What makes a city smart(er)

What makes a city smart(er)? Alexander Ståhle PhD Urban design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology CEO, Spacescape [email protected]


Presentation by Alexander Ståhle (PhD in Urban Design & CEO Spacescape) at Eurocities 2014 in Munich 5th november 2014.

Transcript of What makes a city smart(er)

  • 1. Whatmakes a city smart(er)?Alexander SthlePhD Urban design, KTH Royal InstituteofTechnologyCEO, [email protected]

2. Whatis a city? 3. Whatis a city?A placewithhighsocial interactionCity sizeInteraction(per capita) 4. Cities are proximity, density, closeness.Edward Glaeser, Harvard University 5. Whatis smart? 6. Whatis smart?Higherinteractionleadsto faster innovationUrbanizationICT use 7. KnowledgeclusteringLand usedensityDensewalkableplacesattractsmartness 8. 80% ofinnovations outofoffice 9. 90% ofofficemarket is walkability1. Public transport2. Shops & restaurants3. Office clusters 10. SHOPSDENSITYDENSITYSHOPSSTOCKHOLMMALMREBRORESTAURANTSDENSITYWalkabilityneedsdensityDENSITYSERVICESERVICESERVICE 11. DensityTravelDensityis car-independency 12. Thereis goodand bad density 13. Vad gr en attraktiv plats?Fungerar planen som det var tnkt?Vad skapar nrhet och flden?Gooddensity= Goodpublic space 14. 90% ofhousingmarket is walkability 15. Walkabilitydrives US citiesas well 16. It is pedestrians, not cars, that drives the economy.Janette SadikKhan, NYC DOT & NACTO 17. ConnectingplacesofinteractionOfficeHealthcareEducationPlacesHomes 18. Connectingby private podsHomeOfficeRetailHealthcareEducationPlaces 19. Connectingthroughpublic spaceHomeOfficeRetailHealthcareEducationPlaces 20. City transport is about moving people, not vehicles Rachel Kyte, World Bank 21. A smart(er) city isA placewith. 22. A smart(er) city isA placewith.ahigh(er) interaction 23. A smart(er) city isA placewith.to a low(er) costahigh(er) interaction 24. Whereis the interaction?LowinteractionHighinteraction(Face-to-face)INTERACTIONHighwaysHomesBikewaysRailwaysWorkplacesWalkspace 25. Whatis the cost?LowcostHighcostCOSTHighwaysRailwaysWalkspaceBikewaysWorkplacesOffices 26. LowcostHighcostLowinteractionHighinteractionCOSTINTERACTIONWhereis the smart(er) city? 27. LowcostHighcostLowinteractionHighinteractionCOSTINTERACTIONWhereis the smart(er) city?HighwaysHomesBikewaysRailwaysWorkplacesWalkspace 28. Thisis not smart cityThisis highcostlowinteraction 29. Thisis smart cityThisis lowcosthighinteraction 30. Topten smart city technologiescreatinghighinteractionat lowcost 31. 10. The robot carIn a decade we might not own cars.Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles 32. 9. The service droneDrones for good initiative (UAE) 33. 8. The highspeed trainShinkansen, TGV, Intercity Express, Eurostar 34. 7. BRT and the subwaySthlmand NY have 70% transit commute.Avaragecommute in Hong Kong 11 min. 35. 6. Bike networkand electricbikeCph& Amsterdam have 40% bike commuting. 36. 5. Parklets, foodtrucks, containers10-20% of city space is parking (car storage). 37. 4. The park and the plazaUrban recreation is high interaction and value. 38. 3. The mix usefamilyfriendlyblockA downtown for all decreases sprawl. 39. 2. The smartphoneHelsinkis new mobility-in-demand-system integrates all forms of shared and public transport in a single payment network could essentially render private cars obsolete. 40. 1. The sidewalkMovement space and public-private interface 41. High quality sidewalks are the most basic element of a democratic city.Enrique Penalosa, ITDP 42. The compact walkable city enhance livelihoods for the poor through affordable mobility. It lower social segregation through proximity of affordable housing to places of work. Joan Clos, UN Habitat 43. Janette SadikKhan, NYC DOT & NACTOfrom TedTalksept 2013 44. Thankyou!Alexander SthlePhD Urban design, KTH Royal InstituteofTechnologyCEO, [email protected]