What We Learned About Customer Services

Image Source: Shutterstock.com

Transcript of What We Learned About Customer Services

Page 1: What We Learned About Customer Services

Image Source: Shutterstock.com

Page 2: What We Learned About Customer Services

Working with bespoke, customised products requires a lot of

customer contact.

In our line of work good customer service is crucial and it is

something we pride ourselves on.

Lancaster Printing’s director, Carrie Parkinson, spent the early part

of her career in the United States where nurturing good customer

relationships has become part of the culture. Working in this

environment provided some great insights which have been

absorbed into Lancaster Printing.

Over the years we have learned a lot and we try to apply the following

to our business every day.

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1. Make a Good First Impression

We all know that first impressions last. Make sure yours is a positive


Think carefully about all the touch points of your business. This

includes your website, social media channels, promotions, telephone

calls etc.

Ensure you have a clear message and that this is communicated


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2. Know Your Customers

Get to know your customers from the first contact. Keep clear, up-to-

date records so that you can tailor your services and content


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3. Communicate Clearly and Consistently

Ensure clear communication through all channels, written and

verbal. Make sure everyone is familiar with your business’ message

and communication style to ensure consistency.

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4. Deal with Complaints Swiftly

Deal with any complaints or negative feedback fairly and swiftly.

Acknowledge the problem and provide a solution. Everyone makes

mistakes from time to time. What matters is how you resolve them.

How you deal with a problem creates a lasting impression.

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5. Do What You Say You Will Do

If you make a promise, keep it. This includes everything from

providing the right product or service to the right specifications and

ensuring it is delivered on time. If you’re not sure you can meet a

deadline then don’t promise it in the first place.

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6. Exceed Expectations

We always strive to keep our promises and wherever possible we

exceed expectations. This might be providing a new product or

service or delivering a day earlier than promised.

If we can make life a little easier for our customers we do it.

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7. Say Thank You

Over the years we have built up a loyal customer base. These

customers return to us year after year with repeat orders and they

recommend our services. Why? Because we treat them fairly and

with respect and we provide an exceptional service.

We also remember to thank them. It’s such a simple thing but it

means a lot and it is something that is remembered.

We also advocate rewarding loyalty. Don’t save your special offers

and incentives for new customers. Make sure you reward your long

standing customers also.

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8. Follow Up

After the sale make sure you follow up. Customers will appreciate

you checking to see if everything went smoothly and if there is

anything else you can help with. Any issues can be ironed out

quickly and feedback will help you grow and improve your services.

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9. Keep in Touch

Don’t just sell your product or service and then disappear. Keep in

touch and nurture the relationship. Remind customers you’re there

with regular updates by e-newsletters and social media and follow up

with a telephone call every few months.

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10. Invest in Your Staff

Your customer service is only as good as the people delivering it.

Ensure your staff are well-trained and they have a thorough

understanding of your processes. Ensure that everyone is delivering

the same message in the same way.

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Always remember that good customer service leads to loyal

customers. Loyal customers lead to more business. It’s that simple.

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Lancaster Printing is a leading

supplier of promotional products

in the UK.

T: +44 (0)1524 230 300

E: [email protected]
