What Makes a Good Story Essay

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  • 8/10/2019 What Makes a Good Story Essay


    9/3/14Akira Yang

    Mrs. Guerin

    The three most important qualities a good book should have

    What is that, that makes a reader choose a good book? There are many different qualities a good

    book has. The book should be absorbing and keep the readers not only reading the first few pages, but

    reading until the very end. A good book should captivate the reader. The book should also have characters

    that arent too perfect and flat. They should be flawed and make many mistakes like normal humans do,

    therefore, a good book should have characters that feel real. A good book should also have interesting

    events happen very often and not focusing so much on description and background information that

    nothing interesting happens. Thatll instantly lose the readers attention, so a good book shouldbe

    straightforward with the events.

    The most important quality of a good book is that it captivates the reader. For the book to be

    captivating, the beginning is very important. The opening of the book should catch the readers attention

    so the reader would want to continue reading. The storyline is also very important, with twists and

    tensions that keep the reader on edge. It should keep the readers not only reading the first few pages, but

    reading until the very end. OBrien argues that a good book should contain unexpected and startling

    events that make the story more interesting, as he says Above all, a well-imagined story is organized

    around extraordinary human behaviors and unexpected and startling events which help illuminate the

    commonplace and the ordinary. Jacksons The Lottery, a popular short story, proves this point by

    starting the story with a relatively normal day where people gather around for a lottery, to the end of the

    story where the winner of the lottery is basically given a death sentence. Another story that

    demonstrates this point is Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick. It starts with an electromagnetic impulse that nobody

    seemed to understand the origins of, and nobody really cared about it, but then it suddenly turns out to be

  • 8/10/2019 What Makes a Good Story Essay


    the start of a zombie apocalypse, captivating the reader in its dark themes. But being captivating isnt the

    only quality a book needs to have to be considered good quality.

    Another quality that is essential to make a book good is that it has to have characters that feel

    real. The characters cannot be too perfect or flat. They should be flawed in many ways and make

    many mistakes, as normal humans do. If they donthave any flaws and dont make any mistakes at all,

    theyll feel artificial and the reader will very quickly lose interest. In her article, The 5 Characteristics

    That Make a Book Good To Me, Andi says, If the characters seem too perfect or too one-sided, I get

    bored or annoyed very quickly. The Lotterydemonstrates this point because the characters are so flawed

    and tainted that the reader can easily feel what the characters are feeling. Another story that demonstrates

    this point is Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick. In this post-apocalyptic story, the main character has many flaws,

    such as her brain tumor and premature maturity due to her condition, and Ellie, an 8 year old girl who had

    just lost her grandfather, is also flawed in many ways such as her constant whining, selfishness, and

    immaturity. All these flaws and mistakes are what makes the characters more believable and realistic, and

    while there are many other qualities of a good book, the final quality that is very important, is that it

    doesnt babble.

    The final quality that makes a book good is that it doesnt babble. The book should have

    interesting events that are straightforward and quickly get to the point. The book should not babble, as

    in adding in so much description and background detail to draw out the story, because it will make the

    readers get bored quickly. OBrien argues that while some detail and background information is important

    to establishing a good story, there cannot be too much, as he says: Well, I could pile on other such detail,

    for many pages, but my sons would eventually demand that something happenan unusual and dramatic

    effect. The Lotterydemonstrates this point because while the story starts with mostly description and

    background information, the sudden event of the winner of the lottery being given a death sentence,

    was definitely a surprising and interesting event. Another story that demonstrates this point very well, is

    Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick. The entire book is filled with startling events starting with the electromagnetic

  • 8/10/2019 What Makes a Good Story Essay


    impulse that started the apocalypse, and ends with a cliff-hanger that makes the reader yearn for more.

    Therefore, having interesting events and not babbling is an important quality of a good book.

    In conclusion, while there are many different qualities that make up a good book, the three main

    qualities a good book should have are; being captivating to the reader, having characters that feel real,

    and being straightforward, not having too much description and detail. The book Ashes demonstrates

    the point of captivating the reader especially well. The plot, setting, and the events all pull the reader into

    the characters world, and the ending makes the reader yearn for the sequel. Ashes also demonstrates

    very well, the point of having characters that feel real. The main character, Alex, has many flaws and

    makes many mistakes, but thats what makes her feel human to the reader. Lastly, The Lottery

    demonstrates the last point of having interesting events happen pretty well. While it has a lot of

    description and background information, its what builds up the tension and sense of mystery, and the

    events are truly startling and interesting.

  • 8/10/2019 What Makes a Good Story Essay


    Works Cited

    O'Brien, Tim. "Telling Tails." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 01 Aug. 2009. Web. 03

    Sept. 2014.

    Andi. "The 5 Characteristics That Make a Book Good To Me9th Most Popular Post of

    2012."AndiLitcom. Andrea Cumbo, 12 Dec. 2012. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.

    Unknown Author. "The Characteristics of a Good Book."Zablog. N.p., 14 Sept. 2007. Web. 06

    Sept. 2014.

    Bick, Ilsa J.Ashes. New York: Egmont USA, 2011. Print.

    Jackson, Shirley. The Lottery. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 1983. Print.