What is the paleo plan

What Is The Paleo Plan, And Why Is It Better For You In So Many Ways?

Transcript of What is the paleo plan

What Is The Paleo Plan, And Why Is It Better For

You In So Many Ways?

So, exactly what is the Paleo Diet Plan and why should you care?

Paleo Diet Plan

Well, in the Paleolithic era, humans developed to the point where they were surviving off of gathering foods from their environment, they didn't farm, or ranch, they just gathered foods from the areas around them and ate it.

Paleolithic era

Their guts were fine, digested everything without a problem, and diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and most cancers were almost non-existent.


Now, a huge portion of our food intake is from highly refined wheat, sugar, fats and meats that have been pumped full of pesticides, herbicides, hormones, salts, sugars, preservatives and who really knows what else? For more information visit http://mypaleodietplan.com/
