What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is Open Social Media Education A Captive Touch Initiative Host: Sherry Nouraini Founder/President Captive Touch

Transcript of What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Page 1: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Open Social Media Education

A Captive Touch Initiative

Host: Sherry Nouraini Founder/President Captive Touch

Page 2: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

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Page 3: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Topic of Our Workshop Today

What is a thought leader and what does it take to be one?

Page 4: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Thought leader: A term that has

been thrown around so much

that it has lost it’s meaning.

Let’s try and change that.

Page 5: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Qualities of a Leader

•Knowledgeable and experienced in their particular field (not born out of vacuum)

•Self confident (you can’t be insecure if you want to be a leader)

•Compassionate and feels everyone matters

•Encourages and nurtures growth in others

•Facilitator but not a micromanager


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Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is


James Sinegal, Former CEO Costco

Face of True Leadership

Page 7: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Qualities of a Thought Leader (1)

•All the qualities of a leader

•Has vision built upon their experience

•Questions everything

•Examines broader implications of a new developments in their field, rather than just reporting on them (leave that to Mashable!)

•Does not ride band wagons, is an independent thinker

Page 8: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Qualities of a Thought Leader (2)

•Practices what he/she preaches


•Is not afraid of experimentation and learns from mistakes

•Thought leaders have passion for what they do

•Agents of Change

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Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Rachel Carlson, Marine BiologistMother of the global environment movement

Agent of Change

Page 10: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

Questions Everything

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Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Stanford Commencement Speechhttp://youtu.be/D1R-jKKp3NA

Passion, strategy, Independent thinker, questions everything

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Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Social media thought leadershipAltimeter Group

Page 13: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Open Social media Initiative recently hosted a number ofSocial media thought leaders

Agents of Change

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Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

Jay Baer

Examines broader implicationsOf developments in social media

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Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

You want to position yourself

as a thought leader?

•Stop reporting and start analyzing

•Stop riding on bandwagons

•Go out on a limb and take risks

•Be prepared to do the hard work

•Don’t be afraid to speak up if something doesn’t sound right

•Be remembered for adding value

Page 16: What is Thought leadership and what does it take to be one?

Open Social Media: Where we tell it like it is

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