What Muhammad Ali taught us about Parkinson's Disease

What Muhammad Ali Taught Us About Parkinson’s Disease

Transcript of What Muhammad Ali taught us about Parkinson's Disease

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What Muhammad Ali Taught Us About Parkinson’s Disease

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Second only to Jesus, Muhammad Ali is the most written about figure in human history. He also holds another distinction as the world’s most famous face for Parkinson’s disease.

Throughout his life, Ali was known as a champion of the people and for the people. While he’ll always remain one of the greatest boxers to ever step in the ring, what he did outside of the ring was his most significant contribution to society.

Muhammad Al i used h is ce lebr i ty to br ing consciousness, humanity, and dignity to Parkinson’s disease. Ali was diagnosed with this progressive neurodegenerative disorder back in 1984, and for more than three decades fought in true champion style.

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While we all mourn the recent death of Muhammad Ali, who passed away on June 3rd, 2016, we should take comfort in this simple truth: Ali stood up to his toughest opponent and won by decision. Despite countless blows to his health and physical condition, Ali continued to be the people’s champion by never giving up and always spreading a message of hope. Ali never complained but used his diagnosis to raise awareness.

Through his efforts, Parkinson’s disease became a lot more real and human.

In honor of his memory, let’s take a look at the most important things Muhammad Ali taught us about Parkinson’s disease:

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Ali Introduced Many of Us to Parkinson’s Disease

Before Ali’s diagnosis in 1984, many people were unfamiliar with Parkinson’s disease. But his celebrity made many of us aware of what Parkinson’s disease is and how it can affect the human body.

While many celebrities may have chosen to quietly retire out of the public eye, Ali was just as outspoken as ever during the early stages of his disease.

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Ali was and is an Inspiration for Those Dealing with Parkinson’s Disease

Although Ali received an early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease at the age of 42, he didn’t allow it to derail his life. He went on to marry his fourth and final wife, Lonnie, in 1986. Lonnie was his most ardent fan and faithful caregiver. The couple also adopted a son.

Ali lived for almost half of his life with Parkinson’s disease. He showed the millions of people who have this disease worldwide that there is life after a Parkinson’s diagnosis. Not just life, but love.

Ali continued to travel the world, this time as an ambassador of hope and human optimism.

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Ali’s Diagnosis Helped Start an Important Dialogue

Studies show that blows to the head can trigger inflammation in the brain and release the proteins associated with Parkinson’s disease. Many believe that the sustained blows Ali took to his head during the course of his fights ultimately lead to the early onset of Parkinson’s disease. In fact, Ali estimates that he took approximately 29,000 direct hits to his head during his boxing career.

While no one knows for sure what may have caused Muhammad Ali to develop Parkinson’s disease, many point to boxing as a contributing factor.

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Ali’s Diagnosis Helped Start an Important Dialogue

However, genetics cannot be ruled out entirely.

What’s clear is that more research is needed to understand the causes of Parkinson’s disease. In tracing the causes, there’s hope that scientists will find a cure.

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Ali Raised Money for Research

Ali also helped establish the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona to care for those living with Parkinson’s disease.

Ali didn’t just bring his name to the ring, he also helped to raise money towards a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Along with his wife, Ali appeared before Congress in an effort to bring attention to the disease and ask Congress for much-needed funding to aid research.

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Final ThoughtsMuhammad Ali changed the face of Parkinson’s disease. He showed those suffering with this disease, including himself, that it is not a death sentence. In fact, a Parkinson’s diagnosis implores you to live life more fully and intentionally, and Ali did just that. He left this life with dignity, having fought his most vicious adversary with unyielding courage. You can’t be more of a champion than that.

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