What we talk about when we talk about DevOps

WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT DEVOPS Ricard Clau - GeeksHubs @ Numa Barcelona

Transcript of What we talk about when we talk about DevOps

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Ricard Clau - GeeksHubs @ Numa Barcelona

Page 2: What we talk about when we talk about DevOps

WHO AM I?• Currently working as CTO at Holaluz

• Ex Wonga, Hailo, SocialPoint, Ulabox, Privalia…

• Developer for many years, been automating things for a while, DevOps before it was trendy!

• Open-source contributor & occasional speaker

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AGENDA• Problems most companies have

• What is DevOps about?

• Tactical patterns to tackle problems

• Introduction & examples: Packer, Ansible & Terraform

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THEORYWhat does DevOps try to help with?

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WHY THIS TALK?• Most companies misunderstand DevOps

• Most teams don´t know how to get started

• Not every project is green field

• Automation and DevOps quickly add value

• Tools work for Windows as well! No excuses!

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COMMON PROBLEMS• Hard to integrate new features

• Deployments are an event

• Environments are completely different

• Poor applications monitoring

• Weak DR and painful error recovery

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WRONG MINDSETS• Devs think their work ends when it works locally

• Ops don´t want to change things for stability

• C-levels often don´t get it, or see it as a project

• Bad dynamics reduce time to rethink processes

• Tools have a learning curve, need to invest

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USUAL FRUSTRATIONS• Devs don´t feel empowered

• Ops don´t trust Devs (generally speaking)

• C-levels, POs, don´t understand these deps

• Legacy architectures and code don´t help

• Small time to improve if prod constantly breaks

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TIME FOR A CHANGE!Stop the suffering!

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DEVOPS IS NOT...• A separate team or a job title

• Some tool / process you can buy

• A silver bullet to solve all your problems

• Devs with root access / Ops writing Ruby

• A threat to existing Ops

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DEVOPS IS…• Devs and Ops working together to deliver value

• Empower teams, reduce hard dependencies

• Communicaton, Integration, Collaboration

• Boosting productivity, make life easier!

• Automation, CI/CD, Infrastructure as code…

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ENABLE THE BUSINESS!That´s what they pay us for!

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TACTICAL PATTERNSGradual introduction, like in Holaluz

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CI / CD / DEPLOYMENTSIf anything, start with this!

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DEPLOYMENTS• 1 click deploy / rollback. No excuses

• Start with a tool like Capistrano / Ansistrano and a simple rsync / git strategy (Github dep)

• Generate artifacts in your CI/CD system

• Consider if this is enough or go extra mile with immutable infrastructure

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CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION• Git flow or trunk development?

• Having Jenkins in the stack is not CI

• Run tests automatically every time you push

• Keep the build quick, green and gradually increase test coverage

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CONTINUOUS DELIVERY• Logical evolution of CI, after the build stage our

code is prepared to go to Test / Prod

• Not the same as Continuous Deployment

• Small and faster releases, less risk, less bugs, boost productivity, sense of progress

• Definition of done: Deployed to Production

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CONFIG MANAGEMENTStop having snowflakes! Envs all the same!

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WHY THESE TOOLS?• We used to do shell commands to build servers

• Nobody remembers all that was executed!

• Your servers WILL fail. It is not an IF question, but a WHEN question. And you need to rebuild them

• Bonus: Local, Test and Prod are exactly the same

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PRODUCTION• “Production” is a config hashmap, with the

exact same components as test, just less power

• It often ends up being some mythological place nobody is able to constantly rebuild

• It is painful to apply to existing infra, but totally worth the investment

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Control Machine

Connects to N servers (SSH o WinRM) and

pushes changes


Servers have“agents” installed who pull updates from master

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PROS & CONS• Push model is easier to introduce gradually but it

can get tricky to keep track of what and when was executed

• Pull model requires maturity as you can cause massive disasters. It also presents some scale issues

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IMAGES CREATION• Many platforms allow the creation of “images”

• Or we can create Docker images as well

• Servers are built much quicker if we bake high!

• Packer can orchestrate all this and integrates with all config management tools

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LOGS, TIME SERIES, MONITORWhat is happening in my apps & infra?

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MEANINGFUL LOGS• Get to know the logging levels standards

• Send them to a common place where you can see real time and query (ELK, Splunk, …). No more grep / tail PLEASE!

• Add context and apply “grok” filters

• Bonus: Remember to enable logrotate!

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TIME-SERIES DATA• Evolution of metrics over time

• Both Infrastructure and Business metrics

• Grafana + InfluxDB / ElasticSearch / Cloudwatch…

• Crucial for Internet of Things monitoring

• Identify patterns, forecast, intervention analysis…

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MONITORING / ALERTING• It is all about setting thresholds and taking

actions if we go over / below them

• Cloudwatch + SNS, Zabbix, Pagerduty, Sensu…

• Take out alerts that get ignored: NOISE

• Better basic monitoring than nothing at all

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EXTRA THOUGHTS• Try to have the same setup in all envs

• There are too many tools, hard to standarise, and we all have our preferences!

• Many devs don´t see value in this… until they are on-call and cannot see what is going on!

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SOME TOOLS I USEPacker, Ansible & Terraform

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CONCEPTS• Builders: Platforms you build images in. It is all

about what you start from!

• Provisioners: Installs and configures

• Post-processors: Optional final steps

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DEMO TIME!• Virtualbox and AWS examples for Ubuntu 16 and

Windows Server 2012R2

• Check these packer scripts at https://github.com/ricardclau/geekshubsbcn/tree/master/packer

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AWS EBS BUILDER• Start from an existing AMI

• Packer creates a temporary key pair (in Windows it retrieves the admin password)

• Provision box

• Store instance as new AMI

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VIRTUALBOX / VMWARE• Start from an ISO or existing image

• Need to bypass GUI for SO installation using boot_command / Autounattend.xml

• Provision box

• Store as new image

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WHAT I LIKE• Builds for multiple platforms from a single

source configuration

• VERY Easy to understand

• Works (and can provision) in Win, Mac, Linux

• Easy to share provisioning scripts or use Puppet / Ansible recipes

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CAVEATS• Need to be very prescriptive or you end up

with multiple very similar templates

• A bit hard to go with a DRY approach

• Some things are hard to destroy / replace with new images

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ANSIBLEAutomation for everyone

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SHOW TIME!• Let´s explore some Holaluz playbooks!

• We combine Galaxy roles with our own stuff!

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BASIC CONCEPTS• Inventories -> Group of servers

• Tasks -> Actions to execute

• Roles -> Reusable sets of tasks

• Playbook -> Tasks + roles applied to a part of an inventory

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PLAYBOOKS• Group we target (from the inventory) -> hosts

• We connect with a remote_user

• And we can “become” another user

• For Windows we need to set communication mode to WinRM and port to 5985 or 5986

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ROLES• Reusable tasks changing variables

• Folders: defaults, tasks, handlers, templates…

• Many open-source roles in Ansible Galaxy

• Sometimes tricky to make your Ansible code reusable by other people

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INVENTORIES• We can create one “by hand” if small setup

• They can also be dynamic

• ec2.py -> creates groups by different AWS concepts (EC2 Name, tags, ASGs…) we can use in playbooks as targets

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WHAT I LIKE• Relatively low learning curve

• Easy to gradually introduce

• No need for agents, only need SSH / WinRM

• Plays nicely with Windows servers

• Decent community roles in Ansible Galaxy

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CAVEATS• Many bugs, BC breaks and questionable changes

• Tricky to know when we last ran some playbook in a big setup (Ansible Tower can help)

• Tricky to make it fully idempotent

• Windows support has room for improvement

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CONCEPTS• Provider: Platform we are automating

• Resources: Automatable things in the Provider

• Modules: Reusable set of resources

• State: Used to diff desired state to existing. Can be stored remotely and supports distributed locking

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DEMO TIME!• Let´s build a test and prod VPC with Apache

servers under ELB!

• Check these terraform code at https://github.com/ricardclau/geekshubsbcn/tree/master/terraform

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VPC ( eu-west-1

AZ: eu-west-1a AZ: eu-west-1b AZ: eu-west-1c

DMZ1 ( DMZ2 ( DMZ3 (

APP1 ( APP2 ( APP3 (














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WHAT I LIKE• Can integrate with anything that has an API

• Easy to extend, contribute and really quick to add new features. Excellent Github community

• Existing resources can be imported (PAIN)

• Have used it for 18 months, multiple providers, rarely hit a bug and was always quickly fixed

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CAVEATS• Once you go Terraform, STOP using Console

• Some providers don´t have nice update support

• Terraform modules feel a bit hacky

• Sometimes state needs manual edition (getting much better but beware new providers)

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THANKS TO…• Ex-colleagues Hailo & Wonga - Stephen Tan,

Nico Engelen, Chris Hoolihan, Álex Hernández

• Peter Mounce ex-Just Eat - Windows

• London DevOps meetup organisers

• All of you for coming!

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RECOMMENDED BOOKS• The Phoenix Project - Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford

• The DevOps Handbook - Gene Kim, Patrick Debois

• The Logstash Book - James Turnbull

• Ansible for Devops - Jeff Geerling

• Terraform: Up and Running - James Turnbull

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QUESTIONS? CONTACT?• Email: [email protected]

• Twitter : @ricardclau

• Github: https://github.com/ricardclau

• If you think these techniques help your company, let´s talk!