarrassment for a wide range of people.

Transcript of What You Need To Do To Stop Hair Loss

Page 1: What You Need To Do To Stop Hair Loss

What You Need To Do

To Stop Hair Loss http://www.easyhairlosssolutions.com

Page 2: What You Need To Do To Stop Hair Loss


Hair loss can be a significant source of embarrassment for a wide range of

people. Indeed, balding and hair loss can cause people a great deal of stress.

However, it is easy to combat hair loss and balding if you have the right tips and

advice. This article contains suggestions to help you deal with hair loss.

Page 3: What You Need To Do To Stop Hair Loss


To keep from going bald, maintain a diet rich in nutrients. Vitamins like calcium, zinc, and B, all boost hair health, making your hair follicles strong enough to resist baldness. Because hair is protein based, you

should also consume plenty of proteins, and keep yourself hydrated by drinking 8 glasses of water a day.

Sometimes, hormones can play a major role in hair loss. This is especially true for women, who may experience changes in their hormones due to child birth. Having a well balanced diet and a normal hair care routine

can help combat these hormone changes that are caused by pregnancy.

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In order to keep from premature hair loss, avoid over-shampooing with chemically-based shampoos. Many of the less-expensive shampoos on the

market today are loaded with cheaper yet harsher ingredients. Use of these shampoos on a daily basis can virtually strip your hair of their

natural strengtheners and therefore hasten hair loss.

If you are currently experiencing hair loss one tip is to treat your scalp with 2-3 drops of an essential oil. This technique allows the oils to sink into the roots and treat the area causing the hair loss. Be sure to allow this to sink

in using a shower cap for 10 minutes and then a warm towel wrap for another 5 minutes.

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After shampooing your hair, rinse it with an apple cider vinegar and water mixture. This vinegar mixture will simultaneously remove any extra debris left behind by your shampoo and nourish your follicles.

Healthy follicles mean healthier hair, and your healthy follicles will have an easier time hanging onto your hair.

Avoid wearing your hair in styles like cornrows, braids or tight ponytails

and do not use extensions while experiencing hair loss. All of these styles pull your hair tight, causing tension that can eventually lead to

hairs breaking off or being pulled from the follicle, which is called traction alopecia.

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If you're a vegetarian or anemic, a lack of iron in your diet may be the cause of your hair loss. You should check with your doctor and have

your iron levels tested. If they're low, try consuming leafy vegetables, beans, or lean cuts of red meat to increase your iron level.

If you have an excess of vitamin A in your system it can lead to hair loss.

An excess would be around 100,000 IU or more daily for a very long period of time. Decreasing the excess amount of vitamin A can lead to

hair growing back as soon as this cause of hair loss is fixed.

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One important factor to consider in preventing hair loss is diet. A well balanced diet containing green vegetables, whole grains, protein foods and good fats is essential to healthy hair. Since your hair is made up of protein,

it is important to consume the recommended amount of protein to prevent hair loss. Other vitamins in vegetables and food also contribute to the

health of your hair.

As the beginning of this article has mentioned, hair loss is a big problem for millions of people and can be a source of embarrassment. However, if you have the best advice and information available, dealing with hair loss is not

so bad. Use this article's advice to to help you deal with your hair loss.