What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?

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  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    What is the current and future significance of the

    natural resource economy?Independent and objective evidence-based applied research on public policy issues t

    impacts the economic and social development of New Brunswick and Atlantic Cana

    Marc [email protected]: @marc_duhamel

    FORUMeJune 5, 2012

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Source: CIRPPPA, Wor


  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Emerging countries are driving the glob

    natural resource economy

    Source: CIRPPPA, W


  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?

    5/20Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, International

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    International investments flowing int

    Canadas energy and minerals industr


  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Why should we care?Why natural resources are important to Atlantic Canad

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Prosperity growth has been relatively

    Atlantic Canada over the last dec

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Projected decline in population aged 15

    Source: Statist

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Labor productivity explains

    differences in GDP per capitaNL




    GDP per capita $2010! 55,307$! 35,216$! 38,570$! 39,172$!

    $! %! $! %! $! %! $! %!GDP per capita gapwith Canada, $2010! 7,676$# 100%# -12,415$! 100%# -9,061$! 100%# -8,458$! 100%# -7,2

    Source of GDP per capita Gap with Canada, 2010!Labour Productivity! 15,673$! 204%! -11,817$# 95%! -8,245$# 91%! -7,989$# 94%! -4Labour Intensity! 2,636$# 34%# 813$# -7%# 519$# -6%# 2,001$# -24%# -1Employment Rate! -11,072$# -144%# -668$# 5%# -1,160$# 13%# -2,257$# 27%# -1Demographicprofile! 440$# 6%# -742$# 6%# -174$# 2%# -214$# 3%#

    Source: CIRPPPA, Statistics Canada#

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Minerals, oil & gas is creating

    have and have not provinc

    $ 363.10

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Economic potential of

    natural gas from shale is realArkansas 2009 New

    Total estimated reserves (Tcf) 31.96(a)Rights holders 9 Natural gas from Shale Production (Bcf) 527(a)Average Price Henry Hub (USD/mmBTU) $3.95(a)Direct Economic Impacts

    Direct economic impact per job $514,218(b)Direct economic impact (% GDP) 2.34%

    Direct employment impact (% Employment) 0.40%Total Impact Factors

    Total economic impact per job $291,484(b)Total economic impact (%GDP) 3.37%

    Total employment impact (% Employment) 1.10%Total economic impact factor 1.44(b)

    Total employment impact factor 2.54(b)Sources: #(a) U.S. Energy Information Administration#(b) Center for Business and Economic Research, Sam M. Walton College ofBusiness, University of Arkansas, 2008#

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Policy implications for New BrunswThinking fast and slow about natural gas from shale?

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Thinking fast

    Source: BBC World Service, Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 3, Japan, March 2011

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    economics is not driving policy developm

    Source: Leonard, A. (2012), Status of Shale Gas Development in New Brunswick, CAPP, February 9.

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Source: Public Policy Resarch Lab, Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University, May 2012

    Support for fracking

    and hydraulic fracturing








    Very Safe or

    Somewhat Safe

    State should


    With the 8- or 10-letter F word Without

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    The root of it is fracture, and that's just not a very po

    thing. Whether there's a fracture in a political party, or

    fracture your arm, it's just nothing but negative

    connotations. - , Founder and CEO, Lexicon Branding

    Trust, a question of branding?

    Thi ki l * b t th i ifi f

  • 7/31/2019 What is the current and future significance of the natural resource economy?


    Thinking slow* about the significance of

    future policy optionsWill provinces in Atlantic Canada be able to affordtheir policy ch

    What is the opportunity cost of a moratorium? Can natural gas from shale meet the needs of the present w

    compromising the ability of future generations to meet their ow

    What is the evidence-base of the expected policy outcomes? Economic prospects, intergenerational, labor, migration and fiscal outcomes Environmental risks and technological opportunities Effectiveness of legal and regulatory frameworks Public health, social, and First Nations policy issues


    Kahneman, D. (2011)