What Keeps Penguins Warm?

What Keeps Penguins Warm?


What Keeps Penguins Warm?. Most penguins live in the coldest part of our world. The average temperatures in Antarctica range from -56 degrees Fahrenheit to -49 degrees Fahrenheit!. So how do penguins stay warm?. Penguins have two layers, fat and feathers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of What Keeps Penguins Warm?

Page 1: What Keeps Penguins Warm?

What Keeps Penguins Warm?

Page 2: What Keeps Penguins Warm?

• Most penguins live in the coldest part of our world.

• The average temperatures in Antarctica range from -56 degrees Fahrenheit to -49 degrees Fahrenheit!

Page 3: What Keeps Penguins Warm?

• Penguins have two layers, fat and feathers.

• Penguins use their fat to insulate them. In the beginning of winter it is 4cm thick!

• On top of the fat, they have two layers of feathers.

So how do penguins stay warm?

Page 4: What Keeps Penguins Warm?

• The top layer is made of hard, smooth, feathers that are water proof and help them swim.

• The bottom layer is soft and fluffy and helps trap their body heat

Page 5: What Keeps Penguins Warm?

• During the coldest winter nights, the penguins will huddle close together for extra heat.


Page 6: What Keeps Penguins Warm?

• Since it’s so cold in Antarctica, if a penguin were to lay her egg in a nest like other birds, it would freeze.

• To keep the egg warm, the mother penguin gives the egg to the father penguin and he holds in what is called a “brood patch”.

• A “brood patch” is a warm fold made of feathers and fat that rests above his feet.

Page 7: What Keeps Penguins Warm?


• http://www.gdargaud.net/Antarctica/PenguinFAQ.html

• http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4567617_penguins-keep-their-eggs-warm.html