What is search engine optimization (SEO)? - Definition from


Transcript of What is search engine optimization (SEO)? - Definition from

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It is the method of changing the rank of a web page or a website in

the search results of a search engine.

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What is seo



The whole SEO market is consist of these things

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About Search Engine Optimisation

Twenty years ago, the most common way of searching for businesses was flipping through the Yellow Pages and making numerous phone calls to different vendors. Now, with internet and search engines being commonly used and accessible, it’s so much easier – and quicker, to find exactly what you’re looking for.

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When the first search engines such as Yahoo! and AltaVista were established, they divided businesses categorically. Meaning, you would go in, put yourself into whatever category you thought fit best for your company, and the person searching you would receive a refined list.

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With that being said, the common characteristics that Google or search engines look for on a website are what we call search engine optimization fundamentals, or SEO fundamentals. Throughout my five years of expertise on SEO fundamentals, I’ve noticed many extensive upgrades, but overall, SEO fundamentals are generally very consistent.


s of seo

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Aspect Of Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimization has dramatically evolved in the past two years mostly driven by

Google’s updates to its indexing algorithm. Google’s algorithm updates (code

names: Penguin, Panda, Panda 2) now mostly focused on rewarding websites that develop

relevance through content rather than through using technical tricks to game the search results

ranking system.

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Another key element that Google’s algorithm rewards is how many times

content has been shared and interacted with on social media. As a consequence, the power of SEO has shifted from the hands of technicians to the hands of

marketers and of content producers. There are also other less obvious aspects of

Search Engine Marketing that we reveal in this article about modern SEO.

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8 aspect of seo

1. Technical crawl ability for Search Engine indexing.2. Website content coding.3. Keyword relevance for content.4. Link backs.5. Social Media interactions.6. Content update frequency.7. Website user experience impacts on SEO.8. Integration with Google services.

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1. Technical crawlability for Search Engine indexing

The infrastructure of websites is technical and needs to provide the information Search Engines are looking for

when analyzing (or crawling) a website. The technicalities are passive or active depending on the

actions taken by the website’s owner.

2. Website content coding

Websites are published to communicate information through web pages. These web pages must follow certain rules and guidelines in their coding but also

with the content that is placed on them to maximize reach and keyword ranking on Search Engines.

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3. Keyword relevance for contentBeyond the technicality of making sure Search Engines can

read a web page and extract its semantic value, another fundamental aspect of SEO are the keywords that are selected to be highlighted or focused on when writing

content.Using tool such as Google Ad Words or Google Trend,

website owners and content publishers can identify which keywords related to their product and services are the

most searched for in Search Engines. There is little traffic value in focusing on using keywords that very few people, if

any, use to look for content.

4. Link backs (referral links)The number of websites that link back to your website is an important metric that tells Search Engines that the website

is a resource to others. Google has an algorithm and a metric to calculate this number, which it calls PageRank

Search volume

Relevance to conten




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5. Social Media interactions

Social Networks are traditionally very effective content sharing platforms. Sharing content on Social Media creates

link backs to your website. Social Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have a very high PageRank, so sharing your content there is excellent for Search Engine


6. Content update frequency

The content of a website is essential for Search Engine indexing and ranking. The more content pages there are a on a website, the more web links a Search Engine has to reference. This logic explains why news media sites and

blogs have become so popular and successful on the Web; over time they publish more and more content which in

return is indexed and drives traffic.

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7. Website user experience impacts on SEO

Google has recently included in its ranking algorithm the analysis of the “call to action items” and links on a page. Google is now able to analyze and understand if

you web page is loaded with ads, or has a “buy” or “subscribe” button. Google also roughly knows where

those items are on the website. It can tell if these elements are “above the fold” (i.e. what the user can

see on her screen without scrolling), or not.

8. Integration with Google servicesGoogle is undeniably the dominant Search Engine with

over 70% usage worldwide. Google has been instrumental in shaping the Search Engine Marketing (SEM) industry with advertising platforms such as Ad

Words, professional SEO tools such as Google Webmasters, content platforms such as YouTube (the second largest Search Engine in the world), and Social Media with Google Plus and YouTube which is a social

network too.

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With that being said, the common characteristics that Google or search engines look for on a website are what we call search

engine optimization fundamentals, or SEO fundamentals. Throughout my five years of expertise on SEO fundamentals, I’ve noticed many extensive upgrades, but overall, SEO

fundamentals are generally very consistent.

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3 important characteristics of seo

1: The layout of your site2: Focusing on your content

3: Determining where you want to rank

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1: The layout of your site

The first thing Google notices is the way your site is laid out and if everything is where it should be. You’ve got to make sure you have the right webpage title, meta tags, and meta descriptions. Google is pretty good

about telling you what you need to fix and if something is not where it should be. This is also why it’s

important to have somebody focus on your webpage’s SEO fundamentals. Laying out your page correctly

makes it easier for Google to find you.

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2: Focusing on your content

Content-focus has grown exponentially throughout the last few years, but should still be put after links. Links

still have a stronger weighted value inside the algorithm content, but Google focuses on the content

of your webpage to make sure the information is being updated. If you don’t change your content, or if your content is being duplicated all over the internet, your website loses credibility and becomes difficult to find.

The driving force behind Google’s massive system upgrade is Google Caffeine. The program crushes

massive amounts of data and content to determine who’s updating what and how often it’s being put

together. Google Caffeine is a positive reinforcement when you’re trying to increase your exposure, but

ensures that you’re updating your site.

Focus your conte



Call to


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3: Determining where you want to rank

Ranking for 30 search terms that are deep inside the content of your homepage is very complex. Rather than aiming for this, you want to rank for about five search terms on

your homepage and the rest on your subpages. Google has made it clear that they don’t want someone to have to click three times to get to the information they’re

looking for. Because of this, they usually will not direct someone to a homepage. A subpage that has better content, tags and fundamentals are more likely to get hits

from Google.Being number one is the absolute goal for any competitive search term, but isn’t

always the best option. You have to determine if it’s better for you to rank on the first page for a general search term, or if you want to rank on the second page for longer

keywords that are easier to convert. That’s really what separates people who are just looking for search engine optimization and people who are looking for an increase in

exposure. An alternative to the challenges of ranking in Google’s Top Ten for competitive broad match keywords, is understanding your traffic, user behavior and

testing less competitive long tail keywords. When we work with our clients often times the data suggests that it is more cost effective to improve rankings for longer tail

keywords, and relevant sub-pages. Help the visitor find what they want faster. The best way to do this is helping Google know where that is on your website. Finally

make sure the user experience is optimum and your conversion rates will justify the marketing spend

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Three reasons why you didn't get the links that you asked for

Now that Google penalizes websites with bad backlinks, getting high quality backlinks has become even more important than it was before. Many people say that content matters most, which is true to some degree.However, good links are necessary to make sure that people find your content. This week's article explains why you didn't get the links that you asked for (and what you can do about it).Even Google needs SEO - better do not ignore it for your own site

Search engine optimization is so important that even Google is looking for SEO managers that help them to improve the organic rankings of their web pages. If you think that your website does not need search engine optimization, you might want to reconsider your position.Official: how Google handles new top level domains (TLDs)

In a post on Google's Webmaster Central blog, Google's John Mueller explained how Google handles new top level domains (TLDs) such as .guru or .how. This week's article has all of the details.

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Five solutions to five reasons why your Google rankings have dropped

Have your rankings dropped recently? Don't panic. Before you do anything, you should find the cause of the problem. The better you understand the reason why your rankings dropped, the better you

can prevent future ranking drops.All or nothing: being slightly better can dramatically improve

your sales

One of the main problems in Internet marketing is that it is often an "all or nothing" game. The best website will get the deal and all

other websites will get nothing, no matter how good they are. This week's article will help you to be on the winning side.

How competitive link analysis can help your website (with instructions)

Even if you do not intend to copy the backlinks of your competitors, you can use competitive link analysis to your advantage. Regardless

of the niche that your business is in, there are always some websites that must link to your site if you want to be successful.

Competitive link analysis helps you to identify the authority websites in your niche.

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Link scheming vs. link building: how to decide where to get links

The more of your competitors believe that link building is dead, the better for your own company. The truth is that links are still the most important factor for Google's ranking algorithm. However, the type of

link that points to your website makes a huge difference.How the hub finder tool can help you to greatly improve

your rankings

Are you living in a bad neighborhood? Your website might be. The websites that link to your site help Google understand what other

sites are similar to your site. It's a surprise to many webmasters that it is also important to which other web pages these websites link.

Ride the wave: why change is good for your business

Search engine optimization (SEO) is continually evolving. Things that worked great in the past can trigger a ranking penalty today.

Technology is always undergoing change and you have to make sure that you do the right things if you do not want to become obsolete

tomorrow.New in SEOprofiler: the brand-new Ranking Profiler tool

The Ranking Profiler tool in SEOprofiler enables you to spy on the Google rankings of your competitors. We collect and analyze massive

amounts of data for millions of domains and keywords. Reveal the secret SEO strategies of your competitors.

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