WHAT MAKES A MAN IRRESISTIBLE TO A WOMAN? · 2018. 4. 3. · irresistible. This sexual energy...

1 © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved. WHAT MAKES A MAN IRRESISTIBLE TO A WOMAN? BY MARILYN WELCH Owner of Perfect Strangers

Transcript of WHAT MAKES A MAN IRRESISTIBLE TO A WOMAN? · 2018. 4. 3. · irresistible. This sexual energy...

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.



    Owner of Perfect Strangers

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    No part of this guide or any of the articles at www.perfectstrangers.co.za may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from Marilyn Welch and/or Perfect Strangers Dating Services cc. The information contained in this guide and supplied at www.perfectstrangers.co.za is provided ‘as is’ without a warranty of any kind. The user accepts that the result(s) of applying this information is entirely at the risk of the user, and in no event shall Marilyn Welch or Perfect Strangers Dating Services cc be liable for any consequential, incidental or direct damages suffered in the course of using the information in this guide.


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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.


    INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 4

    SEX BEGINS IN THE BRAIN ................................................................. 6

    IS THE “BAD BOY” TYPE A BIG DRAWCARD? .................................. 7

    DO SOME WOMEN PREFER THE HOMELY, NURTURER TYPE OF MAN? ................................................................ 8

    THE ROLE OF GOOD MANNERS, KINDNESS AND CONSIDERATION ......................................................................... 8

    WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU? ......................................................... 9

    MY GIFT TO YOU ................................................................................ 11

    THE NEXT STEP .................................................................................. 12

    GUARANTEE ....................................................................................... 12

    TESTIMONIALS ................................................................................... 13

    FINALE ................................................................................................. 17

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    INTRODUCTION Something all men desire is to be attractive to the opposite sex. They want women to find them sexy and great to be around. They want to feel as though they are at their best when a woman is with them. In addition, if a woman assists a man to reach his full potential when he is with her, he will be over the moon. It is certainly true to say that behind every successful man is a good woman! If there is positive synergy when a guy is with a girl, it makes spending time together as sweet as honey! So, what makes a man irresistible to women? Is it his physical appearance or something in his psyche that draws women to him like magnets? There is an unmistakeable, unseen sexual energy that flows through women when they look at a confident man who is well groomed, well mannered and poised in his stance. The way he talks, the sound of his voice and his clean-cut appearance will complete the picture. Ladies just can’t help themselves when they come across a man like this. Whether or not this man is good-looking has very little to do with this unseen flow of energy. However, the strength of this energy will vary slightly depending on the man’s demeanour and looks. In a nutshell, this is what attracts a woman to a man and makes him irresistible. This sexual energy starts to flow when the woman gets the idea that the man has self-confidence. Confidence is developed in both men and women from an early age and will depend on their family upbringing and childhood background. In later life, a man’s attitude and approach to life will determine whether or not he will manage to preserve his confidence. However, confidence is the first factor a woman is drawn to when she initially meets a man or spots him across the room interacting with someone else.

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    Grooming is another obvious aspect, which women notice at first glance. Her immediate attention will be focused on whether the man is well-dressed for an occasion, which will affect his rating in her eyes, along with his confidence. She will very easily analyse his grooming. She will also quickly notice how good he smells as well as his short, cut, clean nails and clean hands. His nicely ironed shirt, clean collar and cuffs, well-kept hair, trim moustache and close-cut nose and ear hair won’t escape her attention either. Yes, that’s right, guys! Even a clean, shiny pair of shoes will catch her eye. She is looking to see if you have style and if you are wearing colours that match with every outfit for each occasion. Being a man means you have to walk tall in every sense of the word – and this does not just mean standing up and facing life’s challenges. It also includes your poise, the way you stand up straight, sit down and greet your lady and other friends. In other words, with your everyday posture, you should stand up straight, chest out, chin in and look her in the eye and give her all your attention. When a man sits down, he should never slouch. Sit up straight and keep your feet and legs only slightly apart. The way you talk, the language you use and your good manners are as important to your personal make-up as any of the other aspects, which were mentioned here. Keep your voice even and calm, as your voice should match the rest of the image you have created. Men and women often say that sex begins in the brain. Some women say that the “bad boy” type of guy is a big drawcard. Yet, other women prefer the homely, nurturer type who will wait on them hand and foot. It goes without saying that a man with good manners, kindness and consideration towards women certainly has a head start on a man who does not practise these skills. So, let us investigate these theories.

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    SEX BEGINS IN THE BRAIN When I meet my clients for the very first time, they usually come to me with long wish lists of the type of partner they would like to meet. Obviously, I do my very best to fulfil their desires. Yet, they often meet someone who has very few of the characteristics they originally asked for, but, because there’s an unexpected spark between them which is so overwhelming, they literally throw their “list” out of the window! Why does this happen? When positive “chemistry” happens between a man and a woman, it usually has virtually nothing to do with the physical appearance or personality of the individual – and everything to do with what is going on in the subconscious of each person. It is almost as if there is a direct link between their brains and only they know what is going on between them. No one else understands why they find each other alluring, but the two individuals know about it in a big way. For a period of up to a year or two, they will see each other through rose-tinted spectacles and will fail to see anything wrong with each other. This phenomenon has been named “limerance” and much research has been done on it. Harville Hendrix, the founder of Imago Therapy and author of “Keeping the Love You Find”, expounds on the fact that two individuals often have things to work out with each other. The chemistry between them is like a kind of glue, which will keep them together while they are working out these issues. This is a natural phenomenon and, true to nature which allows things to grow, these people are given an opportunity to grow beyond their issues by working them out with each other. Hopefully, they become better and more mature people in the process. Limerance is the powerful pull between two people and the saying “sex begins in the brain” originates from this.

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    Sometimes totally “unsuited” people find that there is a giant spark between them, but eventually their previously promising relationship deteriorates into one where they are very angry with each other. Other times people are lucky and their relationship deepens into a lasting and genuine love. Luckily chemistry is just one component of a relationship. There are lots of other factors, which can augur well for a romantic relationship.

    IS THE “BAD BOY” TYPE A BIG DRAWCARD? Women are often drawn towards men, because they are “macho” and they do not let women dictate to them in any way. Naturally, women prefer men who are not “wimps” and who even have an element of danger to them. It is this unknown, risky factor that makes some women putty in the hands of (sometimes) unscrupulous men who frequently abuse these women. It is almost as if these women become “addicted” to these men, even though this is usually to their own detriment. An attractive man, who is also charming and suave, can often sweep a woman off her feet. This kind of relationship generally results in the woman being unhappy over the long term, because the man calls all the shots and she usually comes off second best. A man who knows he is the “bad boy” type can do a lot to make his woman happy by practising kindness and consideration. If he can manage to be monogamous during his relationship, it will be especially rewarding for his partner. These are skills that the “bad boy” can learn in order to make his relationship successful. However, a happy relationship is seldom at the top of the bad boy’s list of importance! NB: Not all women are attracted to “bad boys”.

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.


    Some women prefer to play it safe and are attracted to a man who cooperates with them and who spoils them. They enjoy the peace and harmony of a stable, loving relationship where there is more certainty for them. They do not like to be kept guessing as to where they stand in a relationship. They like to know that they come first in their man’s life. A woman will often adore a man who treats her in this way and she will give him as much as she receives. However, another woman may abuse a man who treats her well and may not appreciate what she has in the relationship. Therefore, it would be wise for a man to make a stand for himself somewhere along the line; otherwise this kind of relationship is also likely to deteriorate. If one person is doing all the giving in a relationship, it will not succeed over the long term. A relationship is a two-way street where both parties need to do some giving. It is possible for a man to be a nurturer, but still stand up for himself and take the lead in a relationship. This combination can be an especially powerful drawcard for the right kind of woman. THE ROLE OF GOOD MANNERS, KINDNESS AND CONSIDERATION A woman will notice whether her partner has good manners and is kind and considerate early on in the dating process. For most women, these are early signs, which will determine whether or not they will pursue a relationship with a man. Therefore, for most men, good manners and consideration are a “foot in the door”, so to speak. If a man persists with his good manners, kindness and consideration, and it is not just “window dressing” to lure the woman, he will have gone

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    a long way to winning his lady’s heart. These are skills, which can easily be learned and that should have a lifelong application, as this may be the first and easiest way to win a woman’s heart and keep her happy.

    WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU? Here comes the good news: You do not have to be a particular type of man to attract a good woman. There is a woman to suit every different kind of man! There are skills, which men can learn to make them even more alluring, but all men are actually wonderful in their own right. They just have to find the kind of woman who will find them attractive. Luckily, as Forrest Gump said, “life is like a box of chocolates”. There is enough variety in this world to make everyone (and every woman) happy. You do not have to be a specific “type” of man to attract a quality woman. Attraction to the opposite sex is a very individual thing. The trick is to be aware of what kind of man you are and then to find out what type of woman you are attracted to. Hopefully, this woman will also find YOU irresistible. You will need to find out what appeals to her in order to know whether or not she will be attracted to you. In the beginning, trying to find the kind of woman who suits you best can be quite a hit-and-miss affair. However, with time and practice, things generally sort themselves out. Remember that at least half of the world’s adult population consists of married couples, so attraction happens every day with a large degree of success. This success can definitely come your way if you are aware of all these facts and work with them. It would be beneficial for a man to know whether he is the “bad boy” type or the nurturer. Then he can make the most of who he is and what he has by following the guidelines in this guide.

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    If, in addition to this, he demonstrates good manners, kindness and consideration, he will have a winning combination, which he can definitely use to his advantage. Then he must assess his partner and find out what type of man SHE finds appealing. I wish you the best of luck in being irresistible to the woman of your dreams! Marilyn Welch

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    MY GIFT TO YOU Want to give yourself the gift of attracting the partner of your dreams? If so, you can sign up for a FREE, 90-minute “Attract Your Soulmate” Session with Marilyn. During this session, we will talk about your needs, explore how I can help you and I will answer any questions you may have. It is also a great way for you to get to know me. If you like what I have to offer you, we can start the ball rolling. Please be warned, though, my diary is filling up very quickly and one-on-one time with me is in high demand. I, therefore, recommend that you reserve your spot TODAY to avoid a substantial waiting period.

    Yes, Marilyn, I want to gift myself with a FREE, 90-minute “Attract Your Soulmate” session with you.


    (Follow this link to reserve your booking with Marilyn.)

    I’m looking forward to meeting you soon! Marilyn Welch Relationship Mentor and Owner of Perfect Strangers Dating Service for Professionals


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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    THE NEXT STEP Once we have completed your free, 90-minute “Attract Your Soulmate” session, and you feel it’s the right thing to work with me to find your dream partner, you will be welcome to join Perfect Strangers. Then we can immediately start the ball rolling for you to meet some of my quality members.

    GUARANTEE I am confident that you will be happy with my service and guarantee that I will take reasonable steps to ensure that you attain significant value from joining Perfect Strangers.

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    TESTIMONIALS These couples all met their soulmates through Perfect Strangers and have the following to say:

    Rene du Toit and Hennie Botha Music Teacher and Corporate Quality Manager, Pretoria

    We both experienced many benefits and results from joining Perfect Strangers and working with Marilyn. Firstly, we saved a lot of time and money as Marilyn does all the screening and her matching is spot on. We also learned a lot about ourselves through meeting the variety of people who Marilyn introduced us to. Meeting and interacting with these people taught us to communicate with others a lot better. We will definitely use our new communication skills in our marriage and do things better this time. Before joining Perfect Strangers our lives were boring. The saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” applied to both of us. Since we met, our lives have become a lot more fun and we now have the prospect of a happy marriage ahead of us.

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    Celeste and Anton Smith Software Trainer and Graphic Designer, Pretoria

    The benefits of working with Marilyn were countless. We didn’t want to wait until friends introduced us to new people, because we knew, from past experience, that it would only end in disaster. I met Anton after 3 coffee dates and he met me after only 1! Excellent results!!!! I found Marilyn to be an extremely good listener and, each time I reported back after I had met a new person, she really went out of her way to match me with the perfect partner. Before we met, we were both lonely and bored. We have now found our soulmates! Who can put a price on that?

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    Rene Hornby and Andries Scholtz Audiologist and Business Consultant, Pretoria

    We both joined Perfect Strangers a few years ago, and we are now married with our first child. For us, the benefits of using Perfect Strangers were that people go to Marilyn to meet other people, and not to play hard to get on the Internet via dating sites or similar, non-formal communication methods. Initially, I (Rene) was quite nervous to join a dating service, but being with Perfect Strangers is not at all like using Internet matching/dating services. Marilyn meets everyone in person and also receives constant feedback from you and the people who you meet, which guides her in the selection process. Meeting each other through Perfect Strangers was a fun and exciting journey!

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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    Christa Fourie and Jaco Badenhorst Psychometrist and It Consultant, Pretoria

    Marilyn conducts a very professional service. She personally screens everyone, so you can be sure of meeting someone of substance. Furthermore, as a result of the feedback that you provide to Marilyn after each date, you can be sure that your next match will be even better. Marilyn has a knack for matching people. Jaco and I each met on our fourth dates! We have been inseparable since that evening. It was wonderful to meet my soulmate in such a fun, comfortable and safe way. Click here to view more testimonials from my very happy clients!


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    © 2016, 2017 Marilyn Welch. All rights reserved.

    FINALE The proof of the pudding lies in the eating, right? My diary is filling up quickly with clients who want to attract their dream partners – just like you! Click on the link below and send me your details, so we can arrange your FREE, 90-minute “Attract Your Soulmate” session.


    Be warned: Perfect Strangers changes lives!!
